[IMP] Modify the inventory valuation memento, for the anglo-saxon accounting

This commit is contained in:
Yannick Tivisse 2015-12-03 15:05:36 +01:00
parent a08d151437
commit 222dc5b20a
5 changed files with 617 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -128,6 +128,11 @@ label:hover,
.valuation-chart-continental .highlight-op {
background-color: #030035;
.chart-of-accounts .highlight-op,
.valuation-chart-anglo-saxon .highlight-op {
background-color: #030035;
.journal-entries .entries-listing p {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
(function () {
'use strict';
var data = createAtom();
function toKey(s, postfix) {
if (postfix) {
s += ' ' + postfix;
return s.replace(/[^0-9a-z ]/gi, '').toLowerCase().split(/\s+/).join('-');
var Controls = React.createClass({
render: function () {
var state = this.props.p;
return React.DOM.div(null, operations.map(function (op) {
var label = op.get('label'), operations = op.get('operations');
return React.DOM.label(
key: toKey(label),
style: {display: 'block'},
className: (operations === state.get('active') ? 'highlight-op' : void 0)
type: 'checkbox',
checked: state.get('operations').contains(operations),
onChange: function (e) {
if (e.target.checked) {
data.swap(function (d) {
return d.set('active', operations)
.update('operations', function (ops) {
return ops.add(operations)
} else {
data.swap(function (d) {
return d.set('active', null) // keep visible in state map
.update('operations', function (ops) {
return ops.remove(operations);
" ",
var Chart = React.createClass({
render: function () {
var lastop = Immutable.Map(
(this.props.p.get('active') || Immutable.List()).map(function (op) {
return [op.get('account'), op.has('credit') ? 'credit' : 'debit'];
return React.DOM.div(
{className: 'table table-condensed'},
React.DOM.th({className: 'text-right'}, "Debit"),
React.DOM.th({className: 'text-right'}, "Credit"),
React.DOM.th({className: 'text-right'}, "Balance"))
this.accounts().map(function (data) {
var highlight = lastop.get(data.get('code'));
return React.DOM.tr(
{key: data.get('code')},
data.get('level') ? '\u2001 ' : '',
data.get('code'), ' ', data.get('label')),
React.DOM.td({className: React.addons.classSet({
'text-right': true,
'highlight-op': highlight === 'debit'
})}, format(data.get('debit'))),
React.DOM.td({className: React.addons.classSet({
'text-right': true,
'highlight-op': highlight === 'credit'
})}, format(data.get('credit'))),
{className: 'text-right'},
((data.get('debit') || data.get('credit'))
? format(data.get('debit') - data.get('credit'), 0)
: '')
accounts: function() {
var data = this.props.p.get('operations');
var totals = data.toIndexedSeq().flatten(true).reduce(function (acc, op) {
return acc
.updateIn([op.get('account'), 'debit'], function (d) {
return (d || 0) + op.get('debit', zero)(data);
.updateIn([op.get('account'), 'credit'], function (c) {
return (c || 0) + op.get('credit', zero)(data);
}, Immutable.Map());
return accounts.map(function (account) {
// for each account, add sum
return account.merge(
account.get('accounts').map(function (code) {
return totals.get(code, NULL);
}).reduce(function (acc, it) {
return acc.mergeWith(function (a, b) { return a + b; }, it, NULL);
data.addWatch('chart', function (k, m, prev, next) {
React.createElement(Controls, {p: next}),
React.createElement(Chart, {p: next}),
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
var chart = document.querySelector('.valuation-chart-anglo-saxon');
if (!chart) { return; }
var controls = document.createElement('div');
controls.setAttribute('id', 'chart-controls');
chart.parentNode.insertBefore(controls, chart);
// last-selected operation
active: null,
// set of all currently enabled operations
operations: Immutable.OrderedSet()
var NULL = Immutable.Map({debit: 0, credit: 0});
var ASSETS = {
code: 1,
label: "Assets",
BANK: { code: 11000, label: "Cash" },
