[IMP] developer: reorder and improve notification service

closes odoo/documentation#1265

Signed-off-by: Victor Feyens (vfe) <vfe@odoo.com>
This commit is contained in:
Géry Debongnie 2021-11-02 20:07:34 +00:00
parent b4fce0a13d
commit 4082906776

View File

@ -118,6 +118,8 @@ Reference List
- Short Description
* - :ref:`cookie <services/cookie>`
- read or modify cookies
* - :ref:`notification <services/notification>`
- display notifications
* - :ref:`rpc <services/rpc>`
- send requests to the server
* - :ref:`title <services/title>`
@ -163,6 +165,120 @@ API
Deletes the cookie `name`.
.. _services/notification:
Notification service
* Technical name: `notification`
* Dependencies: None
The `notification` service allows to display notifications on the screen.
.. code-block:: javascript
const notificationService = useService("notification");
notificationService.add("I'm a very simple notification");
.. js:function:: add(message[, options])
:param string message: the notification message to display
:param object options: the options of the notification
:returns: a function to close the notification
Shows a notification.
The options are defined by:
.. list-table::
:widths: 15 30 55
:header-rows: 1
* - Name
- Type
- Description
* - `title`
- string
- Add a title to the notification
* - `type`
- `warning` | `danger` | `success` | `info`
- Changes the background color according to the type
* - `sticky`
- boolean
- Whether or not the notification should stay until dismissed
* - `className`
- string
- additional css class that will be added to the notification
* - `onClose`
- function
- callback to be executed when the notification closes
* - `buttons`
- button[] (see below)
- list of button to display in the notification
The buttons are defined by:
.. list-table::
:widths: 15 30 55
:header-rows: 1
* - Name
- Type
- Description
* - `name`
- string
- The button text
* - `onClick`
- function
- callback to execute when the button is clicked
* - `primary`
- boolean
- whether the button should be styled as a primary button
A notification for when a sale deal is made with a button to go some kind of commission page.
.. code-block:: javascript
// in setup
this.notificationService = useService("notification");
this.actionService = useService("actionService");
// later
this.notificationService.add("You closed a deal!", {
title: "Congrats",
type: "success",
buttons: [
name: "See your Commission",
onClick: () => {
.. image:: images/notification_service.png
:width: 600 px
:alt: Example of notification
:align: center
A notification that closes after a second:
.. code-block:: javascript
const notificationService = useService("notification");
const close = notificationService.add("I will be quickly closed");
setTimeout(close, 1000);
.. _services/rpc:
RPC service
@ -256,8 +372,9 @@ When a rpc fails, then:
If it is a network error, then the error description is simply an object
``{type: 'network'}``.
When a network error occurs, a notification is displayed and the server is regularly
contacted until it responds. The notification is closed as soon as the server responds.
When a network error occurs, a :ref:`notification <services/notification>` is
displayed and the server is regularly contacted until it responds. The
notification is closed as soon as the server responds.
.. _services/title:
@ -425,96 +542,3 @@ API
.. code-block:: js
const isInSalesGroup = await userService.hasGroup("sale.group_sales")
Notification service
* Technical name: `notification`
* Dependencies: None
The `notification` service allows to display notifications on the screen.
.. code-block:: javascript
const notificationService = useService("notification");
notificationService.add("I'm a very simple notification");
.. js:function:: add(message[, options])
:param string message: the notification message to display
:param object options: the options of the notification
:returns: a function to close the notification
Shows a notification.
The options are defined by:
.. code-block:: ts
@typedef {Object} NotificationOptions
@property {string} [title]
// Add a title to the notification
@property {"warning" | "danger" | "success" | "info"} [type]
// Change the background color
@property {boolean} [sticky=false]
// Whether or not the notification shouldn't be dismissed
@property {string} [className]
// Add a class name of the notification for css targetting
@property {function(): void} [onClose]
// Provide a callback to be executed when the notification closes
@property {NotificationButton[]} [buttons]
// Add buttons to the notifications.
@typedef {Object} NotificationButton
@property {string} name
// The button text
@property {function(): void} onClick
// The callback to execute when the button is clicked
@property {string} [icon]
// A font-awesome string to add an icon
@property {boolean} [primary=false]
// Wheter the button has the primary button style
A notification for when a sale deal is made with a button to go some kind of commission page.
.. code-block:: javascript
// in setup
this.notificationService = useService("notification");
this.actionService = useService("actionService");
// later
this.notificationService.add("You closed a deal!", {
title: "Congrats",
type: "success",
buttons: [
name: "See your Commission",
onClick: () => {
.. image:: images/notification_service.png
:width: 600 px
:alt: Example of notification
:align: center
A notification that closes after a second:
.. code-block:: javascript
const notificationService = useService("notification");
const close = notificationService.add("I will be quickly closed");
setTimeout(close, 1000);