2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00

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# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
from . import common
from odoo.tests import Form, tagged
@tagged('post_install_l10n', '-at_install', 'post_install')
class TestManual(common.TestAr):
def setUpClass(cls):
super(TestManual, cls).setUpClass()
cls.journal = cls._create_journal(cls, 'preprinted')
cls.partner = cls.res_partner_adhoc
def test_01_create_invoice(self):
""" Create and validate an invoice for a Responsable Inscripto
* Proper set the current user company
* Properly set the tax amount of the product / partner
* Proper fiscal position (this case not fiscal position is selected)
invoice = self._create_invoice()
self.assertEqual(invoice.company_id, self.company_ri, 'created with wrong company')
self.assertEqual(invoice.amount_tax, 21, 'invoice taxes are not properly set')
self.assertEqual(invoice.amount_total, 121.0, 'invoice taxes has not been applied to the total')
self.assertEqual(invoice.l10n_latam_document_type_id, self.document_type['invoice_a'], 'selected document type should be Factura A')
self.assertEqual(invoice.state, 'posted', 'invoice has not been validate in Odoo')
self.assertEqual(invoice.name, 'FA-A %05d-00000001' % self.journal.l10n_ar_afip_pos_number, 'Invoice number is wrong')
def test_02_fiscal_position(self):
# ADHOC SA > IVA Responsable Inscripto > Without Fiscal Positon
invoice = self._create_invoice({'partner': self.partner})
self.assertFalse(invoice.fiscal_position_id, 'Fiscal position should be set to empty')
# Consumidor Final > IVA Responsable Inscripto > Without Fiscal Positon
invoice = self._create_invoice({'partner': self.partner_cf})
self.assertFalse(invoice.fiscal_position_id, 'Fiscal position should be set to empty')
# Montana Sur > IVA Liberado - Ley Nº 19.640 > Compras / Ventas Zona Franca > IVA Exento
invoice = self._create_invoice({'partner': self.res_partner_montana_sur})
self.assertEqual(invoice.fiscal_position_id, self._search_fp('Purchases / Sales Free Trade Zone'))
# Barcelona food > Cliente / Proveedor del Exterior > > IVA Exento
invoice = self._create_invoice({'partner': self.res_partner_barcelona_food})
self.assertEqual(invoice.fiscal_position_id, self._search_fp('Purchases / Sales abroad'))
def test_03_corner_cases(self):
""" Mono partner of type Service and VAT 21 """
def test_04_corner_cases(self):
""" Exento partner with multiple VAT types 21, 27 and 10,5' """
def test_05_corner_cases(self):
""" RI partner with VAT 0 and 21 """
def test_06_corner_cases(self):
""" RI partner with VAT exempt and 21 """
def test_07_corner_cases(self):
""" RI partner with all type of taxes """
def test_08_corner_cases(self):
""" Consumidor Final """
def test_09_corner_cases(self):
""" RI partner with many lines in order to prove rounding error, with 4 decimals of precision for the
currency and 2 decimals for the product the error appear """
def test_10_corner_cases(self):
""" RI partner with many lines in order to test rounding error, it is required to use a 4 decimal precision
in product in order to the error occur """
def test_11_corner_cases(self):
""" RI partner with many lines in order to test zero amount invoices y rounding error. it is required to
set the product decimal precision to 4 and change 260,59 for 260.60 in order to reproduce the error """
def test_12_corner_cases(self):
""" RI partner with 100%% of discount """
def test_13_corner_cases(self):
""" RI partner with 100%% of discount and with different VAT aliquots """
def test_14_corner_cases(self):
""" Responsable Inscripto" in USD and VAT 21 """
def test_15_liquido_producto_sales(self):
""" Manual Numbering: Sales and not POS (Liquido Producto) """
# Verify that the default sales journals ara created as is AFIP POS
# If we create an invoice it will not use manual numbering
invoice = self._create_invoice({'partner': self.partner})
# Create a new sale journal that is not AFIP POS
self.journal = self._create_journal('preprinted', data={'l10n_ar_is_pos': False})
doc_27_lu_a = self.env.ref('l10n_ar.dc_liq_uci_a')
payment_term_id = self.env.ref("account.account_payment_term_end_following_month")
# 60, 61, 27, 28, 45, 46
# In this case manual numbering should be True and the latam document numer should be required
with self.assertRaisesRegex(AssertionError, 'l10n_latam_document_number is a required field'):
with Form(self.env['account.move'].with_context(default_move_type='out_invoice')) as invoice_form:
invoice_form.ref = "demo_liquido_producto_1: Vendor bill liquido producto (DOC 186)"
invoice_form.partner_id = self.res_partner_adhoc
invoice_form.invoice_payment_term_id = payment_term_id
invoice_form.journal_id = self.journal
invoice_form.l10n_latam_document_type_id = doc_27_lu_a
invoice = invoice_form.save()
# Adding the document number will let us to save and validate the number without any problems
with Form(self.env['account.move'].with_context(default_move_type='out_invoice')) as invoice_form:
invoice_form.ref = "demo_liquido_producto_1: Vendor bill liquido producto (DOC 186)"
invoice_form.partner_id = self.res_partner_adhoc
invoice_form.invoice_payment_term_id = payment_term_id
invoice_form.journal_id = self.journal
invoice_form.l10n_latam_document_type_id = doc_27_lu_a
invoice_form.l10n_latam_document_number = "00077-00000077"
invoice = invoice_form.save()
def test_16_liquido_producto_purchase(self):
""" Manual Numbering: Purchase POS/ NOT POS (Liquido Producto) """
# By default purchase journals ar not AFIP POS journal
purchase_not_pos_journal = self.env["account.journal"].search([
('type', '=', 'purchase'), ('company_id', '=', self.env.company.id), ('l10n_latam_use_documents', '=', True)])
doc_60_lp_a = self.env.ref('l10n_ar.dc_a_cvl')
payment_term_id = self.env.ref("account.account_payment_term_end_following_month")
with self.assertRaisesRegex(AssertionError, 'l10n_latam_document_number is a required field'):
with Form(self.env['account.move'].with_context(default_move_type='in_invoice')) as bill_form:
bill_form.ref = "demo_liquido_producto_1: Vendor bill liquido producto (DOC 186)"
bill_form.partner_id = self.res_partner_adhoc
bill_form.invoice_payment_term_id = payment_term_id
bill_form.invoice_date = '2023-02-09'
bill_form.journal_id = purchase_not_pos_journal
bill_form.l10n_latam_document_type_id = doc_60_lp_a
bill = bill_form.save()
# Create a new journal that is an AFIP POS
purchase_pos_journal = self._create_journal('preprinted', data={'type': 'purchase', 'l10n_ar_is_pos': True})
with Form(self.env['account.move'].with_context(default_move_type='in_invoice')) as bill_form:
bill_form.ref = "demo_liquido_producto_1: Vendor bill liquido producto (DOC 186)"
bill_form.partner_id = self.res_partner_adhoc
bill_form.invoice_payment_term_id = payment_term_id
bill_form.invoice_date = '2023-02-09'
bill_form.journal_id = purchase_pos_journal
bill_form.l10n_latam_document_type_id = doc_60_lp_a
bill_form.l10n_latam_document_number = "00077-00000077"
bill = bill_form.save()
# If we create an invoice it will not use manual numbering