ACCOUNTS_RECEIVABLE: { code: 13100, label: "Accounts Receivable" },
STOCK: { code: 14000, label: "Inventory" },
RAW_MATERIALS: { code: 14100, label: "Raw Materials Inventory" },
TAXES_PAID: { code: 19000, label: "Deferred Tax Assets" }
code: 2,
label: "Liabilities",
ACCOUNTS_PAYABLE: { code: 21000, label: "Accounts Payable" },
TAXES_PAYABLE: { code: 26200, label: "Deferred Tax Liabilities" }
var EQUITY = {
code: 3,
label: "Equity",
CAPITAL: { code: 31000, label: "Common Stock" }
var REVENUE = {
code: 4,
label: "Revenue",
SALES: { code: 41000, label: "Goods" },
var EXPENSES = {
code: 5,
label: "Expenses",
PURCHASED_GOODS: { code: 51000, label: "Purchased Goods" },
PURCHASED_SERVICES: { code: 52000, label: "Purchased Services" },
INVENTORY_VARIATIONS: { code: 58000, label: "Inventory Variations" },
OTHER_OPERATING_EXPENSES: { code: 59000, label: "Other Operating Expenses" },
var categories = Immutable.fromJS([ASSETS, LIABILITIES, EQUITY, REVENUE, EXPENSES], function (k, v) {
return Immutable.Iterable.isIndexed(v)
? v.toList()
: v.toOrderedMap();
var accounts = categories.toSeq().flatMap(function (cat) {
return Immutable.Seq.of(cat.set('level', 0)).concat(cat.filter(function (v, k) {
return k.toUpperCase() === k;
}).toIndexedSeq().map(function (acc) { return acc.set('level', 1) }));
}).map(function (account) { // add accounts: Seq<AccountCode> to each account
return account.set(
account.toIndexedSeq().map(function (val) {
return Immutable.Map.isMap(val) && val.get('code');
}).filter(function (val) { return !!val; })
var sale = 100,
cor = 50,
cor_tax = cor * 0.09,
tax = sale * 0.09,
total = sale + tax,
purchase = 52,
purchase_tax = 52 * 0.09;
var operations = Immutable.fromJS([{
label: "Vendor Invoice (PO $50, Invoice $50)",
operations: [
{account: EXPENSES.PURCHASED_GOODS.code, debit: constant(50)},
{account: ASSETS.TAXES_PAID.code, debit: constant(50 * 0.09)},
{account: LIABILITIES.ACCOUNTS_PAYABLE.code, credit: constant(50 * 1.09)},
}, {
label: "Vendor Goods Reception (PO $50, Invoice $50)",
operations: [
{account: EXPENSES.INVENTORY_VARIATIONS.code, credit: constant(50)},
{account: ASSETS.STOCK.code, debit: constant(50)},
}, {
label: "Vendor Invoice (PO $48, Invoice $50)",
operations: [
{account: EXPENSES.PURCHASED_GOODS.code, debit: constant(48)},
{account: ASSETS.TAXES_PAID.code, debit: constant(50 * 0.09)},
{account: LIABILITIES.ACCOUNTS_PAYABLE.code, credit: constant(50 * 1.09)},
}, {
label: "Vendor Goods Reception (PO $48, Invoice $50)",
operations: [
{account: EXPENSES.INVENTORY_VARIATIONS.code, credit: constant(48)},
{account: ASSETS.STOCK.code, debit: constant(48)},
}, {
label: "Customer Invoice ($100 + 9% tax)",
operations: [
{account: ASSETS.ACCOUNTS_RECEIVABLE.code, debit: constant(total)},
{account: EXPENSES.PURCHASED_GOODS.code, debit: constant(cor)},
{account: REVENUE.SALES.code, credit: constant(sale)},
{account: EXPENSES.INVENTORY_VARIATIONS.code, credit: constant(cor)},
{account: LIABILITIES.TAXES_PAYABLE.code, credit: constant(tax)}
}, {
label: "Customer Shipping",
operations: [
{account: EXPENSES.INVENTORY_VARIATIONS.code, debit: constant(cor)},
{account: ASSETS.STOCK.code, credit: constant(cor)}
function constant(val) {return function () { return val; };}
var zero = constant(0);
function format(val, def) {
if (!val) { return def === undefined ? '' : def; }
if (val % 1 === 0) { return val; }
return val.toFixed(2);

View File

@ -294,6 +294,7 @@ def setup(app):
app.add_config_value('canonical_root', None, 'env')

View File

@ -1,3 +1,351 @@
How to do an inventory valuation? (Anglo-Saxon Accounting)
Costing Method
Every year your inventory valuation has to be recorded in your
balance sheet. This implies two main choices:
- the way you compute the cost of your stored items
(Standard vs. Average vs. Real Price);
- the way you record the inventory value into your books
(periodic vs. Perpetual).
