2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00

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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from odoo import api, fields, models, _, Command
from odoo.osv import expression
from odoo.exceptions import UserError, ValidationError
from odoo.tools import frozendict, groupby, html2plaintext, is_html_empty, split_every
from odoo.tools.float_utils import float_repr, float_round, float_compare
from odoo.tools.misc import clean_context, formatLang
from odoo.tools.translate import html_translate
from collections import defaultdict
from markupsafe import Markup
import ast
import copy
import math
import re
('sale', 'Sales'),
('purchase', 'Purchases'),
('none', 'None'),
class AccountTaxGroup(models.Model):
_name = 'account.tax.group'
_description = 'Tax Group'
_order = 'sequence asc, id'
_check_company_auto = True
_check_company_domain = models.check_company_domain_parent_of
name = fields.Char(required=True, translate=True)
sequence = fields.Integer(default=10)
company_id = fields.Many2one('res.company', required=True, default=lambda self: self.env.company)
tax_payable_account_id = fields.Many2one(
string='Tax Payable Account',
help="Tax current account used as a counterpart to the Tax Closing Entry when in favor of the authorities.")
tax_receivable_account_id = fields.Many2one(
string='Tax Receivable Account',
help="Tax current account used as a counterpart to the Tax Closing Entry when in favor of the company.")
advance_tax_payment_account_id = fields.Many2one(
string='Tax Advance Account',
help="Downpayments posted on this account will be considered by the Tax Closing Entry.")
country_id = fields.Many2one(
compute='_compute_country_id', store=True, readonly=False, precompute=True,
help="The country for which this tax group is applicable.",
country_code = fields.Char(related="country_id.code")
preceding_subtotal = fields.Char(
string="Preceding Subtotal",
help="If set, this value will be used on documents as the label of a subtotal excluding this tax group before displaying it. " \
"If not set, the tax group will be displayed after the 'Untaxed amount' subtotal.",
pos_receipt_label = fields.Char(string='PoS receipt label')
def _compute_country_id(self):
for group in self:
group.country_id = group.company_id.account_fiscal_country_id or group.company_id.country_id
def _check_misconfigured_tax_groups(self, company, countries):
""" Searches the tax groups used on the taxes from company in countries that don't have
at least a tax payable account, a tax receivable account or an advance tax payment account.
:return: A boolean telling whether or not there are misconfigured groups for any
of these countries, in this company
return bool(self.env['account.tax'].search([
('country_id', 'in', countries.ids),
('tax_group_id.tax_payable_account_id', '=', False),
('tax_group_id.tax_receivable_account_id', '=', False),
], limit=1))
class AccountTax(models.Model):
_name = 'account.tax'
_inherit = ['mail.thread']
_description = 'Tax'
_order = 'sequence,id'
_check_company_auto = True
_rec_names_search = ['name', 'description', 'invoice_label']
_check_company_domain = models.check_company_domain_parent_of
name = fields.Char(string='Tax Name', required=True, translate=True, tracking=True)
name_searchable = fields.Char(store=False, search='_search_name',
help="This dummy field lets us use another search method on the field 'name'."
"This allows more freedom on how to search the 'name' compared to 'filter_domain'."
"See '_search_name' and '_parse_name_search' for why this is not possible with 'filter_domain'.")
type_tax_use = fields.Selection(TYPE_TAX_USE, string='Tax Type', required=True, default="sale", tracking=True,
help="Determines where the tax is selectable. Note: 'None' means a tax can't be used by itself, however it can still be used in a group. 'adjustment' is used to perform tax adjustment.")
tax_scope = fields.Selection([('service', 'Services'), ('consu', 'Goods')], string="Tax Scope", help="Restrict the use of taxes to a type of product.")
amount_type = fields.Selection(default='percent', string="Tax Computation", required=True, tracking=True,
selection=[('group', 'Group of Taxes'), ('fixed', 'Fixed'), ('percent', 'Percentage'), ('division', 'Percentage Tax Included')],
- Group of Taxes: The tax is a set of sub taxes.
- Fixed: The tax amount stays the same whatever the price.
- Percentage: The tax amount is a % of the price:
e.g 100 * (1 + 10%) = 110 (not price included)
e.g 110 / (1 + 10%) = 100 (price included)
- Percentage Tax Included: The tax amount is a division of the price:
e.g 180 / (1 - 10%) = 200 (not price included)
e.g 200 * (1 - 10%) = 180 (price included)
active = fields.Boolean(default=True, help="Set active to false to hide the tax without removing it.")
company_id = fields.Many2one('res.company', string='Company', required=True, readonly=True, default=lambda self: self.env.company)
children_tax_ids = fields.Many2many('account.tax',
'account_tax_filiation_rel', 'parent_tax', 'child_tax',
string='Children Taxes')
sequence = fields.Integer(required=True, default=1,
help="The sequence field is used to define order in which the tax lines are applied.")
amount = fields.Float(required=True, digits=(16, 4), default=0.0, tracking=True)
description = fields.Html(string='Description', translate=html_translate)
invoice_label = fields.Char(string='Label on Invoices', translate=True)
price_include = fields.Boolean(
help="Determines whether the price you use on the product and invoices includes this tax.")
company_price_include = fields.Selection(related="company_id.account_price_include")
price_include_override = fields.Selection(
selection=[('tax_included', 'Tax Included'), ('tax_excluded', 'Tax Excluded')],
string='Included in Price',
help="Overrides the Company's default on whether the price you use on the product and invoices includes this tax."
include_base_amount = fields.Boolean(string='Affect Base of Subsequent Taxes', default=False, tracking=True,
help="If set, taxes with a higher sequence than this one will be affected by it, provided they accept it.")
is_base_affected = fields.Boolean(
string="Base Affected by Previous Taxes",
help="If set, taxes with a lower sequence might affect this one, provided they try to do it.")
analytic = fields.Boolean(string="Include in Analytic Cost", help="If set, the amount computed by this tax will be assigned to the same analytic account as the invoice line (if any)")
tax_group_id = fields.Many2one(
string="Tax Group",
compute='_compute_tax_group_id', readonly=False, store=True,
required=True, precompute=True,
domain="[('country_id', 'in', (country_id, False))]")
# Technical field to make the 'tax_exigibility' field invisible if the same named field is set to false in 'res.company' model
hide_tax_exigibility = fields.Boolean(string='Hide Use Cash Basis Option', related='company_id.tax_exigibility', readonly=True)
tax_exigibility = fields.Selection(
[('on_invoice', 'Based on Invoice'),
('on_payment', 'Based on Payment'),
], string='Tax Exigibility', default='on_invoice',
help="Based on Invoice: the tax is due as soon as the invoice is validated.\n"
"Based on Payment: the tax is due as soon as the payment of the invoice is received.")
cash_basis_transition_account_id = fields.Many2one(string="Cash Basis Transition Account",
domain="[('deprecated', '=', False)]",
help="Account used to transition the tax amount for cash basis taxes. It will contain the tax amount as long as the original invoice has not been reconciled ; at reconciliation, this amount cancelled on this account and put on the regular tax account.")
invoice_repartition_line_ids = fields.One2many(
string="Distribution for Invoices",
compute='_compute_invoice_repartition_line_ids', store=True, readonly=False,
domain=[('document_type', '=', 'invoice')],
help="Distribution when the tax is used on an invoice",
refund_repartition_line_ids = fields.One2many(
string="Distribution for Refund Invoices",
compute='_compute_refund_repartition_line_ids', store=True, readonly=False,
domain=[('document_type', '=', 'refund')],
help="Distribution when the tax is used on a refund",
repartition_line_ids = fields.One2many(
country_id = fields.Many2one(
compute='_compute_country_id', readonly=False, store=True,
required=True, precompute=True,
help="The country for which this tax is applicable.",
country_code = fields.Char(related='country_id.code', readonly=True)
is_used = fields.Boolean(string="Tax used", compute='_compute_is_used')
repartition_lines_str = fields.Char(string="Repartition Lines", tracking=True, compute='_compute_repartition_lines_str')
invoice_legal_notes = fields.Html(string="Legal Notes", help="Legal mentions that have to be printed on the invoices.")
# Technical field depicting if the tax has at least one repartition line with a percentage below 0.
# Used for the taxes computation to manage the reverse charge taxes having a repartition +100 -100.
has_negative_factor = fields.Boolean(compute='_compute_has_negative_factor')
@api.constrains('company_id', 'name', 'type_tax_use', 'tax_scope', 'country_id')
def _constrains_name(self):
for taxes in split_every(100, self.ids, self.browse):
domains = []
for tax in taxes:
if tax.type_tax_use != 'none':
('company_id', 'child_of', tax.company_id.root_id.id),
('name', '=', tax.name),
('type_tax_use', '=', tax.type_tax_use),
('tax_scope', '=', tax.tax_scope),
('country_id', '=', tax.country_id.id),
('id', '!=', tax.id),
if duplicates := self.search(expression.OR(domains)):
raise ValidationError(
_("Tax names must be unique!")
+ "\n" + "\n".join(_(
"- %(name)s in %(company)s",
) for duplicate in duplicates)
def validate_tax_group_id(self):
for record in self:
if record.tax_group_id.country_id and record.tax_group_id.country_id != record.country_id:
raise ValidationError(_("The tax group must have the same country_id as the tax using it."))
def _compute_country_id(self):
for tax in self:
tax.country_id = tax.company_id.account_fiscal_country_id or tax.company_id.country_id or tax.country_id
@api.depends('company_id', 'country_id')
def _compute_tax_group_id(self):
by_country_company = defaultdict(self.browse)
for tax in self:
if (
not tax.tax_group_id
or tax.tax_group_id.country_id != tax.country_id
or tax.tax_group_id.company_id != tax.company_id
by_country_company[(tax.country_id, tax.company_id)] += tax
for (country, company), taxes in by_country_company.items():
taxes.tax_group_id = self.env['account.tax.group'].search([
('country_id', '=', country.id),
], limit=1) or self.env['account.tax.group'].search([
('country_id', '=', False),
], limit=1)
def _compute_price_include(self):
for tax in self:
tax.price_include = (
tax.price_include_override == 'tax_included'
or (tax.company_price_include == 'tax_included'
and not tax.price_include_override)
def _search_price_include(self, operator, value):
if isinstance(value, bool):
tax_value = 'tax_included' if value else 'tax_excluded'
return [
'|', ('price_include_override', operator, tax_value),
'&', ('price_include_override', '=', False),
('company_price_include', operator, tax_value),
raise NotImplementedError()
def _hook_compute_is_used(self, tax_to_compute):
Override to compute the ids of taxes used in other modules. It takes
as parameter a set of tax ids. It should return a set containing the
ids of the taxes from that input set that are used in transactions.
