[ADD] base_import FAQ

This commit is contained in:
Cedric Snauwaert 2016-04-04 17:21:48 +02:00 committed by Yannick Tivisse
parent 27388c89a6
commit 0ff2696493
12 changed files with 497 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
External ID,Name,Parent Category/External ID
a2,Other Products,product.product_category_all
a3,Sellable Products,product.product_category_all
a5,Seating furniture,a2
1 External ID Name Parent Category/External ID
2 a1 Expenses product.product_category_all
3 a2 Other Products product.product_category_all
4 a3 Sellable Products product.product_category_all
5 a4 Tables a1
6 a5 Seating furniture a2

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
External ID,Name,Internal Reference,Category/External ID,Can be Expensed,Can be Purchased,Can be Sold,Sale Price,Cost,Supply Method,Product Type,Procurement Method
a6,Aluminum Stool,ALS,a5,False,True,True,49.00,25.00,Buy,Stockable Product,Make to Stock
a7,Chair,CHR,a5,False,True,True,89.00,40.00,Buy,Stockable Product,Make to Stock
a8,Table,TBL,a4,False,True,True,169.00,100.00,Buy,Stockable Product,Make to Stock
a9,Software Book Tutorial,SBT,a2,False,True,False,19.00,8.00,Buy,Consumable,Make to Stock
a10,Fuel,FL,a1,True,False,False,0.30,0.25,Buy,Service,Make to Stock
1 External ID Name Internal Reference Category/External ID Can be Expensed Can be Purchased Can be Sold Sale Price Cost Supply Method Product Type Procurement Method
2 a6 Aluminum Stool ALS a5 False True True 49.00 25.00 Buy Stockable Product Make to Stock
3 a7 Chair CHR a5 False True True 89.00 40.00 Buy Stockable Product Make to Stock
4 a8 Table TBL a4 False True True 169.00 100.00 Buy Stockable Product Make to Stock
5 a9 Software Book Tutorial SBT a2 False True False 19.00 8.00 Buy Consumable Make to Stock
6 a10 Fuel FL a1 True False False 0.30 0.25 Buy Service Make to Stock

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@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
-- PostgreSQL database dump
SET statement_timeout = 0;
SET client_encoding = 'UTF8';
SET standard_conforming_strings = off;
SET check_function_bodies = false;
SET client_min_messages = warning;
SET escape_string_warning = off;
SET search_path = public, pg_catalog;
SET default_tablespace = '';
SET default_with_oids = false;
-- Name: companies; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: fp; Tablespace:
CREATE TABLE companies (
id integer NOT NULL,
company_name character varying
ALTER TABLE public.companies OWNER TO fp;
-- Name: companies_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: fp
CREATE SEQUENCE companies_id_seq
ALTER TABLE public.companies_id_seq OWNER TO fp;
-- Name: companies_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: fp
ALTER SEQUENCE companies_id_seq OWNED BY companies.id;
-- Name: companies_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: fp
SELECT pg_catalog.setval('companies_id_seq', 3, true);
-- Name: persons; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: fp; Tablespace:
CREATE TABLE persons (
id integer NOT NULL,
company_id integer,
person_name character varying
ALTER TABLE public.persons OWNER TO fp;
-- Name: persons_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: fp
CREATE SEQUENCE persons_id_seq
ALTER TABLE public.persons_id_seq OWNER TO fp;
-- Name: persons_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: fp
ALTER SEQUENCE persons_id_seq OWNED BY persons.id;
-- Name: persons_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: fp
SELECT pg_catalog.setval('persons_id_seq', 4, true);
-- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: fp
ALTER TABLE ONLY companies ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('companies_id_seq'::regclass);
-- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: fp
ALTER TABLE ONLY persons ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('persons_id_seq'::regclass);
-- Data for Name: companies; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: fp
COPY companies (id, company_name) FROM stdin;
1 Bigees
2 Organi
3 Boum
-- Data for Name: persons; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: fp
COPY persons (id, company_id, person_name) FROM stdin;
1 1 Fabien
2 1 Laurence
3 2 Eric
4 3 Ramsy
-- Name: companies_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: fp; Tablespace:
ADD CONSTRAINT companies_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
-- Name: persons_company_id_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: fp
ADD CONSTRAINT persons_company_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (company_id) REFERENCES companies(id);
-- PostgreSQL database dump complete

