2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00

119 lines
4.9 KiB

# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
import json
import logging
import warnings
import werkzeug
import werkzeug.exceptions
import werkzeug.utils
import werkzeug.wrappers
import werkzeug.wsgi
import odoo
import odoo.modules.registry
from odoo import http
from odoo.modules import get_manifest
from odoo.http import request
from odoo.tools.misc import file_path
from .utils import _local_web_translations
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class WebClient(http.Controller):
@http.route('/web/webclient/bootstrap_translations', type='json', auth="none")
def bootstrap_translations(self, mods=None):
""" Load local translations from *.po files, as a temporary solution
until we have established a valid session. This is meant only
for translating the login page and db management chrome, using
the browser's language. """
# For performance reasons we only load a single translation, so for
# sub-languages (that should only be partially translated) we load the
# main language PO instead - that should be enough for the login screen.
lang = request.env.context['lang'].partition('_')[0]
if mods is None:
mods = odoo.conf.server_wide_modules or []
if request.db:
mods = request.env.registry._init_modules.union(mods)
translations_per_module = {}
for addon_name in mods:
manifest = get_manifest(addon_name)
if manifest and manifest['bootstrap']:
f_name = file_path(f'{addon_name}/i18n/{lang}.po')
if not f_name:
translations_per_module[addon_name] = {'messages': _local_web_translations(f_name)}
return {"modules": translations_per_module,
"lang_parameters": None}
@http.route('/web/webclient/translations/<string:unique>', type='http', auth='public', cors='*', readonly=True)
def translations(self, unique, mods=None, lang=None):
Load the translations for the specified language and modules
:param unique: this parameters is not used, but mandatory: it is used by the HTTP stack to make a unique request
:param mods: the modules, a comma separated list
:param lang: the language of the user
if mods:
mods = mods.split(',')
elif mods is None:
mods = list(request.env.registry._init_modules) + (odoo.conf.server_wide_modules or [])
if lang and lang not in {code for code, _ in request.env['res.lang'].sudo().get_installed()}:
lang = None
translations_per_module, lang_params = request.env["ir.http"].get_translations_for_webclient(mods, lang)
body = {
'lang': lang,
'lang_parameters': lang_params,
'modules': translations_per_module,
'multi_lang': len(request.env['res.lang'].sudo().get_installed()) > 1,
# The type of the route is set to HTTP, but the rpc is made with a get and expects JSON
response = request.make_json_response(body, [
('Cache-Control', f'public, max-age={http.STATIC_CACHE_LONG}'),
return response
@http.route('/web/webclient/version_info', type='json', auth="none")
def version_info(self):
return odoo.service.common.exp_version()
@http.route('/web/tests', type='http', auth='user', readonly=True)
def unit_tests_suite(self, mod=None, **kwargs):
return request.render('web.unit_tests_suite', {'session_info': {'view_info': request.env['ir.ui.view'].get_view_info()}})
@http.route('/web/tests/legacy', type='http', auth='user', readonly=True)
def test_suite(self, mod=None, **kwargs):
return request.render('web.qunit_suite', {'session_info': {'view_info': request.env['ir.ui.view'].get_view_info()}})
@http.route('/web/tests/legacy/mobile', type='http', auth="none")
def test_mobile_suite(self, mod=None, **kwargs):
return request.render('web.qunit_mobile_suite', {'session_info': {'view_info': request.env['ir.ui.view'].get_view_info()}})
@http.route('/web/bundle/<string:bundle_name>', auth='public', methods=['GET'], readonly=True)
def bundle(self, bundle_name, **bundle_params):
Request the definition of a bundle, including its javascript and css bundled assets
if 'lang' in bundle_params:
debug = bundle_params.get('debug', request.session.debug)
files = request.env["ir.qweb"]._get_asset_nodes(bundle_name, debug=debug, js=True, css=True)
data = [{
"type": tag,
"src": attrs.get("src") or attrs.get("data-src") or attrs.get('href'),
} for tag, attrs in files]
return request.make_json_response(data)