[ADD] developer: add new page on registries (js)

closes odoo/documentation#1193

Signed-off-by: Géry Debongnie (ged) <ged@openerp.com>
This commit is contained in:
Géry Debongnie 2021-10-18 08:00:39 +00:00
parent ddad75982f
commit a5a669a5eb
2 changed files with 136 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ Javascript

View File

@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
Registries are (ordered) key/value maps. They are the main web client extension
points: many features provided by the Odoo javascript framework simply look up
into a registry whenever it needs a definition for some object (such as fields,
views, client actions or services). Customizing the web client is then simply
done by adding specific values in the correct registry.
.. code-block:: javascript
import { Registry } from "@web/core/registry";
const myRegistry = new Registry();
registry.add("hello", "odoo");
A useful feature of registries is that they maintain a set of sub registries,
obtained by the `category` method. If the sub registry does not exist yet, it
is created on the fly. All registries used by the web client are obtained
in such a way from one root registry, exported in `@web/core/registry`.
.. code-block:: javascript
import { registry } from "@web/core/registry";
const fieldRegistry = registry.category("fields");
const serviceRegistry = registry.category("services");
const viewRegistry = registry.category("views");
Registry API
.. code-block::
@returns {Registry}
creates a new registry. Note that a registry is an event bus, so one can
listen to the `UPDATE` event if necessary.
Registries are ordered: the :ref:`getAll <javascript/registries/api/getAll>` method returns a list of values ordered
according to their sequence number.
add(key, value, options)
.. code-block::
@param {string} key
@param {any} value
@param {{force?: boolean, sequence?: number}} [options]
@returns {Registry}
Inserts a value at a specific key. If the key is already used, this method
throws an error (unless the option `force` is set to true). The option
`sequence` is useful to insert the value at a specific position. This method
also triggers an `UPDATE` event.
Returns the same registry, so `add` method calls can be chained.
get(key, defaultValue)
.. code-block::
@param {string} key
@returns {any}
Returns the value corresponding to the `key` argument. If the registry does
not contain that key, this method returns `defaultValue` if given, or throws
an error otherwise.
.. code-block::
@param {string} key
@returns {boolean}
Returns `true` if the `key` is present in the registry
.. _javascript/registries/api/getAll:
.. code-block::
@returns {any[]}
Returns the list of all elements in the registry. Note that it is ordered
according to the sequence numbers.
.. code-block::
@param {string} key
Removes a key/value pair from the registry. This operation triggers an
`UPDATE` event.
.. code-block::
@param {string} subcategory
@returns {Registry}
Returns the sub registry associated with the `subcategory`. If it does not
exist yet, the sub registry is created on the fly.
Reference List
Main components registry
The main component registry (`main_components`) is useful for adding top level
components in the web client. The webclient has a `MainComponentsContainer` as
direct child. This component is basically a live representation of the ordered
list of components registered in the main components registry.
.. code-block::
interface {
Component: Owl Component class
props?: any
For example, the `LoadingIndicator` component can be added in the registry like
.. code-block:: javascript
registry.category("main_components").add("LoadingIndicator", {
Component: LoadingIndicator,