diff --git a/locale/ar/LC_MESSAGES/administration.po b/locale/ar/LC_MESSAGES/administration.po
index 2eea4a3e3..80f7b2132 100644
--- a/locale/ar/LC_MESSAGES/administration.po
+++ b/locale/ar/LC_MESSAGES/administration.po
@@ -4951,28 +4951,28 @@ msgstr "الإصدارات أونلاين مدرجة أدناه كـ *SaaS*. "
#: ../../content/administration/maintain/supported_versions.rst:20
msgid "What's the support status of my Odoo?"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ما هي حالة الدعم لدي في أودو؟ "
#: ../../content/administration/maintain/supported_versions.rst:22
msgid "This matrix shows the support status of every version."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "تُظهر هذه المصفوفة حالة الدعم لكل إصدار. "
#: ../../content/administration/maintain/supported_versions.rst:24
msgid "**Major releases are in bold type.**"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "**الإصدارات الأساسية مكتوبة بخط عريض.** "
#: ../../content/administration/maintain/supported_versions.rst:33
#: ../../content/administration/upgrade/on_premise.rst:3
msgid "On-Premise"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "الاستضافة المحلية "
#: ../../content/administration/maintain/supported_versions.rst:34
msgid "Release date"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "تاريخ الإصدار "
#: ../../content/administration/maintain/supported_versions.rst:35
msgid "End of support"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "انتهى الدعم "
#: ../../content/administration/maintain/supported_versions.rst:36
msgid "Odoo saas~16.4"
@@ -5016,7 +5016,7 @@ msgstr "أودو saas~16.4 "
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_sh/getting_started/settings.rst:123
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_sh/getting_started/settings.rst:127
msgid "|green|"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "|أخضر| "
#: ../../content/administration/maintain/supported_versions.rst:38
#: ../../content/administration/maintain/supported_versions.rst:39
@@ -5050,7 +5050,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/administration/maintain/supported_versions.rst:92
#: ../../content/administration/maintain/supported_versions.rst:93
msgid "|red|"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "|أحمر| "
#: ../../content/administration/maintain/supported_versions.rst:46
msgid "June 2023"
@@ -5074,24 +5074,24 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/administration/maintain/supported_versions.rst:60
msgid "**Odoo 16.0**"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "**أودو 16.0** "
#: ../../content/administration/maintain/supported_versions.rst:64
#: ../../content/administration/maintain/supported_versions.rst:95
msgid "October 2022"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "أكتوبر 2022 "
#: ../../content/administration/maintain/supported_versions.rst:65
msgid "October 2025 (planned)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "أكتوبر 2025 (مخطط له) "
#: ../../content/administration/maintain/supported_versions.rst:66
msgid "Odoo saas~15.2"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "أودو saas~15.2 "
#: ../../content/administration/maintain/supported_versions.rst:70
msgid "March 2022"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "مارس 2022 "
#: ../../content/administration/maintain/supported_versions.rst:71
msgid "January 2023"
@@ -5099,11 +5099,11 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/administration/maintain/supported_versions.rst:72
msgid "Odoo saas~15.1"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "أودو saas~15.1 "
#: ../../content/administration/maintain/supported_versions.rst:76
msgid "February 2022"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "فبراير 2022 "
#: ../../content/administration/maintain/supported_versions.rst:77
msgid "July 2022"
@@ -5111,23 +5111,23 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/administration/maintain/supported_versions.rst:78
msgid "**Odoo 15.0**"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "**أودو 15.0** "
#: ../../content/administration/maintain/supported_versions.rst:82
msgid "October 2021"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "أكتوبر 2021 "
#: ../../content/administration/maintain/supported_versions.rst:83
msgid "October 2024 (planned)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "أكتوبر 2024 (مخطط له) "
#: ../../content/administration/maintain/supported_versions.rst:84
msgid "**Odoo 14.0**"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "**أودو 14.0** "
#: ../../content/administration/maintain/supported_versions.rst:88
msgid "October 2020"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "أكتوبر 2020 "
#: ../../content/administration/maintain/supported_versions.rst:89
msgid "November 2023 (planned)"
@@ -5135,31 +5135,31 @@ msgstr "نوفمبر 2023 (مخطط له) "
#: ../../content/administration/maintain/supported_versions.rst:90
msgid "**Odoo 13.0**"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "**أودو 13.0** "
#: ../../content/administration/maintain/supported_versions.rst:94
msgid "October 2019"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "أكتوبر 2019 "
#: ../../content/administration/maintain/supported_versions.rst:99
msgid "|green| Supported version"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "|أخضر| إصدار مدعوم "
#: ../../content/administration/maintain/supported_versions.rst:101
msgid "|red| End-of-support"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "|أحمر| انتهى الدعم "
#: ../../content/administration/maintain/supported_versions.rst:103
msgid "N/A Never released for this platform"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "\"غير منطبق\" لم يتم إصداره لهذه المنصة "
#: ../../content/administration/maintain/supported_versions.rst:105
msgid "🏁 Future version, not released yet"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "🏁 \"إصدار مستقبلي\" لم يتم إصداره بعد "
#: ../../content/administration/maintain/supported_versions.rst:116
msgid "I run an older version of Odoo/OpenERP/TinyERP"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "أنا أعمل باستخدام إصدار أقدم من أودو/OpenERP/TinyERP "
#: ../../content/administration/maintain/supported_versions.rst:118
msgid ""
@@ -5185,10 +5185,12 @@ msgid ""
"Even though we don't support older versions, you can always `upgrade from "
"any version `_."
msgstr ""
+"على الرغم من أننا لا ندعم الإصدارات الأقدم، يمكنك دائماً `الترقية من أي "
+"إصدار `_. "
#: ../../content/administration/maintain/update.rst:6
msgid "Bugfix updates"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "تحديثات تصحيح الأخطاء "
#: ../../content/administration/maintain/update.rst:9
msgid "Introduction"
@@ -5200,6 +5202,8 @@ msgid ""
"corrections and performance boosts, you may need to update your Odoo "
"installation from time to time."
msgstr ""
+"للاستفادة من أحدث التحسينات وإصلاحات الأمان وتصحيحات الأخطاء وتعزيزات "
+"الأداء، قد تحتاج إلى تحديث تثبيت أودو من حين إلى آخر. "
#: ../../content/administration/maintain/update.rst:14
msgid ""
@@ -5207,16 +5211,20 @@ msgid ""
"infrastructure. If you are using one of the Odoo Cloud solutions, updates "
"are automatically performed for you."
msgstr ""
+"ينطبق الدليل فقط عندما تستخدم أودو في البنية التحتية لاستضافتك الذاتية. إذا "
+"كنت تستخدم إحدى حلول أودو السحابية، يتم إجراء التحديثات تلقائياً من أجلك. "
#: ../../content/administration/maintain/update.rst:17
msgid ""
"The terminology surrounding software updates is often confusing, so here are"
" some preliminary definitions:"
msgstr ""
+"غالباً ما تكون المصطلحات المحيطة بتحديث البرمجيات مربكة، ولذلك إليكم تعريفات"
+" تمهيدية: "
#: ../../content/administration/maintain/update.rst:25
msgid "Updating (an Odoo installation)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "التحديث (تثبيت أودو) "
#: ../../content/administration/maintain/update.rst:21
msgid ""
@@ -5226,10 +5234,14 @@ msgid ""
"contents of your Odoo database, and can be undone by reinstalling the "
"previous revision of the source code."
msgstr ""
+"يشير إلى عملية الحصول على أحدث إصدار من الكود المصدري لإصدار أودو الحالي "
+"الخاص بك. على سبيل المثال: تحديث إصدار أودو للمؤسسات 13.0 الخاص بك إلى أحدث "
+"إصدار. لا يسبب ذلك أي تغييرات مباشرة على محتوى قاعدة بياناتك، ويمكن التراجع "
+"عنه عن طريق إعادة تثبيت الإصدار السابق من الكود المصدري. "
#: ../../content/administration/maintain/update.rst:35
msgid "Upgrading (an Odoo database)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "تحديث (قاعدة بيانات أودو) "
#: ../../content/administration/maintain/update.rst:28
msgid ""
@@ -5242,6 +5254,13 @@ msgid ""
"because it involves moving data around inside the database, even though the "
"database may end up at the same physical location after the upgrade."
msgstr ""
+"يشير إلى عملية معقدة لمعالجة البيانات، حيث يتم تعديل هيكل ومحتوى قاعدة "
+"بياناتك بشكل دائم لجعلها متوافقة مع الإصدار الجديد لأودو. لا يمكن التراجع عن"
+" هذه العملية ويتم إجراؤها عادةً عن طريق `خدمة ترقية قاعدة البيانات "
+"`_ لدى أودو، عندما تقرر الانتقال إلى إصدار أحدث من"
+" أودو. كانت تُعرف هذه العملية سابقاً أيضاً باسم \"الانتقال\" لأنها تتضمن نقل"
+" البيانات في أرجاء قاعدة البيانات، على الرغم من أن قاعدة البيانات قد ينتهي "
+"بها المطاف في نفس المكان الفعلي بعد الترقية. "
#: ../../content/administration/maintain/update.rst:37
msgid ""
@@ -5250,10 +5269,13 @@ msgid ""
"upgrading a database, please visit the `Odoo Upgrade page "
"`_ instead."
msgstr ""
+"تصف هذه القناة الخطوات المعتادة المطلوبة *لتحديث* تثبيت أودو إلى أحدث إصدار."
+" إذا أردت معرفة المزيد من المعلومات حول ترقية قاعدة البيانات، يرجى زيارة "
+"`صفحة ترقية أودو `_ عوضاُ عن ذلك. "
#: ../../content/administration/maintain/update.rst:43
msgid "In a nutshell"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "باختصار "
#: ../../content/administration/maintain/update.rst:45
msgid ""
@@ -5262,6 +5284,9 @@ msgid ""
"your data without any alteration, as long as you do not uninstall PostgreSQL"
" (the database engine that comes with Odoo)."
msgstr ""
+"يتم تحديث أودو بكل بساطة عن طريق إعادة تثبيت أحدث إصدار من أودو فوق تثبيتك "
+"الحالي. يقوم ذلك بحفظ بياناتك دون أي تعديل، طالما لا تقوم بإلغاء تثبيت "
+"PostgreSQL (محرك قاعدة البيانات الذي يأتي مع أودو). "
#: ../../content/administration/maintain/update.rst:49
msgid ""
@@ -5274,6 +5299,8 @@ msgid ""
"Updating is also most appropriately accomplished by the person who deployed "
"Odoo initially, because the procedure is very similar."
msgstr ""
+"يتم التحديث أيضاً بواسطة الشخص الذي قام بتهيئة أودو في البداية، لأن "
+"العمليتان متشابهتان كثيراً. "
#: ../../content/administration/maintain/update.rst:55
msgid ""
@@ -5283,10 +5310,15 @@ msgid ""
"installations that are heavily customized, or for technical personnel who "
"prefer to apply minimal changes temporarily while testing a complete update."
msgstr ""
+"نوصي أيضاً بتثبيت إصدار كامل وحديث من أودو عوضاً عن تطبيق التحديثات يدوياً، "
+"كتحديثات الأمان التي تأتي مع النشرات الأمنية. يتم تقديم التحديثات غالباً "
+"لعمليات التثبيت التي تحتوي على كم كبير من التخصيصات، أو للأفراد التقنيين "
+"الذين يفضلون تطبيق أقل عدد من التغييرات موقتاً ريثما يقومون باختبار "
+"التحديثات الكاملة. "
#: ../../content/administration/maintain/update.rst:64
msgid "Step 1: Download an updated Odoo version"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "الخطوة 1: قم بتنزيل إصدار محدث من أودو "
#: ../../content/administration/maintain/update.rst:66
msgid ""
@@ -5295,22 +5327,29 @@ msgid ""
"into Odoo.com with the same login that is linked to your Odoo Enterprise "
msgstr ""
+"صفحة التنزيل المركزية هي https://www.odoo.com/page/download. إذا رأيت رابط "
+"\"شراء\" لتنزيل أودو للمؤسسات، تأكد من أنك قد قمت بتسجيل الدخول إلى Odoo.com"
+" باستخدام نفس بيانات تسجيل الدخول المرتبطة باشتراك أودو للمؤسسات الخاص بك. "
#: ../../content/administration/maintain/update.rst:70
msgid ""
"Alternatively, you can use the unique download link that was included with "
"your Odoo Enterprise purchase confirmation email."
msgstr ""
+"يمكنك أيضاً استخدام رابط التسجيل الفريد المشمول في البريد الإلكتروني لتأكيد "
+"شرائك لاشتراك أودو للمؤسسات. "
#: ../../content/administration/maintain/update.rst:73
msgid ""
"Downloading an updated version is not necessary if you installed via Github "
"(see below)"
msgstr ""
+"ليس من الضروري تنزيل إصدار محدث إذا قمت بالتثبيت باستخدام Github (ألقِ نظرة "
+"أدناه) "
#: ../../content/administration/maintain/update.rst:77
msgid "Step 2: Make a backup of your database"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "الخطوة 2: أنشئ نسخة احتياطية من قاعدة بياناتك "
#: ../../content/administration/maintain/update.rst:79
msgid ""
@@ -5319,6 +5358,9 @@ msgid ""
" on your installation, and to store it somewhere safe, on a different "
msgstr ""
+"عملية التحديث هي عملية آمنة جداً ولا يفترض أن تتسبب في تعديل بياناتك، ولكن، "
+"من الأفضل دائماً إجراء النسخ الاحتياطي الكامل لقاعدة بياناتك قبل إجراء أي "
+"تغيير في عملية التثبيت، ولتخزينها في مكان آمن على جهاز حاسوب مختلف. "
#: ../../content/administration/maintain/update.rst:83
msgid ""
@@ -5330,11 +5372,11 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/administration/maintain/update.rst:89
msgid "Step 3: Install the updated version"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "الخطوة 3: قم بتثبيت الإصدار المحدث "
#: ../../content/administration/maintain/update.rst:91
msgid "Choose the method that matches your current installation:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "اختر الطريقة التي تطابق تثبيتك الحالي: "
#: ../../content/administration/maintain/update.rst:95
msgid "Packaged Installers"
@@ -5351,10 +5393,17 @@ msgid ""
" be sure to restart the Odoo service or reboot your server, and you're all "
msgstr ""
+"إذا قمت بتثبيت أودو باستخدام حزمة التثبيت التي تقوم بتنزيلها من موقعنا "
+"الإلكتروني (الطريقة المقترحة)، ستكون عملية التحديث بسيطة جداً. كل ما عليك "
+"القيام به هو تنزيل حزمة التثبيت المتوافقة مع نظامك (ألقِ نظرة على الخطوة رقم"
+" 1) وقم بتثبيتها في خادمك. يتم تحديثها يومياً وتشمل آخر التحديثات الأمنية. "
+"يمكنك عادةً النقر مرتين على الحزمة لتثبيتها فوق التثبيت الحالي. بعد تثبيت "
+"الحزمة، تأكد من إعادة تشغيل خدمات أودو أو إعادة تشغيل الخادم، وسيكون كل شيء "
+"جاهزاً. "
#: ../../content/administration/maintain/update.rst:106
msgid "Source Install (Tarball)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "تثبيت المصدر (Tarball) "
#: ../../content/administration/maintain/update.rst:108
msgid ""
@@ -5375,6 +5424,12 @@ msgid ""
"it with the newer \"odoo\" or \"openerp\" folder that was in the archive you"
" just extracted."
msgstr ""
+"ستحصل على مجلد محدد بعنوان إصدار الكود المصدري، على سبيل المثال: "
+"\"odoo-13.0+e.20190719\"، والذي يحتوي على مجلد \"odoo.egg-info\" ومجلد الكود"
+" المصدري الفعلي المسمى \"أودو\" (لإصدار أودو 10 وما بعده) أو \"openerp\" "
+"للإصدارات الأقدم. يمكنك تجاهل مجلد odoo.egg-info. قم بإيجاد المجلد الذي يتم "
+"استخدام تثبيتك الحالي فيه، واستبدله بمجلد \"أودو\" أو \"openerp\" الأحدث، "
+"الذي كان في الأرشيف الذي قمت باستخراجه للتو. "
#: ../../content/administration/maintain/update.rst:119
msgid ""
@@ -5385,10 +5440,15 @@ msgid ""
"the new folder. Finally, restart the Odoo service or reboot the machine, and"
" you are all set."
msgstr ""
+"تأكد من مطابقة تنسيق المجلد . على سبيل المثال، يجب أن يكون مجلد \"الوظائف "
+"الإضافية\" الجديد المشمول في الكود المصدري في نفس المسار الذي كان فيه "
+"سابقاً. تالياً، احترس من أي ملفات تهيئة محددة قد تكون قد قمت بنسخها أو "
+"تعديلها يدوياً في المجلد القديم، وقم بنسخها إلى المجلد الجديد. وأخيراً، قم "
+"بإعادة تشغيل خدمات أودو أو إعادة تشغيل الجهاز، وسيكون كل شيء معداً. "
#: ../../content/administration/maintain/update.rst:126
msgid "Source Install (Github)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "تثبيت المصدر (Github) "
#: ../../content/administration/maintain/update.rst:128
msgid ""
diff --git a/locale/ar/LC_MESSAGES/finance.po b/locale/ar/LC_MESSAGES/finance.po
index 69b9dd30a..9442b873c 100644
--- a/locale/ar/LC_MESSAGES/finance.po
+++ b/locale/ar/LC_MESSAGES/finance.po
@@ -2653,7 +2653,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/finance/accounting/customer_invoices.rst:35
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/colombia.rst:153
msgid "Invoice creation"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Invoice creation"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/accounting/customer_invoices.rst:37
msgid ""
@@ -4076,7 +4076,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/finance/accounting/customer_invoices/electronic_invoicing.rst:33
msgid "For Italian companies"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "For Italian companies"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/accounting/customer_invoices/electronic_invoicing.rst:34
msgid "CFDI (4.0)"
@@ -4100,7 +4100,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/finance/accounting/customer_invoices/electronic_invoicing.rst:39
msgid "For Spanish companies"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "For Spanish companies"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/accounting/customer_invoices/electronic_invoicing.rst:40
msgid "UBL 2.1 (Columbia)"
@@ -4132,7 +4132,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/finance/accounting/customer_invoices/electronic_invoicing.rst:47
msgid "For Dutch companies"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "For Dutch companies"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/accounting/customer_invoices/electronic_invoicing.rst:48
msgid "EHF 3.0"
@@ -4156,7 +4156,7 @@ msgstr "A-NZ BIS Billing 3.0"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/accounting/customer_invoices/electronic_invoicing.rst:53
msgid "For Australian/New Zealand companies"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "For Australian/New Zealand companies"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/accounting/customer_invoices/electronic_invoicing.rst:56
msgid ":ref:`fiscal_localizations/packages`"
@@ -5666,7 +5666,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/finance/accounting/get_started/avg_price_valuation.rst:146
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:240
msgid "0"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "0"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/accounting/get_started/avg_price_valuation.rst:52
#: ../../content/applications/finance/accounting/get_started/avg_price_valuation.rst:148
@@ -5818,7 +5818,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/finance/accounting/get_started/avg_price_valuation.rst:160
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:242
msgid "1"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "1"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/accounting/get_started/avg_price_valuation.rst:90
msgid "Explanation: counter example"
@@ -8715,7 +8715,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/finance/accounting/payments/pay_sepa.rst:15
msgid "Norway;"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Norway;"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/accounting/payments/pay_sepa.rst:16
msgid "Switzerland."
@@ -15903,7 +15903,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/ecuador.rst:36
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/germany.rst:61
msgid "Modules installation"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Modules installation"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/argentina.rst:22
msgid ""
@@ -16901,6 +16901,12 @@ msgid ""
"them to increase their productivity, through the early collection of credits"
" and receivables issued to their clients and/or vendors."
msgstr ""
+"For SME invoices, there are several document types that are classified as "
+"**MiPyME**, which are also known as **Electronic Credit Invoice** (or "
+"**FCE** in Spanish). This classification develops a mechanism that improves "
+"the financing conditions for small and medium-sized businesses, and allows "
+"them to increase their productivity, through the early collection of credits"
+" and receivables issued to their clients and/or vendors."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/argentina.rst:498
msgid ""
@@ -17681,6 +17687,8 @@ msgid ""
":ref:`Activate ` the :guilabel:`Employment Hero Australian "
"Payroll` module (technical name: `l10n_au_keypay`)."
msgstr ""
+":ref:`Activate ` the :guilabel:`Employment Hero Australian "
+"Payroll` module (technical name: `l10n_au_keypay`)."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/australia.rst:22
msgid ""
@@ -17741,6 +17749,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Example of a Employment Hero Journal Entry in Odoo Accounting (Australia)"
msgstr ""
+"Example of a Employment Hero Journal Entry in Odoo Accounting (Australia)"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/australia.rst:54
msgid ""
@@ -18446,7 +18455,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/belgium.rst:346
msgid "On-Premise"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "الاستضافة المحلية "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/belgium.rst:347
msgid "Odoo 16.0"
@@ -20505,7 +20514,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/chile.rst-1
msgid "Creation of CAF for Credit notes."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Creation of CAF for Credit notes."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/chile.rst:562
msgid ""
@@ -20518,11 +20527,11 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/chile.rst:566
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/chile.rst:618
msgid "Use Cases"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Use Cases"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/chile.rst:569
msgid "Cancel Referenced document"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Cancel Referenced document"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/chile.rst:571
msgid ""
@@ -20530,14 +20539,17 @@ msgid ""
"note and select Full Refund, in this case the SII reference Code is "
"automatically set to: Anula Documento de referencia."
msgstr ""
+"In case you need to cancel or invalid an Invoice, use the button Add Credit "
+"note and select Full Refund, in this case the SII reference Code is "
+"automatically set to: Anula Documento de referencia."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/chile.rst-1
msgid "Full invoice refund with SII reference code 1."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Full invoice refund with SII reference code 1."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/chile.rst:579
msgid "Corrects Referenced Document Text"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Corrects Referenced Document Text"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/chile.rst:581
msgid ""
@@ -20546,30 +20558,38 @@ msgid ""
" the option “Solo corregir Texto”. In this case the SII reference Code is "
"automatically set to: Corrige el monto del Documento de Referencia."
msgstr ""
+"If a correction in the invoice information is required, for example the "
+"Street Name, use the button Add Credit note,select Partial Refund and select"
+" the option “Solo corregir Texto”. In this case the SII reference Code is "
+"automatically set to: Corrige el monto del Documento de Referencia."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/chile.rst-1
msgid "Partial refund to correct text including the corrected value."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Partial refund to correct text including the corrected value."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/chile.rst:589
msgid ""
"Odoo creates a Credit Note with the corrected text in an invoice and price "
msgstr ""
+"Odoo creates a Credit Note with the corrected text in an invoice and price "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/chile.rst-1
msgid "Credit note with the corrected value on the invoice lines."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Credit note with the corrected value on the invoice lines."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/chile.rst:596
msgid ""
"It's important to define the default credit account in the Sales journal as "
"it is taken for this use case in specific."
msgstr ""
+"It's important to define the default credit account in the Sales journal as "
+"it is taken for this use case in specific."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/chile.rst:600
msgid "Corrects Referenced Document Amount"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Corrects Referenced Document Amount"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/chile.rst:602
msgid ""
@@ -20577,12 +20597,17 @@ msgid ""
" and select Partial Refund. In this case the SII reference Code is "
"automatically set to: Corrige el monto del Documento de Referencia."
msgstr ""
+"When a correction on the amounts is required, use the button Add Credit note"
+" and select Partial Refund. In this case the SII reference Code is "
+"automatically set to: Corrige el monto del Documento de Referencia."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/chile.rst-1
msgid ""
"Credit note for partial refund to correct amounts, using the SII reference "
"code 3."
msgstr ""
+"Credit note for partial refund to correct amounts, using the SII reference "
+"code 3."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/chile.rst:611
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/peru.rst:585
@@ -20603,7 +20628,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/chile.rst:621
msgid "Add debt on Invoices"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Add debt on Invoices"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/chile.rst:623
msgid ""
@@ -20611,26 +20636,33 @@ msgid ""
"existing invoice, you need to select option 3 in the field Reference code "
msgstr ""
+"The most common use case for debit notes is to increase the value of an "
+"existing invoice, you need to select option 3 in the field Reference code "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/chile.rst-1
msgid ""
"Debit note for partial refund to crrect amounts, using the SII reference "
"code 3."
msgstr ""
+"Debit note for partial refund to crrect amounts, using the SII reference "
+"code 3."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/chile.rst:631
msgid ""
"In this case Odoo automatically includes the source invoice in the cross "
"reference section:"
msgstr ""
+"In this case Odoo automatically includes the source invoice in the cross "
+"reference section:"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/chile.rst-1
msgid "Invoice data on crossed reference section for debit notes."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Invoice data on crossed reference section for debit notes."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/chile.rst:638
msgid "Cancel Credit Notes"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Cancel Credit Notes"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/chile.rst:640
msgid ""
@@ -20646,6 +20678,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Creating a debit note to cancel a credit note with the SII code reference 1."
msgstr ""
+"Creating a debit note to cancel a credit note with the SII code reference 1."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/chile.rst:649
msgid "Vendor Bills"
@@ -20664,18 +20697,20 @@ msgid ""
"Automatically receive the vendor bills DTE and create the vendor bill based "
"on this information."
msgstr ""
+"Automatically receive the vendor bills DTE and create the vendor bill based "
+"on this information."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/chile.rst:655
msgid "Automatically Send the reception acknowledgement to your vendor."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Automatically Send the reception acknowledgement to your vendor."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/chile.rst:656
msgid "Accept or Claim the document and send this status to your vendor."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Accept or Claim the document and send this status to your vendor."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/chile.rst:659
msgid "Reception"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Reception"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/chile.rst:661
msgid ""
@@ -20684,16 +20719,22 @@ msgid ""
"to the vendor with the Reception acknowledgement. 3. The DTE status is set "
"as: Acuse de Recibido Enviado"
msgstr ""
+"As soon as the vendor email with the attached DTE is received: 1. The vendor"
+" Bill mapping all the information included in the xml. 2. An email is sent "
+"to the vendor with the Reception acknowledgement. 3. The DTE status is set "
+"as: Acuse de Recibido Enviado"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/chile.rst-1
msgid ""
"Messages recorded in the chatter with the reception notification for the "
msgstr ""
+"Messages recorded in the chatter with the reception notification for the "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/chile.rst:671
msgid "Acceptation"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Acceptation"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/chile.rst:673
msgid ""
@@ -20702,12 +20743,18 @@ msgid ""
" this is done the DTE Acceptation Status changes to :guilabel:`Accepted`` "
"and an email of acceptance is sent to the vendor."
msgstr ""
+"If all the commercial information is correct on your vendor bill then you "
+"can accept the document using the :guilabel:`Aceptar Documento` button. Once"
+" this is done the DTE Acceptation Status changes to :guilabel:`Accepted`` "
+"and an email of acceptance is sent to the vendor."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/chile.rst-1
msgid ""
"Acceptance button in vendor bills to inform vendor the document is "
"comercially accepted."
msgstr ""
+"Acceptance button in vendor bills to inform vendor the document is "
+"comercially accepted."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/chile.rst:682
msgid "Claim"
@@ -20720,12 +20767,18 @@ msgid ""
" button: Claim, once this is done the DTE Acceptation Status change to: "
"Claim and an email of acceptance is sent to the vendor."
msgstr ""
+"In case there is a commercial issue or the information is not correct on "
+"your vendor bill, you can Claim the document before validating it, using the"
+" button: Claim, once this is done the DTE Acceptation Status change to: "
+"Claim and an email of acceptance is sent to the vendor."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/chile.rst-1
msgid ""
"Claim button in vendor bills to inform the vendor all the document is "
"comercially rejected."
msgstr ""
+"Claim button in vendor bills to inform the vendor all the document is "
+"comercially rejected."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/chile.rst:692
msgid ""
@@ -20733,10 +20786,13 @@ msgid ""
"automatically. Considering this as best practice, all the Claim documents "
"should be canceled as they won't be valid for your accounting records."
msgstr ""
+"If you claim a vendor bill, the status changes from draft to cancel "
+"automatically. Considering this as best practice, all the Claim documents "
+"should be canceled as they won't be valid for your accounting records."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/chile.rst:697
msgid "Delivery Guide"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Delivery Guide"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/chile.rst:699
msgid ""
@@ -20763,10 +20819,12 @@ msgid ""
"The Delivery Guide module includes sending the DTE to SII and the stamp in "
"PDF reports for deliveries."
msgstr ""
+"The Delivery Guide module includes sending the DTE to SII and the stamp in "
+"PDF reports for deliveries."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/chile.rst-1
msgid "Install Delivery Guide Module"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Install Delivery Guide Module"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/chile.rst:714
msgid ""
@@ -20787,22 +20845,28 @@ msgid ""
"Verify the following important information in the *Price for the Delivery "
"Guide* configuration:"
msgstr ""
+"Verify the following important information in the *Price for the Delivery "
+"Guide* configuration:"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/chile.rst:721
msgid ""
":guilabel:`From Sales Order`: Delivery Guide takes the product price from "
"the Sales Order and shows it on the document."
msgstr ""
+":guilabel:`From Sales Order`: Delivery Guide takes the product price from "
+"the Sales Order and shows it on the document."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/chile.rst:723
msgid ""
":guilabel:`From Product Template`: Odoo takes the price configured in the "
"product template and shows it on the document."
msgstr ""
+":guilabel:`From Product Template`: Odoo takes the price configured in the "
+"product template and shows it on the document."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/chile.rst:725
msgid ":guilabel:`No show price`: no price is shown in the Delivery Guide."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr ":guilabel:`No show price`: no price is shown in the Delivery Guide."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/chile.rst:727
msgid ""
@@ -20810,16 +20874,21 @@ msgid ""
"and they can represent sales, sampling, consignment, internal transfers, and"
" basically any product move."
msgstr ""
+"Electronic delivery guides are used to move stock from one place to another "
+"and they can represent sales, sampling, consignment, internal transfers, and"
+" basically any product move."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/chile.rst:731
msgid "Delivery Guide from a Sales Process"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Delivery Guide from a Sales Process"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/chile.rst:734
msgid ""
"A delivery guide should **not** be longer than one page or contain more than"
" 60 product lines."
msgstr ""
+"A delivery guide should **not** be longer than one page or contain more than"
+" 60 product lines."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/chile.rst:736
msgid ""
@@ -20827,20 +20896,25 @@ msgid ""
"After validating the Delivery Order, the option to create a Delivery Guide "
"is activated."
msgstr ""
+"When a Sales Order is created and confirmed, a Delivery Order is generated. "
+"After validating the Delivery Order, the option to create a Delivery Guide "
+"is activated."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/chile.rst-1
msgid "Create Delivery Guide Button"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Create Delivery Guide Button"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/chile.rst:743
msgid ""
"When clicking on :guilabel:`Create Delivery Guide` for the first time, a "
"warning message pops up, showing the following:"
msgstr ""
+"When clicking on :guilabel:`Create Delivery Guide` for the first time, a "
+"warning message pops up, showing the following:"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/chile.rst-1
msgid "An example sequence error when creating a Delivery Guide in Odoo"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "An example sequence error when creating a Delivery Guide in Odoo"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/chile.rst:750
msgid ""
@@ -20850,20 +20924,27 @@ msgid ""
"first document has been correctly generated, Odoo takes the CAFs next "
"available number to generate the following Delivery Guide and so on."
msgstr ""
+"This warning message means the user needs to indicate the next sequence "
+"number Odoo has to take to generate the Delivery Guide, and only only "
+"happens the *first time* a Delivery Guide is created in Odoo. After the "
+"first document has been correctly generated, Odoo takes the CAFs next "
+"available number to generate the following Delivery Guide and so on."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/chile.rst:755
msgid "After the Delivery Guide is created:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "After the Delivery Guide is created:"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/chile.rst:757
msgid ""
"The DTE file (Electronic Tax Document) is automatically created and added to"
" the chatter."
msgstr ""
+"The DTE file (Electronic Tax Document) is automatically created and added to"
+" the chatter."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/chile.rst-1
msgid "DTE Status in SII and creation of DTE/XML"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "DTE Status in SII and creation of DTE/XML"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/chile.rst:764
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/chile.rst:828
@@ -20872,20 +20953,25 @@ msgid ""
" runs every day at night. To get a response from the SII immediately, press "
"the :guilabel:`Send now to SII` button."
msgstr ""
+"The DTE Status is automatically updated by Odoo with a scheduled action that"
+" runs every day at night. To get a response from the SII immediately, press "
+"the :guilabel:`Send now to SII` button."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/chile.rst:767
msgid ""
"Once the Delivery Guide is sent, it may then be printed by clicking on the "
":guilabel:`Print Delivery Guide` button."
msgstr ""
+"Once the Delivery Guide is sent, it may then be printed by clicking on the "
+":guilabel:`Print Delivery Guide` button."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/chile.rst-1
msgid "Printing Delivery Guide PDF"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Printing Delivery Guide PDF"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/chile.rst:775
msgid "Electronic Receipt"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Electronic Receipt"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/chile.rst:777
msgid ""
@@ -20912,10 +20998,12 @@ msgid ""
"This module contains the electronic receipt and daily sales report, which "
"are automatically sent to SII."
msgstr ""
+"This module contains the electronic receipt and daily sales report, which "
+"are automatically sent to SII."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/chile.rst-1
msgid "Install Electronic Receipt module"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Install Electronic Receipt module"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/chile.rst:792
msgid ""
@@ -20939,6 +21027,11 @@ msgid ""
"Consumer*. This partner can be used for Electronic Receipts or a new record "
"may be created for the same purpose."
msgstr ""
+"Electronic Receipts are useful when clients do not need an Electronic "
+"Invoice. By default, there is a partner in the database called *Anonymous "
+"Final Consumer* with a generic RUT 66666666-6 and taxpayer type of *Final "
+"Consumer*. This partner can be used for Electronic Receipts or a new record "
+"may be created for the same purpose."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/chile.rst:802
msgid ""
@@ -20948,10 +21041,15 @@ msgid ""
" in the standard way as Electronic Invoice, but the type of document "
":guilabel:`(39) Electronic Receipt` should be selected, like so:"
msgstr ""
+"Although Electronic Receipts should be used for final consumers with a "
+"generic RUT, it can also be used for specific partners. After the partners "
+"and journals are created and configured, the Electronic Receipts are created"
+" in the standard way as Electronic Invoice, but the type of document "
+":guilabel:`(39) Electronic Receipt` should be selected, like so:"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/chile.rst-1
msgid "Select type of Document: (39) Boleta Electrónica"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Select type of Document: (39) Boleta Electrónica"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/chile.rst:814
msgid ""
@@ -20961,20 +21059,27 @@ msgid ""
"order to validate the receipt correctly, make sure to edit the Document Type"
" and change to Electronic Receipt."
msgstr ""
+"When all of the Electronic Receipt information is filled, either manually or"
+" automatically from a Sales Order, proceed to validate the receipt. By "
+"default, Electronic Invoice is selected as the Document Type, however in "
+"order to validate the receipt correctly, make sure to edit the Document Type"
+" and change to Electronic Receipt."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/chile.rst:819
msgid "After the receipt is posted:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "After the receipt is posted:"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/chile.rst:821
msgid ""
"The DTE file (Electronic Tax Document) is created automatically and added to"
" the chatter."
msgstr ""
+"The DTE file (Electronic Tax Document) is created automatically and added to"
+" the chatter."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/chile.rst-1
msgid "DTE status in SII and creation of DTE/XML"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "DTE status in SII and creation of DTE/XML"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/chile.rst:831
msgid ""
@@ -20998,19 +21103,25 @@ msgid ""
"daily reports can be found in :menuselection:`Reports --> Daily Sales "
msgstr ""
+"Once Electronic Receipts have been created, the system creates a daily sales"
+" report containing all Electronic Receipts per day. This report is "
+"electronically stamped and sent to the SII overnight in XML format. These "
+"daily reports can be found in :menuselection:`Reports --> Daily Sales "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/chile.rst-1
msgid ""
"Find Electronic Receipts in the Reports menu, under Daily Sales Reports"
msgstr ""
+"Find Electronic Receipts in the Reports menu, under Daily Sales Reports"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/chile.rst:845
msgid "A list of daily reports is displayed with all daily DTE sent to SII."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "A list of daily reports is displayed with all daily DTE sent to SII."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/chile.rst-1
msgid "List of Daily Reports"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "List of Daily Reports"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/chile.rst:851
msgid ""
@@ -21019,10 +21130,14 @@ msgid ""
" from the SII if it was accepted or rejected (depending on the company's "
"certificate and validated receipts)."
msgstr ""
+"If no Electronic Receipt was made on a particular day, the report is sent "
+"but it will not have any receipts in it. The report will also have an answer"
+" from the SII if it was accepted or rejected (depending on the company's "
+"certificate and validated receipts)."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/chile.rst-1
msgid "Daily Sales Book example"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Daily Sales Book example"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/chile.rst:860
msgid ""
@@ -21041,10 +21156,16 @@ msgid ""
"action is automatically done by Odoo). Afterwards, users can manually verify"
" report status with SII or wait for Odoo to update status later at night."
msgstr ""
+"If a Daily Sales Report has already been created for a specific day in "
+"another system, the daily report in Odoo will be rejected due to the "
+"sequence number used. If that is the case, the user has to manually click on"
+" :guilabel:`Retry` in order for a new sequence number to be generated (this "
+"action is automatically done by Odoo). Afterwards, users can manually verify"
+" report status with SII or wait for Odoo to update status later at night."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/chile.rst:873
msgid "Balance Tributario de 8 Columnas"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Balance Tributario de 8 Columnas"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/chile.rst:875
msgid ""
@@ -21053,6 +21174,10 @@ msgid ""
"level of profit or loss that the business had within the evaluated period of"
" time, so that a real and complete knowledge of the status of a company."
msgstr ""
+"This report presents the accounts in detail (with their respective "
+"balances), classifying them according to their origin and determining the "
+"level of profit or loss that the business had within the evaluated period of"
+" time, so that a real and complete knowledge of the status of a company."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/chile.rst:879
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/chile.rst:895
@@ -21060,15 +21185,18 @@ msgid ""
"You can find this report in :menuselection:`Accounting --> Accounting --> "
msgstr ""
+"You can find this report in :menuselection:`Accounting --> Accounting --> "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/chile.rst-1
msgid ""
"Columns and data displayed in the report Balance Tributario 8 Columnas."
msgstr ""
+"Columns and data displayed in the report Balance Tributario 8 Columnas."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/chile.rst:886
msgid "Propuesta F29"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Propuesta F29"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/chile.rst:888
msgid ""
@@ -21077,16 +21205,22 @@ msgid ""
" Register (CR) and the Sales Register (RV). Its purpose is to support the "
"transactions related to VAT, improving its control and declaration."
msgstr ""
+"The form F29 is a new system that the SII enabled to taxpayers, and that "
+"replaces the Purchase and Sales Books. This report is integrated by Purchase"
+" Register (CR) and the Sales Register (RV). Its purpose is to support the "
+"transactions related to VAT, improving its control and declaration."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/chile.rst:892
msgid ""
"This record is supplied by the electronic tax documents (DTE's) that have "
"been received by the SII."
msgstr ""
+"This record is supplied by the electronic tax documents (DTE's) that have "
+"been received by the SII."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/chile.rst-1
msgid "Parameters to required to generate the Report Propuesta F29"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Parameters to required to generate the Report Propuesta F29"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/colombia.rst:3
msgid "Colombia"
@@ -21202,7 +21336,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/colombia.rst:52
msgid "Configure credentials for Carvajal web service"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Configure credentials for Carvajal web service"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/colombia.rst:54
msgid ""
@@ -21272,7 +21406,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/colombia.rst:87
msgid "Configure data required in the XML"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Configure data required in the XML"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/colombia.rst:92
msgid "Configure the identification number and fiscal structure."
@@ -21385,7 +21519,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/colombia.rst:158
msgid "There are three types of documents:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "There are three types of documents:"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/colombia.rst:160
msgid ""
@@ -21398,6 +21532,8 @@ msgid ""
"**Factura de Importación**: This should be selected for importation "
msgstr ""
+"**Factura de Importación**: This should be selected for importation "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/colombia.rst:163
msgid ""
@@ -21412,7 +21548,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/india.rst:257
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/peru.rst:389
msgid "Invoice validation"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Invoice validation"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/colombia.rst:172
msgid ""
@@ -21434,7 +21570,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/colombia.rst:185
msgid "Reception of legal XML and PDF"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Reception of legal XML and PDF"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/colombia.rst:187
msgid ""
@@ -21449,13 +21585,15 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/colombia.rst:194
msgid "After this:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "After this:"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/colombia.rst:196
msgid ""
"A ZIP containing the legal XML and the PDF is downloaded and displayed in "
"the invoice chatter:"
msgstr ""
+"A ZIP containing the legal XML and the PDF is downloaded and displayed in "
+"the invoice chatter:"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/colombia.rst:0
msgid "ZIP file displayed in the invoice chatter in Odoo."
@@ -21471,7 +21609,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/colombia.rst:209
msgid "Common errors"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Common errors"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/colombia.rst:211
msgid ""
@@ -21497,7 +21635,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/colombia.rst:224
msgid "Additional use cases"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Additional use cases"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/colombia.rst:226
msgid ""
@@ -22723,7 +22861,7 @@ msgstr "مصر"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/india.rst:8
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/united_arab_emirates.rst:8
msgid "Installation"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "التثبيت "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/egypt.rst:10
msgid ""
@@ -22735,54 +22873,62 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/egypt.rst:19
msgid ":guilabel:`Egypt - Accounting`"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr ":guilabel:`مصر - المحاسبة` "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/egypt.rst:20
msgid "``l10n_eg``"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "``l10n_eg``"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/egypt.rst:22
msgid ":guilabel:`Egyptian E-invoice Integration`"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr ":guilabel:`دمج الفوترة الإلكترونية المصرية` "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/egypt.rst:23
msgid "``l10n_eg_edi_eta``"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "``l10n_eg_edi_eta``"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/egypt.rst:24
msgid ""
":ref:`Egyptian Tax Authority (ETA) e-invoicing integration "
msgstr ""
+":ref:`دمج الفوترة الإلكترونية لمصلحة الضرائب المصرية (ETA) "
+"` "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/egypt.rst:29
msgid "Egyptian e-invoicing"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "الفوترة الإلكترونية المصرية "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/egypt.rst:31
msgid ""
"Odoo is compliant with the **Egyptian Tax Authority (ETA) e-invoicing** "
msgstr ""
+"أودو متوافق مع متطلبات **الفوترة الإلكترونية لمصلحة الضرائب المصرية (ETA)**."
+" "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/egypt.rst:34
msgid ""
"Egyptian e-invoicing is available from Odoo 15.0. If needed, :doc:`upgrade "
"` your database."
msgstr ""
+"الفوترة الإلكترونية المصرية متاحة بدءاً من أودو 15.0. إذا استدعى الأمر، "
+":doc:`قم بترقية ` قاعدة بياناتك. "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/egypt.rst:38
msgid ""
"`Video: Egypt E-invoicing `_"
msgstr ""
+"`فيديو: الفوترة الإلكترونية المصرية "
+"`_ "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/egypt.rst:39
msgid ":doc:`/administration/upgrade`"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr ":doc:`/administration/upgrade`"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/egypt.rst:44
msgid "Register Odoo on your ETA portal"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "قم بتسجيل أودو في بوابة مصلحة الضرائب المصرية الخاصة بك "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/egypt.rst:46
msgid ""
@@ -22790,16 +22936,24 @@ msgid ""
"credentials. You need these codes to :ref:`configure your Odoo Accounting "
"app `."
msgstr ""
+"يجب أن تقوم بتسجيل نظام أودو لتخطيط موارد المؤسسات في بوابة مصلحة الضرائب "
+"المصرية للحصول على بيانات الاعتماد الخاصة بالواجهة البرمجية. تحتاج إلى تلك "
+"الأكواد :ref:`لتهيئة تطبيق المحاسبة لدى أودو `. "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/egypt.rst:49
msgid ""
"Access your company profile on the ETA portal by clicking on :guilabel:`View"
" Taxpayer Profile`."
msgstr ""
+"تمكن من الوصول إلى ملف التعريف الخاص بشركتك في بوابة مصلحة الضرائب المصرية، "
+"عن طريق الضغط على :guilabel:`عرض الملف التعريفي لدافع الضريبة`. "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/egypt.rst-1
msgid "Clicking on \"View Taxpayer Profile\" on an ETA invoicing portal"
msgstr ""
+"الضغط على \"عرض الملف التعريفي لدافع الضرائب\" في بوابة فوترة مصلحة الضرائب "
+"المصرية "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/egypt.rst:55
msgid ""
@@ -22807,15 +22961,20 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Register ERP`. Fill out the :guilabel:`ERP Name` (e.g., ``Odoo``)"
" and leave the other fields empty."
msgstr ""
+"تالياً، اذهب إلى قسم :guilabel:`الممثلون` ثم اضغط على :guilabel:`تسجيل نظام "
+"ERP`. وقم بتعبئة :guilabel:`اسم نظام ERP` (مثال: ``أودو``) واترك الحقول "
+"الأخرى فارغة. "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/egypt.rst-1
msgid "Filling out of the form to register an ERP system on the ETA portal."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "تعبئة استمارة تسجيل نظام ERP في بوابة مصلحة الضرائب المصرية. "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/egypt.rst:62
msgid ""
"Once successfully registered, the website displays your API credentials:"
msgstr ""
+"بمجرد إتمام التسجيل بنجاح، سيقوم الموقع الإلكتروني بعرض بيانات اعتماد "
+"الواجهة البرمجية الخاصة بك: "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/egypt.rst:64
msgid "Client ID"
@@ -22823,24 +22982,28 @@ msgstr "معرف العميل"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/egypt.rst:65
msgid "Client Secret 1"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "سر العميل 1 "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/egypt.rst:66
msgid "Client Secret 2"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "سر العميل 2 "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/egypt.rst:69
msgid ""
"ETA should give you a username and a password to access their online portal."
msgstr ""
+"يجب أن تمنحك مصلحة الضرائب المصرية اسم مستخدم وكلمة مرور لتتمكن من الوصول "
+"إلى بوابتهم عبر الإنترنت. "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/egypt.rst:70
msgid "Ask ETA to provide you with preproduction portal access as well."
msgstr ""
+"اطلب من مصلحة الضرائب المصرية تزويدك بصلاحية الوصول إلى بوابة ما قبل الإنتاج"
+" كذلك. "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/egypt.rst:71
msgid "These codes are confidential and should be stored safely."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "هذه الأكواد سرية ويجب تخزينها بأمان. "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/egypt.rst:76
#: ../../content/applications/finance/payment_providers/amazon_payment_services.rst:37
@@ -22850,7 +23013,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/finance/payment_providers/mercado_pago.rst:27
#: ../../content/applications/finance/payment_providers/razorpay.rst:29
msgid "Configuration on Odoo"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "التهيئة في أودو "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/egypt.rst:78
msgid ""
@@ -22861,16 +23024,27 @@ msgid ""
"your ETA portal `. Set an invoicing threshold "
"if needed."
msgstr ""
+"لتوصيل قاعدة بيانات أودو الخاصة بك بحساب بوابة مصلحة الضرائب المصرية، اذهب "
+"إلى :menuselection:`المحاسبة --> التهيئة --> الإعدادات --> إعدادات الفوترة "
+"الإلكترونية في مصلحة الضرائب المصرية`، وقم بإعداد :guilabel:`معرف عميل مصلحة"
+" الضرائب المصرية` و :guilabel:`سر مصلحة الضرائب المصرية` الذي قمت بإحضاره "
+"عندما قمت :ref:`بتسجيل أودو في بوابة مصلحة الضرائب المصرية "
+"`. قم بتحديد حد أدنى للفوترة إذا استدعى الأمر."
