[REM] events: remove all docs (#874)
These pages document very straightforward screens and flows users can easily figure out without dedicated documentation. Besides, those screens are frequently reworked, requiring to maintain the related pages closely. This commit then removes low-value pages to reduce the technical debt and allow focusing on actually useful documentation pages. Docs deleted: - track_talks.rst - track_attendees.rst - tickets.rst - create_event.rst - integrations.rst
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Communicating about my Event using SMS Text Messages
Using SMS as a communication strategy for your event establishes interaction between organizers,
attendees, speakers and further targets. It allows your message to be heard whether the goal is to
send out reminders, teasers or to advertise.
| Under *Communication* SMS is a standard feature. That means nothing needs to be enabled or
| On the other hand, to contact the speakers of your event, you need the *SMS Marketing* application
installed, and to enable *Schedule & Tracks* under :menuselection:`Events --> Configuration -->
.. image:: media/int1.png
:align: center
:alt: SMS for Events in Odoo Events
.. tip::
The *Schedule & Tracks* feature allows you to manage the agenda and speakers of your event. For
more details watch: `Creating an agenda for your event
Send SMSs to attendees
| Under *Communication*, the message’s target is the attendees of your event.
| You can choose to confirm each registration with the *Registration* template, and to send a
reminder shortly before the event takes place with the *Reminder* template.
.. image:: media/int2.png
:align: center
:alt: SMS for Events in Odoo Events
To make changes in an existing template, click on the external link.
.. image:: media/int3.png
:align: center
:alt: SMS for Events in Odoo Events
Send SMSs to speakers and further targets
The benefit of the integration with the *SMS Marketing* application is that you can choose the
target you would like your message to be delivered to. To get started, click on *Contact Track
.. image:: media/int4.png
:align: center
:alt: SMS for Events in Odoo Events
| If *Event Track* is not your target (*Recipient*), choose the right one. *Filters* are eligible
| In the example below, the SMS would be sent to the speakers who are in the stage *Proposal* on
*Event Track*.
.. image:: media/int5.png
:align: center
:alt: SMS for Events in Odoo Events
.. note::
Credits are required to be able to send SMSs. For more information about Pricing :doc:`click here
<../../sms_marketing/pricing/pricing_and_faq>`, and, about IAP Services :doc:`here
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Create your First Event
Some of the reasons why hosting events is essential are:
- To create an engaging experience with your audience;
- To generate word of mouth about your company;
- To allow networking;
- To provide an opportunity for sales representatives to walk their prospects through the product
and even their pipeline.
Get started
Under the menu *Events*, have a view of all existing events and some key information, such as the
number of expected and confirmed attendees.
.. image:: media/events_dashboard.png
:align: center
:alt: Overview of events with the kanban view in Odoo Events
To start a new one, click on *Create* and fill in the form with all the needed information. Enable
*Website Menu* to have the menus *Introduction*, *Location*, and *Register* being shown on your
event’s website page.
.. image:: media/website_menu_field.png
:align: center
:alt: View of an event's form emphasizing the option website menu in Odoo Events
To personalize these pages, click on *Edit* to open the
`website builder <https://www.odoo.com/slides/slide/website-basics-643?fullscreen=1>`_, and edit
content by dragging and dropping blocks.
.. image:: media/website_edit.png
:align: center
:alt: View of an event's website page emphasizing the edit button for Odoo Events
Tab: Tickets
| Go to :menuselection:`Events --> Configuration --> Settings` and enable
:doc:`Tickets and Online Ticketing <tickets>`.
| Now, under the *Tickets* Tab, add lines to include the different ticket types you offer. Include
the price, the start and end dates for registrations, and even the maximum number of tickets that
can be sold.
| The *Reserved Seats* and *Unconfirmed Seat Reservations* are counted as attendees are marked as
:doc:`confirmed <track_attendees>` or not.
.. image:: media/tickets_tab.png
:align: center
:alt: View of an event form emphasizing the tab tickets in Odoo Events
Tab: Communication
| Choose the email and/or SMS message template, as well as the frequency with which you would like
to communicate with your attendees under the tab *Communication*.
| Create a template on the fly or choose an existing one. Define the *Interval* (2, 7, 15..) for the
*Unit* (days, hours, weeks, etc.), and the *Trigger* action (after registration, after the event,
.. image:: media/communication_tab.png
:align: center
:alt: View of an event form and the tab communication in Odoo Events
Tab: Questions
| Go to :menuselection:`Configuration --> Settings` and enable *Questions*.
| Now, under the tab *Questions*, edit your questions and answers, choosing if you would like your
questionnaire to be asked per order or per registration.
| Example of a registration for 3 attendees: if enabling the option *Ask each attendee*,
the questionnaire is shown 3 times, meaning that answers can vary for each attendee; if *Ask each
attendee* is not enabled, the questionnaire is shown once, resulting in a global answer.
