[FIX] plug chart of accounts & journal entries widgets on explicit classes

Sections get an id automatically generated from the title, "journal
entries" and "chart of accounts" are pretty generic concepts, so the
widgets looking for these ids can get enabled on sections they're not
intended to live in.

On the other hand, Sphinx is not likely to generically create classes
for these concepts without being explicitly prompted (via
e.g. rst-class).
This commit is contained in:
Xavier Morel 2019-11-14 11:35:39 +01:00
parent 66b49058f2
commit 555b71c0cd
5 changed files with 14 additions and 277 deletions

View File

@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
function findAncestor(element, name) {
name = name.toUpperCase();
while(element && element.nodeName.toUpperCase() !== name) {
element = element.parentElement;
return element;
function createAtom(val, options) {
var watchers = {};
var validator = options && options.validator || function () { return true; };

View File

@ -133,7 +133,7 @@
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
var chart = document.getElementById('chart-of-accounts');
var chart = findAncestor(document.querySelector('.chart-of-accounts'), 'section');
if (!chart) { return; }
var controls = document.createElement('div');

View File

@ -1,270 +0,0 @@
(function () {
'use strict';
var data = createAtom();
function toKey(s, postfix) {
if (postfix) {
s += ' ' + postfix;
return s.replace(/[^0-9a-z ]/gi, '').toLowerCase().split(/\s+/).join('-');
var Controls = React.createClass({
render: function () {
var state = this.props.p;
return React.DOM.div(null, operations.map(function (op) {
var label = op.get('label'), operations = op.get('operations');
return React.DOM.label(
key: toKey(label),
style: {display: 'block'},
className: (operations === state.get('active') ? 'highlight-op' : void 0)
type: 'checkbox',
checked: state.get('operations').contains(operations),
onChange: function (e) {
if (e.target.checked) {
data.swap(function (d) {
return d.set('active', operations)
.update('operations', function (ops) {
return ops.add(operations)
} else {
data.swap(function (d) {
return d.set('active', null) // keep visible in state map
.update('operations', function (ops) {
return ops.remove(operations);
" ",
var Chart = React.createClass({
render: function () {
var lastop = Immutable.Map(
(this.props.p.get('active') || Immutable.List()).map(function (op) {
return [op.get('account'), op.has('credit') ? 'credit' : 'debit'];
return React.DOM.div(
{className: 'table table-condensed'},
React.DOM.th({className: 'text-right'}, "Debit"),
React.DOM.th({className: 'text-right'}, "Credit"),
React.DOM.th({className: 'text-right'}, "Balance"))
this.accounts().map(function (data) {
var highlight = lastop.get(data.get('code'));
return React.DOM.tr(
{key: data.get('code')},
data.get('level') ? '\u2001 ' : '',
data.get('code'), ' ', data.get('label')),
React.DOM.td({className: React.addons.classSet({
'text-right': true,
'highlight-op': highlight === 'debit'
})}, format(data.get('debit'))),
React.DOM.td({className: React.addons.classSet({
'text-right': true,
'highlight-op': highlight === 'credit'
})}, format(data.get('credit'))),
{className: 'text-right'},
((data.get('debit') || data.get('credit'))
? format(data.get('debit') - data.get('credit'), 0)
: '')
accounts: function() {
var data = this.props.p.get('operations');
var totals = data.toIndexedSeq().flatten(true).reduce(function (acc, op) {
return acc
.updateIn([op.get('account'), 'debit'], function (d) {
return (d || 0) + op.get('debit', zero)(data);
.updateIn([op.get('account'), 'credit'], function (c) {
return (c || 0) + op.get('credit', zero)(data);
}, Immutable.Map());
return accounts.map(function (account) {
// for each account, add sum
return account.merge(
account.get('accounts').map(function (code) {
return totals.get(code, NULL);
}).reduce(function (acc, it) {
return acc.mergeWith(function (a, b) { return a + b; }, it, NULL);
data.addWatch('chart', function (k, m, prev, next) {
React.createElement(Controls, {p: next}),
React.createElement(Chart, {p: next}),
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
var chart = document.querySelector('.valuation-chart');
if (!chart) { return; }
var controls = document.createElement('div');
controls.setAttribute('id', 'chart-controls');
chart.parentNode.insertBefore(controls, chart);
// last-selected operation
active: null,
// set of all currently enabled operations
operations: Immutable.OrderedSet()
var NULL = Immutable.Map({debit: 0, credit: 0});
var ASSETS = {
code: 1,
label: "Assets",
BANK: { code: 11000, label: "Cash" },
ACCOUNTS_RECEIVABLE: { code: 13100, label: "Accounts Receivable" },
STOCK: { code: 14000, label: "Inventory" },
