96 lines
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96 lines
3.0 KiB
/** @odoo-module **/
import {
} from '@website/js/tours/tour_utils';
const snippet = {
id: 's_text_image',
name: 'Text - Image',
groupName: "Content",
registerWebsitePreviewTour('website_replace_grid_image', {
url: '/',
edition: true,
}, () => [
content: "Toggle to grid mode",
trigger: '.o_we_user_value_widget[data-name="grid_mode"]',
run: "click",
content: "Replace image",
trigger: ':iframe .s_text_image img',
run: 'dblclick',
content: "Pick new image",
trigger: '.o_select_media_dialog img[title="s_banner_default_image.jpg"]',
run: "click",
content: "Add new image column",
trigger: '.o_we_user_value_widget[data-add-element="image"]',
run: "click",
content: "Pick new image",
trigger: '.o_select_media_dialog img[title="s_banner_default_image2.jpg"]',
run: "click",
content: "Replace new image",
trigger: ':iframe .s_text_image img[src*="s_banner_default_image2.jpg"]',
run: 'dblclick',
content: "Pick new image",
trigger: '.o_select_media_dialog img[title="s_banner_default_image.jpg"]',
run: "click",
registerWebsitePreviewTour("scroll_to_new_grid_item", {
url: "/",
edition: true,
}, () => [
// Drop enough snippets to scroll.
...insertSnippet({id: "s_text_image", name: "Text - Image", groupName: "Content"}),
...insertSnippet({id: "s_image_text", name: "Image - Text", groupName: "Content"}),
...insertSnippet({id: "s_image_text", name: "Image - Text", groupName: "Content"}),
// Toggle the first snippet to grid mode.
...clickOnSnippet({id: "s_text_image", name: "Text - Image"}),
changeOption("layout_column", 'we-button[data-name="grid_mode"]'),
// Add a new grid item.
changeOption("layout_column", 'we-button[data-add-element="image"]'),
content: "Select the new image in the media dialog",
trigger: '.o_select_media_dialog img[title="s_banner_default_image.jpg"]',
run: "click",
}, {
content: "Check that the page scrolled to the new grid item",
trigger: ":iframe .s_text_image .o_grid_item:nth-child(3)",
async run() {
// Leave some time to the page to scroll.
await new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, 500));
const newItemPosition = this.anchor.getBoundingClientRect();
if (newItemPosition.top < 0) {
throw new Error("The page did not scroll to the new grid item.");
}, {
content: "Make sure the scroll check is done",
trigger: ".o_scrolled_to_grid_item",