+" "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/egypt.rst-1
msgid "Configuration of the ETA E-Invoicing credentials in Odoo Accounting"
msgstr ""
+"تهيئة بيانات اعتماد الفوترة الإلكترونية لمصلحة الضرائب المصرية، في تطبيق "
+"محاسبة أودو. "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/egypt.rst:88
msgid ""
"**Test on your preproduction portal** before starting to issue real invoices"
" on the production ETA portal."
msgstr ""
+"**اختبر بوابة ما قبل الإنتاج** قبل بدء إنشاء الفواتير الحقيقية في بوابة "
+"الإنتاج لمصلحة الضرائب المصرية. "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/egypt.rst:90
msgid ""
@@ -22878,16 +23052,20 @@ msgid ""
" Make sure to update them on Odoo when you move from one environment to "
msgstr ""
+"تختلف **بيانات الاعتماد** في بيئتي الإنتاج وما قبل الإنتاج. تأكد من التحديث "
+"في أودو قبل النقل من بيئة إلى أخرى. "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/egypt.rst:92
msgid ""
"If not done yet, fill out your company details with your company's full "
"address, country, and Tax ID."
msgstr ""
+"إذا لم تقم بذلك بالفعل، قم بتعبئة بيانات شركتك بكتابة عنوان شركتك الكامل "
+"والدولة والمعرف الضريبي. "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/egypt.rst:98
msgid "ETA codes"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "أكواد مصلحة الضرائب المصرية "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/egypt.rst:100
msgid ""
@@ -22895,6 +23073,9 @@ msgid ""
"`ETA documentation `_ to "
"code your business attributes."
msgstr ""
+"تعمل الفوترة الإلكترونية مع مجموعة من الأكواد المقدمة من قِبَل مصلحة الضرائب"
+" المصرية. يمكنك استخدام `توثيق مصلحة الضرائب المصرية "
+"`_ لتكويد خصائص عملك. "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/egypt.rst:103
msgid ""
@@ -22903,26 +23084,30 @@ msgid ""
"`, and :ref:`products ` are correctly configured."
msgstr ""
+"يتم التعامل مع معظم تلك الأكواد تلقائياً بواسطة أودو، في حال تمت تهيئة "
+":ref:`الفروع `و :ref:`العملاء "
+"`و :ref:`المنتجات `"
+" بشكل صحيح. "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/egypt.rst:107
msgid "Company Information:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "معلومات الشركة: "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/egypt.rst:109
msgid "Company Tax ID"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "معرف ضريبة الشركة "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/egypt.rst:0
msgid "Branch ID"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "معرف الفرع "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/egypt.rst:0
msgid "If you have only one branch, use ``0`` as the branch code."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "إذا كان لديك فرع واحد فقط، استخدم ``0`` ككود الفرع. "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/egypt.rst:112
msgid "Activity type Code"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "كود نوع النشاط "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/egypt.rst:114
msgid "Other Information:"
@@ -22930,17 +23115,19 @@ msgstr "معلومات أخرى: "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/egypt.rst:0
msgid "Product Codes"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "أكواد المنتجات "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/egypt.rst:0
msgid ""
"Your company's products should be coded and matched with their **GS1** or "
"**EGS** codes."
msgstr ""
+"يجب أن يتم تكويد منتجات شركتك ومطابقتها مع أكواد **GS1** أو **EGS** المقابلة"
+" لها. "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/egypt.rst:0
msgid "Tax Codes"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "أكواد الضرائب "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/egypt.rst:0
msgid ""
@@ -22948,12 +23135,16 @@ msgid ""
" Code (Egypt)` field. We advise you to make sure these codes match your "
"company's taxes."
msgstr ""
+"معظم أكواد الضرائب تمت تهيئتها بالفعل في أودو، في حقل :guilabel:`كود مصلحة "
+"الضرائب المصرية (مصر)`. نوصي بالتأكد من أن تلك الأكواد تطابق ضرائب شركتك. "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/egypt.rst:123
msgid ""
"`Egyptian eInvoicing & eReceipt SDK - Code Tables "
msgstr ""
+"`الفوترة الإلكترونية المصرية و الإيصالات الإلكترونية SDK - جداول الكود "
+"`_ "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/egypt.rst:125
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/romania.rst:106
@@ -22969,12 +23160,16 @@ msgid ""
"Create a contact and a journal for each branch of your company and configure"
" its ETA settings."
msgstr ""
+"قم بإنشاء جهة اتصال ودفتر يومية لكل فرع من فروع شركتك، وقم بتهيئة إعدادات "
+"مصلحة الضرائب المصرية. "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/egypt.rst:134
msgid ""
"To do so, go to :menuselection:`Accounting --> Configuration --> Journals`, "
"then click on :guilabel:`Create`."
msgstr ""
+"للقيام بذلك، اذهب إلى :menuselection:`المحاسبة --> التهيئة --> دفاتر "
+"اليومية`، ثم اضغط على :guilabel:`إنشاء`. "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/egypt.rst:137
msgid ""
@@ -22983,24 +23178,29 @@ msgid ""
":menuselection:`Advanced Settings` tab and fill out the :guilabel:`Egyptian "
"ETA settings` section:"
msgstr ""
+"قم بتسمية دفتر اليومية وفقاً لفرع شركتك وقم بإعداد :guilabel:`النوع` كـ "
+":guilabel:`المبيعات`. بعد ذلك، افتح علامة تبويب :menuselection:`الإعدادات "
+"المتقدمة` وقم بتعبئة قسم :guilabel:`إعدادات مصلحة الضرائب المصرية`: "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/egypt.rst:141
msgid ""
"In the :guilabel:`Branch` field, select the branch's contact or create it."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "في حقل :guilabel:`الفرع`، قم بتحديد جهة اتصال الفرع أو إنشائها. "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/egypt.rst:142
msgid "Set the :guilabel:`ETA Activity Code`."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "قم بإعداد :guilabel:`كود نشاط مصلحة الضرائب المصرية`. "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/egypt.rst:143
msgid ""
"Set the :guilabel:`ETA Branch ID` (use ``0`` if you have one branch only)."
msgstr ""
+"قم بإعداد :guilabel:`معرف فرع مصلحة الضرائب المصرية` (استخدم ``0`` إذا كان "
+"لديك فرع واحد فقط). "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/egypt.rst-1
msgid "Sales journal configuration of an Egyptian company's branch"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "تهيئة دفتر يومية المبيعات لفرع شركة مصرية "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/egypt.rst:150
msgid ""
@@ -23008,6 +23208,9 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Company` (**not** as an :guilabel:`Individual`), and the "
":guilabel:`Address` and :guilabel:`Tax ID` fields must be filled out."
msgstr ""
+"يجب أن يتم تعيين جهة الاتصال المحددة في حقل :guilabel:`الفرع` كـ "
+":guilabel:`شركة` (**وليس** :guilabel:`كفرد`)، ويجب تعبئة حقول "
+":guilabel:`العنوان` و :guilabel:`معرف الضريبة`. "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/egypt.rst:157
msgid "Customers"
@@ -23018,36 +23221,45 @@ msgid ""
"Make sure your customers' contact forms are correctly filled out so your "
"e-invoices are valid:"
msgstr ""
+"تأكد من أن استمارات التواصل الخاصة بعملائك قد تمت تعبئتها بشكل صحيح حتى تكون"
+" فواتيرك الإلكترونية صالحة: "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/egypt.rst:161
msgid "contact type: :guilabel:`Individual`: or :guilabel:`Company`:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "نوع جهة الاتصال: :guilabel:`فرد`: أو :guilabel:`شركة`: "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/egypt.rst:162
msgid ":guilabel:`Country`:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr ":guilabel:`الدولة`: "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/egypt.rst:163
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Tax ID`: Tax ID or Company registry for companies. National ID "
"for individuals."
msgstr ""
+":guilabel:`معرف الضريبة`: سِجِل الشركة أو معرف الضريبة بالنسبة للشركات. "
+"الهوية الوطنية بالنسبة للأفراد. "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/egypt.rst:166
msgid ""
"You can edit your customers' contact forms by going to "
":menuselection:`Accounting --> Customers --> Customers`."
msgstr ""
+"يمكنك تحرير استمارات تواصل عملائك عن طريق الذهاب إلى "
+":menuselection:`المحاسبة --> العملاء --> العملاء`. "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/egypt.rst:174
msgid ""
"Make sure your products are correctly configured so your e-invoices are "
msgstr ""
+"تأكد من أن منتجاتك قد تمت تهيئتها بشكل صحيح بحيث تكون فواتيرك الإلكترنية "
+"صالحة: "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/egypt.rst:176
msgid ":guilabel:`Product Type`: storable products, consumables, or services."
msgstr ""
+":guilabel:`نوع المنتج`: منتجات قابلة للتخزين أو مواد مستهلكة أو خدمات. "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/egypt.rst:177
msgid ""
@@ -23055,48 +23267,63 @@ msgid ""
" :doc:`Units of Measure "
msgstr ""
+":guilabel:`وحدة القياس`: إذا كنت تستخدم تطبيق المخزون لدى أودو أيضاً وقمت "
+"بتفعيل :doc:`وحدات القياس "
+"`. "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/egypt.rst:179
msgid ":guilabel:`Barcode`: **GS1** or **EGS** barcode"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr ":guilabel:`الباركود`: الباركود **GS1** أو **EGS** "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/egypt.rst:180
msgid ""
":guilabel:`ETA Item code` (under the :menuselection:`Accounting` tab): if "
"the barcode doesn't match your ETA item code."
msgstr ""
+":guilabel:`كود عنصر مصلحة الضرائب المصرية` (ضمن علامة تبويب "
+":menuselection:`المحاسبة`): إذا كان الباركود لا يطابق كود عنصر مصلحة الضرائب"
+" المصرية. "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/egypt.rst:184
msgid ""
"You can edit your products by going to :menuselection:`Accounting --> "
"Customers --> Products`."
msgstr ""
+"يمكنك تحرير منتجاتك عن طريق الذهاب إلى :menuselection:`المحاسبة --> العملاء "
+"--> المنتجات`. "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/egypt.rst:189
msgid "USB authentication"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "مصادقة USB "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/egypt.rst:191
msgid ""
"Each person who needs to electronically sign invoices needs a specific USB "
"key to authenticate and send invoices to the ETA portal through an ERP."
msgstr ""
+"أي شخص يحتاج إلى توقيع الفواتير إلكترونياً يحتاج غلى مفتاح مصلحة الضرائب "
+"المصرية للمصادقة وإراسل الفواتير إلى بوابة مصلحة الضرائب المصرية من خلال "
+"برنامج ERP. "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/egypt.rst:195
msgid ""
"You can contact the :abbr:`ETA (Egyptian Tax Authority)` or `Egypt Trust "
"`_ to get these USB keys."
msgstr ""
+"يمكنك التواصل مع :abbr:`ETA (مصلحة الضرائب المصرية)` أو `إيجيبت تراست "
+"`_ للحصول على مفاتيح USB تلك. "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/egypt.rst:201
msgid "Install Odoo as a local proxy on your computer"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "قم بتثبيت أودو كوكيل محلي على جهاز الحاسوب الخاص بك "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/egypt.rst:203
msgid ""
"An Odoo local server works as a bridge between your computer and your Odoo "
"database hosted online."
msgstr ""
+"يعمل خادم أودو المحلي كوسيط بين جهاز الحاسوب الخاص بك وقاعدة بيانات أودو "
+"المستضافة أونلاين. "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/egypt.rst:205
msgid ""
@@ -23173,7 +23400,7 @@ msgstr "فرنسا"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:8
msgid "FEC - Fichier des Écritures Comptables"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "FEC - Fichier des Écritures Comptables"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:10
msgid ""
@@ -23182,6 +23409,10 @@ msgid ""
"financial year. The entries in the file must be arranged in chronological "
msgstr ""
+"An FEC :dfn:`Fichier des Écritures Comptables` audit file contains all the "
+"accounting data and entries recorded in all the accounting journals for a "
+"financial year. The entries in the file must be arranged in chronological "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:14
msgid ""
@@ -23212,18 +23443,24 @@ msgid ""
"To enable this feature, go to :menuselection:`Accounting --> Configuration "
"--> Settings --> Accounting Import`, enable **FEC Import**, and *Save*."
msgstr ""
+"To enable this feature, go to :menuselection:`Accounting --> Configuration "
+"--> Settings --> Accounting Import`, enable **FEC Import**, and *Save*."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:27
msgid ""
"Next, go to :menuselection:`Accounting --> Configuration --> FEC Import`, "
"upload your FEC file, and click on *Import*."
msgstr ""
+"Next, go to :menuselection:`Accounting --> Configuration --> FEC Import`, "
+"upload your FEC file, and click on *Import*."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:0
msgid ""
"Importing FEC files from different year takes no particular action or "
msgstr ""
+"Importing FEC files from different year takes no particular action or "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:0
msgid ""
@@ -23231,15 +23468,19 @@ msgid ""
"starting balance of the year, you might need to cancel those entries in the "
"User Interface. Odoo makes those entries (RAN) useless."
msgstr ""
+"Should multiple files contain any \"Reports à Nouveaux\" (RAN) with the "
+"starting balance of the year, you might need to cancel those entries in the "
+"User Interface. Odoo makes those entries (RAN) useless."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:38
msgid "File formats"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "File formats"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:40
msgid ""
"FEC files can only be in CSV format, as the XML format is not supported."
msgstr ""
+"FEC files can only be in CSV format, as the XML format is not supported."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:44
msgid ""
@@ -23248,41 +23489,48 @@ msgid ""
"and each following line representing one accounting entry, in no "
"predetermined order."
msgstr ""
+"The FEC CSV file has a plain text format representing a data table, with the"
+" first line being a header and defining the list of fields for each entry, "
+"and each following line representing one accounting entry, in no "
+"predetermined order."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:48
msgid ""
"Our module expects the files to meet the following technical specifications:"
msgstr ""
+"Our module expects the files to meet the following technical specifications:"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:50
msgid "**Encoding**: UTF-8, UTF-8-SIG and iso8859_15."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "**Encoding**: UTF-8, UTF-8-SIG and iso8859_15."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:51
msgid "**Separator**: any of these: `;` or `|` or `,` or `TAB`."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "**Separator**: any of these: `;` or `|` or `,` or `TAB`."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:52
msgid ""
"**Line terminators**: both CR+LF (`\\\\r\\\\n`) and LF (`\\\\n`) character "
"groups are supported."
msgstr ""
+"**Line terminators**: both CR+LF (`\\\\r\\\\n`) and LF (`\\\\n`) character "
+"groups are supported."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:53
msgid "**Date format**: `%Y%m%d`"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "**Date format**: `%Y%m%d`"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:56
msgid "Fields description and use"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Fields description and use"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:59
msgid "#"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "#"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:59
msgid "Field name"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Field name"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:59
msgid "Format"
@@ -23290,19 +23538,19 @@ msgstr "التنسيق "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:61
msgid "01"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "01"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:61
msgid "JournalCode"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "JournalCode"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:61
msgid "Journal Code"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Journal Code"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:61
msgid "`journal.code` and `journal.name` if `JournalLib` is not provided"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "`journal.code` and `journal.name` if `JournalLib` is not provided"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:61
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:64
@@ -23316,72 +23564,72 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:93
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:104
msgid "Alphanumeric"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Alphanumeric"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:64
msgid "02"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "02"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:64
msgid "JournalLib"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "JournalLib"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:64
msgid "Journal Label"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Journal Label"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:64
msgid "`journal.name`"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "`journal.name`"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:66
msgid "03"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "03"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:66
msgid "EcritureNum"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "EcritureNum"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:66
msgid "Numbering specific to each journal sequence number of the entry"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Numbering specific to each journal sequence number of the entry"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:66
msgid "`move.name`"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "`move.name`"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:69
msgid "04"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "04"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:69
msgid "EcritureDate"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "EcritureDate"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:69
msgid "Accounting entry Date"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Accounting entry Date"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:69
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:84
msgid "`move.date`"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "`move.date`"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:69
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:84
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:96
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:99
msgid "Date (yyyyMMdd)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Date (yyyyMMdd)"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:71
msgid "05"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "05"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:71
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:186
msgid "CompteNum"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "CompteNum"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:71
msgid "Account Number"
@@ -23389,79 +23637,79 @@ msgstr "رقم الحساب"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:71
msgid "`account.code`"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "`account.code`"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:73
msgid "06"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "06"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:73
msgid "CompteLib"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "CompteLib"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:73
msgid "Account Label"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Account Label"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:73
msgid "`account.name`"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "`account.name`"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:75
msgid "07"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "07"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:75
msgid "CompAuxNum"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "CompAuxNum"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:75
msgid "Secondary account Number (accepts null)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Secondary account Number (accepts null)"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:75
msgid "`partner.ref`"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "`partner.ref`"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:78
msgid "08"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "08"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:78
msgid "CompAuxLib"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "CompAuxLib"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:78
msgid "Secondary account Label (accepts null)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Secondary account Label (accepts null)"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:78
msgid "`partner.name`"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "`partner.name`"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:81
msgid "09"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "09"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:81
msgid "PieceRef"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "PieceRef"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:81
msgid "Document Reference"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Document Reference"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:81
msgid "`move.ref` and `move.name` if `EcritureNum` is not provided"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "`move.ref` and `move.name` if `EcritureNum` is not provided"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:84
msgid "PieceDate"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "PieceDate"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:84
msgid "Document Date"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Document Date"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:86
msgid "11"
@@ -23469,23 +23717,23 @@ msgstr "11"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:86
msgid "EcritureLib"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "EcritureLib"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:86
msgid "Account entry Label"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Account entry Label"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:86
msgid "`move_line.name`"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "`move_line.name`"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:88
msgid "Debit amount"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Debit amount"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:88
msgid "`move_line.debit`"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "`move_line.debit`"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:88
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:90
@@ -23501,11 +23749,11 @@ msgstr "13"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:90
msgid "Credit amount (Field name \"Crédit\" is not allowed)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Credit amount (Field name \"Crédit\" is not allowed)"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:90
msgid "`move_line.credit`"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "`move_line.credit`"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:93
msgid "14"
@@ -23513,28 +23761,28 @@ msgstr "14"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:93
msgid "EcritureLet"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "EcritureLet"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:93
msgid "Accounting entry cross reference (accepts null)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Accounting entry cross reference (accepts null)"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:93
msgid "`move_line.fec_matching_number`"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "`move_line.fec_matching_number`"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:96
msgid "DateLet"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "DateLet"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:96
msgid "Accounting entry date (accepts null)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Accounting entry date (accepts null)"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:96
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:99
msgid "unused"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "unused"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:99
msgid "16"
@@ -23542,11 +23790,11 @@ msgstr "16"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:99
msgid "ValidDate"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ValidDate"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:99
msgid "Accounting entry validation date"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Accounting entry validation date"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:101
msgid "17"
@@ -23554,15 +23802,15 @@ msgstr "17"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:101
msgid "Montantdevise"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Montantdevise"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:101
msgid "Currency amount (accepts null)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Currency amount (accepts null)"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:101
msgid "`move_line.amount_currency`"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "`move_line.amount_currency`"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:104
msgid "18"
@@ -23570,24 +23818,25 @@ msgstr "18"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:104
msgid "Idevise"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Idevise"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:104
msgid "Currency identifier (accepts null)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Currency identifier (accepts null)"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:104
msgid "`currency.name`"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "`currency.name`"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:108
msgid ""
"These two fields can be found in place of the others in the sence above."
msgstr ""
+"These two fields can be found in place of the others in the sence above."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:111
msgid "Montant"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Montant"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:111
msgid "Amount"
@@ -23595,19 +23844,19 @@ msgstr "المبلغ "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:111
msgid "`move_line.debit` or `move_line.credit`"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "`move_line.debit` or `move_line.credit`"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:114
msgid "Sens"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Sens"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:114
msgid "Can be \"C\" for Credit or \"D\" for Debit"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Can be \"C\" for Credit or \"D\" for Debit"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:114
msgid "determines `move_line.debit` or `move_line.credit`"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "determines `move_line.debit` or `move_line.credit`"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:114
msgid "Char"
@@ -23615,25 +23864,31 @@ msgstr "حرف "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:119
msgid "Implementation details"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Implementation details"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:121
msgid ""
"The following accounting entities are imported from the FEC files: "
"**Accounts, Journals, Partners**, and **Moves**."
msgstr ""
+"The following accounting entities are imported from the FEC files: "
+"**Accounts, Journals, Partners**, and **Moves**."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:124
msgid ""
"Our module determines the encoding, the line-terminator character, and the "
"separator that are used in the file."
msgstr ""
+"Our module determines the encoding, the line-terminator character, and the "
+"separator that are used in the file."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:127
msgid ""
"A check is then performed to see if every line has the correct number of "
"fields corresponding to the header."
msgstr ""
+"A check is then performed to see if every line has the correct number of "
+"fields corresponding to the header."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:130
msgid ""
@@ -23641,6 +23896,9 @@ msgid ""
"scanned. Accounting entities are imported one type at a time, in the "
"following order."
msgstr ""
+"If the check passes, then the file is read in full, kept in memory, and "
+"scanned. Accounting entities are imported one type at a time, in the "
+"following order."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:134
msgid "Accounts"
@@ -23651,16 +23909,20 @@ msgid ""
"Every accounting entry is related to an account, which should be determined "
"by the field `CompteNum`."
msgstr ""
+"Every accounting entry is related to an account, which should be determined "
+"by the field `CompteNum`."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:140
msgid "Code matching"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Code matching"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:142
msgid ""
"Should a similar account code already be present in the system, the existing"
" one is used instead of creating a new one."
msgstr ""
+"Should a similar account code already be present in the system, the existing"
+" one is used instead of creating a new one."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:145
msgid ""
@@ -23679,6 +23941,10 @@ msgid ""
"already existing in Odoo is performed only on the first six digits of the "
msgstr ""
+"This means that the account codes the trailing zeroes are right-trimmed, and"
+" that the comparison between the account codes in the FEC file and the ones "
+"already existing in Odoo is performed only on the first six digits of the "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:153
msgid ""
@@ -23686,10 +23952,13 @@ msgid ""
"`658000` account in Odoo, and that account is used instead of creating a new"
" one."
msgstr ""
+"The account code `65800000` in the file is matched against an existing "
+"`658000` account in Odoo, and that account is used instead of creating a new"
+" one."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:157
msgid "Reconcilable flag"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Reconcilable flag"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:159
msgid ""
@@ -23697,6 +23966,9 @@ msgid ""
"which it appears has the `EcritureLet` field filled out, as this flag means "
"that the accounting entry is going to be reconciled with another one."
msgstr ""
+"An account is technically flagged as *reconcilable* if the first line in "
+"which it appears has the `EcritureLet` field filled out, as this flag means "
+"that the accounting entry is going to be reconciled with another one."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:165
msgid ""
@@ -23705,10 +23977,14 @@ msgid ""
"isn't a problem anyway; the account is flagged as reconcilable as soon as "
"the import of the move lines requires it."
msgstr ""
+"In case the line somehow has this field not filled out, but the entry still "
+"has to be reconciled with a payment that hasn't yet been recorded, this "
+"isn't a problem anyway; the account is flagged as reconcilable as soon as "
+"the import of the move lines requires it."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:170
msgid "Account type and Templates matching"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Account type and Templates matching"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:172
msgid ""
@@ -23717,12 +23993,18 @@ msgid ""
" end of the import process, they are matched against the installed Chart of "
"Account templates. Also, the *reconcile* flag is also computed this way."
msgstr ""
+"As the **type** of the account is not specified in the FEC format, **new** "
+"accounts are created with the default type *Current Assets* and then, at the"
+" end of the import process, they are matched against the installed Chart of "
+"Account templates. Also, the *reconcile* flag is also computed this way."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:177
msgid ""
"The match is done with the left-most digits, starting by using all digits, "
"then 3, then 2."
msgstr ""
+"The match is done with the left-most digits, starting by using all digits, "
+"then 3, then 2."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:182
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/united_arab_emirates.rst:54
@@ -23731,15 +24013,15 @@ msgstr "الكود"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:182
msgid "Full comparison"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Full comparison"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:182
msgid "3-digits comparison"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "3-digits comparison"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:182
msgid "2-digits comparison"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "2-digits comparison"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:184
#: ../../content/applications/finance/payment_providers/authorize.rst:82
@@ -23748,130 +24030,153 @@ msgstr "القالب "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:184
msgid "`400000`"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "`400000`"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:184
msgid "`400`"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "`400`"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:184
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:186
msgid "`40`"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "`40`"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:186
msgid "`40100000`"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "`40100000`"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:186
msgid "`401`"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "`401`"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:188
msgid "**Result**"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "**Result**"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:188
msgid "Match **found**"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Match **found**"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:191
msgid ""
"The type of the account is then flagged as *payable* and *reconcilable* as "
"per the account template."
msgstr ""
+"The type of the account is then flagged as *payable* and *reconcilable* as "
+"per the account template."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:196
msgid ""
"Journals are also checked against those already existing in Odoo to avoid "
"duplicates, also in the case of multiple FEC files imports."
msgstr ""
+"Journals are also checked against those already existing in Odoo to avoid "
+"duplicates, also in the case of multiple FEC files imports."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:199
msgid ""
"Should a similar journal code already be present in the system, the existing"
" one is used instead of creating a new one."
msgstr ""
+"Should a similar journal code already be present in the system, the existing"
+" one is used instead of creating a new one."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:202
msgid "New journals have their name prefixed by the string ``FEC-``."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "New journals have their name prefixed by the string ``FEC-``."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:205
msgid "`ACHATS` -> `FEC-ACHATS`"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "`ACHATS` -> `FEC-ACHATS`"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:207
msgid ""
"The journals are *not* archived, the user is entitled to handle them as he "
msgstr ""
+"The journals are *not* archived, the user is entitled to handle them as he "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:210
msgid "Journal type determination"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Journal type determination"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:212
msgid ""
"The journal type is also not specified in the format (as per the accounts) "
"and therefore it is at first created with the default type `general`."
msgstr ""
+"The journal type is also not specified in the format (as per the accounts) "
+"and therefore it is at first created with the default type `general`."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:215
msgid ""
"At the end of the import process, the type is determined as per these rules "
"regarding related moves and accounts:"
msgstr ""
+"At the end of the import process, the type is determined as per these rules "
+"regarding related moves and accounts:"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:0
msgid ""
"`bank`: Moves in these journals always have a line (debit or credit) "
"impacting a liquidity account."
msgstr ""
+"`bank`: Moves in these journals always have a line (debit or credit) "
+"impacting a liquidity account."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:0
msgid ""
"`cash` / `bank` can be interchanged, so `bank` is set everywhere when this "
"condition is met."
msgstr ""
+"`cash` / `bank` can be interchanged, so `bank` is set everywhere when this "
+"condition is met."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:0
msgid ""
"`sale`: Moves in these journals mostly have debit lines on receivable "
"accounts and credit lines on tax income accounts."
msgstr ""
+"`sale`: Moves in these journals mostly have debit lines on receivable "
+"accounts and credit lines on tax income accounts."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:0
msgid "Sale refund journal items are debit/credit inverted."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Sale refund journal items are debit/credit inverted."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:0
msgid ""
"`purchase`: Moves in these journals mostly have credit lines on payable "
"accounts and debit lines on expense accounts."
msgstr ""
+"`purchase`: Moves in these journals mostly have credit lines on payable "
+"accounts and debit lines on expense accounts."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:0
msgid "Purchase refund journal items are debit/credit inverted."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Purchase refund journal items are debit/credit inverted."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:0
msgid "`general`: for everything else."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "`general`: for everything else."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:231
msgid "A minimum of three moves is necessary for journal type identification."
msgstr ""
+"A minimum of three moves is necessary for journal type identification."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:232
msgid ""
"A threshold of 70% of moves must correspond to a criteria for a journal type"
" to be determined."
msgstr ""
+"A threshold of 70% of moves must correspond to a criteria for a journal type"
+" to be determined."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:235
msgid "Suppose we are analyzing the moves that share a certain `journal_id`."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Suppose we are analyzing the moves that share a certain `journal_id`."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:238
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:269
@@ -23888,11 +24193,11 @@ msgstr "النسبة"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:240
msgid "that have a sale account line and no purchase account line"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "that have a sale account line and no purchase account line"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:242
msgid "that have a purchase account line and no sale account line"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "that have a purchase account line and no sale account line"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:242
msgid "25%"
@@ -23900,23 +24205,23 @@ msgstr "25%"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:244
msgid "that have a liquidity account line"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "that have a liquidity account line"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:244
msgid "3"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "3"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:244
msgid "**75%**"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "**75%**"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:246
msgid "**Total**"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "**Total**"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:246
msgid "4"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "4"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:246
msgid "100%"
@@ -23927,6 +24232,8 @@ msgid ""
"The journal `type` would be `bank`, because the bank moves percentage (75%) "
"exceeds the threshold (70%)."
msgstr ""
+"The journal `type` would be `bank`, because the bank moves percentage (75%) "
+"exceeds the threshold (70%)."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:253
msgid "Partners"
@@ -23934,7 +24241,7 @@ msgstr "الشركاء"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:255
msgid "Each partner keeps its `Reference` from the field `CompAuxNum`."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Each partner keeps its `Reference` from the field `CompAuxNum`."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:259
msgid ""
@@ -23950,12 +24257,17 @@ msgid ""
"Customers or similar partner entries may be merged by the user, with "
"assistance from the system that groups them by similar entries."
msgstr ""
+"Users can merge partners with the Data Cleaning App, where Vendors and "
+"Customers or similar partner entries may be merged by the user, with "
+"assistance from the system that groups them by similar entries."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:271
msgid ""
"Entries are immediately posted and reconciled after submission, using the "
"`EcritureLet` field to do the matching between the entries themselves."
msgstr ""
+"Entries are immediately posted and reconciled after submission, using the "
+"`EcritureLet` field to do the matching between the entries themselves."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:274
msgid ""
@@ -23963,10 +24275,13 @@ msgid ""
"sometimes it may not be filled out. In this case, the field `PieceRef` is "
msgstr ""
+"The `EcritureNum` field represents the name of the moves. We noticed that "
+"sometimes it may not be filled out. In this case, the field `PieceRef` is "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:278
msgid "Rounding issues"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Rounding issues"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:280
msgid ""
@@ -23974,18 +24289,21 @@ msgid ""
" credit (i.e., 0.01 for EUR). Under this tolerance, a new line is added to "
"the move, named *Import rounding difference*, targeting the accounts:"
msgstr ""
+"There is a rounding tolerance with a currency-related precision on debit and"
+" credit (i.e., 0.01 for EUR). Under this tolerance, a new line is added to "
+"the move, named *Import rounding difference*, targeting the accounts:"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:284
msgid "`658000` Charges diverses de gestion courante, for added debits"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "`658000` Charges diverses de gestion courante, for added debits"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:285
msgid "`758000` Produits divers de gestion courante, for added credits"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "`758000` Produits divers de gestion courante, for added credits"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:288
msgid "Missing move name"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Missing move name"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:290
msgid ""
@@ -23995,6 +24313,11 @@ msgid ""
"which lines are to be grouped in a single move, and effectively impeding the"
" creation of balanced moves."
msgstr ""
+"Should the `EcritureNum` not be filled out, it may also happen that the "
+"`PieceRef` field is also not suited to determine the move name (it may be "
+"used as an accounting move line reference) leaving no way to actually find "
+"which lines are to be grouped in a single move, and effectively impeding the"
+" creation of balanced moves."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:295
msgid ""
@@ -24003,21 +24326,28 @@ msgid ""
" (sum(credit) - sum(debit) = 0), then each different combination of journal "
"and date creates a new move."
msgstr ""
+"One last attempt is made, grouping all lines from the same journal and date "
+"(`JournalLib`, `EcritureDate`). Should this grouping generate balanced moves"
+" (sum(credit) - sum(debit) = 0), then each different combination of journal "
+"and date creates a new move."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:300
msgid ""
"`ACH` + `2021/05/01` --> new move on journal `ACH` with name `20210501`."
msgstr ""
+"`ACH` + `2021/05/01` --> new move on journal `ACH` with name `20210501`."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:302
msgid ""
"Should this attempt fail, the user is prompted an error message with all the"
" move lines that are supposedly unbalanced."
msgstr ""
+"Should this attempt fail, the user is prompted an error message with all the"
+" move lines that are supposedly unbalanced."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:306
msgid "Partner information"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Partner information"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:308
msgid ""
@@ -24025,6 +24355,9 @@ msgid ""
"to the accounting move itself if the targeted Journal is of type *payable* "
"or *receivable*."
msgstr ""
+"If a line has the partner information specified, the information is copied "
+"to the accounting move itself if the targeted Journal is of type *payable* "
+"or *receivable*."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:312
msgid "Export"
@@ -24063,6 +24396,8 @@ msgid ""
"`Test-Compta-Demat (Official FEC Testing tool) "
msgstr ""
+"`Test-Compta-Demat (Official FEC Testing tool) "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:331
msgid "French Accounting Reports"
@@ -24078,7 +24413,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:336
msgid "Bilan comptable"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Bilan comptable"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:337
msgid "Compte de résultats"
@@ -24090,7 +24425,7 @@ msgstr "Plan de Taxes France"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:341
msgid "Get the VAT anti-fraud certification with Odoo"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Get the VAT anti-fraud certification with Odoo"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:343
msgid ""
@@ -24108,13 +24443,15 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:350
msgid "Is my company required to use anti-fraud software?"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Is my company required to use anti-fraud software?"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:352
msgid ""
"Your company is required to use an anti-fraud cash register software like "
"Odoo (CGI art. 286, I. 3° bis) if:"
msgstr ""
+"Your company is required to use an anti-fraud cash register software like "
+"Odoo (CGI art. 286, I. 3° bis) if:"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:355
msgid "You are taxable (not VAT exempt) in France or any DOM-TOM,"
@@ -24122,21 +24459,23 @@ msgstr "You are taxable (not VAT exempt) in France or any DOM-TOM,"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:356
msgid "Some of your customers are private individuals (B2C)."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Some of your customers are private individuals (B2C)."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:358
msgid ""
"This rule applies to any company size. Auto-entrepreneurs are exempted from "
"VAT and therefore are not affected."
msgstr ""
+"This rule applies to any company size. Auto-entrepreneurs are exempted from "
+"VAT and therefore are not affected."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:362
msgid "Get certified with Odoo"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Get certified with Odoo"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:364
msgid "Getting compliant with Odoo is very easy."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Getting compliant with Odoo is very easy."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:366
msgid ""
@@ -24158,11 +24497,11 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:373
msgid "In case of non-conformity, your company risks a fine of €7,500."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "In case of non-conformity, your company risks a fine of €7,500."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:375
msgid "To get the certification, just follow the following steps:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "To get the certification, just follow the following steps:"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:377
msgid ""
@@ -24183,6 +24522,10 @@ msgid ""
":menuselection:`Settings --> Users & Companies --> Companies`. Select a "
"country from the list; Do not create a new country."
msgstr ""
+"Make sure a country is set on your company, otherwise your entries won’t be "
+"encrypted for the inalterability check. To edit your company’s data, go to "
+":menuselection:`Settings --> Users & Companies --> Companies`. Select a "
+"country from the list; Do not create a new country."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:385
msgid ""
@@ -24199,12 +24542,18 @@ msgid ""
"`. Then go to the *Apps* menu and press *Update Modules "
"List* in the top-menu."
msgstr ""
+"To install the module in any system created before December 18th 2017, you "
+"should update the modules list. To do so, activate the :ref:`developer mode "
+"`. Then go to the *Apps* menu and press *Update Modules "
+"List* in the top-menu."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:393
msgid ""
"In case you run Odoo on-premise, you need to update your installation and "
"restart your server beforehand."
msgstr ""
+"In case you run Odoo on-premise, you need to update your installation and "
+"restart your server beforehand."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:395
msgid ""
@@ -24224,31 +24573,35 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:404
msgid "Anti-fraud features"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Anti-fraud features"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:406
msgid "The anti-fraud module introduces the following features:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "The anti-fraud module introduces the following features:"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:408
msgid ""
"**Inalterability**: deactivation of all the ways to cancel or modify key "
"data of POS orders, invoices and journal entries;"
msgstr ""
+"**Inalterability**: deactivation of all the ways to cancel or modify key "
+"data of POS orders, invoices and journal entries;"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:410
msgid "**Security**: chaining algorithm to verify the inalterability;"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "**Security**: chaining algorithm to verify the inalterability;"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:411
msgid ""
"**Storage**: automatic sales closings with computation of both period and "
"cumulative totals (daily, monthly, annually)."
msgstr ""
+"**Storage**: automatic sales closings with computation of both period and "
+"cumulative totals (daily, monthly, annually)."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:415
msgid "Inalterability"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Inalterability"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:417
msgid ""
@@ -24265,6 +24618,8 @@ msgid ""
"If you run a multi-companies environment, only the documents of such "
"companies are impacted."
msgstr ""
+"If you run a multi-companies environment, only the documents of such "
+"companies are impacted."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:426
msgid "Security"
@@ -24276,6 +24631,9 @@ msgid ""
"validation. This number (or hash) is calculated from the key data of the "
"document as well as from the hash of the precedent documents."
msgstr ""
+"To ensure inalterability, every order or journal entry is encrypted upon "
+"validation. This number (or hash) is calculated from the key data of the "
+"document as well as from the hash of the precedent documents."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:433
msgid ""
@@ -24285,6 +24643,11 @@ msgid ""
"initial ones. In case of failure, the system points out the first corrupted "
"document recorded in the system."
msgstr ""
+"The module introduces an interface to test the data inalterability. If any "
+"information is modified on a document after its validation, the test will "
+"fail. The algorithm recomputes all the hashes and compares them against the "
+"initial ones. In case of failure, the system points out the first corrupted "
+"document recorded in the system."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:439
msgid ""
@@ -24309,6 +24672,10 @@ msgid ""
" as well as the cumulative grand totals from the very first sales entry "
"recorded in the system."
msgstr ""
+"The system also processes automatic sales closings on a daily, monthly and "
+"annual basis. Such closings distinctly compute the sales total of the period"
+" as well as the cumulative grand totals from the very first sales entry "
+"recorded in the system."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:454
msgid ""
@@ -24323,11 +24690,14 @@ msgid ""
"Closings compute the totals for journal entries of sales journals (Journal "
"Type = Sales)."
msgstr ""
+"Closings compute the totals for journal entries of sales journals (Journal "
+"Type = Sales)."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:461
msgid ""
"For multi-companies environments, such closings are performed by company."
msgstr ""
+"For multi-companies environments, such closings are performed by company."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:463
msgid ""
@@ -24336,6 +24706,10 @@ msgid ""
"daily basis, the module prevents from resuming a session opened more than 24"
" hours ago. Such a session must be closed before selling again."
msgstr ""
+"POS orders are posted as journal entries at the closing of the POS session. "
+"Closing a POS session can be done anytime. To prompt users to do it on a "
+"daily basis, the module prevents from resuming a session opened more than 24"
+" hours ago. Such a session must be closed before selling again."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:469
msgid ""
@@ -24344,18 +24718,26 @@ msgid ""
"record a new sales transaction for a period already closed, it will be "
"counted in the very next closing."
msgstr ""
+"A period’s total is computed from all the journal entries posted after the "
+"previous closing of the same type, regardless of their posting date. If you "
+"record a new sales transaction for a period already closed, it will be "
+"counted in the very next closing."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:476
msgid ""
"For test & audit purposes such closings can be manually generated in the "
":ref:`developer mode `."
msgstr ""
+"For test & audit purposes such closings can be manually generated in the "
+":ref:`developer mode `."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:478
msgid ""
"Then go to :menuselection:`Settings --> Technical --> Automation --> "
"Scheduled Actions`."
msgstr ""
+"Then go to :menuselection:`Settings --> Technical --> Automation --> "
+"Scheduled Actions`."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:481
msgid "Responsibilities"
@@ -24366,6 +24748,8 @@ msgid ""
"Do not uninstall the module! If you do so, the hashes will be reset and none"
" of your past data will be longer guaranteed as being inalterable."
msgstr ""
+"Do not uninstall the module! If you do so, the hashes will be reset and none"
+" of your past data will be longer guaranteed as being inalterable."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:486
msgid ""
@@ -24373,22 +24757,29 @@ msgid ""
"diligence. It is not permitted to modify the source code which guarantees "
"the inalterability of data."
msgstr ""
+"Users remain responsible for their Odoo instance and must use it with due "
+"diligence. It is not permitted to modify the source code which guarantees "
+"the inalterability of data."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:490
msgid ""
"Odoo absolves itself of all and any responsibility in case of changes in the"
" module’s functions caused by 3rd party applications not certified by Odoo."
msgstr ""
+"Odoo absolves itself of all and any responsibility in case of changes in the"
+" module’s functions caused by 3rd party applications not certified by Odoo."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:494
msgid "More Information"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "More Information"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:496
msgid ""
"You can find more information about this legislation in the following "
"official documents."
msgstr ""
+"You can find more information about this legislation in the following "
+"official documents."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:500
msgid ""
@@ -24404,6 +24795,9 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
+"`Official Statement "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/france.rst:504
msgid ""
@@ -24439,6 +24833,8 @@ msgid ""
"Be careful, you can only change the accounting package as long as you have "
"not created any accounting entry."
msgstr ""
+"Be careful, you can only change the accounting package as long as you have "
+"not created any accounting entry."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/germany.rst:16
msgid ""
@@ -24458,15 +24854,15 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/germany.rst:25
msgid "Tax Report (Umsatzsteuervoranmeldung)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Tax Report (Umsatzsteuervoranmeldung)"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/germany.rst:26
msgid "Partner VAT Intra"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Partner VAT Intra"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/germany.rst:29
msgid "Export from Odoo to Datev"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Export from Odoo to Datev"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/germany.rst:31
msgid ""
@@ -24500,12 +24896,16 @@ msgid ""
"Odoo offers a service that is compliant with the help of `fiskaly "
"`_, a *cloud-based solution*."
msgstr ""
+"Odoo offers a service that is compliant with the help of `fiskaly "
+"`_, a *cloud-based solution*."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/germany.rst:50
msgid ""
"Since this solution is cloud-based, a working internet connection is "
msgstr ""
+"Since this solution is cloud-based, a working internet connection is "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/germany.rst:53
msgid ""
@@ -24513,6 +24913,9 @@ msgid ""
"by consulting: `fiskaly DSFinV-K API: VAT Definition "
msgstr ""
+"The only VAT rates allowed are given by fiskaly. You can check these rates "
+"by consulting: `fiskaly DSFinV-K API: VAT Definition "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/germany.rst:63
msgid ""
@@ -24520,6 +24923,9 @@ msgid ""
"` your **Point of Sale** app (`point_of_sale`) and the "
"**Restaurant** module (`pos_restaurant`)."
msgstr ""
+"If your database was created before June 2021, :ref:`upgrade "
+"` your **Point of Sale** app (`point_of_sale`) and the "
+"**Restaurant** module (`pos_restaurant`)."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/germany.rst:65
msgid ""
@@ -24536,14 +24942,16 @@ msgid ""
"If these modules are not listed, :ref:`update the app list "
msgstr ""
+"If these modules are not listed, :ref:`update the app list "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/germany.rst-1
msgid "Upgrading Odoo Point of Sale from the Apps dashboard"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Upgrading Odoo Point of Sale from the Apps dashboard"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/germany.rst:77
msgid "Register your company at the financial authority"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Register your company at the financial authority"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/germany.rst:79
msgid ""
@@ -24551,18 +24959,21 @@ msgid ""
"Settings --> Companies --> Update Info`, fill out the following fields and "
msgstr ""
+"To register your company, go to :menuselection:`Settings --> General "
+"Settings --> Companies --> Update Info`, fill out the following fields and "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/germany.rst:82
msgid "**Company name**"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "**Company name**"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/germany.rst:83
msgid "Valid **address**"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Valid **address**"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/germany.rst:84
msgid "**VAT** number"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "**VAT** number"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/germany.rst:85
msgid ""
@@ -24577,56 +24988,68 @@ msgid ""
"**W-IdNr** (Wirtschafts-Identifikationsnummer): this number is used as a "
"permanent identification number for economically active persons."
msgstr ""
+"**W-IdNr** (Wirtschafts-Identifikationsnummer): this number is used as a "
+"permanent identification number for economically active persons."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/germany.rst:90
msgid ""
"You can then **register your company through fiskaly** by opening the "
"*fiskaly* tab and clicking on the *fiskaly Registration* button."
msgstr ""
+"You can then **register your company through fiskaly** by opening the "
+"*fiskaly* tab and clicking on the *fiskaly Registration* button."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/germany.rst-1
msgid "Button to register a company through fiskaly in Odoo"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Button to register a company through fiskaly in Odoo"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/germany.rst:98
msgid ""
"If you do not see the *fiskaly Registration* button, make sure that you "
"*saved* your company details and are not in *editing mode* anymore."
msgstr ""
+"If you do not see the *fiskaly Registration* button, make sure that you "
+"*saved* your company details and are not in *editing mode* anymore."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/germany.rst:101
msgid "Once the registration has been finalized, new fields appear:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Once the registration has been finalized, new fields appear:"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/germany.rst:103
msgid ""
"**fiskaly organization ID** refers to the ID of your company at the fiskaly "
msgstr ""
+"**fiskaly organization ID** refers to the ID of your company at the fiskaly "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/germany.rst:104
msgid ""
"**fiskaly API key** and **secret** are the credentials the system uses to "
"access the services offered by fiskaly."
msgstr ""
+"**fiskaly API key** and **secret** are the credentials the system uses to "
+"access the services offered by fiskaly."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/germany.rst-1
msgid "fiskaly keys as displayed on Odoo"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "fiskaly keys as displayed on Odoo"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/germany.rst:112
msgid ""
"It is possible to request new credentials if there is any issue with the "
"current ones."
msgstr ""
+"It is possible to request new credentials if there is any issue with the "
+"current ones."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/germany.rst:115
msgid "Create and link a Technical Security System to your PoS"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Create and link a Technical Security System to your PoS"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/germany.rst-1
msgid "Create TSS option from a point of sale"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Create TSS option from a point of sale"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/germany.rst:121
msgid ""
@@ -24642,32 +25065,37 @@ msgid ""
" Sale`, open the point of sale you want to edit, then check the box next to "
"**Create TSS** and *Save*."
msgstr ""
+"To do so, go to :menuselection:`Point of Sale --> Configuration --> Point of"
+" Sale`, open the point of sale you want to edit, then check the box next to "
+"**Create TSS** and *Save*."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/germany.rst-1
msgid "Example of TSS ID and Client ID from fiskaly in Odoo Point of Sale"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Example of TSS ID and Client ID from fiskaly in Odoo Point of Sale"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/germany.rst:131
msgid ""
"Once the creation of the TSS is successful, you can find your **TSS ID** and"
" **Client ID** under the *fiskaly API* section."
msgstr ""
+"Once the creation of the TSS is successful, you can find your **TSS ID** and"
+" **Client ID** under the *fiskaly API* section."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/germany.rst:134
msgid "**TSS ID** refers to the ID of your TSS at fiskaly's side."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "**TSS ID** refers to the ID of your TSS at fiskaly's side."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/germany.rst:135
msgid "**Client ID** refers to your PoS but at fiskaly's side."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "**Client ID** refers to your PoS but at fiskaly's side."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/germany.rst:138
msgid "DSFinV-K"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "DSFinV-K"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/germany.rst-1
msgid "Menu to export DSFinV-K"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Menu to export DSFinV-K"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/germany.rst:144
msgid ""
@@ -24675,32 +25103,41 @@ msgid ""
":abbr:`DSFinV-K (Digitale Schnittstelle der Finanzverwaltung für "
"Kassensysteme)` service of fiskaly."
msgstr ""
+"Whenever you close a PoS session, the orders' details are sent to the "
+":abbr:`DSFinV-K (Digitale Schnittstelle der Finanzverwaltung für "
+"Kassensysteme)` service of fiskaly."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/germany.rst:147
msgid ""
"In case of an audit, you can export the data sent to DSFinV-K by going to "
":menuselection:`Point of Sale --> Orders --> DSFinV-k exports`."
msgstr ""
+"In case of an audit, you can export the data sent to DSFinV-K by going to "
+":menuselection:`Point of Sale --> Orders --> DSFinV-k exports`."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/germany.rst:150
msgid "These fields are mandatory:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "These fields are mandatory:"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/germany.rst:152
msgid "**Name**"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "**Name**"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/germany.rst:153
msgid ""
"**Start Datetime** (export data with dates larger than or equal to the given"
" start date)"
msgstr ""
+"**Start Datetime** (export data with dates larger than or equal to the given"
+" start date)"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/germany.rst:154
msgid ""
"**End Datetime** (export data with dates smaller than or equal to the given "
"end date)"
msgstr ""
+"**End Datetime** (export data with dates smaller than or equal to the given "
+"end date)"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/germany.rst:156
msgid ""
@@ -24708,15 +25145,19 @@ msgid ""
"all your points of sale. Specify a Point of Sale if you want to export this "
"specific PoS' data only."
msgstr ""
+"Leave the **Point of Sale** field blank if you want to export the data of "
+"all your points of sale. Specify a Point of Sale if you want to export this "
+"specific PoS' data only."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/germany.rst:159
msgid ""
"The creation of a DSFinV-K export triggers on export at fiskaly's side."
msgstr ""
+"The creation of a DSFinV-K export triggers on export at fiskaly's side."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/germany.rst-1
msgid "Pending DSFinV-K export on Odoo"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Pending DSFinV-K export on Odoo"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/germany.rst:165
msgid ""
@@ -24724,6 +25165,9 @@ msgid ""
"been successfully triggered and is being processed. You have to click on "
"*Refresh State* to check if it is ready."
msgstr ""
+"As you can see, the **State** is *Pending*. This means that the export has "
+"been successfully triggered and is being processed. You have to click on "
+"*Refresh State* to check if it is ready."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/germany.rst:171
msgid "German Tax Accounting Standards: Odoo's guide to GoBD Compliance"
@@ -24758,6 +25202,12 @@ msgid ""
"2020 to specify some of the content and due to the development of digital "
"solutions (cloud hosting, paperless companies, etc.)."
msgstr ""
+"These principles have been written and published by the Federal Ministry of "
+"Finance (BMF) in November 2014. Since January 2015, **they have become the "
+"norm** and replace previously accepted practices linked to computer-based "
+"accounting. Several changes have been made by the BMF in 2019 and January "
+"2020 to specify some of the content and due to the development of digital "
+"solutions (cloud hosting, paperless companies, etc.)."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/germany.rst:187
msgid "Odoo gives you **the means to be compliant with GoBD**."
@@ -24807,29 +25257,31 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/germany.rst:205
msgid "Access rights control;"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Access rights control;"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/germany.rst:206
msgid "Segregation of Duties, Functional separating;"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Segregation of Duties, Functional separating;"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/germany.rst:207
msgid "Entry controls (error notifications, plausibility checks);"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Entry controls (error notifications, plausibility checks);"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/germany.rst:208
msgid "Reconciliation checks at data entry;"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Reconciliation checks at data entry;"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/germany.rst:209
msgid "Processing controls;"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Processing controls;"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/germany.rst:210
msgid ""
"Measures to prevent intentional or unintentional manipulation of software, "
"data, or documents."
msgstr ""
+"Measures to prevent intentional or unintentional manipulation of software, "
+"data, or documents."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/germany.rst:212
msgid ""
@@ -24840,10 +25292,16 @@ msgid ""
"appropriate measures to correct the situation should be put into place "
msgstr ""
+"The user must distribute tasks within its organization to the relevant "
+"positions (*control*) and verify that the tasks are properly and completely "
+"performed (*supervision*). The result of these controls must be recorded "
+"(*documentation*), and should errors be found during these controls, "
+"appropriate measures to correct the situation should be put into place "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/germany.rst:218
msgid "What about data security?"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "What about data security?"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/germany.rst:220
msgid ""
@@ -24862,6 +25320,8 @@ msgid ""
"Once bookings have been finally posted, they can no longer be changed or "
"deleted via the application."
msgstr ""
+"Once bookings have been finally posted, they can no longer be changed or "
+"deleted via the application."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/germany.rst:227
msgid ""
@@ -24875,12 +25335,16 @@ msgid ""
"`Odoo Cloud Hosting - Service Level Agreement `_"
msgstr ""
+"`Odoo Cloud Hosting - Service Level Agreement `_"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/germany.rst:233
msgid ""
"If the server is operated locally, it is the responsibility of the user to "
"create the necessary backup infrastructure."
msgstr ""
+"If the server is operated locally, it is the responsibility of the user to "
+"create the necessary backup infrastructure."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/germany.rst:237
msgid ""
@@ -24888,10 +25352,13 @@ msgid ""
"backups saved. It is even more important if you decide to change software "
msgstr ""
+"In some cases, data has to be kept for ten years or more, so always have "
+"backups saved. It is even more important if you decide to change software "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/germany.rst:241
msgid "Responsibility of the software editor"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Responsibility of the software editor"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/germany.rst:243
msgid ""
@@ -24909,7 +25376,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/germany.rst:249
msgid "How can Odoo help you achieve Compliance?"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "How can Odoo help you achieve Compliance?"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/germany.rst:251
msgid ""
@@ -24925,7 +25392,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/germany.rst:0
msgid "**Traceability and verifiability**"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "**Traceability and verifiability**"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/germany.rst:0
msgid ""
@@ -24934,10 +25401,14 @@ msgid ""
"relevant fields are tracked thus it can be seen which value was changed by "
"whom in the chatter of the relevant object."
msgstr ""
+"Each record in Odoo is stamped with the creator of the document, the "
+"creation date, the modification date, and who modified it. In addition, "
+"relevant fields are tracked thus it can be seen which value was changed by "
+"whom in the chatter of the relevant object."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/germany.rst:0
msgid "**Completeness**"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "**Completeness**"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/germany.rst:0
msgid ""
@@ -24948,10 +25419,16 @@ msgid ""
"automatically, it remains the responsibility of the user to encode all "
"vendor bills and miscellaneous operations completely."
msgstr ""
+"All financial data must be recorded in the system, and there can be no gaps."
+" Odoo ensures that there is no gap in the numbering of the financial "
+"transactions. It is the responsibility of the user to encode all financial "
+"data in the system. As most financial data in Odoo is generated "
+"automatically, it remains the responsibility of the user to encode all "
+"vendor bills and miscellaneous operations completely."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/germany.rst:0
msgid "**Accuracy**"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "**Accuracy**"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/germany.rst:0
msgid ""
@@ -24962,10 +25439,16 @@ msgid ""
" to the respective record in Odoo. *Odoo Document helps you automate this "
msgstr ""
+"Odoo ensures with the correct configuration that the correct accounts are "
+"used. In addition, the control mechanisms between purchase orders and sales "
+"orders and their respective invoices reflect the business reality. It is the"
+" responsibility of the user to scan and attach the paper-based vendor bill"
+" to the respective record in Odoo. *Odoo Document helps you automate this "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/germany.rst:0
msgid "**Timely booking and record-keeping**"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "**Timely booking and record-keeping**"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/germany.rst:0
msgid ""
@@ -24975,10 +25458,15 @@ msgid ""
"encode all incoming vendor bills in a timely manner, as well as the "
"miscellaneous operations."
msgstr ""
+"As most financial data in Odoo is generated by the transactional objects "
+"(for example, the invoice is booked at confirmation), Odoo ensures out-of-"
+"the-box timely record-keeping. It is the responsibility of the user to "
+"encode all incoming vendor bills in a timely manner, as well as the "
+"miscellaneous operations."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/germany.rst:0
msgid "**Order**"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "**Order**"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/germany.rst:0
msgid ""
@@ -24996,7 +25484,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/germany.rst:0
msgid "**Inalterability**"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "**Inalterability**"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/germany.rst:0
msgid ""
@@ -25042,7 +25530,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/germany.rst:299
msgid "What is the role and meaning of the compliance certification?"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "What is the role and meaning of the compliance certification?"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/germany.rst:301
msgid ""
@@ -25093,6 +25581,10 @@ msgid ""
"in the context of a tax field audit or in the context of binding "
msgstr ""
+"180. Positive attestations on the correctness of the bookkeeping - and thus "
+"on the correctness of IT-based bookkeeping systems - are not issued either "
+"in the context of a tax field audit or in the context of binding "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/germany.rst:320
msgid ""
@@ -25100,6 +25592,9 @@ msgid ""
"decision criterion for the company when selecting a software product, but "
"develop from the in margin no. 179 is not binding on the tax authorities."
msgstr ""
+"181. \"Certificates\" or \"attestations\" from third parties can serve as a "
+"decision criterion for the company when selecting a software product, but "
+"develop from the in margin no. 179 is not binding on the tax authorities."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/germany.rst:325
msgid ""
@@ -25115,13 +25610,15 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/germany.rst:330
msgid "What happens if you are not compliant?"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "What happens if you are not compliant?"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/germany.rst:332
msgid ""
"In the event of an infringement, you can expect a fine but also a court "
"order demanding the implementation of specific measures."
msgstr ""
+"In the event of an infringement, you can expect a fine but also a court "
+"order demanding the implementation of specific measures."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/india.rst:3
msgid "India"
@@ -25141,7 +25638,7 @@ msgstr ":guilabel:`Indian - Accounting`"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/india.rst:20
msgid "`l10n_in`"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "`l10n_in`"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/india.rst:22
msgid ":guilabel:`Indian E-invoicing`"
@@ -25149,7 +25646,7 @@ msgstr ":guilabel:`Indian E-invoicing`"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/india.rst:23
msgid "`l10n_in_edi`"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "`l10n_in_edi`"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/india.rst:24
msgid ":ref:`Indian e-invoicing integration `"
@@ -26248,6 +26745,10 @@ msgid ""
"from customers. The documents must be in XML format and formally validated "
"by the system before being delivered."
msgstr ""
+"The :abbr:`SdI (Sistema di Interscambio)` is the electronic invoicing system"
+" used in Italy. It enables to send and receive electronic invoices to and "
+"from customers. The documents must be in XML format and formally validated "
+"by the system before being delivered."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/italy.rst:63
msgid ""
@@ -26390,7 +26891,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/italy.rst-1
msgid "Italy's electronic document invoicing options"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Italy's electronic document invoicing options"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/italy.rst:138
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/mexico.rst-1
@@ -26410,11 +26911,11 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/italy.rst:147
msgid ":ref:`external reverse charge `;"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr ":ref:`external reverse charge `;"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/italy.rst:148
msgid ":ref:`internal reverse charge `."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr ":ref:`internal reverse charge `."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/italy.rst:153
msgid "External reverse charge"
@@ -26483,6 +26984,8 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Country Id`: must contain the country of the foreign seller in "
"the two-letter ISO (Alpha-2) code (ex., `IT` for 'Italy');"
msgstr ""
+":guilabel:`Country Id`: must contain the country of the foreign seller in "
+"the two-letter ISO (Alpha-2) code (ex., `IT` for 'Italy');"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/italy.rst:185
msgid ":guilabel:`CAP`: must be filled with `00000`;"
@@ -26617,7 +27120,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/italy.rst:239
msgid "It is a **domestic** transaction (i.e., the partner is from Italy);"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "It is a **domestic** transaction (i.e., the partner is from Italy);"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/italy.rst:240
msgid "The buyer's data is **insufficient** for a regular invoice;"
@@ -26680,6 +27183,9 @@ msgid ""
":ref:`module `. In this case, a dedicated :guilabel:`Tipo "
"Documento` `TD24` is used in the e-invoice."
msgstr ""
+"E-invoicing of deferred invoices requires the `l10n_it_stock_ddt` "
+":ref:`module `. In this case, a dedicated :guilabel:`Tipo "
+"Documento` `TD24` is used in the e-invoice."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/italy.rst:272
msgid "Odoo exports moves as `TD24` if the following conditions are met:"
@@ -26703,6 +27209,15 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Cedente/Prestatore`, and your company's credentials as "
msgstr ""
+"Italian companies buying goods or services from EU countries (or services "
+"from non-EU countries) must send the information contained within the bill "
+"received to the **Agenzia delle Entrate**. This allows you to complete tax-"
+"related information on your bill, and to send it. The seller must be set as "
+":guilabel:`Cedente/Prestatore`, and the buyer as "
+":guilabel:`Cessionario/Committente`. Contained within the **XML** document "
+"for the vendor bill, the vendor's credentials show as "
+":guilabel:`Cedente/Prestatore`, and your company's credentials as "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/italy.rst:290
msgid ""
@@ -26747,6 +27262,8 @@ msgid ""
"`TD19` - Buying **goods** from a **foreign** vendor, but the **goods** are "
"already in **Italy** in a **VAT deposit**."
msgstr ""
+"`TD19` - Buying **goods** from a **foreign** vendor, but the **goods** are "
+"already in **Italy** in a **VAT deposit**."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/italy.rst:308
msgid "`TD17`"
@@ -26761,12 +27278,16 @@ msgid ""
"The foreign *seller* invoices a service with a **VAT-excluded** price, as it"
" is not taxable in Italy. The VAT is paid by the *buyer* in Italy;"
msgstr ""
+"The foreign *seller* invoices a service with a **VAT-excluded** price, as it"
+" is not taxable in Italy. The VAT is paid by the *buyer* in Italy;"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/italy.rst:315
msgid ""
"Within EU: the *buyer* integrates the invoice received with the **VAT "
"information** due in Italy (i.e., **vendor bill tax integration**);"
msgstr ""
+"Within EU: the *buyer* integrates the invoice received with the **VAT "
+"information** due in Italy (i.e., **vendor bill tax integration**);"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/italy.rst:317
msgid ""
@@ -26792,6 +27313,8 @@ msgid ""
"At least one tax on the invoice lines targets the tax grids :ref:`VJ "
msgstr ""
+"At least one tax on the invoice lines targets the tax grids :ref:`VJ "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/italy.rst:323
msgid ""
@@ -26833,12 +27356,16 @@ msgid ""
"Buying **goods** from a **foreign** vendor, but the **goods** are already in"
" **Italy** in a **VAT deposit**:"
msgstr ""
+"Buying **goods** from a **foreign** vendor, but the **goods** are already in"
+" **Italy** in a **VAT deposit**:"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/italy.rst:345
msgid ""
"From EU: the *buyer* integrates the invoice received with the **VAT "
"information** due in Italy (i.e., **vendor bill tax integration**);"
msgstr ""
+"From EU: the *buyer* integrates the invoice received with the **VAT "
+"information** due in Italy (i.e., **vendor bill tax integration**);"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/italy.rst:347
msgid ""
@@ -26855,6 +27382,8 @@ msgid ""
"At least one tax on the invoice lines targets the tax grid :ref:`VJ3 "
msgstr ""
+"At least one tax on the invoice lines targets the tax grid :ref:`VJ3 "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/italy.rst:353
msgid ""
@@ -26898,7 +27427,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/italy.rst-1
msgid "Italian reverse charge tax grids"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Italian reverse charge tax grids"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/italy.rst:384
msgid "San Marino"
@@ -26911,12 +27440,18 @@ msgid ""
"requirements are not enforced by Odoo, however, the user is requested by the"
" **State** to:"
msgstr ""
+"San Marino and Italy have special agreements on e-invoicing operations. As "
+"such, **invoices** follow the regular **reverse charge** rules. Additional "
+"requirements are not enforced by Odoo, however, the user is requested by the"
+" **State** to:"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/italy.rst:393
msgid ""
"Select a tax with the option :guilabel:`Has exoneration of tax (Italy)` "
"ticked, and the :guilabel:`Exoneration` set to `N3.3`;"
msgstr ""
+"Select a tax with the option :guilabel:`Has exoneration of tax (Italy)` "
+"ticked, and the :guilabel:`Exoneration` set to `N3.3`;"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/italy.rst:395
msgid ""
@@ -26936,6 +27471,10 @@ msgid ""
"the e-invoice's :guilabel:`Tipo Documento` field with the special value "
msgstr ""
+"When a **paper bill** is received from San Marino, any Italian company "
+"**must** submit that invoice to the **Agenzia delle Entrate** by indicating "
+"the e-invoice's :guilabel:`Tipo Documento` field with the special value "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/italy.rst:407
msgid "`TD28`"
@@ -30134,7 +30673,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/netherlands.rst:15
msgid "Dutch Accounting Reports"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Dutch Accounting Reports"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/netherlands.rst:17
msgid ""
@@ -31867,13 +32406,15 @@ msgstr "إسبانيا "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/spain.rst:6
msgid "Spanish Chart of Accounts"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Spanish Chart of Accounts"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/spain.rst:8
msgid ""
"In Odoo, there are several Spanish Chart of Accounts that are available by "
msgstr ""
+"In Odoo, there are several Spanish Chart of Accounts that are available by "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/spain.rst:10
msgid "PGCE PYMEs 2008"
@@ -31905,7 +32446,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/spain.rst:23
msgid "Spanish Accounting Reports"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Spanish Accounting Reports"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/spain.rst:25
msgid ""
@@ -33765,6 +34306,8 @@ msgid ""
"`Adyen `_ is a Dutch company that offers several "
"online payment possibilities."
msgstr ""
+"`Adyen `_ is a Dutch company that offers several "
+"online payment possibilities."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/payment_providers/adyen.rst:9
#: ../../content/applications/finance/payment_providers/adyen.rst:20
@@ -34606,6 +35149,8 @@ msgid ""
"`Buckaroo `_ is a Dutch-based company that offers "
"several online payment possibilities."
msgstr ""
+"`Buckaroo `_ is a Dutch-based company that offers "
+"several online payment possibilities."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/payment_providers/buckaroo.rst:11
msgid "Configuration on Buckaroo Plaza"
diff --git a/locale/ar/LC_MESSAGES/inventory_and_mrp.po b/locale/ar/LC_MESSAGES/inventory_and_mrp.po
index 3ea6d3170..f77c316b2 100644
--- a/locale/ar/LC_MESSAGES/inventory_and_mrp.po
+++ b/locale/ar/LC_MESSAGES/inventory_and_mrp.po
@@ -433,7 +433,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/barcode/operations/gs1_nomenclature.rst:76
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/barcode/operations/gs1_nomenclature.rst:190
msgid "01"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "01"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/barcode/operations/gs1_nomenclature.rst:76
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/barcode/operations/gs1_nomenclature.rst:190
diff --git a/locale/ar/LC_MESSAGES/websites.po b/locale/ar/LC_MESSAGES/websites.po
index 95e93674f..246e02767 100644
--- a/locale/ar/LC_MESSAGES/websites.po
+++ b/locale/ar/LC_MESSAGES/websites.po
@@ -3258,7 +3258,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/websites/forum.rst:133
#: ../../content/applications/websites/forum.rst:136
msgid "3"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "3"
#: ../../content/applications/websites/forum.rst:134
msgid ":guilabel:`Answer questions`"
@@ -3302,7 +3302,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/websites/forum.rst:176
#: ../../content/applications/websites/forum.rst:179
msgid "1"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "1"
#: ../../content/applications/websites/forum.rst:146
msgid ":guilabel:`Edit all posts`"
@@ -5641,7 +5641,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/websites/website/configuration/on-premise_geo-ip-installation.rst:6
msgid "Installation"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "التثبيت "
#: ../../content/applications/websites/website/configuration/on-premise_geo-ip-installation.rst:9
msgid ""
diff --git a/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/inventory_and_mrp.po b/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/inventory_and_mrp.po
index 00a023562..bbf600b36 100644
--- a/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/inventory_and_mrp.po
+++ b/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/inventory_and_mrp.po
@@ -22,8 +22,8 @@
# Wil Odoo, 2023
# Iran Villalobos López, 2023
# Fernanda Alvarez, 2023
-# Patricia Gutiérrez Capetillo , 2023
# Lucia Pacheco, 2023
+# Patricia Gutiérrez Capetillo , 2023
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-12 13:54+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-10-04 12:53+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: Lucia Pacheco, 2023\n"
+"Last-Translator: Patricia Gutiérrez Capetillo , 2023\n"
"Language-Team: Spanish (https://app.transifex.com/odoo/teams/41243/es/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@@ -1816,11 +1816,11 @@ msgid ""
"work more efficiently by controlling the software almost exclusively with "
"the barcode scanner."
msgstr ""
-"Las funciones de lectura de códigos de barras pueden ahorrarle tiempo que "
-"generalmente pierde cambiando entre el teclado, el ratón y el escáner. "
-"Atribuir adecuadamente los códigos de barras a productos, ubicaciones de "
-"recolección, etc. le permite trabajar de manera más eficiente controlando el"
-" software casi exclusivamente con el escáner de códigos de barras."
