[IMP] reference/user_interface: rework kanban documentation

Following the new kanban API with `card` template.


closes odoo/documentation#11081

Signed-off-by: Aaron Bohy (aab) <aab@odoo.com>
This commit is contained in:
Aaron Bohy 2024-09-24 12:06:11 +02:00
parent 78225635f4
commit 5765edca11
4 changed files with 304 additions and 166 deletions

View File

@ -1306,9 +1306,25 @@ Reference (`reference`)
- `model_field`: name of an `ir.model` containing the model of the records that can be selected.
When this option is set, the select part of the `reference` field isn't displayed.
.. _reference/javascript_reference/view_widgets:
Ribbon (`web_ribbon`)
This widget displays a ribbon at the top right corner of the kanban card or the form view sheet,
for instance, to indicate archived records.
.. code-block:: xml
<widget name="web_ribbon" title="Archived" bg_color="text-bg-danger"/>
- `title`: text displayed in the ribbon.
- `tooltip`: text displayed in the ribbon's tooltip.
- `bg-class`: classname to set on the ribbon, typically to define the ribbon's color.
Week Days (`week_days`)
This widget displays a list of checkboxes for week days, 1 checkbox for each day
and allow the user to select a subset of the choices.

View File

@ -171,8 +171,6 @@ The `field` element can have the following attributes:
:type: str
:default: `''`
.. include:: view_architectures/field_attribute_widget.rst
.. attribute:: options
@ -1402,8 +1400,6 @@ The `field` element can have the following attributes:
:type: :ref:`Python expression <reference/view_architectures/python_expression>`
:default: `False`
.. include:: view_architectures/field_attribute_widget.rst
.. attribute:: sum, avg
@ -2338,10 +2334,9 @@ A numeric value (between 1 and 99) can be used to define the order of default *g
Kanban views are a used as a `kanban board <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kanban_board>`_
Kanban views are used as a `kanban board <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kanban_board>`_
visualisation: they display records as "cards", halfway between a :ref:`list
<reference/view_architectures/list>` view and a non-editable :ref:`form
<reference/view_architectures/form>` view.
<reference/view_architectures/list>` and a :ref:`form <reference/view_architectures/form>` view.
Records may be grouped in columns for use in workflow visualisation or manipulation (e.g., tasks or
work-progress management), or ungrouped (used simply to visualize records).
@ -2520,53 +2515,295 @@ Optional attributes can be added to the root element `kanban` to customize the v
Kanban views accept the following children elements: :ref:`field
Kanban views accept the following children elements: :ref:`templates
<reference/view_architectures/kanban/templates>`, :ref:`field
<reference/view_architectures/kanban/field>`, :ref:`header
<reference/view_architectures/kanban/header>`, :ref:`progressbar
<reference/view_architectures/kanban/progressbar>`, and :ref:`templates
Placeholders are denoted in all caps.
.. _reference/view_architectures/kanban/templates:
.. _reference/view_architectures/kanban/field:
`templates`: define cards structure
`field`: display field values
The `templates` element is used to define the :ref:`QWeb templates <reference/qweb>` that structure
the kanban cards.
The `field` element declares fields to use in the :ref:`templates
<reference/view_architectures/kanban/templates>`. If the field is simply displayed, it does not need
to be pre-declared.
The definition of a card's structure can be split into multiple templates for clarity, but at least
one root `card` template must be defined.
An additional template can be defined: `menu`. If defined, it is rendered inside a dropdown
that can be toggled with a vertical ellipsis (:guilabel:`⋮`) on the top right of the card.
The templates are written in :ref:`JavaScript QWeb <reference/qweb/javascript>`.
.. code-block:: xml
<field name="FIELD_NAME"/>
<t t-name="card">
<field name="name"/>
The `field` element can have the following attributes:
.. warning::
These are QWeb templates, not `Owl <https://github.com/odoo/owl>`_ templates, meaning that
directives like `t-on-click` aren't available.
Inside those templates, the `field` element allows to render a field. It can have the following
.. include:: view_architectures/field_attribute_name.rst
.. admonition:: Possible structure and representation of its rendering
By default, field nodes are replaced by a `span` containing their formatted value, unless the
`widget` attribute is specified, in which case their rendering and behavior depends on the
corresponding widget. The `widget` attribute can have different values including:
.. list-table::
:class: o-showcase-table
.. attribute:: handle
* - .. image:: view_architectures/kanban_field.svg
:align: center
Allows reordering records with a drag and drop, using the corresponding field as order.
* - .. code-block:: xml
.. attribute:: kanban_color_picker
<t t-name="kanban-box">
<field name="name"/>
Allows editing a color (integer) field. Combined with the root attribute `highlight_color`,
allows editing the color of the cards.
See the :ref:`Field section <reference/js/widgets>` to discover