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
Credit & Leasing,3,Services,True,Central Avenue 814,Johannesburg,South Africa
Services & Finance,5,"Consultancy Services,IT Services",True,Grove Road 5,London,United Kingdom
Hydra Supplies,6,"Manufacturer,Retailer",True,Palm Street 9,Los Angeles,United States
Bolts & Screws,8,"Wholesaler,Components Buyer",True,Rua Américo 1000,Campinas,Brazil
National Parts & Supplies,18,"Manufacturer,Wholesaler",True,Guangdong Way 20,Shenzen,China
1 Name Reference Tags Customer Street City Country
2 Credit & Leasing 3 Services True Central Avenue 814 Johannesburg South Africa
3 Services & Finance 5 Consultancy Services,IT Services True Grove Road 5 London United Kingdom
4 Hydra Supplies 6 Manufacturer,Retailer True Palm Street 9 Los Angeles United States
5 Bolts & Screws 8 Wholesaler,Components Buyer True Rua Américo 1000 Campinas Brazil
6 National Parts & Supplies 18 Manufacturer,Wholesaler True Guangdong Way 20 Shenzen China

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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
Name,Is a company,Related company,Address type,Customer,Supplier,Street,ZIP,City,State,Country
Aurora Shelves,1,,,1,0,25 Pacific Road,95101,San José,CA,United States
Roger Martins,0,Aurora Shelves,Invoice address,1,0,27 Pacific Road,95102,San José,CA,United States
House Sales Direct,1,,,1,0,104 Saint Mary Avenue,94059,Redwood,CA,United States
Yvan Holiday,0,House Sales Direct,Contact,1,0,104 Saint Mary Avenue,94060,Redwood,CA,United States
Jack Unsworth,0,House Sales Direct,Invoice address,1,0,227 Jackson Road,94061,Redwood,CA,United States
Michael Mason,0,,,1,0,16 5th Avenue,94104,San Francisco,CA,United States
International Wood,1,,,1,0,748 White House Boulevard,20004,Washington,DC,United States
Sharon Pecker,0,International Wood,Invoice address,1,0,755 White House Boulevard,20005,Washington,DC,United States
1 Name Is a company Related company Address type Customer Supplier Street ZIP City State Country
2 Aurora Shelves 1 1 0 25 Pacific Road 95101 San José CA United States
3 Roger Martins 0 Aurora Shelves Invoice address 1 0 27 Pacific Road 95102 San José CA United States
4 House Sales Direct 1 1 0 104 Saint Mary Avenue 94059 Redwood CA United States
5 Yvan Holiday 0 House Sales Direct Contact 1 0 104 Saint Mary Avenue 94060 Redwood CA United States
6 Jack Unsworth 0 House Sales Direct Invoice address 1 0 227 Jackson Road 94061 Redwood CA United States
7 Michael Mason 0 1 0 16 5th Avenue 94104 San Francisco CA United States
8 International Wood 1 1 0 748 White House Boulevard 20004 Washington DC United States
9 Sharon Pecker 0 International Wood Invoice address 1 0 755 White House Boulevard 20005 Washington DC United States

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
Order Date,Order Reference,Supplier,Destination,Pricelist,Order Lines / Product,Order Lines / Quantity
2012-12-15,PO00008,ASUSTeK,Stock,Default Purchase Pricelist,ADPT,20
2012-12-15,PO00009,Axelor,Stock,Default Purchase Pricelist,CD,5
2012-12-15,PO000010,China Export,Stock,Default Purchase Pricelist,HDD SH-1,10
,,,,,HDD SH-2,20
1 Order Date Order Reference Supplier Destination Pricelist Order Lines / Product Order Lines / Quantity
2 2012-12-15 PO00008 ASUSTeK Stock Default Purchase Pricelist ADPT 20
3 CARD 30
4 C-Case 40
5 2012-12-15 PO00009 Axelor Stock Default Purchase Pricelist CD 5
6 CPUa8 15
7 2012-12-15 PO000010 China Export Stock Default Purchase Pricelist HDD SH-1 10
8 HDD SH-2 20
9 LAP-CUS 35
10 LAP-E5 40

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
"Order Reference","Supplier","Destination","Pricelist","Order Lines / Product","Order Lines / Quantity"
"PO000020","ASUSTeK","Stock","Default Purchase Pricelist","ADPT",20
"PO000021","Axelor","Stock","Default Purchase Pricelist","CD",5
1 Order Reference Supplier Destination Pricelist Order Lines / Product Order Lines / Quantity
2 PO000020 ASUSTeK Stock Default Purchase Pricelist ADPT 20
3 CARD 30
4 C-Case 40
5 PO000021 Axelor Stock Default Purchase Pricelist CD 5
6 CPUa8 15

View File

@ -15,5 +15,6 @@ Applications
.. expenses
.. recruitment

View File

@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ latex_logo = '_static/banners/odoo_logo.png'
#latex_show_pagerefs = False
# If true, show URL addresses after external links.
latex_show_urls = True
# latex_show_urls = True
# Documents to append as an appendix to all manuals.
#latex_appendices = []

general.rst Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
.. toctree::

general/base_import.rst Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
.. toctree::