+"Los códigos de barra pueden ahorrarle tiempo que generalmente pierde "
+"cambiando entre el teclado, el ratón y el escáner. El uso correcto del "
+"código de barras en productos, ubicaciones de recolección, etc. le ayudará a"
+" controlar todo el software desde el lector de código de barras, lo que le "
+"permitirá trabajar de forma más eficiente."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/barcode/setup/software.rst:16
msgid ""
@@ -1828,9 +1828,9 @@ msgid ""
"via :menuselection:`Inventory --> Settings --> Barcode Scanner`. Once you "
"have ticked the feature, you can hit save."
msgstr ""
-"Para usar esta función, primero debe activar la funcionalidad *Código de "
-"barras* a través de :menuselection: `Inventario -> Configuración -> Código "
-"de Barras`. Una vez que haya marcado la función, puede presionar guardar."
+"Para usar esta función, primero debe activar el uso de *Código de barras* en"
+" :menuselection: `Inventario -> Configuración -> Código de Barras`. Una vez "
+"que haya activado la función, puede presionar guardar."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/barcode/setup/software.rst:24
msgid "Set Product Barcodes"
@@ -1852,8 +1852,8 @@ msgid ""
"Then, you have the possibility to assign barcodes to your products directly "
"at creation on the product form."
msgstr ""
-"Luego, tiene la posibilidad de asignar códigos de barras a sus productos "
-"directamente en la creación en el formulario del producto."
+"Ya que haga esto podrá asignar códigos de barra a sus productos al crear el "
+"formulario del producto."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/barcode/setup/software.rst:42
msgid ""
@@ -1861,7 +1861,7 @@ msgid ""
"template product. Otherwise, you won’t be able to differentiate them."
msgstr ""
"Tenga cuidado, agregue códigos de barras directamente en las variantes del "
-"producto y no en la plantilla del producto. De lo contrario, no podrá "
+"producto y no en la plantilla del producto, de lo contrario, no podrá "
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/barcode/setup/software.rst:47
@@ -1875,18 +1875,17 @@ msgid ""
" locations barcodes in :menuselection:`Inventory --> Configuration --> "
msgstr ""
-"Si administra varias ubicaciones, le resultará útil atribuir un código de "
-"barras a cada ubicación y pegarlo en ella. Puede configurar los códigos de "
-"barras de ubicaciones en :menuselection:`Inventario --> Configuración --> "
+"Si administra varias ubicaciones puede designar un código de barras para "
+"cada una de ellas. Puede configurar los códigos de barras de ubicaciones en "
+":menuselection:`Inventario --> Configuración --> Ubicaciones`."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/barcode/setup/software.rst:60
msgid ""
"You can easily print the barcode you allocate to the locations via the "
"*Print* menu."
msgstr ""
-"Puede imprimir fácilmente el código de barras que asigna a las ubicaciones a"
-" través del menú *Imprimir*."
+"En el menú *imprimir* puede imprimir el código de barras que le asigne a "
+"cada ubicación."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/barcode/setup/software.rst:64
msgid "Barcode Formats"
@@ -2685,11 +2684,11 @@ msgid ""
"production fault. It can be useful for a batch production of clothes or "
msgstr ""
-"Los **Lotes** funcionan para productos que se reciben en gran cantidad y "
+"Los **lotes** funcionan para productos que se reciben en gran cantidad y "
"para los cuales un número de lote puede ayudar en los reportes, controles de"
" calidad, o cualquier otra información. Los lotes le ayudarán a identificar "
-"un grupo de piezas que, por ejemplo, un defecto de producción. También puede"
-" ser útil para un lote de producción de ropa o alimentos."
+"un grupo de piezas que, por ejemplo, pueden tener un defecto de producción. "
+"También puede ser útil para un lote de producción de ropa o alimentos."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/lots_serial_numbers/differences.rst:28
msgid ""
@@ -2724,9 +2723,9 @@ msgid ""
"a warranty and/or after-sales services. Putting a serial number on bread, "
"for instance, makes no sense at all."
msgstr ""
-"Por otro lado, darle un número de serie a cada producto es una tarea de "
-"consumo de tiempo que solo servirá en caso de artículos que tienen una "
-"garantía y/o servicio de posventa. Ponerle un número de serie al pan, por "
+"Por otro lado, darle un número de serie a cada producto es una tarea que "
+"consume mucho tiempo y que solo servirá en caso de artículos que tienen una "
+"garantía o servicio de posventa. Ponerle un número de serie al pan, por "
"ejemplo, no tiene sentido."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/lots_serial_numbers/differences.rst:46
@@ -3612,8 +3611,8 @@ msgid ""
"When all desired configurations are complete, click the :guilabel:`Save` "
"button to save all changes."
msgstr ""
-"Cuando complete de realizar la configuración, haga clic en "
-":guilabel:`Guardar` para guardar los cambios que hizo."
+"Cuando complete la configuración, haga clic en :guilabel:`Guardar` para "
+"guardar los cambios que hizo."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/lots_serial_numbers/lots.rst-1
msgid "New lot number creation form with assigned product."
@@ -4472,7 +4471,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/lots_serial_numbers/serial_numbers.rst:142
msgid "Assign serial numbers manually"
-msgstr "Asignar números de serie usted mismo"
+msgstr "Usted mismo asigne números de serie"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/lots_serial_numbers/serial_numbers.rst:144
msgid ""
@@ -4917,9 +4916,9 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"La recolección en lotes permite que un solo recolector gestione un lote de "
"órdenes, lo que reducirá el número de veces que se debe visitar la misma "
-"ubicación. En Odoo, esto significa que puedes agrupar varias varias "
-"transferencias en la misma transferencia en lote. Después la podrá procesar "
-"ya sea mediante el código de barras o en la vista de plantilla."
+"ubicación. En Odoo, esto significa que puede agrupar varias transferencias "
+"en la misma transferencia en lote. Después, la podrá procesar ya sea "
+"mediante el código de barras o en la vista de plantilla."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/misc/batch_transfers.rst:11
msgid "Create a Batch Transfer"
@@ -4948,7 +4947,7 @@ msgid ""
"and hit the create button."
msgstr ""
"Después vaya a :menuselection:`Inventario --> Operaciones --> Translado por "
-"lotes` y haga clic al botón de crear."
+"lotes` y haga clic en el botón de crear."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/management/misc/batch_transfers.rst-1
msgid "View of the new menu, Batch Transfers, under operations"
diff --git a/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/marketing.po b/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/marketing.po
index 980c8a657..b338f505a 100644
--- a/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/marketing.po
+++ b/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/marketing.po
@@ -10,10 +10,10 @@
# Braulio D. López Vázquez , 2023
# Martin Trigaux, 2023
# Wil Odoo, 2023
-# Iran Villalobos López, 2023
# Lucia Pacheco, 2023
-# Patricia Gutiérrez Capetillo , 2023
# Fernanda Alvarez, 2023
+# Iran Villalobos López, 2023
+# Patricia Gutiérrez Capetillo , 2023
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-12 13:54+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-10-04 12:54+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: Fernanda Alvarez, 2023\n"
+"Last-Translator: Patricia Gutiérrez Capetillo , 2023\n"
"Language-Team: Spanish (https://app.transifex.com/odoo/teams/41243/es/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@@ -710,7 +710,7 @@ msgid ""
"provide even more specificity."
msgstr ""
"Algunas opciones de submenú en el primer campo de la regla permiten agregar "
-"una segunda opción para proporcionar aún más especificidad."
+"una segunda opción para ser aun más específicos."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:262
msgid ""
@@ -756,10 +756,10 @@ msgid ""
"features and professional design elements."
msgstr ""
"En la pestaña :guilabel:`Cuerpo del correo` hay varias plantillas de "
-"mensajes preconfiguradas de las que puede elegir. Seleccione la plantilla "
-"deseada y modifique cada elemento de su diseño con los bloques de creación "
-"de arrastrar y soltar de Odoo situados en la barra lateral derecha. Cada "
-"bloque de creación proporciona funciones únicas y elementos de diseño "
+"mensajes preconfiguradas de entre las que puede elegir. Seleccione la "
+"plantilla deseada y modifique cada elemento de su diseño con los bloques de "
+"creación de arrastrar y soltar de Odoo situados en la barra lateral derecha."
+" Cada bloque de creación proporciona funciones únicas y elementos de diseño "
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst-1
@@ -783,7 +783,7 @@ msgstr ""
":guilabel:`Texto sin formato` y Odoo le proporcionará una plantilla de "
"correo en blanco que podrá personalizar de varias maneras. Puede utilizar el"
" editor de texto enriquecido del frontend que es compatible con comandos de "
-"diagonal (:guilabel:`/`) o con el editor de código XML, para utilizar este "
+"diagonal (:guilabel:`/`) o con el editor de código XML; para utilizar este "
"último solo debe habilitar el :ref:`modo de desarrollador (en modo de "
"solución de bugs) ` y hacer clic en el icono "
@@ -1101,8 +1101,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Después de finalizar los correos, Odoo proporciona las siguientes opciones "
"en la esquina superior izquierda de la página de la plantilla de correo "
-"electrónico. Esas opciones son: guilabel:`Enviar`, :guilabel:`Programar` y "
+"electrónico: guilabel:`Enviar`, :guilabel:`Programar` y :guilabel:`Probar`."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:412
msgid ""
@@ -1129,7 +1128,7 @@ msgid ""
"mailing changes to *In Queue*."
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`Programar`: haga clic para abrir una ventana emergente, allí "
-"podrá elegir una fecha y hora próxima. Odoo envía el correo a los "
+"podrá elegir una fecha y hora futura. Odoo envía el correo a los "
"destinatarios elegidos en la fecha y hora que especificó. Cuando se elige "
"una fecha y hora, el estado del correo cambia a *En cola*."
@@ -1140,6 +1139,10 @@ msgid ""
"email address in the :guilabel:`Recipients` field, and click :guilabel:`Send"
" Sample Mail`."
msgstr ""
+":guilabel:`Enviar prueba` - Haga clic para abrir una ventana emergente donde"
+" Odoo le permite enviar un correo de prueba. Escriba la dirección de correo "
+"electrónico de los destinatarios deseados en el campo "
+":guilabel:`Destinatario` y haga clic en :guilabel:`Enviar correo de prueba`."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:423
msgid ""
@@ -1147,12 +1150,17 @@ msgid ""
" (and sent) at a later date. When clicked, the status of the mailing stays "
"as :guilabel:`Draft`."
msgstr ""
+":guilabel:`Guardar` - Haga clic para guardar el correo como borrador, el "
+"cual podrá editar (y enviar) después. Al hacer clic, el estado del correo "
+"continua como :guilabel:`Borrador`."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:425
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Discard` - Click to discard any changes that have been made since"
" the last save."
msgstr ""
+":guilabel:`Descartar` - Haga clic para descartar cualquier cambio que haya "
+"hecho desde la última vez que guardo. "
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:428
msgid ""
@@ -1162,6 +1170,11 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Edit` mode. Click :guilabel:`Create` to start creating a new "
msgstr ""
+"Si selecciona :guilabel:`Guardar` o :guilabel:`Descartar` (mientras está en "
+"modo :guilabel:`Editar`), esas opciones se reemplazarán por un botón de "
+":guilabel:`Editar` y de :guilabel:`Crear`. Haga clic en :guilabel:`Editar` "
+"para volver al modo :guilabel:`Editar`. Haga clic en :guilabel:`Crear` para "
+"comenzar un nuevo correo."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:434
msgid ""
@@ -1171,6 +1184,11 @@ msgid ""
"next day. The sending needs to be forced, by opening the email and clicking "
msgstr ""
+"De manera predeterminada, hay un límite diario que se aplica a **todos los "
+"correos** enviados en *todas* las aplicaciones. Por ello, si hay correos "
+"restantes que debe enviar después de haber alcanzado el límite, estos *no* "
+"se enviarán automáticamente al día siguientes. Debe enviarlos manualmente "
+"abriendo el correo y haciendo clic en :guilabel:`Reintentar`. "
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing/mailing_lists.rst:3
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/sms_marketing/essentials/mailing_lists_blacklists.rst:15
@@ -1259,6 +1277,11 @@ msgid ""
"clicking :guilabel:`Create`, and adding contact information directly on a "
"separate contact detail form."
msgstr ""
+"Al hacer clic en la lista de correo que desee, abrirá una página por "
+"separado de :guilabel:`Contactos de la lista de correo` en donde puede "
+"agregar contactos a esta lita en específico haciendo clic en "
+":guilabel:`Crear`, y agregando la información directamente en un nuevo "
+"formulario detallado del contacto. "
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing/mailing_lists.rst:38
msgid ""
@@ -1266,6 +1289,10 @@ msgid ""
":menuselection:`Mailing Lists --> Mailing List Contacts`. Doing so reveals a"
" separate page with all the mailing list contacts in the database."
msgstr ""
+"O, mientras está en la aplicación :menuselection:`Marketing por correo "
+"electrónico` vaya a :menuselection:`Listas de correo --> Contactos de la "
+"lista de correo`. De esta forma, se abrirá una página por separado con todos"
+" los contactos de la listas de correo de la base de datos. "
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing/mailing_lists.rst:42
msgid ""
@@ -1273,6 +1300,10 @@ msgid ""
"previous steps. Or, click the :guilabel:`Import` icon (to the right of the "
":guilabel:`Create` button) to import contacts into the database."
msgstr ""
+"Desde aquí, haga clic en :guilabel:`Crear`, y agregue un contacto siguiendo "
+"los pasos anteriores. O, haga clic en el icono de :guilabel:`Importar` "
+"(ubicado del lado derecho del botón :guilabel:`Crear`) para importar "
+"contactos a la base de datos. "
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing/mailing_lists.rst:46
msgid ""
@@ -1282,15 +1313,24 @@ msgid ""
"line`, and selecting the desired mailing list. Multiple mailing lists can be"
" added to a single contact's detail form."
msgstr ""
+"Una vez que los contactos estén en la base de datos, haga clic en el "
+"formulario detallado del contacto deseado y agregue la lista de correo "
+"preferida en la pestaña :guilabel:`Lista de correo` (en la parte inferior "
+"del formulario detallado del contacto) haciendo clic en :guilabel:`Agregar "
+"línea`, y seleccionando la lista de correo deseada. Puede agregar varias "
+"listas de correo a un solo formulario de contacto. "
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing/mailing_lists.rst-1
msgid ""
"View of a contact detail form with mailing list tab in Odoo Email Marketing."
msgstr ""
+"Vista de un formulario detallado de un contacto con la pestaña de lista de "
+"correo en Marketing por correo electrónico de Odoo. "
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing/mailing_lists.rst:56
msgid "Create new mailing list from contact detail form"
msgstr ""
+"Crear una nueva lista de correo desde un formulario detallado de contacto"
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing/mailing_lists.rst:58
msgid ""
@@ -1299,12 +1339,18 @@ msgid ""
"appears. Then, select either :guilabel:`Create` or :guilabel:`Create and "
msgstr ""
+"Para crear una lista de coreo desde el formulario de un contacto, haga clic "
+"en :guilabel:`Agregar una línea`, y escriba el nombre de una lista de correo"
+" en el campo que aparecerá. Luego, seleccione :guilabel:`Crear` o "
+":guilabel:`Crear y Editar...`."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing/mailing_lists.rst-1
msgid ""
"View of the new mailing list drop-down on contact form in Odoo Email "
msgstr ""
+"Vista de un menú desplegable de una lista de correo nueva en el formulario "
+"de contacto en Marketing por correo electrónico de Odoo. "
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing/mailing_lists.rst:66
msgid ""
@@ -1313,11 +1359,17 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Create and Edit...` option creates the mailing list, and reveals "
"a pop-up window, in which the new mailing list can be configured right away."
msgstr ""
+"La opción :guilabel:`Crear` le permite crear rápidamente la lista de correo"
+" en el formulario detallado del contacto y puede configurarla después. La "
+"opción :guilabel:`Crear y editar...` crea la lista de correo y abre una "
+"ventana emergente en donde puede configurar dicha lista de inmediato. "
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing/mailing_lists.rst-1
msgid ""
"View of the create and edit mailing list pop-up in Odoo Email Marketing."
msgstr ""
+"Vista de la ventana emergente para crear y editar una lista de correo en "
+"Marketing por correo electrónico de Odoo."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing/mailing_lists.rst:76
msgid "Link a mailing list to website (Newsletter blocks)"
@@ -1330,6 +1382,9 @@ msgid ""
"directly link the mailing list on the Odoo-built website (created via Odoo's"
" :guilabel:`Website` application)."
msgstr ""
+"Cuando se crea una lista de correo en la base de datos, Odoo le da la opción"
+" de vincular directamente la lista en el sitio web integrado de Odoo (que se"
+" crea a través de la aplicación :guilabel:`Sitio web` de Odoo). "
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing/mailing_lists.rst:81
msgid ""
@@ -1351,6 +1406,10 @@ msgid ""
"(:guilabel:`Newsletter Block`, :guilabel:`Newsletter Popup`, or "
msgstr ""
+"Para agregar un *campo de suscripción* para una lista de correo específica "
+"en un sitio web, arrastre y suelte cualquiera de las opciones de "
+":guilabel:`Boletín` (:guilabel:`Bloque de boletín`, :guilabel:`Ventana "
+"emergente de boletín` o :guilabel:`Boletín`). "
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing/mailing_lists.rst:91
msgid ""
@@ -1360,12 +1419,19 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Blocks` tab, and Odoo reveals the three different "
":guilabel:`Newsletter` block options."
msgstr ""
+"Para localizar rápidamente los bloques de creación de :guilabel:`Boletín` "
+"(estando en el modo :guilabel:`Editar` en el frontend del sitio web), "
+"escriba `Boletín` en la barra de búsqueda, ubicada en la barra lateral "
+"derecha, en la pestaña :guilabel:`Bloques`, y Odoo le mostrará las tres "
+"opciones diferentes para un bloque de :guilabel:`Boletín`. "
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing/mailing_lists.rst:0
msgid ""
"View of how to quickly search for Newsletter blocks in the Odoo Website "
msgstr ""
+"Vista de qué tan rápido puede encontrar los bloques de boletín en la "
+"aplicación Sitio web de Odoo. "
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing/mailing_lists.rst:100
msgid ""
@@ -1373,10 +1439,16 @@ msgid ""
" Odoo reveals a pop-up window, in which the desired mailing list is selected"
" from a drop-down menu (and linked) to this block on the website."
msgstr ""
+"Cuando arrastra un bloque de :guilabel:`Boletín` al cuerpo del sitio web, "
+"Odoo abrirá una ventana emergente en donde puede seleccionar (y vincular) la"
+" lista de correo que desee desde un menú desplegable a este bloque en el "
+"sitio web. "
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing/mailing_lists.rst-1
msgid "View of the add mailing list subscription pop-up on an Odoo Website."
msgstr ""
+"Vista de la ventana emergente para agregar un campo de suscripción a una "
+"lista de correo en Sitio web de Odoo. "
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing/mailing_lists.rst:108
msgid ""
@@ -1384,14 +1456,19 @@ msgid ""
"visitors with the option to add their email address to this mailing list, "
"and subscribe to future communications."
msgstr ""
+":guilabel:`Bloque de boletín` - Agrega un bloque en la página web, "
+"proporcionándole a los visitantes la opción de agregar sus direcciones de "
+"correo electrónico a la lista de correo y suscribirse estar en comunicación."
+" "
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing/mailing_lists.rst:111
msgid "Here's an example of a :guilabel:`Newsletter Block`."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Este es un ejemplo de un :guilabel:`Bloque de boletín`. "
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing/mailing_lists.rst:0
msgid "View of a sample newsletter block in the Odoo Website application."
msgstr ""
+"Vista de un bloque de boletín de muestra en la aplicación Sitio web de Odoo."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing/mailing_lists.rst:116
msgid ""
@@ -1401,14 +1478,20 @@ msgid ""
"for their email address to subscribe to the mailing list. The pop-up window "
"can be edited further to fit any business needs."
msgstr ""
+":guilabel:`Ventana emergente de boletín` - Esto le indica a Odoo que muestre"
+" una ventana emergente de suscripción en alguna parte del sitio web. Cuando "
+"el visitante llega a este punto predeterminado, aparecerá una ventana "
+"emergente de suscripción para estar en la lista de correo. Esta ventana se "
+"puede editar después de acuerdo a sus necesidades. "
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing/mailing_lists.rst:121
msgid "Here's an example of a :guilabel:`Newsletter Popup`."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Este es un ejemplo de una :guilabel:`Ventana emergente de boletín`. "
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing/mailing_lists.rst:0
msgid "View of a sample newsletter pop-up sample on an Odoo Website."
msgstr ""
+"Vista de una ventana emergente de boletín de muestra en Sitio web de Odoo. "
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing/mailing_lists.rst:126
msgid ""
@@ -1416,14 +1499,17 @@ msgid ""
"email address to the mailing list, and subscribe to future mailings in the "
"footer (or anywhere else on the page)."
msgstr ""
+":guilabel:`Boletín` - Le proporciona a los visitantes un campo simple en "
+"donde pueden agregar sus direcciones de correo electrónico para suscribirse "
+"a la lista de correo. Puede ubicarlo en el pie de página o donde prefiera. "
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing/mailing_lists.rst:129
msgid "Here's an example of a :guilabel:`Newsletter` dynamic block."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Este es un ejemplo de un bloque dinámico de :guilabel:`Boletín`. "
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing/mailing_lists.rst:0
msgid "View of a Newsletter dynamic block on an Odoo Website."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Vista de un bloque dinámico de boletín en un Sitio web de Odoo."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing/mailing_lists.rst:135
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing/unsubscriptions.rst:73
@@ -1432,7 +1518,7 @@ msgstr ":doc:`/applications/marketing/email_marketing`"
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing/unsubscriptions.rst:3
msgid "Manage unsubscriptions (Blacklist)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Gestionar la cancelación de suscripciones (lista de denegación)"
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing/unsubscriptions.rst:5
msgid ""
@@ -1441,6 +1527,12 @@ msgid ""
" recipients to unsubscribe from a mailing list establishes a sense of trust "
"with an audience, and helps companies appear genuine (and not spammy)."
msgstr ""
+"Darle la opción a los suscriptores de su lista de correo de cancelar su "
+"suscripción no solo es una práctica inteligente de negocios, sino que muchas"
+" veces también es un requisito legal. Al permitirle a los suscriptores "
+"cancelar su suscripción de la lista establece un lazo de confianza con la "
+"audiencia y le ayuda a las empresas a parecer genuinas (y que no fomentan el"
+" spam). "
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing/unsubscriptions.rst:10
msgid "Enable the Blacklist feature"
diff --git a/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/productivity.po b/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/productivity.po
index 26ab35adc..4bce7fbf6 100644
--- a/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/productivity.po
+++ b/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/productivity.po
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
# Translators:
# Jesús Alan Ramos Rodríguez , 2022
# Pablo Rojas , 2022
-# Lucia Pacheco, 2022
# marcescu, 2023
# Leonardo J. Caballero G. , 2023
# Raquel Iciarte , 2023
@@ -18,6 +17,7 @@
# Iran Villalobos López, 2023
# Patricia Gutiérrez Capetillo , 2023
# Fernanda Alvarez, 2023
+# Lucia Pacheco, 2023
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-12 13:54+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-10-04 12:54+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: Fernanda Alvarez, 2023\n"
+"Last-Translator: Lucia Pacheco, 2023\n"
"Language-Team: Spanish (https://app.transifex.com/odoo/teams/41243/es/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ msgstr "Calendario"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/calendar/google.rst:3
msgid "Synchronize Google calendar with Odoo"
-msgstr "Sincronice el calendario de Google con Odoo"
+msgstr "Sincronizar el calendario de Google con Odoo"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/calendar/google.rst:5
msgid ""
@@ -443,7 +443,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/calendar/outlook.rst:3
msgid "Outlook Calendar synchronization"
-msgstr "Sincronice el calendario de Outlook con Odoo"
+msgstr "Sincronizar el calendario de Outlook con Odoo"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/calendar/outlook.rst:5
msgid ""
@@ -790,8 +790,8 @@ msgid ""
"The synchronization is a two-way process, meaning that events are reconciled"
" in both accounts (Outlook and Odoo)."
msgstr ""
-"La sincronización es un proceso de dos lados, esto significa que los eventos"
-" se concilian en ambas cuentas (Outlook y Odoo)."
+"La sincronización es un proceso que se lleva a cabo en dos partes, esto "
+"significa que los eventos se concilian en ambas cuentas (Outlook y Odoo)."
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/calendar/outlook.rst:136
msgid ""
@@ -1043,8 +1043,8 @@ msgid ""
" applications. Forge better relationships, increase productivity and "
"transparency by promoting a convenient way of communicating."
msgstr ""
-"La aplicación de Conversaciones le permite unificar todas las comunicaciones"
-" de su empresa a través de mensajes, notas y chat. Comparta información, "
+"La aplicación Conversaciones le permite unificar todas las comunicaciones de"
+" su empresa a través de mensajes, notas y chat. Comparta información, "
"proyectos, archivos, priorice tareas y permanezca conectado con colegas y "
"partners a través de todas las aplicaciones. Establezca mejores relaciones, "
"aumente la productividad y la transparencia al promover una forma "
@@ -1059,8 +1059,7 @@ msgid ""
"Access your *Preferences* and choose how you would like your notifications "
"to be handled."
msgstr ""
-"Acceda a sus *Preferencias* y elija cómo desea que se manejen sus "
+"Acceda a sus *Preferencias* y elija cómo desea gestionar sus notificaciones."
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/discuss/overview/get_started.rst-1
msgid "View of the preferences page for Odoo Discuss"
@@ -1191,9 +1190,9 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Cuando se menciona a un usuario, la lista de búsqueda (lista de nombres) "
"sugiere valores, en primer lugar, en función de los seguidores de la tarea "
-"y, en segundo lugar, en función de *Empleados*. Si el registro que se busca "
-"no coincide con un seguidor o un empleado, el alcance de la búsqueda se "
-"convierte en todos los partners."
+"y, en segundo lugar, en función de los *empleados*. Si el registro que se "
+"busca no coincide con un seguidor o un empleado, el alcance de la búsqueda "
+"se convierte en todos los contactos."
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/discuss/overview/get_started.rst:80
msgid "Chat status"
@@ -1207,9 +1206,9 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Es útil ver qué están haciendo sus colegas y qué tan rápido pueden responder"
-" a los mensajes al verificar su *Estado*. El estado se muestra en el lado "
-"izquierdo de los nombres de un contacto en la barra lateral de Discusiones y"
-" en el *menú de Mensajería*."
+" a los mensajes, por eso debe verificar su *estado*. El estado se muestra en"
+" el lado izquierdo de los nombres de un contacto en la barra lateral de "
+"Discusiones y en el *menú de Mensajería*."
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/discuss/overview/get_started.rst:86
msgid "Green = online"
@@ -1561,6 +1560,12 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`JOIN` or :guilabel:`LEAVE` buttons that appear in the channel "
msgstr ""
+"Haga clic en el icono de configuración :guilabel:`⚙️ (engranaje)`, situado "
+"en la barra lateral izquierda, a la derecha del elemento de menú desplegable"
+" :guilabel:`CANALES`. Al hacerlo, aparecerá una vista en mosaico con todos "
+"los canales públicos disponibles. Los usuarios pueden unirse o abandonar "
+"canales en esta pantalla gracias a los botones :guilabel:`UNIRSE` o "
+":guilabel:`ABANDONAR` que aparecen en las casillas de los canales."
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/discuss/overview/team_communication.rst:88
msgid ""
@@ -1569,10 +1574,16 @@ msgid ""
" underscore character [ `_` ], and specific searches can be saved by using "
"the :menuselection:`Favorites --> Save Current Search` drop-down menu."
msgstr ""
+"También existe la posibilidad de aplicar filtros y guardarlos para después. "
+"La función :guilabel:`Buscar...` acepta caracteres comodín mediante el "
+"subrayado [ `_` ]. Puede guardar búsquedas específicas utilizando el menú "
+"desplegable :menuselection:`Favoritos --> Guardar búsqueda actual`."
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/discuss/overview/team_communication.rst-1
msgid "View of a channel being searched through filters in Odoo Discuss"
msgstr ""
+"Vista de un canal buscado a través de filtros en la aplicación "
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/discuss/overview/team_communication.rst:98
msgid "Linking channel in chatter"
@@ -1586,17 +1597,26 @@ msgid ""
"After clicking on the link a chat window with the channel conversation will "
"pop up in the lower right corner of the screen."
msgstr ""
+"Puede vincular los canales en el chatter (nota de registro) de Odoo. Si "
+"desea hacerlo, escriba `#` seguido del nombre del canal. Haga clic o "
+"presione enter en el nombre del *canal*. Al registrar la nota aparecerá un "
+"enlace al canal. Después de hacer clic en el enlace aparecerá una ventana de"
+" chat en la esquina inferior derecha con la conversación del canal."
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/discuss/overview/team_communication.rst:105
msgid ""
"Users are able to contribute to this group channel (either public or member "
"based) by typing messages in window and pressing *enter*."
msgstr ""
+"Los usuarios pueden contribuir a este canal de grupo (ya sea público o "
+"privado) escribiendo mensajes en la ventana y haciendo clic en *enter*."
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/discuss/overview/team_communication.rst-1
msgid ""
"Channel linked in chatter with the channel open on the lower right quadrant."
msgstr ""
+"Canal vinculado en el chatter con el canal abierto en el cuadrante inferior "
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/discuss/overview/team_communication.rst:114
msgid ":doc:`plan_activities`"
@@ -1624,6 +1644,12 @@ msgid ""
"computer is also required to set up the :abbr:`IoT (Internet of Things)` "
msgstr ""
+"Una caja IoT (Internet de las cosas, por sus siglas en inglés) es un "
+"dispositivo microordenador que permite la conexión de dispositivos de "
+"entrada y salida a una base de datos de Odoo. Es necesario contar con una "
+"suscripción a la caja :abbr:`IoT (Internet de las cosas)` para poder "
+"utilizarla con una conexión segura. También necesita una computadora para "
+"configurar la caja :abbr:`IoT (Internet de las cosas)`."
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/iot/config/connect.rst:11
msgid "`IoT Box FAQ `_"
@@ -1636,6 +1662,9 @@ msgid ""
":ref:`installing the IoT app ` on the Odoo database through"
" the :menuselection:`Apps` application."
msgstr ""
+"Comience el proceso de configuración del :abbr:`IoT (Internet de las cosas)`"
+" a través de la :ref:`aplicación IoT ` en la base de datos "
+"de Odoo, puede descargarla desde :menuselection:`Aplicaciones`."
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/iot/config/connect.rst-1
msgid "The Internet of Things (IoT) app on the Odoo database."
@@ -1648,6 +1677,10 @@ msgid ""
"--> IoT Boxes`, and then click on the :guilabel:`Connect` button located in "
"the upper-left corner of the :menuselection:`IoT Boxes` dashboard."
msgstr ""
+"A continuación, una vez instalada la *aplicación IoT*, vaya a "
+":menuselection:`Aplicación IoT --> Cajas IoT` y haga clic en el botón "
+":guilabel:`Conectar` ubicado en la esquina superior izquierda del tablero de"
+" :menuselection:`Cajas IoT`."
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/iot/config/connect.rst-1
msgid "Connecting an IoT box to the Odoo database."
@@ -1661,10 +1694,15 @@ msgid ""
" of Things)` box via :ref:`wired ethernet connection `"
" or via :ref:`WiFi `."
msgstr ""
+"Se recomiendan dos formas de conectar el dispositivo :abbr:`IoT (Internet de"
+" las cosas)` a la base de datos mediante la *aplicación IoT*. Siga los pasos"
+" de cualquiera de las siguientes dos secciones para conectar el dispositivo "
+"IoT mediante una :ref:`conexión ethernet por cable ` o"
+" mediante :ref:`WiFi `."
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/iot/config/connect.rst-1
msgid "Connection steps for a wired connection or WiFi connection."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Pasos de conexión mediante ethernet o WiFi."
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/iot/config/connect.rst:38
msgid ""
@@ -1674,10 +1712,14 @@ msgid ""
":abbr:`IoT (Internet of Things)` box is :doc:`flashed ` with "
"the most up-to-date disk image."
msgstr ""
+"La imagen de disco con la que la tarjeta SD de la caja :abbr:`IoT (Internet "
+"de las cosas)` está formateada es única para la versión de la base de datos "
+"Odoo con la que la caja IoT está funcionando. Asegúrese de que la caja IoT "
+"tenga la imagen de disco más :doc:`actualizada `."
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/iot/config/connect.rst:46
msgid "Ethernet connection"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Conexión ethernet"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/iot/config/connect.rst:48
msgid ""
@@ -1685,6 +1727,8 @@ msgid ""
" box via an ethernet cable to the Odoo database (by way of the ethernet "
"port; RJ-45)."
msgstr ""
+"El siguiente es el proceso para conectar la caja IoT a través de un cable "
+"ethernet a la base de datos de Odoo."
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/iot/config/connect.rst:51
msgid ""
@@ -1693,6 +1737,10 @@ msgid ""
"an HDMI screen should be connected. Then, plug the :abbr:`IoT (Internet of "
"Things)` box into a power source."
msgstr ""
+"Comience por conectar todos los dispositivos por cable a la caja :abbr:`IoT "
+"(Internet de las cosas)` (ethernet, dispositivos USB, etc.). Si no puede, "
+"debería conectarse a una pantalla HDMI. Lo siguiente es conectar la caja IoT"
+" a una fuente de alimentación."
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/iot/config/connect.rst:55
msgid ""
@@ -1700,6 +1748,9 @@ msgid ""
"from the screen or from the printout of a receipt printer connected to the "
":abbr:`IoT (Internet of Things)` box."
msgstr ""
+"Una vez que la unidad se encienda, lea el *código de emparejamiento* de la "
+"pantalla o de la impresión de una impresora conectada a la caja :abbr:`IoT "
+"(Internet de las cosas)`."
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/iot/config/connect.rst:59
msgid ""
@@ -1710,6 +1761,12 @@ msgid ""
"unplugging the unit from the power source for ten seconds and re-plugging it"
" back in."
msgstr ""
+"De forma predeterminada, la caja IoT mostrará el *código de emparejamiento* "
+"durante un máximo de 5 minutos después de que se encienda la unidad. "
+"Transcurridos los 5 minutos, el *código de emparejamiento* desaparecerá por "
+"motivos de seguridad y la caja IoT deberá reiniciarse manualmente al "
+"desenchufar la unidad de la fuente de alimentación durante diez segundos y "
+"volviéndola a enchufar."
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/iot/config/connect.rst:65
msgid ""
@@ -1719,6 +1776,11 @@ msgid ""
"instructions on how to access the :abbr:`IoT (Internet of Things)` box "
"homepage visit :ref:`iot_connect/token`."
msgstr ""
+"Si no hay ninguna pantalla conectada a la caja IoT, se puede acceder al "
+"*código de emparejamiento* desde la página de inicio, solo debe hacer clic "
+"en el botón :guilabel:`Pantalla del PdV`. Si desea obtener más información "
+"sobre cómo acceder a la página de inicio de la caja IoT, visite "
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/iot/config/connect.rst:70
msgid ""
@@ -1730,6 +1792,12 @@ msgid ""
"(Internet of Things)` box and it will appear on the :menuselection:`IoT "
"Boxes` page."
msgstr ""
+"Desde su equipo, vaya a la aplicación :menuselection:`IoT --> Cajas IoT` y "
+"haga clic en el botón :guilabel:`Conectar` ubicado en la esquina superior "
+"izquierda del tablero de :menuselection:`Cajas IoT`. Introduzca el *código "
+"de emparejamiento* en el campo :guilabel:`Código de emparejamiento` y haga "
+"clic en el botón :guilabel:`Emparejar`. La base de datos se vinculará a la "
+"caja IoT y ésta aparecerá en la página :menuselection:`Cajas IoT`."
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/iot/config/connect.rst:79
msgid "WiFi connection"
@@ -1740,6 +1808,8 @@ msgid ""
"The following is the process to connect the :abbr:`IoT (Internet of Things)`"
" box via a WiFi connection to the Odoo database."
msgstr ""
+"El siguiente es el proceso para conectar la caja IoT vía WiFi a la base de "
+"datos de Odoo."
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/iot/config/connect.rst:84
msgid ""
@@ -1748,6 +1818,9 @@ msgid ""
" (Internet of Things)` box (:abbr:`USB (Universal Serial Bus)` devices, "
msgstr ""
+"Primero, asegúrese de que no haya ningún cable ethernet conectado a la caja "
+"IoT. Después, conecte todos los dispositivos con cable a la caja IoT "
+"(dispositivos USB, etc.)."
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/iot/config/connect.rst:88
msgid ""
@@ -1759,6 +1832,13 @@ msgid ""
"this will later be used to link the Odoo database to the :abbr:`IoT "
"(Internet of Things)` box."
msgstr ""
+"Después de conectar los dispositivos, conecte la caja IoT a una fuente de "
+"alimentación. Desde su equipo, vaya a la aplicación :menuselection:`IoT --> "
+"Cajas IoT` y, a continuación, haga clic en el botón :guilabel:`Conectar` "
+"ubicado en la esquina superior izquierda del tablero de "
+":menuselection:`Cajas IoT`. Enseguida copie el :guilabel:`Token` de la "
+"sección :guilabel:`Conexión WiFi` ya que lo tendrá que usar para vincular la"
+" base de datos de Odoo a la caja IoT."
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/iot/config/connect.rst:94
msgid ""
@@ -1767,6 +1847,9 @@ msgid ""
"dispersed by the :abbr:`IoT (Internet of Things)` box will start with "
msgstr ""
+"De nuevo en su equipo, vaya a las redes WiFi disponibles y conéctese a la "
+"red WiFi de la caja IoT. La red WiFi distribuida por la caja IoT comenzará "
+"por `IoTBox-xxxxxxxxxx`."
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/iot/config/connect.rst-1
msgid "WiFi networks available on the computer."
@@ -1780,10 +1863,15 @@ msgid ""
"previously copied *token* into the :guilabel:`Server Token` field, and then "
"click on :guilabel:`Next`."
msgstr ""
+"Al conectarse al WiFi de la caja IoT, un navegador le redirigirá "
+"automáticamente al asistente de :menuselection:`configuración de la caja "
+"IoT`. Asigne un nombre a la caja IoT y pegue el *token* previamente copiado "
+"en el campo :guilabel:`Token del servidor`, y haga clic en :guilabel: "
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/iot/config/connect.rst-1
msgid "Enter the server token into the IoT box."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Introduzca el token del servidor en la caja IoT."
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/iot/config/connect.rst:112
msgid ""
@@ -1791,6 +1879,8 @@ msgid ""
"start, then see the documentation on :ref:`connecting with a token "
msgstr ""
+"Si el asistente de conexión WiFi de la caja IoT no se ejecuta, consulte la "
+"sección :ref:`conectar con token `."
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/iot/config/connect.rst:115
msgid ""
@@ -1801,10 +1891,16 @@ msgid ""
"manually re-connected back to the original WiFi connection, if this does not"
" happen automatically."
msgstr ""
+"A continuación, seleccione la red WiFi a la que se conectará la caja IoT "
+"(introduzca la contraseña si existe) y haga clic en :guilabel:`Conectar`. "
+"Espere unos segundos y el navegador se redirigirá a la página de inicio de "
+"la caja IoT. Si la conexión no se produce automáticamente, puede que sea "
+"necesario volver a conectar el equipo de forma manual a la red WiFi "
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/iot/config/connect.rst-1
msgid "Configuring the WiFi for the IoT box."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Configurar el WiFi para la caja IoT."
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/iot/config/connect.rst:124
msgid ""
@@ -1812,10 +1908,14 @@ msgid ""
"appear when navigating to :menuselection:`IoT app --> IoT Boxes` on the Odoo"
" database."
msgstr ""
+"Después de completar cada paso, la caja IoT debería aparecer al navegar en "
+"la aplicación :menuselection:`IoT --> Cajas IoT` en la base de datos de "
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/iot/config/connect.rst-1
msgid "The IoT box has been successfully configured on the Odoo database."
msgstr ""
+"Se ha configurado correctamente la caja IoT en la base de datos de Odoo."
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/iot/config/connect.rst:132
msgid ""
@@ -1824,10 +1924,15 @@ msgid ""
" on the Odoo database. To do so, simply unplug the device and plug it back "
"into the power source after ten seconds."
msgstr ""
+"Puede que sea necesario reiniciar la caja IoT manualmente después de "
+"conectarse con éxito a través de WiFi para que la caja aparezca en la "
+"aplicación *IoT* de la base de datos de Odoo. Para ello, simplemente "
+"desconecte el dispositivo y vuelva a conectarlo a la fuente de alimentación "
+"después de diez segundos."
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/iot/config/connect.rst:139
msgid "Manually connecting the IoT box using the token"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Conectar la caja IoT de forma manual utilizando el token"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/iot/config/connect.rst:141
msgid ""
@@ -1836,6 +1941,10 @@ msgid ""
"computer. The *token* can be found by navigating to :menuselection:`IoT app "
"--> IoT Boxes` and clicking on :guilabel:`Connect`."
msgstr ""
+"La conexión manual de la caja IoT a la aplicación IoT puede realizarse "
+"mediante el *token* desde una computadora. Puede encontrar el *token* si va "
+"a la aplicación :menuselection:`IoT --> Cajas IoT` y hace clic en "
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/iot/config/connect.rst:145
msgid ""
@@ -1844,6 +1953,10 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Token`. This token will be entered into the :abbr:`IoT (Internet "
"of Things)` box homepage."
msgstr ""
+"En la sección :guilabel:`Conexión WiFi` de la página :guilabel:`Conectar una"
+" caja IoT` que aparece, haga clic en :guilabel:`Copiar` a la derecha del "
+":guilabel:`Token`. Deberá introducir este token en la página de inicio de la"
+" caja IoT."
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/iot/config/connect.rst:149
msgid ""
@@ -1853,6 +1966,10 @@ msgid ""
"the :abbr:`IoT (Internet of Things)` box (preferably by ethernet "
msgstr ""
+"Para acceder a la página de inicio de la caja IoT introduzca la dirección "
+":abbr:`IP (Protocolo de Internet)` de la caja IoT en una ventana del "
+"navegador desde una computadora que esté en la misma red que la caja IoT "
+"(preferentemente mediante una conexión Ethernet)."
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/iot/config/connect.rst:154
msgid ""
@@ -1862,6 +1979,9 @@ msgid ""
"box. A receipt will print out with the :abbr:`IoT (Internet of Things)` "
"box's :abbr:`IP (Internet Protocol)` address on it."
msgstr ""
+"Se puede acceder a la dirección IP desde la consola de administración del "
+"router a la que está conectada la caja IoT, o conectando una impresora a la "
+"caja IoT. Se imprimirá un recibo con la dirección IP de la caja IoT."
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/iot/config/connect.rst:159
msgid ""
@@ -1871,6 +1991,10 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Connect`. The :abbr:`IoT (Internet of Things)` box will then link"
" to the Odoo database."
msgstr ""
+"En la página de inicio de la caja IoT, introduzca el *token* en la sección "
+":guilabel:`Servidor` y haga clic en :guilabel:`Configurar`. A continuación, "
+"pegue el *token* en el campo :guilabel:`Token del servidor` y haga clic en "
+":guilabel:`Conectar`. La caja IoT se vinculará a la base de datos de Odoo."
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/iot/config/connect.rst:167
msgid "IoT box schema"
@@ -1894,7 +2018,7 @@ msgstr "El diagrama de la caja IoT de Odoo (Raspberry Pi 3) con etiquetas."
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/iot/config/flash_sdcard.rst:3
msgid "Flashing the SD card"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Actualizar la memoria SD"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/iot/config/flash_sdcard.rst:5
msgid ""
@@ -1903,10 +2027,14 @@ msgid ""
"(Internet of Things)` image update. This means that the Odoo :abbr:`IoT "
"(Internet of Things)` box software may need to be updated."
msgstr ""
+"En algunas circunstancias, la memoria micro SD de la caja IoT podría "
+"necesitar una actualización para aprovechar los beneficios de las imágenes "
+"más recientes de Odoo. Esto significa que es posible que sea necesario "
+"actualizar el software de la caja IoT de Odoo."
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/iot/config/flash_sdcard.rst:10
msgid "Upgrade from the IoT box home page"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Actualizar desde la página de inicio de la caja IoT"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/iot/config/flash_sdcard.rst:12
msgid ""
@@ -1915,6 +2043,10 @@ msgid ""
"address` of the :abbr:`IoT (Internet of Things)` box. Then click on "
":guilabel:`Update` (next to the version number)."
msgstr ""
+"Vaya a la página de inicio de la caja IoT en la aplicación "
+":menuselection:`IoT --> Cajas IoT` y haga clic en la :guilabel:`Dirección "
+"IP` de la caja IoT. Después, haga clic en :guilabel:`Actualizar` (junto al "
+"número de versión)."
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/iot/config/flash_sdcard.rst:16
msgid ""
@@ -1924,6 +2056,11 @@ msgid ""
" (Internet of Things)` box will then flash itself to the new version. All of"
" the previous configurations will be saved."
msgstr ""
+"Si hay disponible una nueva versión de la imagen de la caja IoT, aparecerá "
+"un botón :guilabel:`Actualizar a _xx.xx_` en la parte inferior de la página."
+" Haga clic en este botón para actualizar la unidad y la caja IoT se "
+"actualizará a la nueva versión. Se guardarán todas las configuraciones "
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/iot/config/flash_sdcard.rst:22
msgid ""
@@ -1932,20 +2069,27 @@ msgid ""
" state. This means that the :abbr:`IoT (Internet of Things)` box will need "
"to be re-flashed with a new image. See :ref:`flash_sdcard/etcher`."
msgstr ""
+"Este proceso puede durar más de 30 minutos. No apague ni desconecte la caja "
+"IoT ya que la dejaría en un estado inestable. Esto significa que la caja IoT"
+" necesitará una nueva actualización. Consulte :ref:`flash_sdcard/etcher`."
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/iot/config/flash_sdcard.rst-1
msgid "IoT box software upgrade in the IoT Box Home Page."
msgstr ""
+"Actualización del software de la caja IoT en la página de inicio de la caja "
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/iot/config/flash_sdcard.rst:34
msgid "Upgrade with Etcher Software"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Actualización con el software Etcher"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/iot/config/flash_sdcard.rst:37
msgid ""
"A computer with a micro SD card reader/adapter is required in order to re-"
"flash the micro SD card."
msgstr ""
+"Se necesita una computadora con un lector/adaptador de memoria micro SD para"
+" actualizar la memoria de la tarjeta micro SD."
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/iot/config/flash_sdcard.rst:40
msgid ""
@@ -1955,12 +2099,19 @@ msgid ""
"`_. Install and launch the "
"program on the computer."
msgstr ""
+"Vaya al sitio web de Balena y descargue `Etcher `_. "
+"Es una herramienta gratuita y de código abierto para grabar archivos de "
+"imagen en unidades de disco. Haga clic en `descargar "
+"`_. Instale y ejecute el "
+"programa en la computadora."
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/iot/config/flash_sdcard.rst:44
msgid ""
"Then download the version-specific :abbr:`IoT (Internet of Things)` image "
"from `nightly `_."
msgstr ""
+"Después, descargue la imagen IoT específica de la versión desde: `nightly "
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/iot/config/flash_sdcard.rst:47
msgid ""
@@ -1968,6 +2119,9 @@ msgid ""
"`_ website with their corresponding "
"Odoo database version:"
msgstr ""
+"A continuación podrá ver las versiones de las imágenes en el sitio web "
+"`nightly `_ con la versión de la "
+"base de datos de Odoo correspondiente:"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/iot/config/flash_sdcard.rst:50
msgid "Odoo V16 --> iotbox-latest.zip"
@@ -1989,6 +2143,7 @@ msgstr "Odoo V13 --> iotboxv20_10.zip"
msgid ""
"The images should be downloaded and extracted to a convenient file location."
msgstr ""
+"Descargue y extraiga las imágenes en una ubicación de archivo conveniente."
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/iot/config/flash_sdcard.rst:57
msgid ""
@@ -1998,6 +2153,12 @@ msgid ""
"and extracted. Next, select the drive the image should be burned to. Lastly,"
" click on :guilabel:`Flash` and wait for the process to finish."
msgstr ""
+"Una vez completado este paso, inserte la memoria micro SD de la caja IoT en "
+"la computadora o un lector. Abra *Etcher* y seleccione :guilabel:`Actualizar"
+" desde archivo`, después busque y seleccione la imagen que acaba de "
+"descargar y extraer. A continuación, seleccione la unidad en la que desee "
+"grabar la imagen. Por último, haga clic en :guilabel:`Actualizar` y espere a"
+" que finalice el proceso."
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/iot/config/flash_sdcard.rst-1
msgid "Balena's Etcher software dashboard."
@@ -2009,6 +2170,9 @@ msgid ""
"Imager*. Download the *Raspberry Pi* software `here "
msgstr ""
+"Un software alterno para actualizar la memoria micro SD es *Raspberry Pi "
+"Imager*. Descargue el software *Raspberry Pi* `aquí "
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/iot/config/https_certificate_iot.rst:5
msgid "HTTPS certificate (IoT)"
@@ -2026,6 +2190,10 @@ msgid ""
"(Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure)` is encrypted in order to increase the "
"security of data transfer."
msgstr ""
+"*HTTPS* es la versión segura del HTTP, que es el protocolo principal "
+"utilizado para enviar datos entre un navegador y un sitio web. :abbr:`HTTPS "
+"(protocolo de transferencia de hipertexto seguro)` está encriptado para "
+"aumentar la seguridad de la transferencia de datos."
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/iot/config/https_certificate_iot.rst:15
msgid ""
@@ -2034,6 +2202,10 @@ msgid ""
"Security* (TLS), although formerly it was known as *Secure Sockets Layer* "
msgstr ""
+"HTTPS utiliza un protocolo de encriptación para encriptar las "
+"comunicaciones. El protocolo se llama *Seguridad de la capa de transporte* "
+"(TLS, por sus siglas en inglés), anteriormente llamado *Capa de conexión "
+"segura* (SSL, por sus siglas en inglés)."