return set()
def _compute_is_used(self):
used_taxes = set()
# Fetch for taxes used in account moves
FROM account_tax
FROM account_move_line_account_tax_rel AS line
WHERE account_tax_id IN %s
AND account_tax.id = line.account_tax_id
""", [tuple(self.ids)])
used_taxes.update([tax[0] for tax in self.env.cr.fetchall()])
taxes_to_compute = set(self.ids) - used_taxes
# Fetch for taxes used in reconciliation
if taxes_to_compute:
FROM account_tax
FROM account_reconcile_model_line_account_tax_rel AS reco
WHERE account_tax_id IN %s
AND account_tax.id = reco.account_tax_id
""", [tuple(taxes_to_compute)])
used_taxes.update([tax[0] for tax in self.env.cr.fetchall()])
taxes_to_compute -= used_taxes
# Fetch for tax used in other modules
if taxes_to_compute:
for tax in self:
tax.is_used = tax.id in used_taxes
@api.depends('repartition_line_ids.account_id', 'repartition_line_ids.sequence', 'repartition_line_ids.factor_percent', 'repartition_line_ids.use_in_tax_closing', 'repartition_line_ids.tag_ids')
def _compute_repartition_lines_str(self):
for tax in self:
repartition_lines_str = tax.repartition_lines_str or ""
if tax.is_used:
repartition_line_info = {}
invoice_sequence = 0
refund_sequence = 0
for repartition_line in tax.repartition_line_ids.sorted(key=lambda r: (r.document_type, r.sequence)):
# Clean sequence numbers to avoid unnecessary logging when complex
# operations are executed such as:
# 1. Create a invoice repartition line with a factor of 50%
# 2. Delete the invoice line above
# 3. Update the last refund repartition line factor to 50%
sequence = (invoice_sequence := invoice_sequence + 1) if repartition_line.document_type == 'invoice' else (refund_sequence := refund_sequence + 1)
repartition_line_info[(repartition_line.document_type, sequence)] = {
_('Factor Percent'): repartition_line.factor_percent,
_('Account'): repartition_line.account_id.display_name or _('None'),
_('Tax Grids'): repartition_line.tag_ids.mapped('name') or _('None'),
_('Use in tax closing'): _('True') if repartition_line.use_in_tax_closing else _('False'),
repartition_lines_str = str(repartition_line_info)
tax.repartition_lines_str = repartition_lines_str
def _message_log_repartition_lines(self, old_values_str, new_values_str):
if not self.is_used:
old_line_values_dict = ast.literal_eval(old_values_str or '{}')
new_line_values_dict = ast.literal_eval(new_values_str)
# Categorize the lines that were added/removed/modified
modified_lines = [
(line, old_line_values_dict[line], new_line_values_dict[line])
for line in old_line_values_dict.keys() & new_line_values_dict.keys()
added_and_deleted_lines = [
(line, self.env._('Removed'), old_line_values_dict[line])
if line in old_line_values_dict
else (line, self.env._('New'), new_line_values_dict[line])
for line in old_line_values_dict.keys() ^ new_line_values_dict.keys()
for (document_type, sequence), old_value, new_value in modified_lines:
diff_keys = [key for key in old_value if old_value[key] != new_value[key]]
if diff_keys:
body = Markup("<b>{type}</b> {rep} {seq}:<ul class='mb-0 ps-4'>{changes}</ul>").format(
rep=_('repartition line'),
<span class='o-mail-Message-trackingOld me-1 px-1 text-muted fw-bold'>{old}</span>
<i class='o-mail-Message-trackingSeparator fa fa-long-arrow-right mx-1 text-600'/>
<span class='o-mail-Message-trackingNew me-1 fw-bold text-info'>{new}</span>
<span class='o-mail-Message-trackingField ms-1 fst-italic text-muted'>({diff})</span>
""").format(old=old_value[diff_key], new=new_value[diff_key], diff=diff_key)
for diff_key in diff_keys]
for (document_type, sequence), operation, value in added_and_deleted_lines:
body = Markup("<b>{op} {type}</b> {rep} {seq}:<ul class='mb-0 ps-4'>{changes}</ul>").format(
rep=_('repartition line'),
<span class='o-mail-Message-trackingNew me-1 fw-bold text-info'>{value}</span>
<span class='o-mail-Message-trackingField ms-1 fst-italic text-muted'>({diff})</span>
""").format(value=value[key], diff=key)
for key in value]
def _message_log(self, **kwargs):
# OVERRIDE _message_log
# We only log the modification of the tracked fields if the tax is
# currently used in transactions. We remove the `repartition_lines_str`
# from tracked value to avoid having it logged twice (once in the raw
# string format and one in the nice formatted way thanks to
# `_message_log_repartition_lines`)
if self.is_used:
repartition_line_str_field_id = self.env['ir.model.fields']._get('account.tax', 'repartition_lines_str').id
for tracked_value_id in kwargs['tracking_value_ids']:
if tracked_value_id[2]['field_id'] == repartition_line_str_field_id:
self._message_log_repartition_lines(tracked_value_id[2]['old_value_char'], tracked_value_id[2]['new_value_char'])
return super()._message_log(**kwargs)
def _compute_invoice_repartition_line_ids(self):
for tax in self:
if not tax.invoice_repartition_line_ids:
tax.invoice_repartition_line_ids = [
Command.create({'document_type': 'invoice', 'repartition_type': 'base', 'tag_ids': []}),
Command.create({'document_type': 'invoice', 'repartition_type': 'tax', 'tag_ids': []}),
def _compute_refund_repartition_line_ids(self):
for tax in self:
if not tax.refund_repartition_line_ids:
tax.refund_repartition_line_ids = [
Command.create({'document_type': 'refund', 'repartition_type': 'base', 'tag_ids': []}),
Command.create({'document_type': 'refund', 'repartition_type': 'tax', 'tag_ids': []}),
@api.depends('invoice_repartition_line_ids.factor', 'invoice_repartition_line_ids.repartition_type')
def _compute_has_negative_factor(self):
for tax in self:
tax_reps = tax.invoice_repartition_line_ids.filtered(lambda x: x.repartition_type == 'tax')
tax.has_negative_factor = bool(tax_reps.filtered(lambda tax_rep: tax_rep.factor < 0.0))
def _parse_name_search(name):
Parse the name to search the taxes faster.
Technical: 0EUM => 0%E%U%M
21M => 2%1%M% where the % represents 0, 1 or multiple characters in a SQL 'LIKE' search.
21" M" => 2%1% M%
21" M"co => 2%1% M%c%o%
Examples: 0EUM => VAT 0% EU M.
21M => 21% M , 21% EU M, 21% M.Cocont and 21% EX M.
21" M" => 21% M and 21% M.Cocont.
21" M"co => 21% M.Cocont.
regex = r"(\"[^\"]*\")"
list_name = re.split(regex, name)
for i, name in enumerate(list_name.copy()):
if not name:
if re.search(regex, name):
list_name[i] = "%" + name.replace("%", "_").replace("\"", "") + "%"
list_name[i] = '%'.join(re.sub(r"\W+", "", name))
return ''.join(list_name)
def _search(self, domain, offset=0, limit=None, order=None):
Intercept the search on `name` to allow searching more freely on taxes
when using `like` or `ilike`.
def preprocess_name_search(leaf):
match leaf:
case ('name', 'ilike' | 'like' as operator, str() as value):
return ('name', operator, AccountTax._parse_name_search(value))
case _:
return leaf
domain = [preprocess_name_search(leaf) for leaf in domain]
return super()._search(domain, offset, limit, order)
def _search_name(self, operator, value):
if operator not in ("ilike", "like") or not isinstance(value, str):
return [('name', operator, value)]
return [('name', operator, AccountTax._parse_name_search(value))]
def _check_repartition_lines(self, lines):
base_line = lines.filtered(lambda x: x.repartition_type == 'base')
if len(base_line) != 1:
raise ValidationError(_("Invoice and credit note distribution should each contain exactly one line for the base."))
@api.constrains('invoice_repartition_line_ids', 'refund_repartition_line_ids', 'repartition_line_ids')
def _validate_repartition_lines(self):
for record in self:
# if the tax is an aggregation of its sub-taxes (group) it can have no repartition lines
if record.amount_type == 'group' and \
not record.invoice_repartition_line_ids and \
not record.refund_repartition_line_ids:
invoice_repartition_line_ids = record.invoice_repartition_line_ids.sorted(lambda l: (l.sequence, l.id))
refund_repartition_line_ids = record.refund_repartition_line_ids.sorted(lambda l: (l.sequence, l.id))
if len(invoice_repartition_line_ids) != len(refund_repartition_line_ids):
raise ValidationError(_("Invoice and credit note distribution should have the same number of lines."))
if not invoice_repartition_line_ids.filtered(lambda x: x.repartition_type == 'tax') or \
not refund_repartition_line_ids.filtered(lambda x: x.repartition_type == 'tax'):
raise ValidationError(_("Invoice and credit note repartition should have at least one tax repartition line."))
index = 0
while index < len(invoice_repartition_line_ids):
inv_rep_ln = invoice_repartition_line_ids[index]
ref_rep_ln = refund_repartition_line_ids[index]
if inv_rep_ln.repartition_type != ref_rep_ln.repartition_type or inv_rep_ln.factor_percent != ref_rep_ln.factor_percent:
raise ValidationError(_("Invoice and credit note distribution should match (same percentages, in the same order)."))
index += 1
tax_reps = invoice_repartition_line_ids.filtered(lambda tax_rep: tax_rep.repartition_type == 'tax')
total_pos_factor = sum(tax_reps.filtered(lambda tax_rep: tax_rep.factor > 0.0).mapped('factor'))
if float_compare(total_pos_factor, 1.0, precision_digits=2):
raise ValidationError(_("Invoice and credit note distribution should have a total factor (+) equals to 100."))
total_neg_factor = sum(tax_reps.filtered(lambda tax_rep: tax_rep.factor < 0.0).mapped('factor'))
if total_neg_factor and float_compare(total_neg_factor, -1.0, precision_digits=2):
raise ValidationError(_("Invoice and credit note distribution should have a total factor (-) equals to 100."))
@api.constrains('children_tax_ids', 'type_tax_use')
def _check_children_scope(self):
for tax in self:
if tax._has_cycle('children_tax_ids'):
raise ValidationError(_("Recursion found for tax “%s”.", tax.name))
if any(
child.type_tax_use not in ('none', tax.type_tax_use)
or child.tax_scope not in (tax.tax_scope, False)
for child in tax.children_tax_ids
raise ValidationError(_('The application scope of taxes in a group must be either the same as the group or left empty.'))
if any(
child.amount_type == 'group'
for child in tax.children_tax_ids
raise ValidationError(_('Nested group of taxes are not allowed.'))
def _check_company_consistency(self):
for company, taxes in groupby(self, lambda tax: tax.company_id):
if self.env['account.move.line'].search_count([
('tax_line_id', 'in', [tax.id for tax in taxes]),
('tax_ids', 'in', [tax.id for tax in taxes]),
'!', ('company_id', 'child_of', company.id)
], limit=1):
raise UserError(_("You can't change the company of your tax since there are some journal items linked to it."))
def _sanitize_vals(self, vals):
"""Normalize the create/write values."""
sanitized = vals.copy()
# Allow to provide invoice_repartition_line_ids and refund_repartition_line_ids by dispatching them
# correctly in the repartition_line_ids
if 'repartition_line_ids' in sanitized and (
'invoice_repartition_line_ids' in sanitized
or 'refund_repartition_line_ids' in sanitized
del sanitized['repartition_line_ids']
for doc_type in ('invoice', 'refund'):
fname = f"{doc_type}_repartition_line_ids"
if fname in sanitized:
repartition = sanitized.setdefault('repartition_line_ids', [])
for command_vals in sanitized.pop(fname):
if command_vals[0] == Command.CREATE:
repartition.append(Command.create({'document_type': doc_type, **command_vals[2]}))
elif command_vals[0] == Command.UPDATE:
repartition.append(Command.update(command_vals[1], {'document_type': doc_type, **command_vals[2]}))
sanitized[fname] = []
return sanitized
def create(self, vals_list):
context = clean_context(self.env.context)
'mail_create_nosubscribe': True, # At create or message_post, do not subscribe the current user to the record thread
'mail_auto_subscribe_no_notify': True, # Do no notify users set as followers of the mail thread
'mail_create_nolog': True, # At create, do not log the automatic <Document> created message
taxes = super(AccountTax, self.with_context(context)).create([self._sanitize_vals(vals) for vals in vals_list])
return taxes
def write(self, vals):
return super().write(self._sanitize_vals(vals))
def copy_data(self, default=None):
default = dict(default or {})
vals_list = super().copy_data(default=default)
if 'name' not in default:
for tax, vals in zip(self, vals_list):
vals['name'] = _("%s (Copy)", tax.name)
return vals_list
@api.depends('type_tax_use', 'tax_scope')
def _compute_display_name(self):
type_tax_use = dict(self._fields['type_tax_use']._description_selection(self.env))
for record in self:
if name := record.name:
if self._context.get('append_type_to_tax_name'):
name += ' (%s)' % type_tax_use.get(record.type_tax_use)
if len(self.env.companies) > 1 and self.env.context.get('params', {}).get('model') == 'product.template':
name += ' (%s)' % record.company_id.display_name
if record.country_id != record.company_id._accessible_branches()[:1].account_fiscal_country_id:
name += ' (%s)' % record.country_code
record.display_name = name
def onchange_amount(self):
if self.amount_type in ('percent', 'division') and self.amount != 0.0 and not self.invoice_label:
self.invoice_label = "{0:.4g}%".format(self.amount)
def onchange_amount_type(self):
if self.amount_type != 'group':
self.children_tax_ids = [(5,)]
if self.amount_type == 'group':
self.invoice_label = None
def onchange_price_include(self):
if self.price_include:
self.include_base_amount = True
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# HELPERS IN BOTH PYTHON/JAVASCRIPT (account_tax.js / account_tax.py)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _eval_taxes_computation_prepare_product_fields(self):
""" Get the fields to create the evaluation context from the product for the taxes computation.
This method is not there in the javascript code.
Anybody wanted to use the product during the taxes computation js-side needs to preload the product fields
using this method.
:return: A set of fields to be extracted from the product to evaluate the taxes computation.
return set()
def _eval_taxes_computation_prepare_product_default_values(self, field_names):
""" Prepare the default values for the product according the fields passed as parameter.
The dictionary contains the default values to be considered if there is no product at all.
This method is not there in the javascript code.
Anybody wanted to use the product during the taxes computation js-side needs to preload the default product fields
using this method.
:param field_names: A set of fields returned by '_eval_taxes_computation_get_product_fields'.
