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# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
import re
from stdnum.fr import siret
from odoo import models, fields, api, _
from odoo.exceptions import ValidationError
from odoo.addons.account_edi_ubl_cii.models.account_edi_common import EAS_MAPPING
from odoo.addons.account.models.company import PEPPOL_DEFAULT_COUNTRIES
class ResPartner(models.Model):
_inherit = 'res.partner'
invoice_edi_format = fields.Selection(
('facturx', "Factur-X (CII)"),
('ubl_bis3', "BIS Billing 3.0"),
('xrechnung', "XRechnung CIUS"),
('nlcius', "NLCIUS"),
('ubl_a_nz', "BIS Billing 3.0 A-NZ"),
('ubl_sg', "BIS Billing 3.0 SG"),
is_ubl_format = fields.Boolean(compute='_compute_is_ubl_format')
is_peppol_edi_format = fields.Boolean(compute='_compute_is_peppol_edi_format') # TODO remove in master
peppol_endpoint = fields.Char(
string="Peppol Endpoint",
help="Unique identifier used by the BIS Billing 3.0 and its derivatives, also known as 'Endpoint ID'.",
peppol_eas = fields.Selection(
string="Peppol e-address (EAS)",
help="""Code used to identify the Endpoint for BIS Billing 3.0 and its derivatives.
List available at https://docs.peppol.eu/poacc/billing/3.0/codelist/eas/""",
('9923', "Albania VAT"),
('9922', "Andorra VAT"),
('0151', "Australia ABN"),
('9914', "Austria UID"),
('9915', "Austria VOKZ"),
('0208', "Belgian Company Registry"),
('9925', "Belgian VAT number"),
('9924', "Bosnia and Herzegovina VAT"),
('9926', "Bulgaria VAT"),
('9934', "Croatia VAT"),
('9928', "Cyprus VAT"),
('9929', "Czech Republic VAT"),
('0096', "Denmark P"),
('0184', "Denmark CVR"),
('0198', "Denmark SE"),
('0191', "Estonia Company code"),
('9931', "Estonia VAT"),
('0037', "Finland LY-tunnus"),
('0216', "Finland OVT code"),
('0213', "Finland VAT"),
('0002', "France SIRENE"),
('0009', "France SIRET"),
('9957', "France VAT"),
('0204', "Germany Leitweg-ID"),
('9930', "Germany VAT"),
('9933', "Greece VAT"),
('9910', "Hungary VAT"),
('0196', "Iceland Kennitala"),
('9935', "Ireland VAT"),
('0211', "Italia Partita IVA"),
('0097', "Italia FTI"),
('0188', "Japan SST"),
('0221', "Japan IIN"),
('9939', "Latvia VAT"),
('9936', "Liechtenstein VAT"),
('0200', "Lithuania JAK"),
('9937', "Lithuania VAT"),
('9938', "Luxembourg VAT"),
('9942', "Macedonia VAT"),
('0230', "Malaysia"),
('9943', "Malta VAT"),
('9940', "Monaco VAT"),
('9941', "Montenegro VAT"),
('0106', "Netherlands KvK"),
('0190', "Netherlands OIN"),
('9944', "Netherlands VAT"),
('0192', "Norway Org.nr."),
('9945', "Poland VAT"),
('9946', "Portugal VAT"),
('9947', "Romania VAT"),
('9948', "Serbia VAT"),
('0195', "Singapore UEN"),
('9949', "Slovenia VAT"),
('9950', "Slovakia VAT"),
('9920', "Spain VAT"),
('0007', "Sweden Org.nr."),
('9955', "Sweden VAT"),
('9927', "Swiss VAT"),
('0183', "Swiss UIDB"),
('9952', "Turkey VAT"),
('9932', "United Kingdom VAT"),
('9959', "USA EIN"),
('0060', "DUNS Number"),
('0088', "EAN Location Code"),
('0130', "Directorates of the European Commission"),
('0135', "SIA Object Identifiers"),
('0142', "SECETI Object Identifiers"),
('0193', "UBL.BE party identifier"),
('0199', "Legal Entity Identifier (LEI)"),
('0201', "Codice Univoco Unità Organizzativa iPA"),
('0202', "Indirizzo di Posta Elettronica Certificata"),
('0209', "GS1 identification keys"),
('0210', "Codice Fiscale"),
('9913', "Business Registers Network"),
('9918', "S.W.I.F.T"),
('9919', "Kennziffer des Unternehmensregisters"),
('9951', "San Marino VAT"),
('9953', "Vatican VAT"),
def _check_peppol_fields(self):
for partner in self:
if partner.peppol_endpoint and partner.peppol_eas:
error = self._build_error_peppol_endpoint(partner.peppol_eas, partner.peppol_endpoint)
if error:
raise ValidationError(error)
def _get_ubl_cii_formats(self):
return list(self._get_ubl_cii_formats_info().keys())
def _get_ubl_cii_formats_info(self):
return {
'ubl_bis3': {'countries': list(PEPPOL_DEFAULT_COUNTRIES), 'on_peppol': True, 'sequence': 200},
'xrechnung': {'countries': ['DE'], 'on_peppol': True},
'ubl_a_nz': {'countries': ['NZ', 'AU'], 'on_peppol': False}, # Not yet available through Odoo's Access Point, although it's a Peppol valid format
'nlcius': {'countries': ['NL'], 'on_peppol': True},
'ubl_sg': {'countries': ['SG'], 'on_peppol': False}, # Same.