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/iot/config/https_certificate_iot.rst:19
msgid ""
diff --git a/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/services.po b/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/services.po
index 97c073362..02db3bf54 100644
--- a/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/services.po
+++ b/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/services.po
@@ -8,10 +8,10 @@
# Aimée Mendoza Sánchez, 2023
# Braulio D. López Vázquez , 2023
# Martin Trigaux, 2023
-# Iran Villalobos López, 2023
# Lucia Pacheco, 2023
# Fernanda Alvarez, 2023
# Patricia Gutiérrez Capetillo , 2023
+# Iran Villalobos López, 2023
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-12 13:54+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-10-04 12:54+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: Patricia Gutiérrez Capetillo , 2023\n"
+"Last-Translator: Iran Villalobos López, 2023\n"
"Language-Team: Spanish (https://app.transifex.com/odoo/teams/41243/es/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@@ -2180,6 +2180,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/getting_started.rst:0
msgid "View of stage setup emphasizing teams field"
msgstr ""
+"Vista de la configuración de una etapa haciendo énfasis en el campo equipos"
+" "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/getting_started.rst:150
msgid "Fold a stage"
@@ -2231,18 +2233,25 @@ msgid ""
"Odoo *Helpdesk* integrates with the *Forum*, *eLearning*, and *Knowledge* "
"apps to create the *help center*."
msgstr ""
+"*Servicio de asistencia* de Odoo se integra con las aplicaciones *Foro*, "
+"*eLearning* e *Información* para crear el *centro de ayuda*. "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst-1
msgid ""
"Overview of the settings page of a team emphasizing the help center "
msgstr ""
+"Vista general de la página de ajustes de un equipo haciendo énfasis en las "
+"funciones de centro de ayuda. "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:12
msgid ""
"The *help center* is a centralized location where teams and customers can "
"search for and share detailed information about products and services."
msgstr ""
+"El *centro de ayuda* es una ubicación centralizada donde los equipos y "
+"clientes pueden buscar y compartir información detallada acerca de sus "
+"productos y servicios. "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:16
msgid ""
@@ -2253,6 +2262,13 @@ msgid ""
"` for more "
"information on *Helpdesk* team settings and configuration."
msgstr ""
+"Para activar cualquiera de estas funciones en un equipo de *Servicio de "
+"Asistencia*, (*Foro*, *eLearning* o *Información*), la "
+":guilabel:`Visibilidad` del equipo tiene que estar establecida "
+"en:guilabel:`Usuarios invitados al portal y todos los usuarios internos`. "
+"Para obtener más información acerca de la configuración y ajustes de los "
+"equiipos, consulte el documento :doc:`Fundamentos de Servicio de Asistencia "
+"`. "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:23
msgid ""
@@ -2260,6 +2276,9 @@ msgid ""
"applications, enabling any of them may result in the installation of "
"additional modules or applications."
msgstr ""
+"Puesto que todas las funciones de *centro de ayuda* requieren integración "
+"con otras aplicaciones, es posible que se instale un módulo o aplicación "
+"adicional si activa alguna de ellas. "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:26
msgid ""
@@ -2267,6 +2286,10 @@ msgid ""
"15-day trial. At the end of the trial, if a paid subscription has not been "
"added to the database, it will no longer be active or accessible."
msgstr ""
+"Al instalar una nueva aplicación en una base de datos *Gratis con una "
+"aplicación* se activa un periodo de prueba de 15 días. Al final del periodo "
+"de prueba, si no se ha añadido una suscripción de pago a la base de datos, "
+"se desactivará. "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:31
msgid "Knowledge"
@@ -2278,10 +2301,15 @@ msgid ""
"store, edit, and share information. The *Knowledge* app is represented "
"throughout the database by a *book* icon."
msgstr ""
+"La aplicación *Información* de Odoo es una biblioteca colaborativa donde los"
+" usuarios pueden almacenar, editar y compartir información. El icono que "
+"representa la aplicación en la base de datos es un *libro*. "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst-1
msgid "View of a message in Helpdesk focusing on the Knowledge book icon."
msgstr ""
+"Vista de un mensaje en Servicio de Asistencia haciendo énfasis en el icono "
+"de libro de Información. "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:41
msgid "Enable Knowledge on a Helpdesk team"
@@ -2294,12 +2322,18 @@ msgid ""
"create a :doc:`new one "
msgstr ""
+"Para activar la función *Información* en un equipo de *Servicio de "
+"Asistencia*, vaya a :menuselection:`Servicio de Asistencia --> Configuración"
+" --> Equipos` y seleccione un equipo o cree :doc:`uno nuevo "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:47
msgid ""
"When a team has been selected or created, Odoo displays that team's detail "
msgstr ""
+"Cuando selecciona o crea un equipo, Odoo muestra el formulario detallado de "
+"ese equipo. "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:49
msgid ""
@@ -2308,6 +2342,10 @@ msgid ""
"*Knowledge* feature. When clicked, a new field labeled :guilabel:`Article` "
msgstr ""
+"En dicho formulario, baje hasta la sección :guilabel:`Autoservicio`. Haga "
+"clic en la casilla que esta junto a :guilabel:`Información` para activar la"
+" función de *Información*. Al hacerlo, aparece un nuevo campo llamado "
+":guilabel:`Artículo`. "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:53
msgid ""
@@ -2316,6 +2354,10 @@ msgid ""
"which Odoo provides by default. Select :guilabel:`Help` from the drop-down "
"menu to choose this article."
msgstr ""
+"Al hacer clic en el campo :guilabel:`Arículo`, aparecerá un menú "
+"desplegable. Al inicio, solo aparecerá la opción de :guilabel:`Ayuda` en el "
+"menú que está de manera predeterminada. Seleccione :guilabel:`Ayuda` para "
+"elegir este artículo. "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:58
msgid ""
@@ -2324,6 +2366,11 @@ msgid ""
"in the left sidebar. Moving the cursor there reveals a hidden :guilabel:`➕ "
"(plus sign)` icon."
msgstr ""
+"Para crear un nuevo artículo, vaya a la :menuselection:`aplicación "
+"Información` y luego coloque el cursor junto al encabezado de la sección "
+":guilabel:`Espacio de trabajo`, ubicado en la barra lateral izquierda. Al "
+"hacerlo, aparecerá un icono escondido de :guilabel:`➕ (signo de más)`."
+" "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:62
msgid ""
@@ -2333,12 +2380,21 @@ msgid ""
"switch until it reads :guilabel:`Article Published`. It can then be added to"
" a *Helpdesk* team."
msgstr ""
+"Haga clic en el icono :guilabel:`➕ (signo de más)` para crear un nuevo "
+"artículo en el :guilabel:`Espacio de trabajo`. En la esquina superior "
+"derecha, haga clic en el botón de :guilabel:`Compartir` y deslice el "
+"interruptor de :guilabel:`Compartir en la web` hasta que aparezca como "
+":guilabel:`Artículo publicado`. Ahora podrá agregarlo al equipo de "
+"*Servicio de Asistencia*. "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:67
msgid ""
"Once an article has been created and assigned to a *Helpdesk* team, content "
"can be added and organized through the *Knowledge* app."
msgstr ""
+"Una vez que creó el artículo y lo asignó a un equipo de *Servicio de "
+"Asistencia*, puede agregar y organizar el contenido a través de la "
+"aplicación *Información*. "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:71
msgid ""
@@ -2350,7 +2406,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:74
msgid "Search articles from a Helpdesk ticket"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Buscar artículos desde un ticket de Servicio de Asistencia"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:76
msgid ""
@@ -2358,6 +2414,9 @@ msgid ""
"search through the content in the *Knowledge* app for more information on "
"the issue."
msgstr ""
+"Cuando los miembros de un equipo de *Servicio de Asistencia* están "
+"resolviendo un ticket, pueden buscar en el contenido de la aplicación "
+"*Información* para obtener más datos acerca del problema. "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:79
msgid ""
@@ -2365,22 +2424,32 @@ msgid ""
"app dashboard, or by going to :menuselection:`Helpdesk app --> Tickets --> "
"All Tickets`, and selecting a :guilabel:`Ticket` from the list."
msgstr ""
+"Para buscar artículos en *Información*, abra un ticket, ya sea desde el "
+"tablero de la aplicación *Servicio de Asistencia* o en "
+":menuselection:`Servicio de Asistencia --> Tickets --> Todos los tickets`, y"
+" seleccione un :guilabel:`Ticket` de la lista. "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:83
msgid ""
"When a :guilabel:`Ticket` is selected, Odoo reveals that ticket's detail "
msgstr ""
+"Cuando selecciona un :guilabel:`Ticket`, Odoo muestra el formulario "
+"detallado del mismo. "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:85
msgid ""
"Click the :guilabel:`Knowledge (book)` icon, located above the chatter to "
"open a search window."
msgstr ""
+"Haga clic en el icono de :guilabel:`Información (libro)`, ubicado encima del"
+" chatter, para abrir una ventana de búsqueda. "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst-1
msgid "View of knowledge search window from a helpdesk ticket."
msgstr ""
+"Vista de la ventana de búsqueda en Información desde un ticket de servicio "
+"de asistencia. "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:92
msgid ""
@@ -2388,6 +2457,9 @@ msgid ""
" open the command palette, then typing :command:`?`, followed by the name of"
" the desired article."
msgstr ""
+"También puede buscar artículos de *Información* presionando las teclas "
+":command:`Ctrl + K` para abrir la paleta de comandos. Luego, teclee "
+":command:`?`, seguido del nombre del artículo que desea encontrar."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:95
msgid ""
@@ -2395,26 +2467,36 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Article` title, and press :command:`Enter`. This will open the "
"article in the :guilabel:`Knowledge` application."
msgstr ""
+"Cuando Odoo muestra el artículo que desea, haga clic en él o subraye el "
+"título del :guilabel:`Artículo` y presione :command:`Enter`. Esto abrirá el "
+"artículo en la aplicación :guilabel:`Información`. "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:98
msgid "To open the article in a new tab, press :command:`Ctrl + Enter`."
msgstr ""
+"Para abrir un artículo en una nueva pestaña, presione las teclas "
+":command:`Ctrl + Enter`."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:101
msgid ""
"If a more in-depth search is required, press :command:`Alt + B`. That will "
"reveal a separate page, in which a more detailed search can occur."
msgstr ""
+"Si necesita una búsqueda más precisa, presione las teclas :command:`Alt + "
+"B`. Esto abrirá una página por separado en dónde puede realizar una búsqueda"
+" más detallada. "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:105
msgid "Share articles to the help center"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Compartir artículos con el centro de ayuda"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:107
msgid ""
"In order for a *Knowledge* article to be available to customers and website "
"visitors, it has to be published."
msgstr ""
+"Para que un artículo de *Información* esté disponible para los clientes y "
+"los visitantes del sitio web, tiene que publicarlo. "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:111
msgid ""
@@ -2422,6 +2504,10 @@ msgid ""
"share all the nested articles to the web. Individual articles intended for "
"customers **must** be published for them to be viewable on the website."
msgstr ""
+"Aunque haya habilitado el artículo de *Ayuda* en un equipo, Odoo no "
+"compartirá todos los artículos anidados en la web. Los artículos "
+"particulares dirigidos a los clientes **deben** publicarse para que sean "
+"visibles en el sitio web. "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:115
msgid ""
@@ -2430,14 +2516,21 @@ msgid ""
" This will reveal a menu. Slide the toggle button labeled :guilabel:`Share "
"to Web` to read :guilabel:`Article Published`."
msgstr ""
+"Para publicar un artículo, vaya al artículo que desea siguiendo los pasos "
+"anteriores, y haga clic en el icono de :guilabel:`Compartir` ubicado en la "
+"esquina superior derecha. Esto abrirá un menú donde deberá deslizar el botón"
+" que dice :guilabel:`Compartir en la web` para cambiarlo a "
+":guilabel:`Artículo publicado`. "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst-1
msgid "View of a knowledge article focused on sharing and publishing options."
msgstr ""
+"Vista de un artículo de Información con énfasis en las opciones de compartir"
+" y publicar."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:124
msgid "Solve tickets with templates"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Resolver tickets con plantillas"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:126
msgid ""
@@ -2446,6 +2539,11 @@ msgid ""
"This allows teams to maintain consistency when answering customer tickets, "
"and minimize the amount of time spent on responding to repeat questions."
msgstr ""
+"Puede agregar casillas de *plantillas* en los artículos de *Información* "
+"para permitir que el contenido se reutilice, se copie, se envíe como mensaje"
+" o se añada a la descripción de un ticket. Esto le permite a los equipos ser"
+" consistentes al resolver los tickets de los clientes y minimizar el tiempo "
+"que pasan respondiendo preguntas repetidas. "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:131
msgid "Add templates to articles"
@@ -2457,6 +2555,9 @@ msgid ""
" existing nested article or create a new one by clicking the :guilabel:`➕ "
"(plus sign)` icon next to *Help*."
msgstr ""
+"Para crear una plantilla, vaya a :menuselection:`Información --> Ayuda`. "
+"Haga clic en un artículo anidado ya existente o cree uno nuevo haciendo clic"
+" en el icono :guilabel:`➕ (signo de más)` ubicado a un lado de *Ayuda*. "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:136
msgid ""
@@ -2465,10 +2566,16 @@ msgid ""
"`template`. A gray template block will be added to the page. Add any "
"necessary content to this block."
msgstr ""
+"Escriba `/` para abrir la :guilabel:`caja de herramientas` y ver una lista "
+"de :doc:`comandos `. "
+"Seleccione o escriba `plantilla`. Se añadirá un bloque gris de plantilla a "
+"la página. Agregue el contenido que necesite en este bloque. "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst-1
msgid "View of a template in knowledge with focus on send and copy options."
msgstr ""
+"Vista de una plantilla en Información con énfasis en las opciones de copiar "
+"y enviar. "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:145
msgid ""
@@ -2476,6 +2583,9 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Send as Message` options if they are accessed directly from "
msgstr ""
+"Las plantillas solo mostrarán las opciones de :guilabel:`Usar como "
+"descripción` o :guilabel:`Enviar como mensaje` si accede a ellas "
+"directamente desde *Servicio de Asistencia*. "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:149
msgid "Use templates in tickets"
@@ -2486,6 +2596,9 @@ msgid ""
"Templates can be used to respond directly to a *Helpdesk* ticket as a "
"message, or to add information to the ticket's description."
msgstr ""
+"Puede usar las plantillas para responder directamente a un ticket de "
+"*Servicio de Asistencia* como un mensaje o para añadir información a la "
+"descripción del ticket. "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:154
msgid ""
@@ -2494,6 +2607,10 @@ msgid ""
"--> Tickets --> All Tickets` and selecting a :guilabel:`Ticket` from the "
msgstr ""
+"Para usar plantillas en un ticket de *Servicio de Asistencia*, abra un "
+"ticket, ya sea desde el tablero de :guilabel:`Servicio de Asistencia` o en "
+":menuselection:`Servicio de Asistencia --> Tickets --> Todos los tickets` y "
+"seleccionando un :guilabel:`Ticket` de la lista. "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:158
msgid ""
@@ -2502,6 +2619,10 @@ msgid ""
" for the desired article. Doing so reveals that article page in the Odoo "
"*Knowledge* application."
msgstr ""
+"Haga clic en el icono de :guilabel:`Información (libro)` ubicado encima del "
+"chatter del ticket. Esto abrirá una ventana de búsqueda, en donde podrá "
+"seleccionar o buscar el artículo que desee. De esta manera, se abrirá la "
+"página del artículo en la aplicación *Información* de Odoo. "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:162
msgid ""
@@ -2509,6 +2630,9 @@ msgid ""
"in the upper right corner of the template box, located in the body of the "
msgstr ""
+"Para usar una plantilla para responder un ticket, haga clic en "
+":guilabel:`Enviar como mensaje` en la esquina superior derecha de la casilla"
+" de la plantilla ubicada en el cuerpo del artículo. "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:165
msgid ""
@@ -2516,6 +2640,9 @@ msgid ""
"select the recipients, make any necessary additions or edits to the "
"template, then click :guilabel:`Send`."
msgstr ""
+"Al hacerlo, se abrirá una ventana emergente para :guilabel:`Escribir un "
+"correo`. Ahí, seleccione el destinatario, añada o edite lo que necesite para"
+" esa plantilla, y haga clic en :guilabel:`Enviar`. "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:169
msgid ""
@@ -2525,6 +2652,11 @@ msgid ""
"existing text in a ticket's description. The template will be added as "
"additional text."
msgstr ""
+"Para usar una plantilla para añadir información a la descripción de un "
+"ticket, haga clic en :guilabel:`Usar como descripción` ubicado en la esquina"
+" superior derecha de la casilla de la plantilla. Esto no reemplazará el "
+"texto existente en la descripción de ticket. La plantilla se añadirá como "
+"t4exto adicional. "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:177
msgid "Community Forum"
@@ -2536,10 +2668,14 @@ msgid ""
"questions and share information. By integrating a forum with a *Helpdesk* "
"team, tickets submitted by customers can be converted to posts and shared."
msgstr ""
+"Un *Foro de la comunidad* le proporciona a los clientes un espacio para "
+"responder a las preguntas de los demás y compartir información. Al integrar "
+"un foro con un equipo de *Servicio de Asistencia*, los tickets que suban los"
+" clientes pueden convertirse en publicaciones y compartirse. "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:184
msgid "Enable forums on a Helpdesk team"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Active los foros en un equipo de Servicio de Asistencia "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:186
msgid ""
@@ -2548,6 +2684,10 @@ msgid ""
"select a team, or create a :doc:`new one "
msgstr ""
+"Para activar los :guilabel:`Foros de la comunidad` en un equipo de *Servicio"
+" de Asistencia* comience en :menuselection:`Servicio de Asistencia --> "
+"Configuración --> Equipos` y seleccione un equipo o cree :doc:`uno nuevo "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:190
msgid ""
@@ -2555,11 +2695,15 @@ msgid ""
" the :guilabel:`Self-Service` section of features, and enable "
":guilabel:`Community Forum`, by checking the box beside it."
msgstr ""
+"Seleccionar o crear un equipo abrirá el formulario detallado del equipo. "
+"Baje hasta la sección de funciones de :guilabel:`Autoservicio` y active la "
+"opción :guilabel:`Foro de la comunidad`. "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:194
msgid ""
"When activated, a new field labeled :guilabel:`Forums` appears beneath."
msgstr ""
+"Al activarlo, aparecerá un nuevo campo debajo llamado :guilabel:`Foros`. "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:196
msgid ""
@@ -2569,6 +2713,11 @@ msgid ""
"Forums` feature was enabled. Select :guilabel:`Help` from the drop-down menu"
" to enable that forum."
msgstr ""
+"Haga clic en el campo vacío de :guilabel:`Foros` para abrir un menú "
+"desplegable. Solo tendrá activada una opción de manera predeterminada "
+"llamada :guilabel:`Ayuda`. Es la opción que crea Odoo automáticamente al "
+"activar la función de :guilabel:`Foros de la comunidad`. Seleccione "
+":guilabel:`Ayuda` del menú desplegable para activar ese foro. "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:201
msgid ""
@@ -2576,6 +2725,9 @@ msgid ""
"then click the :guilabel:`Create and Edit` option. Multiple forums can be "
"selected in this field."
msgstr ""
+"Para crear un nuevo foro, escriba un nombre en el campo vacío de "
+":guilabel:`Foros`, luego haga clic en la opción de :guilabel:`Crear y "
+"Editar`. Puede seleccionar varios foros en este campo. "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:205
msgid ""
@@ -2588,12 +2740,15 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:209
msgid "Create a forum post from a Helpdesk ticket"
msgstr ""
+"Cree una publicación en el foro desde un ticket de Servicio de Asistencia. "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:211
msgid ""
"When a *Helpdesk* team has a *Forum* enabled, tickets submitted to that team"
" can be converted to forum posts."
msgstr ""
+"Cuando se activa un equipo de *Servicio de Asistencia* en un *Foro*, los "
+"tickets que reciba ese equipo se pueden convertir a publicaciones del foro."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:214
msgid ""
@@ -2601,6 +2756,9 @@ msgid ""
":menuselection:`Tickets --> All Tickets` in the :guilabel:`Helpdesk` "
msgstr ""
+"Para hacerlo, seleccione un ticket, ya sea desde el flujo de un equipo o "
+"desde :menuselection:`Tickets --> Todos los tickets` en la aplicación "
+":guilabel:`Servicio de Asistencia`. "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:217
msgid ""
diff --git a/locale/id/LC_MESSAGES/finance.po b/locale/id/LC_MESSAGES/finance.po
index 20430af5d..74aa154b4 100644
--- a/locale/id/LC_MESSAGES/finance.po
+++ b/locale/id/LC_MESSAGES/finance.po
@@ -3255,7 +3255,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/finance/accounting/get_started/cheat_sheet.rst:133
#: ../../content/applications/finance/accounting/payments/checks.rst:84
msgid "Journal entries"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Entri-Entri jurnal"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/accounting/customer_invoices/credit_notes.rst:103
msgid ""
@@ -3499,7 +3499,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/finance/accounting/vendor_bills/assets.rst:97
#: ../../content/applications/finance/accounting/vendor_bills/deferred_expenses.rst:89
msgid "Create a new entry"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Buat entri baru"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/accounting/customer_invoices/deferred_revenues.rst:90
msgid ""
diff --git a/locale/id/LC_MESSAGES/general.po b/locale/id/LC_MESSAGES/general.po
index a6ad05318..c500cc5a9 100644
--- a/locale/id/LC_MESSAGES/general.po
+++ b/locale/id/LC_MESSAGES/general.po
@@ -1280,7 +1280,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/general/digest_emails.rst:97
msgid "% of Happiness"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "% of Kebahagiaan"
#: ../../content/applications/general/digest_emails.rst:97
msgid "`kpi_livechat_rating_value`"
@@ -1288,7 +1288,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/general/digest_emails.rst:99
msgid "Conversations handled"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Percakapan yang ditangani"
#: ../../content/applications/general/digest_emails.rst:99
msgid "`kpi_livechat_conversations_value`"
@@ -1296,7 +1296,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/general/digest_emails.rst:101
msgid "Time to answer (sec)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Waktu untuk menjawab (detik)"
#: ../../content/applications/general/digest_emails.rst:101
msgid "`kpi_livechat_response_value`"
@@ -1344,7 +1344,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/general/digest_emails.rst:113
msgid "New Employees"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Karyawan Baru"
#: ../../content/applications/general/digest_emails.rst:113
msgid "`kpi_hr_recruitment_new_colleagues_value`"
diff --git a/locale/id/LC_MESSAGES/websites.po b/locale/id/LC_MESSAGES/websites.po
index 7627e2856..dc1d4711d 100644
--- a/locale/id/LC_MESSAGES/websites.po
+++ b/locale/id/LC_MESSAGES/websites.po
@@ -4,9 +4,9 @@
# Translators:
-# Abe Manyo, 2023
# Martin Trigaux, 2023
# Wil Odoo, 2023
+# Abe Manyo, 2023
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-12 13:54+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-10-04 12:54+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: Wil Odoo, 2023\n"
+"Last-Translator: Abe Manyo, 2023\n"
"Language-Team: Indonesian (https://app.transifex.com/odoo/teams/41243/id/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@@ -3891,7 +3891,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/websites/livechat.rst:46
msgid "Operators"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Operator-Operator"
#: ../../content/applications/websites/livechat.rst:48
msgid ""
@@ -4060,7 +4060,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/websites/livechat.rst:148
msgid "Live Chat Button"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Tombol Live Chat"
#: ../../content/applications/websites/livechat.rst:150
msgid ""
@@ -4091,7 +4091,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/websites/livechat.rst:161
msgid "Chatbot"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Chatbot"
#: ../../content/applications/websites/livechat.rst:163
msgid ""
@@ -4102,7 +4102,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/websites/livechat.rst:167
msgid "URL Regex"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "URL Regex"
#: ../../content/applications/websites/livechat.rst:169
msgid ""
@@ -4112,7 +4112,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/websites/livechat.rst:172
msgid "Open automatically timer"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Timer buka otomatis"
#: ../../content/applications/websites/livechat.rst:174
msgid ""
@@ -4316,7 +4316,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/websites/livechat/chatbots.rst:3
msgid "Chatbots"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Chatbot-Chatbot"
#: ../../content/applications/websites/livechat/chatbots.rst:5
msgid ""
@@ -4523,7 +4523,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/websites/livechat/chatbots.rst:121
msgid "Forward to Operator"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Forward ke Operator"
#: ../../content/applications/websites/livechat/chatbots.rst:123
msgid ""
diff --git a/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/finance.po b/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/finance.po
index 71fd1a766..3e200574e 100644
--- a/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/finance.po
+++ b/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/finance.po
@@ -2661,7 +2661,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/finance/accounting/customer_invoices.rst:170
msgid "Payment Followup"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "支払フォローアップ"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/accounting/customer_invoices.rst:172
msgid ""
@@ -15261,7 +15261,7 @@ msgstr "シンガポール - Accounting"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations.rst:118
msgid "Slovak - Accounting"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "スロバキア - 会計"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations.rst:119
msgid "Slovenian - Accounting"
@@ -15277,7 +15277,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations.rst:122
msgid "Sweden - Accounting"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "スウェーデン - 会計"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations.rst:123
msgid ":doc:`Switzerland - Accounting `"
@@ -15285,7 +15285,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations.rst:124
msgid "Taiwan - Accounting"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "台湾 - 会計"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations.rst:125
msgid ":doc:`Thailand - Accounting `"
@@ -29985,7 +29985,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/saudi_arabia.rst:21
msgid "Saudi Arabia - E-invoicing"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "サウジアラビア - 電子請求"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/saudi_arabia.rst:22
msgid "`l10n_sa_edi`"
@@ -32435,7 +32435,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/finance/payment_providers/amazon_payment_services.rst:3
msgid "Amazon Payment Services"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Amazon決済サービス"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/payment_providers/amazon_payment_services.rst:5
msgid ""
@@ -33031,7 +33031,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/finance/payment_providers/flutterwave.rst:3
msgid "Flutterwave"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Flutterwave"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/payment_providers/flutterwave.rst:5
msgid ""
@@ -33105,7 +33105,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/finance/payment_providers/mercado_pago.rst:3
msgid "Mercado Pago"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Mercado Pago"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/payment_providers/mercado_pago.rst:5
msgid ""
@@ -33158,7 +33158,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/finance/payment_providers/mollie.rst:3
msgid "Mollie"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Mollie"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/payment_providers/mollie.rst:5
msgid ""
@@ -33665,7 +33665,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/finance/payment_providers/razorpay.rst:3
msgid "Razorpay"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Razorpay"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/payment_providers/razorpay.rst:5
msgid ""
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index 8b7a2aee9..f440c318b 100644
--- a/locale/ko/LC_MESSAGES/finance.po
+++ b/locale/ko/LC_MESSAGES/finance.po
@@ -7,9 +7,9 @@
# JH CHOI , 2023
# Martin Trigaux, 2023
# Linkup , 2023
-# Sarah Park, 2023
# Daye Jeong, 2023
# Wil Odoo, 2023
+# Sarah Park, 2023
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-12 13:54+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-10-04 12:53+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: Wil Odoo, 2023\n"
+"Last-Translator: Sarah Park, 2023\n"
"Language-Team: Korean (https://app.transifex.com/odoo/teams/41243/ko/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@@ -65,6 +65,8 @@ msgid ""
"accounting transactions (e.g., customer invoices, vendor bills, point-of-"
"sales orders, expenses, inventory valuations, etc.)."
msgstr ""
+"Odoo에서는 모든 회계 거래에 관련된 기본적인 전표 입력 항목을 자동으로 생성합니다 (예: 고객용 청구서, 거래처 발송용 청구서, "
+"POS 발주서, 경비, 재고가치평가 등)."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/accounting.rst:61
msgid ""
@@ -73,15 +75,17 @@ msgid ""
"account debited and the other credited. It ensures that all transactions are"
" recorded accurately and consistently and that the accounts always balance."
msgstr ""
+"Odoo에서는 복식 부기 시스템을 채택하고 있습니다. 모든 항목에는 입력 계정에 상응하는 상대 계정이 있어야 하며, 차변과 대변으로 "
+"이루어집니다. 이를 통해 모든 거래가 정확하고 일관성 있게 기록되고 계정 잔액이 항상 일치하게 됩니다."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/accounting.rst:67
#: ../../content/applications/finance/accounting.rst:217
msgid ":doc:`Accounting Cheat Sheet `"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr ":doc:`유용한 회계 정보 `"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/accounting.rst:70
msgid "Accrual and cash basis"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "발생주의 및 현금주의"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/accounting.rst:72
msgid ""
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index bcdc553c7..609bed6f3 100644
--- a/locale/nl/LC_MESSAGES/administration.po
+++ b/locale/nl/LC_MESSAGES/administration.po
@@ -3137,7 +3137,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/administration/maintain/domain_names.rst:366
msgid ":doc:`/applications/general/email_communication/email_servers`"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr ":doc:`/applications/general/email_communication/email_servers`"
#: ../../content/administration/maintain/enterprise.rst:6
msgid "Switch from Community to Enterprise"
diff --git a/locale/nl/LC_MESSAGES/finance.po b/locale/nl/LC_MESSAGES/finance.po
index 8c1071add..3684f689f 100644
--- a/locale/nl/LC_MESSAGES/finance.po
+++ b/locale/nl/LC_MESSAGES/finance.po
@@ -15,8 +15,8 @@
# Gunther Clauwaert , 2023
# Martin Trigaux, 2023
# Cas Vissers , 2023
-# Jolien De Paepe, 2023
# Wil Odoo, 2023
+# Jolien De Paepe, 2023
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-12 13:54+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-10-04 12:53+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: Wil Odoo, 2023\n"
+"Last-Translator: Jolien De Paepe, 2023\n"
"Language-Team: Dutch (https://app.transifex.com/odoo/teams/41243/nl/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@@ -1929,7 +1929,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/finance/accounting/bank/reconciliation.rst:24
msgid "Use cases"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Use cases"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/accounting/bank/reconciliation.rst:27
msgid "Case 1: Payments registration"
diff --git a/locale/nl/LC_MESSAGES/hr.po b/locale/nl/LC_MESSAGES/hr.po
index c332dda1a..ff68e02f5 100644
--- a/locale/nl/LC_MESSAGES/hr.po
+++ b/locale/nl/LC_MESSAGES/hr.po
@@ -1220,8 +1220,8 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Even week` and an :guilabel:`Odd week`."
msgstr ""
"Als de werktijd een tweewekelijkse configuratie moet volgen, klik op de knop"
-" :guilabel:`Wissel naar 2 weken kalender`. Dit genereert boekingen voor een "
-":guilabel:`Even week` en een :guilabel:`Oneven week`."
+" :guilabel:`Overschakelen naar 2 weken kalender`. Dit genereert boekingen "
+"voor een :guilabel:`Even week` en een :guilabel:`Oneven week`."
#: ../../content/applications/hr/payroll.rst:137
msgid "Salary"
diff --git a/locale/nl/LC_MESSAGES/inventory_and_mrp.po b/locale/nl/LC_MESSAGES/inventory_and_mrp.po
index 7149e50e0..e83e89e89 100644
--- a/locale/nl/LC_MESSAGES/inventory_and_mrp.po
+++ b/locale/nl/LC_MESSAGES/inventory_and_mrp.po
@@ -7,9 +7,9 @@
# Gunther Clauwaert , 2022
# Erwin van der Ploeg , 2022
# Yenthe Van Ginneken , 2023
-# Jolien De Paepe, 2023
# Wil Odoo, 2023
# Martin Trigaux, 2023
+# Jolien De Paepe, 2023
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-12 13:54+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-10-04 12:53+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: Martin Trigaux, 2023\n"
+"Last-Translator: Jolien De Paepe, 2023\n"
"Language-Team: Dutch (https://app.transifex.com/odoo/teams/41243/nl/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@@ -1312,8 +1312,8 @@ msgid ""
"user experience relies on an appropriate hardware setup. This guide will "
"help you through the task of choosing and configuring the barcode scanner."
msgstr ""
-"Aan de slag met het scannen van barcodes in Odoo is vrij eenvoudig. Toch is "
-"een goede gebruikerservaring afhankelijk van een geschikte hardware-"
+"Aan de slag gaan met het scannen van barcodes in Odoo is vrij eenvoudig. "
+"Toch is een goede gebruikerservaring afhankelijk van een geschikte hardware-"
"installatie. Deze handleiding helpt u bij het kiezen en configureren van de "
diff --git a/locale/nl/LC_MESSAGES/marketing.po b/locale/nl/LC_MESSAGES/marketing.po
index b997bfdc3..4dd747b9b 100644
--- a/locale/nl/LC_MESSAGES/marketing.po
+++ b/locale/nl/LC_MESSAGES/marketing.po
@@ -4,9 +4,9 @@
# Translators:
+# Yenthe Van Ginneken , 2022
# Gunther Clauwaert , 2022
# 04a2cd0fd6ee22172c36ea91f27a38c5_60041bf, 2022
-# Yenthe Van Ginneken , 2023
# Erwin van der Ploeg , 2023
# Martin Trigaux, 2023
# Wil Odoo, 2023
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ msgstr "Marketing"
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:6
msgid "Email marketing"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "E-mailmarketing"
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:8
msgid ""
@@ -41,6 +41,10 @@ msgid ""
"able to reach any target audience - large or small. The success of an email "
"is easily measurable, especially when a creative call-to-action is involved."
msgstr ""
+"E-mails zijn een efficiënte en volledig aanpasbare communicatievorm waarmee "
+"je elke doelgroep kan bereiken - groot of klein. Het succes van een e-mail "
+"is gemakkelijk meetbaar, vooral als er een creatieve call to action aan "
+"gebonden is."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:12
msgid ""
@@ -49,21 +53,26 @@ msgid ""
"required to create engaging emails, build successful campaigns, and track "
"their overall effectiveness in a single application."
msgstr ""
+"Odoo *E-mailmarketing* biedt professionele ontwerptools, sjablonen en "
+"functies voor e-mails, ontworpen om het anders complexe proces te "
+"vereenvoudigen dat nodig is om aansprekende e-mails te maken, succesvolle "
+"campagnes op te zetten en de algehele effectiviteit in een enkele applicatie"
+" bij te houden."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:17
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:219
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing/unsubscriptions.rst:74
msgid ":doc:`/applications/marketing/email_marketing/mailing_lists`"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr ":doc:`/applications/marketing/email_marketing/mailing_lists`"
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:18
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing/mailing_lists.rst:136
msgid ":doc:`/applications/marketing/email_marketing/unsubscriptions`"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr ":doc:`/applications/marketing/email_marketing/unsubscriptions`"
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:21
msgid "Email marketing dashboard"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Dashboard e-mailmarketing"
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:23
msgid ""
@@ -71,16 +80,22 @@ msgid ""
"located on the main Odoo dashboard, which leads to the main :guilabel:`Email"
" Marketing` dashboard (in the default kanban view)."
msgstr ""
+"Klik om te beginnen op het icoontje van de :menuselection:`E-mailmarketing` "
+"app in het hoofddashboard van Odoo. Zo kom je op het hoofddashboard van de "
+":guilabel:`E-mailmarketing` app (in de standaard kanbanweergave)."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:27
msgid ""
"To see all the mailings in the database, remove the default :guilabel:`My "
"Mailings` filter from the search bar."
msgstr ""
+"Om alle mailings in de database te zien, verwijder de standaardfilter "
+":guilabel:`Mijn mailings` in de zoekbalk."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst-1
msgid "View of the main dashboard of the Odoo Email Marketing application."
msgstr ""
+"Weergave van het hoofddashboard van Odoo's E-mailmarketing applicatie."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:35
msgid ""
@@ -89,6 +104,10 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Email Marketing` dashboard are emails that the current user has "
"created, sent, or is responsible for."
msgstr ""
+"In de zoekbalk bevindt zich standaard de filter :guilabel:`Mijn mailings`. "
+"Dit betekent dat de enige informatie die (op dat moment) te zien is in het "
+":guilabel:`E-mailmarketing` dashboard zijn de e-mails die de huidige "
+"gebruiker heeft gemaakt, verzonden of waarvoor hij verantwoordelijk is."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:39
msgid ""
@@ -96,43 +115,57 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`My Mailings` in the search bar. Doing so, reveals all the "
"information for every email in the database."
msgstr ""
+"Deze filter kan worden verwijderen door op de :guilabel:`X` naast "
+":guilabel:`Mijn mailings` in de zoekbalk te klikken. Op die manier "
+"verschijnt alle informatie voor elke e-mail in de database."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:43
msgid "Default kanban view and stages"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Standaard kanbanweergave en -fases"
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:45
msgid ""
"The four kanban columns each represent the various stages of emails that "
"have been built or sent within the *Email Marketing* application."
msgstr ""
+"De vier kanbankolommen vertegenwoordigen elk de verschillende fases van de "
+"e-mails die zijn gemaakt of verzonden in de *E-mailmarketing* applicatie."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:48
msgid ""
"The stages are: :guilabel:`Draft`, :guilabel:`In Queue`, "
":guilabel:`Sending`, :guilabel:`Sent`."
msgstr ""
+"De fases zijn: :guilabel:`Concept`, :guilabel:`In wachtrij`, "
+":guilabel:`Verzenden`, :guilabel:`Verzonden`."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:50
msgid ":guilabel:`Draft`: means the email is still being written/created."
msgstr ""
+":guilabel:`Concept`: betekent dat de e-mail nog wordt geschreven/gemaakt."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:51
msgid ""
":guilabel:`In Queue`: means the email is scheduled, and sent at a later "
msgstr ""
+":guilabel:`In wachtrij`: betekent dat de e-mail is gepland en op een later "
+"datum wordt verzonden."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:52
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Sending`: means the email is currently being sent to its "
msgstr ""
+":guilabel:`Verzenden`: betekent dat de e-mail momenteel naar de ontvangers "
+"wordt verzonden."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:53
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Sent`: means the email has already been sent to its recipients."
msgstr ""
+":guilabel:`Verzonden`: betekent dat de e-mail reeds naar de ontvangers is "
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:55
msgid ""
@@ -140,12 +173,17 @@ msgid ""
"campaigns that have been created, and the stage they are in represents the "
"current status of that mailing."
msgstr ""
+"In elke fase zijn er versleepbare kaarten die de reeds gemaakte "
+"e-mailcampagnes vertegenwoordigen, en de fase waarin ze zich bevinden geeft "
+"de huidige status van die mailing weer."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:58
msgid ""
"Each mailing block on the :guilabel:`Email Marketing` dashboard provides key"
" information related to that specific email."
msgstr ""
+"Elk mailingblok op het :guilabel:`E-mailmarketing` dashboard biedt "
+"essentiële informatie over die specifieke e-mail."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:61
msgid ""
@@ -155,11 +193,18 @@ msgid ""
"email altogether, or :guilabel:`Archive` the message for potential future "
msgstr ""
+"Wanneer je de cursor over de rechterbovenhoek van een e-mailcampagnekaart "
+"beweegt, verschijnen er drie vertikale punten (:guilabel:`⋮`). Als je hierop"
+" klikt, verschijnt er een vervolgkeuzemenu waarin je de e-mail een kleurcode"
+" kan geven, het bericht kan :guilabel:`verwijderen` of "
+":guilabel:`archiveren` voor mogelijk toekomstig gebruik."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst-1
msgid ""
"View of the three-dot drop-down menu on the Odoo Email Marketing dashboard."
msgstr ""
+"Weergave van het vervolgkeuzemenu met drie puntjes op Odoo's E-mailmarketing"
+" dashboard."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:70
msgid ""
@@ -167,6 +212,9 @@ msgid ""
" there are other view options to choose from: :guilabel:`List` and "
msgstr ""
+"In de rechterbovenhoek van het hoofddasboard van de "
+":guilabel:`E-mailmarketing` applicatie zijn er nog andere opties waaruit je "
+"kan kiezen: :guilabel:`Lijst` en :guilabel:`Grafiek`."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:74
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/social_marketing/essentials/social_essentials.rst:237
@@ -179,10 +227,14 @@ msgid ""
"lines)` icon) provides the same key information, but in a classic list "
msgstr ""
+"De :guilabel:`Lijstweergave` (voorgesteld door het icoontje :guilabel:`☰ "
+"(drie vertikale lijnen)`) biedt dezelfde essentiële informatie, maar in een "
+"klassiek lijstformaat."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst-1
msgid "How the List view appears in the Odoo Email Marketing application."
msgstr ""
+"Hoe de lijstweergave wordt weergegeven in Odoo's E-mailmarketing applicatie."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:84
msgid "Graph view"
@@ -194,16 +246,23 @@ msgid ""
"icon) provides the same key information, but in a variety of customizable "
"graph (and chart) layouts."
msgstr ""
+"De :guilabel:`Grafiekweergave` (voorgesteld door het icoontje :guilabel:`📊 "
+"(staafdiagram)`) biedt dezelfde essentiële informatie, maar in verschillende"
+" aanpasbare grafiek- (en diagram-) indelingen."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst-1
msgid "How the Graph view appears in the Odoo Email Marketing application."
msgstr ""
+"Hoe de grafiekweergave wordt weergegeven in Odoo's E-mailmarketing "
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:93
msgid ""
"In the upper-left corner, there is a :guilabel:`Measures` menu, providing "
"even more filter options to further customize the graph views."
msgstr ""
+"In de linkerbovenhoek is er het menu :guilabel:`Meetwaarden` dat nog meer "
+"filteropties biedt om de grafiekweergaven verder aan te passen."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:96
msgid ""
@@ -211,10 +270,13 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Color Index`, and :guilabel:`Count` (which is selected, by "
msgstr ""
+"Deze :guilabel:`meetwaarden` zijn: :guilabel:`A/B testpercentage`, "
+":guilabel:`Kleurindex`, en :guilabel:`Aantal` (dat standaard is "
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:100
msgid "Filters, Group By, and Favorites search options"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Zoekopties Filters, Groeperen op en Favorieten"
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:102
msgid ""
@@ -222,12 +284,17 @@ msgid ""
" the :guilabel:`Filters`, :guilabel:`Group by`, and :guilabel:`Favorites` "
"options are always available."
msgstr ""
+"Ongeacht de manier waarop het :guilabel:`E-mailmarketing` dashboard wordt "
+"weergegeven, zijn de opties :guilabel:`Filters`, :guilabel:`Groeperen op`, "
+"en :guilabel:`Favorieten` altijd beschikbaar."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:105
msgid ""
"These options provide various ways to specify and organize the information "
"seen on the :guilabel:`Email Marketing` dashboard."
msgstr ""
+"Deze opties bieden verschillende manieren om de informatie op het "
+":guilabel:`E-mailmarketing` dashboard te specificeren en te organiseren."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:110
msgid "Filters"
@@ -242,16 +309,25 @@ msgid ""
"three customizable fields to fill in, in order to retrieve results that fit "
"more specific criteria."
msgstr ""
+"Dit vervolgkeuzemenu biedt verschillende manieren om e-mailcampagnes op het "
+"dashboard te filteren. Deze opties zijn: :guilabel:`Mijn mailings`, "
+":guilabel:`Verzenddatum`, :guilabel:`Gearchiveerd`, en :guilabel:`Een "
+"aangepaste filter toevoegen`. Als je :guilabel:`Een aangepaste filter "
+"toevoegen` selecteert, geeft Odoo een extra vervolgkeuzemenu weer, met drie "
+"aanpasbare velden die je kan invullen, om resultaten op te halen die aan "
+"specifiekere criteria voldoen."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:0
msgid ""
"View of filters drop-down menu options on the Odoo Email Marketing "
msgstr ""
+"Weergave van de opties van het vervolgkeuzemenu filters op Odoo's "
+"E-mailmarketing dashboard."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:121
msgid "Group By"
-msgstr "Groepeer op"
+msgstr "Groeperen op"
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:123
msgid ""
@@ -260,6 +336,10 @@ msgid ""
"data can be grouped by the messages' :guilabel:`Status`, or who it was "
":guilabel:`Sent By`."
msgstr ""
+"Dit vervolgkeuzemenu biedt extra manieren om de gegevens op het dashboard te"
+" organiseren door ze op specifieke manieren te groeperen. Met dit "
+"vervolgkeuzemenu kunnen de gegevens worden gegroepeerd op :guilabel:`Status`"
+" van het bericht of wie het bericht heeft :guilabel:`verzonden`."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:127
msgid ""
@@ -268,6 +348,11 @@ msgid ""
" options are :guilabel:`Year`, :guilabel:`Quarter`, :guilabel:`Month`, "
":guilabel:`Week`, and :guilabel:`Day`."
msgstr ""
+"Er is ook een optie om de gegevens te groeperen op "
+":guilabel:`Verzendperiode`, die een eigen submenu met opties heeft om uit te"
+" kiezen. De opties voor de :guilabel:`Verzendperiode` zijn :guilabel:`Jaar`,"
+" :guilabel:`Kwartaal`, :guilabel:`Maand`, :guilabel:`Week`, en "
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:131
msgid ""
@@ -276,11 +361,18 @@ msgid ""
"menu. Doing so reveals a new field, wherein custom criteria can be selected "
"and applied, thus delivering any grouping of data that may be desired."
msgstr ""
+"Als geen van de bovenstaande :guilabel:`Groeperen op` opties het gewenste "
+"resultaat oplevert, klik op :guilabel:`Een aangepaste groep toevoegen` "
+"onderaan het vervolgkeuzemenu. Hierdoor verschijnt een nieuw veld waarin "
+"aangepaste criteria kunnen worden geselecteerd en toegepast, zodat elke "
+"gewenste groepering van gegevens wordt verkregen."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:0
msgid ""
"View of the Group By drop-down menu on the Odoo Email Marketing application."
msgstr ""
+"Weergave van het vervolgkeuzemenu Groeperen op in Odoo's E-mailmarketing "
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:139
msgid "Favorites"
@@ -293,12 +385,19 @@ msgid ""
"options are: :guilabel:`Save current search`, :guilabel:`Import records`, "
":guilabel:`Add to my dashboard`, and :guilabel:`Add to Google Spreadsheet`."
msgstr ""
+"Dit vervolgkeuzemenu biedt verschillende manieren om vorige zoekfilters en "
+"andere recordgerelateerde opties op te nemen om het dashboard aan te passen."
+" De opties zijn: :guilabel:`Huidige zoekopdracht opslaan`, "
+":guilabel:`Records importeren`, :guilabel:`Aan mijn dashboard toevoegen`, en"
+" :guilabel:`Aan Google Spreadsheet toevoegen`."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:0
msgid ""
"View of the Favorites drop-down menu on the Odoo Email Marketing "
msgstr ""
+"Weergave van het vervolgkeuzemenu Favorieten in Odoo's E-mailmarketing "
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:150
msgid "Settings"
@@ -309,10 +408,13 @@ msgid ""
"To view (and modify) the *Email Marketing* settings, navigate to "
":menuselection:`Email Marketing application --> Configuration --> Settings`."
msgstr ""
+"Ga om de instellingen van *E-mailmarketing* te bekijken (en te wijzigen) "
+"naar :menuselection:`E-mailmarketing --> Configuratie --> Instellingen`."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst-1
msgid "View of the Settings page in the Odoo Email Marketing application."
msgstr ""
+"Weergave van de instellingenpagina in Odoo's E-mailmarketing applicatie."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:159
msgid ""
@@ -320,18 +422,25 @@ msgid ""
"features are: :guilabel:`Mailing Campaigns`, :guilabel:`Blacklist Option "
"when Unsubscribing`, and :guilabel:`Dedicated Server`."
msgstr ""
+"Er zijn drie functies beschikbaar op deze :guilabel:`Instellingenpagina`: "
+":guilabel:`E-mailcampagnes`, :guilabel:`Blacklist optie bij afmelden`, en "
+":guilabel:`Dedicated Server`."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:163
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Mailing Campaigns`: enables the option to manage mass mailing "
msgstr ""
+":guilabel:`E-mailcampagnes`: activeert de optie om massamailingcampagnes te "
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:164
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Blacklist Option when Unsubscribing`: allows recipients to "
"blacklist themselves from future mailings during the unsubscribing process."
msgstr ""
+":guilabel:`Blacklist optie bij afmelden`: laat ontvangers toe om zichzelf te"
+" blacklisten voor toekomstige mailings tijdens het afmeldingsproces."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:166
msgid ""
@@ -340,24 +449,31 @@ msgid ""
"link), in which the specific server configurations must be entered, in order"
" for it to connect properly to Odoo."
msgstr ""
+":guilabel:`Dedicated Server`: biedt de optie om een aparte, dedicated server"
+" te gebruiken voor mailings. Wanneer deze optie is ingeschakeld, toont Odoo "
+"een nieuw veld (en een nieuwe link) waarin de specifieke serverconfiguraties"
+" moeten worden ingevoerd, zodat deze correct verbinding maakt met Odoo."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:171
msgid "Create an email"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Een e-mail maken"
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:173
msgid ""
"To create an email, open the :menuselection:`Email Marketing` application, "
"and click the :guilabel:`Create` button in the upper-left corner."
msgstr ""
+"Om een e-mail te maken, open de :menuselection:`E-mailmarketing` applicatie "
+"en klik op :guilabel:`Aanmaken` in de linkerbovenhoek."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:176
msgid "Clicking :guilabel:`Create` reveals a blank email detail form."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Hierdoor verschijnt een leeg e-mailformulier."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst-1
msgid "View of a blank email detail form in Odoo Email Marketing application."
msgstr ""
+"Weergave van een leeg e-mailformulier in Odoo's E-mailmarketing applicatie."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:182
msgid ""
@@ -365,12 +481,17 @@ msgid ""
"visible in the recipients' inbox, allowing them to get quickly see what the "
"message is about."
msgstr ""
+"Voer eerst een :guilabel:`Onderwerp` in voor de e-mail. Het "
+":guilabel:`Onderwerp` is zichtbaar in de inbox van de ontvanger, zodat deze "
+"snel kan zien waar het bericht over gaat."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:186
msgid ""
"The :guilabel:`Subject` field is mandatory. An email can not be sent without"
" a :guilabel:`Subject`."
msgstr ""
+"Het veld :guilabel:`Onderwerp` is verplicht. Het is niet mogelijk een e-mail"
+" te verzenden zonder een :guilabel:`Onderwerp`."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:190
msgid ""
@@ -379,6 +500,10 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`☺ (smiley face)` icon to reveal a menu of emojis that can be used"
" in either field."
msgstr ""
+"De smiley :guilabel:`☺` aan het einde van het veld :guilabel:`Onderwerp` (en"
+" het veld :guilabel:`Preview tekst`) staat voor emoji's. Klik op die smiley "
+":guilabel:`☺` om een menu met emoji's te openen die in beide velden kunnen "
+"worden gebruikt."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:194
msgid ""
@@ -386,12 +511,18 @@ msgid ""
"is a catchy preview sentence that encourages recipients to open the message."
