diff --git a/iot.rst b/iot.rst
index ced21cbd3..444642c9a 100644
--- a/iot.rst
+++ b/iot.rst
@@ -7,4 +7,5 @@ Internet of Things (IoT)
.. toctree::
- iot/setup
+ iot/connect
+ iot/pos
diff --git a/iot/connect.rst b/iot/connect.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b745c3ef7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/iot/connect.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+Connect an IoT Box to your database
+Install the Internet of Things (IoT) App on your Odoo Database.
+.. image:: media/connect01.png
+ :align: center
+Go in the IoT App and click on Connect on the IoT Boxes page.
+.. image:: media/connect02.png
+ :align: center
+Follow the steps to connect your IoT Box.
+.. image:: media/connect03.png
+ :align: center
+Ethernet Connection
+1. Connect to the IoT Box all the devices that have to be connected with
+ cables (ethernet, usb devices, etc.).
+2. Power on the IoT Box.
+3. Then click on the Scan button.
+.. image:: media/connect04.png
+ :align: center
+WiFi Connection
+1. Power on the IoT Box
+2. Copy the token
+.. image:: media/connect05.png
+ :align: center
+1. Connect to the IoT Box WiFi Network (make sure there is no ethernet
+ cable plugged in your computer).
+.. image:: media/connect06.png
+ :align: center
+4. You will be redirected to the IoT Box Homepage (if it doesn't work,
+ connect to the IP address of the box). Give a name to your IoT Box (not
+ required) and paste the token, then click on next.
+.. image:: media/connect07.png
+ :align: center
+.. tip::
+ If you are on Runbot, do not forget to add the -all or -base in the
+ token (e.g. this token
+ **http://375228-saas-11-5-iot-f3f920.runbot16.odoo.com\|4957098401**
+ should become
+ **http://375228-saas-11-5-iot-f3f920-all.runbot16.odoo.com\|4957098401**).
+5. Choose the WiFi network you want to connect with (enter the password
+ if there is one) and click on Submit. Wait a few seconds before being
+ redirected to your database.
+.. image:: media/connect08.png
+ :align: center
+You should now see the IoT Box.
+.. image:: media/connect09.png
+ :align: center
+IoT Box Schema
+.. image:: media/connect10.png
+ :align: center
diff --git a/iot/media/connect01.png b/iot/media/connect01.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bbf7f446f
Binary files /dev/null and b/iot/media/connect01.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ef65c4911
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d45e48327
Binary files /dev/null and b/iot/media/connect03.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..972ae9a24
Binary files /dev/null and b/iot/media/connect04.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b9b7fedc5
Binary files /dev/null and b/iot/media/connect05.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b07817412
Binary files /dev/null and b/iot/media/connect06.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e1fa3e23d
Binary files /dev/null and b/iot/media/connect07.png differ
diff --git a/iot/media/connect08.png b/iot/media/connect08.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e5dcedc84
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diff --git a/iot/media/connect09.png b/iot/media/connect09.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7022ed331
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diff --git a/iot/media/connect10.png b/iot/media/connect10.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..602ac5834
Binary files /dev/null and b/iot/media/connect10.png differ
diff --git a/iot/media/pos01.png b/iot/media/pos01.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a8cf13a07
Binary files /dev/null and b/iot/media/pos01.png differ
diff --git a/iot/media/pos02.png b/iot/media/pos02.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..37dabc3d5
Binary files /dev/null and b/iot/media/pos02.png differ
diff --git a/iot/media/posbox_2_doc_schema.svg b/iot/media/posbox_2_doc_schema.svg
deleted file mode 100644
index d2ad52a19..000000000
--- a/iot/media/posbox_2_doc_schema.svg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,456 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/iot/media/posbox_setup.png b/iot/media/posbox_setup.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 0aadc04dd..000000000
Binary files a/iot/media/posbox_setup.png and /dev/null differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index f39be2cf2..000000000
Binary files a/iot/media/posboxless_setup.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/iot/pos.rst b/iot/pos.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ff439a597
--- /dev/null
+++ b/iot/pos.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+Use the IoT Box for the PoS
+.. image:: media/pos01.png
+ :align: center
+Before starting, make sure you have the following:
+- An IoT Box
+- A 2A Power adapter with pi 3 b+ 2.5 A
+- A computer or tablet with an up-to-date web browser
+- A running SaaS or Odoo instance with the Point of Sale and IoT apps
+ installed
+- A local network setup with DHCP (this is the default setting)
+- An Epson USB TM-T20 Printer or another ESC/POS compatible printer
+ (officially supported printers are listed at the `POS Hardware
+ page `__)
+- A Honeywell Eclipse USB Barcode Scanner or another compatible scanner
+- An Epson compatible cash drawer
+- An RJ45 Ethernet Cable (optional, WiFi is built in)
+Set Up
+To connect hardware to the PoS, the first step is to connect an IoT Box
+to your database. For this, follow this
+`documentation `__.
