2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00

133 lines
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
from odoo import models
from odoo.tools.float_utils import float_repr
class AccountMoveLine(models.Model):
_inherit = 'account.move.line'
def _l10n_cl_prices_and_taxes(self):
""" this method is preserved here to allow compatibility with old templates,
Nevertheless it will be deprecated in future versions, since it had been replaced by
the method _l10n_cl_get_line_amounts, which is the same method used to calculate
the values for the XML (DTE) file
invoice = self.move_id
included_taxes = self.tax_ids.filtered(lambda x: x.l10n_cl_sii_code == 14) if self.move_id._l10n_cl_include_sii() else self.tax_ids
if not included_taxes:
price_unit = self.tax_ids.compute_all(
price_unit = price_unit['total_excluded']
price_subtotal = self.price_subtotal
price_unit = included_taxes.compute_all(
self.price_unit, invoice.currency_id, 1.0, self.product_id, invoice.partner_id)['total_included']
price = self.price_unit * (1 - (self.discount or 0.0) / 100.0)
price_subtotal = included_taxes.compute_all(
price, invoice.currency_id, self.quantity, self.product_id, invoice.partner_id)['total_included']
price_net = price_unit * (1 - (self.discount or 0.0) / 100.0)
return {
'price_unit': price_unit,
'price_subtotal': price_subtotal,
'price_net': price_net
def _l10n_cl_get_line_amounts(self):
This method is used to calculate the amount and taxes of the lines required in the Chilean localization
electronic documents.
# If in this fix we should check for boletas, we have the following cases, and how this affects the xml
# for facturas and boletas:
# 1. local invoice in same currency tax not included in price
# 2. local invoice in same currency tax included in price (there is difference of -1 peso in amount_untaxed
# and +1 peso in vat tax amount. The lines are OK
# 3. local invoice in different currency tax not included in price
# 4. local invoice in different currency tax include in price -> this is the most problematic case because
# 5. foreign invoice in different currency (without tax)
if self.display_type != 'product':
return {
'price_subtotal': 0,
line_sign = self.price_subtotal / abs(self.price_subtotal) if self.price_subtotal else 0
domestic_invoice_other_currency = self.move_id.currency_id != self.move_id.company_id.currency_id and not \
export = self.move_id.l10n_latam_document_type_id._is_doc_type_export()
if not export:
# This is to manage case 1, 2, 3 and 4
# cases 1 and 2: domestic invoice in same currency and cases 3 and 4 with other currency
main_currency = self.move_id.company_id.currency_id
main_currency_field = 'balance'
second_currency_field = 'price_subtotal'
second_currency = self.currency_id
main_currency_rate = 1
second_currency_rate = 1 / self.move_id.invoice_currency_rate if self.move_id.invoice_currency_rate else 1
inverse_rate = second_currency_rate if domestic_invoice_other_currency else main_currency_rate
# This is to manage case 5 (export docs)
main_currency = self.currency_id
second_currency = self.move_id.company_id.currency_id
main_currency_field = 'price_subtotal'
second_currency_field = 'balance'
inverse_rate = 1 / self.move_id.invoice_currency_rate if self.move_id.invoice_currency_rate else 1
price_subtotal = abs(self[main_currency_field]) * line_sign
if self.quantity and self.discount != 100.0:
price_unit = (price_subtotal / abs(self.quantity)) / (1 - self.discount / 100)
if self.move_id.l10n_latam_document_type_id._is_doc_type_electronic_ticket():
price_item_document = (self.price_total / abs(self.quantity)) / (1 - self.discount / 100)
price_line_document = self.price_total
price_item_document = price_unit
price_line_document = price_subtotal
price_item_document = price_line_document = 0.0
price_unit = self.price_unit
if self.discount == 100:
price_before_discount = price_unit * self.quantity
price_before_discount = price_subtotal / (1 - self.discount / 100)
discount_amount = price_before_discount * self.discount / 100
values = {
'decimal_places': main_currency.decimal_places,
'price_item': round(price_unit, 6),
'price_item_document': round(price_item_document, 2),
'price_line_document': price_line_document,
'total_discount': main_currency.round(discount_amount),
'price_subtotal': main_currency.round(price_subtotal),
'exempt': bool(not self.tax_ids),
'main_currency': main_currency,
if domestic_invoice_other_currency or export:
price_subtotal_second = abs(self[second_currency_field]) * line_sign
if self.quantity and self.discount != 100.0:
price_unit_second = (price_subtotal_second / abs(self.quantity)) / (1 - self.discount / 100)
price_unit_second = self.price_unit
discount_amount_second = price_unit_second * self.quantity - price_subtotal_second
values['second_currency'] = {
'price': second_currency.round(price_unit_second),
'currency_name': self.move_id._format_length(second_currency.name, 3),
'conversion_rate': round(inverse_rate, 4),
'amount_discount': second_currency.round(discount_amount_second),
'total_amount': second_currency.round(price_subtotal_second),
'round_currency': second_currency.decimal_places,
values['line_description'] = '%s (%s: %s @ %s)' % (
float_repr(values['second_currency']['price'], values['second_currency']['round_currency']),
self.move_id._float_repr_float_round(values['second_currency']['conversion_rate'], values['second_currency']['round_currency']),
) if values.get('second_currency') and not self.l10n_latam_document_type_id._is_doc_type_export() else self.name
return values