272 lines
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272 lines
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# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
from odoo import api, fields, models, _
from odoo.addons.mail.tools.discuss import Store
from odoo.tools import email_normalize, html2plaintext, plaintext2html
from markupsafe import Markup
class DiscussChannel(models.Model):
""" Chat Session
Reprensenting a conversation between users.
It extends the base method for anonymous usage.
_name = 'discuss.channel'
_inherit = ['rating.mixin', 'discuss.channel']
anonymous_name = fields.Char('Anonymous Name')
channel_type = fields.Selection(selection_add=[('livechat', 'Livechat Conversation')], ondelete={'livechat': 'cascade'})
duration = fields.Float('Duration', compute='_compute_duration', help='Duration of the session in hours')
livechat_active = fields.Boolean('Is livechat ongoing?', help='Livechat session is active until visitor leaves the conversation.')
livechat_channel_id = fields.Many2one('im_livechat.channel', 'Channel', index='btree_not_null')
livechat_operator_id = fields.Many2one('res.partner', string='Operator', index='btree_not_null')
chatbot_current_step_id = fields.Many2one('chatbot.script.step', string='Chatbot Current Step')
chatbot_message_ids = fields.One2many('chatbot.message', 'discuss_channel_id', string='Chatbot Messages')
country_id = fields.Many2one('res.country', string="Country", help="Country of the visitor of the channel")
_sql_constraints = [('livechat_operator_id', "CHECK((channel_type = 'livechat' and livechat_operator_id is not null) or (channel_type != 'livechat'))",
'Livechat Operator ID is required for a channel of type livechat.')]
def _compute_duration(self):
for record in self:
start = record.message_ids[-1].date if record.message_ids else record.create_date
end = record.message_ids[0].date if record.message_ids else fields.Datetime.now()
record.duration = (end - start).total_seconds() / 3600
def _to_store(self, store: Store):
"""Extends the channel header by adding the livechat operator and the 'anonymous' profile"""
chatbot_lang = self.env["chatbot.script"]._get_chatbot_language()
for channel in self:
channel_info = {}
if channel.chatbot_current_step_id:
# sudo: chatbot.script.step - returning the current script/step of the channel
current_step_sudo = channel.chatbot_current_step_id.sudo().with_context(lang=chatbot_lang)
chatbot_script = current_step_sudo.chatbot_script_id
# sudo: channel - accessing chatbot messages to get the current step message
step_message = next((
m.mail_message_id for m in channel.sudo().chatbot_message_ids
if m.script_step_id == current_step_sudo
and m.mail_message_id.author_id == chatbot_script.operator_partner_id
), None) if channel.chatbot_current_step_id.sudo().step_type != 'forward_operator' else None
current_step = {
'scriptStep': current_step_sudo._format_for_frontend(),
"message": Store.one_id(step_message),
'operatorFound': current_step_sudo.step_type == 'forward_operator' and len(channel.channel_member_ids) > 2,
channel_info["chatbot"] = {
'script': chatbot_script._format_for_frontend(),
'steps': [current_step],
'currentStep': current_step,
channel_info['anonymous_name'] = channel.anonymous_name
channel_info['anonymous_country'] = {
'code': channel.country_id.code,
'id': channel.country_id.id,
'name': channel.country_id.name,
} if channel.country_id else False
if channel.channel_type == "livechat":
channel_info["operator"] = Store.one(
channel.livechat_operator_id, fields=["avatar_128", "user_livechat_username"]
if channel.channel_type == "livechat":
channel_info["livechat_active"] = channel.livechat_active
if self.env.user._is_internal():
channel_info["livechatChannel"] = Store.one(
channel.livechat_channel_id, fields=["name"]
store.add(channel, channel_info)
def _gc_empty_livechat_sessions(self):
hours = 1 # never remove empty session created within the last hour
SELECT id as id
FROM discuss_channel C
FROM mail_message M
WHERE M.res_id = C.id AND m.model = 'discuss.channel'
) AND C.channel_type = 'livechat' AND livechat_channel_id IS NOT NULL AND
COALESCE(write_date, create_date, (now() at time zone 'UTC'))::timestamp
< ((now() at time zone 'UTC') - interval %s)""", ("%s hours" % hours,))
empty_channel_ids = [item['id'] for item in self.env.cr.dictfetchall()]
def execute_command_history(self, **kwargs):
self._bus_send("im_livechat.history_command", {"id": self.id})
def _get_visitor_leave_message(self, operator=False, cancel=False):
return _('Visitor left the conversation.')
def _close_livechat_session(self, **kwargs):
""" Set deactivate the livechat channel and notify (the operator) the reason of closing the session."""