.. rst-class:: alternatives doc-aside
Standard Price
.. rst-class:: values-table
.. list-table::
:widths: 28 18 18 18 18
:header-rows: 1
:stub-columns: 1
* - Operation
- Unit Cost
- Qty On Hand
- Delta Value
- Inventory Value
* -
- €10
- 0
- €0
* - Receive 8 Products at €10
- €10
- 8
- +8*€10
- €80
* - Receive 4 Products at €16
- €10
- 12
- +4*€10
- €120
* - Deliver 10 Products
- €10
- 2
- | -10*€10
- €20
* - Receive 2 Products at €9
- €10
- 4
- +2*€10
- €40
**Standard Price** means you estimate the cost price based
on direct materials, direct labor and manufacturing overhead
at the end of a specific period (usually once a year). You
enter this cost price in the product form.
Average Price
.. rst-class:: values-table
.. list-table::
:widths: 28 18 18 18 18
:header-rows: 1
:stub-columns: 1
* - Operation
- Unit Cost
- Qty On Hand
- Delta Value
- Inventory Value
* -
- €0
- 0
- €0
* - Receive 8 Products at €10
- €10
- 8
- +8*€10
- €80
* - Receive 4 Products at €16
- €12
- 12
- +4*€16
- €144
* - Deliver 10 Products [#average-removal]_
- €12
- 2
- | -10*€12
- €24
* - Receive 2 Products at €6
- €9
- 4
- +2*€6
- €36
The **Average Price** method recomputes the cost price as a
receipt order has been processed, based on prices defined in
tied purchase orders. This method is mainly justified in case
of huge purchase price variations and is quite unusual due to
its operational complexity. Your actually need a software like
Odoo to keep this cost up-to-date.
This method is dedicated to advanced users. It requires well
established business processes because the order in which you
process receipt orders matters in the cost computation. Moreover
if you mistakenly process such an order, there is no way to
reset the cost price at its initial value.
.. rst-class:: values-table
.. list-table::
:widths: 28 18 18 18 18
:header-rows: 1
:stub-columns: 1
* - Operation
- Unit Cost
- Qty On Hand
- Delta Value
- Inventory Value
* -
- €0
- 0
- €0
* - Receive 8 Products at €10
- €10
- 8
- +8*€10
- €80
* - Receive 4 Products at €16
- €12
- 12
- +4*€16
- €144
* - Deliver 10 Products
- €16
- 2
- | -8*€10
| -2*€16
- €32
* - Receive 2 Products at €6
- €11
- 4
- +2*€6
- €44
For **Real Price** (FIFO, LIFO, FEFO, etc), the costing is
further refined by the removal strategy set on the warehouse
location or product's internal category. The default strategy
is FIFO. With such method, your inventory value is computed
from the real cost of your stored products (cfr. Quantitative
Valuation) and not from the cost price shown in the product
form. Whenever you ship items, the cost price is reset to the
cost of the last item(s) shipped. This cost price is used to
value any product not received from a purchase order (e.g.
inventory adjustments).
Such a method is advised if you manage all your workflow into
Odoo (Sales, Purchases, Inventory). It suits any kind of users.
LIFO (not accepted in IFRS)
.. rst-class:: values-table
.. list-table::
:widths: 28 18 18 18 18
:header-rows: 1
:stub-columns: 1
* - Operation
- Unit Cost
- Qty On Hand
- Delta Value
- Inventory Value
* -
- €0
- 0
- €0
* - Receive 8 Products at €10
- €10
- 8
- +8*€10
- €80
* - Receive 4 Products at €16
- €12
- 12
- +4*€16
- €144
* - Deliver 10 Products
- €10
- 2
- | -4*€16
| -6*€10
- €20
* - Receive 2 Products at €6
- €8
- 4
- +2*€6
- €32
Odoo allows any method. The default one is **Standard Price**.
