2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00

628 lines
29 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
from ast import literal_eval
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
import json
import werkzeug.urls
from pytz import utc, timezone
from odoo import api, fields, models, _
from odoo.exceptions import UserError, ValidationError
from odoo.osv import expression
from odoo.tools.misc import get_lang, format_date
GOOGLE_CALENDAR_URL = 'https://www.google.com/calendar/render?'
class Event(models.Model):
_name = 'event.event'
_inherit = [
def _default_cover_properties(self):
res = super()._default_cover_properties()
'background-image': "url('/website_event/static/src/img/event_cover_4.jpg')",
'opacity': '0.4',
'resize_class': 'cover_auto'
return res
# description
subtitle = fields.Char('Event Subtitle', translate=True)
# registration
is_participating = fields.Boolean("Is Participating", compute="_compute_is_participating",
# website
is_visible_on_website = fields.Boolean(string="Visible On Website", compute='_compute_is_visible_on_website', search='_search_is_visible_on_website')
event_register_url = fields.Char('Event Registration Link', compute='_compute_event_register_url')
website_visibility = fields.Selection(
[('public', 'Public'), ('link', 'Via a Link'), ('logged_users', 'Logged Users')],
string="Website Visibility", required=True, default='public', tracking=True,
help="""Defines the Visibility of the Event on the Website and searches.\n
Note that the Event is however always available via its link.""")
website_published = fields.Boolean(tracking=True)
website_menu = fields.Boolean(
string='Website Menu',
compute='_compute_website_menu', precompute=True, readonly=False, store=True,
help="Allows to display and manage event-specific menus on website.")
menu_id = fields.Many2one('website.menu', 'Event Menu', copy=False)
# sub-menus management
introduction_menu = fields.Boolean(
"Introduction Menu", compute="_compute_website_menu_data",
readonly=False, store=True)
introduction_menu_ids = fields.One2many(
"website.event.menu", "event_id", string="Introduction Menus",
domain=[("menu_type", "=", "introduction")])
location_menu = fields.Boolean(
"Location Menu", compute="_compute_website_menu_data",
readonly=False, store=True)
location_menu_ids = fields.One2many(
"website.event.menu", "event_id", string="Location Menus",
domain=[("menu_type", "=", "location")])
address_name = fields.Char(related='address_id.name')
register_menu = fields.Boolean(
"Register Menu", compute="_compute_website_menu_data",
readonly=False, store=True)
register_menu_ids = fields.One2many(
"website.event.menu", "event_id", string="Register Menus",
domain=[("menu_type", "=", "register")])
community_menu = fields.Boolean(
"Community Menu", compute="_compute_community_menu",
readonly=False, store=True,
help="Display community tab on website")
community_menu_ids = fields.One2many(
"website.event.menu", "event_id", string="Event Community Menus",
domain=[("menu_type", "=", "community")])
# live information
is_ongoing = fields.Boolean(
'Is Ongoing', compute='_compute_time_data', search='_search_is_ongoing',
help="Whether event has begun")
is_done = fields.Boolean(
'Is Done', compute='_compute_time_data')
start_today = fields.Boolean(
'Start Today', compute='_compute_time_data',
help="Whether event is going to start today if still not ongoing")
start_remaining = fields.Integer(
'Remaining before start', compute='_compute_time_data',
help="Remaining time before event starts (minutes)")
def _compute_is_participating(self):
participating_events = self._fetch_is_participating_events()
participating_events.is_participating = True
(self - participating_events).is_participating = False
def _search_is_participating(self, operator, value):
if operator not in ['=', '!=']:
raise NotImplementedError(_('This operator is not supported'))
if not isinstance(value, bool):
raise UserError(_('Value should be True or False (not %)', value))
check_is_participating = operator == '=' and value or operator == '!=' and not value
return [('id', 'in' if check_is_participating else 'not in', self._fetch_is_participating_events().ids)]
def _fetch_is_participating_events(self):
* public, no visitor: not participating as we have no information;
* check only confirmed and attended registrations, a draft registration
does not make the attendee participating;
* public and visitor: check visitor is linked to a registration. As
visitors are merged on the top parent, current visitor check is
sufficient even for successive visits;
* logged, no visitor: check partner is linked to a registration. Do
not check the email as it is not really secure;
* logged as visitor: check partner or visitor are linked to a
current_visitor = self.env['website.visitor']._get_visitor_from_request()