" In most inboxes, this is displayed next to the subject."
msgstr ""
+"Vervolgens heb je de mogelijkheid om een :guilabel:`Preview tekst` in te "
+"voeren. Deze tekst is een pakkende zin die de ontvangers aanmoedigt om het "
+"bericht te openen. In de meeste inboxen wordt dit naast het onderwerp "
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:199
msgid ""
"Keep the :guilabel:`Preview Text` empty to show the first characters of the "
"email content, instead."
msgstr ""
+"Laat het veld :guilabel:`Preview tekst` leeg om in plaats daarvan de eerste "
+"tekens van de inhoud van de e-mail te tonen."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:203
msgid "Recipients"
@@ -402,11 +533,15 @@ msgid ""
"After that, it's time to choose the recipients of this email, which can be "
"completed in the :guilabel:`Recipients` field."
msgstr ""
+"Daarna is het tijd om de ontvangers van deze e-mail toe te voegen in het "
+"veld :guilabel:`Ontvangers`."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst-1
msgid ""
"View of recipients drop-down menu in the Odoo Email Marketing application."
msgstr ""
+"Weergave van het vervolgkeuzemenu Ontvangers in Odoo's E-mailmarketing "
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:212
msgid ""
@@ -414,12 +549,18 @@ msgid ""
"option is selected, a specific :guilabel:`Mailing List` needs to be chosen "
"from the adjacent :guilabel:`Select mailing lists` field drop-down menu."
msgstr ""
+"De standaard optie is :guilabel:`Mailinglijst`. Als de optie "
+":guilabel:`Mailinglijst` is geselecteerd, moet een specifieke "
+":guilabel:`Mailinglijst` gekozen worden in het vervolgkeuzemenu naast het "
+"veld :guilabel:`Selecteer mailinglijst`."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:216
msgid ""
"Then, Odoo will only send this email to contacts on that specific mailing "
msgstr ""
+"Dan zal Odoo deze e-mail alleen verzenden naar contacten op die specifieke "
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:221
msgid ""
@@ -427,6 +568,9 @@ msgid ""
"options is revealed. Each option provides different ways Odoo can create a "
"target audience for the email."
msgstr ""
+"Als je op het veld :guilabel:`Ontvangers` klikt, verschijnt er een "
+"vervolgkeuzemenu met andere opties. Elke optie biedt verschillende manieren "
+"waarop Odoo een doelgroep voor de e-mail kan maken."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:224
msgid ""
@@ -434,51 +578,68 @@ msgid ""
"option to create a more specified recipient filter, in an equation-like "
msgstr ""
+"Deze opties (uitgezonderd de standaard :guilabel:`Mailinglijst`) bieden de "
+"mogelijkheid om een meer specifieke ontvangersfilter te maken, in een "
+"vergelijkingsachtige indeling."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:227
msgid "The :guilabel:`Recipients` field options are as follows:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "De opties in het veld :guilabel:`Ontvangers` zijn de volgende:"
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:229
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Applicant`: filter focuses on specific job applicants in the "
msgstr ""
+":guilabel:`Sollicitant`: filter richt zich op specifieke sollicitanten in de"
+" database."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:230
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Contact`: filter focuses on specific contacts in the database."
msgstr ""
+":guilabel:`Contact`: filter richt zich op specifieke contactpersonen in de "
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:231
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Event Registration`: filter focuses on people in the database who"
" purchased event registrations."
msgstr ""
+":guilabel:`Evenementinschrijving`: filter richt zich op mensen in de "
+"database die zich hebben geregistreerd voor een evenement."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:233
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Event Track`: filter focuses on people in the database who hosted"
" a specific talk (track) at an event."
msgstr ""
+":guilabel:`Evenement Track`: filter richt zich op personen in de database "
+"die een specifieke presentatie (track) hebben gehost op een evenement."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:235
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Lead/Opportunity`: filter focuses on leads or opportunities in "
"the database."
msgstr ""
+":guilabel:`Lead/Verkoopkans`: filter richt zich op leads of verkoopkansen in"
+" de database."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:236
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Mailing Contact`: filter focuses on specific mailing contacts in "
"the database."
msgstr ""
+":guilabel:`Mailing Contact`: filter richt zich op specifieke "
+"mailingcontactpersonen in de database."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:237
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Sales Order`: filter focuses on a specific sales orders in the "
msgstr ""
+":guilabel:`Verkooporder`: filter richt zich op specifeke verkooporders in de"
+" database."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:239
msgid ""
@@ -487,10 +648,14 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Recipients` field, and Odoo reveals the necessary equation fields"
" to further drill down the target recipients for this mailing."
msgstr ""
+"Als de specifieke ontvangersvelden niet automatisch tevoorschijn komen, klik"
+" op de knop :guilabel:`Filter toevoegen` onder het veld "
+":guilabel:`Ontvangers` en Odoo toont alle nodige vergelijkingsvelden om de "
+"doelgroep van deze mailing verder uit te diepen."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:244
msgid "Add a recipient filter"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Een filter voor ontvangers toevoegen"
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:246
msgid ""
@@ -498,6 +663,10 @@ msgid ""
" than :guilabel:`Mailing List`), and clicking :guilabel:`Add Filter`, if "
"needed, to reveal three fields, formatted like an equation."
msgstr ""
+"Om een meer specifieke filter voor ontvangers toe te voegen, selecteer een "
+"willekeurige optie voor ontvangers (behalve :guilabel:`Mailinglijst`) en "
+"klik op :guilabel:`Filter toevoegen`, indien nodig, om drie velden te laten "
+"verschijnen, weergegeven als een vergelijking."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:250
msgid ""
@@ -506,11 +675,17 @@ msgid ""
"of :guilabel:`Records` that match the rule(s) are indicated to the right of "
"the :guilabel:`Recipients` field, in green."
msgstr ""
+"Klik op elk veld om de submenu opties weer te geven en maak de gewenste "
+"selecties totdat de gewenste configuratie is bereikt. Het aantal "
+":guilabel:`Records` dat overeenkomt met de regel(s) wordt rechts van het "
+"veld :guilabel:`Ontvangers` in groen weergegeven."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst-1
msgid ""
"View of how recipient filters can be customized in Odoo Email Marketing."
msgstr ""
+"Weergave van hoe filters voor ontvangers kunnen worden aangepast in Odoo "
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:259
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/events/event_essentials.rst:191
@@ -518,12 +693,16 @@ msgid ""
"Some sub-menu options in the first rule field allow for a second choice to "
"provide even more specificity."
msgstr ""
+"Sommige submenu opties in het eerste regelveld laten een tweede keuze toe om"
+" nog specifieker te zijn."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:262
msgid ""
"To the right of each rule, are :guilabel:`× (Delete node)`, :guilabel:`+ "
"(Add node)`, and :guilabel:`⋯ (Add branch)` icons."
msgstr ""
+"Rechts van elke regel staan de icoontjes :guilabel:`× (Node verwijderen)`, "
+":guilabel:`+ (Node toevoegen)`, en :guilabel:`⋯ (Branch toevoegen)`."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:265
msgid ""
@@ -533,16 +712,25 @@ msgid ""
"means two additional, indented sub-nodes are added to the rule, providing "
"even more specificity to the line above it."
msgstr ""
+"Het icoon :guilabel:`× (Node verwijderen)` verwijdert een specifieke node "
+"(lijn) van de regel. Het icoon :guilabel:`+ (Node toevoegen)` voegt een node"
+" (lijn) toe aan de regel. En het icoon :guilabel:`⋯ (Branch toevoegen)` "
+"voegt een branch toe aan de node. Een branch betekent dat twee extra, "
+"ingesprongen subnodes worden toegevoegd aan de regel, waardoor de regel "
+"erboven nog specifieker wordt."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:271
msgid "Mail body tab"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Tabblad Berichttekst"
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:273
msgid ""
"At the bottom of the email form are two tabs: :guilabel:`Mail Body` and "
":guilabel:`Settings`. Let's focus on :guilabel:`Mail Body` tab first."
msgstr ""
+"Onderaan het e-mailformulier staan twee tabbladen: :guilabel:`Berichttekst` "
+"en :guilabel:`Instellingen`. Laten we eerst ingaan op het tabblad "
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:276
msgid ""
@@ -552,12 +740,19 @@ msgid ""
"blocks, located on the right sidebar. Each building block provides unique "
"features and professional design elements."
msgstr ""
+"In het tabblad :guilabel:`Berichttekst` kan je kiezen uit een aantal vooraf "
+"geconfigureerde berichtsjablonen. Selecteer de gewenste sjabloon en wijzig "
+"elk element van de ontwerpdetails aan met behulp van Odoo's versleepbare "
+"bouwblokken, die zich in de rechterzijbalk bevinden. Elke bouwblok biedt "
+"unieke functies en professionele ontwerpelementen."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst-1
msgid ""
"View of the building blocks used to create mailings in Odoo Email Marketing "
msgstr ""
+"Weergave van de bouwblokken die gebruikt worden om mailings te maken in "
+"Odoo's E-mailmarketing applicatie."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:286
msgid ""
@@ -568,16 +763,24 @@ msgid ""
"Mode (debug mode) ` is engaged, and the :guilabel:`>` icon"
" is clicked."
msgstr ""
+"Om een e-mail vanaf nul op te bouwen, selecteer de sjabloon "
+":guilabel:`Gewone tekst` en Odoo biedt een lege e-mail, die op verschillende"
+" manieren kan worden aangepast - hetzij met behulp van de front-end rich "
+"text editor die slash (:guilabel:`/`) commando's aanvaardt, hetzij via de "
+"XML code editor wanneer de :ref:`ontwikkelaarsmodus (debugmodus) ` is ingeschakeld en het icoontje :guilabel:`>` is aangeklikt."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:293
msgid "Settings tab"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Tabblad Instellingen"
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:295
msgid ""
"To the right of the :guilabel:`Mail Body` tab is the :guilabel:`Settings` "
msgstr ""
+"Rechts van het tabblad :guilabel:`Berichttekst` bevindt zich het tabblad "
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:298
msgid ""
@@ -587,36 +790,51 @@ msgid ""
"application (:menuselection:`Email Marketing --> Configuration --> "
msgstr ""
+"De beschikbare opties in het tabblad :guilabel:`Instellingen` variëren al "
+"naargelang de functie :guilabel:`E-mailcampagnes` is geactiveerd in de "
+":guilabel:`Instellingen` van de :menuselection:`E-mailmarketing` applicatie "
+"(:menuselection:`E-mailmarketing --> Configuratie --> Instellingen`)."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:303
msgid ""
"Without the :guilabel:`Mailing Campaigns` feature activated, the "
":guilabel:`Settings` tab on the email detail form looks like this:"
msgstr ""
+"Als de functie :guilabel:`E-mailcampagnes` niet is geactiveerd, ziet het "
+"tabblad :guilabel:`Instellingen` op het detailformulier van de e-mail er als"
+" volgt uit:"
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst-1
msgid ""
"View of settings tab in Odoo Email Marketing app, without settings "
msgstr ""
+"Weergave van het tabblad Instellingen in Odoo's E-mailmarketing app, zonder "
+"de instellingen geactiveerd."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:310
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Responsible`: choose an employee (in the database) to be "
"responsible for this particular email."
msgstr ""
+":guilabel:`Verantwoordelijke`: kies een werknemer (in de database) die "
+"verantwoordelijk is voor die specifieke mailing."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:312
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Send From`: designate an email alias that'll display as the "
"sender of this particular email."
msgstr ""
+":guilabel:`Verzenden van`: de e-mailalias die wordt weergegeven als de "
+"afzender van die specifieke mailing."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:314
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Reply To`: designate an email alias to whom all the replies to "
"this particular email will be sent."
msgstr ""
+":guilabel:`Atnwoorden aan`: de e-mailalias waarnaar alle antwoorden op deze "
+"specifieke mailing worden verzonden."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:316
msgid ""
@@ -624,6 +842,10 @@ msgid ""
" for this event invite, they can be sent along with this email, by clicking "
":guilabel:`ATTACH A FILE`, and adding the appropriate document(s)."
msgstr ""
+":guilabel:`Bijlagen`: als er specifieke documenten nodig (of nuttig) zijn "
+"voor deze evenementuitnodiging, kunnen deze worden meegestuurd met deze "
+"e-mail, door te klikken op :guilabel:`BIJLAGE TOEVOEGEN` en het/de "
+"betreffende document(en) toe te voegen."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:320
msgid ""
@@ -631,21 +853,28 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Marketing` options appear in the :guilabel:`Settings` tab, which "
"look like this:"
msgstr ""
+"Als de functie :guilabel:`E-mailcampagnes` *is* geactiveerd, verschijnen er "
+"extra :guilabel:`Marketing` opties in het tabblad :guilabel:`Instellingen`, "
+"als volgt:"
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst-1
msgid ""
"View of settings tab in Odoo Email Marketing when settings are activated."
msgstr ""
+"Weergave van het tabblad Instellingen in Odoo's E-mailmarketing wanneer de "
+"instellingen geactiveerd zijn."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:327
msgid ""
"The additional features are: :guilabel:`Mailing Campaign`, :guilabel:`Allow "
"A/B Testing`, and :guilabel:`A/B Testing percentage`."
msgstr ""
+"De extra functies zijn: :guilabel:`E-mailcampagne`, :guilabel:`A/B-test "
+"toestaan`, en :guilabel:`A/B-testpercentage`."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:331
msgid "Mailing campaigns"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "E-mailcampagnes"
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:333
msgid ""
@@ -654,12 +883,18 @@ msgid ""
"the empty field to reveal a drop-down menu containing all previously-made "
"mailing campaigns in the database."
msgstr ""
+"Het veld :guilabel:`E-mailcampagne` biedt de optie om deze specifieke e-mail"
+" toe te voegen aan een eerder gemaakte e-mailcampagne in de database. Klik "
+"op het leeg veld om een vervolgkeuzelijst weer te geven met alle eerder "
+"gemaakte e-mailcampagnes in de database."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst-1
msgid ""
"View of a mailing campaign drop-down menu in Odoo Email Marketing "
msgstr ""
+"Weergave van het vervolgkeuzemenu e-mailcampagne in Odoo's E-mailmarketing "
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:341
msgid ""
@@ -669,10 +904,16 @@ msgid ""
" in the :guilabel:`Mailing Campaign` field, until Odoo reveals the desired "
"campaign in the drop-down menu. Then, select the desired campaign."
msgstr ""
+"Als de gewenste campagne niet beschikbaar is in het initiële "
+"vervolgkeuzemenu, selecteer dan :guilabel:`Zoek meer` om een complete lijst "
+"van alle e-mailcampagnes in de database weer te geven. Of typ de naam van de"
+" gewenste e-mailcampagne in het veld :guilabel:`E-mailcampagne` totdat Odoo "
+"de gewenste campagne in het vervolgkeuzemenu toont. Selecteer dan de "
+"gewenste campagne."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:347
msgid "Create new mailing campaign (from Settings tab)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Een nieuwe e-mailcampagne maken (tabblad Instellingen)"
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:349
msgid ""
@@ -680,6 +921,10 @@ msgid ""
" typing the name of this new campaign, and select :guilabel:`Create "
"[Campaign Name]` or :guilabel:`Create and Edit...`."
msgstr ""
+"Om een nieuwe e-mailcampagne te maken vanuit dit veld "
+":guilabel:`E-mailcampagne`, begin met het typen van de naam van deze nieuwe "
+"campagne en selecteer :guilabel:`Maak [Naam campagne] aan` of "
+":guilabel:`Maken en bewerken...`."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:352
msgid ""
@@ -688,12 +933,18 @@ msgid ""
"Edit...` to add this new mailing campaign to the database, and Odoo reveals "
"a pop-up window."
msgstr ""
+"Klik op :guilabel:`Maken` om deze nieuwe e-mailcampagne toe te voegen aan de"
+" database en de instellingen ervan later te wijzigen. En klik op "
+":guilabel:`Maken en bewerken...` om deze nieuwe e-mailcampagne aan de "
+"database toe te voegen en een pop-upvenster te openen."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst-1
msgid ""
"View of the email mailing campaign pop-up window in Odoo Email Marketing "
msgstr ""
+"Weergave van het pop-upvenster van een e-mailcampagne in Odoo's "
+"E-mailmarketing applicatie."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:360
msgid ""
@@ -701,6 +952,9 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Campaign Name`, assign a :guilabel:`Responsible`, and add "
msgstr ""
+"Je kan de nieuwe e-mailcampagne hier verder aanpassen, zoals de "
+":guilabel:`Campagnenaam`, een :guilabel:`Verantwoordelijke` toewijzen en "
+":guilabel:`Labels` toevoegen."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:363
msgid ""
@@ -709,6 +963,10 @@ msgid ""
" related to the campaign. When clicked, Odoo reveals a separate, more "
"detailed page with even more in-depth statistics."
msgstr ""
+"De bovenste regel van het pop-upvenster :guilabel:`Maken: E-mailcampagne` "
+"bevat analytische slimme knoppen. Elke knop toont verschillende statistieken"
+" met betrekking tot de campagne. Als je erop klikt, opent Odoo een aparte, "
+"meer gedetailleerde pagina met nog meer diepgaande statistieken."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:367
msgid ""
@@ -716,16 +974,21 @@ msgid ""
"available in the upper-left corner. The adjustable status bar is located in "
"the upper-right."
msgstr ""
+"In de linkerbovenhoek is er steeds de optie om meteen een nieuwe "
+"communicatie aan te vatten vanuit dit pop-upvenster. De aanpasbare "
+"statusbalk bevindt zich rechtsboven."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:370
msgid ""
"When all modifications are ready to be finalized, click :guilabel:`Save`. To"
" delete the entire campaign, click :guilabel:`Discard`."
msgstr ""
+"Als alle wijzigingen klaar zijn, klik dan op :guilabel:`Opslaan`. Om de hele"
+" campagne te verwijderen, klik op :guilabel:`Negeren`."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:374
msgid "Create new mailing campaign (from Campaigns page)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Een nieuwe e-mailcampagne maken (Campagnes-pagina)"
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:376
msgid ""
@@ -734,6 +997,10 @@ msgid ""
"application. Campaigns can also be created on this :guilabel:`Campaigns` "
"page in the *Email Marketing* app."
msgstr ""
+"Wanneer de functie :guilabel:`E-mailcampagnes` is geactiveerd, verschijnt "
+"een nieuwe optie :guilabel:`Campagnes` in de koptekst van de "
+"*E-mailmarketing* applicatie. Het is ook mogelijk om campagnes te maken op "
+"deze :guilabel:`Campagnes` pagina in de *E-mailmarketing* app."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:380
msgid ""
@@ -742,10 +1009,14 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Campaign Name`, :guilabel:`Responsible`, and :guilabel:`Tags` can"
" be added directly on the :guilabel:`Campaigns` dashboard."
msgstr ""
+"Ga hiervoor naar :menuselection:`E-mailmarketing app --> Campagnes --> "
+"Aanmaken`. Een pop-upvenster verschijnt, waarin de :guilabel:`Campagnenaam`,"
+" de :guilabel:`Verantwoordelijke`, en de :guilabel:`Labels` direct kunnen "
+"worden toevoegd op het dashboard :guilabel:`Campagnes`."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst-1
msgid "View of the campaign pop-up window in Odoo Email Marketing."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Weergave van het pop-upvenster campagnes in Odoo E-mailmarketing."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:388
msgid ""
@@ -756,10 +1027,17 @@ msgid ""
"various metrics related to the campaign, via the smart buttons at the top of"
" the form."
msgstr ""
+"Klik op :guilabel:`Toevoegen` om de campagne aan de database toe te voegen "
+"en het later te bewerken indien nodig. Of klik op :guilabel:`Bewerken` en "
+"Odoo geeft het sjabloonformulier van de campagne weer in een aparte pagina, "
+"met de mogelijkheid om de campagne verder te bewerken, berichten met "
+"betrekking tot de campagne te versturen en verschillende statistieken met "
+"betrekking tot de campagne te analyseren, via de slimme knoppen bovenaan het"
+" formulier."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:394
msgid "A/B testing"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "A/B-test"
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:396
msgid ""
@@ -769,6 +1047,11 @@ msgid ""
"tests the overall effectiveness of the mailing, and eliminates the need for "
"duplicate messages."
msgstr ""
+"Als het vakje :guilabel:`A/B-test toestaan` is aangevinkt in het tabblad "
+":guilabel:`Instellingen` van de mailing, ontvangen de ontvangers slechts één"
+" e-mail. Hierdoor kunnen verschillende mailings naar willekeurig "
+"geselecteerde ontvangers worden verzonden. Dit test de algemene "
+"effectiviteit van de mailing en maakt dubbele berichten overbodig."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:401
msgid ""
@@ -777,10 +1060,14 @@ msgid ""
"the :guilabel:`A/B Testing`. Enter a number between `1-100`. The recipients "
"are randomly chosen."
msgstr ""
+"Het veld :guilabel:`A/B-testpercentage` geeft het percentage weer van de "
+"contacten in de database waarnaar dit bericht wordt gemaild als onderdeel "
+"van de :guilabel:`A/B-test`. Voer een getal tussen `1-100` in. De ontvanger"
+" worden willekeurig gekozen."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:406
msgid "Send, schedule, or test"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Verzenden, inplannen of testen"
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:408
msgid ""
@@ -788,18 +1075,26 @@ msgid ""
"upper-left corner of the email template page. Those options are: "
":guilabel:`Send`, :guilabel:`Schedule`, and :guilabel:`Test`."
msgstr ""
+"Als de mailing klaar is, biedt Odoo de volgende opties in de linkerbovenhoek"
+" van de e-mailsjabloonpagina: :guilabel:`Verzenden`, :guilabel:`Inplannen`, "
+"en :guilabel:`Testen`."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:412
msgid ""
"While in :guilabel:`Edit` mode, there are also buttons to :guilabel:`Save` "
"or :guilabel:`Discard` the mailing, as well."
msgstr ""
+"In :guilabel:`Bewerkmodus` zijn er ook knoppen om de mailing :guilabel:`op "
+"te slaan` of :guilabel:`te negeren`."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:415
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Send` - Click to have Odoo send the email to the desired "
"recipients. When Odoo has sent the mailing, the status changes to *Sent*."
msgstr ""
+":guilabel:`Verzenden` - Klik om Odoo de e-mail te laten verzenden naar de "
+"gewenste ontvangers. Wanneer Odoo de mailing heeft verzonden, verandert de "
+"status in *Verzonden*."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:417
msgid ""
@@ -808,6 +1103,11 @@ msgid ""
"that specified date-time. When a date-time is chosen, the status of the "
"mailing changes to *In Queue*."
msgstr ""
+":guilabel:`Inplannen` - Klik om een pop-upvenster te openen, waarin een "
+"toekomstige datum en tijdstip kunnen worden gekozen. Odoo verzend de mailing"
+" naar de gewenste ontvangers op die opgegeven datum en tijdstip. Wanneer een"
+" datum en tijdstip is gekozen, verandert de status van de mailing in *In "
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:420
msgid ""
@@ -816,6 +1116,10 @@ msgid ""
"email address in the :guilabel:`Recipients` field, and click :guilabel:`Send"
" Sample Mail`."
msgstr ""
+":guilabel:`Testen` - Klik om een pop-upvenster te openen, waarin Odoo een "
+"voorbeeldmail kan verzenden voor testdoeleinden. Voer het e-mailadres van de"
+" gewenste ontvanger in in het veld :guilabel:`Ontvangers` en klik op "
+":guilabel:`Verzend een voorbeeldmail`."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:423
msgid ""
@@ -823,12 +1127,17 @@ msgid ""
" (and sent) at a later date. When clicked, the status of the mailing stays "
"as :guilabel:`Draft`."
msgstr ""
+":guilabel:`Opslaan` - Klik om de mailing op te slaan als concept, dat later "
+"bewerkt (en verzonden) kan worden. De status van de mailing blijft "
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:425
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Discard` - Click to discard any changes that have been made since"
" the last save."
msgstr ""
+":guilabel:`Negeren` - Klik om alle wijzigingen te negeren die zijn "
+"aangebracht sinds de laatste keer de mailing is opgeslaan."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:428
msgid ""
@@ -838,6 +1147,11 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Edit` mode. Click :guilabel:`Create` to start creating a new "
msgstr ""
+"Wanneer :guilabel:`Opslaan` of :guilabel:`Negeren` wordt geselecteerd (in "
+":guilabel:`Bewerkmodus`), worden deze opties vervangen door "
+":guilabel:`Bewerken` en :guilabel:`Aanmaken`. Klik op :guilabel:`Bewerken` "
+"om de :guilabel:`Bewerkmodus` opnieuw te openen. Klik op "
+":guilabel:`Aanmaken` om een nieuwe mailing te maken."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:434
msgid ""
@@ -847,11 +1161,16 @@ msgid ""
"next day. The sending needs to be forced, by opening the email and clicking "
msgstr ""
+"Standaard is er een dagelijke limiet op **alle e-mails** die in *alle* "
+"applicaties worden verzonden. Dus als er nog e-mails moeten worden verzonden"
+" nadat een limiet is bereikt, worden die mailings de volgende dag *niet* "
+"automatisch verzonden. De verzending moet worden geforceerd door de e-mail "
+"te openen en op :guilabel:`Opnieuw proberen` te klikken."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing/mailing_lists.rst:3
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/sms_marketing/essentials/mailing_lists_blacklists.rst:15
msgid "Mailing lists"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Mailinglijsten"
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing/mailing_lists.rst:5
msgid ""
@@ -859,10 +1178,14 @@ msgid ""
"provide valuable leads for sales teams, communicate with focus groups "
"participants, contact consumers directly for useful feedback, and more."
msgstr ""
+"Mailinglijsten zijn om een aantal redenen belangrijk. Mailinglijsten kunnen "
+"waardevolle leads opleveren voor verkoopteams, communiceren met deelnemers "
+"aan focusgroepen, rechtstreeks contact opnemen met consumenten voor nuttige "
+"feedback en nog veel meer."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing/mailing_lists.rst:10
msgid "Create mailing lists"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Mailinglijsten maken"
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing/mailing_lists.rst:12
msgid ""
@@ -870,17 +1193,25 @@ msgid ""
":menuselection:`Mailing lists --> Mailing lists --> Create`. Clicking "
":guilabel:`Create` reveals a pop-up window."
msgstr ""
+"Om een mailinglijst te maken in de *E-mailmarketing* applicatie, ga naar "
+":menuselection:`Mailinglijsten --> Mailinglijsten --> Aanmaken`. Een pop-"
+"upvenster wordt geopend."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing/mailing_lists.rst-1
msgid ""
"View of the mailing list pop-up in the Odoo Email Marketing application."
msgstr ""
+"Weergave van het pop-upvenster van een mailinglijst in Odoo's "
+"E-mailmarketing applicatie."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing/mailing_lists.rst:19
msgid ""
"In the pop-up, name the mailing list and designate if the mailing list "
"should be public with the :guilabel:`Is Public` checkbox."
msgstr ""
+"Geef in het pop-upvenster een naam aan de mailinglijst en geef aan of de "
+"mailinglijst openbaar moet zijn door het selectievakje :guilabel:`Is "
+"openbaar` aan te vinken."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing/mailing_lists.rst:22
msgid ""
@@ -888,6 +1219,8 @@ msgid ""
" recipients in the unsubscription page, making it possible for them to "
"update their subscription preferences."
msgstr ""
+"Hierdoor kunnen de ontvangers toegang krijgen tot de mailinglijst op de "
+"afmeldpagina, zodat ze hun abonnementsvoorkeuren kunnen bijwerken."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing/mailing_lists.rst:25
msgid ""
@@ -895,10 +1228,13 @@ msgid ""
" the mailing list, which Odoo automatically adds to the :guilabel:`Mailing "
"Lists` page."
msgstr ""
+"Nadat deze opties zijn geconfigureerd, klik op :guilabel:`Aanmaken` om de "
+"mailinglijst te maken. Odoo voegt deze automatisch toe aan de pagina "
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing/mailing_lists.rst:29
msgid "Add contacts to a mailing list"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Contacten toevoegen aan een mailinglijst"
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing/mailing_lists.rst:31
msgid ""
@@ -906,6 +1242,9 @@ msgid ""
"Lists` dashboard), click on the desired mailing list to add contacts to the "
msgstr ""
+"Nadat een mailinglijst is gemaakt (en toegevoegd aan het dashboard "
+":guilabel:`Mailinglijsten`), klik op de gewenste mailinglijst om contacten "
+"toe te voegen aan de lijst."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing/mailing_lists.rst:34
msgid ""
@@ -914,6 +1253,11 @@ msgid ""
"clicking :guilabel:`Create`, and adding contact information directly on a "
"separate contact detail form."
msgstr ""
+"Klik op de gewenste mailinglijst om een aparte pagina "
+":guilabel:`Mailinglijst contacten` te openen, waarin contacten kunnen worden"
+" toegevoegd aan deze specifieke lijst door op :guilabel:`Aanmaken` te "
+"klikken en contactgegevens direct toe te voegen op een apart "
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing/mailing_lists.rst:38
msgid ""
@@ -921,6 +1265,9 @@ msgid ""
":menuselection:`Mailing Lists --> Mailing List Contacts`. Doing so reveals a"
" separate page with all the mailing list contacts in the database."
msgstr ""
+"Of ga in de applicatie :menuselection:`E-mailmarketing` naar "
+":menuselection:`Mailinglijsten --> Mailinglijst contacten`. Hierdoor "
+"verschijnt een aparte pagina met alle mailinglijst contacten in de database."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing/mailing_lists.rst:42
msgid ""
@@ -928,6 +1275,9 @@ msgid ""
"previous steps. Or, click the :guilabel:`Import` icon (to the right of the "
":guilabel:`Create` button) to import contacts into the database."
msgstr ""
+"Klik hier op :guilabel:`Aanmaken` en voeg een contact toe door bovenstaande "
+"stappen te volgen. Of klik op het icoontje :guilabel:`Importeren` (rechts "
+"van de knop :guilabel:`Aanmaken`) om contacten te importeren in de database."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing/mailing_lists.rst:46
msgid ""
@@ -937,15 +1287,23 @@ msgid ""
"line`, and selecting the desired mailing list. Multiple mailing lists can be"
" added to a single contact's detail form."
msgstr ""
+"Zodra de contacten in de database staan, klik op het detailformulier van de "
+"gewenste contactpersoon en voeg de gewenste mailinglijst toe op het tabblad "
+":guilabel:`Mailinglijst` (onderaan het contactformulier), door op "
+":guilabel:`Regel toevoegen` te klikken en de gewenste mailinglijst te "
+"selecteren. Meerdere mailinglijsten kunnen worden toegevoegd aan een "
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing/mailing_lists.rst-1
msgid ""
"View of a contact detail form with mailing list tab in Odoo Email Marketing."
msgstr ""
+"Weergave van een contactformulier met het tabblad mailinglijst in Odoo "
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing/mailing_lists.rst:56
msgid "Create new mailing list from contact detail form"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Een nieuwe mailinglijst maken vanuit het contactformulier"
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing/mailing_lists.rst:58
msgid ""
@@ -954,12 +1312,18 @@ msgid ""
"appears. Then, select either :guilabel:`Create` or :guilabel:`Create and "
msgstr ""
+"Om een mailinglijst te maken vanuit een contactformulier, klik op "
+":guilabel:`Regel toevoegen` en typ de naam van een nieuwe mailinglijst in "
+"het lege veld dat verschijnt. Selecteer dan :guilabel:`Aanmaken` of "
+":guilabel:`Maken en bewerken...`."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing/mailing_lists.rst-1
msgid ""
"View of the new mailing list drop-down on contact form in Odoo Email "
msgstr ""
+"Weergave van het vervolgkeuzemenu van een nieuwe mailinglijst op een "
+"contactformulier in Odoo E-mailmarketing."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing/mailing_lists.rst:66
msgid ""
@@ -968,15 +1332,22 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Create and Edit...` option creates the mailing list, and reveals "
"a pop-up window, in which the new mailing list can be configured right away."
msgstr ""
+"Met de optie :guilabel:`Aanmaken` wordt de mailinglijst snel gemaakt op het "
+"contactformulier en de lijst kan later worden geconfigureerd. Met de optie "
+":guilabel:`Maken en bewerken...` wordt de mailinglijst gemaakt en een pop-"
+"upvenster geopend, waarin de nieuwe mailinglijst direct kan worden "
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing/mailing_lists.rst-1
msgid ""
"View of the create and edit mailing list pop-up in Odoo Email Marketing."
msgstr ""
+"Weergave van het pop-upvenster om een mailinglijst te maken en te bewerken "
+"in Odoo E-mailmarketing."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing/mailing_lists.rst:76
msgid "Link a mailing list to website (Newsletter blocks)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Een mailinglijst koppelen aan een website (Nieuwsbrief blokken)"
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing/mailing_lists.rst:78
msgid ""
@@ -984,6 +1355,9 @@ msgid ""
"directly link the mailing list on the Odoo-built website (created via Odoo's"
" :guilabel:`Website` application)."
msgstr ""
+"Wanneer een mailinglijst is gemaakt in de database, biedt Odoo de optie om "
+"de mailinglijst rechtstreeks te koppelen aan de door Odoo gebouwde website "
+"(gemaakt via Odoo's :guilabel:`Website` applicatie)."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing/mailing_lists.rst:81
msgid ""
@@ -993,6 +1367,11 @@ msgid ""
" drag-and-drop *Building Blocks* that are packed with various features, "
"options, and design elements."
msgstr ""
+"Om een mailinglijst aan een website te koppelen, ga naar de front-end van de"
+" website en activeer de :guilabel:`Bewerkmodus` door op :guilabel:`Bewerken`"
+" te klikken in de rechterbovenhoek. Odoo opent dan een rechterzijbalk, "
+"gevuld met versleepbare *Bouwblokken* met verschillende functies, opties en "
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing/mailing_lists.rst:86
msgid ""
@@ -1001,6 +1380,10 @@ msgid ""
"(:guilabel:`Newsletter Block`, :guilabel:`Newsletter Popup`, or "
msgstr ""
+"Om vervolgens een *abonnementsveld* voor een specifieke mailinglijst aan een"
+" website toe te voegen, versleep één van de :guilabel:`Nieuwsbrief` opties "
+"(:guilabel:`Nieuwsbrief blok`, :guilabel:`Nieuwbrief pop-up`, of "
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing/mailing_lists.rst:91
msgid ""
@@ -1010,12 +1393,18 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Blocks` tab, and Odoo reveals the three different "
":guilabel:`Newsletter` block options."
msgstr ""
+"Om snel de :guilabel:`Nieuwsbrief` bouwblokopties te vinden (in de "
+":guilabel:`Bewerkmodus` op de front-end van de website), typ `Nieuwsbrief` "
+"in de zoekbalk in de rechterzijbalk, in het tabblad :guilabel:`Blokken` en "
+"Odoo toont de drie verschillende :guilabel:`Nieuwsbrief` blokopties."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing/mailing_lists.rst:0
msgid ""
"View of how to quickly search for Newsletter blocks in the Odoo Website "
msgstr ""
+"Weergave van hoe je snel kan zoeken naar de nieuwsbriefblokken in Odoo's "
+"Website applicatie."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing/mailing_lists.rst:100
msgid ""
@@ -1023,10 +1412,16 @@ msgid ""
" Odoo reveals a pop-up window, in which the desired mailing list is selected"
" from a drop-down menu (and linked) to this block on the website."
msgstr ""
+"Wanneer een :guilabel:`Nieuwsbrief` blok naar de inhoud van de website wordt"
+" versleept, toont Odoo een pop-upvenster waarin de gewenste mailinglijst "
+"wordt geselecteerd uit een vervolgkeuzelijst (en gekoppeld) aan dit blok op "
+"de website."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing/mailing_lists.rst-1
msgid "View of the add mailing list subscription pop-up on an Odoo Website."
msgstr ""
+"Weergave van het pop-upvenster om een mailinglijst toe te voegen aan een "
+"Odoo Website."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing/mailing_lists.rst:108
msgid ""
@@ -1034,14 +1429,17 @@ msgid ""
"visitors with the option to add their email address to this mailing list, "
"and subscribe to future communications."
msgstr ""
+":guilabel:`Nieuwsbrief blok` - Voegt een blok toe aan de webpagina, zodat "
+"bezoekers hun e-mailadres aan deze mailinglijst kunnen toevoegen en zich op "
+"toekomstige communicaties kunnen abonneren."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing/mailing_lists.rst:111
msgid "Here's an example of a :guilabel:`Newsletter Block`."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Hier is een voorbeeld van een :guilabel:`Nieuwsbrief blok`."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing/mailing_lists.rst:0
msgid "View of a sample newsletter block in the Odoo Website application."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Voorbeeld van een nieuwbrief blok in Odoo's Website applicatie."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing/mailing_lists.rst:116
msgid ""
@@ -1051,14 +1449,20 @@ msgid ""
"for their email address to subscribe to the mailing list. The pop-up window "
"can be edited further to fit any business needs."
msgstr ""
+":guilabel:`Nieuwsbrief pop-up` - Vertelt Odoo om een abonnementspop-"
+"upvenster te laten verschijnen op een bepaald deel van de webpagina. Wanneer"
+" de bezoeker naar dit vooraf bepaald punt scrollt, verschijnt er een "
+"abonnementspop-upvenster waarin wordt gevraagd naar hun e-mailadres om zich "
+"te abonneren op de mailinglijst. Dit pop-upvenster kan verder worden "
+"aangepast aan de behoeften van het bedrijf."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing/mailing_lists.rst:121
msgid "Here's an example of a :guilabel:`Newsletter Popup`."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Hier is een voorbeeld van een :guilabel:`Nieuwsbrief pop-up`."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing/mailing_lists.rst:0
msgid "View of a sample newsletter pop-up sample on an Odoo Website."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Voorbeeld van een nieuwsbrief pop-upvenster op een Odoo Website."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing/mailing_lists.rst:126
msgid ""
@@ -1066,23 +1470,26 @@ msgid ""
"email address to the mailing list, and subscribe to future mailings in the "
"footer (or anywhere else on the page)."
msgstr ""
+":guilabel:`Nieuwsbrief` - Biedt verzoekers een eenvoudig veld om hun "
+"e-mailadres toe te voegen aan de mailinglijst en zich te abonneren op "
+"toekomstige mailings in de voettekst (of ergens anders op de pagina)."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing/mailing_lists.rst:129
msgid "Here's an example of a :guilabel:`Newsletter` dynamic block."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Hier is een voorbeeld van een dynamisch blok :guilabel:`Nieuwsbrief`."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing/mailing_lists.rst:0
msgid "View of a Newsletter dynamic block on an Odoo Website."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Voorbeeld van een dynamisch blok Nieuwsbrief op een Odoo Website."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing/mailing_lists.rst:135
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing/unsubscriptions.rst:73
msgid ":doc:`/applications/marketing/email_marketing`"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr ":doc:`/applications/marketing/email_marketing`"
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing/unsubscriptions.rst:3
msgid "Manage unsubscriptions (Blacklist)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Afmeldingen beheren (Blacklist)"
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing/unsubscriptions.rst:5
msgid ""
@@ -1091,10 +1498,15 @@ msgid ""
" recipients to unsubscribe from a mailing list establishes a sense of trust "
"with an audience, and helps companies appear genuine (and not spammy)."
msgstr ""
+"Ontvangers de mogelijkheid bieden om zich af te melden van mailinglijsten is"
+" niet alleen een slimme bedrijfspraktijk, maar ook vaak een wettelijke "
+"vereiste. Door ontvangers toe te laten zich af te melden van een "
+"mailinglijst, wordt een gevoel van vertrouwen bij een publiek gewekt en komt"
+" je bedrijf als echt over (en niet als spam)."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing/unsubscriptions.rst:10
msgid "Enable the Blacklist feature"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "De Blacklist functie inschakelen"
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing/unsubscriptions.rst:12
msgid ""
@@ -1103,12 +1515,18 @@ msgid ""
"to :guilabel:`Blacklist Options when Unsubscribing`, and click "
msgstr ""
+"Eerst moet de *Blacklist* functie worden ingeschakeld. Ga hiervoor naar de "
+":menuselection:`E-mailmarketing app --> Configuratie --> Instellingen`, "
+"activeer de functie :guilabel:`Blacklist optie bij afmelden` en klik op "
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing/unsubscriptions.rst-1
msgid ""
"View of the blacklist feature in the Settings page of the Odoo Email "
"Marketing app."
msgstr ""
+"Weergave van de blacklist functie in de instellingenpagina van Odoo's "
+"E-mailmarketing app."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing/unsubscriptions.rst:20
msgid ""
@@ -1116,6 +1534,9 @@ msgid ""
" recipient clicks that link, Odoo reveals a :guilabel:`Unsubscriptions` "
"page, where they can directly manage their subscriptions."
msgstr ""
+"Als deze functie is geactiveerd, verschijnt er een link om *af te melden* in"
+" de mailings. Als een ontvanger op die link klikt, toont Odoo een "
+":guilabel:`Afmeldpagina` waar ze direct hun abonnementen kunnen beheren."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing/unsubscriptions.rst:25
msgid ""
@@ -1123,6 +1544,10 @@ msgid ""
"error page (*error 403 - Access Denied*). To make sure the link is working "
"properly, create the mailing, and only send it to a personal email."
msgstr ""
+"Bij een testmailing verschijnt er bij het klikken op de link "
+":guilabel:`Afmelden` een foutpagina (*fout 403 - Toegang geweigerd*). Om er "
+"zeker van te zijn dat de link goed werkt, maak de mailing en verzend deze "
+"alleen naar een persoonlijk e-mailadres."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing/unsubscriptions.rst:30
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/sms_marketing/essentials/mailing_lists_blacklists.rst:102
@@ -1135,12 +1560,17 @@ msgid ""
"lists, the recipient can also *Blacklist* themselves, meaning they will not "
"receive *any* more emails."
msgstr ""
+"Naast de optie om zich *af te melden* van specifieke mailinglijsten, kan de "
+"ontvanger zichzelf ook op een *blacklist* plaatsen, wat betekent dat hij "
+"*geen* e-mails meer zal ontvangen."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing/unsubscriptions.rst:36
msgid ""
"The mailing list has to be configured as *Public* in order to be visible for"
" users."
msgstr ""
+"De mailinglijst moet worden geconfigureerd als *Openbaar* om zichtbaar te "
+"zijn voor gebruikers."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing/unsubscriptions.rst:38
msgid ""
@@ -1148,20 +1578,30 @@ msgid ""
":menuselection:`Email Marketing app --> Configuration --> Blacklisted Email "
msgstr ""
+"Om alle e-mailadressen op de blacklist te zien, ga naar de "
+":menuselection:`E-mailmarketing app --> Configuratie --> Op de blacklist "
+"geplaatste e-mailadressen`."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing/unsubscriptions.rst-1
msgid "View of the blacklisted email addresses page in Odoo Email Marketing."
msgstr ""
+"Weergave van de pagina Op de blacklist geplaatste e-mailadressen in Odoo "
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing/unsubscriptions.rst:45
msgid ""
"When a blacklisted record is selected from this page, Odoo reveals a "
"separate page with that blacklisted recipient's contact information."
msgstr ""
+"Wanneer een record op blacklist wordt geselecteerd op deze pagina, toont "
+"Odoo een aparte pagina met de contactgegevens van de ontvanger op de "
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing/unsubscriptions.rst-1
msgid "View of a blacklisted contact detail form in Odoo Email Marketing."
msgstr ""
+"Weergave van een op blacklist geplaatst contactformulier in Odoo "
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing/unsubscriptions.rst:52
msgid ""
@@ -1169,10 +1609,13 @@ msgid ""
"informing the user when that recipient blacklisted themselves (via a "
":guilabel:`Mail Blacklist created` log note)."
msgstr ""
+"In de :guilabel:`Chatter` van deze pagina staat een bericht met tijdstempel,"
+" dat de gebruiker informeert wanneer die ontvanger zichzelf op de blacklist "
+"heeft geplaatst (via een lognotitie :guilabel:`Mail Blacklist`)."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing/unsubscriptions.rst:56
msgid "Unblacklist contacts"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Contacten verwijderen uit de blacklist"
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing/unsubscriptions.rst:58
msgid ""
@@ -1180,6 +1623,9 @@ msgid ""
"upper-left corner to remove the contact from the blacklist, allowing them to"
" receive mailings once again."
msgstr ""
+"Om contacten te *verwijderen uit de blacklist*, klik op de knop "
+":guilabel:`Verwijderen uit blacklist` in de linkerbovenhoek om de contact "
+"uit de blacklist te verwijderen, zodat deze opnieuw mailings kan ontvangen."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing/unsubscriptions.rst:61
msgid ""
@@ -1188,18 +1634,26 @@ msgid ""
"field, in which a reason can be entered, explaining why this particular "
"contact was removed from the blacklist."
msgstr ""
+"Als je op :guilabel:`Verwijderen uit blacklist` klikt, verschijnt een pop-"
+"upvenster. In dit pop-upvenster wordt het specifieke e-mailadres weergegeven"
+" en is er een veld :guilabel:`Reden`, waarin een reden kan worden ingevoerd "
+"die verklaart waarom dit specifieke contact uit de blacklist is verwijderd."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing/unsubscriptions.rst-1
msgid ""
"View of the unblacklist pop-up window in the Odoo Email Marketing "
msgstr ""
+"Weergave van het pop-upvenster voor het verwijderen uit de blacklist in "
+"Odoo's E-mailmarketing applicatie."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing/unsubscriptions.rst:69
msgid ""
"After filling in the fields, click :guilabel:`Confirm` to officially remove "
"that particular contact from the blacklist."
msgstr ""
+"Klik na het invullen van de velden op :guilabel:`Bevestigen` om dat contact "
+"officieel uit de blacklist te verwijderen. "
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/events.rst:5
msgid "Events"
@@ -2107,7 +2561,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/marketing_automation.rst:8
msgid "Marketing Automation"
-msgstr "Marketing"
+msgstr "Marketing Automation"
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/marketing_automation.rst:11
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/sms_marketing.rst:11
@@ -2269,12 +2723,12 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/marketing_automation/getting_started.rst:5
msgid "Getting Started"
-msgstr "Aan de slag"
+msgstr "Aan de slag gaan"
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/marketing_automation/getting_started/first_campaign.rst:3
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/surveys/create.rst:13
msgid "Getting started"
-msgstr "Starten"
+msgstr "Aan de slag gaan"
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/marketing_automation/getting_started/first_campaign.rst:5
msgid ""
@@ -2285,10 +2739,16 @@ msgid ""
"the entire campaign, and all of its stages, in one place on a single "
msgstr ""
+"Odoo's *Marketing Automation* app automatiseert verschillende marketingtaken"
+" door specifieke regels en filters te combineren om getimede acties te "
+"genereren. In plaats van handmatig elke fase van een campagne op te bouwen "
+"(zoals een reeks getimede massamails), kunnen marketeers met de *Marketing "
+"Automation* app de hele campagne et alle fases ervan op één plek op één "
+"dashboard opbouwen."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/marketing_automation/getting_started/first_campaign.rst:11
msgid "Create a campaign"
-msgstr "Maak een campagne"
+msgstr "Een campagne maken"
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/marketing_automation/getting_started/first_campaign.rst:13
msgid ""
@@ -2297,22 +2757,30 @@ msgid ""
"button in the upper-left corner. Doing so reveals a blank marketing "
"automation campaign detail form on a separate page."
msgstr ""
+"Om een nieuwe geautomatiseerde marketingcampagne te maken, open de "
+":menuselection:`Marketing Automation` app en klik op de knop "
+":guilabel:`Aanmaken` in de linkerbovenhoek. Hierdoor verschijnt een leeg "
+"detailformulier van een marketing automation campagne in een aparte pagina."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/marketing_automation/getting_started/first_campaign.rst:17
msgid ""
"On the blank marketing automation campaign page, the following smart buttons"
" and fields are available:"
msgstr ""
+"De volgende slimme knoppen en velden zijn beschikbaar op de lege marketing "
+"automation campagnepagina:"
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/marketing_automation/getting_started/first_campaign.rst-1
msgid ""
"A dashboard showing the creation of a new marketing automation campaign in "
msgstr ""
+"Een dashboard die de aanmaak van een nieuwe marketing automation campagne in"
+" Odoo toont."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/marketing_automation/getting_started/first_campaign.rst:24
msgid "**Smart buttons**"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "**Slimme knoppen**"
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/marketing_automation/getting_started/first_campaign.rst:26
msgid ""
@@ -2320,34 +2788,45 @@ msgid ""
"templates being used in this particular campaign. (Templates can always be "
"created on-the-fly, as well)."
msgstr ""
+":guilabel:`Sjablonen`: geeft het aantal vooraf geconfigureerde "
+"e-mailsjablonen weer die worden gebruikt in deze specifieke campagne. "
+"(Sjablonen kunnen ook gaandeweg worden gemaakt)."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/marketing_automation/getting_started/first_campaign.rst:28
msgid ""
":guilabel:`SMS`: represents the number of personalized SMS messages "
"connected to this campaign."
msgstr ""
+":guilabel:`SMS`: geeft het aantal gepersonaliseerde sms'en weer die aan deze"
+" campagne zijn gekoppeld."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/marketing_automation/getting_started/first_campaign.rst:29
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Clicks`: represents the number of times attached links have been "
"clicked by recipients of this campaign."
msgstr ""
+":guilabel:`Kliks`: geeft het aantal keer weer dat bijgevoegde links zijn "
+"aangeklikt door ontvangers van deze campagne."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/marketing_automation/getting_started/first_campaign.rst:31
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Participants`: represents the number of contacts that have "
"directly participated in this campaign."
msgstr ""
+":guilabel:`Deelnemers`: geeft het aantal contacten weer die direct heeft "
+"deelgenomen in deze campagne."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/marketing_automation/getting_started/first_campaign.rst:34
msgid "**Fields**"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "**Velden**"
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/marketing_automation/getting_started/first_campaign.rst:36
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Name`: represents the name of the marketing automation campaign "
"being created."
msgstr ""
+":guilabel:`Naam`: geeft de naam van de marketing automation campagne weer "
+"die wordt gemaakt."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/marketing_automation/getting_started/first_campaign.rst:37
msgid ""
@@ -2355,6 +2834,9 @@ msgid ""
"targeted by this campaign (i.e., by Contacts, Sales Order, Lead/Opportunity,"
" etc.)."
msgstr ""
+":guilabel:`Doel`: dit veld is een vervolgkeuzemenu waarin je kan kiezen op "
+"welk model deze campagne is gericht (bijv. op Contacten, Verkooporder, "
+"Lead/Verkoopkans, enz.)."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/marketing_automation/getting_started/first_campaign.rst:39
msgid ""
@@ -2362,10 +2844,13 @@ msgid ""
"can be used to further narrow down the target recipients/audience for the "
"marketing automation campaign."
msgstr ""
+":guilabel:`Filter`: dit veld biedt een groot aantal configureerbare criteria"
+" die kunnen worden gebruikt om de doelgroep voor de marketing automation "
+"campagne verder te beperken."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/marketing_automation/getting_started/first_campaign.rst:43
msgid "Campaign filters"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Campagnefilters"
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/marketing_automation/getting_started/first_campaign.rst:45
msgid ""
@@ -2374,10 +2859,15 @@ msgid ""
"be configured for Odoo to use when filtering who to include (and exclude) in"
" this specific marketing campaign."
msgstr ""
+"Om een :guilabel:`Filter` toe te voegen aan de doelgroep, klik op "
+":guilabel:`Filter toevoegen`, en een nodeveld verschijnt. In het nodeveld "
+"kan een aangepaste vergelijking worden geconfigureerd die Odoo moet "
+"gebruiken om te filteren wie moet worden opgenomen (en uitgesloten) in deze "
+"specifieke marketingcampagne."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/marketing_automation/getting_started/first_campaign.rst-1
msgid "A filter node in Odoo Marketing Automation."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Een filternode in Odoo Marketing Automation."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/marketing_automation/getting_started/first_campaign.rst:53
msgid ""
@@ -2387,6 +2877,11 @@ msgid ""
"criteria determining which records to include (or exclude) in the execution "
"of the campaign."
msgstr ""
+"Als er op het eerste veld van de node geklikt wordt, verschijnt er een "
+"ingenest vervolgkeuzemenu met opties, waarin specifieke criteria worden "
+"gekozen op basis van de behoeften van de campagne. De overige velden van de "
+"node definiëren verder de criteria die bepalen welke records moeten worden "
+"opgenomen (of uitgesloten) in de uitvoering van de campagne."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/marketing_automation/getting_started/first_campaign.rst:58
msgid ""
@@ -2394,32 +2889,42 @@ msgid ""
"of the filtering rule. To add a branch of multiple nodes at the same time, "
"click the :guilabel:`⋯ (ellipses)` icon."
msgstr ""
+"Om een andere node toe te voegen, klik op het plusteken :guilabel:`➕` rechts"
+" van de filterregel. Om een branch van meerdere nodes tegelijk toe te "
+"voegen, klik op de ellips :guilabel:`⋯`."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/marketing_automation/getting_started/first_campaign.rst:61
msgid ""
"For further information on filters, refer to :doc:`this documentation page "
msgstr ""
+"Raadpleeg :doc:`deze documentatie "
+" voor meer informatie over filters."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/marketing_automation/getting_started/first_campaign.rst:65
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Records` represent the number of contacts in the system that fit "
"the specified criteria for a campaign."
msgstr ""
+":guilabel:`Records` vertegenwoordigen het aantal contacten in het systeem "
+"die voldoen aan de specifieke criteria van een campagne."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/marketing_automation/getting_started/first_campaign.rst:69
msgid ""
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/marketing_automation/getting_started/first_campaign.rst:70
msgid ""
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/marketing_automation/getting_started/target_audience.rst:3
msgid "Target an audience"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Een publiek bereiken"
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/marketing_automation/getting_started/target_audience.rst:5
msgid ""
@@ -2429,10 +2934,15 @@ msgid ""
"be as simple (or as complex) as necessary, to reach the right customers at "
"the right time."
msgstr ""
+"Het is essentieel om marketingcampagnes aan het juiste publiek te leveren om"
+" je bedrijf te doen groeien. Odoo's *Marketing Automation* applicatie helpt "
+"marketeers precies dat te doen door gedetailleerde filtertools te bieden, "
+"die zo eenvoudig (of zo complex) kunnen zijn als nodig is, om de juiste "
+"klanten op het juiste moment te bereiken."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/marketing_automation/getting_started/target_audience.rst:11
msgid "Configure target filters"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Doelfilters configureren"
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/marketing_automation/getting_started/target_audience.rst:13
msgid ""
@@ -2441,10 +2951,15 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`> (arrow)` icon signifies that the particular filter has more "
"refined parameters within it that can be customized."
msgstr ""
+"Bij het configureren van de doelfilters op een marketingcampagne, zijn er "
+"een aantal opties met een icoon :guilabel:`> (pijl)` ernaast. Het icoon "
+":guilabel:`> (pijl)` betekent dat de betreffende filter meer gedetailleerde "
+"parameters heeft die kunnen worden aangepast."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/marketing_automation/getting_started/target_audience.rst-1
msgid "The drop-down filter menu in the Marketing Automation application."
msgstr ""
+"Het vervolgkeuzemenu met filters in de Marketing Automation applicatie."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/marketing_automation/getting_started/target_audience.rst:21
msgid ""
@@ -2454,28 +2969,41 @@ msgid ""
"allowing filters to be grouped with :guilabel:`ANY` or :guilabel:`ALL` "
msgstr ""
+"Filters kunnen worden uitgebreid door *branches* en *nodes* toe te voegen. "
+"Een *node* voegt een andere filterparameter toe aan een groep voorwaardes "
+"(bijv. een nieuwe regel) en een *branch* maakt een meer beperkte cluster van"
+" parameters, waardoor filters kunnen worden gegroepeerd met de verklaringen "
+":guilabel:`EEN VAN DE` of :guilabel:`ALLE`."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/marketing_automation/getting_started/target_audience.rst:26
msgid "Every time a new branch is created, there are two options:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Telkens een nieuwe branch wordt gemaakt, zijn er twee opties:"
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/marketing_automation/getting_started/target_audience.rst:28
msgid ""
"Either the records can match :guilabel:`ALL` criteria for the upcoming rules"
" (creating an AND statement where *all* criteria must match)."
msgstr ""
+"Ofwel komen de records overeen met :guilabel:`ALLE` criteria voor de komende"
+" regels (waardoor een EN functie ontstaat waarbij *alle* criteria overeen "
+"moeten komen)."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/marketing_automation/getting_started/target_audience.rst:30
msgid ""
"Or, the records can match :guilabel:`ANY` criteria for the upcoming rules "
"(creating an OR statement where *only one* of the criteria must match)."
msgstr ""
+"Ofwel komen de records overeen met :guilabel:`EEN VAN DE` criteria voor de "
+"komende regels (waardoor een OF functie ontstaat waarbij *slechts één* van "
+"de criteria overeen moet komen)."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/marketing_automation/getting_started/target_audience.rst:33
msgid ""
"To change between these two options, simply click the drop-down arrow icon "
"in the green box and select :guilabel:`ANY` or :guilabel:`ALL`."
msgstr ""
+"Om tussen deze twee opties te wisselen, klik gewoon op de pijl omlaag in het"
+" groene vak en selecteer :guilabel:`EEN VAN DE` of :guilabel:`ALLE`."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/marketing_automation/getting_started/target_audience.rst:36
msgid ""
@@ -2483,20 +3011,26 @@ msgid ""
"another branch click on the :guilabel:`⋯ (ellipses)` icon. To exclude a node"
" or a branch, click on :guilabel:`✖ (delete)` icon to delete it."
msgstr ""
+"Om een node toe te voegen, klik op het plusteken :guilabel:`➕` en om een "
+"andere branch toe te voegen, klik op de ellips :guilabel:`⋯`. Om een node of"
+" een branch uit te sluiten, klik op :guilabel:`✖ (verwijderen)` om het te "
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/marketing_automation/getting_started/target_audience.rst:45
msgid "Use cases"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Use cases"
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/marketing_automation/getting_started/target_audience.rst:47
msgid ""
"The following scenarios outline different combinations of filters a "
"marketing campaign might commonly use."
msgstr ""
+"Onderstaande scenario's schetsen verschillende combinaties van filters die "
+"een marketingcampagne vaak kan gebruiken."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/marketing_automation/getting_started/target_audience.rst:51
msgid "Scenario #1: Narrow target down to new opportunities in the pipeline"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Scenario #1: Doel beperken tot nieuwe verkoopkansen in de pijplijn"
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/marketing_automation/getting_started/target_audience.rst:53
msgid ""
@@ -2505,6 +3039,10 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Search More` from the drop-down menu. Then, search for "
":guilabel:`Lead/Opportunity`, and select it."
msgstr ""
+"Selecteer in *Bewerkmodus* op een campagnesjabloon (door op de knop "
+":guilabel:`Bewerken` te klikken) het veld :guilabel:`Doel` en klik op "
+":guilabel:`Zoek meer` in de vervolgkeuzelijst. Zoek daarna naar "
+":guilabel:`Lead/Verkoopkans`, en selecteer deze."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/marketing_automation/getting_started/target_audience.rst:57
msgid ""
@@ -2513,12 +3051,19 @@ msgid ""
"the filter equation. Doing so reveals a drop-down menu full of filter "
"options. From this drop-down, scroll down (or search for) :guilabel:`Type`."
msgstr ""
+"Klik vervolgens op :guilabel:`Filter toevoegen` in het veld "
+":guilabel:`Filter`. Klik vervolgens op de standaard filteroptie "
+":guilabel:`ID` in het eerste gedeelte van de filtervergelijking. Hierdoor "
+"verschijnt een vervolgkeuzemenu vol filteropties. Scroll in dit "
+"vervolgkeuzemenu naar beneden (of zoek naar) :guilabel:`Soort`."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/marketing_automation/getting_started/target_audience.rst:62
msgid ""
"Keep the second portion of the filter equation on the default :guilabel:`🟰 "
"(equal sign)` icon."
msgstr ""
+"Houd het tweede gedeelte van de filtervergelijking op het standaard icoon "
+":guilabel:`🟰 (gelijkheidsteken)`."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/marketing_automation/getting_started/target_audience.rst:64
msgid ""
@@ -2527,12 +3072,18 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Records` that fit this specific filter equation changes as the "
"equation is customized."