To change it, check **Use a 'Fixed', 'Real' or 'Average' price
costing method** in Purchase settings. Then set the costing
method from products' internal categories. Categories show up
in the Inventory tab of the product form.
Whatever the method is, Odoo provides a full inventory valuation
in :menuselection:`Inventory --> Reports --> Inventory Valuation`
(i.e. current quantity in stock * cost price).
Periodic Inventory Valuation
In a periodic inventory valuation, goods reception and
outgoing shipments have no direct impact in the accounting.
At the end of the month or year, the accountant posts one
journal entry representing the value of the physical inventory.
This is the default configuration in Odoo and it works
out-of-the-box. Check following operations and find out how
Odoo is managing the accounting postings.
.. rst-class:: alternatives doc-aside
Vendor Bill
.. rst-class:: values-table
============================= ===== ======
\ Debit Credit
============================= ===== ======
Assets: Inventory 50
Assets: Deferred Tax Assets 4.68
Liabilities: Accounts Payable 54.68
============================= ===== ======
* Purchased Goods: defined on the product or on the internal category of related product
(Expense Account field)
* Deferred Tax Assets: defined on the tax used on the purchase order line
* Accounts Payable: defined on the vendor related to the bill
Goods Receptions
No Journal Entry
Customer Invoice
.. rst-class:: values-table
===================================== ===== ======
\ Debit Credit
===================================== ===== ======
Revenues: Sold Goods 100
Liabilities: Deferred Tax Liabilities 9
Assets: Accounts Receivable 109
===================================== ===== ======
* Revenues: defined on the product or on the internal category of related
product (Income Account field)
* Deferred Tax Liabilities: defined on the tax used on the invoice line
* Accounts Receivable: defined on the customer (Receivable Account)
The fiscal position used on the invoice may have a rule that replaces the
Income Account or the tax defined on the product by another one.
Customer Shipping
No Journal Entry
Manufacturing Orders
No Journal Entry
.. raw:: html
<hr style="float: none; visibility: hidden; margin: 0;">
At the end of the month/year, your company does a physical inventory
or just relies on the inventory in Odoo to value the stock into your books.
Then you need to break down the purchase balance into both the inventory and
the cost of goods sold using the following formula:
Cost of goods sold (COGS) = Starting inventory value + Purchases Closing inventory value
To update the stock valuation in your books, record such an entry:
.. h:div:: doc-aside
.. rst-class:: values-table
===================================== ===== ======
\ Debit Credit
===================================== ===== ======
Assets: Inventory (closing value) X
Expenses: Cost of Good Sold X
Expenses: Purchased Goods X
Assets: Inventory (starting value) X
===================================== ===== ======
Perpetual Inventory Valuation
In a perpetual inventory valuation, goods receptions and
outgoing shipments are posted in your books in real time.
The books are therefore always up-to-date. This mode is
dedicated to expert accountants and advanced users only.
As opposed to periodic valuation, it requires some extra
configuration & testing.
Let's take the case of a reseller.
.. h:div:: valuation-chart-anglo-saxon doc-aside
.. placeholder
.. [#average-removal] products leaving the stock have no impact on the average price.
.. raw:: html
<hr style="float: none; visibility: hidden; margin: 0;">
.. h:div:: doc-aside
- Accounts Receivable/Payable: defined on the partner (Accounting tab)
- Deferred Tax Assets/Liabilities: defined on the tax used on the
invoice line
- Revenues/Expenses: defined by default on product's internal category
and can be set in product form (Accounting tab) as a specific replacement
- Goods Received Not Purchased: to set as Stock Input Account in product's
internal category
- Goods Issued Not Invoiced: to set as Stock Output Account in product's
internal category
- Inventory: to set as Stock Valuation Account in product's internal category
- Price Difference: to set in product's internal category or in product
form as a specific replacement value

View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
How to do an inventory valuation? (Continental Accounting)
Costing Method