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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
from odoo import api, fields, models
class ResUsersSettings(models.Model):
_name = 'res.users.settings'
_description = 'User Settings'
_rec_name = 'user_id'
user_id = fields.Many2one("res.users", string="User", required=True, ondelete="cascade", domain=[("res_users_settings_id", "=", False)])
_sql_constraints = [
('unique_user_id', 'UNIQUE(user_id)', 'One user should only have one user settings.')
def _get_fields_blacklist(self):
""" Get list of fields that won't be formatted. """
return []
def _find_or_create_for_user(self, user):
settings = user.sudo().res_users_settings_ids
if not settings:
settings = self.sudo().create({'user_id': user.id})
return settings
def _res_users_settings_format(self, fields_to_format=None):
fields_blacklist = self._get_fields_blacklist()
if fields_to_format:
fields_to_format = [field for field in fields_to_format if field not in fields_blacklist]
fields_to_format = [name for name, field in self._fields.items() if name == 'id' or (not field.automatic and name not in fields_blacklist)]
res = self._format_settings(fields_to_format)
return res
def _format_settings(self, fields_to_format):
res = self._read_format(fnames=fields_to_format)[0]
if 'user_id' in fields_to_format:
res = self._read_format(fnames=fields_to_format)[0]
res['user_id'] = {'id': self.user_id.id}
return res
def set_res_users_settings(self, new_settings):
changed_settings = {}
for setting in new_settings.keys():
if setting in self._fields and new_settings[setting] != self[setting]:
changed_settings[setting] = new_settings[setting]
formated = self._res_users_settings_format([*changed_settings.keys(), 'id'])
return formated