204 lines
9.5 KiB
204 lines
9.5 KiB
import io
import requests
import zipfile
from lxml import etree
from odoo import models, fields, api, _
NS_UPLOAD = {"ns": "mfp:anaf:dgti:spv:respUploadFisier:v1"}
NS_STATUS = {"ns": "mfp:anaf:dgti:efactura:stareMesajFactura:v1"}
NS_HEADER = {"ns": "mfp:anaf:dgti:efactura:mesajEroriFactuta:v1"}
NS_SIGNATURE = {"ns": "http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#"}
def make_efactura_request(session, company, endpoint, method, params, data=None) -> dict[str, str | bytes]:
Make an API request to the Romanian SPV, handle the response, and return a ``result`` dictionary.
:param session: ``requests`` or ``requests.Session()`` object
:param company: ``res.company`` object containing l10n_ro_edi_test_env, l10n_ro_edi_access_token
:param endpoint: ``upload`` (for sending) | ``stareMesaj`` (for fetching status) | ``descarcare`` (for downloading answer)
:param method: ``post`` (for `upload`) | ``get`` (for `stareMesaj` | `descarcare`)
:param params: Dictionary of query parameters
:param data: XML data for ``upload`` request
:return: Dictionary of {'error': <str>} or {'content': <response.content>} from E-Factura
send_mode = 'test' if company.l10n_ro_edi_test_env else 'prod'
url = f"https://api.anaf.ro/{send_mode}/FCTEL/rest/{endpoint}"
headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/xml',
'Authorization': f'Bearer {company.l10n_ro_edi_access_token}'}
response = session.request(method=method, url=url, params=params, data=data, headers=headers, timeout=60)
except requests.HTTPError as e:
return {'error': str(e)}
if response.status_code == 204:
return {'error': _('You reached the limit of requests. Please try again later.')}
if response.status_code == 400:
error_json = response.json()
return {'error': error_json['message']}
if response.status_code == 401:
return {'error': _('Access token is unauthorized.')}
if response.status_code == 403:
return {'error': _('Access token is forbidden.')}
if response.status_code == 500:
return {'error': _('There is something wrong with the SPV. Please try again later.')}
return {'content': response.content}
class L10nRoEdiDocument(models.Model):
_name = 'l10n_ro_edi.document'
_description = "Document object for tracking CIUS-RO XML sent to E-Factura"
_order = 'datetime DESC, id DESC'
invoice_id = fields.Many2one(comodel_name='account.move', required=True)
state = fields.Selection(
('invoice_sent', 'Sent'),
('invoice_sending_failed', 'Error'),
('invoice_validated', 'Validated'),
string='E-Factura Status',
help="""Sent -> Successfully sent to the SPV, waiting for validation.
Validated -> Sent & validated by the SPV.
Error -> Sending error or validation error from the SPV.""",
datetime = fields.Datetime(default=fields.Datetime.now, required=True)
attachment_id = fields.Many2one(comodel_name='ir.attachment')
message = fields.Char()
key_loading = fields.Char(string="E-Factura Index") # To be used to fetch the status of previously sent XML
key_signature = fields.Char() # Received from a successful response: to be saved for government purposes
key_certificate = fields.Char() # Received from a successful response: to be saved for government purposes
def _request_ciusro_send_invoice(self, company, xml_data, move_type='out_invoice'):
This method makes an 'upload' request to send xml_data to Romanian SPV.Based on the result, it will then process
the answer and return a dictionary, which may consist of either an 'error' or a 'key_loading' string.