msgstr ""
+"Wijzig vervolgens het derde (en laatste) gedeelte van de filtervergelijking "
+"van :guilabel:`Lead` naar :guilabel:`Verkoopkans`. Het aantal "
+":guilabel:`Records` dat in deze specifieke filtervergelijking past, "
+"verandert naarmate de vergelijking wordt aangepast."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/marketing_automation/getting_started/target_audience.rst:68
msgid ""
"Add another node to this filter by clicking the :guilabel:`➕ (plus sign)` "
"icon to the right of the equation."
msgstr ""
+"Voeg een andere node toe aan deze filter door op het plusteken :guilabel:`➕`"
+" rechts van de vergelijking te klikken."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/marketing_automation/getting_started/target_audience.rst:71
msgid ""
@@ -2542,12 +3093,20 @@ msgid ""
"the first portion of the second filter equation, and scroll down (or search "
"for) :guilabel:`Stage` from the field drop-down menu."
msgstr ""
+"Aangezien \"nieuwe\" verkoopkansen het doel van deze filter zijn, zal de "
+"tweede node zich *alleen* richten op het vinden van verkoopkansen die zich "
+"in de :guilabel:`Nieuwe` fase van de pijplijn bevinden. Selecteer hiervoor "
+"de standaard optie :guilabel:`ID` in het eerste gedeelte van de tweede "
+"filtervergelijking en scroll naar beneden (of zoek voor) :guilabel:`Fase` in"
+" het vervolgkeuzemenu."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/marketing_automation/getting_started/target_audience.rst:76
msgid ""
"Once again, leave the second portion of the filter equation on :guilabel:`🟰 "
"(equal sign)` icon."
msgstr ""
+"Laat opnieuw het tweede gedeelte van de filtervergelijking op :guilabel:`🟰 "
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/marketing_automation/getting_started/target_audience.rst:78
msgid ""
@@ -2555,17 +3114,23 @@ msgid ""
"second filter equation, and type in `New`. With that in place, Odoo only "
"targets opportunities that are in the \"New\" stage of the pipeline."
msgstr ""
+"Klik ten slotte op de standaardwaarde in het derde (en laatste) gedeelte van"
+" de tweede filtervergelijking en typ `Nieuw`. Odoo richt zich hierdoor op de"
+" verkoopkansen die zich in de fase \"Nieuw\" van de pijplijn bevinden."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/marketing_automation/getting_started/target_audience.rst-1
msgid ""
"A standard scenario using filters in the Odoo Marketing Automation app."
msgstr ""
+"Een standaardscenario met filters in Odoo's Marketing Automation applicatie."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/marketing_automation/getting_started/target_audience.rst:87
msgid ""
"Scenario #2: Narrow down target to event attendees who purchased a specific "
msgstr ""
+"Scenario #2: Doel beperken tot evenementbezoekers die een bepaald ticket "
+"hebben gekocht"
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/marketing_automation/getting_started/target_audience.rst:89
msgid ""
@@ -2574,6 +3139,10 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Search More` from the drop-down menu. Then, scroll down (or "
"search for) :guilabel:`Event`, and select it."
msgstr ""
+"Selecteer in *Bewerkmodus* op een campagnesjabloon (door op de knop "
+":guilabel:`Bewerken` te klikken) het veld :guilabel:`Doel` en klik op "
+":guilabel:`Zoek meer` in het vervolgkeuzemenu. Scroll daarna naar beneden "
+"(of zoek naar) :guilabel:`Evenement`, en selecteer het."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/marketing_automation/getting_started/target_audience.rst:93
msgid ""
@@ -2582,6 +3151,11 @@ msgid ""
" equation. Doing so reveals a drop-down menu full of filter options. From "
"this drop-down, scroll down (or search for) :guilabel:`Event`."
msgstr ""
+"Klik vervolgens op :guilabel:`Filter toevoegen` in het veld "
+":guilabel:`Filter`. Klik op de standaard filteroptie :guilabel:`ID` in het "
+"eerste gedeelte van de filtervergelijking. Hierdoor verschijnt een "
+"vervolgkeuzelijst met filteropties. Scroll in deze vervolgkeuzelijst naar "
+"beneden (of zoek naar) :guilabel:`Evenement`."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/marketing_automation/getting_started/target_audience.rst:98
msgid ""
@@ -2589,18 +3163,26 @@ msgid ""
"the filter equation. This reveals a drop-down menu. From this drop-down "
"menu, select :guilabel:`contains`."
msgstr ""
+"Klik op het standaard icoontje :guilabel:`🟰 (gelijkheidsteken)` in het "
+"tweede gedeelte van de filtervergelijking. Hierdoor verschijnt een "
+"vervolgkeuzelijst. Selecteer :guilabel:`bevat` in dit vervolgkeuzemenu."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/marketing_automation/getting_started/target_audience.rst:101
msgid ""
"In the third (and final) empty portion of the filter equation, type in the "
"name of the event(s) that Odoo should consider for this campaign filter."
msgstr ""
+"In het derde (en laatste) lege gedeelte van de filtervergelijking, typ de "
+"naam van het evenement waarmee Odoo moet rekening houden voor deze "
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/marketing_automation/getting_started/target_audience.rst:104
msgid ""
"Then, add another node to this filter by clicking the :guilabel:`➕ (plus "
"sign)` icon to the right of the equation."
msgstr ""
+"Voeg vervolgens een andere node toe aan deze filter door op het plusteken "
+":guilabel:`➕` rechts van de vergelijking te klikken."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/marketing_automation/getting_started/target_audience.rst:107
msgid ""
@@ -2608,6 +3190,9 @@ msgid ""
"purchase a specific type of ticket to the aforementioned event(s) mentioned "
"in the first filter equation."
msgstr ""
+"De tweede node focust zich op het richten van deze campagne tot deelnemers "
+"die een bepaald soort ticket kopen voor het eerder genoemd evenement dat "
+"wordt genoemd in de eerste filtervergelijking."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/marketing_automation/getting_started/target_audience.rst:110
msgid ""
@@ -2616,12 +3201,19 @@ msgid ""
"Ticket` from the field drop-down menu. Then, in that same drop-down menu, "
"select :guilabel:`Name`."
msgstr ""
+"Selecteer hiervoor de standaard optie :guilabel:`ID` in het eerste gedeelte "
+"van de tweede filtervergelijking en scroll naar beneden (of zoek voor) "
+":guilabel:`Evenementticket` in de vervolgkeuzelijst. Selecteer vervolgens in"
+" hetzelfde vervolgkeuzemenu :guilabel:`Naam`."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/marketing_automation/getting_started/target_audience.rst:114
msgid ""
"Once again, click the default :guilabel:`🟰 (equal sign)` icon in the second "
"portion of the filter equation, and select :guilabel:`contains`."
msgstr ""
+"Klik nogmaals op het standaard icoontje :guilabel:`🟰 (gelijkheidsteken)` in "
+"het tweede gedeelte van de filtervergelijking en selecteer "
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/marketing_automation/getting_started/target_audience.rst:117
msgid ""
@@ -2630,10 +3222,14 @@ msgid ""
"the filter. In this case, :guilabel:`Standard` is the name of the event "
"ticket type for this sample filter."
msgstr ""
+"Typ ten slotte in het derde (en laatste) gedeelte van de tweede "
+"filtervergelijking, die leeg is, de naam van het soort ticket dat moet "
+"worden gebruikt voor de filter. In dit geval is :guilabel:`Standaard` de "
+"naam van het soort evenementticket voor deze voorbeeldfilter."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/marketing_automation/getting_started/target_audience.rst-1
msgid "An event ticket filter in the Odoo Marketing Automation application."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Een evenementtiketfilter in Odoo's Marketing Automation applicatie."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/marketing_automation/getting_started/testing_running.rst:3
msgid "Testing/running campaigns"
diff --git a/locale/nl/LC_MESSAGES/productivity.po b/locale/nl/LC_MESSAGES/productivity.po
index 3fab2dbca..39716c499 100644
--- a/locale/nl/LC_MESSAGES/productivity.po
+++ b/locale/nl/LC_MESSAGES/productivity.po
@@ -918,7 +918,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/discuss/overview/get_started.rst:98
msgid ":doc:`/applications/general/email_communication/email_servers`"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr ":doc:`/applications/general/email_communication/email_servers`"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/discuss/overview/plan_activities.rst:3
msgid "Get Organized by Planning Activities"
diff --git a/locale/nl/LC_MESSAGES/services.po b/locale/nl/LC_MESSAGES/services.po
index 12d0721ba..a3f8704a8 100644
--- a/locale/nl/LC_MESSAGES/services.po
+++ b/locale/nl/LC_MESSAGES/services.po
@@ -314,10 +314,14 @@ msgid ""
"generate coupons, and/or schedule repair and field service interventions "
"directly from a ticket."
msgstr ""
+"Het is mogelijk een *dienst na verkoop* te configureren voor individuele "
+"*teams* in de *Helpdesk* applicatie. Gebruikers kunnen dan terugbetalingen "
+"doen, retouren verwerken, kortingsbonnen genereren en/of reparaties en "
+"buitendienstinterventies plannen vanuit een ticket."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/after_sales.rst:10
msgid "Set up the after-sales services"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Dienst na verkoop instellen"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/after_sales.rst:12
msgid ""
@@ -327,41 +331,58 @@ msgid ""
" the :guilabel:`After-Sales` section on the team's settings page, and choose"
" which of the following options to enable:"
msgstr ""
+"Schakel eerst de dienst na verkoop in op specifieke *Helpdeskteams* via "
+":menuselection:`Helpdesk --> Configuratie --> Teams` en selecteer op welke "
+"teams deze diensten moeten actief zijn. Scroll dan naar de sectie "
+":guilabel:`Dienst na verkoop` op de instellingenpagina van een team en "
+"selecteer de opties die je wilt inschakelen:"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/after_sales.rst:17
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Refunds`: issues credit notes to refund a customer, or adjust the"
" remaining amount due"
msgstr ""
+":guilabel:`Terugbetalingen`: geeft creditfacturen uit om een klant terug te "
+"betalen of het resterende verschuldigde bedrag aan te passen"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/after_sales.rst:18
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Coupons`: offers discounts and free products through an existing "
"coupon program"
msgstr ""
+":guilabel:`Kortingsbonnen`: biedt kortingen en gratis producten aan via een "
+"bestaand kortingsbonprogramma"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/after_sales.rst:19
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Returns`: initiates a product return from a customer through a "
"reverse transfer"
msgstr ""
+":guilabel:`Retouren`: initieert een productretour van een klant via een "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/after_sales.rst:20
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Repairs`: creates repair orders for broken or faulty products"
msgstr ""
+":guilabel:`Reparaties`: maakt reparatieorders aan voor kapotte of defecte "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/after_sales.rst:21
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Field Service`: plans onsite intervention through the *Field "
"Service* application"
msgstr ""
+":guilabel:`Buitendienst`: plant interventies op locatie via de "
+"*Buitendienst* applicatie"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/after_sales.rst:26
msgid ""
"The services that are enabled can vary based on the type of support a team "
msgstr ""
+"De diensten die zijn ingeschakeld kunnen variëren op basis van het soort "
+"ondersteuning dat een team biedt."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/after_sales.rst:29
msgid ""
@@ -372,10 +393,16 @@ msgid ""
" paid subscription has not been added to the database, it will no longer be "
msgstr ""
+"Aangezien de dienst na verkoop in Odoo een integratie met andere applicaties"
+" vereist, kan het inschakelen van deze opties de installatie van extra "
+"modules of applicaties vereisen. *Het installeren van een nieuwe applicatie "
+"op een Een App Gratis database start een proefperiode van 15 dagen. Aan het "
+"einde van de proefperiode is de database niet meer toegankelijk als er geen "
+"betaald abonnement is toegevoegd.*"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/after_sales.rst:35
msgid "Issue a refund with a credit note"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Een terugbetaling uitgeven met een creditfactuur"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/after_sales.rst:37
msgid ""
@@ -385,10 +412,18 @@ msgid ""
" are usually created through the *Accounting* or *Invoicing* applications, "
"they can be created through a *Helpdesk* ticket, as well."
msgstr ""
+"Een *creditfactuur* is een document dat aan een klant wordt verstrekt om hem"
+" te informeren dat een bepaald bedrag is gecrediteerd. Deze wordt ook "
+"gebruikt om een klant volledig terug te betalen of om het resterende "
+"verschuldigd bedrag aan te passen. Hoewel creditfacturen meestal worden "
+"aangemaakt via de *Boekhouding* of *Facturatie* applicaties, kunnen ze ook "
+"worden aangemaakt via een *Helpdeskticket*."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/after_sales.rst:43
msgid "Invoices must be posted before a credit note can be generated."
msgstr ""
+"Facturen moeten geboekt zijn voordat een creditfactuur kan worden "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/after_sales.rst:45
msgid ""
@@ -398,20 +433,27 @@ msgid ""
"corresponding invoice from the :guilabel:`Invoices to Refund` drop-down "
msgstr ""
+"Om een creditfactuur te maken, ga naar een ticket in de "
+":menuselection:`Helpdesk` applicatie en klik op de knop "
+":guilabel:`Terugbetaling` in de linkerbovenhoek van het ticketdashboard. "
+"Selecteer vervolgens de bijbehorende factuur in het vervolgkeuzemenu "
+":guilabel:`Facturen te crediteren`."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/after_sales.rst-1
msgid "View of a refund creation page."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Weergave van een pagina voor het aanmaken van een terugbetaling."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/after_sales.rst:53
msgid "Choose a :guilabel:`Credit Method` from one of the following options:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Kies een :guilabel:`Creditmethode` uit één van de volgende opties:"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/after_sales.rst:55
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Partial Refund`: the credit note is created in draft and can be "
"edited before being issued"
msgstr ""
+":guilabel:`Gedeeltelijk crediteren`: de creditfactuur wordt in concept "
+"gemaakt en kan worden bewerkt voordat deze wordt uitgegeven"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/after_sales.rst:57
msgid ""
@@ -419,6 +461,9 @@ msgid ""
"with the invoice. *This is the option to choose if a validated invoice needs"
" to be canceled*"
msgstr ""
+":guilabel:`Volledig crediteren`: de creditfactuur is automatisch gevalideerd"
+" en afgeletterd met de factuur. *Deze optie wordt gekozen als een "
+"gevalideerde factuur moet worden geannuleerd*"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/after_sales.rst:59
msgid ""
@@ -427,36 +472,50 @@ msgid ""
"duplicated as a new draft. *This is the option to choose if a validated "
"invoice needs to be modified*"
msgstr ""
+":guilabel:`Volledig crediteren en nieuwe conceptfactuur`: de creditfactuur "
+"wordt automatisch gevalideerd en afgeletterd met de factuur. De "
+"oorsponkelijke factuur wordt gedupliceerd als een nieuw concept. *Deze optie"
+" wordt gekozen als een gevalideerde factuur moet worden gewijzigd* "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/after_sales.rst:64
msgid ""
"The :guilabel:`Credit Method` options will **not** be available for invoices"
" that have already been paid."
msgstr ""
+"De :guilabel:`Creditmethode` opties zijn **niet** beschikbaar voor facturen "
+"die reeds betaald zijn."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/after_sales.rst:67
msgid ""
"Make any necessary changes to the details of the credit note and click "
":guilabel:`Reverse.` Then click :guilabel:`Confirm` to post the credit note."
msgstr ""
+"Breng de nodige wijzigingen aan in de details van de creditfactuur en klik "
+"op :guilabel:`Terugboeken.` Klik vervolgens op :guilabel:`Bevestigen` om de "
+"creditfactuur te boeken."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/after_sales.rst:70
msgid ""
"Once the credit note has been posted, a :guilabel:`Credit Notes` smart "
"button will be added to the *Helpdesk* ticket."
msgstr ""
+"Zodra de creditfactuur is geboekt, wordt een slimme knop "
+":guilabel:`Creditfacturen` toegevoegd aan het *Helpdeskticket*."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/after_sales.rst-1
msgid "View of smart buttons on a ticket focusing on the credit note button."
msgstr ""
+"Weergave van slimme knoppen op een ticket met de nadruk op de knop "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/after_sales.rst:78
msgid ":doc:`/applications/finance/accounting/customer_invoices/credit_notes`"
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/after_sales.rst:81
msgid "Generate coupons from a ticket"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Kortingsbonnen genereren vanuit een ticket"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/after_sales.rst:83
msgid ""
@@ -464,12 +523,18 @@ msgid ""
"constraints of a coupon are defined by conditional rules. *Coupon Programs* "
"are configured in the *Sales* or *Website* applications."
msgstr ""
+"Kortingsbonnen kunnen worden gebruikt om de prijs van producten of orders "
+"aan te passen. De gebruiksbeperkingen van een kortingsbon worden bepaald "
+"door voorwaardelijke regels. *Kortingsbonprogramma's* worden geconfigureerd "
+"in de *Verkoop* of *Website* applicaties."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/after_sales.rst:88
msgid ""
"The *eCommerce* module must be installed in order to create coupon codes "
"from the *Website*."
msgstr ""
+"De *E-commerce* module moet geïnstalleerd zijn om kortingscodes te maken "
+"vanuit de *Website*."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/after_sales.rst:90
msgid ""
@@ -478,10 +543,14 @@ msgid ""
"the :guilabel:`Coupon Program` drop-down menu, then click "
msgstr ""
+"Om een kortingsbon te genereren, open een *Helpdeskticket* en klik op de "
+"knop :guilabel:`Kortingsbon` in de linkerbovenhoek. Selecteer een optie uit "
+"het vervolgkeuzemenu :guilabel:`Kortingsbonprogramma` en klik op "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/after_sales.rst-1
msgid "View of a coupon generation window."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Weergave van een venster om een kortingsbon te genereren."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/after_sales.rst:98
msgid ""
@@ -489,6 +558,9 @@ msgid ""
"(by clicking the :guilabel:`Copy` button), or sent in an email by clicking "
msgstr ""
+"De :guilabel:`Kortingscode` kan rechtstreeks worden gekopieerd uit het pop-"
+"upvenster (door op de knop :guilabel:`Kopiëren` te klikken) of worden "
+"verzonden per e-mail door op :guilabel:`Verzenden` te klikken."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/after_sales.rst:102
msgid ""
@@ -497,10 +569,14 @@ msgid ""
"as well, in the :guilabel:`Recipients` field of the :guilabel:`Compose "
"Email` pop-up window."
msgstr ""
+"Bij het e-mailen van een kortingscode, worden alle volgers van het ticket "
+"toegevoegd als ontvangers van de e-mail. Je kan ook extra ontvangers "
+"toevoegen aan de e-mail in het veld :guilabel:`Ontvangers` van het pop-"
+"upvenster :guilabel:`E-mail opstellen`."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/after_sales.rst:0
msgid "View of an email draft window with coupon code."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Weergave van een venster van een concept e-mail met kortingscode."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/after_sales.rst:110
msgid ""
@@ -508,22 +584,28 @@ msgid ""
"smart button will be added to the top of the ticket; click the smart button "
"to view the coupon code, expiration date, and additional information."
msgstr ""
+"Zodra een :guilabel:`Kortingscode` is gegenereerd, wordt een slimme knop "
+":guilabel:`Kortingsbonnen` toegevoegd bovenaan het ticket; klik op de slimme"
+" knop om de kortingscode, de vervaldatum en aanvullende informatie te "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/after_sales.rst-1
msgid "View of the smart buttons on a ticket focusing on the coupon button."
msgstr ""
+"Weergave van de slimme knoppen op een ticket met de nadruk op de "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/after_sales.rst:119
msgid ""
"`Coupons `_"
msgstr ""
-"`Coupons `_"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/after_sales.rst:122
msgid "Facilitate a product return with a reverse transfer"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Een productretour vergemakkelijken met een retourzending"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/after_sales.rst:124
msgid ""
@@ -532,26 +614,34 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Return` button in the top-left corner of a ticket to open the "
":guilabel:`Reverse Transfer` pop-up window."
msgstr ""
+"Retouren worden afgehandeld via *retourzendingen* die nieuwe "
+"magazijnbewerkingen genereren voor de producten die worden geretourneerd. "
+"Klik op de knop :guilabel:`Retour` in de linkerbovenhoek van een ticket om "
+"het pop-upvenster :guilabel:`Retourzending` te openen."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/after_sales.rst-1
msgid "View of a Helpdesk ticket with the return button highlighted."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Weergave van een Helpdeskticket met de nadruk op de knop retour."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/after_sales.rst:133
msgid ""
"The :guilabel:`Return` button only appears on a ticket if the customer has a"
" recorded delivery in the database."
msgstr ""
+"De knop :guilabel:`Retour` verschijnt enkel op een ticket als de klant een "
+"geregistreerde levering heeft in de database."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/after_sales.rst:136
msgid ""
"By default, the quantity will match the validated quantity from the delivery"
" order. Update the :guilabel:`Quantity` field if necessary."
msgstr ""
+"Standaard komt de hoeveelheid overeen met de gevalideerde hoeveelheid van de"
+" leveringsbon. Werk indien nodig het veld :guilabel:`Hoeveelheid` bij. "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/after_sales.rst-1
msgid "View of a reverse transfer creation page."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Weergave van een pagina voor het aanmaken van een retourzending."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/after_sales.rst:143
msgid ""
@@ -559,18 +649,21 @@ msgid ""
"warehouse operation for the incoming returned product(s). A "
":guilabel:`Return` smart button will then be added to the top of the ticket."
msgstr ""
+"Klik op :guilabel:`Retour` om de retourzending te bevestigen. Dit genereert "
+"een nieuwe magazijnbewerking voor de inkomende geretourneerde producten. Een"
+" slimme knop :guilabel:`Retour` wordt toegevoegd bovenaan het ticket."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/after_sales.rst-1
msgid "View of the return smart button on a helpdesk ticket."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Weergave van de slimme knop Retour op een Helpdeskticket."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/after_sales.rst:152
msgid ":doc:`/applications/sales/sales/products_prices/returns`"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr ":doc:`/applications/sales/sales/products_prices/returns`"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/after_sales.rst:155
msgid "Send products for repair from a ticket"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Producten verzenden voor reparatie vanuit een ticket"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/after_sales.rst:157
msgid ""
@@ -578,22 +671,30 @@ msgid ""
"repair order can be created from the *Helpdesk* ticket, and managed through "
"the *Repairs* application."
msgstr ""
+"Als het ticket betrekking heeft op een probleem met een defect of kapot "
+"product, kan een reparatieorder worden aangemaakt vanuit het "
+"*Helpdeskticket* en beheerd vanuit de *Reparaties* applicatie."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/after_sales.rst:160
msgid ""
"To create a new repair order, open a :menuselection:`Helpdesk` ticket and "
"click on the :guilabel:`Repair` button in the upper left corner."
msgstr ""
+"Om een nieuwe reparatieorder te maken, open een "
+":menuselection:`Helpdeskticket` en klik op de knop :guilabel:`Reparatie` in "
+"de linkerbovenhoek."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/after_sales.rst:163
msgid ""
"Clicking the :guilabel:`Repair` button opens a blank :guilabel:`Repair "
"Reference` form."
msgstr ""
+"Als je op de knop :guilabel:`Reparatie` klikt, wordt een "
+":guilabel:`Reparatiereferentie` formulier geopend."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/after_sales.rst-1
msgid "View of a repair reference page."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Weergave van een reparatiereferentiepagina."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/after_sales.rst:170
msgid ""
@@ -601,6 +702,10 @@ msgid ""
"it will be added to the :guilabel:`Product to Repair` field automatically. "
"If not, click into the field to select a product from the drop down."
msgstr ""
+"Als er een product is opgegeven in het veld :guilabel:`Product` op het "
+"ticket, wordt dit automatisch toegevoegd aan het veld :guilabel:`Te "
+"repareren product`. Zo niet, klik dan in het veld om een product te "
+"selecteren uit de vervolgkeuzelijst."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/after_sales.rst:174
msgid ""
@@ -610,6 +715,12 @@ msgid ""
"repaired from. If a return has been initiated for the product, select the "
"reference number from the drop-down in the :guilabel:`Return` field."
msgstr ""
+"Voer in het veld :guilabel:`Reparatiebeschrijving` een korte uitleg in van "
+"het probleem. Klik op het veld :guilabel:`Verkooporder` en selecteer de "
+"oorspronkelijke verkooporder waarvan het product afkomstig is en die "
+"gerepareerd moet worden. Als een retourzending is gestart voor het product, "
+"selecteer het referentienummer uit de vervolgkeuzelijst in het veld "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/after_sales.rst:179
msgid ""
@@ -618,6 +729,11 @@ msgid ""
" before or after the work is completed. Selecting :guilabel:`No Invoice` "
"means that an invoice cannot be generated for this service."
msgstr ""
+"Kies een :guilabel:`Facturatiemethode` uit de vervolgkeuzelijst. Selecteer "
+":guilabel:`Voor reparatie` of :guilabel:`Na reparatie` om een factuur te "
+"maken voordat of nadat het werk voltooid is. Het selecteren van "
+":guilabel:`Geen factuur` betekent dat er geen factuur gegenereerd wordt voor"
+" deze dienst."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/after_sales.rst:183
msgid ""
@@ -629,16 +745,26 @@ msgid ""
"automatically added to the PDF of the quotations generated from this "
":guilabel:`Repair Reference`."
msgstr ""
+"Als er onderdelen nodig zijn voor de reparatie, kunnen ze worden toegevoegd "
+"in het tabblad :guilabel:`Onderdelen`. Diensten kunnen worden toegevoegd als"
+" productregels in het tabblad :guilabel:`Bewerkingen`. Aanvullende "
+"informatie voor het interne reparatieteam kan worden toegevoegd in het "
+"tabblad :guilabel:`Reparatieopmerkingen`. Informatie voor de klant kan "
+"worden toegevoegd aan het tabblad :guilabel:`Offertenotities` en wordt "
+"automatisch toegevoegd aan de PDF van de offertes die gegenereerd worden op "
+"basis van deze :guilabel:`Reparatiereferentie`."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/after_sales.rst:189
msgid ""
"A :guilabel:`Repairs` smart button will be added to the ticket, linking to "
"the repair order."
msgstr ""
+"Een slimme knop :guilabel:`Reparaties` wordt toegevoegd aan het ticket, met "
+"een link naar de reparatieorder."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/after_sales.rst-1
msgid "View of smart buttons focusing on repair button."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Weergave van een slimme knop met de nadruk op de knop Reparaties."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/after_sales.rst:196
msgid ""
@@ -647,10 +773,15 @@ msgid ""
"from a link in the :guilabel:`Chatter`, even if they do not have access "
"rights to the *Repair* application."
msgstr ""
+"Zodra een gebruiker een reparatieorder maakt vanuit een *Helpdeskticket*, "
+"heeft hij toegang tot de reparatieorder via de slimme knop "
+":guilabel:`Reparatie` op het ticket of via een link in de "
+":guilabel:`Chatter`, zelfs als hij geen toegangsrechten heeft tot de "
+"*Reparatie* applicatie."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/after_sales.rst:201
msgid "Create a field service task from a ticket"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Een buitendienst taak maken vanuit een ticket"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/after_sales.rst:203
msgid ""
@@ -659,6 +790,10 @@ msgid ""
"` will be able to track the progress of "
"a :guilabel:`Field Service` task just as they would a *Helpdesk* ticket."
msgstr ""
+"Interventies op locatie kunnen gepland worden vanuit een ticket en beheerd "
+"via de *Buitendienst* applicatie. Klanten met :doc:`portaaltoegang "
+"` kunnen de voortgang van een "
+":guilabel:`Buitendienst` taak volgen, net zoals bij een *Helpdeskticket*."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/after_sales.rst:207
msgid ""
@@ -666,6 +801,10 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Create Task` to open the :guilabel:`Create a Field Service task` "
"pop-up. Confirm or update the task :guilabel:`Title`."
msgstr ""
+"Om een nieuwe taak te maken, ga naar een :menuselection:`Helpdeskticket`. "
+"Klik op :guilabel:`Taak aanmaken` om het pop-upvenster :guilabel:`Maak een "
+"buitendienst taak` te openen. Bevestig of werk de :guilabel:`Titel` van de "
+"taak bij."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/after_sales.rst:212
msgid ""
@@ -674,6 +813,11 @@ msgid ""
" on the team's settings page. To change the project for this specific task, "
"select one from the :guilabel:`Project` field."
msgstr ""
+"Het veld :guilabel:`Project` in het pop-upvenster :guilabel:`Maak een "
+"buitendienst taak` is standaard ingesteld op hetzelfde *Buitendienst* "
+"project dat is geïdentificeerd op de instellingenpagina van het team. Om het"
+" project voor deze specifieke taak te wijzigen, selecteer er een in het veld"
+" :guilabel:`Project`."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/after_sales.rst:216
msgid ""
@@ -682,34 +826,45 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Team`. Scroll to the :guilabel:`After-Sales` section and choose "
"new project under :guilabel:`Field Service`."
msgstr ""
+"Om het standaard *Buitendienst* project voor het team te wijzigen, ga naar "
+":menuselection:`Helpdesk --> Configuratie --> Teams` om een :guilabel:`Team`"
+" te selecteren. Scroll naar de sectie :guilabel:`Dienst na verkoop` en kies "
+"een nieuw project onder :guilabel:`Buitendienst`."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/after_sales.rst:220
msgid "Click :guilabel:`Create Task` or :guilabel:`Create & View Task`."
msgstr ""
+"Klik op :guilabel:`Taak aanmaken` of :guilabel:`Taak aanmaken & bekijken`."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/after_sales.rst-1
msgid "View of a Field Service task creation page."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Weergave van een pagina om een buitendienst taak aan te maken."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/after_sales.rst:226
msgid ""
"After the task is created, a :guilabel:`Tasks` smart button will be added to"
" the ticket, linking the :guilabel:`Field Service` task to the ticket."
msgstr ""
+"Nadat de taak is aangemaakt, wordt een slimme knop :guilabel:`Taken` "
+"toegevoegd aan het ticket, waarmee de :guilabel:`Buitendienst` taak "
+"gekoppeld wordt aan het ticket."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/after_sales.rst-1
msgid "View of ticket smart buttons focused on task."
msgstr ""
+"Weergave van de slimme knoppen van een ticket met de nadruk op een taak."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/after_sales.rst:234
msgid ""
"`Field Service `_"
msgstr ""
+"`Buitendienst `_"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/close_tickets.rst:3
msgid "Closing tickets"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Tickets sluiten"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/close_tickets.rst:5
msgid ""
@@ -721,10 +876,17 @@ msgid ""
"This results in increased operational capacity for support teams, and higher"
" customer satisfaction."
msgstr ""
+"Zodra het werk aan het *Helpdeskticket* is voltooid in Odoo, kan het op "
+"verschillende manieren worden gesloten. Het handmatig sluiten van tickets "
+"houdt de pijplijn up-to-date, terwijl het automatisch sluiten van inactieve "
+"tickets onnodige blokkades voorkomt. Als klanten hun eigen tickets kunnen "
+"sluiten, is er minder verwarring over het feit dat de vraag of het probleem "
+"al dan niet opgelost is. Dit resulteert in meer operationele capaciteit voor"
+" ondersteuningsteams en een hogere klanttevredenheid."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/close_tickets.rst:12
msgid "Manually close solved tickets"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Opgeloste tickets handmatig sluiten"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/close_tickets.rst:14
msgid ""
@@ -732,6 +894,10 @@ msgid ""
"pipeline. Once the issue is solved, the ticket is moved to a *folded* stage."
" This marks the ticket as *closed*."
msgstr ""
+"Naarmate het werk aan een ticket vordert, wordt het verplaatst naar de "
+"volgende fase in de pijplijn. Zodra het probleem is opgelost, wordt het "
+"ticket verplaatst naar een *gevouwen* fase. Dit markeert het ticket als "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/close_tickets.rst:17
msgid ""
@@ -740,12 +906,18 @@ msgid ""
" click the gear icon that appears in the top-right corner of that stage's "
"kanban column."
msgstr ""
+"Om een fase te vouwen, ga naar het :menuselection:`Helpdesk` dashboard en "
+"klik op een team op de pijplijn te openen. Beweeg de muis over de koptekst "
+"van een fase en klik op het tandwielicoontje dat rechtsboven in de "
+"kanbankolom van die fase verschijnt."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/close_tickets.rst-1
msgid ""
"View of stage on Helpdesk pipeline with emphasis on gear icon and edit stage"
" option."
msgstr ""
+"Weergave van een fase op de Helpdeskpijplijn met de nadruk op het "
+"tandwielicoontje en de optie om een fase te bewerken."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/close_tickets.rst:26
msgid ""
@@ -755,6 +927,12 @@ msgid ""
"permanently fold the stage. If a stage needs to be folded so the tickets can"
" be marked as closed, continue following the steps below."
msgstr ""
+"Als je op het tandwielicoontje klikt, wordt ook de optie om de fase te "
+":guilabel:`vouwen` weergegeven. Met deze instelling wordt de fase "
+"*tijdelijk* gevouwen om de kanbanweergave te vereenvoudigen. De tickets in "
+"deze fase worden *niet* gesloten. De fase wordt ook niet permanent gevouwen."
+" Als een fase moet worden gevouwen zodat de tickets als gesloten kunnen "
+"worden gemarkeerd, volg dan onderstaande stappen."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/close_tickets.rst:31
msgid ""
@@ -764,20 +942,27 @@ msgid ""
"the changes. Now, tickets that reach this stage will be considered as "
msgstr ""
+"Selecteer :guilabel:`Fase bewerken` in het menu dat verschijnt. Dit opent de"
+" instellingen van de fase. Vink het vakje :guilabel:`Gevouwen in Kanban` "
+"bovenaan het venster aan en klik op :guilabel:`Opslaan & Sluiten` om de "
+"wijzigingen te bevestigen. Tickets die deze fase bereiken zullen nu als "
+"*gesloten* worden beschouwd."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/close_tickets.rst:0
msgid "Stage settings page."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Instellingenpagina van een fase."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/close_tickets.rst:41
msgid "Automatically close inactive tickets"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Inactieve tickets automatisch sluiten"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/close_tickets.rst:43
msgid ""
"Tickets that are inactive for a set period of time can be automatically "
"closed. At that point, they will be moved to a folded stage."
msgstr ""
+"Tickets die gedurende een bepaalde periode inactief zijn kunnen automatisch "
+"worden gesloten. Op dat moment worden ze verplaatst naar een gevouwen fase."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/close_tickets.rst:46
msgid ""
@@ -785,6 +970,9 @@ msgid ""
"Configuration --> Teams`. Under the :guilabel:`Self-Service` section, enable"
" :guilabel:`Automatic Closing`."
msgstr ""
+"Ga naar de instellingenpagina van het team via :menuselection:`Helpdesk --> "
+"Configuratie --> Teams`. Activeer :guilabel:`Automatische sluiting` in de "
+"sectie :guilabel:`Self-Service`."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/close_tickets.rst:49
msgid ""
@@ -794,12 +982,20 @@ msgid ""
" will be the default. If no stage is folded, the default selection will be "
"the last stage in the pipeline."
msgstr ""
+"Als één van de fases van het team is ingesteld om gevouwen te zijn in de "
+"kanbanweergave, wordt dit de standaardselectie in het veld "
+":guilabel:`Verplaats naar fase`. Als het team meer dan één gevouwen fase "
+"heeft, is de fase die als eerste in de pijplijn voorkomt de "
+"standaardselectie. Als er geen fase is gevouwen, is de standaardselectie de "
+"laatste fase in de pijplijn."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/close_tickets.rst:54
msgid ""
"The :guilabel:`After days of inactivity` field defaults to `7`, but can be "
"adjusted if necessary."
msgstr ""
+"Het veld :guilabel:`Na dagen inactiviteit` is standaard ingesteld op `7`, "
+"maar kan worden aangepast indien nodig."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/close_tickets.rst:57
msgid ""
@@ -807,32 +1003,38 @@ msgid ""
" calendar into account when tracking the amount of time a ticket has been "
msgstr ""
+"Het veld :guilabel:`Na dagen inactiviteit` houdt **geen** rekening met de "
+"werkkalender bij het bijhouden van de tijd dat een ticket inactief is "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/close_tickets.rst:60
msgid ""
"If only certain stages should be used to track days of inactivity, they can "
"be added to the :guilabel:`In Stages` field."
msgstr ""
+"Als alleen bepaalde fases moeten worden gebruikt om het aantal dagen "
+"inactiviteit bij te houden, kunnen ze worden toegevoegd aan het veld "
+":guilabel:`In fases`."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/close_tickets.rst:64
msgid "A team's pipeline is created with the following stages:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "De pijplijn van een team bevat standaard de volgende fases:"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/close_tickets.rst:66
msgid "`New`"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "`Nieuw`"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/close_tickets.rst:67
msgid "`In Progress`"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "`In behandeling`"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/close_tickets.rst:68
msgid "`Customer Feedback`"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "`Klantfeedback`"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/close_tickets.rst:69
msgid "`Closed`"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "`Gesloten`"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/close_tickets.rst:71
msgid ""
@@ -843,36 +1045,44 @@ msgid ""
"to assignment or workload issues. Closing these tickets automatically would "
"result in issues going unsolved."
msgstr ""
+"Tickets kunnen blijven hangen in de fase :guilabel:`Klantfeedback`, omdat "
+"klanten misschien niet meteen reageren als een probleem is opgelost. Op dat "
+"moment kunnen de tickets automatisch gesloten worden. Tickets in de fases "
+":guilabel:`Nieuw` en :guilabel:`In behandeling` kunnen echter inactief "
+"blijven door toewijzings- of werklastproblemen. Het automatisch sluiten van "
+"deze tickets zou ertoe leiden dat problemen onopgelost blijven."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/close_tickets.rst:77
msgid ""
"Therefore, the :guilabel:`Automatic Closing` settings would be configured as"
" below\\:\\"
msgstr ""
+"Daarom moeten de instellingen voor de :guilabel:`Automatische sluiting` als "
+"volgt worden geconfigureerd\\:\\"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/close_tickets.rst:79
msgid ":guilabel:`Automatic Closing`: *checked*"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr ":guilabel:`Automatische sluiting`: *aangevinkt*"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/close_tickets.rst:80
msgid ":guilabel:`Move to Stage`: `Solved`"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr ":guilabel:`Verplaats naar fase`: `Opgelost`"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/close_tickets.rst:81
msgid ":guilabel:`After``7`:guilabel:`days of inactivity`"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr ":guilabel:`Na``7`:guilabel:`dagen inactiviteit`"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/close_tickets.rst:82
msgid ":guilabel:`In Stages`: `Customer Feedback`"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr ":guilabel:`In fases`: `Klantfeedback`"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/close_tickets.rst:0
msgid "Example of Automatic Closing settings."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Voorbeeld van de instellingen van de automatische sluiting."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/close_tickets.rst:89
msgid "Allow customers to close their own tickets"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Klanten toelaten hun eigen tickets te sluiten"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/close_tickets.rst:91
msgid ""
@@ -880,6 +1090,9 @@ msgid ""
"close their own ticket(s) when they determine that their issue has been "
msgstr ""
+"Als je de instelling :guilabel:`Sluiting door klanten` inschakelt, kunnen "
+"klanten hun eigen ticket(s) sluiten als ze vinden dat hun probleem is "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/close_tickets.rst:94
msgid ""
@@ -888,10 +1101,14 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Self-Service` section and check the box for :guilabel:`Closure by"
" Customers`."
msgstr ""
+"Ga naar :menuselection:`Helpdesk --> Configuratie --> Teams` en selecteer "
+"een team. Scroll op de instellingenpagina van het team naar de sectie "
+":guilabel:`Self-Service` en vink het selectievakje aan naast "
+":guilabel:`Sluiting door klanten`."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/close_tickets.rst-1
msgid "Customer closing setting in Odoo Helpdesk."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Instelling Sluiting door klanten in Odoo Helpdesk."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/close_tickets.rst:102
msgid ""
@@ -899,10 +1116,13 @@ msgid ""
"button will be available for customers when they view their ticket through "
"the customer portal."
msgstr ""
+"Eens de instellingen voor het sluiten van tickets zijn ingeschakeld, zien de"
+" klanten een knop :guilabel:`Ticket sluiten` op hun ticket in het "
+"klantenportaal. "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/close_tickets.rst-1
msgid "Customer view of ticket closing in Odoo Helpdesk."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Klantweergave van het sluiten van een ticket in Odo Helpdesk."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/close_tickets.rst:110
msgid ""
@@ -912,16 +1132,24 @@ msgid ""
"stage of a team by default. This link does not require a customer to have "
"access to the portal to view or respond to their ticket."
msgstr ""
+"Klanten kunnen hun tickets bekijken door te klikken op de link "
+":guilabel:`Bekijk het ticket` die ze per e-mail ontvangen. De link is "
+"opgenomen in de sjabloon :guilabel:`Vraag ontvangstbevestiging aan`, die "
+"standaard wordt toegevoegd aan de eerste fase van een team. De klant moet "
+"hiervoor geen toegang hebben tot het portaal om zijn ticket te kunnen "
+"bekijken of erop te kunnen reageren."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/close_tickets.rst:115
msgid ""
"Customers with access to the portal will be able to view their tickets under"
" :menuselection:`My Account --> Tickets`."
msgstr ""
+"Klanten met toegang tot het portaal kunnen hun tickets bekijken via "
+":menuselection:`Mijn account --> Tickets`."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/track_and_bill.rst:3
msgid "Track and bill time"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Tijd bijhouden en factureren"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/track_and_bill.rst:5
msgid ""
@@ -931,6 +1159,11 @@ msgid ""
"customers can be charged once the work is completed, or before it has even "
msgstr ""
+"Odoo *Helpdesk* biedt teams de mogelijkheid om het aantal uren dat ze aan "
+"een ticket besteden bij te houden en om die tijd aan een klant te "
+"factureren. Door integraties met de *Verkoop*, *Urenstaten* en *Boekhouding*"
+" applicaties, kunnen klanten worden gefactureerd zodra het werk is voltooid "
+"of zelfs voordat het wordt aangevat."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/track_and_bill.rst:11
msgid ""
@@ -938,6 +1171,9 @@ msgid ""
"applications, enabling them may result in the installation of additional "
"modules (or applications)."
msgstr ""
+"Omdat de functie *Tijd bijhouden & factureren* met andere applicaties "
+"geïntegreerd moeten worden, kan de installatie van extra modules (of "
+"applicaties) vereist zijn."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/track_and_bill.rst:14
msgid ""
@@ -945,10 +1181,14 @@ msgid ""
"trial. At the end of the trial, if a paid subscription has not been added to"
" the database, it will no longer be active or accessible."
msgstr ""
+"Het installeren van een nieuwe applicatie op een *Een App Gratis* database "
+"start een proefperiode van 15 dagen. Aan het einde van de proefperiode is de"
+" database niet meer actief of toegankelijk als er geen betaald abonnement is"
+" toegevoegd."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/track_and_bill.rst:19
msgid "Configure track and bill time features"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "De functie Tijd bijhouden & factureren instellen"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/track_and_bill.rst:21
msgid ""
@@ -956,10 +1196,15 @@ msgid ""
"Time* features must first be enabled. These features must be enabled on each"
" *Helpdesk* team where they will be utilized."
msgstr ""
+"Voordat een klant gefactureerd kan worden voor ondersteuningsdiensten, "
+"moeten eerst de functies *Tijd bijhouden & factureren* ingeschakeld zijn. "
+"Deze functies moeten ingeschakeld zijn op elk *Helpdeskteam* waar ze "
+"gebruikt zullen worden."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/track_and_bill.rst:25
msgid "Enable track and bill time on a helpdesk team"
msgstr ""
+"De functie Tijd bijhouden & factureren inschakelen op een helpdeskteam"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/track_and_bill.rst:27
msgid ""
@@ -969,6 +1214,11 @@ msgid ""
" new one `. This "
"will reveal a team's settings page."
msgstr ""
+"Om de functies :guilabel:`Tijd bijhouden & factureren` te bekijken en te "
+"activeren op een *Helpdeskteam*, ga eerst naar :menuselection:`Helpdesk --> "
+"Configuratie --> Teams`. Selecteer dan een team uit de lijst of :doc:`maak "
+"een nieuw team `. "
+"De instellingenpagina van het team verschijnt."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/track_and_bill.rst:32
msgid ""
@@ -976,12 +1226,17 @@ msgid ""
"section. Check the boxes labeled :guilabel:`Timesheets` and :guilabel:`Time "
msgstr ""
+"Scroll op de instellingenpagina van het team naar de sectie :guilabel:`Tijd "
+"bijhouden & factureren`. Vink de selectievakjes naast :guilabel:`Urenstaten`"
+" en :guilabel:`Urenfacturatie`."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/track_and_bill.rst:35
msgid ""
"Once the :guilabel:`Timesheets` box is checked, a new field appears, labeled"
" :guilabel:`Project`."
msgstr ""
+"Zodra het vakje :guilabel:`Urenstaten` is aangevinkt, verschijnt er een "
+"nieuw veld :guilabel:`Project`."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/track_and_bill.rst:37
msgid ""
@@ -989,6 +1244,9 @@ msgid ""
"team's tickets will be recorded. Click into the drop-down menu to select a "
msgstr ""
+"Het project dat in dit veld is geselecteerd is waar alle urenstaten voor de "
+"tickets van dit team worden geregistreerd. Klik in het vervolgkeuzemenu om "
+"een :guilabel:`Project` te kiezen."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/track_and_bill.rst:40
msgid ""
@@ -996,16 +1254,21 @@ msgid ""
"the drop-down menu, type a name for the project, and then click "
msgstr ""
+"Om een nieuw project te maken waar de urenstaten zullen worden "
+"geregistreerd, klik in het vervolgkeuzemenu, typ een naam voor het project "
+"en klik op :guilabel:`Aanmaken`."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/track_and_bill.rst-1
msgid ""
"View of a helpdesk team settings page emphasizing the track and bill time "
msgstr ""
+"Weergave van de instellingenpagina van een helpdeskteam met de nadruk op de "
+"intellingen Tijd bijhouden & factureren."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/track_and_bill.rst:50
msgid "Configure service products"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Dienstenproducten configureren"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/track_and_bill.rst:52
msgid ""
@@ -1016,6 +1279,12 @@ msgid ""
"is the product that will be used when invoicing for *post-paid support "
"services* after they have been completed."
msgstr ""
+"Als de functie :guilabel:`Urenfacturatie` is geactiveerd, wordt een nieuw "
+"product gemaakt in de *Verkoop* app genaamd :guilabel:`Diensten op basis van"
+" urenstaten`. Je vindt dit product via :menuselection:`Verkoop --> Producten"
+" --> Producten`. Zoek naar `Diensten op urenstaten` in de "
+":guilabel:`Zoekbalk`. Dit is het product dat wordt gebruikt bij het "
+"factureren van *post-paid ondersteuningsdiensten* nadat ze zijn voltooid."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/track_and_bill.rst:58
msgid ""
@@ -1024,12 +1293,18 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Product Type` set to :guilabel:`Service` and the "
":guilabel:`Invoicing Policy` set to :guilabel:`Based on Timesheets`."
msgstr ""
+"Selecteer :guilabel:`Diensten op basis van urenstaten` op de productpagina "
+"en het productdetailformulier verschijnt. Het product is geconfigureerd met "
+"de :guilabel:`Productsoort` op :guilabel:`Dienst` en het "
+":guilabel:`Facturatiebeleid` op :guilabel:`Op basis van urenstaten`."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/track_and_bill.rst-1
msgid ""
"View of a service product with the invoicing policy set to 'Based on "
msgstr ""
+"Weergave van een dienstproduct met het facturatiebeleid ingesteld op 'Op "
+"basis van urenstaten'."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/track_and_bill.rst:66
msgid ""
@@ -1037,6 +1312,9 @@ msgid ""
"(also known as *prepaid support services*), a separate product with a "
"different invoicing policy must be created."
msgstr ""
+"Om ondersteuningsdiensten te factureren voordat het werk is voltooid (ook "
+"wel *prepaid ondersteuningsdiensten* genoemd), moet een apart product met "
+"een ander facturatiebeleid worden gemaakt."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/track_and_bill.rst:69
msgid ""
@@ -1044,6 +1322,9 @@ msgid ""
"--> Products` and click :guilabel:`New`. This will reveal a blank product "
"detail form."
msgstr ""
+"Om een nieuw dienstproduct te maken, ga naar :menuselection:`Verkoop --> "
+"Producten --> Producten` en klik op :guilabel:`Nieuw`. Een leeg "
+"productdetailformulier verschijnt."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/track_and_bill.rst:72
msgid ""
@@ -1053,21 +1334,31 @@ msgid ""
"an invoice can be generated and payment can be received for this product "
"before any timesheets entries have been recorded for these services."
msgstr ""
+"Voeg op het nieuwe productformulier een :guilabel:`Productnaam` toe en stel "
+"de :guilabel:`Productsoort` in op :guilabel:`Dienst`. Stel daarna het "
+":guilabel:`Facturatiebeleid` in op :guilabel:`Prepaid/Vaste prijs`. Dit "
+"betekent dat er een factuur kan worden gegenereerd en dat de betaling voor "
+"dit product kan worden ontvangen voordat er urenstaten worden geboekt voor "
+"deze diensten."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/track_and_bill.rst-1
msgid ""
"View of a service product with the invoicing policy set to 'prepaid/fixed'."
msgstr ""
+"Weergave van een dienstproduct met het facturatiebeleid ingesteld op "
+"'prepaid/vaste prijs'."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/track_and_bill.rst:81
msgid ""
"Finally, set the :guilabel:`Sales Price`, and confirm that the "
":guilabel:`Unit of Measure` is set to :guilabel:`Hours`."
msgstr ""
+"Stel ten slotte de :guilabel:`Verkoopprijs` in en bevestig dat de "
+":guilabel:`Maateenheid` is ingesteld op :guilabel:`Uren`."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/track_and_bill.rst:85
msgid "Invoice prepaid support services"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Prepaid ondersteuningsdiensten factureren"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/track_and_bill.rst:87
msgid ""
@@ -1077,10 +1368,15 @@ msgid ""
"used, just like :ref:`the section above `."
msgstr ""
+"Wanneer ondersteuningsdiensten worden gefactureerd op basis van een vaste "
+"prijs, kan een factuur worden gemaakt voordat het werk is voltooid. In dit "
+"geval wordt een dienstproduct gebruikt met het facturatiebeleid ingesteld op"
+" :guilabel:`Prepaid/Vaste prijs` zoals in de :ref:`bovenstaande sectie "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/track_and_bill.rst:93
msgid "Create a sales order with prepaid product"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Een verkooporder maken met een prepaid product"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/track_and_bill.rst:95
msgid ""
@@ -1089,10 +1385,14 @@ msgid ""
":menuselection:`Sales --> Orders --> Quotations --> New`, which reveals a "
"blank quotation form."
msgstr ""
+"Om een klant te factureren voor prepaid ondersteuningsdiensten, maak eerst "
+"een verkooporder met het product voor ondersteuningsdiensten. Ga hiervoor "
+"naar :menuselection:`Verkoop --> Orders --> Offertes --> Nieuw`, wat een "
+"leeg offerteformulier doet verschijnen."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/track_and_bill.rst:99
msgid "Then, fill out the quotation form with the customer information."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Vul vervolgens het offerteformulier in met de klantgegevens."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/track_and_bill.rst:101
msgid ""
@@ -1101,16 +1401,22 @@ msgid ""
"configured in the steps above. Update the :guilabel:`Quantity` field with "
"the number of hours."
msgstr ""
+"Ga naar het tabblad :guilabel:`Orderregels` van de offerte en klik op "
+":guilabel:`Product toevoegen`. Selecteer vervolgens het *product voor "
+"prepaid diensten* dat in de bovenstaande stappen is geconfigureerd. Werk het"
+" veld :guilabel:`Hoeveelheid` bij met het aantal uren."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/track_and_bill.rst:105
msgid ""
"After updating any other necessary information, :guilabel:`Confirm` the "
"quotation. This converts the quotation into an :abbr:`SO (sales order)`."
msgstr ""
+":guilabel:`Bevestig` de offerte nadat je alle benodigde informatie hebt "
+"bijgewerkt. Hiermee wordt de offerte omgezet in een verkooporder."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/track_and_bill.rst:109
msgid "Create and send an invoice for prepaid services"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Een factuur maken en verzenden voor prepaid diensten"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/track_and_bill.rst:111
msgid ""
@@ -1118,6 +1424,8 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Create Invoice` button. This will open a :guilabel:`Create "
"Invoices` pop-up window."
msgstr ""
+"Zodra de verkooporder is bevestigd, klik op de knop :guilabel:`Factuur "
+"maken`. Dit opent een pop-upvenster :guilabel:`Facturen maken`."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/track_and_bill.rst:114
msgid ""
@@ -1126,20 +1434,26 @@ msgid ""
"collected, choose between either :guilabel:`Down payment (percentage)` or "
":guilabel:`Down payment (fixed amount)`."
msgstr ""
+"Als er geen aanbetaling wordt ontvangen, kan het soort :guilabel:`Factuur` "
+"een :guilabel:`Standaard factuur` blijven. Als er een aanbetaling wordt "
+"ontvangen, kies dan :guilabel:`Aanbetaling (percentage)` of "
+":guilabel:`Aanbetaling (vast bedrag)`."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/track_and_bill.rst:118
msgid ""
"When the necessary information has been entered, click :guilabel:`Create "
"Draft Invoice`."
msgstr ""
+"Klik op :guilabel:`Concept factuur maken` wanneer de benodigde informatie is"
+" ingevuld."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/track_and_bill.rst:120
msgid "The invoice can then be sent to the customer for payment."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "De factuur kan daarna naar de klant worden verzonden voor betaling."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/track_and_bill.rst:123
msgid "Create helpdesk ticket for prepaid services"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Helpdeskticket maken voor prepaid diensten"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/track_and_bill.rst:125
msgid ""
@@ -1147,12 +1461,18 @@ msgid ""
":menuselection:`Helpdesk` and click the :guilabel:`Tickets` button to reveal"
" a specific team's pipeline. Click :guilabel:`New` to create a new ticket."
msgstr ""
+"Om een *Helpdeskticket* voor prepaid diensten te maken, ga naar "
+":menuselection:`Helpdesk` en klik op de knop :guilabel:`Tickets` om de "
+"pijplijn van een specifiek team te openen. Klik op :guilabel:`Nieuw` om een "
+"nieuw ticket te maken."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/track_and_bill.rst:129
msgid ""
"On the blank ticket form, create a ticket :guilabel:`Title`, and enter the "
":guilabel:`Customer` information."
msgstr ""
+"Geef op het lege ticketformulier een :guilabel:`Titel` aan het ticket en vul"
+" de :guilabel:`Klantgegevens` in. "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/track_and_bill.rst:132
msgid ""
@@ -1160,16 +1480,21 @@ msgid ""
" automatically populate with the most recent prepaid sales order item that "
"has time remaining."
msgstr ""
+"Wanneer de naam van de klant is toegevoegd, wordt het veld "
+":guilabel:`Verkooporderregel` automatisch ingevuld met de meest recente "
+"prepaid verkooporderregel die nog tijd over heeft."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/track_and_bill.rst:136
msgid "Track hours on helpdesk ticket"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Uren bijhouden op een helpdeskticket"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/track_and_bill.rst:138
msgid ""
"Time spent working on a *Helpdesk* ticket is tracked on the *Timesheets* tab"
" on the specific ticket."
msgstr ""
+"De tijd besteed aan een *Helpdeskticket* wordt bijgehouden in het tabblad "
+"*Urenstaten* op dat specifieke ticket."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/track_and_bill.rst:140
msgid ""
@@ -1178,24 +1503,36 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Description` of the task, and enter the number of "
":guilabel:`Hours Spent`."