:return: A mapping <field_name> => <field_info> where field_info is a dict containing:
* type: the type of the field.
* default_value: the default value in case there is no product.
default_value_map = {
'integer': 0,
'float': 0.0,
'monetary': 0.0,
product_fields_values = {}
for field_name in field_names:
field = self.env['product.product']._fields[field_name]
product_fields_values[field_name] = {
'type': field.type,
'default_value': default_value_map[field.type],
return product_fields_values
def _eval_taxes_computation_prepare_product_values(self, default_product_values, product=None):
""" Convert the product passed as parameter to a dictionary to be passed to '_eval_taxes_computation_prepare_context'.
[!] Mirror of the same method in account_tax.js.
Note: In javascript, this method takes an additional parameter being the results of the
'_eval_taxes_computation_prepare_product_default_values' method because this method is not callable in javascript but must
be passed to the client instead.
:param default_product_values: The default product values generated by '_eval_taxes_computation_prepare_product_default_values'.
:param product: An optional product.product record.
:return: The values representing the product.
product = product and product.sudo() # tax computation may depend on restricted fields
product_values = {}
for field_name, field_info in default_product_values.items():
product_values[field_name] = product and product[field_name] or field_info['default_value']
return product_values
def _eval_taxes_computation_turn_to_product_values(self, product=None):
""" Helper purely in Python to call:
all at once.
:param product: An optional product.product record.
:return: The values representing the product.
product_fields = self._eval_taxes_computation_prepare_product_fields()
default_product_values = self._eval_taxes_computation_prepare_product_default_values(product_fields)
return self._eval_taxes_computation_prepare_product_values(
def _batch_for_taxes_computation(self, special_mode=False):
""" Group the current taxes all together like price-included percent taxes or division taxes.
[!] Mirror of the same method in account_tax.js.
:param special_mode: The special mode of the taxes computation: False, 'total_excluded' or 'total_included'.
:return: A dictionary containing:
* batch_per_tax: A mapping of each tax to its batch.
* group_per_tax: A mapping of each tax retrieved from a group of taxes.
* sorted_taxes: A recordset of all taxes in the order on which they need to be evaluated.
Note that we consider the sequence of the parent for group of taxes.
Eg. considering letters as taxes and alphabetic order as sequence :
[G, B([A, D, F]), E, C] will be computed as [A, D, F, C, E, G]
def sort_key(tax):
return tax.sequence, tax.id
results = {
'batch_per_tax': {},
'group_per_tax': {},
'sorted_taxes': self.env['account.tax'],
# Flatten the taxes.
for tax in self.sorted(key=sort_key):
if tax.amount_type == 'group':
children = tax.children_tax_ids.sorted(key=sort_key)
results['sorted_taxes'] |= children
for child in children:
results['group_per_tax'][child.id] = tax
results['sorted_taxes'] |= tax
# Group them per batch.
batch = self.env['account.tax']
is_base_affected = False
for tax in reversed(results['sorted_taxes']):
if batch:
same_batch = (
tax.amount_type == batch[0].amount_type
and (special_mode or tax.price_include == batch[0].price_include)
and tax.include_base_amount == batch[0].include_base_amount
and (
(tax.include_base_amount and not is_base_affected)
or not tax.include_base_amount
if not same_batch:
for batch_tax in batch:
results['batch_per_tax'][batch_tax.id] = batch
batch = self.env['account.tax']
is_base_affected = tax.is_base_affected
batch |= tax
if batch:
for batch_tax in batch:
results['batch_per_tax'][batch_tax.id] = batch
return results
def _propagate_extra_taxes_base(self, tax, taxes_data, special_mode=False):
""" In some cases, depending the computation order of taxes, the special_mode or the configuration
of taxes (price included, affect base of subsequent taxes, etc), some taxes need to affect the base and
the tax amount of the others. That's the purpose of this method: adding which tax need to be added as
an 'extra_base' to the others.
[!] Mirror of the same method in account_tax.js.
:param tax: The tax for which we need to propagate the tax.
:param taxes_data: The computed values for taxes so far.
:param special_mode: The special mode of the taxes computation: False, 'total_excluded' or 'total_included'.
def get_tax_before():
for tax_before in self:
if tax_before in taxes_data[tax.id]['batch']:
yield tax_before
def get_tax_after():
for tax_after in reversed(list(self)):
if tax_after in taxes_data[tax.id]['batch']:
yield tax_after
def add_extra_base(other_tax, sign):
tax_amount = taxes_data[tax.id]['tax_amount']
if 'tax_amount' not in taxes_data[other_tax.id]:
taxes_data[other_tax.id]['extra_base_for_tax'] += sign * tax_amount
taxes_data[other_tax.id]['extra_base_for_base'] += sign * tax_amount
if tax.price_include:
# Suppose:
# 1.
# t1: price-excluded fixed tax of 1, include_base_amount
# t2: price-included 10% tax
# On a price unit of 120, t1 is computed first since the tax amount affects the price unit.
# Then, t2 can be computed on 120 + 1 = 121.
# However, since t1 is not price-included, its base amount is computed by removing first the tax amount of t2.
# 2.
# t1: price-included fixed tax of 1
# t2: price-included 10% tax
# On a price unit of 122, base amount of t2 is computed as 122 - 1 = 121
if special_mode in (False, 'total_included'):
if not tax.include_base_amount:
for other_tax in get_tax_after():
if other_tax.price_include:
add_extra_base(other_tax, -1)
for other_tax in get_tax_before():
add_extra_base(other_tax, -1)
# Suppose:
# 1.
# t1: price-included 10% tax
# t2: price-excluded 10% tax
# If the price unit is 121, the base amount of t1 is computed as 121 / 1.1 = 110
# With special_mode = 'total_excluded', 110 is provided as price unit.
# To compute the base amount of t2, we need to add back the tax amount of t1.
# 2.
# t1: price-included fixed tax of 1, include_base_amount
# t2: price-included 10% tax
# On a price unit of 121, with t1 being include_base_amount, the base amount of t2 is 121
# With special_mode = 'total_excluded' 109 is provided as price unit.
# To compute the base amount of t2, we need to add the tax amount of t1 first
else: # special_mode == 'total_excluded'
for other_tax in get_tax_after():
if not other_tax.price_include or tax.include_base_amount:
add_extra_base(other_tax, 1)
elif not tax.price_include:
# Case of a tax affecting the base of the subsequent ones, no price included taxes.
if special_mode in (False, 'total_excluded'):
if tax.include_base_amount:
for other_tax in get_tax_after():
add_extra_base(other_tax, 1)
# Suppose:
# 1.
# t1: price-excluded 10% tax, include base amount
# t2: price-excluded 10% tax
# On a price unit of 100,
# The tax of t1 is 100 * 1.1 = 110.
# The tax of t2 is 110 * 1.1 = 121.
# With special_mode = 'total_included', 121 is provided as price unit.
# The tax amount of t2 is computed like a price-included tax: 121 / 1.1 = 110.
# Since t1 is 'include base amount', t2 has already been subtracted from the price unit.
# 2.
# t1: price-excluded fixed tax of 1
# t2: price-excluded 10% tax
# On a price unit of 110, the tax of t2 is 110 * 1.1 = 121
# With special_mode = 'total_included', 122 is provided as price unit.
# The base amount of t2 should be computed by removing the tax amount of t1 first
else: # special_mode == 'total_included'
if not tax.include_base_amount:
for other_tax in get_tax_after():
add_extra_base(other_tax, -1)
for other_tax in get_tax_before():
add_extra_base(other_tax, -1)
def _eval_tax_amount_fixed_amount(self, batch, raw_base, evaluation_context):
""" Eval the tax amount for a single tax during the first ascending order for fixed taxes.
[!] Mirror of the same method in account_tax.js.
:param batch: The batch of taxes containing this tax.
:param raw_base: The base on which the tax should be computed.
:param evaluation_context: The context containing all relevant info to compute the tax.
:return: The tax amount or None if it has be evaluated later.
if self.amount_type == 'fixed':
return evaluation_context['quantity'] * self.amount
def _eval_tax_amount_price_included(self, batch, raw_base, evaluation_context):
""" Eval the tax amount for a single tax during the descending order for price-included taxes.
[!] Mirror of the same method in account_tax.js.
:param batch: The batch of taxes containing this tax.
:param raw_base: The base on which the tax should be computed.
:param evaluation_context: The context containing all relevant info to compute the tax.
:return: The tax amount.
if self.amount_type == 'percent':
total_percentage = sum(tax.amount for tax in batch) / 100.0
to_price_excluded_factor = 1 / (1 + total_percentage) if total_percentage != -1 else 0.0
return raw_base * to_price_excluded_factor * self.amount / 100.0
if self.amount_type == 'division':
return raw_base * self.amount / 100.0
def _eval_tax_amount_price_excluded(self, batch, raw_base, evaluation_context):
""" Eval the tax amount for a single tax during the second ascending order for price-excluded taxes.
[!] Mirror of the same method in account_tax.js.
:param batch: The batch of taxes containing this tax.
:param raw_base: The base on which the tax should be computed.
:param evaluation_context: The context containing all relevant info to compute the tax.
:return: The tax amount.
if self.amount_type == 'percent':
return raw_base * self.amount / 100.0
if self.amount_type == 'division':
total_percentage = sum(tax.amount for tax in batch) / 100.0
incl_base_multiplicator = 1.0 if total_percentage == 1.0 else 1 - total_percentage
return raw_base * self.amount / 100.0 / incl_base_multiplicator
def _eval_raw_base(self, quantity, price_unit, evaluation_context):
return quantity * price_unit
def _get_tax_details(
""" Compute the tax/base amounts for the current taxes.
[!] Mirror of the same method in account_tax.js.
:param price_unit: The price unit of the line.
:param quantity: The quantity of the line.
:param precision_rounding: The rounding precision for the 'round_per_line' method.
:param rounding_method: 'round_per_line' or 'round_globally'.
:param product: The product of the line.
:param special_mode: Indicate a special mode for the taxes computation.
* total_excluded: The initial base of computation excludes all price-included taxes.
Suppose a tax of 21% price included. Giving 100 with special_mode = 'total_excluded'
will give you the same as 121 without any special_mode.
* total_included: The initial base of computation is the total with taxes.
Suppose a tax of 21% price excluded. Giving 121 with special_mode = 'total_included'
will give you the same as 100 without any special_mode.
Note: You can only expect accurate symmetrical taxes computation with not rounded price_unit
as input and 'round_globally' computation. Otherwise, it's not guaranteed.
:return: A dict containing:
'evaluation_context': The evaluation_context parameter.
'taxes_data': A list of dictionaries, one per tax containing:
'tax': The tax record.
'base': The base amount of this tax.
'tax_amount': The tax amount of this tax.
'total_excluded': The total without tax.
'total_included': The total with tax.
def add_tax_amount_to_results(tax, tax_amount):
taxes_data[tax.id]['tax_amount'] = tax_amount
if rounding_method == 'round_per_line':
taxes_data[tax.id]['tax_amount'] = float_round(taxes_data[tax.id]['tax_amount'], precision_rounding=precision_rounding or self.env.company.currency_id.rounding)
if tax.has_negative_factor:
reverse_charge_taxes_data[tax.id]['tax_amount'] = -taxes_data[tax.id]['tax_amount']
sorted_taxes._propagate_extra_taxes_base(tax, taxes_data, special_mode=special_mode)
def eval_tax_amount(tax_amount_function, tax):
is_already_computed = 'tax_amount' in taxes_data[tax.id]
if is_already_computed:
tax_amount = tax_amount_function(
raw_base + taxes_data[tax.id]['extra_base_for_tax'],
if tax_amount is not None:
add_tax_amount_to_results(tax, tax_amount)
def prepare_tax_extra_data(tax, **kwargs):
if special_mode == 'total_included':
price_include = True
elif special_mode == 'total_excluded':
price_include = False
price_include = tax.price_include
return {
'tax': tax,
'price_include': price_include,
'extra_base_for_tax': 0.0,
'extra_base_for_base': 0.0,
# Flatten the taxes and order them.
batching_results = self._batch_for_taxes_computation(special_mode=special_mode)
sorted_taxes = batching_results['sorted_taxes']
taxes_data = {}
reverse_charge_taxes_data = {}
for tax in sorted_taxes:
taxes_data[tax.id] = prepare_tax_extra_data(
if tax.has_negative_factor:
reverse_charge_taxes_data[tax.id] = {
'is_reverse_charge': True,
raw_base_evaluation_context = {
'taxes': sorted_taxes,
'precision_rounding': precision_rounding,
raw_base = self._eval_raw_base(quantity, price_unit, raw_base_evaluation_context)
if rounding_method == 'round_per_line':
raw_base = float_round(raw_base, precision_rounding=precision_rounding or self.env.company.currency_id.rounding)
evaluation_context = {
'product': sorted_taxes._eval_taxes_computation_turn_to_product_values(product=product),