'facturx': {'countries': ['FR'], 'on_peppol': False},
def _get_ubl_cii_formats_by_country(self):
formats_info = self._get_ubl_cii_formats_info()
countries = {country for format_val in formats_info.values() for country in (format_val.get('countries') or [])}
return {
country_code: [
for format_key, format_val in formats_info.items() if country_code in (format_val.get('countries') or [])
for country_code in countries
def _get_suggested_ubl_cii_edi_format(self):
format_mapping = self._get_ubl_cii_formats_by_country()
country_code = self.commercial_partner_id._deduce_country_code()
if country_code in format_mapping:
formats_by_country = format_mapping[country_code]
# return the format with the smallest sequence
if len(formats_by_country) == 1:
return formats_by_country[0]
formats_info = self._get_ubl_cii_formats_info()
return min(formats_by_country, key=lambda e: formats_info[e].get('sequence', 100)) # we use a sequence of 100 by default
return False
def _get_suggested_peppol_edi_format(self):
suggested_format = self.commercial_partner_id._get_suggested_ubl_cii_edi_format()
return suggested_format if suggested_format in self.env['res.partner']._get_peppol_formats() else 'ubl_bis3'
def _get_peppol_edi_format(self):
return self.invoice_edi_format or self._get_suggested_peppol_edi_format()
def _get_peppol_formats(self):
formats_info = self._get_ubl_cii_formats_info()
return [format_key for format_key, format_vals in formats_info.items() if format_vals.get('on_peppol')]
def _peppol_eas_endpoint_depends(self):
# field dependencies of methods _compute_peppol_endpoint() and _compute_peppol_eas()
# because we need to extend depends in l10n modules
return ['country_code', 'vat', 'company_registry']
@api.depends(lambda self: self._peppol_eas_endpoint_depends())
def _compute_invoice_edi_format(self):
# EXTENDS 'account' - add depends
def _compute_is_ubl_format(self):
for partner in self:
partner.is_ubl_format = partner.invoice_edi_format in self._get_ubl_cii_formats()
def _compute_is_peppol_edi_format(self):
for partner in self:
partner.is_peppol_edi_format = partner.invoice_edi_format in self._get_peppol_formats()
@api.depends(lambda self: self._peppol_eas_endpoint_depends() + ['peppol_eas'])
def _compute_peppol_endpoint(self):
""" If the EAS changes and a valid endpoint is available, set it. Otherwise, keep the existing value."""
for partner in self:
partner.peppol_endpoint = partner.peppol_endpoint
country_code = partner._deduce_country_code()
if country_code in EAS_MAPPING:
field = EAS_MAPPING[country_code].get(partner.peppol_eas)
if field \
and field in partner._fields \
and partner[field] \
and not partner._build_error_peppol_endpoint(partner.peppol_eas, partner[field]):
partner.peppol_endpoint = partner[field]
@api.depends(lambda self: self._peppol_eas_endpoint_depends())
def _compute_peppol_eas(self):
If the country_code changes, recompute the EAS only if there is a country_code, it exists in the
EAS_MAPPING, and the current EAS is not consistent with the new country_code.
for partner in self:
partner.peppol_eas = partner.peppol_eas
country_code = partner._deduce_country_code()
if country_code in EAS_MAPPING:
eas_to_field = EAS_MAPPING[country_code]
if partner.peppol_eas not in eas_to_field.keys():
new_eas = next(iter(EAS_MAPPING[country_code].keys()))
# Iterate on the possible EAS until a valid one is found
for eas, field in eas_to_field.items():
if field and field in partner._fields and partner[field]:
if not partner._build_error_peppol_endpoint(eas, partner[field]):
new_eas = eas
partner.peppol_eas = new_eas
def _build_error_peppol_endpoint(self, eas, endpoint):
""" This function contains all the rules regarding the peppol_endpoint."""
if eas == '0208' and not re.match(r"^\d{10}$", endpoint):
return _("The Peppol endpoint is not valid. The expected format is: 0239843188")
if eas == '0009' and not siret.is_valid(endpoint):
return _("The Peppol endpoint is not valid. The expected format is: 73282932000074")
if eas == '0007' and not re.match(r"^\d{10}$", endpoint):
return _("The Peppol endpoint is not valid. "
"It should contain exactly 10 digits (Company Registry number)."
"The expected format is: 1234567890")
def _get_edi_builder(self, invoice_edi_format):
if invoice_edi_format == 'xrechnung':
return self.env['account.edi.xml.ubl_de']
if invoice_edi_format == 'facturx':
return self.env['account.edi.xml.cii']
if invoice_edi_format == 'ubl_a_nz':
return self.env['account.edi.xml.ubl_a_nz']
if invoice_edi_format == 'nlcius':
return self.env['account.edi.xml.ubl_nl']
if invoice_edi_format == 'ubl_bis3':
return self.env['account.edi.xml.ubl_bis3']
if invoice_edi_format == 'ubl_sg':
return self.env['account.edi.xml.ubl_sg']