2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00

220 lines
8.7 KiB

/** @odoo-module */
import {
} from '@website/js/tours/tour_utils';
// TODO: Remove following steps once fix of task-3212519 is done.
// Those steps are preventing a race condition to happen in the meantime: when
// the tour was clicking on the toggle to hide facebook in the next step, it
// would actually "ignore" the result of the click on the toggle and would just
// consider the action of focusing out the input.
const socialRaceConditionClass = 'social_media_race_condition';
const preventRaceConditionStep = [
trigger: `body:not(.${socialRaceConditionClass})`,
content: "Wait a few ms to avoid race condition",
// Ensure the class is remove from previous call of those steps
trigger: ':iframe .s_social_media',
run() {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 500);
}, {
content: "Check the race condition class is added after a few ms",
trigger: `body.${socialRaceConditionClass}`,
run() {
const replaceIconByImage = function (url) {
return [{
content: "Replace the icon by an image",
trigger: `:iframe .s_social_media a[href='${url}'] i.fa`,
run: "dblclick",
content: "Go to the Images tab in the media dialog",
trigger: ".o_select_media_dialog .o_notebook_headers .nav-item a:contains('Images')",
run: "click",
content: "Select the image",
trigger: ".o_select_media_dialog img[title='s_banner_default_image.jpg']",
run: "click",
const addNewSocialNetwork = function (optionIndex, linkIndex, url, replaceIcon = false) {
const replaceIconByImageSteps = replaceIcon ? replaceIconByImage("https://www.example.com") : [];
return [{
content: "Click on Add New Social Network",
trigger: 'we-list we-button.o_we_list_add_optional',
run: "click",
content: "Ensure new option is found",
trigger: `we-list table input:eq(${optionIndex})[data-list-position="${optionIndex}"][data-dom-position="${linkIndex}"][data-undeletable=false]`,
content: "Ensure new link is found",
trigger: `:iframe .s_social_media:has(a:eq(${linkIndex})[href='https://www.example.com'])`,
content: "Change added Option label",
trigger: `we-list table input:eq(${optionIndex})`,
run: `edit ${url} && click body`,
content: "Ensure new link is changed",
trigger: `:iframe .s_social_media:has(a:eq(${linkIndex})[href='${url}'])`,
registerWebsitePreviewTour('snippet_social_media', {
url: '/',
edition: true,
}, () => [
...insertSnippet({id: 's_social_media', name: 'Social Media'}),
...clickOnSnippet({id: 's_social_media', name: 'Social Media'}),
...addNewSocialNetwork(7, 7, 'https://www.youtu.be/y7TlnAv6cto'),
content: 'Click on the toggle to hide Facebook',
trigger: 'we-list table we-button.o_we_user_value_widget',
run: 'click',
content: "Ensure twitter became first",
trigger: ':iframe .s_social_media:has(a:eq(0)[href="/website/social/twitter"])',
content: 'Drag the facebook link at the end of the list',
trigger: 'we-list table we-button.o_we_drag_handle',
tooltipPosition: 'bottom',
run: "drag_and_drop we-list table tr:last-child",
content: 'Check drop completed',
trigger: 'we-list table input:eq(7)[data-media="facebook"]',
// Create a Link for which we don't have an icon to propose.
...addNewSocialNetwork(8, 7, 'https://whatever.it/1EdSw9X'),
// Create a custom instagram link.
...addNewSocialNetwork(9, 8, 'https://instagr.am/odoo.official/'),
content: "Check if the result is correct before removing",
trigger: ":iframe .s_social_media" +
":has(a:eq(0)[href='/website/social/twitter'])" +
":has(a:eq(1)[href='/website/social/linkedin'])" +
":has(a:eq(2)[href='/website/social/youtube'])" +
":has(a:eq(3)[href='/website/social/instagram'])" +
":has(a:eq(4)[href='/website/social/github'])" +
":has(a:eq(5)[href='/website/social/tiktok'])" +
":has(a:eq(6)[href='https://www.youtu.be/y7TlnAv6cto']:has(i.fa-youtube))" +
":has(a:eq(7)[href='https://whatever.it/1EdSw9X']:has(i.fa-pencil))" +
// Create a custom link, not officially supported, ensure icon is found.
content: 'Change custom social to unsupported link',
trigger: 'we-list table input:eq(6)',
run: "edit https://www.paypal.com/abc && click body",
content: "Ensure paypal icon is found",
trigger: ":iframe .s_social_media" +
content: 'Delete the custom link',
trigger: 'we-list we-button.o_we_select_remove_option',
run: 'click',
content: "Ensure custom link was removed",
trigger: ':iframe .s_social_media:has(a:eq(6)[href="https://whatever.it/1EdSw9X"]:has(i.fa-pencil))',
content: 'Click on the toggle to show Facebook',
trigger: 'we-list table we-button.o_we_user_value_widget:not(.active)',
run: 'click',
content: "Check if the result is correct after removing",
trigger: ":iframe .s_social_media" +
":has(a:eq(0)[href='/website/social/twitter'])" +
":has(a:eq(1)[href='/website/social/linkedin'])" +
":has(a:eq(2)[href='/website/social/youtube'])" +
":has(a:eq(3)[href='/website/social/instagram'])" +
":has(a:eq(4)[href='/website/social/github'])" +
":has(a:eq(5)[href='/website/social/tiktok'])" +
":has(a:eq(6)[href='/website/social/facebook'])" +
":has(a:eq(7)[href='https://whatever.it/1EdSw9X']:has(i.fa-pencil))" +
content: 'Change url of the DB instagram link',
trigger: 'we-list table input:eq(3)',
run: "edit https://instagram.com/odoo.official/ && click body",
id: 's_social_media',
name: 'Social Media',
content: "Check if we can still change custom icons",
trigger: ':iframe .s_social_media a[href="https://whatever.it/1EdSw9X"] i.fa-pencil',
run: 'dblclick',
content: "Select a new icon",
trigger: '.o_select_media_dialog .fa-heart',
run: "click",
content: "Check if the result is correct after setting the icon",
trigger: ":iframe .s_social_media" +
":has(a:eq(0)[href='/website/social/twitter'])" +
":has(a:eq(1)[href='/website/social/linkedin'])" +
":has(a:eq(2)[href='/website/social/youtube'])" +
":has(a:eq(3)[href='/website/social/instagram'])" +
":has(a:eq(4)[href='/website/social/github'])" +
":has(a:eq(5)[href='/website/social/tiktok'])" +
":has(a:eq(6)[href='/website/social/facebook'])" +
":has(a:eq(7)[href='https://whatever.it/1EdSw9X']:has(i.fa-heart))" +
// Create a social network but replace its icon by an image before setting
// the link (`replaceIcon` parameter set to `true`).
...addNewSocialNetwork(9, 9, "https://google.com", true),
// Create a social network after replacing the first icon by an image.
...addNewSocialNetwork(10, 10, "https://facebook.com"),
content: "Check if the result is correct after adding images",
trigger: ":iframe .s_social_media" +
":has(a:eq(0)[href='/website/social/twitter']:has(img))" +
":has(a:eq(9)[href='https://google.com']:has(img))" +