+.. image:: media/pos02.png
+ :align: center
+Then, you have to connect the peripheral devices to your IoT Box.
+Officially supported hardware is listed on `the POS Hardware
+page `__, but
+other hardware might work as well.
+- **Printer**: Connect an ESC/POS printer to a USB port and power it
+ on.
+- **Cash drawer**: The cash drawer should be connected to the printer
+ with an RJ25 cable.
+- **Barcode scanner**: Connect your barcode scanner. In order for your
+ barcode scanner to be compatible it must behave as a keyboard and
+ must be configured in **US QWERTY**. It also must end barcodes
+ with an Enter character (keycode 28). This is most likely the
+ default configuration of your barcode scanner.
+- **Scale**: Connect your scale and power it on.
+- **Ethernet**: If you do not wish to use Wi-Fi, plug in the Ethernet
+ cable. Make sure this will connect the IoT Box to the same
+ network as your POS device.
+- **Wi-Fi**: The current version of the IoT Box has Wi-Fi built in.
+ Make sure not to plug in an Ethernet cable when booting, because
+ all Wi-Fi functionality will be bypassed when a wired network
+ connection is available on boot.
+Once it's done, you can connect the IoT Box to your PoS. For this, go in
+Point of Sale > Configuration > PoS, tick the box "IoT Box" and select
+the IoT Box you want to connect with. Save the changes.
+Set up is done, you can launch a new PoS Session.
+The PoS cannot connect to the IoT Box
+- The easiest way to make sure the IoT Box is properly set-up is to
+ turn it on with the printer plugged in as it will print a receipt
+ indicating any error if encountered or the IoT Box's IP address
+ in case of success. If no receipt is printed, check the following
+ steps:
+- Make sure the IoT Box is powered on, indicated by a brightly lit red
+ status LED.
+- Make sure the IoT Box is ready, this is indicated by a brightly lit
+ green status LED just next to the red power status LED. The IoT
+ Box should be ready ~2 minutes after it is started.
+- Make sure the IoT Box is connected to the same network as your POS
+ device. Both the device and the IoT Box should be visible in the
+ list of connected devices on your network router.
+- If you specified the IoT Box's IP address in the configuration, make
+ sure it corresponds to the ip address printed on the IoT Box's
+ status receipt.
+- Make sure that the POS is not loaded over HTTPS.
+- A bug in Firefox's HTTP implementation might prevent the
+ autodiscovery from working reliably. You could also manually set
+ up the IoT Box's IP address in the POS configuration.
+The Barcode Scanner is not working
+- The barcode scanner must be configured in US QWERTY and emit an Enter
+ after each barcode. This is the default configuration of most
+ barcode readers. Refer to the barcode reader documentation for
+ more information.
+- The IoT Box needs a 2A power supply to work with some barcode
+ scanners. If you are not using the provided power supply, make
+ sure the one you use has enough power.
+- Some barcode scanners will need more than 2A and will not work, or
+ will work unreliably, even with the provided power supply. In
+ those case you can plug the barcode scanner in a self-powered USB
+ hub.