'price_unit': price_unit,
'quantity': quantity,
'raw_base': raw_base,
'special_mode': special_mode,
'precision_rounding': precision_rounding,
# Define the order in which the taxes must be evaluated.
# Fixed taxes are computed directly because they could affect the base of a price included batch right after.
# Suppose:
# t1: fixed tax of 1, include base amount
# t2: 21% price included tax
# If the price unit is 121, the base amount of t1 is computed as 121 / 1.1 = 110
# With special_mode = 'total_excluded', 110 is provided as price unit.
# To compute the base amount of t2, we need to add back the tax amount of t1.
for tax in reversed(sorted_taxes):
eval_tax_amount(tax._eval_tax_amount_fixed_amount, tax)
# Then, let's travel the batches in the reverse order and process the price-included taxes.
for tax in reversed(sorted_taxes):
if taxes_data[tax.id]['price_include']:
eval_tax_amount(tax._eval_tax_amount_price_included, tax)
# Then, let's travel the batches in the normal order and process the price-excluded taxes.
for tax in sorted_taxes:
if not taxes_data[tax.id]['price_include']:
eval_tax_amount(tax._eval_tax_amount_price_excluded, tax)
# Mark the base to be computed in the descending order. The order doesn't matter for no special mode or 'total_excluded' but
# it must be in the reverse order when special_mode is 'total_included'.
for tax in reversed(sorted_taxes):
if 'tax_amount' not in taxes_data[tax.id]:
total_tax_amount = sum(taxes_data[other_tax.id]['tax_amount'] for other_tax in taxes_data[tax.id]['batch'])
base = raw_base + taxes_data[tax.id]['extra_base_for_base']
if taxes_data[tax.id]['price_include'] and special_mode in (False, 'total_included'):
base -= total_tax_amount
taxes_data[tax.id]['base'] = base
if tax.has_negative_factor:
reverse_charge_taxes_data[tax.id]['base'] = base
taxes_data_list = []
for tax_data in taxes_data.values():
if 'tax_amount' in tax_data:
tax = tax_data['tax']
if tax.has_negative_factor:
if taxes_data_list:
total_excluded = taxes_data_list[0]['base']
tax_amount = sum(tax_data['tax_amount'] for tax_data in taxes_data_list)
total_included = total_excluded + tax_amount
total_included = total_excluded = raw_base
return {
'total_excluded': total_excluded,
'total_included': total_included,
'taxes_data': [
'tax': tax_data['tax'],
'group': batching_results['group_per_tax'].get(tax_data['tax'].id) or self.env['account.tax'],
'batch': batching_results['batch_per_tax'][tax_data['tax'].id],
'tax_amount': tax_data['tax_amount'],
'base_amount': tax_data['base'],
'is_reverse_charge': tax_data.get('is_reverse_charge', False),
for tax_data in taxes_data_list
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _adapt_price_unit_to_another_taxes(self, price_unit, product, original_taxes, new_taxes):
""" From the price unit and taxes given as parameter, compute a new price unit corresponding to the
new taxes.
For example, from price_unit=106 and taxes=[6% tax-included], this method can compute a price_unit=121
if new_taxes=[21% tax-included].
The price_unit is only adapted when all taxes in 'original_taxes' are price-included even when
'new_taxes' contains price-included taxes. This is made that way for the following example:
Suppose a fiscal position B2C mapping 15% tax-excluded => 6% tax-included.
If price_unit=100 with [15% tax-excluded], the price_unit is computed as 100 / 1.06 instead of becoming 106.
[!] Mirror of the same method in account_tax.js.
:param price_unit: The original price_unit.
:param product: The product.
:param original_taxes: A recordset of taxes from where you come from.
:param new_taxes: A recordset of the taxes you are mapping the price unit to.
:return: The price_unit after mapping of taxes.
if original_taxes == new_taxes or False in original_taxes.mapped('price_include'):
return price_unit
# Find the price unit without tax.
taxes_computation = original_taxes._get_tax_details(
price_unit = taxes_computation['total_excluded']
# Find the new price unit after applying the price included taxes.
taxes_computation = new_taxes._get_tax_details(
delta = sum(x['tax_amount'] for x in taxes_computation['taxes_data'] if x['tax'].price_include)
return price_unit + delta
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _get_base_line_field_value_from_record(self, record, field, extra_values, fallback):
""" Helper to extract a default value for a record or something looking like a record.
Suppose field is 'product_id' and fallback is 'self.env['product.product']'
if record is an account.move.line, the returned product_id will be `record.product_id._origin`.
if record is a dict, the returned product_id will be `record.get('product_id', fallback)`.
:param record: A record or a dict or a falsy value.
:param field: The name of the field to extract.
:param extra_values: The extra kwargs passed in addition of 'record'.
:param fallback: The value to return if not found in record or extra_values.
:return: The field value corresponding to 'field'.
need_origin = isinstance(fallback, models.Model)
if field in extra_values:
value = extra_values[field] or fallback
elif isinstance(record, models.Model) and field in record._fields:
value = record[field]
value = fallback
if need_origin:
value = value._origin
return value
def _prepare_base_line_for_taxes_computation(self, record, **kwargs):
""" Convert any representation of a business object ('record') into a base line being a python
dictionary that will be used to use the generic helpers for the taxes computation.
The whole method is designed to ease the conversion from a business record.
For example, when passing either account.move.line, either sale.order.line or purchase.order.line,
providing explicitely a 'product_id' in kwargs is not necessary since all those records already have
an `product_id` field.
:param record: A representation of a business object a.k.a a record or a dictionary.
:param kwargs: The extra values to override some values that will be taken from the record.
:return: A dictionary representing a base line.
def load(field, fallback):
return self._get_base_line_field_value_from_record(record, field, kwargs, fallback)
return {
'record': record,
'id': load('id', 0),
# Basic fields:
'product_id': load('product_id', self.env['product.product']),
'tax_ids': load('tax_ids', self.env['account.tax']),
'price_unit': load('price_unit', 0.0),
'quantity': load('quantity', 0.0),
'discount': load('discount', 0.0),
'currency_id': load('currency_id', self.env['res.currency']),
# The special_mode for the taxes computation:
# - False for the normal behavior.
# - total_included to force all taxes to be price included.
# - total_excluded to force all taxes to be price excluded.
'special_mode': kwargs.get('special_mode', False),
# A special typing of base line for some custom behavior:
# - False for the normal behavior.
# - early_payment if the base line represent an early payment in mixed mode.
# - cash_rounding if the base line is a delta to round the business object for the cash rounding feature.
'special_type': kwargs.get('special_type', False),
# All computation are managing the foreign currency and the local one.
# This is the rate to be applied when generating the tax details (see '_add_tax_details_in_base_line').
'rate': load('rate', 1.0),
# ===== Accounting stuff =====
# The sign of the business object regarding its accounting balance.
'sign': load('sign', 1.0),
# If the document is a refund or not to know which repartition lines must be used.
'is_refund': load('is_refund', False),
# If the tags must be inverted or not.
'tax_tag_invert': load('tax_tag_invert', False),
# Extra fields for tax lines generation:
'partner_id': load('partner_id', self.env['res.partner']),
'account_id': load('account_id', self.env['account.account']),
'analytic_distribution': load('analytic_distribution', None),
def _prepare_tax_line_for_taxes_computation(self, record, **kwargs):
""" Convert any representation of an accounting tax line ('record') into a python
dictionary that will be used to use by `_prepare_tax_lines` to detect which tax line
could be updated, the ones to be created and the ones to be deleted.
We can't use directly an account.move.line because this is also used by
- expense (to create the journal entry)
- the bank reconciliation widget (to generate the bank.rec.widget.line corresponding to tax lines)
All fields in this list are the same as the corresponding fields defined in account.move.line.
The mechanism is the same as '_prepare_base_line_for_taxes_computation'.
:param record: A representation of a business object a.k.a a record or a dictionary.
:param kwargs: The extra values to override some values that will be taken from the record.
:return: A dictionary representing a tax line.
def load(field, fallback):
return self._get_base_line_field_value_from_record(record, field, kwargs, fallback)
return {
'record': record,
'id': load('id', 0),
'tax_repartition_line_id': load('tax_repartition_line_id', self.env['account.tax.repartition.line']),
'group_tax_id': load('group_tax_id', self.env['account.tax']),
'tax_ids': load('tax_ids', self.env['account.tax']),
'tax_tag_ids': load('tax_tag_ids', self.env['account.account.tag']),
'currency_id': load('currency_id', self.env['res.currency']),
'partner_id': load('partner_id', self.env['res.partner']),
'account_id': load('account_id', self.env['account.account']),
'analytic_distribution': load('analytic_distribution', None),
'sign': load('sign', 1.0),
'amount_currency': load('amount_currency', 0.0),
'balance': load('balance', 0.0),
def _add_tax_details_in_base_line(self, base_line, company, rounding_method=None):
""" Perform the taxes computation for the base line and add it to the base line under
the 'tax_details' key. Those values are rounded or not depending of the tax calculation method.
If you need to compute monetary fields with that, you probably need to call
'_round_base_lines_tax_details' after this method.
The added tax_details is a dictionary containing:
raw_total_excluded_currency: The total without tax expressed in foreign currency.
raw_total_excluded: The total without tax expressed in local currency.
raw_total_included_currency: The total tax included expressed in foreign currency.
raw_total_included: The total tax included expressed in local currency.
taxes_data: A list of python dictionary containing the taxes_data returned by '_get_tax_details' but
with the amounts expressed in both currencies:
raw_tax_amount_currency The tax amount expressed in foreign currency.
raw_tax_amount The tax amount expressed in local currency.
raw_base_amount_currency The tax base amount expressed in foreign currency.
raw_base_amount The tax base amount expressed in local currency.
:param base_line: A base line generated by '_prepare_base_line_for_taxes_computation'.
:param company: The company owning the base line.
:param rounding_method: The rounding method to be used. If not specified, it will be taken from the company.
price_unit_after_discount = base_line['price_unit'] * (1 - (base_line['discount'] / 100.0))
taxes_computation = base_line['tax_ids']._get_tax_details(
rounding_method=rounding_method or company.tax_calculation_rounding_method,
rate = base_line['rate']
tax_details = base_line['tax_details'] = {
'raw_total_excluded_currency': taxes_computation['total_excluded'],
'raw_total_excluded': taxes_computation['total_excluded'] / rate if rate else 0.0,
'raw_total_included_currency': taxes_computation['total_included'],
'raw_total_included': taxes_computation['total_included'] / rate if rate else 0.0,
'taxes_data': [],
if company.tax_calculation_rounding_method == 'round_per_line':
tax_details['raw_total_excluded'] = company.currency_id.round(tax_details['raw_total_excluded'])
tax_details['raw_total_included'] = company.currency_id.round(tax_details['raw_total_included'])
for tax_data in taxes_computation['taxes_data']:
tax_amount = tax_data['tax_amount'] / rate if rate else 0.0
base_amount = tax_data['base_amount'] / rate if rate else 0.0
if company.tax_calculation_rounding_method == 'round_per_line':
tax_amount = company.currency_id.round(tax_amount)
base_amount = company.currency_id.round(base_amount)
'raw_tax_amount_currency': tax_data['tax_amount'],
'raw_tax_amount': tax_amount,
'raw_base_amount_currency': tax_data['base_amount'],
'raw_base_amount': base_amount,
def _add_tax_details_in_base_lines(self, base_lines, company):
""" Shortcut to call '_add_tax_details_in_base_line' on multiple base lines at once.
:param base_lines: A list of base lines.
:param company: The company owning the base lines.
for base_line in base_lines:
self._add_tax_details_in_base_line(base_line, company)
def _round_base_lines_tax_details(self, base_lines, company, tax_lines=None):
""" Round the 'tax_details' added to base_lines with the '_add_accounting_data_to_base_line_tax_details'.
This method performs all the rounding and take care of rounding issues that could appear when using the
'round_globally' tax computation method, specially if some price included taxes are involved.
This method copies all float prefixed with 'raw_' in the tax_details to the corresponding float without 'raw_'.
In almost all countries, the round globally should be the tax computation method.
When there is an EDI, we need the raw amounts to be reported with more decimals (usually 6 to 8).
So if you need to report the price excluded amount for a single line, you need to use
'raw_total_excluded_currency' / 'raw_total_excluded' instead of 'total_excluded_currency' / 'total_excluded' because
the latest are rounded. In short, rounding yourself the amounts is probably a mistake and you are probably adding some
rounding issues in your code.
The rounding is made by aggregating the raw amounts per tax first.