various widgets and their options.
Rendering Context
Kanban templates being rendered with the :ref:`QWeb engine <reference/qweb/javascript>`, they have
a *rendering context*, a set of variables available in the templates, containing useful information
and tools. Here're the available variables:
.. attribute:: record
An object with all the fields defined in the view. Each field has two attributes: `value`
and `raw_value`. The former is formatted according to current user parameters, while the latter
is the raw value (e.g. the `id` for a many2one field). This object is useful for instance, for
using field values inside `t-if` conditions. For display purposes, we recommend using the
`<field>` tag.
.. example::
.. code-block:: xml
<field name="is_company"/>
<t t-name="card">
<field name="name"/>
<field t-if="!record.is_company.raw_value" name="parent_id">
.. attribute:: widget
An object with 2 keys defining the available actions for the user:
- `editable`: true if the user can edit records, false otherwise;
- `deletable`: true if the user can delete records, false otherwise.
This is useful to conditionally display elements requiring specific access rights.
.. example::
.. code-block:: xml
<t t-name="card">
<field name="name"/>
<t t-name="menu">
<a t-if="widget.deletable" role="menuitem" type="delete" class="dropdown-item">Delete</a>
.. attribute:: context
The current context propagated from either the action that opens the kanban view, or the one2many
or many2many field that embeds the kanban view in a form view.
.. attribute:: read_only_mode
Indicates that the view is readonly.
:type: bool
.. attribute:: selection_mode
Whether the kanban view is opened when selecting a many2one or many2many field (in mobile
:type: bool
.. attribute:: luxon
The `luxon <https://moment.github.io/luxon/api-docs/index.html>`_ object, allowing to
manipulate date and datetime field values.
.. attribute:: JSON
The Javascript `JSON <https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/JSON>`_
namespace object containing a `parse` method allowing to parse json field values into Javascript
Buttons and links
While most of the kanban templates are standard :ref:`QWeb templates <reference/qweb>`, the kanban
view processes `button` and `a` elements is a special way. Buttons and links with a `type` attribute
perform different operations than their standard HTML function. The `type` attribute can have the
values `action` and `object` of :ref:`regular buttons <reference/view_architectures/list/button>`,
or the following values:
.. attribute:: open
Clicking the element opens the card's record in form view.
.. attribute:: delete
Clicking the element deletes the card's record and removes the card.
.. attribute:: archive
Clicking the element archives the card's record and removes the card.
.. attribute:: unarchive
Clicking the element unarchives the card's record and removes the card.
.. attribute:: set_cover
Clicking the element allows to select an image to set as cover image of the record.
The `widget` element allows to insert dynamically generated (in Javascript) html inside the cards. It
has a mandatory `name` attribute, referring to a Javascript implementation (an Owl component)
registered to the `view_widgets` registry.
.. todo: document view_widgets registry and standard widgets
See the :ref:`Widget section <reference/javascript_reference/view_widgets>` to discover various
widgets and their options.
Several card layouts can be easily obtained using standard html elements and `Bootstrap utility
classes <https://getbootstrap.com/docs/5.0/utilities/api/>`_. By default, the card is a `flexbox
container <https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_flexible_box_layout/Basic_concepts_of_flexbox>`_
with `column` direction.
.. example::
.. code-block:: xml
<t t-name="card">
<field class="fw-bold fs-5" name="display_name"/>
<field class="text-muted" name="parent_id"/>
<field name="tag_ids" widget="many2many_tags"/>
The `footer` html element is styled to stick to the bottom of the card, and is as a flexbox
container with `row` direction, allowing to easily display several fields on the same line.
.. example::
.. code-block:: xml
<t t-name="card">
<field class="fw-bold fs-5" name="display_name"/>
<field class="text-muted" name="parent_id"/>
<field name="tag_ids" widget="many2many_tags"/>
<field name="priority" widget="priority"/> <!-- bottom left corner -->
<field class="ms-auto" name="activity_ids" widget="kanban_activity"/> <!-- bottom right corner -->
To display some content, like an image, on the side of the card, one can use `aside` and `main` html
elements, with the `flex-row` classname on the card. The `main` node is a flexbox container like the
card is when there's no `aside`.
.. example::
.. code-block:: xml
<t t-name="card" class="flex-row">
<field name="avatar_128" widget="image" alt="Avatar"/>
<main class="ms-2">
<field class="fw-bold fs-5" name="display_name"/>
<field class="text-muted" name="parent_id"/>
<field name="tag_ids" widget="many2many_tags"/>
<field name="priority" widget="priority"/>
<field class="ms-auto" name="activity_ids" widget="kanban_activity"/>
.. tip::
