2025-01-06 10:57:38 +07:00

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from odoo.addons.account.tests.common import AccountTestInvoicingCommon
from odoo import Command
from odoo.tests import tagged
from odoo.tools.misc import format_amount
@tagged('post_install', '-at_install')
class TestAccountJournalDashboardCommon(AccountTestInvoicingCommon):
def setUpClass(cls):
cls.other_currency = cls.setup_other_currency('EUR')
def _create_test_vendor_bills(self, journal):
# Setup multiple payments term
twentyfive_now_term = self.env['account.payment.term'].create({
'name': '25% now, rest in 30 days',
'note': 'Pay 25% on invoice date and 75% 30 days later',
'line_ids': [
'value': 'percent',
'value_amount': 25.00,
'delay_type': 'days_after',
'nb_days': 0,
'value': 'percent',
'value_amount': 75.00,
'delay_type': 'days_after',
'nb_days': 30,
'move_type': 'in_invoice',
'journal_id': journal.id,
'partner_id': self.partner_a.id,
'invoice_date': '2023-04-01',
'date': '2023-03-15',
'invoice_payment_term_id': twentyfive_now_term.id,
'invoice_line_ids': [Command.create({
'product_id': self.product_a.id,
'quantity': 1,
'name': 'product test 1',
'price_unit': 4000,
'tax_ids': [],
# This bill has two residual amls. One of 1000$ and one of 3000$. Both are waiting for payment and due in 16 and 46 days.
# number_waiting += 1, sum_waiting += -4000$, number_late += 0, sum_late += 0$
'move_type': 'in_invoice',
'journal_id': journal.id,
'partner_id': self.partner_a.id,
'invoice_date': '2023-03-01',
'date': '2023-03-15',
'invoice_payment_term_id': twentyfive_now_term.id,
'invoice_line_ids': [Command.create({
'product_id': self.product_a.id,
'quantity': 1,
'name': 'product test 1',
'price_unit': 400,
'tax_ids': [],
# This bill has two residual amls. One of 100$ and one of 300$. One is late and due 14 days prior and one which is waiting for payment and due in 15 days.
# Even though one entry is late, the entire move isn't considered late since all entries are not.
# number_waiting += 1, sum_waiting += -400$, number_late += 0, sum_late += 0$
'move_type': 'in_invoice',
'journal_id': journal.id,
'partner_id': self.partner_a.id,
'invoice_date': '2023-02-01',
'date': '2023-03-15',
'invoice_payment_term_id': twentyfive_now_term.id,
'invoice_line_ids': [Command.create({
'product_id': self.product_a.id,
'quantity': 1,
'name': 'product test 1',
'price_unit': 40,
'tax_ids': [],
# This bill has two residual amls. One of 10$ and one of 30$. Both of them are late and due 45 and 15 days prior.
# number_waiting += 1, sum_waiting += -40$, number_late += 1, sum_late += -40$
def assertDashboardPurchaseSaleData(self, journal, number_draft, sum_draft, number_waiting, sum_waiting, number_late, sum_late, currency, **kwargs):
expected_values = {
'number_draft': number_draft,
'sum_draft': format_amount(self.env, sum_draft, currency),
'number_waiting': number_waiting,
'sum_waiting': format_amount(self.env, sum_waiting, currency),
'number_late': number_late,
'sum_late': format_amount(self.env, sum_late, currency),
dashboard_data = journal._get_journal_dashboard_data_batched()[journal.id]
self.assertDictEqual({**dashboard_data, **expected_values}, dashboard_data)