if self.env.user._is_public() and not current_visitor:
return self.env['event.event']
base_domain = [('state', 'in', ['open', 'done'])]
if self:
base_domain = expression.AND([[('event_id', 'in', self.ids)], base_domain])
visitor_domain = []
partner_id = self.env.user.partner_id
if current_visitor:
visitor_domain = [('visitor_id', '=', current_visitor.id)]
partner_id = current_visitor.partner_id
if partner_id:
visitor_domain = expression.OR([visitor_domain, [('partner_id', '=', partner_id.id)]])
registrations_events = self.env['event.registration'].sudo()._read_group(
expression.AND([visitor_domain, base_domain]),
['event_id'], ['__count'])
return self.env['event.event'].browse([event.id for event, _reg_count in registrations_events])
@api.depends('website_visibility', 'is_participating')
def _compute_is_visible_on_website(self):
if all(event.website_visibility == 'public' for event in self):
self.is_visible_on_website = True
for event in self:
if event.website_visibility == 'public' or event.is_participating:
event.is_visible_on_website = True
elif not self.env.user._is_public() and event.website_visibility == 'logged_users':
event.is_visible_on_website = True
event.is_visible_on_website = False
def _search_is_visible_on_website(self, operator, value):
if operator not in ['=', '!=']:
raise NotImplementedError(_('This operator is not supported'))
if not isinstance(value, bool):
raise UserError(_('Value should be True or False (not %)', value))
check_is_visible_on_website = operator == '=' and value or operator == '!=' and not value
user = self.env.user
domain = [('is_participating', '=', True)]
if not user._is_public():
domain = expression.OR([domain, [('website_visibility', 'in', ['public', 'logged_users'])]])
domain = expression.OR([domain, [('website_visibility', '=', 'public')]])
event_ids = self.env['event.event']._search(domain)
return [('id', 'in' if check_is_visible_on_website else 'not in', event_ids)]
def _compute_event_register_url(self):
for event in self:
event.event_register_url = werkzeug.urls.url_join(event.get_base_url(), f"{event.website_url}/register")
def _compute_website_menu(self):
""" Also ensure a value for website_menu as it is a trigger notably for
track related menus. """
for event in self:
if event.event_type_id and event.event_type_id != event._origin.event_type_id:
event.website_menu = event.event_type_id.website_menu
elif not event.website_menu:
event.website_menu = False
@api.depends("event_type_id", "website_menu", "community_menu")
def _compute_community_menu(self):
""" Set False in base module. Sub modules will add their own logic
(meet or track_quiz). """
for event in self:
event.community_menu = False
def _compute_website_menu_data(self):
""" Synchronize with website_menu at change and let people update them
at will afterwards. """
for event in self:
event.introduction_menu = event.website_menu
event.location_menu = event.website_menu
event.register_menu = event.website_menu
@api.depends('date_begin', 'date_end')
def _compute_time_data(self):
""" Compute start and remaining time. Do everything in UTC as we compute only
time deltas here. """
now_utc = utc.localize(fields.Datetime.now().replace(microsecond=0))
for event in self:
date_begin_utc = utc.localize(event.date_begin, is_dst=False)
date_end_utc = utc.localize(event.date_end, is_dst=False)
event.is_ongoing = date_begin_utc <= now_utc <= date_end_utc
event.is_done = now_utc > date_end_utc
event.start_today = date_begin_utc.date() == now_utc.date()
if date_begin_utc >= now_utc:
td = date_begin_utc - now_utc
event.start_remaining = int(td.total_seconds() / 60)
event.start_remaining = 0
def _compute_website_url(self):
super(Event, self)._compute_website_url()
for event in self:
if event.id: # avoid to perform a slug on a not yet saved record in case of an onchange.
event.website_url = '/event/%s' % self.env['ir.http']._slug(event)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _check_website_id(self):
for event in self:
if event.website_id and event.website_id.company_id != event.company_id:
raise ValidationError(_("The website must be from the same company as the event."))
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------
def create(self, vals_list):
events = super().create(vals_list)
return events
def write(self, vals):
menus_state_by_field = self._split_menus_state_by_field()
res = super(Event, self).write(vals)
menus_update_by_field = self._get_menus_update_by_field(menus_state_by_field, force_update=vals.keys())
return res
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------
def toggle_website_menu(self, val):
self.website_menu = val
def _get_menu_update_fields(self):
"""" Return a list of fields triggering a split of menu to activate /
menu to de-activate. Due to saas-13.3 improvement of menu management
this is done using side-methods to ease inheritance.
