msgid "The *Target* - business object - is *Lead/Opportunity* and was narrowed down to the ones whose *Tag Name* contain the description “Product”, and have an email address set."
msgid "Every time the system runs, updating numbers and triggering actions, it will look at the *Target* model and check if new records have been added or modified, keeping the flow up-to-date."
msgid "*Records* is a real-time number, therefore while the workflow is running, changes in opportunity records can be made - delete, add, adjustment - updating the number of records, but not changing the number of participants, as the metric *will not* exclude opportunities that have been set as participants before. It will just add new ones. For this reason, the number of *Records* can be different from the number of *Participants*."
msgid "You can also have filters applied to activities individually, under *Domain*. A useful feature to specify an individual filter that will only be performed if the records satisfied both filters, the activity and its domain one."
msgid "Example: for an activity sending an SMS, you could make sure a phone number is set to avoid triggering a SMS that would never be sent and crash."
msgid "*Success* is the number of times the searching for participants - that match the filter(s) of that activity - was performed successfully in relation to the total number of participants."
msgid "Every time a new record is added to the *Target* model, it will be automatically added to the workflow, and, it will start the workflow from the beginning (parent action)."
msgid "Automated workflows are a sign that you are building intelligent, data-driven, multifaceted campaigns to enable the delivery of the right message, to the right prospects, at the right time. It also speeds up processes and creates a seamless experience for employees."
msgid "Depending on the criteria, the *target model updates itself* while the campaign is running. That means that every new record that meets the criteria will be added to the workflow."
msgid "Example: a campaign starts for leads that have no salesman assigned. If at some point, those leads get to have a salesman assigned to it, the campaign will stop running."
msgid "Adopt an *Expiry Duration* if you would like to stop actions from being executed after a certain amount of time and in subsequence to the trigger."
msgid "You can either create or add a child activity if on the previous one: the email was opened or not, the email was replied or not, the link was clicked or not, the email bounced back."
msgid "When working with filters, you will see that some of the rules have an arrow button next to it, informing you that the parameter has more variables within it."
msgid "Every time a new branch is created, you can choose if you would like the records to match *all* criteria of the upcoming rules, or *any*, meaning one rule or the other."
msgid "Before starting a campaign, launching a test allows you to run the workflow on a test contact and view the sequence of events in action, avoiding mistakes."
msgid "Once you have selected the test contact, *Run* the parent activity and the subsequent ones as needed. *Run* and *Stop* activities individually. To stop the whole workflow click on *Stop*."
msgid "Click on *Start* to run the workflow, and on *Stop* to interrupt it. The interruption and new start can happen at any moment. The current status will be shown on the status bar."
msgid "If you click on *Participants* and open a record, you will find the specific activities the record went/are/will go through, as well as when the workflow was triggered to him. If you wish to cancel an activity click on *Cancel*."