2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00

771 lines
35 KiB

# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
import logging
from collections import defaultdict, OrderedDict
from odoo import api, fields, models
from odoo.addons.base.models.ir_model import MODULE_UNINSTALL_FLAG
from odoo.exceptions import MissingError
from odoo.http import request
from odoo.modules.module import get_manifest
from odoo.tools import escape_psql, split_every, SQL
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class IrModuleModule(models.Model):
_name = "ir.module.module"
_description = 'Module'
_inherit = _name
# The order is important because of dependencies (page need view, menu need page)
_theme_model_names = OrderedDict([
('ir.ui.view', 'theme.ir.ui.view'),
('ir.asset', 'theme.ir.asset'),
('website.page', 'theme.website.page'),
('website.menu', 'theme.website.menu'),
('ir.attachment', 'theme.ir.attachment'),
_theme_translated_fields = {
'theme.ir.ui.view': [('theme.ir.ui.view,arch', 'ir.ui.view,arch_db')],
'theme.website.menu': [('theme.website.menu,name', 'website.menu,name')],
image_ids = fields.One2many('ir.attachment', 'res_id',
domain=[('res_model', '=', _name), ('mimetype', '=like', 'image/%')],
string='Screenshots', readonly=True)
# for kanban view
is_installed_on_current_website = fields.Boolean(compute='_compute_is_installed_on_current_website')
def _compute_is_installed_on_current_website(self):
Compute for every theme in ``self`` if the current website is using it or not.
This method does not take dependencies into account, because if it did, it would show
the current website as having multiple different themes installed at the same time,
which would be confusing for the user.
for module in self:
module.is_installed_on_current_website = module == self.env['website'].get_current_website().theme_id
def write(self, vals):
Override to correctly upgrade themes after upgrade/installation of modules.
# Install
If this theme wasn't installed before, then load it for every website
for which it is in the stream.
eg. The very first installation of a theme on a website will trigger this.
eg. If a website uses theme_A and we install sale, then theme_A_sale will be
autoinstalled, and in this case we need to load theme_A_sale for the website.
# Upgrade
There are 2 cases to handle when upgrading a theme:
* When clicking on the theme upgrade button on the interface,
in which case there will be an http request made.
-> We want to upgrade the current website only, not any other.
* When upgrading with -u, in which case no request should be set.
-> We want to upgrade every website using this theme.
if request and request.db and request.env and request.context.get('apply_new_theme'):
self = self.with_context(apply_new_theme=True)
for module in self:
if module.name.startswith('theme_') and vals.get('state') == 'installed':
_logger.info('Module %s has been loaded as theme template (%s)' % (module.name, module.state))
if module.state in ['to install', 'to upgrade']:
websites_to_update = module._theme_get_stream_website_ids()
if module.state == 'to upgrade' and request:
Website = self.env['website']
current_website = Website.get_current_website()
websites_to_update = current_website if current_website in websites_to_update else Website
for website in websites_to_update:
return super(IrModuleModule, self).write(vals)
def _get_module_data(self, model_name):
Return every theme template model of type ``model_name`` for every theme in ``self``.
:param model_name: string with the technical name of the model for which to get data.
(the name must be one of the keys present in ``_theme_model_names``)
:return: recordset of theme template models (of type defined by ``model_name``)
theme_model_name = self._theme_model_names[model_name]
IrModelData = self.env['ir.model.data']
records = self.env[theme_model_name]
for module in self:
imd_ids = IrModelData.search([('module', '=', module.name), ('model', '=', theme_model_name)]).mapped('res_id')
records |= self.env[theme_model_name].with_context(active_test=False).browse(imd_ids)
return records
def _update_records(self, model_name, website):
This method:
- Find and update existing records.
For each model, overwrite the fields that are defined in the template (except few
cases such as active) but keep inherited models to not lose customizations.
- Create new records from templates for those that didn't exist.
- Remove the models that existed before but are not in the template anymore.
See _theme_cleanup for more information.
There is a special 'while' loop around the 'for' to be able queue back models at the end
of the iteration when they have unmet dependencies. Hopefully the dependency will be
found after all models have been processed, but if it's not the case an error message will be shown.