+- Some poorly built barcode scanners do not advertise themselves as
+ barcode scanners but as a usb keyboard instead, and will not be
+ recognized by the IoT Box.
+The Barcode Scanner is not working reliably
+- Make sure that no more than one device with 'Scan via Proxy'/'Barcode
+ Scanner' enabled are connected to the IoT Box at the same time.
+Printing the receipt takes too much time
+- A small delay before the first print is expected, as the IoT Box will
+ do some preprocessing to speed up the next printings. If you
+ suffer delays afterwards it is most likely due to poor network
+ connection between the POS and the IoT Box.
+Some characters are not correctly printed on the receipt
+- The IoT Box does not support all languages and characters. It
+ currently supports Latin and Cyrillic based scripts, with basic
+ Japanese support.
+The printer is offline
+- Make sure the printer is connected, powered, has enough paper and has
+ its lid closed, and is not reporting an error. If the error
+ persists, please contact support.
+The cashdrawer does not open
+- The cashdrawer should be connected to the printer and should be
+ activated in the POS configuration.
diff --git a/iot/setup.rst b/iot/setup.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index aa394810e..000000000
--- a/iot/setup.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,518 +0,0 @@
-IoT Box Setup
-POSBox Setup Guide
-.. image:: media/posbox_setup.png
-Before you start setting up your POSBox make sure you have everything.
-You will need :
-* The POSBox
-* A 2A Power adapter
-* A computer or tablet with an up-to-date web browser
-* A running SaaS or Odoo database with the Point of Sale installed
-* A local network set up with DHCP (this is the default setting)
-* An Epson USB TM-T20 Printer or another ESC/POS compatible printer
- (officially supported printers are listed at the `POS Hardware page
- `_)
-* A Honeywell Eclipse USB Barcode Scanner or another compatible scanner
-* An Epson compatible cash drawer
-* An RJ45 Ethernet Cable (optional, Wi-Fi is built in)
-Step By Step Setup Guide
-Current version of the POSBox (since 2015)
-.. figure:: media/posbox_2_doc_schema.svg
-Connect peripheral devices
-Officially supported hardware is listed on `the POS Hardware page
-`_, but other
-hardware might work as well.
-* **Printer**: Connect an ESC/POS printer to a USB port and power it
- on.
-* **Cash drawer**: The cash drawer should be connected to the printer
- with an RJ25 cable.
-* **Barcode scanner**: Connect your barcode scanner. In order for your
- barcode scanner to be compatible it must behave as a keyboard and
- must be configured in **US QWERTY**. It also must end barcodes with an
- Enter character (keycode 28). This is most likely the default
- configuration of your barcode scanner.
-* **Scale**: Connect your scale and power it on.
-* **Ethernet**: If you do not wish to use Wi-Fi, plug in the Ethernet
- cable. Make sure this will connect the POSBox to the same network as
- your POS device.
-* **Wi-Fi**: The current version of the POSBox has Wi-Fi built
- in. Make sure not to plug in an Ethernet cable, because all Wi-Fi
- functionality will be bypassed when a wired network connection is
- available.
-Power the POSBox
-Plug the power adapter into the POSBox, a bright red status led should
-light up.
-Make sure the POSBox is ready
-Once powered, The POSBox needs a while to boot. Once the POSBox is
-ready, it should print a status receipt with its IP address. Also the
-status LED, just next to the red power LED, should be permanently lit
-Setup the Point of Sale
-To setup the POSBox in the Point of Sale go to :menuselection:`Point
-of Sale --> Configuration --> Point of Sale` and select your Point of
-Sale. Scroll down to the ``PoSBox / Hardware Proxy`` section and
-activate the options for the hardware you want to use through the
-POSBox. Specifying the IP of the POSBox is recommended (it is printed
-on the receipt that gets printed after booting up the POSBox). When
-the IP is not specified the Point of Sale will attempt to find it on
-the local network.
-If you are running multiple Point of Sale on the same POSBox, make sure
-that only one of them has Remote Scanning/Barcode Scanner activated.