msgstr ""
+"Klik op het detailformulier van het ticket op het tabblad "
+":guilabel:`Urenstaten` en klik op :guilabel:`Regel toevoegen`. Kies een "
+":guilabel:`Werknemer`, voeg een :guilabel:`Omschrijving` van de taak toe en "
+"vul het aantal :guilabel:`Bestede uren` toe."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/track_and_bill.rst:144
msgid ""
"As new lines are added to :guilabel:`Timesheets` tab, the "
":guilabel:`Remaining Hours on SO` field is automatically updated."
msgstr ""
+"Als er nieuwe regels worden toegevoegd aan het tabblad "
+":guilabel:`Urenstaten`, wordt het veld :guilabel:`Resterende uren op "
+"verkooporder` automatisch bijgewerkt."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/track_and_bill.rst-1
msgid ""
"View of the timesheets tab on a ticket with an emphasis on the remaining "
"hours on an SO."
msgstr ""
+"Weergave van het tabblad urenstaten op een ticket met de nadruk op de "
+"resterende uren op een verkooporder."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/track_and_bill.rst:152
msgid ""
"If the number of hours on the :guilabel:`Timesheets` tab exceeds the number "
"of hours sold, the :guilabel:`Remaining Hours of SO` will turn red."
msgstr ""
+"Als het aantal uren op het tabblad :guilabel:`Urenstaten` groter is dan het "
+"aantal verkochte uren, wordt het veld :guilabel:`Resterende uren op "
+"verkooporder` rood."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/track_and_bill.rst:155
msgid ""
@@ -1203,10 +1540,13 @@ msgid ""
" updated in the :guilabel:`Delivered` field on the :abbr:`SO (sales order)`,"
" as well."
msgstr ""
+"Als er uren worden toegevoegd aan het tabblad :guilabel:`Urenstaten`, worden"
+" ze ook automatisch bijgewerkt in het veld :guilabel:`Geleverd` op de "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/track_and_bill.rst:159
msgid "Invoice post-paid support services"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Post-paid ondersteuningsdiensten factureren"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/track_and_bill.rst:161
msgid ""
@@ -1216,10 +1556,17 @@ msgid ""
"case, a service product with the invoicing policy set to :guilabel:`Based on"
" Timesheets` would be used, like the one created above."
msgstr ""
+"Wanneer ondersteuningsdiensten worden gefactureerd op basis van het aantal "
+"uren besteed aan een probleem, kan er geen factuur worden gemaakt voordat "
+"het totale aantal uren dat nodig was om het probleem op te lossen, is "
+"geregistreerd op een urenstaat. In dit geval wordt een dienstproduct met het"
+" facturatiebeleid ingesteld op :guilabel:`Op basis van urenstaten` gebruikt,"
+" zoals het product dat hierboven is gemaakt."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/track_and_bill.rst:167
msgid "Create a sales order with a time-tracked product"
msgstr ""
+"Een verkooporder maken met een product waarvoor de tijd wordt bijgehouden"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/track_and_bill.rst:169
msgid ""
@@ -1227,10 +1574,13 @@ msgid ""
"order (SO) with the *support services product*. To do this, go to "
":menuselection:`Sales --> Orders --> Quotations --> New`."
msgstr ""
+"Om een klant te factureren voor post-paid ondersteuningsdiensten, maak eerst"
+" een verkooporder met het *product voor ondersteuningsdiensten*. Ga hiervoor"
+" naar :menuselection:`Verkoop --> Orders --> Offertes --> Nieuw`."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/track_and_bill.rst:173
msgid "Fill out the quotation with the customer information."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Vul de offerte in met de klantgegevens."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/track_and_bill.rst:175
msgid ""
@@ -1238,6 +1588,10 @@ msgid ""
"the post-paid services product configured in the steps above. After updating"
" any other necessary information, :guilabel:`Confirm` the quotation."
msgstr ""
+"Klik op het tabblad :guilabel:`Orderregels` op :guilabel:`Product "
+"toevoegen`. Selecteer het product voor post-paid diensten dat in de "
+"bovenstaande stappen is geconfigureerd. :guilabel:`Bevestig` de offerte "
+"nadat je alle andere benodigde informatie hebt bijgewerkt."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/track_and_bill.rst:180
msgid ""
@@ -1246,10 +1600,15 @@ msgid ""
" in other words nothing has been delivered, therefore, there is nothing to "
msgstr ""
+"In tegenstelling tot de offerte voor prepaid diensten, laat Odoo op dit "
+"moment niet toe dat er een factuur wordt gemaakt. Dat komt omdat er geen "
+"diensten zijn uitgevoerd; met andere woorden er is niets geleverd, dus er is"
+" niets om te factureren."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/track_and_bill.rst:185
msgid "Create a helpdesk ticket for time-tracked services"
msgstr ""
+"Een helpdeskticket maken voor diensten waarvoor de tijd wordt bijgehouden"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/track_and_bill.rst:187
msgid ""
@@ -1257,6 +1616,9 @@ msgid ""
":menuselection:`Helpdesk` and select the appropriate team for which these "
"services apply."
msgstr ""
+"Ga naar :menuselection:`Helpdesk` en selecteer het juiste team waarvoor deze"
+" diensten van toepassing zijn om een *Urenstaatpost* te maken voor diensten "
+"waarvoor de tijd wordt bijgehouden."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/track_and_bill.rst:190
msgid ""
@@ -1266,6 +1628,11 @@ msgid ""
"ticket and enter the necessary customer information on the blank ticket "
"details form."
msgstr ""
+"Als er al een bestaand ticket is voor dit probleem, selecteer het in de "
+"kanbanweergave. Hierdoor wordt het ticketdetailformulier geopend. Als er "
+"geen bestaand ticket is voor dit probleem, klik dan op :guilabel:`Nieuw` om "
+"een nieuw ticket te maken en de benodigde klantgegevens in te vullen op het "
+"lege detailformulier van het ticket."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/track_and_bill.rst:195
msgid ""
@@ -1273,10 +1640,13 @@ msgid ""
" drop-down menu. Select the :abbr:`SO (sales order)` created in the previous"
" step."
msgstr ""
+"Nadat je een ticket hebt geselecteerd of gemaakt, ga naar het "
+"vervolgkeuzemenu :guilabel:`Verkooporderregel` en selecteer de verkooporder "
+"dat in de vorige stap is aangemaakt. "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/track_and_bill.rst:199
msgid "Track support hours on a ticket"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ondersteuningsuren bijhouden op een ticket"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/track_and_bill.rst:201
msgid ""
@@ -1285,6 +1655,10 @@ msgid ""
"*delivered*. To record hours for this support service, click on the "
":guilabel:`Timesheets` tab of the ticket."
msgstr ""
+"Om een factuur te maken voor een product op basis van urenstaten, moeten de "
+"uren worden bijgehouden en geregistreerd. Op dit moment wordt de dienst als "
+"*geleverd* beschouwd. Om de uren voor deze ondersteuningsdienst te "
+"registreren, klik op het tabblad :guilabel:`Urenstaten` van het ticket."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/track_and_bill.rst:205
msgid ""
@@ -1292,20 +1666,25 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Employee` from the drop-down menu, and record the time spent in "
"the :guilabel:`Hours Spent` column."
msgstr ""
+"Klik op :guilabel:`Regel toevoegen` om een nieuwe invoer te registreren. "
+"Selecteer een :guilabel:`Werknemer` in de vervolgkeuzelijst en registreer de"
+" bestede tijd in de kolom :guilabel:`Bestede uren`."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/track_and_bill.rst:208
msgid ""
"Repeat these steps as needed until all time spent on the issues has been "
msgstr ""
+"Herhaal deze stappen indien nodig totdat alle tijd die aan de problemen "
+"wordt besteed is geregistreerd."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/track_and_bill.rst-1
msgid "View of the timesheets tab on a helpdesk ticket."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Weergave van het tabblad Urenstaten op een helpdeskticket."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/track_and_bill.rst:215
msgid "Create an invoice for hours tracked on a ticket"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Een factuur maken voor uren die zijn besteed aan een ticket"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/track_and_bill.rst:217
msgid ""
@@ -1313,12 +1692,17 @@ msgid ""
"timesheet entries will be made, an invoice can be created, and the customer "
"can be billed."
msgstr ""
+"Nadat het probleem van de klant is opgelost en is vastgesteld dat er geen "
+"nieuwe urenstaten worden geboekt, kan er een factuur worden gemaakt en kan "
+"de klant worden gefactureerd."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/track_and_bill.rst:220
msgid ""
"To do this, return to the :abbr:`SO (sales order)` by clicking on the "
":guilabel:`Sales Order` smart button at the top of the ticket."
msgstr ""
+"Ga hiervoor terug naar de verkooporder door op de slimme knop "
+":guilabel:`Verkooporder` bovenaan het ticket te klikken."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/track_and_bill.rst:223
msgid ""
@@ -1326,10 +1710,13 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Delivered` column matches the total number of :guilabel:`Hours "
"Spent` listed in the :guilabel:`Timesheets` tab on the ticket."
msgstr ""
+"Voordat je de factuur maakt, controleer of het aantal uren in de kolom "
+":guilabel:`Geleverd` overeenkomt met het totale aantal :guilabel:`Bestede "
+"uren` in het tabblad :guilabel:`Urenstaten` van het ticket."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/track_and_bill.rst-1
msgid "View of a sales order with emphasis on the delivered column."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Weergave van een verkooporder met de nadruk op de kolom Geleverd."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/track_and_bill.rst:230
msgid ""
@@ -1339,6 +1726,11 @@ msgid ""
"If a down payment will be collected, choose between either :guilabel:`Down "
"payment (percentage)` or :guilabel:`Down payment (fixed amount)`."
msgstr ""
+"Klik daarna op :guilabel:`Factuur maken`. Dit opent een pop-upvenster "
+":guilabel:`Facturen maken`. Als er geen aanbetaling wordt ontvangen, kan het"
+" soort :guilabel:`Factuur` op :guilabel:`Standaard factuur` blijven. Als er "
+"een aanbetaling wordt ontvangen, kies :guilabel:`Aanbetaling (percentage)` "
+"of :guilabel:`Aanbetaling (vast bedrag)`."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/track_and_bill.rst:236
msgid ""
@@ -1347,16 +1739,24 @@ msgid ""
"*all* applicable timesheets that have not yet been invoiced will be "
msgstr ""
+"Gebruik het veld :guilabel:`Urenstatenperiode` als deze factuur enkel de "
+"urenstaten van een bepaalde periode moet opnemen. Als dit veld leeg is, "
+"worden *alle* toepasbare urenstaten opgenomen die nog niet gefactureerd "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/track_and_bill.rst-1
msgid "View of create invoices pop up showing timesheets period fields."
msgstr ""
+"Weergave van het pop-upvenster Facturen maken met de nadruk op het veld "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/track_and_bill.rst:244
msgid ""
"When the necessary information has been entered, click :guilabel:`Create "
"Invoice`. The invoice can then be sent to the customer for payment."
msgstr ""
+"Wanneer de benodigde informatie is ingevoerd, klik op :guilabel:`Factuur "
+"maken`. De factuur kan dan naar de klant worden verzonden voor betaling."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/track_and_bill.rst:248
msgid ""
@@ -1371,7 +1771,7 @@ msgstr "Overzicht"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/getting_started.rst:3
msgid "Getting started with Helpdesk"
-msgstr "Van start gaan met Helpdesk "
+msgstr "Aan de slag gaan met Helpdesk "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/getting_started.rst:5
msgid ""
@@ -1783,18 +2183,24 @@ msgid ""
"Odoo *Helpdesk* integrates with the *Forum*, *eLearning*, and *Knowledge* "
"apps to create the *help center*."
msgstr ""
+"Odoo *Helpdesk* is geïntegreerd met de *Forum*, *eLearning* en *Kennis* "
+"applicaties om het *helpcentrum* te vormen."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst-1
msgid ""
"Overview of the settings page of a team emphasizing the help center "
msgstr ""
+"Overzicht van de instellingenpagina van een team met de nadruk op de "
+"functies van het helpcentrum."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:12
msgid ""
"The *help center* is a centralized location where teams and customers can "
"search for and share detailed information about products and services."
msgstr ""
+"Het *helpcentrum* is een gecentraliseerde plaats waar teams en klanten "
+"gedetailleerde informatie over producten en diensten kunnen zoeken en delen."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:16
msgid ""
@@ -1805,6 +2211,12 @@ msgid ""
"` for more "
"information on *Helpdesk* team settings and configuration."
msgstr ""
+"Om deze functies te activeren op een *Helpdeskteam* (*Forums*, *eLearning*, "
+"of *Kennis*), moet de :guilabel:`Zichtbaarheid` van het team ingesteld zijn "
+"op :guilabel:`Uitgenodigde portaalgebruikers en alle interne gebruikers`. "
+"Lees :doc:`Aan de slag gaan "
+"` voor meer "
+"informatie over de instellingen en de configuratie van *Helpdeskteams*."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:23
msgid ""
@@ -1812,6 +2224,9 @@ msgid ""
"applications, enabling any of them may result in the installation of "
"additional modules or applications."
msgstr ""
+"Aangezien alle functies van het *helpcentrum* een integratie met andere "
+"applicaties nodig hebben, kan het inschakelen van één van deze functies de "
+"installatie van bijkomende modules of applicaties vereisen."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:26
msgid ""
@@ -1819,6 +2234,10 @@ msgid ""
"15-day trial. At the end of the trial, if a paid subscription has not been "
"added to the database, it will no longer be active or accessible."
msgstr ""
+"Het installeren van een nieuwe applicatie op een *Een App Gratis* database "
+"start een proefperiode van 15 dagen. Aan het einde van de proefperiode, als "
+"er geen betaald abonnement is toegevoegd aan de database, zal deze niet "
+"langer actief of toegankelijk zijn."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:31
msgid "Knowledge"
@@ -1830,14 +2249,19 @@ msgid ""
"store, edit, and share information. The *Knowledge* app is represented "
"throughout the database by a *book* icon."
msgstr ""
+"De *Kennis* applicatie van Odoo is een collaboratieve bibliotheek waar "
+"gebruikers informatie kunnen opslaan, bewerken en delen. De *Kennis* "
+"applicatie wordt in de database weergegeven als een *boekicoon*."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst-1
msgid "View of a message in Helpdesk focusing on the Knowledge book icon."
msgstr ""
+"Weergave van een bericht in Helpdesk met de nadruk op het boekicoontje van "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:41
msgid "Enable Knowledge on a Helpdesk team"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Kennis activeren op een Helpdeskteam"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:43
msgid ""
@@ -1846,12 +2270,18 @@ msgid ""
"create a :doc:`new one "
msgstr ""
+"Om de functie *Kennis* op een *Helpdeskteam* in te schakelen, ga naar "
+":menuselection:`Helpdesk --> Configuratie --> Teams` en selecteer een team "
+"of maak een :doc:`nieuw team "
+"` aan."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:47
msgid ""
"When a team has been selected or created, Odoo displays that team's detail "
msgstr ""
+"Wanneer een team is geselecteerd of gemaakt, toont Odoo het detailformulier "
+"van dat team."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:49
msgid ""
@@ -1860,6 +2290,10 @@ msgid ""
"*Knowledge* feature. When clicked, a new field labeled :guilabel:`Article` "
msgstr ""
+"Op het detailformulier van het team, scroll naar de sectie :guilabel:`Self-"
+"Service`. Klik op het vakje naast :guilabel:`Kennis` om de functie *Kennis* "
+"te activeren. Na het aanvinken van het vakje, verschijnt er een nieuw veld "
+":guilabel:`Artikel`. "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:53
msgid ""
@@ -1868,6 +2302,11 @@ msgid ""
"which Odoo provides by default. Select :guilabel:`Help` from the drop-down "
"menu to choose this article."
msgstr ""
+"Als je op het veld :guilabel:`Artikel` klikt, verschijnt er een "
+"vervolgkeuzemenu. In eerste instantie is er slechts één optie in het "
+"vervolgkeuzemenu met de titel :guilabel:`Help`, die Odoo standaard aanbiedt."
+" Selecteer :guilabel:`Help` in het vervolgkeuzemenu om dit artikel te "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:58
msgid ""
@@ -1876,6 +2315,10 @@ msgid ""
"in the left sidebar. Moving the cursor there reveals a hidden :guilabel:`➕ "
"(plus sign)` icon."
msgstr ""
+"Om een nieuw artikel te maken, ga naar de :menuselection:`Kennis app` en "
+"beweeg de cursor over de koptekst van de sectie :guilabel:`Werkruimte` in de"
+" linker zijbalk. Als je de cursor daarheen beweegt, zie je een verborgen "
+"plusteken :guilabel:`➕`."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:62
msgid ""
@@ -1885,22 +2328,31 @@ msgid ""
"switch until it reads :guilabel:`Article Published`. It can then be added to"
" a *Helpdesk* team."
msgstr ""
+"Klik op het plusteken :guilabel:`➕` om een nieuw artikel te maken in de "
+":guilabel:`Werkruimte`. Klik in de rechterbovenhoek van de pagina op de knop"
+" :guilabel:`Delen` en klik op de schakelaar :guilabel:`Delen op internet` "
+"totdat er :guilabel:`Artikel gepubliceerd` staat. Het kan dan worden "
+"toegevoegd aan een *Helpdeskteam*."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:67
msgid ""
"Once an article has been created and assigned to a *Helpdesk* team, content "
"can be added and organized through the *Knowledge* app."
msgstr ""
+"Zodra een artikel is gemaakt en toegewezen aan een *Helpdeskteam*, kan "
+"inhoud worden toegevoegd en georganiseerd via de *Kennis* app."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:71
msgid ""
":doc:`Editing Knowledge articles "
msgstr ""
+":doc:`Kennisartikelen bewerken "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:74
msgid "Search articles from a Helpdesk ticket"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Artikelen zoeken vanuit een Helpdeskticket"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:76
msgid ""
@@ -1908,6 +2360,9 @@ msgid ""
"search through the content in the *Knowledge* app for more information on "
"the issue."
msgstr ""
+"Wanneer leden van een *Helpdeskteam* een ticket proberen op te lossen, "
+"kunnen ze de inhoud in de *Kennis* app doorzoeken om meer informatie te "
+"vinden over het probleem."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:79
msgid ""
@@ -1915,22 +2370,30 @@ msgid ""
"app dashboard, or by going to :menuselection:`Helpdesk app --> Tickets --> "
"All Tickets`, and selecting a :guilabel:`Ticket` from the list."
msgstr ""
+"Om *Kennis* artikelen te doorzoeken, open een ticket — vanuit het dashboard "
+"van de *Helpdesk* app of door naar de :menuselection:`Helpdesk app --> "
+"Tickets --> Alle tickets` te gaan en een :guilabel:`Ticket` uit de lijst te "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:83
msgid ""
"When a :guilabel:`Ticket` is selected, Odoo reveals that ticket's detail "
msgstr ""
+"Wanneer een :guilabel:`Ticket` is geselecteerd, toont Odoo het "
+"detailformulier van dat ticket."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:85
msgid ""
"Click the :guilabel:`Knowledge (book)` icon, located above the chatter to "
"open a search window."
msgstr ""
+"Klik op het :guilabel:`Kennis (boek)` icoontje boven de chatter om een "
+"zoekvenster te openen."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst-1
msgid "View of knowledge search window from a helpdesk ticket."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Weergave van het kennis zoekvenster vanuit een helpdeskticket."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:92
msgid ""
@@ -1938,6 +2401,9 @@ msgid ""
" open the command palette, then typing :command:`?`, followed by the name of"
" the desired article."
msgstr ""
+"*Kennis* artikelen kunnen ook worden doorzocht door op :command:`Ctrl + K` "
+"te drukken om het command palette te openen, typ dan :command:`?`, gevolgd "
+"door de naam van het gewenste artikel."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:95
msgid ""
@@ -1945,26 +2411,35 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Article` title, and press :command:`Enter`. This will open the "
"article in the :guilabel:`Knowledge` application."
msgstr ""
+"Wanneer Odoo het gewenste artikel weergeeft, klik erop of markeer de titel "
+"van het :guilabel:`Artikel` en druk op :command:`Enter`. Hierdoor wordt het "
+"artikel geopend in de :guilabel:`Kennis` applicatie."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:98
msgid "To open the article in a new tab, press :command:`Ctrl + Enter`."
msgstr ""
+"Druk op :command:`Ctrl + Enter` om het artikel in een nieuw tabblad te "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:101
msgid ""
"If a more in-depth search is required, press :command:`Alt + B`. That will "
"reveal a separate page, in which a more detailed search can occur."
msgstr ""
+"Als je uitgebreider wilt zoeken, druk op :command:`Alt + B`. Er wordt dan "
+"een aparte pagina weergegeven waarop je uitgebreider kan zoeken."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:105
msgid "Share articles to the help center"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Artikelen delen met het helpcentrum"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:107
msgid ""
"In order for a *Knowledge* article to be available to customers and website "
"visitors, it has to be published."
msgstr ""
+"Om een *Kennis* artikel beschikbaar te maken voor klanten en bezoekers van "
+"de website, moet het gepubliceerd worden."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:111
msgid ""
@@ -1972,6 +2447,10 @@ msgid ""
"share all the nested articles to the web. Individual articles intended for "
"customers **must** be published for them to be viewable on the website."
msgstr ""
+"Ook al is het *Help* artikel geactiveerd op een team, zal Odoo niet alle "
+"geneste artikelen delen op het internet. Individuele artikelen die bedoeld "
+"zijn voor klanten **moeten** gepubliceerd worden om ze te kunnen bekijken op"
+" de website."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:115
msgid ""
@@ -1980,14 +2459,21 @@ msgid ""
" This will reveal a menu. Slide the toggle button labeled :guilabel:`Share "
"to Web` to read :guilabel:`Article Published`."
msgstr ""
+"Om een artikel te publiceren, ga naar het gewenste artikel door de "
+"bovenstaande stappen te volgen en klik op het icoontje :guilabel:`Delen` in "
+"de rechterbovenhoek. Er verschijnt dan een menu. Klik op de schakelaar "
+":guilabel:`Delen op internet` totdat :guilabel:`Artikel gepubliceerd` te "
+"zien is."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst-1
msgid "View of a knowledge article focused on sharing and publishing options."
msgstr ""
+"Weergave van een kennis artikel met de nadruk op de opties om te delen en te"
+" publiceren."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:124
msgid "Solve tickets with templates"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Tickets oplossen met sjablonen"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:126
msgid ""
@@ -1996,10 +2482,15 @@ msgid ""
"This allows teams to maintain consistency when answering customer tickets, "
"and minimize the amount of time spent on responding to repeat questions."
msgstr ""
+"*Sjabloonvakken* kunnen worden toegevoegd op *Kennis* artikelen zodat de "
+"inhoud kan worden hergebruikt, gekopieerd, verzonden als bericht of "
+"toegevoegd aan de omschrijving van een ticket. Hierdoor kunnen teams de "
+"nodige consistentie behouden en wordt er zo min mogelijk tijd besteed aan "
+"het beantwoorden van terugkomende vragen."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:131
msgid "Add templates to articles"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Sjablonen toevoegen aan artikelen"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:133
msgid ""
@@ -2007,6 +2498,9 @@ msgid ""
" existing nested article or create a new one by clicking the :guilabel:`➕ "
"(plus sign)` icon next to *Help*."
msgstr ""
+"Om een sjabloon te maken, ga naar :menuselection:`Kennis --> Help`. Klik op "
+"een bestaand onderliggend artikel of maak een nieuw onderliggend artikel aan"
+" door op het plusteken :guilabel:`➕` naast *Help* te klikken."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:136
msgid ""
@@ -2015,10 +2509,16 @@ msgid ""
"`template`. A gray template block will be added to the page. Add any "
"necessary content to this block."
msgstr ""
+"Typ `/` om de :guilabel:`toolbox` te openen en een lijst met "
+":doc:`commando's ` te"
+" bekijken. Selecteer of typ `sjabloon`. Een grijs sjabloonblok wordt "
+"toegevoegd op de pagina. Voeg alle nodige inhoud toe aan dit blok."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst-1
msgid "View of a template in knowledge with focus on send and copy options."
msgstr ""
+"Weergave van een sjabloon in kennis met de nadruk op de opties om te "
+"verzenden en te kopiëren."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:145
msgid ""
@@ -2026,16 +2526,22 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Send as Message` options if they are accessed directly from "
msgstr ""
+"Sjablonen zullen alleen de opties :guilabel:`Gebruiken als omschrijving` of "
+":guilabel:`Verzenden als bericht` als ze rechtstreeks vanuit *Helpdesk* "
+"geopend worden."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:149
msgid "Use templates in tickets"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Sjablonen gebruiken in tickets"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:151
msgid ""
"Templates can be used to respond directly to a *Helpdesk* ticket as a "
"message, or to add information to the ticket's description."
msgstr ""
+"Sjablonen kunnen worden gebruikt om direct te reageren op een "
+"*Helpdeskticket* als een bericht, of om informatie toe te voegen aan de "
+"omschrijving van het ticket."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:154
msgid ""
@@ -2044,6 +2550,9 @@ msgid ""
"--> Tickets --> All Tickets` and selecting a :guilabel:`Ticket` from the "
msgstr ""
+"Om sjablonen te gebruiken in een *Helpdeskticket*, open eerst een ticket "
+"vanuit de :guilabel:`Helpdesk` dashboard of via :menuselection:`Helpdesk -->"
+" Tickets --> Alle tickets` en selecteer een :guilabel:`Ticket` uit de lijst."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:158
msgid ""
@@ -2052,6 +2561,10 @@ msgid ""
" for the desired article. Doing so reveals that article page in the Odoo "
"*Knowledge* application."
msgstr ""
+"Klik op het :guilabel:`Kennis (boek)` icoontje boven de chatter van het "
+"ticket. Dit opent een zoekvenster. Selecteer in dit zoekvenster het gewenste"
+" artikel of zoek ernaar. Hierdoor verschijnt de artikelpagina in Odoo's "
+"*Kennis* applicatie."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:162
msgid ""
@@ -2059,6 +2572,9 @@ msgid ""
"in the upper right corner of the template box, located in the body of the "
msgstr ""
+"Om een sjabloon te gebruiken om te reageren op een ticket, klik op "
+":guilabel:`Verzenden als bericht` in de rechterbovenhoek van het "
+"sjabloonvak, dat zich in de inhoud van het artikel bevindt."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:165
msgid ""
@@ -2066,6 +2582,9 @@ msgid ""
"select the recipients, make any necessary additions or edits to the "
"template, then click :guilabel:`Send`."
msgstr ""
+"Dit opent een pop-upvenster :guilabel:`E-mail opstellen`. Selecteer in dit "
+"venster de ontvangers, maak eventuele toevoegingen of bewerkingen aan de "
+"sjabloon en klik op :guilabel:`Verzenden`."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:169
msgid ""
@@ -2075,6 +2594,11 @@ msgid ""
"existing text in a ticket's description. The template will be added as "
"additional text."
msgstr ""
+"Om een sjabloon te gebruiken om informatie toe te voegen aan de omschrijving"
+" van een ticket, klik op :guilabel:`Gebruiken als omschrijving` in de "
+"rechterbovenhoek van een sjabloonvak, dat zich in de inhoud van het artikel "
+"bevindt. Dit zal de bestaande tekst van de omschrijving echter niet "
+"vervangen. De sjabloon wordt toegevoegd als extra tekst."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:177
msgid "Community Forum"
@@ -2086,10 +2610,14 @@ msgid ""
"questions and share information. By integrating a forum with a *Helpdesk* "
"team, tickets submitted by customers can be converted to posts and shared."
msgstr ""
+"Een *Community forum* biedt een ruimte waar klanten elkaars vragen kunnen "
+"beantwoorden en informatie kunnen delen. Door een forum te integreren met "
+"een *Helpdeskteam* kunnen tickets die door klanten zijn ingediend worden "
+"omgezet in berichten en worden gedeeld."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:184
msgid "Enable forums on a Helpdesk team"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Forums activeren op een Helpdeskteam"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:186
msgid ""
@@ -2098,6 +2626,10 @@ msgid ""
"select a team, or create a :doc:`new one "
msgstr ""
+"Om de :guilabel:`Community Forums` op een *Helpdeskteam* te activeren, ga "
+"naar de :menuselection:`Helpdesk app --> Configuratie --> Teams` en "
+"selecteer een team of maak een :doc:`nieuw team "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:190
msgid ""
@@ -2105,11 +2637,16 @@ msgid ""
" the :guilabel:`Self-Service` section of features, and enable "
":guilabel:`Community Forum`, by checking the box beside it."
msgstr ""
+"Als je een team selecteert of maakt, verschijnt het detailformulier van dat "
+"team. Scroll naar de sectie :guilabel:`Self-Service` van de functies en "
+"activeer :guilabel:`Community Forum`, door het vakje ernaast aan te vinken."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:194
msgid ""
"When activated, a new field labeled :guilabel:`Forums` appears beneath."
msgstr ""
+"Eens deze functie is geactiveerd, verschijnt er een nieuw veld "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:196
msgid ""
@@ -2119,6 +2656,11 @@ msgid ""
"Forums` feature was enabled. Select :guilabel:`Help` from the drop-down menu"
" to enable that forum."
msgstr ""
+"Klik op het lege veld :guilabel:`Forums` om een vervolgkeuzemenu te openen. "
+"Standaard is er maar één optie : :guilabel:`Help`. Dat is de optie die Odoo "
+"automatisch aanmaakte toen de functie :guilabel:`Community Forums` werd "
+"ingeschakeld. Selecteer :guilabel:`Help` in het vervolgkeuzemenu om dat "
+"forum in te schakelen."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:201
msgid ""
@@ -2126,22 +2668,30 @@ msgid ""
"then click the :guilabel:`Create and Edit` option. Multiple forums can be "
"selected in this field."
msgstr ""
+"Om een nieuw forum te maken, typ een naam in het lege veld "
+":guilabel:`Forums` en klik op de optie :guilabel:`Maken en bewerken`. "
+"Meerdere forums kunnen geselecteerd worden in dit veld."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:205
msgid ""
"Check out the :doc:`Forum documentation <../../../websites/forum>` to learn "
"how to configure, use, and moderate a forum."
msgstr ""
+"Raadpleeg de :doc:`documentatie omtrent Forums <../../../websites/forum>` "
+"voor meer informatie over het configureren, gebruiken en modereren van een "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:209
msgid "Create a forum post from a Helpdesk ticket"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Een forumpost maken vanuit een Helpdeskticket"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:211
msgid ""
"When a *Helpdesk* team has a *Forum* enabled, tickets submitted to that team"
" can be converted to forum posts."
msgstr ""
+"Wanneer een *Helpdeskteam* een *Forum* heeft ingeschakeld, kunnen tickets "
+"die bij dat team zijn ingediend worden omgezet in forumposts."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:214
msgid ""
@@ -2149,18 +2699,25 @@ msgid ""
":menuselection:`Tickets --> All Tickets` in the :guilabel:`Helpdesk` "
msgstr ""
+"Selecteer hiervoor een ticket uit de pijplijn van een team of via "
+":menuselection:`Tickets --> Alle tickets` in de :guilabel:`Helpdesk` "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:217
msgid ""
"At the top of the ticket detail form, click the :guilabel:`Share on Forum` "
msgstr ""
+"Klik bovenaan het detailformulier van het ticket op de knop :guilabel:`Delen"
+" op Forum`."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst-1
msgid ""
"Overview of the Forums page of a website to show the available ones in Odoo "
msgstr ""
+"Overzicht van een forumpagina van een website om de beschikbare forums weer "
+"te geven in Odoo Helpdesk."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:223
msgid ""
@@ -2170,6 +2727,12 @@ msgid ""
" the forum, making it easier for users to locate during a search. When all "
"adjustments have been made, click :guilabel:`Create and View Post`."
msgstr ""
+"Wanneer je erop klikt, verschijnt er een pop-upvenster. Je kan hier de post "
+"en de titel bewerken om typfouten te verbeteren of om eigenoms- of "
+"klantinformatie te verwijderen. Je kan ook :guilabel:`Labels` toevoegen om "
+"de post in het forum te organiseren, zodat gebruikers het gemakkelijker "
+"kunnen vinden tijdens een zoekopdracht. Als alle aanpassingen zijn gemaakt, "
+"klik op :guilabel:`Post maken en bekijken`."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:229
msgid "eLearning"
@@ -2183,10 +2746,14 @@ msgid ""
"solutions on their own. They can also develop a deeper understanding of the "
"services and products they are using."
msgstr ""
+"Odoo *eLearning* cursussen bieden klanten aanvullende training en inhoud in "
+"de vorm van video's, presentaties en certificeringen/quizzen. Dit stelt "
+"klanten in staat om zelf oplossingen te vinden voor hun problemen. Ze kunnen"
+" ook een beter inzicht krijgen in de diensten en producten die ze gebruiken."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:237
msgid "Enable eLearning courses on a Helpdesk team"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ELearning cursussen inschakelen op een Helpdeskteam"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:239
msgid ""
@@ -2195,6 +2762,10 @@ msgid ""
"create a :doc:`new one "
msgstr ""
+"Om *eLearning* cursussen in te schakelen op een *Helpdeskteam*, ga naar "
+":menuselection:`Helpdesk --> Configuratie --> Teams` en selecteer een team "
+"of maak :doc:`een nieuw team "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:243
msgid ""
@@ -2202,6 +2773,9 @@ msgid ""
" and check the box next to :guilabel:`eLearning`. A new field will appear "
"below, labeled :guilabel:`Courses`."
msgstr ""
+"Scroll op de instellingenpagina van het team naar de sectie :guilabel:`Self-"
+"Service` en vink het vakje aan naast :guilabel:`eLearning`. Een ander veld "
+":guilabel:`Cursussen` verschijnt dan eronder."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:246
msgid ""
@@ -2211,16 +2785,25 @@ msgid ""
"and click :guilabel:`Create and edit` to create a new course from this page."
" Multiple courses can be assigned to a single team."
msgstr ""
+"Klik op het lege veld naast :guilabel:`Cursussen` onder de functie "
+":guilabel:`eLearning` om een vervolgkeuzemenu te doen verschijnen. Selecteer"
+" een beschikbare cursus uit de vervolgkeuzelijst of typ een titel in het "
+"veld en klik op :guilabel:`Maken en bewerken` om een nieuwe cursus te maken "
+"vanaf deze pagina. Meerdere cursussen kunnen aan één team worden toegewezen."
+" "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:252
msgid "Create an eLearning course"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Een eLearning cursus maken"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:254
msgid ""
"A new *eLearning* course can be created from the :guilabel:`Helpdesk` team's"
" settings page, as in the step above, or from the *eLearning* app."
msgstr ""
+"Je kan een nieuw *eLearning* cursus maken vanaf de instellingenpagina van "
+"een :guilabel:`Helpdeskteam`, zoals in de stap hierboven, of vanuit de "
+"*eLearning* app. "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:257
msgid ""
@@ -2228,12 +2811,17 @@ msgid ""
" :menuselection:`eLearning --> New`. This reveals a blank course template "
"that can be customized and modified as needed."
msgstr ""
+"Om een cursus rechstreeks vanuit de *eLearning* applicatie te maken, ga naar"
+" :menuselection:`eLearning --> Nieuw`. Je ziet nu een leeg cursussjabloon "
+"dat je naar wens kan aanpassen en wijzigen."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:261
msgid ""
"On the course template page, add a :guilabel:`Course Title`, and below that,"
" :guilabel:`Tags`."
msgstr ""
+"Voeg op de cursussjabloon een :guilabel:`Cursus titel` en :guilabel:`Labels`"
+" toe."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:263
msgid ""
@@ -2244,10 +2832,16 @@ msgid ""
"setting determines whether the course will be available to public site "
"visitors or members."
msgstr ""
+"Klik op het tabblad :guilabel:`Opties`. Kies het "
+":guilabel:`Inschrijvingsbeleid` in de sectie :guilabel:`Toegangsrechten`. "
+"Dit bepaalt welke gebruikers de cursus mogen volgen. Kies in de sectie "
+":guilabel:`Weergave` het :guilabel:`Soort` cursus en de "
+":guilabel:`Zichtbaarheid`. De :guilabel:`Zichtbaarheidsinstelling` bepaalt "
+"of de cursus beschikbaar is voor het grote publiek of enkel voor leden."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:269
msgid "Add content to an eLearning course"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Inhoud toevoegen aan een eLearning cursus"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:271
msgid ""
@@ -2257,10 +2851,16 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Save` when finished. Click :guilabel:`Add Section` to organize "
"the course in sections."
msgstr ""
+"Om inhoud aan een cursus toe te voegen, klik op het tabblad "
+":guilabel:`Inhoud` en selecteer :guilabel:`Inhoud toevoegen`. Kies het "
+":guilabel:`Soort inhoud` in de vervolgkeuzelijst en upload het bestand of "
+"plak de link waar dat wordt gevraagd. Klik op :guilabel:`Opslaan` als je "
+"klaar bent. Klik op :guilabel:`Sectie toevoegen` om de cursus in secties te "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst-1
msgid "View of a course being published for Odoo Helpdesk."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Weergave van een cursus die wordt gepubliceerd in Odoo Helpdesk."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:281
msgid ""
@@ -2268,21 +2868,28 @@ msgid ""
" --> Configuration --> Settings`, check the box labeled "
":guilabel:`Certifications`, and :guilabel:`Save` to activate the setting."
msgstr ""
+"Om een certificering aan een cursus toe te voegen, ga naar "
+":menuselection:`eLearning --> Configuratie --> Instellingen`, vink het vakje"
+" :guilabel:`Certificeringen` aan en klik op :guilabel:`Opslaan` om de "
+"instelling te activeren."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:286
msgid ""
"`Odoo Tutorials: eLearning `_"
msgstr ""
+"`Odoo Tutorials: eLearning `_"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:289
msgid "Publish an eLearning course"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Een eLearning cursus publiceren"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:291
msgid ""
"To allow customers to enroll in a course, both the course and the contents "
"need to be published."
msgstr ""
+"Om klanten toe te laten zich in te schrijven voor een cursus, moeten zowel "
+"de cursus als de inhoud ervan gepubliceerd zijn."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:293
msgid ""
@@ -2292,18 +2899,29 @@ msgid ""
"beneficial to publish the course first if the course contents are intended "
"to be released over time, such as classes with a weekly schedule."
msgstr ""
+"Als de cursus gepubliceerd is, maar de inhoud van de cursus is niet "
+"gepubliceerd, dan kunnen klanten zich wel inschrijven op de website, maar "
+"kunnen ze de inhoud van de cursus niet bekijken. Het kan dus nuttig zijn om "
+"eerst de cursus te publiceren als de inhoud later moet worden gepubliceerd, "
+"zoals lessen met een wekelijks rooster."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:298
msgid ""
"To make the entire course available at once, each piece of course content "
"must be published first, then the course can be published."
msgstr ""
+"Om de volledige cursus in één keer beschikbaar te maken, moet elk deel van "
+"de inhoud eerst gepubliceerd worden, daarna kan de cursus gepubliceerd "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:301
msgid ""
"To publish a course, choose a course from the *eLearning* dashboard. On the "
"course template page, click the :guilabel:`Go to Website` smart button."
msgstr ""
+"Om een cursus te publiceren, kies een cursus uit het *eLearning* dashboard. "
+"Op de sjabloonpagina van de cursus, klik op de slimme knop :guilabel:`Ga "
+"naar Website`"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:304
msgid ""
@@ -2311,10 +2929,13 @@ msgid ""
"course web page, move the :guilabel:`Unpublished` toggle switch to "
msgstr ""
+"Dit toont de front-end van de webpagina van de cursus. Bovenaan de webpagina"
+" van de cursus, verander de schakelaar van :guilabel:`Niet gepubliceerd` "
+"naar :guilabel:`Gepubliceerd`."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:308
msgid "Publish eLearning course contents from the back-end"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ELearning cursussen publiceren vanuit de back-end"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:310
msgid ""
@@ -2322,6 +2943,9 @@ msgid ""
"from the *eLearning* dashboard. On the course template page, click the "
":guilabel:`Published Contents` smart button."
msgstr ""
+"Om een *eLearning* cursus vanuit de back-end te publiceren, kies een cursus "
+"op het *eLearning* dashboard. Op de sjabloonpagina van de cursus, klik op de"
+" slimme knop :guilabel:`Gepubliceerde inhoud`."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:313
msgid ""
@@ -2330,12 +2954,18 @@ msgid ""
" the search bar in the upper-right corner, to reveal all the content related"
" to the course - even the non-published content."
msgstr ""
+"Hierdoor verschijnt een aparte pagina met alle gepubliceerde inhoud van die "
+"cursus. Verwijder de standaard filter :guilabel:`Gepubliceerd` in de "
+"zoekbalk in de rechterbovenhoek om alle inhoud met betrekking tot de cursus "
+"- zelf de niet gepubliceerde inhoud - weer te geven. "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:317
msgid ""
"Click the :guilabel:`≣ (List View)` icon in the upper-right corner, directly"
" beneath the search bar to switch to list view."
msgstr ""
+"Klik op het icoontje :guilabel:`≣ (Lijstweergave)` in de rechterbovenhoek, "
+"direct onder de zoekbalk om over te schakelen naar de lijstweergave."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:320
msgid ""
@@ -2344,6 +2974,10 @@ msgid ""
"column. When that checkbox is clicked, all the course contents are selected "
"at once."
msgstr ""
+"In de :guilabel:`Lijstweergave`, is er een selectievakje helemaal links op "
+"het scherm, boven de opgelijste cursussen, links van de "
+":guilabel:`Titelkolom`. Als dat selectievakje aangevinkt is, wordt alle "
+"cursusinhoud in één keer geselecteerd."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:324
msgid ""
@@ -2352,14 +2986,21 @@ msgid ""
"confirmation that all selected records are intended to be published. Click "
":guilabel:`OK` to automatically publish all course content."
msgstr ""
+"Ale alle cursusinhoud geselecteerd is, dubbelklik op één van de vakjes in de"
+" kolom :guilabel:`Is gepubliceerd`. Hierdoor verschijnt een pop-upvenster "
+"waarin gevraagd wordt om te bevestigen dat alle geselecteerde records "
+"gepubliceerd moeten worden. Klik op :guilabel:`OK` om alle cursusinhoud "
+"automatisch te publiceren."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst-1
msgid "View of a course contents being published in Odoo Helpdesk back-end."
msgstr ""
+"Weergave van een cursusinhoud die wordt gepubliceerd in de back-end van Odoo"
+" Helpdesk."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/ratings.rst:3
msgid "Customer ratings"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Klantbeoordelingen"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/ratings.rst:5
msgid ""
@@ -2368,10 +3009,15 @@ msgid ""
"satisfaction. Ratings can be published to the portal, providing customers "
"with a general overview of the team's performance."
msgstr ""
+"Door klanten te vragen de ondersteuning die ze van een *Helpdeskteam* hebben"
+" ontvangen te beoordelen, kunnen de prestaties van het team worden gemeten "
+"en kan de klanttevredenheid worden bijgehouden. Beoordelingen kunnen worden "
+"gepubliceerd op het portaal, zodat klanten een algemeen overzicht krijgen "
+"van de prestaties van het team."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/ratings.rst:10
msgid "Enable customer ratings on a Helpdesk team"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Klantbeoordelingen inschakelen op een Helpdeskteam"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/ratings.rst:12
msgid ""
@@ -2381,22 +3027,31 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Performance` section, and check the box for :guilabel:`Customer "
msgstr ""
+"Schakel *klantbeoordelingen* in op een helpdeskteam via "
+":menuselection:`Helpdesk --> Configuratie --> Teams`. Selecteer een team uit"
+" de lijst en ga naar de instellingenpagina. Scroll naar de sectie "
+":guilabel:`Prestaties` en vink het vakje aan naast "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/ratings.rst-1
msgid ""
"Overview of the settings page of a helpdesk team emphasizing the rating on ticket feature\n"
"in Odoo Helpdesk."
msgstr ""
+"Overzicht van de instellingenpagina van een helpdeskteam met de nadruk op de functie Beoordeling op ticket \n"
+"in Odoo Helpdesk."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/ratings.rst:22
msgid "Set a ratings request email template on a stage"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Een e-mailsjabloon voor een beoordelingsverzoek instellen op een fase"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/ratings.rst:24
msgid ""
"To automatically request ratings from customers once their tickets have "
"closed, an email template should be added to the appropriate stage."
msgstr ""
+"Om klanten automatisch om beoordelingen te vragen nadat hun tickets zijn "
+"gesloten, moet een e-mailsjabloon worden toegevoegd op de betreffende fase."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/ratings.rst:27
msgid ""
@@ -2405,6 +3060,10 @@ msgid ""
"Stages` link. Select a stage from the list, or click :guilabel:`New` to "
"create a new stage."
msgstr ""
+"Eens de instelling :guilabel:`Klantbeoordelingen` is ingeschakeld op de "
+"instellingenpagina van het team (zie hierboven), klik op de link "
+":guilabel:`Stel een e-mailsjabloon in op fases`. Selecteer een fase uit de "
+"lijst of klik op :guilabel:`Nieuw` om een nieuwe fase te maken."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/ratings.rst:32
msgid ""
@@ -2413,6 +3072,11 @@ msgid ""
"should only be added to a stage that is **folded** in the kanban, as tickets"
" in a *folded stage* are considered closed."
msgstr ""
+"Klanten moeten alleen worden gevraagd om tickets te beoordelen als het "
+"probleem is opgelost en een ticket is gesloten. Daarom moet een e-mail met "
+"een *beoordelingsverzoek* worden toegevoegd aan een fase die is *gevouwen* "
+"in de kanban, omdat tickets in een *gevouwen fase* als gesloten wordt "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/ratings.rst:36
msgid ""
@@ -2421,6 +3085,11 @@ msgid ""
"with ratings customers can use to provide feedback. To view the template, "
"click the arrow button to the right of the field."
msgstr ""
+"Op de instellingenpagina van een fase, selecteer `Helpdesk: "
+"Beoordelingsverzoek ticket` in het veld :guilabel:`E-mailsjabloon`. Deze "
+"sjabloon is vooraf geconfigureerd met beoordelingen die klanten kunnen "
+"gebruiken om feedback te geven. Klik op de pijlknop rechts van het veld om "
+"de sjabloon te bekijken."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/ratings.rst:40
msgid ""
@@ -2428,24 +3097,29 @@ msgid ""
"message when a ticket is moved to that stage. Customers will be asked to "
"rate the support they received with colored icons."
msgstr ""
+"Eens de sjabloon aan de fase is toegevoegd, wordt er automatisch een bericht"
+" verzonden wanneer een ticket naar die fase wordt verplaatst. Klanten worden"
+" gevraagd de ontvangen ondersteuning te beoordelen met gekleurde icoontjes."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/ratings.rst:43
msgid "*Green smiling face* - Satisfied"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "*Groen lachend gezicht* - Tevreden"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/ratings.rst:44
msgid "*Yellow neutral face* - Okay"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "*Geel neutraal gezicht* - Oké"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/ratings.rst:45
msgid "*Red frowning face* - Dissatisfied"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "*Rood afkeurend gezicht* - Ontevreden"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/ratings.rst-1
msgid ""
"View of a standard helpdesk customer review email template for Odoo "
msgstr ""
+"Weergave van een standaard e-mailsjabloon voor klantbeoordelingen voor Odoo "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/ratings.rst:51
msgid ""
@@ -2453,6 +3127,10 @@ msgid ""
"provide specific written feedback to support their rating. Once a rating is "
"submitted, it is added to the chatter on the ticket."
msgstr ""
+"Na het selecteren van een beoordeling worden klanten naar een webpagina "
+"geleid waar ze specifieke schriftelijke feedback kunnen geven om hun "
+"beoordeling uit te leggen. Zodra een beoordeling is ingediend, wordt het "
+"toegevoegd aan de chatter van het ticket."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/ratings.rst:56
msgid ""
@@ -2460,10 +3138,13 @@ msgid ""
" report. To view this report, go to :menuselection:`Helpdesk --> Reporting "
"--> Customer Ratings`."
msgstr ""
+"Klantbeoordelingen kunnen ook worden bekeken via het rapport "
+":guilabel:`Klantbeoordelingen`. Ga hiervoor naar :menuselection:`Helpdesk "
+"--> Rapportages --> Klantbeoordelingen`."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/ratings.rst:63
msgid "Publish ratings on the customer portal"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Beoordelingen publiceren op het klantenportaal"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/ratings.rst:65
msgid ""
@@ -2473,6 +3154,12 @@ msgid ""
"over the last thirty days. Specific written feedback will not be included; "
"only statistics of the team's performance will be visible."
msgstr ""
+"Na het inschakelen van de instelling :guilabel:`Klantbeoordelingen`, "
+"verschijnt er een optie om beoordelingen op de website van het team te "
+"publiceren. Als je deze instelling inschakelt, krijgen portaalgebruikers een"
+" overzicht van de beoordelingen die het team de afgelopen dertig dagen heeft"
+" ontvangen. Specifieke schriftelijke feedback wordt niet opgenomen; alleen "
+"statistieken van de prestaties van het team zijn zichtbaar."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/ratings.rst:71
msgid ""
@@ -2481,6 +3168,10 @@ msgid ""
"users`. This setting is found on the team's settings page under "
msgstr ""
+"Om beoordelingen op het klantenportaal weer te geven, moet de zichtbaarheid "
+"van een team zijn ingesteld op :guilabel:`Uitgenodigde portaalgebruikers en "
+"alle interne gebruikers`. Deze instelling bevindt zich op de "
+"instellingenpagina van het team in de sectie :guilabel:`Zichtbaarheid`."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/ratings.rst:75
msgid ""
@@ -2489,6 +3180,10 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Performance` and enable :guilabel:`Publish this team's ratings on"
" your website`."
msgstr ""
+"Ga vervolgens naar :menuselection:`Helpdesk --> Configuratie --> Teams` om "
+"de beoordelingen te publiceren en selecteer een team. Scroll naar "
+":guilabel:`Prestaties` en schakel de optie :guilabel:`Publiceer de "
+"beoordelingen van dit team op je website` in."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/ratings.rst:79
msgid ""
@@ -2497,14 +3192,20 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Managed By` field, they will be directed to a page with the "
"team's ratings over the past thirty days."
msgstr ""
+"Om de beoordelingen van een team te bekijken, kunnen klanten inloggen op het"
+" portaal en naar één van hun tickets navigeren. Nadat ze op de naam van het "
+"team hebben geklikt in het veld :guilabel:`Beheerd door`, worden ze "
+"doorgestuurd naar een pagina met de beoordelingen van het team over de "
+"laatste dertig dagen."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/ratings.rst-1
msgid "View of the ratings performance overview from the customer portal."
msgstr ""
+"Overzicht van de beoordelingen van de prestaties in het klantenportaal."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/ratings.rst:88
msgid "Manually hide individual ratings"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Individuele beoordelingen handmatig verbergen"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/ratings.rst:90
msgid ""
@@ -2512,18 +3213,25 @@ msgid ""
"specific ratings to be kept out of the performance metrics that are shown to"
" customers."
msgstr ""
+"Individuele beoordelingen kunnen handmatig worden verborgen in het portaal. "
+"Hierdoor kunnen specifieke beoordelingen uit de prestatiecijfers worden "
+"gehouden die aan klanten worden getoond."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/ratings.rst:93
msgid ""
"To make a rating visible only to internal users, navigate to the page for a "
"rating. This can be done in one of the following ways:"
msgstr ""
+"Om een beoordeling enkel zichtbaar te maken voor interne gebruikers, ga naar"
+" de pagina van een beoordeling op een van de volgende manieren:"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/ratings.rst:96
msgid ""
"Go to :menuselection:`Helpdesk --> Reporting --> Customer Ratings` and click"
" on one of the kanban cards for an individual rating."
msgstr ""
+"Ga naar :menuselection:`Helpdesk --> Rapportages --> Klantbeoordelingen` en "
+"klik op één van de kanbankaarten van een individuele beoordeling."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/ratings.rst:98
msgid ""
@@ -2532,12 +3240,19 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Satisfied`, :guilabel:`Okay` and/or :guilabel:`Dissatisfied`. "
"Select a ticket from the results. Click the :guilabel:`Rating` smart button."
msgstr ""
+"Ga naar :menuselection:`Helpdesk --> Tickets --> Alle tickets` en verwijder "
+"de filter :guilabel:`Open` in de zoekbalk. Filter vervolgens op "
+":guilabel:`Tevreden`, :guilabel:`Oké` en/of :guilabel:`Ontevreden`. "
+"Selecteer een ticket uit de resultaten. Klik op de slimme knop "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/ratings.rst:103
msgid ""
"Once on the rating details page, check the :guilabel:`Visible Internally "
"Only` box."
msgstr ""
+"Vink op de detailpagina van de beoordeling het vakje :guilabel:`Alleen "
+"zichtbaar intern` aan."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/ratings.rst:110
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/receiving_tickets.rst:291
@@ -2546,7 +3261,7 @@ msgstr ":doc:`/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/close_tickets`"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/ratings.rst:111
msgid ":doc:`/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/reports`"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr ":doc:`/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/reports`"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/receiving_tickets.rst:3
msgid "Start receiving tickets"
@@ -2562,10 +3277,10 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Odoo *Helpdesk* biedt meerdere kanalen waar klanten terecht kunnen voor "
-"hulp, zoals e-mail, live chat en het contactformulier op de website. Dankzij"
-" deze diverse contactopties heeft de klant meerdere opties om snel hulp te "
-"krijgen en heeft het ondersteuningsteam de mogelijkheid om meerkanaals-"
-"ondersteuningstickets vanaf een centrale locatie."
+"hulp, zoals e-mail, livechat en het contactformulier op de website. Dankzij "
+"deze diverse contactopties heeft de klant meerdere opties om snel hulp te "
+"krijgen en heeft het ondersteuningsteam de mogelijkheid om "
+"ondersteuningstickets via meerdere kanalen vanuit een centrale locatie."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/receiving_tickets.rst:11
msgid "Enable channel options to submit tickets"
@@ -2600,7 +3315,7 @@ msgstr ":guilabel:`Websiteformulier`"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/receiving_tickets.rst:21
msgid ":guilabel:`Live Chat`"
-msgstr ":guilabel:`Live Chat`"
+msgstr ":guilabel:`Livechat`"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/receiving_tickets.rst:24
msgid "Email Alias"
@@ -2621,9 +3336,8 @@ msgid ""
"heading, and then type in the desired team alias in the field."
msgstr ""
"Om de e-mailalias van een *Helpdeskteam* te wijzigen, ga naar de "
-"instellingenpagina :guilabel:`Teams` settings page. Zoek "
-":guilabel:`E-mailalias` onder het gedeelte :guilabel:`Kanalen` en typ de "
-"gewenste teamalias in het veld."
+"instellingenpagina van de :guilabel:`Teams`. Zoek :guilabel:`E-mailalias` in"
+" de sectie :guilabel:`Kanalen` en typ de gewenste teamalias in het veld."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/receiving_tickets.rst:33
msgid ""
@@ -2642,16 +3356,16 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Als er in de database nog geen aangepast domein is geconfigureerd, klik dan "
-"op :guilabel:`Configureer een aangepast domein` to be redirected to the "
-":guilabel:`Settings` page. From there, enable :guilabel:`Custom Email "
+"op :guilabel:`Configureer een aangepast domein` om de "
+":guilabel:`Instellingen` pagina te openen. Activeer hier de functie "
+":guilabel:`Aangepaste e-mailservers`."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/receiving_tickets.rst-1
msgid ""
"View of the settings page of a helpdesk team emphasizing the email alias feature in Odoo\n"
msgstr ""
-"Weergave van de instellingenpagina van een helpdeskteam met de nadruk om de e-mailaliasfunctie in Odoo\n"
+"Weergave van de instellingenpagina van een helpdeskteam met de nadruk op de e-mailaliasfunctie in Odoo\n"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/receiving_tickets.rst:46
@@ -2663,8 +3377,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Wanneer een e-mail wordt ontvangen, wordt de onderwerpregel van de e-mail de"
" titel van een nieuw *Helpdeskticket*. De inhoud van de e-mail wordt ook "
-"toegevoegd aan het ticket onder het tabblad :guilabel:`Omschrijving` en in "
-"de :guilabel:`Chatter` van het ticket."