:return list: list of fields, each of which triggering a menu update
like website_menu, website_track, ... """
return ['community_menu', 'introduction_menu', 'location_menu', 'register_menu']
def _get_menu_type_field_matching(self):
return {
'community': 'community_menu',
'introduction': 'introduction_menu',
'location': 'location_menu',
'register': 'register_menu',
def _split_menus_state_by_field(self):
""" For each field linked to a menu, get the set of events having this
menu activated and de-activated. Purpose is to find those whose value
changed and update the underlying menus.
:return dict: key = name of field triggering a website menu update, get {
'activated': subset of self having its menu currently set to True
'deactivated': subset of self having its menu currently set to False
} """
menus_state_by_field = dict()
for fname in self._get_menu_update_fields():
activated = self.filtered(lambda event: event[fname])
menus_state_by_field[fname] = {
'activated': activated,
'deactivated': self - activated,
return menus_state_by_field
def _get_menus_update_by_field(self, menus_state_by_field, force_update=None):
""" For each field linked to a menu, get the set of events requiring
this menu to be activated or de-activated based on previous recorded
:param menus_state_by_field: see ``_split_menus_state_by_field``;
:param force_update: list of field to which we force update of menus. This
is used notably when a direct write to a stored editable field messes with
its pre-computed value, notably in a transient mode (aka demo for example);
:return dict: key = name of field triggering a website menu update, get {
'activated': subset of self having its menu toggled to True
'deactivated': subset of self having its menu toggled to False
} """
menus_update_by_field = dict()
for fname in self._get_menu_update_fields():
if fname in force_update:
menus_update_by_field[fname] = self
menus_update_by_field[fname] = self.env['event.event']
menus_update_by_field[fname] |= menus_state_by_field[fname]['activated'].filtered(lambda event: not event[fname])
menus_update_by_field[fname] |= menus_state_by_field[fname]['deactivated'].filtered(lambda event: event[fname])
return menus_update_by_field
def _get_website_menu_entries(self):
""" Method returning menu entries to display on the website view of the
event, possibly depending on some options in inheriting modules.
Each menu entry is a tuple containing :
* name: menu item name
* url: if set, url to a route (do not use xml_id in that case);
* xml_id: template linked to the page (do not use url in that case);
* sequence: specific sequence of menu entry to be set on the menu;
* menu_type: type of menu entry (used in inheriting modules to ease
menu management; not used in this module in 13.3 due to technical
return [
(_('Introduction'), False, 'website_event.template_intro', 1, 'introduction'),
(_('Location'), False, 'website_event.template_location', 50, 'location'),
(_('Info'), '/event/%s/register' % self.env['ir.http']._slug(self), False, 100, 'register'),
(_('Community'), '/event/%s/community' % self.env['ir.http']._slug(self), False, 80, 'community'),
def _update_website_menus(self, menus_update_by_field=None):
""" Synchronize event configuration and its menu entries for frontend.
:param menus_update_by_field: see ``_get_menus_update_by_field``"""
for event in self:
if event.menu_id and not event.website_menu:
# do not rely on cascade, as it is done in SQL -> not calling override and
# letting some ir.ui.views in DB
(event.menu_id + event.menu_id.child_id).sudo().unlink()
elif event.website_menu and not event.menu_id:
root_menu = self.env['website.menu'].sudo().create({'name': event.name, 'website_id': event.website_id.id})
event.menu_id = root_menu
if event.menu_id and (not menus_update_by_field or event in menus_update_by_field.get('community_menu')):
event._update_website_menu_entry('community_menu', 'community_menu_ids', 'community')
if event.menu_id and (not menus_update_by_field or event in menus_update_by_field.get('introduction_menu')):
event._update_website_menu_entry('introduction_menu', 'introduction_menu_ids', 'introduction')
if event.menu_id and (not menus_update_by_field or event in menus_update_by_field.get('location_menu')):
event._update_website_menu_entry('location_menu', 'location_menu_ids', 'location')
if event.menu_id and (not menus_update_by_field or event in menus_update_by_field.get('register_menu')):
event._update_website_menu_entry('register_menu', 'register_menu_ids', 'register')
def _update_website_menu_entry(self, fname_bool, fname_o2m, fmenu_type):
""" Generic method to create menu entries based on a flag on event. This
method is a bit obscure, but is due to preparation of adding new menus
entries and pages for event in a stable version, leading to some constraints
while developing.