The classname `o_kanban_aside_full` set on the `aside` element removes the padding so that the
image spreads to the borders of the card.
.. _reference/view_architectures/kanban/field:
`field`: declare more fields to fetch
The `field` element can also be used *outside* the kanban :ref:`templates
<reference/view_architectures/kanban/templates>`. In that case, it allows to declare fields that are
not displayed in the card, but still need to be fetched, for instance because their value is used
in a `t-if` condition.
.. example::
.. code-block:: xml
<field name="is_company"/>
<t t-name="card">
<field name="name"/>
<field t-if="!record.is_company.raw_value" name="parent_id">
.. _reference/view_architectures/kanban/header:
@ -2578,10 +2815,10 @@ The `header` element is used to insert custom buttons in the control panel.
.. code-block:: xml
The `header` element accepts only `button` children elements, similar to :ref:`list views' button
@ -2628,7 +2865,8 @@ additional attributes:
`progressbar`: show progress bars on top of columns
The `progressbar` element is used to define a progress bar to display on top of kanban columns.
The `progressbar` element is used to define a progress bar to display on top of kanban columns in
grouped kanban views.
.. code-block:: xml
@ -2687,111 +2925,6 @@ The `progressbar` element can have the following attributes:
.. _reference/view_architectures/kanban/templates:
`templates`: define cards structure
The `templates` elements is used to define the :ref:`QWeb templates <reference/qweb>` that structure
the kanban cards.
Cards structure definition can be split into multiple templates for clarity, but at least one root
template `kanban-box` must be defined.
An additional template can be defined: `kanban-menu`. If defined, it is rendered inside a dropdown
that can be toggled with a vertical ellipsis (:guilabel:`⋮`) on the top right of the card.
The templates are written in :ref:`JavaScript QWeb <reference/qweb/javascript>`
.. code-block:: xml
<t t-name="kanban-box">
<field name="name"/>
The following variables are available in the rendering context:
.. attribute:: widget
The current :js:class:`KanbanRecord`. It can be used to fetch some meta-information. The methods
are also available directly in the template context and don't need to be accessed via `widget`.
:type: str
.. attribute:: record
An object with all the requested fields as its attributes. Each field has two attributes: `value`
and `raw_value`. The former is formatted according to current user parameters while the latter is
the raw value from a :meth:`~odoo.models.Model.read` (except for the `date` and `datetime` fields
that are `formatted according to the user locale <https://github.com/odoo/odoo/blob/a678bd4e
:type: str
.. attribute:: context
The current context propagated from either the action that opens the kanban view, or the one2many
or many2many field that embeds the kanban view in a form view.
:type: str
.. attribute:: read_only_mode
:type: str
.. attribute:: selection_mode
Whether the kanban view is opened when selecting a many2one or many2many field in mobile
:type: bool
While most of the kanban templates are standard :ref:`QWeb templates <reference/qweb>`, the kanban
view processes `field`, `button` and `a` elements is a special way:
- By default, fields are replaced by their formatted value, unless the `widget` attribute is
specified, in which case their rendering and behavior depends on the corresponding widget. The
`widget` attribute can have different values including:
.. attribute:: handle
Allow reordering records with a drag and drop when their are sorted based on `sequence` (or
`integer`) fields.
.. todo:: list all widgets and move the attribute definition in the <field> section
- Buttons and links with a `type` attribute perform different operations than their standard HTML
function. The `type` attribute can have the values `action` and `object` of :ref:`regular buttons
<reference/view_architectures/list/button>`, or the following values:
.. attribute:: open
Clicking the element opens the card's record in form view in read-only mode.
.. attribute:: edit
Clicking the element opens the card's record in form view in editable mode.
.. attribute:: delete
Clicking the element deletes the card's record and removes the card.
.. todo::
- kanban-specific CSS
- kanban structures/widgets (vignette, details, ...)

View File

@ -5,3 +5,13 @@
:requirement: Mandatory
:type: str
.. attribute:: widget
The widget used to represent the field. The selected widget can change the way the field is
rendered and/or the way it can be edited. It refers to a Javascript implementation (an Owl
component) registered to the `fields` registry.
:requirement: Optional
:type: str

View File

@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
.. attribute:: widget
The rendering method and context to use in place of the default one assigned to the field's type
(e.g., :class:`~odoo.fields.Char`, :class:`~odoo.fields.Many2one`). See
.. example::
.. code-block:: xml
<field name="tag_ids" widget="many2many_tags"/>
<field name="sequence" widget="handle"/>
<field name="level_progress" widget="progressbar"/>
:requirement: Optional
:type: str
:default: `''`