View File

@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
Import CSV file to Odoo
Frequently Asked Questions
Need to import data from an other application?
In order to re-create relationships between different records, you should
use the unique identifier from the original application and map it to the **ID**
(External ID) column in Odoo. When you import an other record that links to the
first one, use **XXX/ID** (XXX/External ID) to the original unique identifier.
The **ID** (External ID) will also be used to update the original import if you
need to re-import modified data later, it's thus good practice to specify it
whenever possible.
I cannot find the field I want to map my column to?
Odoo tries to find with some heuristic, based on the first ten lines of the
files, the type of field for each columns inside your file. For example if you
have a column only containing numbers, only the fields that are of type integer
will be displayed for you to choose from. While this behaviour might be good and
easy for most cases scenarios, it is also possible that it goes wrong sometimes
or that you want to map your column to a field that is not proposed by default.
If that happens, you just have to check the **Show all fields for completion
(advanced)** option, you will then be able to choose from the complete list of
fields for each columns.
Where can I change the date import format?
Odoo can automatically detect if a column is a date and it will try to guess
the date format from a set of most used date format. While this process can
work for a lot of simple date formats, some exotic date formats will not be
recognized and it is also possible to have some confusion (day and month
inverted as example) as it is difficult to guess correctly which part is the
day and which one is the month in a date like '01-03-2016'.
To view which date format Odoo has found from your file you can check the
**Date Format** that is shown when clicking on **Options** under the file
selector. If this format is incorrect you can change it to your liking using
the *ISO 8601* to define the format.
.. note::
If you are importing an excel (.xls, .xlsx) file, you can use date cells to
store dates as the display of dates in excel is different from the way it is
stored. That way you will be sure that the date format is correct in Odoo
whatever your locale date format is.
Can I import numbers with currency sign (e.g.: $32.00)?
Yes, we fully support numbers with parenthesis to represent negative sign as
well as numbers with currency sign attached to them. Odoo also automatically
detect which thousand/decimal separator you use (you can change those under
**options**). If you use a currency symbol that is not known to Odoo, it might
not be recognized as a number though and it will crash.
Examples of supported numbers (using thirty-two thousands as an example):
- 32.000,00
- 32000,00
- 32,000.00
- -32000.00
- (32000.00)
- $ 32.000,00
- (32000.00 €)
Example that will not work:
- ABC 32.000,00
- $ (32.000,00)
What can I do when the Import preview table isn't displayed correctly?
By default the Import preview is set on commas as field separators and
quotation marks as text delimiters. If your csv file does not have these
settings, you can modify the File Format Options (displayed under the Browse
CSV file bar after you select your file).
Note that if your CSV file has a tabulation as separator, Odoo will not
detect the separations. You will need to change the file format options
in your spreadsheet application. See the following question.
How can I change the CSV file format options when saving in my spreadsheet application?
If you edit and save CSV files in speadsheet applications, your computer's
regional settings will be applied for the separator and delimiter. We suggest
you use OpenOffice or LibreOffice Calc as they will allow you to modify all
three options (
:menuselection:`in 'Save As' dialog box --> Check the box 'Edit filter settings' --> Save`).
Microsoft Excel will allow you to modify only the encoding when saving (
:menuselection:`in 'Save As' dialog box --> click 'Tools' dropdown list --> Encoding tab`).
What's the difference between Database ID and External ID?
Some fields define a relationship with another object. For example, the country
of a contact is a link to a record of the 'Country' object. When you want to
import such fields, Odoo will have to recreate links between the different
records. To help you import such fields, Odoo provides 3 mechanisms. You must
use one and only one mechanism per field you want to import.
For example, to reference the country of a contact, Odoo proposes you 3
different fields to import:
- Country: the name or code of the country
- Country/Database ID: the unique Odoo ID for a record, defined by the ID
postgresql column
- Country/External ID: the ID of this record referenced in another
application (or the .XML file that imported it)
For the country Belgium, you can use one of these 3 ways to import:
- Country: Belgium
- Country/Database ID: 21
- Country/External ID: base.be
According to your need, you should use one of these 3 ways to reference
records in relations. Here is when you should use one or the other, according
to your need:
- Use Country: This is the easiest way when your data come from CSV files that
have been created manually.
- Use Country/Database ID: You should rarely use this notation. It's mostly
used by developers as it's main advantage is to never have conflicts (you may
have several records with the same name, but they always have a unique
Database ID)
- Use Country/External ID: Use External ID when you import data from a third
party application.
When you use External IDs, you can import CSV files with the "External ID"
column to define the External ID of each record you import. Then, you will be
able to make a reference to that record with columns like "Field/External ID".