:param company: ``res.company`` object
:param xml_data: String of XML data to be sent
:param move_type: ``move_type`` field from ``account.move`` object, used for the request parameter
:return: Result dictionary -> {'error': <str>} | {'key_loading': <str>}
result = make_efactura_request(
params={'standard': 'UBL' if move_type == 'out_invoice' else 'CN',
'cif': company.vat.replace('RO', '')},
if 'error' in result:
return result
root = etree.fromstring(result['content'])
res_status = root.get('ExecutionStatus')
if res_status == '1':
error_elements = root.findall('.//ns:Errors', namespaces=NS_UPLOAD)
error_messages = [error_element.get('errorMessage') for error_element in error_elements]
return {'error': '\n'.join(error_messages)}
return {'key_loading': root.get('index_incarcare')}
def _request_ciusro_fetch_status(self, company, key_loading, session):
This method makes a "Fetch Status" (GET/stareMesaj) request to the Romanian SPV. After processing the response,
it will return one of the following three possible objects:
- {'error': <str>} ~ failing response from a bad request
- {'key_download': <str>} ~ The response was successful, and we can use this key to download the answer
- {} ~ (empty dict) The response was successful but the SPV haven't finished processing the XML yet.
:param company: ``res.company`` object
:param key_loading: Content of ``key_loading`` received from ``_request_ciusro_send_invoice``
:param session: ``requests.Session()`` object
:return: {'error': <str>} | {'key_download': <str>} | {}
result = make_efactura_request(
params={'id_incarcare': key_loading},
if 'error' in result:
return result
root = etree.fromstring(result['content'])
error_elements = root.findall('.//ns:Errors', namespaces=NS_STATUS)
if error_elements:
return {'error': '\n'.join(error_element.get('errorMessage') for error_element in error_elements)}
state_status = root.get('stare')
if state_status in ('nok', 'ok'):
return {'key_download': root.get('id_descarcare'), 'state_status': state_status}
return {}
def _request_ciusro_download_answer(self, company, key_download, session, status=None):
This method makes a "Download Answer" (GET/descarcare) request to the Romanian SPV. It then processes the
response by opening the received zip file and returns either:
- {'error': <str>} ~ failing response from a bad request / unaccepted XML answer from the SPV
- <successful response dictionary> ~ contains the necessary information to be stored from the SPV
:param company: ``res.company`` object
:param key_download: Content of `key_download` received from `_request_ciusro_send_invoice`
:param session: ``requests.Session()`` object
:return: {'attachment_raw': <str>, 'key_signature': <str>, 'key_certificate': <str>, 'error': <str>}
result = make_efactura_request(
params={'id': key_download},
if 'error' in result:
return result
# E-Factura gives download response in ZIP format
zip_ref = zipfile.ZipFile(io.BytesIO(result['content']))
# The ZIP will contain two files, one with the original invoice or with the identified errors (as the case may be)
# and the other with the electronic signature (containing 'semnatura').
# If there is an error (status == 'nok') we want to provide the file with the errors.
if status == 'nok':
signature_file = next(file for file in zip_ref.namelist() if 'semnatura' not in file)
signature_file = next(file for file in zip_ref.namelist() if 'semnatura' in file)
xml_bytes = zip_ref.open(signature_file)
root = etree.parse(xml_bytes)
error_elements = root.findall('.//ns:Error', namespaces=NS_HEADER)
if error_elements:
error_message = ('\n\n').join(error.get('errorMessage') for error in error_elements)
# Pretty-print the XML content of the signature file to be saved as attachment
attachment_raw = etree.tostring(root, pretty_print=True, xml_declaration=True, encoding='UTF-8')
return {
'attachment_raw': attachment_raw,
'key_signature': root.findtext('.//ns:SignatureValue', namespaces=NS_SIGNATURE),
'key_certificate': root.findtext('.//ns:X509Certificate', namespaces=NS_SIGNATURE),
'error': error_message if error_elements else False,
def action_l10n_ro_edi_fetch_status(self):
""" Fetch the latest response from E-Factura about the XML sent """
# Do the batch fetch process on a single invoice/document
def action_l10n_ro_edi_download_signature(self):
""" Download the received successful signature XML file from E-Factura """
return {
'type': 'ir.actions.act_url',
'url': f'/web/content/{self.attachment_id.id}?download=true',