Then we round the total amount per tax, same for each tax amount in each base lines.
Finally, we distribute the delta on each base lines.
The delta is available in 'delta_base_amount_currency' / 'delta_base_amount' in each base line.
Let's take an example using round globally.
Suppose two lines:
l1: price_unit = 21.53, tax = 21% incl
l2: price_unit = 21.53, tax = 21% incl
The raw_total_excluded is computed as 21.53 / 1.21 = 17.79338843
The total_excluded is computed as round(17.79338843) = 17.79
The total raw_base_amount for 21% incl is computed as 17.79338843 * 2 = 35.58677686
The total base_amount for 21% incl is round(35.58677686) = 35.59
The delta_base_amount is computed as 35.59 - 17.79 - 17.79 = 0.01 and will be added on l1.
For the tax amounts:
The raw_tax_amount is computed as 21.53 / 1.21 * 0.21 = 3.73661157
The tax_amount is computed as round(3.73661157) = 3.74
The total raw_tax_amount for 21% incl is computed as 3.73661157 * 2 = 7.473223141
The total tax_amount for 21% incl is computed as round(7.473223141) = 7.47
The delta amount for 21% incl is computed as 7.47 - 3.74 - 3.74 = -0.01 and will be added to the corresponding
tax_data in l1.
If l1 and l2 are invoice lines, the result will be:
l1: price_unit = 21.53, tax = 21% incl, price_subtotal = 17.79, price_total = 21.53, balance = 17.80
l2: price_unit = 21.53, tax = 21% incl, price_subtotal = 17.79, price_total = 21.53, balance = 17.79
To compute the tax lines, we use the tax details in base_line['tax_details']['taxes_data'] that contain
respectively 3.73 + 3.74 = 7.47.
Since the untaxed amount of the invoice is computed based on the accounting balance:
amount_untaxed = 17.80 + 17.79 = 35.59
amount_tax = 7.47
amount_total = 21.53 + 21.53 = 43.06
The amounts are globally correct because 35.59 * 0.21 = 7.4739 ~= 7.47.
:param base_lines: A list of base lines generated using the '_prepare_base_line_for_taxes_computation' method.
:param company: The company owning the base lines.
:param tax_lines: A optional list of base lines generated using the '_prepare_tax_line_for_taxes_computation'
method. If specified, the tax amounts will be computed based on those existing tax lines.
It's used to keep the manual tax amounts set by the user.
total_per_tax = defaultdict(lambda: {
'base_amount_currency': 0.0,
'base_amount': 0.0,
'raw_base_amount_currency': 0.0,
'raw_base_amount': 0.0,
'tax_amount_currency': 0.0,
'tax_amount': 0.0,
'raw_tax_amount_currency': 0.0,
'raw_tax_amount': 0.0,
'base_lines': [],
for base_line in base_lines:
currency = base_line['currency_id'] or company.currency_id
tax_details = base_line['tax_details']
tax_details['delta_base_amount_currency'] = 0.0
tax_details['delta_base_amount'] = 0.0
tax_details['total_excluded_currency'] = currency.round(tax_details['raw_total_excluded_currency'])
tax_details['total_excluded'] = company.currency_id.round(tax_details['raw_total_excluded'])
tax_details['total_included_currency'] = currency.round(tax_details['raw_total_included_currency'])
tax_details['total_included'] = company.currency_id.round(tax_details['raw_total_included'])
for tax_data in tax_details['taxes_data']:
tax = tax_data['tax']
tax_data['tax_amount_currency'] = currency.round(tax_data['raw_tax_amount_currency'])
tax_data['tax_amount'] = company.currency_id.round(tax_data['raw_tax_amount'])
tax_data['base_amount_currency'] = currency.round(tax_data['raw_base_amount_currency'])
tax_data['base_amount'] = company.currency_id.round(tax_data['raw_base_amount'])
key = (tax, currency, base_line['is_refund'])
amounts = total_per_tax[key]
amounts['tax_amount_currency'] += tax_data['tax_amount_currency']
amounts['raw_tax_amount_currency'] += tax_data['raw_tax_amount_currency']
amounts['tax_amount'] += tax_data['tax_amount']
amounts['raw_tax_amount'] += tax_data['raw_tax_amount']
amounts['base_amount_currency'] += tax_data['base_amount_currency']
amounts['raw_base_amount_currency'] += tax_data['raw_base_amount_currency']
amounts['base_amount'] += tax_data['base_amount']
amounts['raw_base_amount'] += tax_data['raw_base_amount']
if not base_line['special_type']:
# Round 'total_per_tax'.
for (tax, currency, _is_refund), amounts in total_per_tax.items():
amounts['raw_tax_amount_currency'] = currency.round(amounts['raw_tax_amount_currency'])
amounts['raw_tax_amount'] = company.currency_id.round(amounts['raw_tax_amount'])
amounts['raw_base_amount_currency'] = currency.round(amounts['raw_base_amount_currency'])
amounts['raw_base_amount'] = company.currency_id.round(amounts['raw_base_amount'])
# If tax lines are provided, the totals will be aggregated according them.
if tax_lines:
manually_edited_tax_key = set()
for tax_line in tax_lines:
tax_rep = tax_line['tax_repartition_line_id']
sign = tax_line['sign']
tax = tax_rep.tax_id
currency = tax_line['currency_id']
key = (tax, currency, tax_rep.document_type == 'refund')
if key not in manually_edited_tax_key:
total_per_tax[key]['raw_tax_amount_currency'] = 0.0
total_per_tax[key]['raw_tax_amount'] = 0.0
total_per_tax[key]['raw_tax_amount_currency'] += sign * tax_line['amount_currency']
total_per_tax[key]['raw_tax_amount'] += sign * tax_line['balance']
# Dispatch the delta accross the base lines.
for (tax, _currency, _is_refund), amounts in total_per_tax.items():
if not amounts['base_lines']:
base_line = min(
key=lambda base_line: base_line['tax_details']['total_included_currency'],
tax_details = base_line['tax_details']
index, tax_data = next((i, x) for i, x in enumerate(tax_details['taxes_data']) if x['tax'] == tax)
delta_base_amount_currency = amounts['raw_base_amount_currency'] - amounts['base_amount_currency']
delta_base_amount = amounts['raw_base_amount'] - amounts['base_amount']
if index == 0:
tax_details['delta_base_amount_currency'] += delta_base_amount_currency
tax_details['delta_base_amount'] += delta_base_amount
tax_data['base_amount_currency'] += delta_base_amount_currency
tax_data['base_amount'] += delta_base_amount
tax_data['tax_amount_currency'] += amounts['raw_tax_amount_currency'] - amounts['tax_amount_currency']
tax_data['tax_amount'] += amounts['raw_tax_amount'] - amounts['tax_amount']
def _prepare_base_line_grouping_key(self, base_line):
""" Used by '_prepare_tax_lines' to build the accounting grouping key to generate the tax lines.
This method takes all relevant fields from the base line that will be used to build the grouping_key.
:param base_line: A base line generated by '_prepare_base_line_for_taxes_computation'.
:return: The grouping key to generate the tax line for a single base line.
return {
'partner_id': base_line['partner_id'].id,
'currency_id': base_line['currency_id'].id,
'analytic_distribution': base_line['analytic_distribution'],
'account_id': base_line['account_id'].id,
'tax_ids': [Command.set(base_line['tax_ids'].ids)],
def _prepare_base_line_tax_repartition_grouping_key(self, base_line, base_line_grouping_key, tax_data, tax_rep_data):
""" Used by '_prepare_tax_lines' to build the accounting grouping key to generate the tax lines.
This method adds all relevant fields from a single tax data to the grouping key.
:param base_line: A base line generated by '_prepare_base_line_for_taxes_computation'.
:param base_line_grouping_key: The grouping key created by '_prepare_base_line_grouping_key'.
:param tax_data: One of the tax data in base_line['tax_details']['taxes_data'].
:param tax_rep_data: One of the tax repartition data in tax_data['tax_reps_data'].
:return: The grouping key to generate the tax line for tax repartition line.
tax = tax_data['tax']
tax_rep = tax_rep_data['tax_rep']
return {
'tax_repartition_line_id': tax_rep.id,
'partner_id': base_line['partner_id'].id,
'currency_id': base_line['currency_id'].id,
'group_tax_id': tax_data['group'].id,
'analytic_distribution': (
if tax.analytic or not tax_rep.use_in_tax_closing
else {}
'account_id': tax_rep_data['account'].id or base_line_grouping_key['account_id'],
'tax_ids': [Command.set(tax_rep_data['taxes'].ids)],
'tax_tag_ids': [Command.set(tax_rep_data['tax_tags'].ids)],
def _prepare_tax_line_repartition_grouping_key(self, tax_line):
""" Used by '_prepare_tax_lines' to build the accounting grouping key to know if the tax line could be updated
or not when recomputing the tax lines.
Take care this method should remain consistent regarding the grouping key built from the base line.
:param tax_line: A tax line generated by '_prepare_tax_line_for_taxes_computation'.
:return: The grouping key for the tax line passed as parameter.
return {
'tax_repartition_line_id': tax_line['tax_repartition_line_id'].id,
'partner_id': tax_line['partner_id'].id,
'currency_id': tax_line['currency_id'].id,
'group_tax_id': tax_line['group_tax_id'].id,
'analytic_distribution': tax_line['analytic_distribution'],
'account_id': tax_line['account_id'].id,
'tax_ids': [Command.set(tax_line['tax_ids'].ids)],
'tax_tag_ids': [Command.set(tax_line['tax_tag_ids'].ids)],
def _add_accounting_data_to_base_line_tax_details(self, base_line, company, include_caba_tags=False):
""" Add all informations about repartition lines to base_line['tax_details']['taxes_data'].
Considering a single tax_data, this method adds 'tax_reps_data', being a list of python dictionaries containing:
tax_rep: The account.tax.repartition.line record.
tax_amount_currency: The tax amount expressed in foreign currency.
tax_amount: The tax amount expressed in local currency.
account: The accounting account record to consider for this tax repartition line.
taxes: The taxes to be set on the tax line if the tax affects the base of subsequent taxes.
tax_tags: The tags for the tax report.
grouping_key: The grouping key used to generate this tax line.
This method also adds 'tax_tag_ids' to the base line containing the tags for the tax report.
:param base_line: A base line generated by '_prepare_base_line_for_taxes_computation'.
:param company: The company owning the base line.
:param include_caba_tags: Indicate if the cash basis tags need to be taken into account.
is_refund = base_line['is_refund']
currency = base_line['currency_id'] or company.currency_id
product = base_line['product_id']
company_currency = company.currency_id
if is_refund:
repartition_lines_field = 'refund_repartition_line_ids'
repartition_lines_field = 'invoice_repartition_line_ids'
# Tags on the base line.
taxes_data = base_line['tax_details']['taxes_data']
base_line['tax_tag_ids'] = self.env['account.account.tag']
if product:
countries = {tax_data['tax'].country_id for tax_data in taxes_data}
base_line['tax_tag_ids'] |= product.sudo().account_tag_ids
for tax_data in taxes_data:
tax = tax_data['tax']
# Tags on the base line.
if not tax_data['is_reverse_charge'] and (include_caba_tags or tax.tax_exigibility == 'on_invoice'):
base_line['tax_tag_ids'] |= tax[repartition_lines_field].filtered(lambda x: x.repartition_type == 'base').tag_ids
# Compute repartition lines amounts.
if tax_data['is_reverse_charge']:
tax_reps = tax[repartition_lines_field].filtered(lambda x: x.repartition_type == 'tax' and x.factor < 0.0)
tax_rep_sign = -1.0
tax_reps = tax[repartition_lines_field].filtered(lambda x: x.repartition_type == 'tax' and x.factor >= 0.0)
tax_rep_sign = 1.0
total_tax_rep_amounts = {
'tax_amount_currency': 0.0,
'tax_amount': 0.0,
tax_reps_data = tax_data['tax_reps_data'] = []
for tax_rep in tax_reps:
tax_amount_currency = tax_data.get('tax_amount_currency')
if self.env.context.get('compute_all_use_raw_base_lines'):
tax_amount_currency = tax_data.get('raw_tax_amount_currency')
tax_rep_data = {
'tax_rep': tax_rep,
'tax_amount_currency': currency.round(tax_amount_currency * tax_rep.factor * tax_rep_sign),
'tax_amount': currency.round(tax_data['tax_amount'] * tax_rep.factor * tax_rep_sign),
'account': tax_rep._get_aml_target_tax_account(force_caba_exigibility=include_caba_tags) or base_line['account_id'],
total_tax_rep_amounts['tax_amount_currency'] += tax_rep_data['tax_amount_currency']
total_tax_rep_amounts['tax_amount'] += tax_rep_data['tax_amount']
