2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00

197 lines
9.3 KiB

# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
import base64
import re
import requests
from werkzeug.urls import url_parse
from odoo import api, models
class Assets(models.AbstractModel):
_inherit = 'web_editor.assets'
def make_scss_customization(self, url, values):
Makes a scss customization of the given file. That file must
contain a scss map including a line comment containing the word 'hook',
to indicate the location where to write the new key,value pairs.
url (str):
the URL of the scss file to customize (supposed to be a variable
file which will appear in the assets_frontend bundle)
values (dict):
key,value mapping to integrate in the file's map (containing the
word hook). If a key is already in the file's map, its value is
IrAttachment = self.env['ir.attachment']
if 'color-palettes-name' in values:
self.reset_asset('/website/static/src/scss/options/colors/user_color_palette.scss', 'web.assets_frontend')
self.reset_asset('/website/static/src/scss/options/colors/user_gray_color_palette.scss', 'web.assets_frontend')
# Do not reset all theme colors for compatibility (not removing alpha -> epsilon colors)
self.make_scss_customization('/website/static/src/scss/options/colors/user_theme_color_palette.scss', {
'success': 'null',
'info': 'null',
'warning': 'null',
'danger': 'null',
# Also reset gradients which are in the "website" values palette
preset_gradients = {f'o-cc{cc}-bg-gradient': 'null' for cc in range(1, 6)}
self.make_scss_customization('/website/static/src/scss/options/user_values.scss', {
'menu-gradient': 'null',
'menu-secondary-gradient': 'null',
'footer-gradient': 'null',
'copyright-gradient': 'null',
delete_attachment_id = values.pop('delete-font-attachment-id', None)
if delete_attachment_id:
delete_attachment_id = int(delete_attachment_id)
'|', ('id', '=', delete_attachment_id),
('original_id', '=', delete_attachment_id),
('name', 'like', 'google-font'),
google_local_fonts = values.get('google-local-fonts')
if google_local_fonts and google_local_fonts != 'null':
# "('font_x': 45, 'font_y': '')" -> {'font_x': '45', 'font_y': ''}
google_local_fonts = dict(re.findall(r"'([^']+)': '?(\d*)", google_local_fonts))
# Google is serving different font format (woff, woff2, ttf, eot..)
# based on the user agent. We need to get the woff2 as this is
# supported by all the browers we support.
headers_woff2 = {
'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/101.0.4951.41 Safari/537.36',
for font_name in google_local_fonts:
if google_local_fonts[font_name]:
google_local_fonts[font_name] = int(google_local_fonts[font_name])
font_family_attachments = IrAttachment
font_content = requests.get(
timeout=5, headers=headers_woff2,
def fetch_google_font(src):
statement = src.group()
url, font_format = re.match(r'src: url\(([^\)]+)\) (.+)', statement).groups()
req = requests.get(url, timeout=5, headers=headers_woff2)
# https://fonts.gstatic.com/s/modak/v18/EJRYQgs1XtIEskMB-hRp7w.woff2
# -> s-modak-v18-EJRYQgs1XtIEskMB-hRp7w.woff2
name = url_parse(url).path.lstrip('/').replace('/', '-')
attachment = IrAttachment.create({
'name': f'google-font-{name}',
'type': 'binary',
'datas': base64.b64encode(req.content),
'public': True,
nonlocal font_family_attachments
font_family_attachments += attachment
return 'src: url(/web/content/%s/%s) %s' % (
font_content = re.sub(r'src: url\(.+\)', fetch_google_font, font_content)
attach_font = IrAttachment.create({
'name': f'{font_name} (google-font)',
'type': 'binary',
'datas': base64.encodebytes(font_content.encode()),
'mimetype': 'text/css',
'public': True,
google_local_fonts[font_name] = attach_font.id
# That field is meant to keep track of the original
# image attachment when an image is being modified (by the
# website builder for instance). It makes sense to use it
# here to link font family attachment to the main font
# attachment. It will ease the unlink later.
font_family_attachments.original_id = attach_font.id
# {'font_x': 45, 'font_y': 55} -> "('font_x': 45, 'font_y': 55)"
values['google-local-fonts'] = str(google_local_fonts).replace('{', '(').replace('}', ')')
custom_url = self._make_custom_asset_url(url, 'web.assets_frontend')
updatedFileContent = self._get_content_from_url(custom_url) or self._get_content_from_url(url)
updatedFileContent = updatedFileContent.decode('utf-8')
for name, value in values.items():
# Protect variable names so they cannot be computed as numbers
# on SCSS compilation (e.g. var(--700) => var(700)).
if isinstance(value, str):
value = re.sub(
lambda matchobj: "var(--#{" + matchobj.group(1) + "})",
pattern = "'%s': %%s,\n" % name
regex = re.compile(pattern % ".+")
replacement = pattern % value
if regex.search(updatedFileContent):
updatedFileContent = re.sub(regex, replacement, updatedFileContent)
updatedFileContent = re.sub(r'( *)(.*hook.*)', r'\1%s\1\2' % replacement, updatedFileContent)
self.save_asset(url, 'web.assets_frontend', updatedFileContent, 'scss')
def _get_custom_attachment(self, custom_url, op='='):
See web_editor.Assets._get_custom_attachment
Extend to only return the attachments related to the current website.
if self.env.user.has_group('website.group_website_designer'):
self = self.sudo()
website = self.env['website'].get_current_website()
res = super()._get_custom_attachment(custom_url, op=op)
# See _save_asset_attachment_hook -> it is guaranteed that the
# attachment we are looking for has a website_id. When we serve an
# attachment we normally serve the ones which have the right website_id
# or no website_id at all (which means "available to all websites", of
# course if they are marked "public"). But this does not apply in this
# case of customized asset files.
return res.with_context(website_id=website.id).filtered(lambda x: x.website_id == website)
def _get_custom_asset(self, custom_url):
See web_editor.Assets._get_custom_asset
Extend to only return the views related to the current website.
if self.env.user.has_group('website.group_website_designer'):
# TODO: Remove me in master, see commit message, ACL added right to
# unlink to designer but not working without -u in stable
self = self.sudo()
website = self.env['website'].get_current_website()
res = super()._get_custom_asset(custom_url)
return res.with_context(website_id=website.id).filter_duplicate()
def _add_website_id(self, values):
website = self.env['website'].get_current_website()
values['website_id'] = website.id
return values
def _save_asset_attachment_hook(self):
See web_editor.Assets._save_asset_attachment_hook
Extend to add website ID at ir.attachment creation.
return self._add_website_id(super()._save_asset_attachment_hook())
def _save_asset_hook(self):
See web_editor.Assets._save_asset_hook
Extend to add website ID at ir.asset creation.
return self._add_website_id(super()._save_asset_hook())