2025-03-10 11:12:23 +07:00

136 lines
6.5 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
import base64
from odoo import api, fields, models, _
from odoo.modules.module import get_module_resource
class ResCompany(models.Model):
_inherit = "res.company"
portal_confirmation_sign = fields.Boolean(string='Online Signature', default=True)
portal_confirmation_pay = fields.Boolean(string='Online Payment')
quotation_validity_days = fields.Integer(default=30, string="Default Quotation Validity (Days)")
# sale quotation onboarding
sale_quotation_onboarding_state = fields.Selection([('not_done', "Not done"), ('just_done', "Just done"), ('done', "Done"), ('closed', "Closed")], string="State of the sale onboarding panel", default='not_done')
sale_onboarding_order_confirmation_state = fields.Selection([('not_done', "Not done"), ('just_done', "Just done"), ('done', "Done")], string="State of the onboarding confirmation order step", default='not_done')
sale_onboarding_sample_quotation_state = fields.Selection([('not_done', "Not done"), ('just_done', "Just done"), ('done', "Done")], string="State of the onboarding sample quotation step", default='not_done')
sale_onboarding_payment_method = fields.Selection([
('digital_signature', 'Sign online'),
('paypal', 'PayPal'),
('stripe', 'Stripe'),
('other', 'Pay with another payment provider'),
('manual', 'Manual Payment'),
], string="Sale onboarding selected payment method")
def action_close_sale_quotation_onboarding(self):
""" Mark the onboarding panel as closed. """
self.env.company.sale_quotation_onboarding_state = 'closed'
def action_open_sale_onboarding_payment_provider(self):
""" Called by onboarding panel above the quotation list."""
action = self.env["ir.actions.actions"]._for_xml_id("sale.action_open_sale_payment_provider_onboarding_wizard")
return action
def _mark_payment_onboarding_step_as_done(self):
""" Override of payment to mark the sale onboarding step as done.
The payment onboarding step of Sales is only marked as done if it was started from Sales.
This prevents incorrectly marking the step as done if another module's payment onboarding
step was marked as done.
:return: None
if self.sale_onboarding_payment_method: # The onboarding step was started from Sales
def _get_sample_sales_order(self):
""" Get a sample quotation or create one if it does not exist. """
# use current user as partner
partner = self.env.user.partner_id
company_id = self.env.company.id
# is there already one?
sample_sales_order = self.env['sale.order'].search(
[('company_id', '=', company_id), ('partner_id', '=', partner.id),
('state', '=', 'draft')], limit=1)
if len(sample_sales_order) == 0:
sample_sales_order = self.env['sale.order'].create({
'partner_id': partner.id
# take any existing product or create one
product = self.env['product.product'].search([], limit=1)
if len(product) == 0:
default_image_path = get_module_resource('product', 'static/img', 'product_product_13-image.jpg')
product = self.env['product.product'].create({
'name': _('Sample Product'),
'active': False,
'image_1920': base64.b64encode(open(default_image_path, 'rb').read())
product.product_tmpl_id.write({'active': False})
'name': _('Sample Order Line'),
'product_id': product.id,
'product_uom_qty': 10,
'price_unit': 123,
'order_id': sample_sales_order.id,
'company_id': sample_sales_order.company_id.id,
return sample_sales_order
def action_open_sale_onboarding_sample_quotation(self):
""" Onboarding step for sending a sample quotation. Open a window to compose an email,
with the edi_invoice_template message loaded by default. """
sample_sales_order = self._get_sample_sales_order()
template = self.env.ref('sale.email_template_edi_sale', False)
message_composer = self.env['mail.compose.message'].with_context(
proforma=self.env.context.get('proforma', False),
force_email=True, mail_notify_author=True
'res_id': sample_sales_order.id,
'template_id': template and template.id or False,
'model': 'sale.order',
'composition_mode': 'comment'})
# Simulate the onchange (like trigger in form the view)
update_values = message_composer._onchange_template_id(template.id, 'comment', 'sale.order', sample_sales_order.id)['value']
action = self.env["ir.actions.actions"]._for_xml_id("sale.action_orders")
'views': [[self.env.ref('sale.view_order_form').id, 'form']],
'view_mode': 'form',
'target': 'main',
return action
def get_and_update_sale_quotation_onboarding_state(self):
""" This method is called on the controller rendering method and ensures that the animations
are displayed only one time. """
steps = [
return self._get_and_update_onboarding_state('sale_quotation_onboarding_state', steps)
_sql_constraints = [('check_quotation_validity_days', 'CHECK(quotation_validity_days > 0)', 'Quotation Validity is required and must be greater than 0.')]