# Distribute the delta on the repartition lines.
sorted_tax_reps_data = sorted(
key=lambda tax_rep: (-abs(tax_rep['tax_amount_currency']), -abs(tax_rep['tax_amount'])),
for field, field_currency in (
('tax_amount_currency', currency),
('tax_amount', company_currency),
tax_amount = tax_data.get(field)
if self.env.context.get('compute_all_use_raw_base_lines'):
tax_amount = tax_data.get(f"raw_{field}")
total_error = tax_amount - total_tax_rep_amounts[field]
nb_of_errors = round(abs(total_error / field_currency.rounding))
if not nb_of_errors:
amount_to_distribute = total_error / nb_of_errors
index = 0
while nb_of_errors:
tax_rep = sorted_tax_reps_data[index]
tax_rep[field] += amount_to_distribute
nb_of_errors -= 1
index = (index + 1) % len(sorted_tax_reps_data)
subsequent_taxes = self.env['account.tax']
subsequent_tags = self.env['account.account.tag']
for tax_data in reversed(taxes_data):
tax = tax_data['tax']
for tax_rep_data in tax_data['tax_reps_data']:
tax_rep = tax_rep_data['tax_rep']
# Compute subsequent taxes/tags.
tax_rep_data['taxes'] = self.env['account.tax']
tax_rep_data['tax_tags'] = self.env['account.account.tag']
if include_caba_tags or tax.tax_exigibility == 'on_invoice':
tax_rep_data['tax_tags'] = tax_rep.tag_ids
if tax.include_base_amount:
tax_rep_data['taxes'] |= subsequent_taxes
tax_rep_data['tax_tags'] |= subsequent_tags
# Add the accounting grouping_key to create the tax lines.
base_line_grouping_key = self._prepare_base_line_grouping_key(base_line)
tax_rep_data['grouping_key'] = self._prepare_base_line_tax_repartition_grouping_key(
if tax.is_base_affected:
subsequent_taxes |= tax
if include_caba_tags or tax.tax_exigibility == 'on_invoice':
subsequent_tags |= tax[repartition_lines_field].filtered(lambda x: x.repartition_type == 'base').tag_ids
def _add_accounting_data_in_base_lines_tax_details(self, base_lines, company, include_caba_tags=False):
""" Shortcut to call '_add_accounting_data_to_base_line_tax_details' on multiple base lines at once.
:param base_lines: A list of base lines.
:param company: The company owning the base lines.
:param include_caba_tags: Indicate if the cash basis tags need to be taken into account.
for base_line in base_lines:
self._add_accounting_data_to_base_line_tax_details(base_line, company, include_caba_tags=include_caba_tags)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _aggregate_base_line_tax_details(self, base_line, grouping_function):
""" Aggregate the tax details for a single line according a custom grouping function passed as parameter.
This method is mainly use for EDI to report some data per line. Most of the time, having the amounts grouped
by tax is not enough because some details should be excluded, aggregated together or just moved into a separated section
having another grouping key.
In case the base_line has no tax, the detail is added under the 'None' grouping key.
It's needed when you need to add some tax details plus the total base amount at the same time.
So when iterating on the result of this method, take care of the 'None' grouping key.
Don't forget to call '_add_tax_details_in_base_lines' and '_round_base_lines_tax_details' before calling this method.
:param base_line: A base line generated by '_prepare_base_line_for_taxes_computation'.
:param grouping_function: A function taking <base_line, tax_data> as parameter and returning anything
that could be used as key in a dictionary.
Note: you must never return None (explanation in the docstring above).
:return: A mapping <grouping_key, amounts> where:
grouping_key is the grouping_key returned by the 'grouping_function' or 'None'.
amounts is a dictionary containing:
base_amount_currency: The base amount of this grouping key expressed in foreign currency.
base_amount: The base amount of this grouping key expressed in local currency.
raw_base_amount_currency: The base amount of this grouping key expressed in foreign currency before any rounding.
raw_base_amount: The base amount of this grouping key expressed in local currency before any rounding.
tax_amount_currency: The tax amount of this grouping key expressed in foreign currency.
tax_amount: The tax amount of this grouping key expressed in local currency.
raw_tax_amount_currency: The tax amount of this grouping key expressed in foreign currency before any rounding.
raw_tax_amount: The tax amount of this grouping key expressed in local currency before any rounding.
taxes_data: The subset of base_line['tax_details']['taxes_data'] aggregated under this grouping_key.
values_per_grouping_key = defaultdict(lambda: {
'base_amount_currency': 0.0,
'base_amount': 0.0,
'raw_base_amount_currency': 0.0,
'raw_base_amount': 0.0,
'tax_amount_currency': 0.0,
'tax_amount': 0.0,
'raw_tax_amount_currency': 0.0,
'raw_tax_amount': 0.0,
'taxes_data': [],
tax_details = base_line['tax_details']
taxes_data = tax_details['taxes_data']
for tax_data in taxes_data:
grouping_key = grouping_function(base_line, tax_data)
if isinstance(grouping_key, dict):
grouping_key = frozendict(grouping_key)
already_accounted = grouping_key in values_per_grouping_key
values = values_per_grouping_key[grouping_key]
values['grouping_key'] = grouping_key
# Base amount.
if not already_accounted:
values['base_amount_currency'] += tax_data['base_amount_currency']
values['base_amount'] += tax_data['base_amount']
values['raw_base_amount_currency'] += tax_data['raw_base_amount_currency']
values['raw_base_amount'] += tax_data['raw_base_amount']
# Tax amount.
values['tax_amount_currency'] += tax_data['tax_amount_currency']
values['tax_amount'] += tax_data['tax_amount']
values['raw_tax_amount_currency'] += tax_data['raw_tax_amount_currency']
values['raw_tax_amount'] += tax_data['raw_tax_amount']
if not taxes_data:
values = values_per_grouping_key[None]
values['grouping_key'] = None
values['base_amount_currency'] += tax_details['total_excluded_currency']
values['base_amount'] += tax_details['total_excluded']
values['raw_base_amount_currency'] += tax_details['raw_total_excluded_currency']
values['raw_base_amount'] += tax_details['raw_total_excluded']
return values_per_grouping_key
def _aggregate_base_lines_tax_details(self, base_lines, grouping_function):
""" Shortcut to call '_aggregate_base_line_tax_details' on multiple base lines at once.
:param base_lines: A list of base lines.
:param grouping_function: See '_aggregate_base_line_tax_details'.
:return A list of tuple <base_line, results> that associates the result of
'_aggregate_base_line_tax_details' for each base line independently.
return [
(base_line, self._aggregate_base_line_tax_details(base_line, grouping_function))
for base_line in base_lines
def _aggregate_base_lines_aggregated_values(self, base_lines_aggregated_values):
""" Aggregate the values returned by '_aggregate_base_lines_tax_details' for the whole document.
Most of the time, in EDI, you have to report unrounded amounts for each base line first and then,
you need to report all rounded amounts for the whole business document.
:param base_lines_aggregated_values: The result of '_aggregate_base_lines_tax_details'.
:return: A mapping <grouping_key, amounts> where:
grouping_key is the grouping_key returned by the 'grouping_function' or 'None'.
amounts is a dictionary containing:
base_amount_currency: The base amount of this grouping key expressed in foreign currency.
base_amount: The base amount of this grouping key expressed in local currency.
raw_base_amount_currency: The base amount of this grouping key expressed in foreign currency before any rounding.
raw_base_amount: The base amount of this grouping key expressed in local currency before any rounding.
tax_amount_currency: The tax amount of this grouping key expressed in foreign currency.
tax_amount: The tax amount of this grouping key expressed in local currency.
raw_tax_amount_currency: The tax amount of this grouping key expressed in foreign currency before any rounding.
raw_tax_amount: The tax amount of this grouping key expressed in local currency before any rounding.
base_line_x_taxes_data: A list of tuple <base_line, taxes_data> that associates for each base_line the
subset of base_line['tax_details']['taxes_data'] aggregated under this grouping_key.
default_float_fields = {
values_per_grouping_key = defaultdict(lambda: {
**dict.fromkeys(default_float_fields, 0.0),
'base_line_x_taxes_data': [],
for base_line, aggregated_values in base_lines_aggregated_values:
for grouping_key, values in aggregated_values.items():
agg_values = values_per_grouping_key[grouping_key]
for field in default_float_fields:
agg_values[field] += values[field]
agg_values['grouping_key'] = grouping_key
agg_values['base_line_x_taxes_data'].append((base_line, values['taxes_data']))
return values_per_grouping_key
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _get_tax_totals_summary(self, base_lines, currency, company, cash_rounding=None):
""" Compute the tax totals details for the business documents.
Don't forget to call '_add_tax_details_in_base_lines' and '_round_base_lines_tax_details' before calling this method.
:param base_lines: A list of base lines generated using the '_prepare_base_line_for_taxes_computation' method.
:param currency: The tax totals is only available when all base lines share the same currency.
Since the tax totals can be computed when there is no base line at all, a currency must be
specified explicitely for that case.
:param company: The company owning the base lines.
:param cash_rounding: A optional account.cash.rounding object. When specified, the delta base amount added
to perform the cash rounding is specified in the results.
:return: A dictionary containing:
currency_id: The id of the currency used.
currency_pd: The currency rounding (to be used js-side by the widget).
company_currency_id: The id of the company's currency used.
company_currency_pd: The company's currency rounding (to be used js-side by the widget).
has_tax_groups: Flag indicating if there is at least one involved tax group.
same_tax_base: Flag indicating the base amount of all tax groups are the same and it's
redundant to display them.
base_amount_currency: The untaxed amount expressed in foreign currency.
base_amount: The untaxed amount expressed in local currency.
tax_amount_currency: The tax amount expressed in foreign currency.
tax_amount: The tax amount expressed in local currency.
total_amount_currency: The total amount expressed in foreign currency.
total_amount: The total amount expressed in local currency.
cash_rounding_base_amount_currency: The delta added by 'cash_rounding' expressed in foreign currency.
If there is no amount added, the key is not in the result.
cash_rounding_base_amount: The delta added by 'cash_rounding' expressed in local currency.
If there is no amount added, the key is not in the result.
subtotals: A list of subtotal (like "Untaxed Amount"), each one being a python dictionary
base_amount_currency: The base amount expressed in foreign currency.
base_amount: The base amount expressed in local currency.
tax_amount_currency: The tax amount expressed in foreign currency.
tax_amount: The tax amount expressed in local currency.
tax_groups: A list of python dictionary, one for each tax group, containing:
id: The id of the account.tax.group.
group_name: The name of the group.
group_label: The short label of the group to be displayed on POS receipt.
involved_tax_ids: A list of the tax ids aggregated in this tax group.
base_amount_currency: The base amount expressed in foreign currency.
base_amount: The base amount expressed in local currency.
tax_amount_currency: The tax amount expressed in foreign currency.
tax_amount: The tax amount expressed in local currency.
display_base_amount_currency: The base amount to display expressed in foreign currency.
The flat base amount and the amount to be displayed are sometimes different
(e.g. division/fixed taxes).
display_base_amount: The base amount to display expressed in local currency.
