2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00

78 lines
2.7 KiB

import re
import astroid
import pylint.interfaces
from pylint.checkers import BaseChecker
from pylint.checkers.utils import only_required_for_messages
except ImportError:
from pylint.checkers.utils import check_messages as only_required_for_messages
# https://docs.python.org/2.6/library/stdtypes.html#string-formatting-operations
PLACEHOLDER_REGEXP = re.compile(r"""
(?<!%) # avoid matching escaped %
[#0\- +]* # conversion flag
(?:\d+|\*)? # minimum field width
(?:\.(?:\d+|\*))? # precision
[hlL]? # length modifier
[bcdeEfFgGnorsxX] # conversion type
""", re.VERBOSE)
REPR_REGEXP = re.compile(r"%(?:\(\w+\))?r")
def parse_version(s):
# can't use odoo.tools.parse_version because pythonpath is screwed from
# inside pylint on runbot
return [s.rjust(3, '0') for s in s.split('.')]
class OdooBaseChecker(BaseChecker):
if parse_version(pylint.__version__) < parse_version('2.14.0'):
__implements__ = pylint.interfaces.IAstroidChecker
name = 'odoo'
msgs = {
'E8502': (
'Bad usage of _, _lt function.',
'See https://www.odoo.com/documentation/master/developer/misc/i18n/translations.html#variables'
'E8505': (
'Usage of _, _lt function with multiple unnamed placeholders',
'Use keyword arguments when you have multiple placeholders',
'E8506': (
'Usage of %r in _, _lt function',
'Don\'t use %r to automatically insert quotes in translation strings. Quotes can be different depending on the language: they must be part of the translated string.',
@only_required_for_messages('gettext-variable', 'gettext-placeholders', 'gettext-repr')
def visit_call(self, node):
if isinstance(node.func, astroid.Name):
# direct function call to _
node_name = node.func.name
elif isinstance(node.func, astroid.Attribute):
# method call to env._
node_name = node.func.attrname
if node_name not in ("_", "_lt"):
first_arg = node.args[0]
if not (isinstance(first_arg, astroid.Const) and isinstance(first_arg.value, str)):
self.add_message("gettext-variable", node=node)
if len(PLACEHOLDER_REGEXP.findall(first_arg.value)) >= 2:
self.add_message("gettext-placeholders", node=node)
if re.search(REPR_REGEXP, first_arg.value):
self.add_message("gettext-repr", node=node)
def register(linter):