+"toegevoegd aan het ticket in het tabblad :guilabel:`Omschrijving` en in de "
+":guilabel:`Chatter` van het ticket."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/receiving_tickets.rst:51
msgid ""
@@ -2673,8 +3387,8 @@ msgid ""
"configuration for custom email servers and email aliases may be required."
msgstr ""
"De bovenstaande configuratiestappen gelden voor **Odoo Online** en "
-"**Odoo.sh** databases. Voor **On-premise** databases kan een aanvullende "
-"configuratie voor aangepaste e-mailservers en e-mailaliassen nodig zijn."
+"**Odoo.sh** databases. Voor **On-premise** databases kan het nodig zijn om "
+"aangepaste e-mailservers en e-mailaliassen extra te configureren."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/receiving_tickets.rst:56
msgid "Website Form"
@@ -2686,6 +3400,10 @@ msgid ""
"customizable form. A new ticket is created once the required form fields are"
" filled out and submitted."
msgstr ""
+"Als je de instelling *Websiteformulier* activeert, wordt een nieuwe pagina "
+"aan de website toegevoegd met een aanpasbaar formulier. Een nieuw ticket "
+"wordt aangemaakt zodra de verplichte velden van het formulier zijn ingevuld "
+"en verzonden."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/receiving_tickets.rst:61
msgid ""
@@ -2693,6 +3411,10 @@ msgid ""
":menuselection:`Configuration --> Teams`. Find the :guilabel:`Website Form` "
"feature under the :guilabel:`Channels` section, and check the box."
msgstr ""
+"Om het websiteformulier te activeren, ga naar de instellingenpagina van een "
+"team onder :menuselection:`Configuratie --> Teams`. Vind de functie "
+":guilabel:`Websiteformulier` in de sectie :guilabel:`Kanalen` en vink het "
+"vakje aan."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/receiving_tickets.rst:65
msgid ""
@@ -2700,12 +3422,19 @@ msgid ""
"button at the top of the that :guilabel:`Teams` settings page to view and "
"edit the new website form, which is created automatically by Odoo."
msgstr ""
+"Nadat de functie is geactiveerd, klik op de slimme knop :guilabel:`Ga naar "
+"Website` bovenaan de :guilabel:`Teams` instellingenpagina om het nieuwe "
+"websiteformulier, dat automatisch door Odoo wordt aangemaakt, te bekijken en"
+" te bewerken."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/receiving_tickets.rst:70
msgid ""
"After enabling the website form, the *Teams* settings page may need to be "
"refreshed before the *Go to Website* smart button appears."
msgstr ""
+"Na het activeren van het websiteformulier kan het nodig zijn de *Teams* "
+"instellingenpagina te verversen voordat de slimme knop *Ga naar Website* "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/receiving_tickets.rst:73
msgid ""
@@ -2713,16 +3442,21 @@ msgid ""
"there first. Simply click the :guilabel:`Contact Us` button at the bottom of"
" the forum to navigate to the ticket submission form."
msgstr ""
+"Als er een *Helpcentrum* is gepubliceerd, zal de slimme knop daar eerst "
+"naartoe navigeren. Klik gewoon op de knop :guilabel:`Ons contacteren` "
+"onderaan het forum om een ticket te kunnen indienen."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/receiving_tickets.rst-1
msgid ""
"View of the settings page of a helpdesk team emphasizing the Go to Website button in\n"
"Odoo Helpdesk."
msgstr ""
+"Weergave van de instellingenpagina van een helpdeskteam met de nadruk op de knop Ga naar Website in\n"
+"Odoo Helpdesk."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/receiving_tickets.rst:83
msgid "Customize the website ticket form"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Het website ticketformulier aanpassen"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/receiving_tickets.rst:85
msgid ""
@@ -2730,6 +3464,9 @@ msgid ""
"button in the upper right corner of the page. Then click on one of the "
"fields in the form."
msgstr ""
+"Klik om het standaard ticketformulier aan te passen op de knop "
+":guilabel:`Bewerken` in de rechterbovenhoek van de pagina. Klik daarna op "
+"één van de velden van het formulier."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/receiving_tickets.rst:88
msgid ""
@@ -2739,18 +3476,28 @@ msgid ""
"window, located under the :guilabel:`Field` section. As well, other "
"pertinent field information can be edited here, such as:"
msgstr ""
+"Je kan velden toevoegen, verwijderen of bijwerken als dat nodig is om de "
+"informatie die klanten indienen te wijzigen. Velden kunnen worden gemarkeerd"
+" als :guilabel:`Verplicht` door de schakelaar van grijs naar blauw te "
+"schakelen in het editorvenster van de websitebouwer in de sectie "
+":guilabel:`Veld`. Je kan hier ook andere relevante veldinformatie bewerken, "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/receiving_tickets.rst:93
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Type`: which matches an Odoo model value to the field (e.g. "
"`Customer Name`)."
msgstr ""
+":guilabel:`Soort`: wat overeenkomt met een Odoo modelwaarde voor het veld "
+"(bijv. `Klantnaam`)."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/receiving_tickets.rst:94
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Input Type`: to determine what time of input the field should be,"
" like `Text`, `Email`, `Telephone` or `URL`."
msgstr ""
+":guilabel:`Invoertype`: om te bepalen wat voor invoer het veld moet zijn, "
+"zoals `Tekst`, `E-mail`, `Telefoon` of `URL`."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/receiving_tickets.rst:96
msgid ""
@@ -2758,28 +3505,37 @@ msgid ""
"Address`, etc.). Also control the label position on the form by using the "
"nested :guilabel:`Position` options."
msgstr ""
+":guilabel:`Label`: om het formulierveld een label te geven (bijv. `Volledige"
+" naam`, `E-mailadres`, enz.). Bepaal ook de positie van het label op het "
+"formulier met de geneste optie :guilabel:`Positie`."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/receiving_tickets.rst:98
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Description`: which, optionally, adds an editable line under the "
"input box to provide additional contextual information related to the field."
msgstr ""
+":guilabel:`Omschrijving`: voeg optioneel een bewerkbare regel toe onder het "
+"invoerveld voor extra contextuele informatie over het veld."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/receiving_tickets.rst:100
msgid ":guilabel:`Placeholder`: to add a sample input value."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr ":guilabel:`Placeholder`: om een standaard invoerwaarde toe te voegen."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/receiving_tickets.rst:101
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Default value`: to add common use case values that most customers"
" would find valuable"
msgstr ""
+":guilabel:`Standaardwaarde`: om veelgebruikte waarden toe te voegen die de "
+"meeste klanten waardevol vinden."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/receiving_tickets.rst:102
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Required`: which sets the field as mandatory before the form can "
"be submitted."
msgstr ""
+":guilabel:`Verplicht`: om het veld verplicht te maken voordat het formulier "
+"kan worden ingediend."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/receiving_tickets.rst:103
msgid ""
@@ -2787,6 +3543,9 @@ msgid ""
"the field. Nested options, such as device visibility, appear when certain "
"options are selected."
msgstr ""
+":guilabel:`Zichtbaarheid`: om absolute of voorwaardelijke zichtbaarheid van "
+"het veld mogelijk te maken. Geneste opties, zoals apparaatzichtbaarheid, "
+"verschijnen als bepaalde opties zijn geselecteerd."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/receiving_tickets.rst:107
msgid ""
@@ -2795,11 +3554,18 @@ msgid ""
" such as additional contact details, hours, or common helpful articles that "
"link to the :guilabel:`Forum`."
msgstr ""
+"Tekstblokken kunnen worden toegevoegd aan de rechterkant van de "
+"ticketformulierpagina, naast het ticketformulier. Dit is de ideale plaats om"
+" extra informatie op te nemen, zoals aanvullende contactgegevens, "
+"openingstijden of algemene nuttige artikels met een link naar het "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/receiving_tickets.rst-1
msgid ""
"View of the unpublished website form to submit a ticket for Odoo Helpdesk."
msgstr ""
+"Weergave van een ongepubliceerde websiteformulier om een ticket in te dienen"
+" voor Odoo Helpdesk."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/receiving_tickets.rst:115
msgid ""
@@ -2807,10 +3573,13 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Save` the changes, and then publish the form by clicking on the "
":guilabel:`Unpublished` button."
msgstr ""
+"Zodra het formulier is geoptimaliseerd en klaar is voor openbaar gebruik, "
+":guilabel:`Sla` de wijzigingen op en publiceer het formulier door op de knop"
+" :guilabel:`Niet gepubliceerd` te klikken."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/receiving_tickets.rst:119
msgid "Live Chat"
-msgstr "Live Chat"
+msgstr "Livechat"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/receiving_tickets.rst:121
msgid ""
@@ -2819,6 +3588,11 @@ msgid ""
" be instantly created by using the :doc:`response command "
"` `/helpdesk`."
msgstr ""
+"Met de functie *Livechat* kunnen bezoekers van de website rechtstreeks "
+"contact opnemen met het ondersteuningsteam of een chatbot. Tijdens deze "
+"gesprekken kunnen direct *Helpdesktickets* worden aangemaakt met behulp van "
+"het :doc:`antwoordcommando ` "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/receiving_tickets.rst:125
msgid ""
@@ -2827,6 +3601,10 @@ msgid ""
" click the check box next to :guilabel:`Live Chat`, under the "
":guilabel:`Channels` heading."
msgstr ""
+"Om *Livechat* in te schakelen, ga naar de lijstweergave "
+":menuselection:`Configuratie --> Teams`, selecteer een team en klik op de "
+"instellingenpagina van de :guilabel:`Teams` op het selectievakje naast "
+":guilabel:`Livechat` in de sectie :guilabel:`Kanalen`."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/receiving_tickets.rst:130
msgid ""
@@ -2834,6 +3612,9 @@ msgid ""
"page may need to be saved manually and refreshed before any further steps "
"can be taken."
msgstr ""
+"Als dit de eerste keer is dat *Livechat* is ingeschakeld op de database, kan"
+" het nodig zijn de pagina handmatig op te slaan en te verversen voordat je "
+"verdere stappen kan ondernemen."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/receiving_tickets.rst:133
msgid ""
@@ -2843,10 +3624,16 @@ msgid ""
"team, or create a :guilabel:`New` one if necessary. When a kanban card is "
"selected, additional options await on the channel's form."
msgstr ""
+"Met de :guilabel:`Livechat`-instelling ingeschakeld, klik op "
+":guilabel:`Kanalen bekijken`. Selecteer vervolgens in het dashboard "
+":guilabel:`Website Livechat Kanalen` de kanbankaart voor het kanaal dat is "
+"aangemaakt voor het *Helpdeskteam* of maak een :guilabel:`Nieuw` kanaal aan "
+"indien nodig. Wanneer een kanbankaart is geselecteerd, verschijnen er extra "
+"opties op het kanaalformulier."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/receiving_tickets.rst:139
msgid "Customize the live chat channel"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Het livechat kanaal aanpassen"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/receiving_tickets.rst:141
msgid ""
@@ -2855,25 +3642,34 @@ msgid ""
"the :guilabel:`Channel Name` can be edited, however Odoo names this to match"
" the *Helpdesk* team's kanban pipeline, by default."
msgstr ""
+"Wanneer op een individueel kanaal wordt geklikt in het dashboard "
+":guilabel:`Website Livechat Kanalen`, leidt Odoo de pagina naar het "
+"kanaalformulier. Hier kan je de :guilabel:`Kanaalnaam` bewerken, maar denk "
+"eraan dat Odoo deze standaard een naam geeft die overeenkomt met de kanban-"
+"pijplijn van het *Helpdeskteam*."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/receiving_tickets.rst:146
msgid ""
"If a *Helpdesk* team is named `Customer Care`, a *Live Chat* channel will be"
" created with the same name."
msgstr ""
+"Als een *Helpdeskteam* de naam `Klantenservice` geeft, wordt een *Livechat* "
+"kanaal aangemaakt met dezelfde naam."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/receiving_tickets.rst-1
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/receiving_tickets.rst:0
msgid "View of the kanban cards for the available Live Chat channels."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Weergave van de kanbankaarten voor de beschikbare Livechat kanalen."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/receiving_tickets.rst:153
msgid "On the channel form, navigate through the tabs to complete the setup."
msgstr ""
+"Navigeer op het kanaalformulier door de tabbladen om de instelling te "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/receiving_tickets.rst:156
msgid "Add operators"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Operators toevoegen"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/receiving_tickets.rst:158
msgid ""
@@ -2881,6 +3677,9 @@ msgid ""
"requests from customers. The user who originally created the live chat "
"channel will be added by default."
msgstr ""
+"*Operators* zijn gebruikers die optreden als agents en reageren op "
+"livechatverzoeken van klanten. De gebruiker die oorspronkelijk het livechat "
+"kanaal heeft aangemaakt wordt standaard toegevoegd."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/receiving_tickets.rst:161
msgid ""
@@ -2888,6 +3687,9 @@ msgid ""
"the :guilabel:`Website Live Chat Channels` dashboard, and on the "
":guilabel:`Operators` tab, click :guilabel:`ADD`."
msgstr ""
+"Klik om extra gebruikers toe te voegen op het livechat kanaal op het "
+"dashboard:guilabel:`Website Livechat Kanalen` en klik op "
+":guilabel:`TOEVOEGEN` in het tabblad :guilabel:`Operators`."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/receiving_tickets.rst:164
msgid ""
@@ -2897,6 +3699,11 @@ msgid ""
"then clicking :guilabel:`SAVE & CLOSE` (or :guilabel:`SAVE & NEW` for "
"multiplerecord creations)."
msgstr ""
+"Klik vervolgens op het selectievakje naast de toe te voegen gebruikers en "
+"klik op :guilabel:`SELECTEREN`. :guilabel:`Nieuwe` operators kunnen worden "
+"aangemaakt en toegevoegd aan de lijst door het formulier "
+":guilabel:`Operators maken` in te vullen en te klikken op :guilabel:`OPSLAAN"
+" & SLUITEN` (of :guilabel:`OPSLAAN & NIEUW` om meerdere records te maken)."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/receiving_tickets.rst:169
msgid ""
@@ -2905,22 +3712,30 @@ msgid ""
"form values, or by using one of the form buttons located at the bottom of "
"the form, such as :guilabel:`REMOVE`."
msgstr ""
+"Huidige operators kunnen worden bewerkt of verwijderd door op hun "
+"respectievelijke vakjes op het tabblad :guilabel:`Operators` te klikken en "
+"dan hun formulierwaarden aan te passen, of door één van de formulierknoppen "
+"onderaan het formulier te gebruiken, zoals :guilabel:`VERWIJDEREN`."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/receiving_tickets.rst:174
msgid ""
"Users can add themselves as an operator by clicking the :guilabel:`Join` "
"button on a *Live Chat* channel."
msgstr ""
+"Gebruikers kunnen zichzelf als operator toevoegen door op de knop "
+":guilabel:`Deelnemen` op een *Livechat* kanaal te klikken."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/receiving_tickets.rst:178
msgid "Modify channel options"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Kanaalopties wijzigen"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/receiving_tickets.rst:180
msgid ""
"The :guilabel:`Options` tab contains the visual and text settings for the "
"live chat window."
msgstr ""
+"Het tabblad :guilabel:`Opties` bevat de visuele en tekstinstellingen van het"
+" livechatvenster."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/receiving_tickets.rst:182
msgid ""
@@ -2928,6 +3743,9 @@ msgid ""
"greeting displayed in the text bubble when the live chat button appears on "
"the website."
msgstr ""
+"Wijzig de tekst in het veld :guilabel:`Tekst van de knop` om de begroeting "
+"te bewerken die in de tekstballon wordt weergegeven wanneer de livechat knop"
+" op de website verschijnt."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/receiving_tickets.rst:185
msgid ""
@@ -2936,12 +3754,18 @@ msgid ""
"sent by a live chat operator, and should be an invitation to continue the "
msgstr ""
+"Bewerk het :guilabel:`Welkomstbericht` om het bericht te wijzigen dat een "
+"bezoeker te zien krijgt wanneer hij/zij het chatvenster opent. Dit bericht "
+"ziet eruit alsof het verzonden is door een livechat operator en moet de "
+"bezoeker uitnodigen het gesprek voort te zetten."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/receiving_tickets.rst:189
msgid ""
"Edit the :guilabel:`Chat Input Placeholder` to change the text that appears "
"in the box where visitors will type their replies."
msgstr ""
+"Bewerk het veld :guilabel:`Placeholder invoerveld chat` om de tekst te "
+"wijzigen die verschijnt in het vak waar bezoekers hun antwoorden intypen."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/receiving_tickets.rst:192
msgid ""
@@ -2950,6 +3774,10 @@ msgid ""
" Click the refresh icon to the right of the color bubbles to reset the "
"colors to the default selection."
msgstr ""
+"Om de :guilabel:`Kleur van de livechat knop` en de :guilabel:`Kleur van de "
+"koptekst van het kanaal` te wijzigen, klik op een kleurballon om een "
+"kleurselectievenster te openen. Klik op het icoontje Verversen rechts van de"
+" kleurballonnen om de kleuren te resetten naar de standaardselectie."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/receiving_tickets.rst:197
msgid ""
@@ -2957,10 +3785,13 @@ msgid ""
"RGB, HSL or HEX code selection. Different options will be available, "
"depending on your operating system."
msgstr ""
+"De kleur van de knop of de koptekst kunnen handmatig worden gekozen, of door"
+" de selectie van een RGB, HSL of HEX code. Verschillende opties zijn "
+"beschikbaar afhankelijk van je besturingssysteem."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/receiving_tickets.rst:201
msgid "Create channel rules"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Kanaalregels aanmaken"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/receiving_tickets.rst:203
msgid ""
@@ -2968,12 +3799,18 @@ msgid ""
" on the website by logic of when a :guilabel:`URL Regex` action is triggered"
" (e.g., a page visit)."
msgstr ""
+"In het tabblad :guilabel:`Kanaalregels` kan je bepalen of het livechat "
+"venster geopend wordt op de website wanneer een :guilabel:`URL Regex`-actie "
+"wordt getriggerd (bijv. een paginabezoek)."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/receiving_tickets.rst:206
msgid ""
"Edit existing rules, or create a new one by clicking :guilabel:`Add a line`,"
" and fill out the pop-up form details based on how the rule should apply."
msgstr ""
+"Je kan bestaande regels bewerken of nieuwe regels maken door op "
+":guilabel:`Regel toevoegen` te klikken en het pop-upformulier in te vullen "
+"op basis van hoe de regel moet worden toegepast."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/receiving_tickets.rst:209
msgid ""
@@ -2981,6 +3818,10 @@ msgid ""
"the dropdown. If the chatbot will only be active when no operators are "
"available, check the box labeled :guilabel:`Enabled only if no operator`."
msgstr ""
+"Als een :guilabel:`Chatbot` wordt voorzien op dit kanaal, selecteer deze uit"
+" de vervolgkeuzelijst. Als de chatbot enkel actief is als er geen operators "
+"beschikbaar zijn, vink dan het vakje :guilabel:`Alleen ingeschakeld als er "
+"geen operator is` aan."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/receiving_tickets.rst:214
msgid ""
@@ -2988,6 +3829,9 @@ msgid ""
"appear on the channel settings form: :guilabel:`Chatbots`, "
":guilabel:`Sessions`, and :guilabel:`% Happy`."
msgstr ""
+"Als een chatbot is toegevoegd op een livechat kanaal, zullen er 3 nieuwe "
+"slimme knoppen verschijnen op het kanaalinstellingenformulier: "
+":guilabel:`Chatbots`, :guilabel:`Sessies`, en :guilabel:`% Tevreden`."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/receiving_tickets.rst:217
msgid ""
@@ -2999,6 +3843,14 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Add a line` and fill out the script steps form according to the "
"desired logic."
msgstr ""
+"Met de slimme knop :guilabel:`Chatbots`, kan de chatbot worden "
+"geprogrammeerd met een :guilabel:`Script`. Elke regel in een "
+":guilabel:`Script` bevat een :guilabel:`Bericht`, een :guilabel:`Staptype`, "
+":guilabel:`Antwoorden`, en een voorwaardelijke :guilabel:`Aleen als` logica "
+"die van toepassing is wanneer bepaalde vooraf ingevulde antwoorden worden "
+"gekozen. Om meer stappen in het :guilabel:`Script` te maken, klik op "
+":guilabel:`Regel toevoegen` en vul het formulier met scriptstappen in "
+"volgens de gewenste logica."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/receiving_tickets.rst:223
msgid ""
@@ -3008,6 +3860,11 @@ msgid ""
"Messages`, as well as any :guilabel:`Rating` that was received when the "
"session ended."
msgstr ""
+"Met de slimme knop :guilabel:`Sessies`, kan je de livechat sessies "
+"registreren, standaard in volgorde van aflopende :guilabel:`Sessiedatum`. "
+"Elk record bevat de :guilabel:`Deelnemers` die betrokken waren in de "
+"livechat sessie, het :guilabel:`# Berichten`, evenals elke "
+":guilabel:`Beoordeling` die werd ontvangen toen de sessie eindigde."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/receiving_tickets.rst:227
msgid ""
@@ -3015,6 +3872,10 @@ msgid ""
"left by live chat attendees, and are labeled by date, time, and the support "
"agent who was responsible for the live chat session."
msgstr ""
+"De slimme knop :guilabel:`% Tevreden` bevat een logboek met beoordelingen "
+"die zijn achtergelaten door livechat deelnemers en zijn gelabeld op datum, "
+"tijdstip en de ondersteuningsagent die verantwoordelijk was voor de livechat"
+" sessie."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/receiving_tickets.rst:231
msgid ""
@@ -3023,10 +3884,15 @@ msgid ""
" in specific countries, add them to the :guilabel:`Country` field. If this "
"field is left blank, the channel will be available to all site visitors."
msgstr ""
+"Voeg de URL voor de pagina's toe waarop dit kanaal zal worden toegepast in "
+"het veld :guilabel:`URL Regex`. Als dit kanaal alleen beschikbaar is voor "
+"gebruikers in specifieke landen, voeg deze toe aan het veld "
+":guilabel:`Land`. Als dit veld leeg gelaten wordt, is dit kanaal beschikbaar"
+" voor alle bezoekers van de website."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/receiving_tickets.rst:241
msgid "Use the live chat widget"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "De livechat widget gebruiken"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/receiving_tickets.rst:243
msgid ""
@@ -3034,6 +3900,9 @@ msgid ""
"embeddable website widget, or a shortcode for instant customer/supplier "
"access to a live chat window."
msgstr ""
+"Het tabblad :guilabel:`Widget` op het livechat kanaal biedt een ingebed "
+"website widget of een short code voor zodat klanten/leveranciers "
+"rechtstreeks toegang hebben tot een livechatvenster."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/receiving_tickets.rst:246
msgid ""
@@ -3042,28 +3911,41 @@ msgid ""
"Settings`. Then scroll to the :guilabel:`Live Chat` section, and select the "
"channel to add to the site. Click :guilabel:`Save` to apply."
msgstr ""
+"De livechat :guilabel:`Widget` kan worden toegepast op websites die zijn "
+"gemaakt met Odoo via :menuselection:`Website --> Configuratie --> "
+"Instellingen`. Scroll dan naar de :guilabel:`Livechat` sectie en selecteer "
+"het kanaal dat je wilt toevoegen aan de site. Klik op :guilabel:`Opslaan` om"
+" de wijzigingen toe te passen."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/receiving_tickets.rst:250
msgid ""
"To add the widget to a website created on a third-party platform, click "
":guilabel:`COPY` and paste the code into the `` tag on the site."
msgstr ""
+"Om een widget toe te voegen aan een website die is gemaakt op een extern "
+"platform, klik op :guilabel:`KOPIEER` en plak de code in het `` label "
+"op de website."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/receiving_tickets.rst:253
msgid ""
"Likewise, to send a live chat session to a customer or supplier, click the "
"second :guilabel:`COPY` button which contains a link to join directly."
msgstr ""
+"Om een livechat sessie naar een klant of een leverancier te versturen, klik "
+"op de tweede knop :guilabel:`KOPIEER` die een link bevat om direct deel te "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/receiving_tickets.rst:257
msgid "Create a support ticket from a live chat session"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Een supportticket maken vanuit een livechat sessie"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/receiving_tickets.rst:259
msgid ""
"Once live chat is enabled, operators will be able to communicate with site "
"visitors in real time."
msgstr ""
+"Zodra livechat is ingeschakeld, kunnen operators in realtime communiceren "
+"met bezoekers van de site."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/receiving_tickets.rst:261
msgid ""
@@ -3072,37 +3954,45 @@ msgid ""
"without leaving the chat window. The transcript from the conversation will "
"be added to the new ticket, under the :guilabel:`Description` tab."
msgstr ""
+"Tijdens het gesprek kan een operator de sneltoets :doc:`commando "
+"` `/helpdesk` gebruiken om een "
+"ticket aan te maken zonder het chatvenster te verlaten. Het transcript van "
+"het gesprek wordt toegevoegd aan het nieuwe ticket, onder het tabblad "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/receiving_tickets.rst:267
msgid "Prioritizing tickets"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Tickets prioriteren"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/receiving_tickets.rst:269
msgid ""
"All tickets include a :guilabel:`Priority` field. The highest priority "
"tickets will appear at the top of the kanban and list views."
msgstr ""
+"Er is een veld :guilabel:`Prioriteit` op elk ticket. De tickets met de "
+"hoogste prioriteit verschijnen bovenaan in de kanban- en lijstweergaven."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/receiving_tickets.rst-1
msgid ""
"View of a team's kanban view and the prioritized tasks in Odoo Helpdesk."
msgstr ""
+"Kanbanweergave van een team en de geprioriteerde taken in Odoo Helpdesk."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/receiving_tickets.rst:276
msgid "The priority levels are represented by stars:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "De prioriteitsniveaus worden weergegeven met sterren:"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/receiving_tickets.rst:278
msgid "0 stars = *Low Priority*"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "0 sterren = *Lage prioriteit*"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/receiving_tickets.rst:279
msgid "1 star = *Medium Priority*"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "1 ster = *Gemiddelde prioriteit*"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/receiving_tickets.rst:280
msgid "2 stars = *High Priority*"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "2 sterren = *Hoge prioriteit*"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/receiving_tickets.rst:281
msgid "3 stars = *Urgent*"
@@ -3114,6 +4004,9 @@ msgid ""
"priority level, select the appropriate number of stars on the kanban card, "
"or on the ticket."
msgstr ""
+"Tickets worden standaard ingesteld op een lage prioriteit (0 sterren). Om "
+"het prioriteitsniveau te wijzigen, selecteer het juiste aantal sterren op de"
+" kanbankaart of op het ticket."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/receiving_tickets.rst:287
msgid ""
@@ -3121,14 +4014,17 @@ msgid ""
"changing the priority level of a ticket can alter the :abbr:`SLA (Service "
"Level Agreement)` deadline."
msgstr ""
+"Aangezien prioriteitsniveaus kunnen worden gebruikt als criteria voor het "
+"toewijzen van :doc:`SLAs `, kan het wijzigen van het prioriteitsniveau "
+"van een ticket de :abbr:`SLA (Service Level Agreement)` deadline veranderen."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/receiving_tickets.rst:292
msgid ":doc:`/applications/general/email_communication/email_servers`"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr ":doc:`/applications/general/email_communication/email_servers`"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/receiving_tickets.rst:293
msgid ":doc:`/applications/websites/livechat`"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr ":doc:`/applications/websites/livechat`"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/reports.rst:3
msgid "Reporting"
@@ -3140,10 +4036,14 @@ msgid ""
"track trends for customer support tickets, identify areas for improvement, "
"manage employee workloads, and confirm when customer expectations are met."
msgstr ""
+"Odoo *Helpdesk* bevat verschillende rapporten die de mogelijkheid bieden om "
+"trends voor klantondersteuningstickets te volgen, verbeterpunten te "
+"identificeren, de werklast van werknemers te beheren en te bevestigen "
+"wanneer aan de verwachtingen van de klant is voldaan."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/reports.rst:10
msgid "Available reports"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Beschikbare rapporten"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/reports.rst:12
msgid ""
@@ -3151,6 +4051,9 @@ msgid ""
"To view the different reports, go to :menuselection:`Helpdesk --> "
msgstr ""
+"Hieronder vind je meer informatie over de beschikbare rapporten in Odoo "
+"*Helpdesk*. Om de verschillende rapporten te bekijken, ga naar "
+":menuselection:`Helpdesk --> Rapportages`."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/reports.rst:16
msgid "Ticket Analysis"
@@ -3163,6 +4066,10 @@ msgid ""
"the database. This includes the number of tickets assigned among teams and "
"individual users."
msgstr ""
+"Het rapport *Ticketanalayse* (:menuselection:`Helpdesk --> Rapportages --> "
+"Ticketanalyse`) geeft een overzicht van elke klantondersteuningsticket in de"
+" database. Dit omvat het aantal tickets dat is toegewezen aan teams en "
+"individuele gebruikers."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/reports.rst:22
msgid ""
@@ -3171,10 +4078,14 @@ msgid ""
"support staff. The default report counts the number of tickets per team and "
"groups them by stage."
msgstr ""
+"Dit rapport is nuttig om te bepalen waar teams de meeste tijd aan besteden "
+"en of er een ongelijke werklastverdeling is onder het ondersteuningsteam. "
+"Het standaardrapport telt het aantal tickets per team en groepeert ze per "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/reports.rst-1
msgid "View of Ticket Analysis report default view."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Standaardweergave van het ticketanalyserapport."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/reports.rst:30
msgid ""
@@ -3184,6 +4095,11 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Measures` button, and select one or more options from the drop-"
"down menu:"
msgstr ""
+"Er kunnen alternatieve meetwaarden worden geselecteerd om bij te houden waar"
+" de meeste tijd aan wordt besteed in verschillende fases van de workflow. Om"
+" de meetwaarden te wijzigen die worden gebruikt voor het rapport dat "
+"momenteel wordt weergegeven, klik op de knop :guilabel:`Meetwaarden` en "
+"selecteer één of meer opties in het vervolgkeuzemenu:"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/reports.rst:35
msgid ""
@@ -3192,6 +4108,11 @@ msgid ""
"team. *This is does not include messages sent when the ticket was in a "
"folded stage*"
msgstr ""
+":guilabel:`Gemiddeld aantal uren om te reageren`: gemiddeld aantal werkuren "
+"tussen het tijdstip waarop een klant een bericht verstuurt en het tijdstip "
+"waarom het ondersteuningsteam reageert. *Deze meetwaarde omvat niet de "
+"berichten die zijn verzonden toen het ticket zich in een gevouwen fase "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/reports.rst:38
msgid ""
@@ -3199,6 +4120,10 @@ msgid ""
"created and the closed date. If there is no closed date on the ticket, the "
"current date is used. **This measure is not specific to working hours**"
msgstr ""
+":guilabel:`Uren open`: aantal uren tussen de datum waarop het ticket is "
+"aangemaakt en de sluitingsdatum. Als er geen sluitingsdatum op het ticket "
+"staat, wordt de huidige datum gebruikt. **Deze meetwaarde is niet specifiek "
+"voor werkuren**"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/reports.rst:41
msgid ""
@@ -3206,18 +4131,26 @@ msgid ""
"*This measure is only available if Timesheets are enabled on a team, and the"
" current user has the access rights to view them*"
msgstr ""
+":guilabel:`Gewerkte uren`: aantal uren van een *Urenstaat* geregistreerd op "
+"een ticket. *Deze meetwaarde is enkel beschikbaar als de functie Urenstaten "
+"ingeschakeld is op een team en als de huidige gebruiker deze mag bekijken*"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/reports.rst:44
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Hours to Assign`: number of working hours between the date on "
"which the ticket was created and when it was assigned to a team member"
msgstr ""
+":guilabel:`Uren om toe te wijzen`: aantal werkuren tussen de datum waarop "
+"het ticket is aangemaakt en de datum waarop het aan een teamlid is "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/reports.rst:46
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Hours to Close`: number of working hours between the date on "
"which the ticket was created and the date it was closed"
msgstr ""
+":guilabel:`Uren om te sluiten`: aantal werkuren tussen de datum waarop het "
+"ticket is aangemaakt en de datum waarop het is gesloten"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/reports.rst:48
msgid ""
@@ -3226,23 +4159,32 @@ msgid ""
"message was sent. *This does not include email sent automatically when a "
"ticket reaches a stage*"
msgstr ""
+":guilabel:`Uren tot eerste reactie`: aantal werkuren tussen de datum waarop "
+"het ticket is ontvangen en de datum waarop het eerste berichtje is "
+"verstuurd. *Deze meetwaarde omvat niet de e-mail die automatisch verzonden "
+"wordt wanneer een ticket een fase bereikt*"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/reports.rst:51
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Hours to SLA Deadline`: number of working hours remaining to "
"reach the last :abbr:`SLA (Service Level Agreement)` deadline on a ticket"
msgstr ""
+":guilabel:`Uren tot SLA-deadline`: aantal resterende werkuren om aan de "
+"laatste :abbr:`SLA (Service Level Agreement)` deadline op een ticket te "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/reports.rst:53
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Rating /5`: number valued assigned to the rating received from a "
"customer (Dissatisfied = 1, Okay/Neutral = 3, Satisfied = 5)"
msgstr ""
+":guilabel:`Beoordeling /5`: waarde toegekend aan de beoordeling die een "
+"klant heeft gegeven (Ontevreden = 1, Oké/Neutraal = 3, Tevreden = 5)"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/reports.rst:55
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/reports.rst:99
msgid ":guilabel:`Count`: number of tickets in total"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr ":guilabel:`Aantal`: totaal aantal tickets"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/reports.rst:58
msgid ""
@@ -3250,6 +4192,10 @@ msgid ""
"view or change the working calendar, go to the :menuselection:`Settings` "
"application and select :menuselection:`Employees --> Company Working Hours`."
msgstr ""
+"*Werkuren* worden berekend op basis van het standaard werkrooster. Om het "
+"werkrooster te bekijken of te wijzigen, ga naar de applicatie "
+":menuselection:`Instellingen` en selecteer :menuselection:`Werknemers --> "
+"Werkuren bedrijf`. "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/reports.rst:63
msgid "SLA Status Analysis"
@@ -3261,6 +4207,10 @@ msgid ""
" SLA Status Analysis`) tracks how quickly an SLA (Service Level Agreement) "
"is fulfilled, as well as the success rate of individual policies."
msgstr ""
+"Het rapport *SLA statusanalyse* (:menuselection:`Helpdesk --> Rapportages "
+"--> SLA statusanalyse`) houdt bij hoe snel aan een SLA (Service Level "
+"Agreement) wordt voldaan, evenals het succespercentage van individuele "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/reports.rst:69
msgid ""
@@ -3268,10 +4218,13 @@ msgid ""
"(Service Level Agreements)` failed, as well as the failure rate over the "
"last 30 days, grouped by team."
msgstr ""
+"Standaard wordt dit rapport gefilterd om het aantal mislukte :abbr:`SLAs "
+"(Service Level Agreements)` weer te geven, evenals het mislukkingspercentage"
+" over de laatste 30 dagen, gegroepeerd per team."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/reports.rst-1
msgid "View of Group by options of Ticket Analysis report."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Weergave van de opties om te groeperen van het ticketanalyserapport."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/reports.rst:76
msgid ""
@@ -3279,12 +4232,18 @@ msgid ""
"to add more, click the :guilabel:`Measures` button, and select one or more "
"options from the drop-down menu:"
msgstr ""
+"Om de meetwaarden die gebruikt worden voor het rapport dat momenteel wordt "
+"weergegeven of om extra meetwaarden toe te voegen, klik op de knop "
+":guilabel:`Meetwaarden` en selecteer één of meerdere opties in het "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/reports.rst:79
msgid ""
":guilabel:`% of Failed SLA`: percentage of tickets that have failed at least"
" one :abbr:`SLA (Service Level Agreement)`"
msgstr ""
+":guilabel:`% mislukte SLA`: percentage tickets waarbij ten minste één "
+":abbr:`SLA (Service Level Agreement)` is mislukt"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/reports.rst:81
msgid ""
@@ -3292,24 +4251,33 @@ msgid ""
"one :abbr:`SLA (Service Level Agreement)` still in progress, and have not "
"failed any :abbr:`SLAs (Service Level Agreements)`"
msgstr ""
+":guilabel:`% SLA in behandeling`: percentage tickets met ten minste één "
+":abbr:`SLA (Service Level Agreement)` nog in behandeling is en waarbij geen "
+":abbr:`SLAs (Service Level Agreements)` zijn mislukt"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/reports.rst:84
msgid ""
":guilabel:`% of Successful SLA`: percentage of tickets where all :abbr:`SLAs"
" (Service Level Agreements)` have been successful"
msgstr ""
+":guilabel:`% succesvolle SLA`: percentage tickets waarbij alle :`SLAs "
+"(Service Level Agreements)` geslaagd zijn"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/reports.rst:86
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Number of SLA Failed`: number of tickets that have failed at "
"least one :abbr:`SLA (Service Level Agreement)`"
msgstr ""
+":guilabel:`Aantal SLA mislukt`: aantal tickets waarbij ten minste één "
+":abbr:`SLA (Service Level Agreement)` is mislukt"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/reports.rst:88
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Number of SLA Successful`: number of tickets where all "
":abbr:`SLAs (Service Level Agreements)` have been successful"
msgstr ""
+":guilabel:`Aantal SLA gehaald`: aantal tickets waarbij alle :abbr:`SLAs "
+"(Service Level Agreements)` geslaagd zijn"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/reports.rst:90
msgid ""
@@ -3317,6 +4285,9 @@ msgid ""
"one :abbr:`SLA (Service Level Agreement)` still in progress, and have not "
"failed any :abbr:`SLAs (Service Level Agreements)`"
msgstr ""
+":guilabel:`Aantal SLA in behandeling`: aantal tickets met ten minste één "
+":abbr:`SLA (Service Level Agreement)` in behandeling en waarbij geen "
+":abbr:`SLAs (Service Level Agreements)` zijn mislukt"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/reports.rst:93
msgid ""
@@ -3324,12 +4295,17 @@ msgid ""
"date on which the ticket was created and when it was assigned to a team "
msgstr ""
+":guilabel:`Werkuren om toe te wijzen`: aantal werkuren tussen de datum "
+"waarop het ticket is aangemaakt en de datum waarop het aan een teamlid is "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/reports.rst:95
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Working Hours to Close`: number of working hours between the date"
" on which the ticket was created and the date it was closed"
msgstr ""
+":guilabel:`Werkuren om te sluiten`: aantal werkuren tussen de datum waarop "
+"het ticket is aangemaakt en de datum waarop het is gesloten"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/reports.rst:97
msgid ""
@@ -3337,6 +4313,9 @@ msgid ""
"date on which the ticket was created and the date the :abbr:`SLA (Service "
"Level Agreement)` was satisfied"
msgstr ""
+":guilabel:`Werkuren om SLA te bereiken`: aantal werkuren tussen de datum "
+"waarop het ticket is aangemaakt en de datum waarop aan de :abbr:`SLA "
+"(Service Level Agreement)` is voldaan"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/reports.rst:102
msgid ""
@@ -3346,22 +4325,31 @@ msgid ""
"SLA Successful` and :menuselection:`Measures --> Working Hours to Reach "
msgstr ""
+"Om het aantal tickets te zien dat in staat was de opgegeven :abbr:`SLA "
+"(Service Level Agreement)` doelstellingen te bereiken en de tijd die nodig "
+"was om deze doelstellingen te bereiken, klik op :menuselection:`Meetwaarden "
+"--> Aantal SLA geslaagd` en :menuselection:`Meetwaarden --> Werkuren om SLA "
+"te bereiken`."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/reports.rst:107
msgid ""
"To sort these results by the team members assigned to the tickets, select "
":menuselection:`Total --> Assigned to`."
msgstr ""
+"Om deze resultaten te sorteren per teamlid die aan het ticket is toegewezen,"
+" selecteer :menuselection:`Totaal --> Toegewezen aan`."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/reports.rst:111
msgid ""
":doc:`Service Level Agreements (SLA) "
msgstr ""
+":doc:`Service Level Agreements (SLA) "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/reports.rst:114
msgid "Customer Ratings"
-msgstr "Klantenbeoordelingen"
+msgstr "Klantbeoordelingen"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/reports.rst:116
msgid ""
@@ -3370,40 +4358,53 @@ msgid ""
"individual support tickets, as well as any additional comments submitted "
"with the rating."
msgstr ""
+"Het rapport *Klantbeoordelingen* (:menuselection:`Helpdesk --> Rapportages "
+"-- Klantbeoordelingen`) toont een overzicht van de beoordelingen die op "
+"individuele ondersteuningstickets zijn ontvangen, evenals eventuele "
+"aanvullende opmerkingen die bij de beoordeling zijn ingediend."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/reports.rst-1
msgid "View of the kanban display in the Customer Ratings report."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Kanbanweergave van het klantbeoordelingenrapport."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/reports.rst:124
msgid ""
"Click on an individual rating to see additional details about the rating "
"submitted by the customer, including a link to the original ticket."
msgstr ""
+"Klik op een individuele beoordeling om meer details te zien over de door de "
+"klant ingediende beoordeling, inclusief een link naar het oorspronkelijke "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/reports.rst-1
msgid "View of the details of an individual customer rating."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Weergave van de details van een individuele klantbeoordeling."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/reports.rst:132
msgid ""
"On the rating's details page, select the :guilabel:`Visible Internally Only`"
" option to hide the rating from the customer portal."
msgstr ""
+"Selecteer op de detailpagina van de beoordeling de optie :guilabel:`Alleen "
+"intern zichtbaar` om de beoordeling voor het klantenportaal te verbergen."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/reports.rst:135
msgid ""
"The *Customer Ratings* report is displayed in a kanban view by default, but "
"can also be displayed in graph, list, or pivot view."
msgstr ""
+"Het rapport *Klantbeoordelingen* wordt standaard weergegeven in een "
+"kanbanweergave, maar kan ook worden weergegeven in grafiek-, lijst- of "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/reports.rst:139
msgid ":doc:`Ratings `"
msgstr ""
+":doc:`Beoordelingen `"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/reports.rst:142
msgid "View and filter options"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Weergave- en filteropties"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/reports.rst:144
msgid ""
@@ -3411,12 +4412,18 @@ msgid ""
" is being analyzed, measured, and grouped. See below for additional "
"information on the available views for the *Helpdesk* reports."
msgstr ""
+"Op eender welk Odoo rapport variëren de weergave- en filteropties, "
+"afhankelijk van welke gegevens worden geanalyseerd, gemeten en gegroepeerd. "
+"Hieronder vind je meer informatie over de beschikbare weergaven van de "
+"*Helpdesk* rapporten."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/reports.rst:149
msgid ""
"Only one measure may be selected at a time for graphs, but pivot tables can "
"include multiple measures."
msgstr ""
+"Voor grafieken kan slechts één meetwaarden worden geselecteerd, terwijl "
+"draaitabellen meerdere meetwaarden kunnen bevatten."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/reports.rst:153
msgid "Pivot view"
@@ -3427,16 +4434,20 @@ msgid ""
"The *pivot* view presents data in an interactive manner. All three "
"*Helpdesk* reports are available in pivot view."
msgstr ""
+"De *draaitabel* geeft gegevens op een interactieve manier weer. De drie "
+"*Helpdeskrapporten* zijn beschikbaar in draaitabelweergave."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/reports.rst:158
msgid ""
"The pivot view can be accessed on any report by selecting the "
":guilabel:`grid icon` at the top right of the screen."
msgstr ""
+"De draaitabelweergave kan op elk rapport worden geopend door het "
+":guilabel:`rastericoontje` rechtsboven in het scherm te selecteren."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/reports.rst-1
msgid "View of the SLA status analysis report in Odoo Helpdesk."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Weergave van het rapport SLA statusanalyse in Odoo Helpdesk."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/reports.rst:165
msgid ""
@@ -3445,6 +4456,10 @@ msgid ""
"To remove one, click the :guilabel:`➖ (minus sign)` and de-select the "
"appropriate option."
msgstr ""
+"Om een groep toe te voegen aan een regel of een kolom van de draaitabel, "
+"klik op het plusteken :guilabel:`➕` naast :guilabel:`Totaal` en selecteer "
+"één van de groepen. Om een groep te verwijderen, klik op het minteken "
+":guilabel:`➖` en deselecteer de betreffende optie."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/reports.rst:170
msgid "Graph view"
@@ -3454,6 +4469,8 @@ msgstr "Grafiekweergave"
msgid ""
"The *graph* view presents data in either a *bar*, *line*, or *pie* chart."
msgstr ""
+"De *grafiek* geeft gegevens weer in een *staaf-*, *lijn-* of "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/reports.rst:174
msgid ""
@@ -3461,6 +4478,10 @@ msgid ""
" top right of the screen. To switch between the different charts, select the"
" *related icon* at the top left of the chart, while in graph view."
msgstr ""
+"Ga naar de grafiekweergave door het :guilabel:`lijndiagramicoontje` te "
+"selecteren rechtsboven in het scherm. Om tussen de verschillende diagrammen "
+"te schakelen, selecteer het *bijbehorende icoontje* linksboven het diagram "
+"in grafiekweergave."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/reports.rst:180
msgid "Bar chart"
@@ -3468,15 +4489,15 @@ msgstr "Staafdiagram"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/reports.rst:0
msgid "View of the SLA status analysis report in bar view."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Weergave van het rapport SLA statusanalyse in een staafdiagram."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/reports.rst:186
msgid "Line chart"
-msgstr "Lijngrafiek"
+msgstr "Lijndiagram"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/reports.rst:0
msgid "View of the Customer Ratings report in line view."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Weergave van het rapport Klantbeoordelingen in een lijndiagram."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/reports.rst:192
msgid "Pie chart"
@@ -3484,7 +4505,7 @@ msgstr "Cirkeldiagram"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/reports.rst:0
msgid "View of the Ticket analysis report in pie chart view."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Weergave van het rapport Ticketanalyse in een cirkeldiagram."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/reports.rst:199
msgid ""
@@ -3492,10 +4513,14 @@ msgid ""
" This presents two (or more) groups of data on top of each other, instead of"
" next to each other, making it easier to compare data."
msgstr ""
+"Zowel het *staafdiagram* als het *lijndiagram* kunnen *gestapeld* worden "
+"weergegeven. Hierdoor worden twee (of meer) groepen boven elkaar weergegeven"
+" in plaats van naast elkaar, waardoor het makkelijker wordt om de gegevens "
+"te vergelijken."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/reports.rst:204
msgid "Save and share a favorite search"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Een favoriete zoekopdracht opslaan en delen"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/reports.rst:206
msgid ""
@@ -3503,25 +4528,32 @@ msgid ""
"their most commonly used filters without having to reconstruct them every "
"time they are needed."
msgstr ""
+"Met de functie *Favorieten* op de *Helpdeskrapporten* kunnen gebruikers hun "
+"meest gebruikte filters opslaan zonder dat ze deze telkens opnieuw hoeven op"
+" te bouwen."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/reports.rst:209
msgid ""
"To create and save new *Favorites* on a report, follow the steps below:"
msgstr ""
+"Volg onderstaande stappen om nieuwe *Favorieten* op een rapport aan te maken"
+" en op te slaan:"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/reports.rst:211
msgid ""
"Set the necessary parameters using the :guilabel:`Filters`, :guilabel:`Group"
" By` and :guilabel:`Measures` options."
msgstr ""
+"Stel de nodige parameters in door middel van de opties :guilabel:`Filters`, "
+":guilabel:`Groeperen op` and :guilabel:`Meetwaarden`."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/reports.rst:213
msgid "Click :menuselection:`Favorites --> Save current search`."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Klik op :menuselection:`Favorieten --> Huidige zoekopdracht opslaan`."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/reports.rst:214
msgid "Rename the search."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Geef een andere naam aan de zoekopdracht."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/reports.rst:215
msgid ""
@@ -3529,6 +4561,9 @@ msgid ""
"automatically displayed when the report is opened. Otherwise, leave it "
msgstr ""
+"Selecteer :guilabel:`Standaard gebruiken` om deze filterinstellingen "
+"automatisch weer te geven wanneer het rapport wordt geopend. Laat het anders"
+" leeg."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/reports.rst:217
msgid ""
@@ -3536,24 +4571,32 @@ msgid ""
" other database users. If this box is not checked, it will only be available"
" to the user who creates it."
msgstr ""
+"Selecteer :guilabel:`Delen met alle gebruikers` om deze filter beschikbaar "
+"te maken voor alle andere gebruikers van de database. Als dit vakje niet is "
+"aangevinkt, is het alleen beschikbaar voor de gebruiker die de filter heeft "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/reports.rst:219
msgid "Click :guilabel:`Save` to preserve the configuration for future use."
msgstr ""
+"Klik op :guilabel:`Opslaan` om deze instellingen te bewaren voor toekomstig "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/reports.rst-1
msgid "View of the save favorites option in Odoo Helpdesk."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Weergave van de functie Favorieten opslaan in Odoo Helpdesk."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/reports.rst:226
msgid ""
":doc:`Start receiving tickets "
msgstr ""
+":doc:`Tickets ontvangen "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/reports.rst:227
msgid ":doc:`Odoo reporting `"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr ":doc:`Odoo rapportages `"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/sla.rst:3
msgid "Service Level Agreements (SLA)"
@@ -3873,8 +4916,8 @@ msgid ""
"corresponding new column will emerge in the pivot table to show the relevant"
" calculations."
msgstr ""
-"Om het aantal succesvolle SLAs of SLAs in uitvoering toe te voegen, klik op "
-"de knop :guilabel:`Meetwaarden` om een vervolgkeuzelijst weer te geven met "
+"Om het aantal succesvolle SLAs of SLAs in behandeling toe te voegen, klik op"
+" de knop :guilabel:`Meetwaarden` om een vervolgkeuzelijst weer te geven met "
"rapportagecriteria. Kies uit de beschikbare opties op basis van de gewenste "
"analyses. Telkens wanneer een meetwaarde wordt gekozen, verschijnt er een "
"vinkje in de vervolgkeuzelijst om aan te duiden dat die meetwaarde is "
diff --git a/locale/nl/LC_MESSAGES/websites.po b/locale/nl/LC_MESSAGES/websites.po
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# Translators:
# Maxim Vandenbroucke , 2022
-# Jolien De Paepe, 2023
# Gunther Clauwaert , 2023
# Erwin van der Ploeg , 2023
# Martin Trigaux, 2023
# Wil Odoo, 2023
# Yenthe Van Ginneken , 2023
+# Jolien De Paepe, 2023
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-12 13:54+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-10-04 12:54+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: Yenthe Van Ginneken , 2023\n"
+"Last-Translator: Jolien De Paepe, 2023\n"
"Language-Team: Dutch (https://app.transifex.com/odoo/teams/41243/nl/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@@ -1091,7 +1091,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/websites/ecommerce/ecommerce_management/order_handling.rst:97
msgid ":doc:`/applications/sales/sales/products_prices/returns`"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr ":doc:`/applications/sales/sales/products_prices/returns`"
#: ../../content/applications/websites/ecommerce/ecommerce_management/order_handling.rst:98
msgid ":doc:`/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/after_sales`"
@@ -2518,6 +2518,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
"`Odoo Tutorials: eLearning `_"
msgstr ""
+"`Odoo Tutorials: eLearning `_"
#: ../../content/applications/websites/elearning.rst:19
msgid "Courses"
@@ -3979,6 +3980,9 @@ msgid ""
"greeting displayed in the text bubble when the live chat button appears on "
"the website."
msgstr ""
+"Wijzig de tekst in het veld :guilabel:`Tekst van de knop` om de "
+"welkomsttekst te bewerken die in de tekstballon wordt weergegeven wanneer de"
+" livechat knop op de website verschijnt."
#: ../../content/applications/websites/livechat.rst:95
msgid ""
diff --git a/locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/productivity.po b/locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/productivity.po
index e5c415a77..9c4ec790d 100644
--- a/locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/productivity.po
+++ b/locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/productivity.po
@@ -2164,7 +2164,7 @@ msgstr "Nome do dispositivo"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/iot/config/pos.rst:38
msgid "Instructions"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Instruções"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/iot/config/pos.rst:39
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/iot/config/troubleshooting.rst:66
diff --git a/locale/vi/LC_MESSAGES/finance.po b/locale/vi/LC_MESSAGES/finance.po
index c0147dc14..5bf460b64 100644
--- a/locale/vi/LC_MESSAGES/finance.po
+++ b/locale/vi/LC_MESSAGES/finance.po
@@ -31904,7 +31904,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/finance/payment_providers.rst:358
msgid "Maximum Amount"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Số tiền tối đa"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/payment_providers.rst:360
msgid ""
@@ -32431,7 +32431,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/finance/payment_providers/amazon_payment_services.rst:3
msgid "Amazon Payment Services"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Dịch vụ thanh toán Amazon"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/payment_providers/amazon_payment_services.rst:5
msgid ""
@@ -32526,7 +32526,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/finance/payment_providers/asiapay.rst:3
msgid "AsiaPay"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "AsiaPay"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/payment_providers/asiapay.rst:5
msgid ""
@@ -33027,7 +33027,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/finance/payment_providers/flutterwave.rst:3
msgid "Flutterwave"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Flutterwave"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/payment_providers/flutterwave.rst:5
msgid ""
@@ -33101,7 +33101,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/finance/payment_providers/mercado_pago.rst:3
msgid "Mercado Pago"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Mercado Pago"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/payment_providers/mercado_pago.rst:5
msgid ""
@@ -33154,7 +33154,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/finance/payment_providers/mollie.rst:3
msgid "Mollie"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Mollie"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/payment_providers/mollie.rst:5
msgid ""
@@ -33661,7 +33661,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/finance/payment_providers/razorpay.rst:3
msgid "Razorpay"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Razorpay"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/payment_providers/razorpay.rst:5
msgid ""
diff --git a/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/finance.po b/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/finance.po
index c0af46ba7..d9945ddb2 100644
--- a/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/finance.po
+++ b/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/finance.po
@@ -17402,7 +17402,7 @@ msgstr "澳大利亚"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/australia.rst:8
msgid "Employment Hero Australian Payroll"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "就业英雄 澳大利亚工资单"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/australia.rst:10
msgid ""
diff --git a/locale/zh_TW/LC_MESSAGES/websites.po b/locale/zh_TW/LC_MESSAGES/websites.po
index 6472c519b..3d28d6120 100644
--- a/locale/zh_TW/LC_MESSAGES/websites.po
+++ b/locale/zh_TW/LC_MESSAGES/websites.po
@@ -1194,7 +1194,7 @@ msgstr "產品"
#: ../../content/applications/websites/ecommerce/managing_products/catalog.rst:3
msgid "Catalog"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "目錄"
#: ../../content/applications/websites/ecommerce/managing_products/catalog.rst:5
msgid ""
@@ -4569,7 +4569,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/websites/livechat/chatbots.rst:147
msgid "Create Lead"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "建立潛在客戶"
#: ../../content/applications/websites/livechat/chatbots.rst:149
msgid ""