The flat base amount and the amount to be displayed are sometimes different
(e.g. division/fixed taxes).
tax_totals_summary = {
'currency_id': currency.id,
'currency_pd': currency.rounding,
'company_currency_id': company.currency_id.id,
'company_currency_pd': company.currency_id.rounding,
'has_tax_groups': False,
'subtotals': [],
'base_amount_currency': 0.0,
'base_amount': 0.0,
'tax_amount_currency': 0.0,
'tax_amount': 0.0,
# Global tax values.
def global_grouping_function(base_line, tax_data):
return True
base_lines_aggregated_values = self._aggregate_base_lines_tax_details(base_lines, global_grouping_function)
values_per_grouping_key = self._aggregate_base_lines_aggregated_values(base_lines_aggregated_values)
for grouping_key, values in values_per_grouping_key.items():
if grouping_key:
tax_totals_summary['has_tax_groups'] = True
for key in ('base_amount_currency', 'base_amount', 'tax_amount_currency', 'tax_amount'):
tax_totals_summary[key] += values[key]
# Subtotals.
untaxed_amount_subtotal_label = _("Untaxed Amount")
subtotals = defaultdict(lambda: {
'tax_groups': [],
'tax_amount_currency': 0.0,
'tax_amount': 0.0,
'base_amount_currency': 0.0,
'base_amount': 0.0,
def subtotal_grouping_function(base_line, tax_data):
return tax_data['tax'].tax_group_id.preceding_subtotal or untaxed_amount_subtotal_label
base_lines_aggregated_values = self._aggregate_base_lines_tax_details(base_lines, subtotal_grouping_function)
values_per_grouping_key = self._aggregate_base_lines_aggregated_values(base_lines_aggregated_values)
for preceding_subtotal, values in values_per_grouping_key.items():
preceding_subtotal = preceding_subtotal or untaxed_amount_subtotal_label
subtotal = subtotals[preceding_subtotal]
for key in ('base_amount_currency', 'base_amount', 'tax_amount_currency', 'tax_amount'):
subtotal[key] += values[key]
# Tax groups.
def tax_group_grouping_function(base_line, tax_data):
return tax_data['tax'].tax_group_id
base_lines_aggregated_values = self._aggregate_base_lines_tax_details(base_lines, tax_group_grouping_function)
values_per_grouping_key = self._aggregate_base_lines_aggregated_values(base_lines_aggregated_values)
sorted_total_per_tax_group = sorted(
[values for grouping_key, values in values_per_grouping_key.items() if grouping_key],
key=lambda values: (values['grouping_key'].sequence, values['grouping_key'].id),
encountered_base_amounts = set()
subtotals_order = {}
for order, values in enumerate(sorted_total_per_tax_group):
tax_group = values['grouping_key']
# Get all involved taxes in the tax group.
involved_taxes = self.env['account.tax']
for base_line, taxes_data in values['base_line_x_taxes_data']:
for tax_data in taxes_data:
involved_taxes |= tax_data['tax']
# Compute the display base amounts.
display_base_amount = values['base_amount']
display_base_amount_currency = values['base_amount_currency']
if set(involved_taxes.mapped('amount_type')) == {'fixed'}:
display_base_amount = None
display_base_amount_currency = None
elif set(involved_taxes.mapped('amount_type')) == {'division'} and all(involved_taxes.mapped('price_include')):
for base_line, _taxes_data in values['base_line_x_taxes_data']:
for tax_data in base_line['tax_details']['taxes_data']:
if tax_data['tax'].amount_type == 'division':
display_base_amount_currency += tax_data['tax_amount_currency']
display_base_amount += tax_data['tax_amount']
if display_base_amount_currency is not None:
encountered_base_amounts.add(float_repr(display_base_amount_currency, currency.decimal_places))
# Order of the subtotals.
preceding_subtotal = tax_group.preceding_subtotal or untaxed_amount_subtotal_label
if preceding_subtotal not in subtotals_order:
subtotals_order[preceding_subtotal] = order
'id': tax_group.id,
'involved_tax_ids': involved_taxes.ids,
'tax_amount_currency': values['tax_amount_currency'],
'tax_amount': values['tax_amount'],
'base_amount_currency': values['base_amount_currency'],
'base_amount': values['base_amount'],
'display_base_amount_currency': display_base_amount_currency,
'display_base_amount': display_base_amount,
'group_name': tax_group.name,
'group_label': tax_group.pos_receipt_label,
# Cash rounding
cash_rounding_lines = [base_line for base_line in base_lines if base_line['special_type'] == 'cash_rounding']
if cash_rounding_lines:
tax_totals_summary['cash_rounding_base_amount_currency'] = 0.0
tax_totals_summary['cash_rounding_base_amount'] = 0.0
for base_line in cash_rounding_lines:
tax_details = base_line['tax_details']
tax_totals_summary['cash_rounding_base_amount_currency'] += tax_details['total_excluded_currency']
tax_totals_summary['cash_rounding_base_amount'] += tax_details['total_excluded']
elif cash_rounding:
strategy = cash_rounding.strategy
cash_rounding_pd = cash_rounding.rounding
cash_rounding_method = cash_rounding.rounding_method
total_amount_currency = tax_totals_summary['base_amount_currency'] + tax_totals_summary['tax_amount_currency']
total_amount = tax_totals_summary['base_amount'] + tax_totals_summary['tax_amount']
expected_total_amount_currency = float_round(
cash_rounding_base_amount_currency = expected_total_amount_currency - total_amount_currency
if not currency.is_zero(cash_rounding_base_amount_currency):
rate = abs(total_amount_currency / total_amount) if total_amount else 0.0
cash_rounding_base_amount = company.currency_id.round(cash_rounding_base_amount_currency / rate) if rate else 0.0
if strategy == 'add_invoice_line':
tax_totals_summary['cash_rounding_base_amount_currency'] = cash_rounding_base_amount_currency
tax_totals_summary['cash_rounding_base_amount'] = cash_rounding_base_amount
tax_totals_summary['base_amount_currency'] += cash_rounding_base_amount_currency
tax_totals_summary['base_amount'] += cash_rounding_base_amount
subtotals[untaxed_amount_subtotal_label]['base_amount_currency'] += cash_rounding_base_amount_currency
subtotals[untaxed_amount_subtotal_label]['base_amount'] += cash_rounding_base_amount
elif strategy == 'biggest_tax':
max_subtotal, max_tax_group = max(
(subtotal, tax_group)
for subtotal in subtotals.values()
for tax_group in subtotal['tax_groups']
key=lambda item: item[1]['tax_amount_currency'],
max_tax_group['tax_amount_currency'] += cash_rounding_base_amount_currency
max_tax_group['tax_amount'] += cash_rounding_base_amount
max_subtotal['tax_amount_currency'] += cash_rounding_base_amount_currency
max_subtotal['tax_amount'] += cash_rounding_base_amount
tax_totals_summary['tax_amount_currency'] += cash_rounding_base_amount_currency
tax_totals_summary['tax_amount'] += cash_rounding_base_amount
# Misc.
ordered_subtotals = sorted(subtotals.items(), key=lambda item: subtotals_order.get(item[0], 0))
for subtotal_label, subtotal in ordered_subtotals:
subtotal['name'] = subtotal_label
tax_totals_summary['same_tax_base'] = len(encountered_base_amounts) == 1
# Total amount.
tax_totals_summary['total_amount_currency'] = \
tax_totals_summary['base_amount_currency'] + tax_totals_summary['tax_amount_currency']
tax_totals_summary['total_amount'] = \
tax_totals_summary['base_amount'] + tax_totals_summary['tax_amount']
return tax_totals_summary
def _exclude_tax_groups_from_tax_totals_summary(self, tax_totals, ids_to_exclude):
""" Helper to post-process the tax totals and wrap some tax groups into the base amount.
It's used in some localizations to exclude some taxes from the details.
:param tax_totals: The tax totals generated by '_get_tax_totals_summary'.
:param ids_to_exclude: The ids of the tax groups to exclude.
:return: A new tax totals without the excluded ids.
tax_totals = copy.deepcopy(tax_totals)
ids_to_exclude = set(ids_to_exclude)
subtotals = []
for subtotal in tax_totals['subtotals']:
tax_groups = []
for tax_group in subtotal['tax_groups']:
if tax_group['id'] in ids_to_exclude:
subtotal['base_amount_currency'] += tax_group['tax_amount_currency']
subtotal['base_amount'] += tax_group['tax_amount']
subtotal['tax_amount_currency'] -= tax_group['tax_amount_currency']
subtotal['tax_amount'] -= tax_group['tax_amount']
tax_totals['base_amount_currency'] += tax_group['tax_amount_currency']
tax_totals['base_amount'] += tax_group['tax_amount']
tax_totals['tax_amount_currency'] -= tax_group['tax_amount_currency']
tax_totals['tax_amount'] -= tax_group['tax_amount']
if tax_groups:
subtotal['tax_groups'] = tax_groups
tax_totals['subtotals'] = subtotals
return tax_totals
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _prepare_tax_lines(self, base_lines, company, tax_lines=None):
""" Prepare the tax journal items for the base lines.
After calling '_add_tax_details_in_base_lines', the tax details is there on base lines.
After calling '_round_base_lines_tax_details', the tax details is now rounded.
After calling '_add_accounting_data_in_base_lines_tax_details', each tax_data in the tax details
contains all accounting informations about the repartition lines.
When calling this method, all 'tax_reps_data' in each 'tax_data' will be aggregated all together
and rounded. The total tax amount will not change whatever the number of involved accounting
grouping keys.
The 'sign' value in base lines is very important for this method because that key decide the sign
of the 'amount_currency'/'balance' of the base lines/tax lines to be updated/created.
Don't forget to call '_add_tax_details_in_base_lines', '_round_base_lines_tax_details' and
'_add_accounting_data_in_base_lines_tax_details' before calling this method.
:param base_lines: A list of base lines generated using the '_prepare_base_line_for_taxes_computation' method.
:param company: The company owning the base lines.
:param tax_lines: A optional list of base lines generated using the '_prepare_tax_line_for_taxes_computation'
method. If specified, this method will indicate which tax lines must be deleted or updated instead
of creating again all tax lines everytime.
:return: The base amounts for base lines and the full diff about tax lines as a dictionary containing:
tax_lines_to_add: A list of values to be passed to account.move.line's create function.
tax_lines_to_delete: The list of tax lines to be removed.
tax_lines_to_update: A list of tuple <tax_line, grouping_key, amounts> where:
tax_line is the tax line to be updated,
grouping_key is the accounting grouping key matching the tax line and used to determine the tax line can be
updated instead of created again,
amounts is a dictionary containing the new values for 'tax_base_amount', 'amount_currency', 'balance'.
base_lines_to_update: A list of tuple <base_line, amounts> where:
base_line is the base line to be updated.
amounts is a dictionary containing the new values for 'tax_tag_ids', 'amount_currency', 'balance'.
tax_lines_mapping = defaultdict(lambda: {
'tax_base_amount': 0.0,
'amount_currency': 0.0,
'balance': 0.0,
base_lines_to_update = []
for base_line in base_lines:
sign = base_line['sign']
tax_tag_invert = base_line['tax_tag_invert']
tax_details = base_line['tax_details']
'tax_tag_ids': [Command.set(base_line['tax_tag_ids'].ids)],
'amount_currency': sign * (tax_details['total_excluded_currency'] + tax_details.get('delta_base_amount_currency', 0.0)),
'balance': sign * (tax_details['total_excluded'] + tax_details.get('delta_base_amount', 0.0)),
for tax_data in tax_details['taxes_data']:
tax = tax_data['tax']
for tax_rep_data in tax_data['tax_reps_data']:
grouping_key = frozendict(tax_rep_data['grouping_key'])
tax_line = tax_lines_mapping[grouping_key]
tax_line['name'] = tax.name
tax_line['tax_base_amount'] += sign * tax_data['base_amount'] * (-1 if tax_tag_invert else 1)
tax_line['amount_currency'] += sign * tax_rep_data['tax_amount_currency']
tax_line['balance'] += sign * tax_rep_data['tax_amount']
# Remove tax lines having a zero amount.
tax_lines_mapping = {
k: v
for k, v in tax_lines_mapping.items()
if (
k.get('currency_id') and not self.env['res.currency'].browse(k['currency_id']).is_zero(v['amount_currency'])
or not company.currency_id.is_zero(v['balance'])
# Compute 'tax_lines_to_update' / 'tax_lines_to_delete' / 'tax_lines_to_add'.
tax_lines_to_update = []
tax_lines_to_delete = []
for tax_line in tax_lines or []:
grouping_key = frozendict(self._prepare_tax_line_repartition_grouping_key(tax_line))
if grouping_key in tax_lines_mapping and grouping_key not in tax_lines_to_update:
amounts = tax_lines_mapping.pop(grouping_key)
tax_lines_to_update.append((tax_line, grouping_key, amounts))
tax_lines_to_add = [{**grouping_key, **values} for grouping_key, values in tax_lines_mapping.items()]
return {
'tax_lines_to_add': tax_lines_to_add,
'tax_lines_to_delete': tax_lines_to_delete,
'tax_lines_to_update': tax_lines_to_update,
'base_lines_to_update': base_lines_to_update,
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
def flatten_taxes_hierarchy(self):
# Flattens the taxes contained in this recordset, returning all the
# children at the bottom of the hierarchy, in a recordset, ordered by sequence.
# Eg. considering letters as taxes and alphabetic order as sequence :
# [G, B([A, D, F]), E, C] will be computed as [A, D, F, C, E, G]
# If create_map is True, an additional value is returned, a dictionary
# mapping each child tax to its parent group
all_taxes = self.env['account.tax']
for tax in self.sorted(key=lambda r: r.sequence):
if tax.amount_type == 'group':
all_taxes += tax.children_tax_ids.flatten_taxes_hierarchy()
all_taxes += tax
return all_taxes
def get_tax_tags(self, is_refund, repartition_type):
document_type = 'refund' if is_refund else 'invoice'
return self.repartition_line_ids\
.filtered(lambda x: x.repartition_type == repartition_type and x.document_type == document_type)\
def compute_all(self, price_unit, currency=None, quantity=1.0, product=None, partner=None, is_refund=False, handle_price_include=True, include_caba_tags=False, rounding_method=None):
"""Compute all information required to apply taxes (in self + their children in case of a tax group).