RAW_MATERIALS: { code: 14100, label: "Raw Materials Inventory" },
STOCK_OUT: { code: 14600, label: "Goods Issued Not Invoiced" },
TAXES_PAID: { code: 19000, label: "Deferred Tax Assets" }
code: 2,
label: "Liabilities",
ACCOUNTS_PAYABLE: { code: 21000, label: "Accounts Payable" },
STOCK_IN: { code: 23000, label: "Goods Received Not Purchased" },
TAXES_PAYABLE: { code: 26200, label: "Deferred Tax Liabilities" }
var EQUITY = {
code: 3,
label: "Equity",
CAPITAL: { code: 31000, label: "Common Stock" }
var REVENUE = {
code: 4,
label: "Revenue",
SALES: { code: 41000, label: "Goods" },
var EXPENSES = {
code: 5,
label: "Expenses",
GOODS_SOLD: { code: 51100, label: "Cost of Goods Sold" },
MANUFACTURING_OVERHEAD: { code: 52000, label: "Manufacturing Overhead" },
PRICE_DIFFERENCE: { code: 53000, label: "Price Difference" }
var categories = Immutable.fromJS([ASSETS, LIABILITIES, EQUITY, REVENUE, EXPENSES], function (k, v) {
return Immutable.Iterable.isIndexed(v)
? v.toList()
: v.toOrderedMap();
var accounts = categories.toSeq().flatMap(function (cat) {
return Immutable.Seq.of(cat.set('level', 0)).concat(cat.filter(function (v, k) {
return k.toUpperCase() === k;
}).toIndexedSeq().map(function (acc) { return acc.set('level', 1) }));
}).map(function (account) { // add accounts: Seq<AccountCode> to each account
return account.set(
account.toIndexedSeq().map(function (val) {
return Immutable.Map.isMap(val) && val.get('code');
}).filter(function (val) { return !!val; })
var sale = 100,
cor = 50,
cor_tax = cor * 0.09,
tax = sale * 0.09,
total = sale + tax,
purchase = 52,
purchase_tax = 52 * 0.09;
var operations = Immutable.fromJS([{
label: "Vendor Bill (PO $50, Invoice $40)",
operations: [
{account: LIABILITIES.STOCK_IN.code, debit: constant(50)},
{account: ASSETS.TAXES_PAID.code, debit: constant(50 * 0.09)},
{account: LIABILITIES.ACCOUNTS_PAYABLE.code, credit: constant(50 * 1.09)},
}, {
label: "Vendor Goods Reception (PO $50, Invoice $50)",
operations: [
{account: LIABILITIES.STOCK_IN.code, credit: constant(50)},
{account: ASSETS.STOCK.code, debit: constant(50)},
}, {
label: "Vendor Bill (PO $48, Invoice $50)",
operations: [
{account: EXPENSES.PRICE_DIFFERENCE.code, debit: constant(2)},
{account: LIABILITIES.STOCK_IN.code, debit: constant(48)},
{account: ASSETS.TAXES_PAID.code, debit: constant(50 * 0.09)},
{account: LIABILITIES.ACCOUNTS_PAYABLE.code, credit: constant(50 * 1.09)},
}, {
label: "Vendor Goods Reception (PO $48, Invoice $50)",
operations: [
{account: LIABILITIES.STOCK_IN.code, credit: constant(48)},
{account: ASSETS.STOCK.code, debit: constant(48)},
}, {
label: "Customer Invoice",
operations: [
{account: ASSETS.ACCOUNTS_RECEIVABLE.code, debit: constant(total)},
{account: EXPENSES.GOODS_SOLD.code, debit: constant(cor)},
{account: REVENUE.SALES.code, credit: constant(sale)},
{account: ASSETS.STOCK_OUT.code, credit: constant(cor)},
{account: LIABILITIES.TAXES_PAYABLE.code, credit: constant(tax)}
}, {
label: "Customer Shipping",
operations: [
{account: ASSETS.STOCK_OUT.code, debit: constant(cor)},
{account: ASSETS.STOCK.code, credit: constant(cor)}
}, {
label: "Production Order",
operations: [
{account: ASSETS.STOCK.code, debit: constant(50)},
{account: EXPENSES.MANUFACTURING_OVERHEAD.code, debit: constant(2)},
{account: ASSETS.RAW_MATERIALS.code, credit: constant(52)}
function constant(val) {return function () { return val; };}
var zero = constant(0);
function format(val, def) {
if (!val) { return def === undefined ? '' : def; }
if (val % 1 === 0) { return val; }
return val.toFixed(2);

View File

@ -11,12 +11,12 @@
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
var entries_node = document.getElementById('journal-entries');
if (!entries_node) { return; }
var entries_section = findAncestor(document.querySelector('.journal-entries'), 'section');
if (!entries_section) { return; }
var controls = document.createElement('div');
controls.setAttribute('id', 'entries-control');
entries_node.insertBefore(controls, entries_node.lastElementChild);
entries_section.insertBefore(controls, entries_section.lastElementChild);
@ -151,7 +151,7 @@
explanation: [
"Revenues increase by $100",
"A tax to pay at the end of the month of $9",
"The customer owns you $109",
"The customer owes $109",
"The inventory is decreased by $50 (shipping of the goods)",
"The cost of goods sold decreases the gross profit by $50"
@ -172,7 +172,7 @@
explanation: [
"The company receives $109 in cash",
"The customer owns you $109 less"
"The customer owes $109 less"
configuration: [
"Cash: defined on the journal used when registering the payment, fields Default Credit Account and Default Debit Account",

View File

@ -334,7 +334,6 @@ def setup(app):