:param model_name: string with the technical name of the model to handle
(the name must be one of the keys present in ``_theme_model_names``)
:param website: ``website`` model for which the records have to be updated
:raise MissingError: if there is a missing dependency.
remaining = self._get_module_data(model_name)
last_len = -1
while (len(remaining) != last_len):
last_len = len(remaining)
for rec in remaining:
rec_data = rec._convert_to_base_model(website)
if not rec_data:
_logger.info('Record queued: %s' % rec.display_name)
find = rec.with_context(active_test=False).mapped('copy_ids').filtered(lambda m: m.website_id == website)
# special case for attachment
# if module B override attachment from dependence A, we update it
if not find and model_name == 'ir.attachment':
# In master, a unique constraint over (theme_template_id, website_id)
# will be introduced, thus ensuring unicity of 'find'
find = rec.copy_ids.search([('key', '=', rec.key), ('website_id', '=', website.id), ("original_id", "=", False)])
if find:
imd = self.env['ir.model.data'].search([('model', '=', find._name), ('res_id', '=', find.id)])
if imd and imd.noupdate:
_logger.info('Noupdate set for %s (%s)' % (find, imd))
# at update, ignore active field
if 'active' in rec_data:
if model_name == 'ir.ui.view' and (find.arch_updated or find.arch == rec_data['arch']):
self._post_copy(rec, find)
new_rec = self.env[model_name].create(rec_data)
self._post_copy(rec, new_rec)
remaining -= rec
if len(remaining):
error = 'Error - Remaining: %s' % remaining.mapped('display_name')
raise MissingError(error)
self._theme_cleanup(model_name, website)
def _post_copy(self, old_rec, new_rec):
translated_fields = self._theme_translated_fields.get(old_rec._name, [])
cur_lang = self.env.lang or 'en_US'
valid_langs = set(code for code, _ in self.env['res.lang'].get_installed()) | {'en_US'}
for (src_field, dst_field) in translated_fields:
__, src_fname = src_field.split(',')
dst_mname, dst_fname = dst_field.split(',')
if dst_mname != new_rec._name:
old_field = old_rec._fields[src_fname]
old_stored_translations = old_field._get_stored_translations(old_rec)
if not old_stored_translations:
if old_field.translate is True:
if old_rec[src_fname] != new_rec[dst_fname]:
new_rec.update_field_translations(dst_fname, {
k: v for k, v in old_stored_translations.items() if k in valid_langs and k != cur_lang
old_translations = {
k: old_stored_translations.get(f'_{k}', v)
for k, v in old_stored_translations.items()
if k in valid_langs
# {from_lang_term: {lang: to_lang_term}
translation_dictionary = old_field.get_translation_dictionary(
old_translations.pop(cur_lang, old_translations['en_US']),
# {lang: {old_term: new_term}
translations = defaultdict(dict)
for from_lang_term, to_lang_terms in translation_dictionary.items():
for lang, to_lang_term in to_lang_terms.items():
translations[lang][from_lang_term] = to_lang_term
new_rec.with_context(install_filename='dummy').update_field_translations(dst_fname, translations)
def _theme_load(self, website):
For every type of model in ``self._theme_model_names``, and for every theme in ``self``:
create/update real models for the website ``website`` based on the theme template models.
:param website: ``website`` model on which to load the themes
for module in self:
_logger.info('Load theme %s for website %s from template.' % (module.mapped('name'), website.id))
for model_name in self._theme_model_names:
module._update_records(model_name, website)
if self._context.get('apply_new_theme'):
# Both the theme install and upgrade flow ends up here.
# The _post_copy() is supposed to be called only when the theme
# is installed for the first time on a website.
# It will basically select some header and footer template.
# We don't want the system to select again the theme footer or
# header template when that theme is updated later. It could
# erase the change the user made after the theme install.
def _theme_unload(self, website):
For every type of model in ``self._theme_model_names``, and for every theme in ``self``:
remove real models that were generated based on the theme template models
for the website ``website``.
