2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00

198 lines
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
import math
from datetime import time
from itertools import chain
from pytz import utc
from odoo import fields
from odoo.osv.expression import normalize_domain, is_leaf, NOT_OPERATOR
from odoo.tools.float_utils import float_round
# Default hour per day value. The one should
# only be used when the one from the calendar
# is not available.
# This will generate 16th of days
def make_aware(dt):
""" Return ``dt`` with an explicit timezone, together with a function to
convert a datetime to the same (naive or aware) timezone as ``dt``.
if dt.tzinfo:
return dt, lambda val: val.astimezone(dt.tzinfo)
return dt.replace(tzinfo=utc), lambda val: val.astimezone(utc).replace(tzinfo=None)
def string_to_datetime(value):
""" Convert the given string value to a datetime in UTC. """
return utc.localize(fields.Datetime.from_string(value))
def datetime_to_string(dt):
""" Convert the given datetime (converted in UTC) to a string value. """
return fields.Datetime.to_string(dt.astimezone(utc))
def float_to_time(hours):
""" Convert a number of hours into a time object. """
if hours == 24.0:
return time.max
fractional, integral = math.modf(hours)
return time(int(integral), int(float_round(60 * fractional, precision_digits=0)), 0)
def _boundaries(intervals, opening, closing):
""" Iterate on the boundaries of intervals. """
for start, stop, recs in intervals:
if start < stop:
yield (start, opening, recs)
yield (stop, closing, recs)
def filter_domain_leaf(domain, field_check, field_name_mapping=None):
filter_domain_lead only keep the leaves of a domain that verify a given check. Logical operators that involves
a leaf that is undetermined (because it does not pass the check) are ignored.
each operator is a logic gate:
- '&' and '|' take two entries and can be ignored if one of them (or the two of them) is undetermined
-'!' takes one entry and can be ignored if this entry is undetermined
- domain: the domain that needs to be filtered
- field_check: the function that the field name used in the leaf needs to verify to keep the leaf
- field_name_mapping: dictionary of the form {'field_name': 'new_field_name', ...}. Occurences of 'field_name'
in the first element of domain leaves will be replaced by 'new_field_name'. This is usefull when adapting a
domain from one model to another when some field names do not match the names of the corresponding fields in
the new model.
returns: The filtered version of the domain
domain = normalize_domain(domain)
field_name_mapping = field_name_mapping or {}
stack = [] # stack of elements (leaf or operator) to conserve (reversing it gives a domain)
ignored_elems = [] # history of ignored elements in the domain (not added to the stack)
# if the top of the stack ignored_elems is:
# - True: indicates that the last browsed elem has been ignored
# - False: indicates that the last browsed elem has been added to the stack
# When an operator is applied to some elements, they are removed from the ignored_elems stack
# (and replaced by the ignored_elems flag of the operator)
while domain:
next_elem = domain.pop() # Browsing the domain backward simplifies the filtering
if is_leaf(next_elem):
field_name, op, value = next_elem
if field_check(field_name):
field_name = field_name_mapping.get(field_name, field_name)
stack.append((field_name, op, value))
elif next_elem == NOT_OPERATOR:
ignore_operation = ignored_elems.pop()
if not ignore_operation:
else: # OR/AND operation
ignore_operand1 = ignored_elems.pop()
ignore_operand2 = ignored_elems.pop()
if not ignore_operand1 and not ignore_operand2:
elif ignore_operand1 and ignore_operand2:
ignored_elems.append(False) # the AND/OR operation is replaced by one of its operand which cannot be ignored
return list(reversed(stack))
class Intervals(object):
""" Collection of ordered disjoint intervals with some associated records.
Each interval is a triple ``(start, stop, records)``, where ``records``
is a recordset.
def __init__(self, intervals=()):
self._items = []
if intervals:
# normalize the representation of intervals
append = self._items.append
starts = []
recses = []
for value, flag, recs in sorted(_boundaries(intervals, 'start', 'stop')):
if flag == 'start':
start = starts.pop()
if not starts:
append((start, value, recses[0].union(*recses)))
def __bool__(self):
return bool(self._items)
def __len__(self):
return len(self._items)
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self._items)
def __reversed__(self):
return reversed(self._items)
def __or__(self, other):
""" Return the union of two sets of intervals. """
return Intervals(chain(self._items, other._items))
def __and__(self, other):
""" Return the intersection of two sets of intervals. """
return self._merge(other, False)
def __sub__(self, other):
""" Return the difference of two sets of intervals. """
return self._merge(other, True)
def _merge(self, other, difference):
""" Return the difference or intersection of two sets of intervals. """
result = Intervals()
append = result._items.append
# using 'self' and 'other' below forces normalization
bounds1 = _boundaries(self, 'start', 'stop')
bounds2 = _boundaries(other, 'switch', 'switch')
start = None # set by start/stop
recs1 = None # set by start
enabled = difference # changed by switch
for value, flag, recs in sorted(chain(bounds1, bounds2)):
if flag == 'start':
start = value
recs1 = recs
elif flag == 'stop':
if enabled and start < value:
append((start, value, recs1))
start = None
if not enabled and start is not None:
start = value
if enabled and start is not None and start < value:
append((start, value, recs1))
enabled = not enabled
return result
def sum_intervals(intervals):
""" Sum the intervals duration (unit : hour)"""
return sum(
(stop - start).total_seconds() / 3600
for start, stop, meta in intervals
def timezone_datetime(time):
if not time.tzinfo:
time = time.replace(tzinfo=utc)
return time