:param fname_bool: field name (e.g. website_track)
:param fname_o2m: o2m linking towards website.event.menu matching the
boolean fields (normally an entry of website.event.menu with type matching
the boolean field name)
:param method_name: method returning menu entries information: url, sequence, ...
new_menu = None
menu_data = [menu_info for menu_info in self._get_website_menu_entries()
if menu_info[4] == fmenu_type]
if self[fname_bool] and not self[fname_o2m]:
# menus not found but boolean True: get menus to create
for name, url, xml_id, menu_sequence, menu_type in menu_data:
new_menu = self._create_menu(menu_sequence, name, url, xml_id, menu_type)
elif not self[fname_bool]:
# will cascade delete to the website.event.menu
return new_menu
def _create_menu(self, sequence, name, url, xml_id, menu_type):
""" Create a new menu for the current event.
If url: create a website menu. Menu leads directly to the URL that
should be a valid route.
If xml_id: create a new page using the qweb template given by its
xml_id. Take its url back thanks to new_page of website, then link
it to a menu. Template is duplicated and linked to a new url, meaning
each menu will have its own copy of the template. This is currently
limited to two menus: introduction and location.
:param menu_type: type of menu. Mainly used for inheritance purpose
allowing more fine-grain tuning of menus.
view_id = False
if not url:
# add_menu=False, ispage=False -> simply create a new ir.ui.view with name
# and template
page_result = self.env['website'].sudo().new_page(
name=f'{name} {self.name}', template=xml_id,
add_menu=False, ispage=False)
view_id = page_result['view_id']
view = self.env["ir.ui.view"].browse(view_id)
url = f"/event/{self.env['ir.http']._slug(self)}/page/{view.key.split('.')[-1]}" # url contains starting "/"
website_menu = self.env['website.menu'].sudo().create({
'name': name,
'url': url,
'parent_id': self.menu_id.id,
'sequence': sequence,
'website_id': self.website_id.id,
'menu_id': website_menu.id,
'event_id': self.id,
'menu_type': menu_type,
'view_id': view_id,
return website_menu
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------
def google_map_link(self, zoom=8):
""" Temporary method for stable """
return self._google_map_link(zoom=zoom)
def _google_map_link(self, zoom=8):
if self.address_id:
return self.sudo().address_id.google_map_link(zoom=zoom)
return None
def _track_subtype(self, init_values):
if init_values.keys() & {'is_published', 'website_published'}:
if self.is_published:
return self.env.ref('website_event.mt_event_published', raise_if_not_found=False)
return self.env.ref('website_event.mt_event_unpublished', raise_if_not_found=False)
return super(Event, self)._track_subtype(init_values)
def _get_external_description(self):
""" Adding the URL of the event into the description """
event_url = f'<a href="{self.event_register_url}">{self.name}</a>'
description = event_url + '\n' + super()._get_external_description()
return description
def _get_event_resource_urls(self):
url_date_start = self.date_begin.astimezone(timezone(self.date_tz)).strftime('%Y%m%dT%H%M%S')
url_date_stop = self.date_end.astimezone(timezone(self.date_tz)).strftime('%Y%m%dT%H%M%S')
params = {
'action': 'TEMPLATE',
'text': self.name,
'dates': f'{url_date_start}/{url_date_stop}',
'ctz': self.date_tz,
'details': self._get_external_description(),
if self.address_id:
encoded_params = werkzeug.urls.url_encode(params)
google_url = GOOGLE_CALENDAR_URL + encoded_params
iCal_url = f'/event/{self.id:d}/ics?{encoded_params}'
return {'google_url': google_url, 'iCal_url': iCal_url}
def _default_website_meta(self):
res = super(Event, self)._default_website_meta()
event_cover_properties = json.loads(self.cover_properties)
# background-image might contain single quotes eg `url('/my/url')`
res['default_opengraph']['og:image'] = res['default_twitter']['twitter:image'] = event_cover_properties.get('background-image', 'none')[4:-1].strip("'")
res['default_opengraph']['og:title'] = res['default_twitter']['twitter:title'] = self.name
res['default_opengraph']['og:description'] = res['default_twitter']['twitter:description'] = self.subtitle
res['default_twitter']['twitter:card'] = 'summary'