The following two CSV files give you an example for Products and their
`CSV file for categories <../../_static/example_files/External_id_3rd_party_application_product_categories.csv>`_.
`CSV file for Products <../../_static/example_files/External_id_3rd_party_application_products.csv>`_.
What can I do if I have multiple matches for a field?
If for example you have two product categories with the child name "Sellable"
(ie. "Misc. Products/Sellable" & "Other Products/Sellable"), your validation is
halted but you may still import your data. However, we recommend you do not
import the data because they will all be linked to the first 'Sellable'
category found in the Product Category list ("Misc. Products/Sellable"). We
recommend you modify one of the duplicates' values or your product category
However if you do not wish to change your configuration of product categories,
we recommend you use make use of the external ID for this field 'Category'.
How can I import a many2many relationship field (e.g. a customer that has multiple tags)?
The tags should be separated by a comma without any spacing. For example, if
you want your customer to be linked to both tags 'Manufacturer' and 'Retailer'
then you will encode "Manufacturer,Retailer" in the same column of your CSV file.
`CSV file for Manufacturer, Retailer <../../_static/example_files/m2m_customers_tags.csv>`_.
How can I import a one2many relationship (e.g. several Order Lines of a Sales Order)?
If you want to import sales order having several order lines; for each order
line, you need to reserve a specific row in the CSV file. The first order line
will be imported on the same row as the information relative to order. Any
additional lines will need an addtional row that does not have any information
in the fields relative to the order.
As an example, here is purchase.order_functional_error_line_cant_adpat.CSV file
of some quotations you can import, based on demo data.
`File for some Quotations <../../_static/example_files/purchase.order_functional_error_line_cant_adpat.csv>`_.
The following CSV file shows how to import purchase orders with their respective
purchase order lines:
`Purchase orders with their respective purchase order lines <../../_static/example_files/o2m_purchase_order_lines.csv>`_.
The following CSV file shows how to import customers and their respective
`Customers and their respective contacts <../../_static/example_files/o2m_customers_contacts.csv>`_.
Can I import several times the same record?
If you import a file that contains one of the column "External ID" or
"Database ID", records that have already been imported will be modified
instead of being created. This is very usefull as it allows you to import
several times the same CSV file while having made some changes in between two
imports. Odoo will take care of creating or modifying each record depending if
it's new or not.
This feature allows you to use the Import/Export tool of Odoo to modify a batch
of records in your favorite spreadsheet application.
What happens if I do not provide a value for a specific field?
If you do not set all fields in your CSV file, Odoo will assign the default
value for every non defined fields. But if you set fields with empty values in
your CSV file, Odoo will set the EMPTY value in the field, instead of assigning
the default value.
How to export/import different tables from an SQL application to Odoo?
If you need to import data from different tables, you will have to recreate
relations between records belonging to different tables. (e.g. if you import
companies and persons, you will have to recreate the link between each person
and the company they work for).
To manage relations between tables, you can use the "External ID" facilities of
Odoo. The "External ID" of a record is the unique identifier of this record in
another application. This "External ID" must be unique accoss all the records
of all objects, so it's a good practice to prefix this "External ID" with the
name of the application or table. (like 'company_1', 'person_1' instead of '1')
As an example, suppose you have a SQL database with two tables you want to
import: companies and persons. Each person belong to one company, so you will
have to recreate the link between a person and the company he work for. (If you
want to test this example, here is a
`dump <../../_static/example_files/database_import_test.sql>`_ of such a
PostgreSQL database</a>)
We will first export all companies and their "External ID". In PSQL, write the
following command:
.. code-block:: sh
> copy (select 'company_'||id as "External ID",company_name as "Name",'True' as "Is a Company" from companies) TO '/tmp/company.csv' with CSV HEADER;
This SQL command will create the following CSV file::
External ID,Name,Is a Company
To create the CSV file for persons, linked to companies, we will use the
following SQL command in PSQL:
.. code-block:: sh
> copy (select 'person_'||id as "External ID",person_name as "Name",'False' as "Is a Company",'company_'||company_id as "Related Company/External ID" from persons) TO '/tmp/person.csv' with CSV
It will produce the following CSV file::
External ID,Name,Is a Company,Related Company/External ID
As you can see in this file, Fabien and Laurence are working for the Bigees
company (company_1) and Eric is working for the Organi company. The relation
between persons and companies is done using the External ID of the companies.
We had to prefix the "External ID" by the name of the table to avoid a conflict
of ID between persons and companies (person_1 and company_1 who shared the same
ID 1 in the orignial database).
The two files produced are ready to be imported in Odoo without any
modifications. After having imported these two CSV files, you will have 4
contacts and 3 companies. (the firsts two contacts are linked to the first
company). You must first import the companies and then the persons.