:param website: ``website`` model on which to unload the themes
for module in self:
_logger.info('Unload theme %s for website %s from template.' % (self.mapped('name'), website.id))
for model_name in self._theme_model_names:
template = self._get_module_data(model_name)
models = template.with_context(**{'active_test': False, MODULE_UNINSTALL_FLAG: True}).mapped('copy_ids').filtered(lambda m: m.website_id == website)
self._theme_cleanup(model_name, website)
def _theme_cleanup(self, model_name, website):
Remove orphan models of type ``model_name`` from the current theme and
for the website ``website``.
We need to compute it this way because if the upgrade (or deletion) of a theme module
removes a model template, then in the model itself the variable
``theme_template_id`` will be set to NULL and the reference to the theme being removed
will be lost. However we do want the ophan to be deleted from the website when
we upgrade or delete the theme from the website.
``website.page`` and ``website.menu`` don't have ``key`` field so we don't clean them.
TODO in master: add a field ``theme_id`` on the models to more cleanly compute orphans.
:param model_name: string with the technical name of the model to cleanup
(the name must be one of the keys present in ``_theme_model_names``)
:param website: ``website`` model for which the models have to be cleaned
model = self.env[model_name]
if model_name in ('website.page', 'website.menu'):
return model
# use active_test to also unlink archived models
# and use MODULE_UNINSTALL_FLAG to also unlink inherited models
orphans = model.with_context(**{'active_test': False, MODULE_UNINSTALL_FLAG: True}).search([
('key', '=like', self.name + '.%'),
('website_id', '=', website.id),
('theme_template_id', '=', False),
def _theme_get_upstream(self):
Return installed upstream themes.
:return: recordset of themes ``ir.module.module``
return self.upstream_dependencies(exclude_states=('',)).filtered(lambda x: x.name.startswith('theme_'))
def _theme_get_downstream(self):
Return installed downstream themes that starts with the same name.
eg. For theme_A, this will return theme_A_sale, but not theme_B even if theme B
depends on theme_A.
:return: recordset of themes ``ir.module.module``
return self.downstream_dependencies().filtered(lambda x: x.name.startswith(self.name))
def _theme_get_stream_themes(self):
Returns all the themes in the stream of the current theme.
First find all its downstream themes, and all of the upstream themes of both
sorted by their level in hierarchy, up first.
:return: recordset of themes ``ir.module.module``
all_mods = self + self._theme_get_downstream()
for down_mod in self._theme_get_downstream() + self:
for up_mod in down_mod._theme_get_upstream():
all_mods = up_mod | all_mods
return all_mods
def _theme_get_stream_website_ids(self):
Websites for which this theme (self) is in the stream (up or down) of their theme.
:return: recordset of websites ``website``
websites = self.env['website']
for website in websites.search([('theme_id', '!=', False)]):
if self in website.theme_id._theme_get_stream_themes():
websites |= website
return websites
def _theme_upgrade_upstream(self):
""" Upgrade the upstream dependencies of a theme, and install it if necessary. """
def install_or_upgrade(theme):
if theme.state != 'installed':
themes = theme + theme._theme_get_upstream()
themes.filtered(lambda m: m.state == 'installed').button_upgrade()
def _theme_remove(self, website):
Remove from ``website`` its current theme, including all the themes in the stream.
The order of removal will be reverse of installation to handle dependencies correctly.
:param website: ``website`` model for which the themes have to be removed
# _theme_remove is the entry point of any change of theme for a website
# (either removal or installation of a theme and its dependencies). In
# either case, we need to reset some default configuration before.
if not website.theme_id:
for theme in reversed(website.theme_id._theme_get_stream_themes()):
website.theme_id = False
def button_choose_theme(self):
Remove any existing theme on the current website and install the theme ``self`` instead.
The actual loading of the theme on the current website will be done
automatically on ``write`` thanks to the upgrade and/or install.
When installating a new theme, upgrade the upstream chain first to make sure
we have the latest version of the dependencies to prevent inconsistencies.