if self.livechat_active:
member = self.channel_member_ids.filtered(lambda m: m.is_self)
if member:
member.fold_state = "closed"
# sudo: discuss.channel.rtc.session - member of current user can leave call
# sudo: discuss.channel - visitor left the conversation, state must be updated
self.sudo().livechat_active = False
# avoid useless notification if the channel is empty
if not self.message_ids:
# Notify that the visitor has left the conversation
# sudo: mail.message - posting visitor leave message is allowed
body=Markup('<div class="o_mail_notification o_hide_author">%s</div>')
% self._get_visitor_leave_message(**kwargs),
# Rating Mixin
def _rating_get_parent_field_name(self):
return 'livechat_channel_id'
def _email_livechat_transcript(self, email):
company = self.env.user.company_id
render_context = {
"company": company,
"channel": self,
mail_body = self.env['ir.qweb']._render('im_livechat.livechat_email_template', render_context, minimal_qcontext=True)
mail_body = self.env['mail.render.mixin']._replace_local_links(mail_body)
mail = self.env['mail.mail'].sudo().create({
'subject': _('Conversation with %s', self.livechat_operator_id.user_livechat_username or self.livechat_operator_id.name),
'email_from': company.catchall_formatted or company.email_formatted,
'author_id': self.env.user.partner_id.id,
'email_to': email,
'body_html': mail_body,
def _get_channel_history(self):
Converting message body back to plaintext for correct data formatting in HTML field.
return Markup('').join(
Markup('%s: %s<br/>') % (message.author_id.name or self.anonymous_name, html2plaintext(message.body))
for message in self.message_ids.sorted('id')
# =======================
# Chatbot
# =======================
def _chatbot_find_customer_values_in_messages(self, step_type_to_field):
Look for user's input in the channel's messages based on a dictionary
mapping the step_type to the field name of the model it will be used on.
:param dict step_type_to_field: a dict of step types to customer fields
to fill, like : {'question_email': 'email_from', 'question_phone': 'mobile'}
values = {}
filtered_message_ids = self.chatbot_message_ids.filtered(
# sudo: chatbot.script.step - getting the type of the current step
lambda m: m.script_step_id.sudo().step_type in step_type_to_field
for message_id in filtered_message_ids:
field_name = step_type_to_field[message_id.script_step_id.step_type]
if not values.get(field_name):
values[field_name] = html2plaintext(message_id.user_raw_answer or '')
return values
def _chatbot_post_message(self, chatbot_script, body):
""" Small helper to post a message as the chatbot operator
:param record chatbot_script
:param string body: message HTML body """
# sudo: mail.message - chat bot is allowed to post a message which
# requires reading its partner among other things.
return self.with_context(mail_create_nosubscribe=True).sudo().message_post(
def _chatbot_validate_email(self, email_address, chatbot_script):
email_address = html2plaintext(email_address)
email_normalized = email_normalize(email_address)
posted_message = False
error_message = False
if not email_normalized:
error_message = _(
"'%(input_email)s' does not look like a valid email. Can you please try again?",
posted_message = self._chatbot_post_message(chatbot_script, plaintext2html(error_message))
return {
'success': bool(email_normalized),
'posted_message': posted_message,
'error_message': error_message,
def _message_post_after_hook(self, message, msg_vals):
This method is called just before _notify_thread() method which is calling the _to_store()
method. We need a 'chatbot.message' record before it happens to correctly display the message.
It's created only if the mail channel is linked to a chatbot step. We also need to save the
user answer if the current step is a question selection.
if self.chatbot_current_step_id:
selected_answer = (
if selected_answer in self.chatbot_current_step_id.answer_ids:
# sudo - chatbot.message: finding the question message to update the user answer is allowed.
question_msg = (
("discuss_channel_id", "=", self.id),
("script_step_id", "=", self.chatbot_current_step_id.id),
order="id DESC",
question_msg.user_script_answer_id = selected_answer
if store := self.env.context.get("message_post_store"):
store.add(message, for_current_user=True).add(question_msg.mail_message_id)
"mail_message_id": message.id,
"discuss_channel_id": self.id,
"script_step_id": self.chatbot_current_step_id.id,
return super()._message_post_after_hook(message, msg_vals)
def _chatbot_restart(self, chatbot_script):
# sudo: discuss.channel - visitor can clear current step to restart the script
self.sudo().chatbot_current_step_id = False
# sudo: discuss.channel - visitor can reactivate livechat
self.sudo().livechat_active = True
# sudo: chatbot.message - visitor can clear chatbot messages to restart the script
return self._chatbot_post_message(
Markup('<div class="o_mail_notification">%s</div>') % _('Restarting conversation...'),
def _types_allowing_seen_infos(self):
return super()._types_allowing_seen_infos() + ["livechat"]