.. image:: media/questions_tab.png
:align: center
:alt: View of an event form and a question’s window opened in Odoo Events
Once your event is *Confirmed*, you can manage attendees badges, and mark the event as
*Finished*. Events marked as *Finished* can be *Set to draft*, putting the event back to an
*Unconfirmed* stage from which it can be edited and used again.
.. image:: media/set_to_draft.png
:align: center
:alt: View of an event’s form emphasizing the option set to draft in Odoo Events
Publish your event
*Go to Website* and turn *Published* on.
.. image:: media/publish_event.png
:align: center
:alt: View of a website page and the option to publish the event in Odoo Events
.. seealso::
- :doc:`track_attendees`
- :doc:`tickets`
- :doc:`track_talks`
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Selling Tickets
If you automate processes, you save time. If you give attendees multiple payment options to choose
from, you allow flexibility and open margins for more registrations to happen.
| Go to :menuselection:`Configuration --> Settings` and activate *Tickets* and *Online Ticketing*.
| *Tickets* allow tickets to be sold :ref:`events/create_event/through_sales_orders`. *Online
Ticketing* allows the sale of tickets to happen :ref:`events/create_event/through_the_website`.
.. image:: media/registration_tickets_online.png
:align: center
:alt: View of the settings page for Odoo Events
.. _events/create_event/through_sales_orders:
Through Sales Orders
On the *Sales* application, choose the event product you created and add it as a product line. A
window pops-up, allowing you to choose the event for which you want to create the sales order.
.. image:: media/ticket_sales_order.png
:align: center
:alt: View of a sales order and the option to choose the event as the product line in Odoo Events
.. important::
Remember to create a product form for the event registration, under *Product*, in the *Sales*
application, and to add that same product under your event’s form.
.. image:: media/tickets_product.png
:align: center
:alt: View of an event form highlighting the column product under the tab tickets in Odoo
.. _events/create_event/through_the_website:
Through the Website
On the website, once tickets are added to the cart, the user can continue the transaction choosing
among the payment methods you chose to have available.
.. image:: media/website_ticket_transaction.png
:align: center
:alt: View of website transaction for Odoo Events
.. seealso::
- :doc:`../../general/payment_acquirers/payment_acquirers`
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Track your Attendees
Attendees are at the heart of your event. Keeping track of their number and managing their
registration and attendance is necessary for planning and analyzing reasons.
Attendees list and attendance
| Once attendees have registered or bought their tickets, they are added to the *Attendees* list.
| Tickets sold through sales orders validate attendees as soon as the quotation is confirmed.
.. image:: media/attendees.png
:align: center
:alt: Overview of events with the kanban view in Odoo Events
The check mark button is used to confirm the registration. Once a registration is confirmed,
attendance can be marked.
.. image:: media/attendees_registration.png
:align: center
:alt: Overview of events with the kanban view in Odoo Events
Bagdes and cancellations
On the attendees form, choose to send badges manually by clicking on *Send By Email*. *Cancel
Registration* to have that attendee being moved to the *Cancelled* stage.
.. image:: media/emails_and_cancel_registration.png
:align: center
:alt: View of an attendee form emphasizing the send by email and cancel registration in Odoo
To see a list of your canceled attendees, under *Filters*, add a *Custom Filter* choosing *Status
> is > Cancelled*.
.. image:: media/filters.png
:align: center
:alt: View of a list of the canceled attendees using the filters in Odoo Events
.. seealso::
- :doc:`../integrations/integration_sms`
- :doc:`tickets`
- :doc:`track_talks`
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Track and Manage Talks
Allow partners to submit talk proposals so they can share their knowledge and expertise. Good
speakers and talks are what make your event great.
| Go to :menuselection:`Events --> Configuration --> Settings` and enable *Schedule & Tracks*.
| Now, in your event's form, once *Website menu* is enabled, the options *Tracks on Website* and
*Track Proposals on Website* become available. Enabling them adds the menus *Talks*,
*Talk Proposals*, and *Agenda* to your website.
.. image:: media/track_proposals_website.png
:align: center
:alt: View of an event form and the options to track and propose speaker in Odoo Events
Besides having the ability to suggest their own talks, the website now allows users to see a list of
the whole agenda and scheduled talks.
.. image:: media/website_menus.png
:align: center
:alt: View of the published website and the menus talks, talk proposal and agenda in Odoo Events
.. tip::
To handle tracks internally and not have the menus *Talks*, *Talk Proposals*, and *Agenda*
online, use the menu *Tracks* individually.
Publishing speaker proposals
Once partners have filled in the appropriate form and submitted their proposals, a new *Proposal* is
instantly created under the menu *Track*.
.. image:: media/proposals_list.png
:align: center
:alt: View of the talks’ proposals page emphasizing the column proposal in Odoo Events
If the proposal is accepted and can go online, simply open its form and click on *Go to Website*.
From the website page, turn *Published* on.
.. image:: media/publish_speakers.png
:align: center
:alt: View of the website page to publish a proposed talk for Odoo Events
.. seealso::
- :doc:`../integrations/integration_sms`