:return: dict with the next action to execute
website = self.env['website'].get_current_website()
# website.theme_id must be set before upgrade/install to trigger the load in ``write``
website.theme_id = self
# this will install 'self' if it is not installed yet
if request:
result = website.button_go_website()
result['context']['params']['with_loader'] = True
return result
def button_remove_theme(self):
"""Remove the current theme of the current website."""
website = self.env['website'].get_current_website()
def button_refresh_theme(self):
Refresh the current theme of the current website.
To refresh it, we only need to upgrade the modules.
Indeed the (re)loading of the theme will be done automatically on ``write``.
website = self.env['website'].get_current_website()
def update_list(self):
res = super(IrModuleModule, self).update_list()
return res
def update_theme_images(self):
IrAttachment = self.env['ir.attachment']
existing_urls = IrAttachment.search_read([['res_model', '=', self._name], ['type', '=', 'url']], ['url'])
existing_urls = {url_wrapped['url'] for url_wrapped in existing_urls}
themes = self.env['ir.module.module'].with_context(active_test=False).search([
('category_id', 'child_of', self.env.ref('base.module_category_theme').id),
], order='name')
for theme in themes:
terp = self.get_module_info(theme.name)
images = terp.get('images', [])
image_paths = ['/%s/%s' % (theme.name, image) for image in images]
if all(image_path in existing_urls for image_path in image_paths):
# Images creation order must be the order specified in the manifest
for image_path in image_paths:
image_name = image_path.split('/')[-1]
'type': 'url',
'name': image_name,
'url': image_path,
'res_model': self._name,
'res_id': theme.id,
def get_themes_domain(self):
"""Returns the 'ir.module.module' search domain matching all available themes."""
def get_id(model_id):
return self.env['ir.model.data']._xmlid_to_res_id(model_id)
return [
('state', '!=', 'uninstallable'),
('category_id', 'not in', [
('category_id', '=', get_id('base.module_category_theme')),
('category_id.parent_id', '=', get_id('base.module_category_theme'))
def _check(self):
View = self.env['ir.ui.view']
website_views_to_adapt = getattr(self.pool, 'website_views_to_adapt', [])
if website_views_to_adapt:
for view_replay in website_views_to_adapt:
cow_view = View.browse(view_replay[0])
View._load_records_write_on_cow(cow_view, view_replay[1], view_replay[2])
def _load_module_terms(self, modules, langs, overwrite=False, imported_module=False):
""" Add missing website specific translation """
res = super()._load_module_terms(modules, langs, overwrite=overwrite, imported_module=imported_module)
if not langs or langs == ['en_US'] or not modules:
return res
# Add specific view translations
# use the translation dic of the generic to translate the specific
cache = self.env.cache
View = self.env['ir.ui.view']
field = self.env['ir.ui.view']._fields['arch_db']
# assume there are not too many records
self.env.cr.execute(""" SELECT generic.arch_db, specific.arch_db, specific.id
FROM ir_ui_view generic
INNER JOIN ir_ui_view specific
ON generic.key = specific.key
WHERE generic.website_id IS NULL AND generic.type = 'qweb'
AND specific.website_id IS NOT NULL
for generic_arch_db, specific_arch_db, specific_id in self.env.cr.fetchall():
if not generic_arch_db:
langs_update = (langs & generic_arch_db.keys()) - {'en_US'}
if not langs_update:
# get dictionaries limited to the requested languages
generic_arch_db_en = generic_arch_db.get('en_US')
specific_arch_db_en = specific_arch_db.get('en_US')
generic_arch_db_update = {k: generic_arch_db[k] for k in langs_update}
specific_arch_db_update = {k: specific_arch_db.get(k, specific_arch_db_en) for k in langs_update}
generic_translation_dictionary = field.get_translation_dictionary(generic_arch_db_en, generic_arch_db_update)
specific_translation_dictionary = field.get_translation_dictionary(specific_arch_db_en, specific_arch_db_update)
# update specific_translation_dictionary
for term_en, specific_term_langs in specific_translation_dictionary.items():