res['default_meta_description'] = self.subtitle
return res
def get_backend_menu_id(self):
return self.env.ref('event.event_main_menu').id
def _search_build_dates(self):
today = fields.Datetime.today()
def sdn(date):
return fields.Datetime.to_string(date.replace(hour=23, minute=59, second=59))
def sd(date):
return fields.Datetime.to_string(date)
def get_month_filter_domain(filter_name, months_delta):
first_day_of_the_month = today.replace(day=1)
filter_string = _('This month') if months_delta == 0 \
else format_date(self.env, value=today + relativedelta(months=months_delta),
date_format='LLLL', lang_code=get_lang(self.env).code).capitalize()
return [filter_name, filter_string, [
("date_end", ">=", sd(first_day_of_the_month + relativedelta(months=months_delta))),
("date_begin", "<", sd(first_day_of_the_month + relativedelta(months=months_delta+1)))],
return [
['upcoming', _('Upcoming Events'), [("date_end", ">", sd(today))], 0],
['today', _('Today'), [
("date_end", ">", sd(today)),
("date_begin", "<", sdn(today))],
get_month_filter_domain('month', 0),
['old', _('Past Events'), [
("date_end", "<", sd(today))],
['all', _('All Events'), [], 0]
def _search_get_detail(self, website, order, options):
with_description = options['displayDescription']
with_date = options['displayDetail']
date = options.get('date', 'all')
country = options.get('country')
tags = options.get('tags')
event_type = options.get('type', 'all')
domain = [website.website_domain()]
domain.append([('is_visible_on_website', '=', True)])
if event_type != 'all':
domain.append([("event_type_id", "=", int(event_type))])
search_tags = self.env['event.tag']
if tags:
tag_ids = literal_eval(tags)
except SyntaxError:
# perform a search to filter on existing / valid tags implicitely + apply rules on color
search_tags = self.env['event.tag'].search([('id', 'in', tag_ids)])
# Example: You filter on age: 10-12 and activity: football.
# Doing it this way allows to only get events who are tagged "age: 10-12" AND "activity: football".
# Add another tag "age: 12-15" to the search and it would fetch the ones who are tagged:
# ("age: 10-12" OR "age: 12-15") AND "activity: football
for tags in search_tags.grouped('category_id').values():
domain.append([('tag_ids', 'in', tags.ids)])
no_country_domain = domain.copy()
if country:
if country == 'online':
domain.append([("country_id", "=", False)])
elif country != 'all':
domain.append([("country_id", "=", int(country))])
no_date_domain = domain.copy()
dates = self._search_build_dates()
current_date = None
for date_details in dates:
if date == date_details[0]:
if date_details[0] != 'upcoming':
current_date = date_details[1]
search_fields = ['name']
fetch_fields = ['name', 'website_url', 'address_name']
mapping = {
'name': {'name': 'name', 'type': 'text', 'match': True},
'website_url': {'name': 'website_url', 'type': 'text', 'truncate': False},
'address_name': {'name': 'address_name', 'type': 'text', 'match': True},
if with_description:
mapping['description'] = {'name': 'subtitle', 'type': 'text', 'match': True}
if with_date:
mapping['detail'] = {'name': 'range', 'type': 'html'}
# Bypassing the access rigths of partner to search the address.
def search_in_address(env, search_term):
ret = env['event.event'].sudo()._search([
('address_search', 'ilike', search_term),
return [('id', 'in', ret)]
return {
'model': 'event.event',
'base_domain': domain,
'search_fields': search_fields,
'search_extra': search_in_address,
'fetch_fields': fetch_fields,
'mapping': mapping,
'icon': 'fa-ticket',
# for website_event main controller:
'dates': dates,
'current_date': current_date,
'search_tags': search_tags,
'no_date_domain': no_date_domain,
'no_country_domain': no_country_domain,
def _search_render_results(self, fetch_fields, mapping, icon, limit):
with_date = 'detail' in mapping
results_data = super()._search_render_results(fetch_fields, mapping, icon, limit)
if with_date:
for event, data in zip(self, results_data):
begin = self.env['ir.qweb.field.date'].record_to_html(event, 'date_begin', {})
end = self.env['ir.qweb.field.date'].record_to_html(event, 'date_end', {})
data['range'] = '%s🠖%s' % (begin, end) if begin != end else begin
return results_data