We consider the sequence of the parent for group of taxes.
Eg. considering letters as taxes and alphabetic order as sequence :
[G, B([A, D, F]), E, C] will be computed as [A, D, F, C, E, G]
:param price_unit: The unit price of the line to compute taxes on.
:param currency: The optional currency in which the price_unit is expressed.
:param quantity: The optional quantity of the product to compute taxes on.
:param product: The optional product to compute taxes on.
Used to get the tags to apply on the lines.
:param partner: The optional partner compute taxes on.
Used to retrieve the lang to build strings and for potential extensions.
:param is_refund: The optional boolean indicating if this is a refund.
:param handle_price_include: Used when we need to ignore all tax included in price. If False, it means the
amount passed to this method will be considered as the base of all computations.
:param include_caba_tags: The optional boolean indicating if CABA tags need to be taken into account.
:return: {
'total_excluded': 0.0, # Total without taxes
'total_included': 0.0, # Total with taxes
'total_void' : 0.0, # Total with those taxes, that don't have an account set
'base_tags: : list<int>, # Tags to apply on the base line
'taxes': [{ # One dict for each tax in self and their children
'id': int,
'name': str,
'amount': float,
'base': float,
'sequence': int,
'account_id': int,
'refund_account_id': int,
'analytic': bool,
'price_include': bool,
'tax_exigibility': str,
'tax_repartition_line_id': int,
'group': recordset,
'tag_ids': list<int>,
'tax_ids': list<int>,
} """
if not self:
company = self.env.company
company = self[0].company_id._accessible_branches()[:1] or self[0].company_id
# Compute tax details for a single line.
currency = currency or company.currency_id
if 'force_price_include' in self._context:
special_mode = 'total_included' if self._context['force_price_include'] else 'total_excluded'
elif not handle_price_include:
special_mode = 'total_excluded'
special_mode = False
base_line = self._prepare_base_line_for_taxes_computation(
self._add_tax_details_in_base_line(base_line, company, rounding_method=rounding_method)
)._add_accounting_data_to_base_line_tax_details(base_line, company, include_caba_tags=include_caba_tags)
tax_details = base_line['tax_details']
total_void = total_excluded = tax_details['raw_total_excluded_currency']
total_included = tax_details['raw_total_included_currency']
# Convert to the 'old' compute_all api.
taxes = []
for tax_data in tax_details['taxes_data']:
tax = tax_data['tax']
for tax_rep_data in tax_data['tax_reps_data']:
rep_line = tax_rep_data['tax_rep']
'id': tax.id,
'name': partner and tax.with_context(lang=partner.lang).name or tax.name,
'amount': tax_rep_data['tax_amount_currency'],
'base': tax_data['raw_base_amount_currency'],
'sequence': tax.sequence,
'account_id': tax_rep_data['account'].id,
'analytic': tax.analytic,
'use_in_tax_closing': rep_line.use_in_tax_closing,
'price_include': tax.price_include,
'tax_exigibility': tax.tax_exigibility,
'tax_repartition_line_id': rep_line.id,
'group': tax_data['group'],
'tag_ids': tax_rep_data['tax_tags'].ids,
'tax_ids': tax_rep_data['taxes'].ids,
if not rep_line.account_id:
total_void += tax_rep_data['tax_amount_currency']
if self._context.get('round_base', True):
total_excluded = currency.round(total_excluded)
total_included = currency.round(total_included)
return {
'base_tags': base_line['tax_tag_ids'].ids,
'taxes': taxes,
'total_excluded': total_excluded,
'total_included': total_included,
'total_void': total_void,
def _filter_taxes_by_company(self, company_id):
""" Filter taxes by the given company
It goes through the company hierarchy until a tax is found
if not self:
return self
taxes, company = self.env['account.tax'], company_id
while not taxes and company:
taxes = self.filtered(lambda t: t.company_id == company)
company = company.sudo().parent_id
return taxes
def _fix_tax_included_price(self, price, prod_taxes, line_taxes):
"""Subtract tax amount from price when corresponding "price included" taxes do not apply"""
# FIXME get currency in param?
prod_taxes = prod_taxes._origin
line_taxes = line_taxes._origin
incl_tax = prod_taxes.filtered(lambda tax: tax not in line_taxes and tax.price_include)
if incl_tax:
return incl_tax.compute_all(price)['total_excluded']
return price
def _fix_tax_included_price_company(self, price, prod_taxes, line_taxes, company_id):
if company_id:
#To keep the same behavior as in _compute_tax_id
prod_taxes = prod_taxes.filtered(lambda tax: tax.company_id == company_id)
line_taxes = line_taxes.filtered(lambda tax: tax.company_id == company_id)
return self._fix_tax_included_price(price, prod_taxes, line_taxes)
def _dispatch_negative_lines(self, base_lines, sorting_criteria=None, additional_dispatching_method=None):
This method tries to dispatch the amount of negative lines on positive ones with the same tax, resulting in
a discount for these positive lines.
:param base_lines: A list of python dictionaries created using the '_prepare_base_line_for_taxes_computation' method.
:param sorting_criteria: Optional list of criteria to sort the candidate for a negative line
:param additional_dispatching_method: Optional method to transfer additional information (like tax amounts).
It takes as arguments:
- neg_base_line: the negative line being dispatched
- candidate: the positive line that will get discounted by neg_base_line
- is_zero: if the neg_base_line is nulled by the candidate
:return: A dictionary in the following form:
'result_lines': Remaining list of positive lines, with their potential increased discount
'orphan_negative_lines': A list of remaining negative lines that failed to be distributed
'nulled_candidate_lines': list of previously positive lines that have been nulled (with the discount)
def dispatch_tax_amounts(neg_base_line, candidate, is_zero):
def get_tax_key(tax_data):
return frozendict({'tax': tax_data['tax'], 'is_reverse_charge': tax_data['is_reverse_charge']})
base_line_fields = ('raw_total_excluded_currency', 'raw_total_excluded', 'raw_total_included_currency', 'raw_total_included')
tax_data_fields = ('raw_base_amount_currency', 'raw_base_amount', 'raw_tax_amount_currency', 'raw_tax_amount')
if is_zero:
for field in base_line_fields:
candidate['tax_details'][field] += neg_base_line['tax_details'][field]
neg_base_line['tax_details'][field] = 0.0
for field in base_line_fields:
neg_base_line['tax_details'][field] += candidate['tax_details'][field]
candidate['tax_details'][field] = 0.0
for tax_data in neg_base_line['tax_details']['taxes_data']:
tax_key = get_tax_key(tax_data)
other_tax_data = next(x for x in candidate['tax_details']['taxes_data'] if get_tax_key(x) == tax_key)
if is_zero:
for field in tax_data_fields:
other_tax_data[field] += tax_data[field]
tax_data[field] = 0.0
for field in tax_data_fields:
tax_data[field] += other_tax_data[field]
other_tax_data[field] = 0.0
results = {
'result_lines': [],
'orphan_negative_lines': [],
'nulled_candidate_lines': [],
for line in base_lines:
line.setdefault('discount_amount', line['discount_amount_before_dispatching'])
if line['currency_id'].compare_amounts(line['gross_price_subtotal'], 0) < 0.0:
for neg_base_line in list(results['orphan_negative_lines']):
candidates = [
for candidate in results['result_lines']
if (
neg_base_line['currency_id'] == candidate['currency_id']
and neg_base_line['partner_id'] == candidate['partner_id']
and neg_base_line['tax_ids'] == candidate['tax_ids']
sorting_criteria = sorting_criteria or self._get_negative_lines_sorting_candidate_criteria()
sorted_candidates = sorted(candidates, key=lambda candidate: tuple(method(candidate, neg_base_line) for method in sorting_criteria))
# Dispatch.
for candidate in sorted_candidates:
net_price_subtotal = neg_base_line['gross_price_subtotal'] - neg_base_line['discount_amount']
other_net_price_subtotal = candidate['gross_price_subtotal'] - candidate['discount_amount']
discount_to_distribute = min(other_net_price_subtotal, -net_price_subtotal)
if candidate['currency_id'].is_zero(discount_to_distribute):
candidate['discount_amount'] += discount_to_distribute
neg_base_line['discount_amount'] -= discount_to_distribute
remaining_to_distribute = neg_base_line['gross_price_subtotal'] - neg_base_line['discount_amount']
is_zero = neg_base_line['currency_id'].is_zero(remaining_to_distribute)
dispatch_tax_amounts(neg_base_line, candidate, is_zero)
if additional_dispatching_method:
additional_dispatching_method(neg_base_line, candidate, discount_to_distribute, is_zero)
# Check if there is something left on the other line.
remaining_amount = candidate['discount_amount'] - candidate['gross_price_subtotal']
if candidate['currency_id'].is_zero(remaining_amount):
if is_zero:
return results
def _get_negative_lines_sorting_candidate_criteria(self):
# Ordering by priority:
# - same product
# - same amount
# - biggest amount
def same_product(candidate, negative_line):
return (
not candidate['product_id']
or not negative_line['product_id']
or candidate['product_id'] != negative_line['product_id']
def same_price_subtotal(candidate, negative_line):
return candidate['currency_id'].compare_amounts(candidate['price_subtotal'], -negative_line['price_subtotal']) != 0
def biggest_amount(candidate, negative_line):
return -candidate['price_subtotal']
return [same_product, same_price_subtotal, biggest_amount]
def _get_description_plaintext(self):
if is_html_empty(self.description):
return ''
return html2plaintext(self.description)
class AccountTaxRepartitionLine(models.Model):
_name = "account.tax.repartition.line"
_description = "Tax Repartition Line"
_order = 'document_type, repartition_type, sequence, id'
_check_company_auto = True
_check_company_domain = models.check_company_domain_parent_of
factor_percent = fields.Float(
help="Factor to apply on the account move lines generated from this distribution line, in percents",
factor = fields.Float(string="Factor Ratio", compute="_compute_factor", help="Factor to apply on the account move lines generated from this distribution line")
repartition_type = fields.Selection(string="Based On", selection=[('base', 'Base'), ('tax', 'of tax')], required=True, default='tax', help="Base on which the factor will be applied.")
document_type = fields.Selection(string="Related to", selection=[('invoice', 'Invoice'), ('refund', 'Refund')], required=True)
account_id = fields.Many2one(string="Account",
domain="[('deprecated', '=', False), ('account_type', 'not in', ('asset_receivable', 'liability_payable', 'off_balance'))]",
help="Account on which to post the tax amount")
tag_ids = fields.Many2many(string="Tax Grids", comodel_name='account.account.tag', domain=[('applicability', '=', 'taxes')], copy=True, ondelete='restrict')
tax_id = fields.Many2one(comodel_name='account.tax', ondelete='cascade', check_company=True)
company_id = fields.Many2one(string="Company", comodel_name='res.company', related="tax_id.company_id", store=True, help="The company this distribution line belongs to.")
sequence = fields.Integer(string="Sequence", default=1,
help="The order in which distribution lines are displayed and matched. For refunds to work properly, invoice distribution lines should be arranged in the same order as the credit note distribution lines they correspond to.")
use_in_tax_closing = fields.Boolean(
string="Tax Closing Entry",
compute='_compute_use_in_tax_closing', store=True, readonly=False, precompute=True,
tag_ids_domain = fields.Binary(string="tag domain", help="Dynamic domain used for the tag that can be set on tax", compute="_compute_tag_ids_domain")
@api.depends('company_id.multi_vat_foreign_country_ids', 'company_id.account_fiscal_country_id')
def _compute_tag_ids_domain(self):
for rep_line in self:
allowed_country_ids = (False, rep_line.company_id.account_fiscal_country_id.id, *rep_line.company_id.multi_vat_foreign_country_ids.ids,)
rep_line.tag_ids_domain = [('applicability', '=', 'taxes'), ('country_id', 'in', allowed_country_ids)]
@api.depends('account_id', 'repartition_type')
def _compute_use_in_tax_closing(self):
for rep_line in self:
rep_line.use_in_tax_closing = (
rep_line.repartition_type == 'tax'
and rep_line.account_id
and rep_line.account_id.internal_group not in ('income', 'expense')
def _compute_factor(self):
for record in self:
record.factor = record.factor_percent / 100.0
def _onchange_repartition_type(self):
if self.repartition_type == 'base':
self.account_id = None
def _get_aml_target_tax_account(self, force_caba_exigibility=False):
""" Get the default tax account to set on a business line.
:return: An account.account record or an empty recordset.
if not force_caba_exigibility and self.tax_id.tax_exigibility == 'on_payment' and not self._context.get('caba_no_transition_account'):
return self.tax_id.cash_basis_transition_account_id
return self.account_id