if term_en not in generic_translation_dictionary:
for lang, generic_term_lang in generic_translation_dictionary[term_en].items():
if overwrite or term_en == specific_term_langs[lang]:
specific_term_langs[lang] = generic_term_lang
for lang in langs_update:
specific_arch_db[lang] = field.translate(
lambda term: specific_translation_dictionary.get(term, {lang: None})[lang], specific_arch_db_en)
cache.update_raw(View.browse(specific_id), field, [specific_arch_db], dirty=True)
default_menu = self.env.ref('website.main_menu', raise_if_not_found=False)
if not default_menu:
return res
lang_value_list = [SQL("%(lang)s, o_menu.name->>%(lang)s", lang=lang) for lang in langs if lang != 'en_US']
update_jsonb_list = [SQL('jsonb_build_object(%s)', SQL(', ').join(items)) for items in split_every(50, lang_value_list)]
update_jsonb = SQL(' || ').join(update_jsonb_list)
o_menu_name = SQL('menu.name || %s' if overwrite else '%s || menu.name', update_jsonb)
UPDATE website_menu menu
SET name = %(o_menu_name)s
FROM website_menu o_menu
INNER JOIN website_menu s_menu
ON o_menu.name->>'en_US' = s_menu.name->>'en_US' AND o_menu.url = s_menu.url
INNER JOIN website_menu root_menu
ON s_menu.parent_id = root_menu.id AND root_menu.parent_id IS NULL
WHERE o_menu.website_id IS NULL AND o_menu.parent_id = %(default_menu_id)s
AND s_menu.website_id IS NOT NULL
AND menu.id = s_menu.id
return res
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# New page templates
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
def _create_model_data(self, views):
""" Creates model data records for newly created view records.
:param views: views for which model data must be created
# The generated templates are set as noupdate in order to avoid that
# _process_end deletes them.
# In case some of them require an XML definition in the future,
# an upgrade script will be needed to temporarily make those
# records updatable.
'name': view.key.split('.')[1],
'module': view.key.split('.')[0],
'model': 'ir.ui.view',
'res_id': view.id,
'noupdate': True,
} for view in views])
def _generate_primary_snippet_templates(self):
""" Generates snippet templates hierarchy based on manifest entries for
use in the configurator and when creating new pages from templates.
def split_key(snippet_key):
""" Snippets xmlid can be written without the module part, meaning
it is a shortcut for a website module snippet.
:param snippet_key: xmlid with or without the module part
'website' is assumed to be the default module
:return: module and key extracted from the snippet_key
return snippet_key.split('.') if '.' in snippet_key else ('website', snippet_key)
def create_missing_views(create_values):
""" Creates the snippet primary view records that do not exist yet.
:param create_values: values of records to create
:return: number of created records
# Defensive code (low effort): `if values` should always be set
create_values = [values for values in create_values if values]
keys = [values['key'] for values in create_values]
existing_primary_template_keys = self.env['ir.ui.view'].search_fetch([
('mode', '=', 'primary'), ('key', 'in', keys),
], ['key']).mapped('key')
missing_create_values = [values for values in create_values if values['key'] not in existing_primary_template_keys]
missing_records = self.env['ir.ui.view'].with_context(no_cow=True).create(missing_create_values)
return len(missing_records)
def get_create_vals(name, snippet_key, parent_wrap, new_wrap):
""" Returns the create values for the new primary template of the
snippet having snippet_key as its base key, having a new key
formatted with new_wrap, and extending a parent with the key
formatted with parent_wrap.
:param name: name
:param snippet_key: xmlid of the base block
:param parent_wrap: string pattern used to format the
snippet_key's second part to reach the parent key
:param new_wrap: string pattern used to format the
snippet_key's second part to reach the new key
:return: create values for the new record
module, xmlid = split_key(snippet_key)
parent_key = f'{module}.{parent_wrap % xmlid}'
# Equivalent to using an already cached ref, without failing on
# missing key - because the parent records have just been created.
parent_id = self.env['ir.model.data']._xmlid_to_res_model_res_id(parent_key, False)
if not parent_id:
_logger.warning("No such snippet template: %r", parent_key)
return None
return {
'name': name,
'key': f'{module}.{new_wrap % xmlid}',
'inherit_id': parent_id[1],
'mode': 'primary',
'type': 'qweb',
'arch': '<t/>',
def get_distinct_snippet_names(structure):
""" Returns the distinct leaves of the structure (tree leaf's list
:param structure: dict or list or snippet names
:return: distinct snippet names
items = []
for value in structure.values():
if isinstance(value, list):
return set(items)
create_count = 0
manifest = get_manifest(self.name)
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# Configurator
# ------------------------------------------------------------
configurator_snippets = manifest.get('configurator_snippets', {})
# Generate general configurator snippet templates
create_values = []
# Every distinct snippet name across all configurator pages.
for snippet_name in get_distinct_snippet_names(configurator_snippets):
f"Snippet {snippet_name!r} for pages generated by the configurator",
snippet_name, '%s', 'configurator_%s'
create_count += create_missing_views(create_values)
# Generate configurator snippet templates for specific pages
create_values = []
for page_name in configurator_snippets:
for snippet_name in set(configurator_snippets[page_name]):
f"Snippet {snippet_name!r} for {page_name!r} pages generated by the configurator",
snippet_name, 'configurator_%s', f'configurator_{page_name}_%s'
create_count += create_missing_views(create_values)
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# New page templates
# ------------------------------------------------------------
templates = manifest.get('new_page_templates', {})
# Generate general new page snippet templates
create_values = []
# Every distinct snippet name across all new page templates.
for snippet_name in get_distinct_snippet_names(templates):
f"Snippet {snippet_name!r} for new page templates",
snippet_name, '%s', 'new_page_template_%s'
create_count += create_missing_views(create_values)
# Generate new page snippet templates for new page template groups
create_values = []
for group in templates:
# Every distinct snippet name across all new page templates of group.
for snippet_name in get_distinct_snippet_names(templates[group]):
f"Snippet {snippet_name!r} for new page {group!r} templates",
snippet_name, 'new_page_template_%s', f'new_page_template_{group}_%s'
create_count += create_missing_views(create_values)
# Generate new page snippet templates for specific new page templates within groups
create_values = []
for group in templates:
for template_name in templates[group]:
for snippet_name in templates[group][template_name]:
f"Snippet {snippet_name!r} for new page {group!r} template {template_name!r}",
snippet_name, f'new_page_template_{group}_%s', f'new_page_template_{group}_{template_name}_%s'
create_count += create_missing_views(create_values)
if create_count:
_logger.info("Generated %s primary snippet templates for %r", create_count, self.name)
def _generate_primary_page_templates(self):
""" Generates page templates based on manifest entries. """
View = self.env['ir.ui.view']
manifest = get_manifest(self.name)
templates = manifest['new_page_templates']
# TODO Find a way to create theme and other module's template patches
# Create or update template views per group x key
create_values = []
for group in templates:
for template_name in templates[group]:
xmlid = f'{self.name}.new_page_template_sections_{group}_{template_name}'
wrapper = f'%s.new_page_template_{group}_{template_name}_%s'
calls = '\n '.join([
f'''<t t-snippet-call="{wrapper % (snippet_key.split('.') if '.' in snippet_key else ('website', snippet_key))}"/>'''
for snippet_key in templates[group][template_name]
'name': f"New page template: {template_name!r} in {group!r}",
'type': 'qweb',
'key': xmlid,
'arch': f'<div id="wrap">\n {calls}\n</div>',
keys = [values['key'] for values in create_values]
existing_primary_templates = View.search_read([('mode', '=', 'primary'), ('key', 'in', keys)], ['key'])
existing_primary_template_keys = {data['key']: data['id'] for data in existing_primary_templates}
missing_create_values = []
update_count = 0
for create_value in create_values:
if create_value['key'] in existing_primary_template_keys:
'arch': create_value['arch'],
update_count += 1
if missing_create_values:
missing_records = View.create(missing_create_values)
_logger.info('Generated %s primary page templates for %r', len(missing_create_values), self.name)
if update_count:
_logger.info('Updated %s primary page templates for %r', update_count, self.name)