-It might be a good idea to make sure the POSBox IP never changes in
-your network. Refer to your router documentation on how to achieve
-Launch the Point of Sale
-If you didn't specify the POSBox's IP address in the configuration,
-the POS will need some time to perform a network scan to find the
-POSBox. This is only done once.
-The Point of Sale is now connected to the POSBox and your hardware
-should be ready to use.
-Wi-Fi configuration
-The most recent version of the POSBox has Wi-Fi built in. If you're
-using an older version you'll need a Linux compatible USB Wi-Fi
-adapter. Most commercially available Wi-Fi adapters are Linux
-compatible. Officially supported are Wi-Fi adapters with a Ralink 5370
-Make sure not to plug in an Ethernet cable, as all Wi-Fi related
-functionality will be disabled when a wired network connection is
-When the POSBox boots with a Wi-Fi adapter it will start its own Wi-Fi
-Access Point called "Posbox" you can connect to. The receipt that gets
-printed when the POSBox starts will reflect this. In order to make the
-POSBox connect to an already existing Wi-Fi network, go to the
-homepage of the POSBox (indicated on the receipt) and go to the Wi-Fi
-configuration page. On there you can choose a network to connect
-to. Note that we only support open and WPA(2)-PSK networks. When
-connecting to a WPA-secured network, fill in the password field. The
-POSBox will attempt to connect to the specified network and will print
-a new POSBox status receipt after it has connected.
-If you plan on permanently setting up the POSBox with Wi-Fi, you can
-use the "persistent" checkbox on the Wi-Fi configuration page when
-connecting to a network. This will make the network choice persist
-across reboots. This means that instead of starting up its own
-"Posbox" network it will always attempt to connect to the specified
-network after it boots.
-When the POSBox fails to connect to a network it will fall back to
-starting it's own "Posbox" Access Point. If connection is lost with a
-Wi-Fi network after connecting to it, the POSBox will attempt to
-re-establish connection automatically.
-Multi-POS Configuration
-The advised way to setup a multi Point of Sale shop is to have one
-POSBox per Point of Sale. In this case it is mandatory to manually
-specify the IP address of each POSBox in each Point of Sale. You must
-also configure your network to make sure the POSBox's IP addresses
-don't change. Please refer to your router documentation.
-POSBoxless Guide (advanced)
-.. image:: media/posboxless_setup.png
-If you are running your Point of Sale on a Debian-based Linux
-distribution, you do not need the POSBox as you can run its software
-locally. However the installation process is not foolproof. You'll need
-at least to know how to install and run Odoo. You may also run into
-issues specific to your distribution or to your particular setup and
-hardware configuration.
-Drivers for the various types of supported hardware are provided as
-Odoo modules. In fact, the POSBox runs an instance of Odoo that the
-Point of Sale communicates with. The instance of Odoo running on the
-POSBox is very different from a 'real' Odoo instance however. It does
-not handle *any* business data (eg. POS orders), but only serves as a
-gateway between the Point of Sale and the hardware.
-The goal of this section will be to set up a local Odoo instance that
-behaves like the Odoo instance running on the POSBox.
-Image building process
-We generate the official POSBox images using the scripts in
-https://github.com/odoo/odoo/tree/11.0/addons/point_of_sale/tools/posbox. More
-specifically, we run
-`posbox_create_image.sh `_.
-This builds an image
-called ``posbox.img``, which we zip and upload to `nightly.odoo.com `_
-for users to download.
-The scripts in this directory might be useful as a reference if you
-get stuck or want more detail about something.
-Summary of the image creation process
-The image creation process starts by downloading the latest `Raspbian
-`_ image. It then locally mounts this
-Raspbian image and copies over some files and scripts that will make
-the Raspbian image turn itself into a POSBox when it boots. These
-scripts will update Raspbian, remove non-essential packages and
-install required packages. In order to boot Raspbian we use qemu,
-which is capable of providing ARM emulation. After this, the emulated
-Raspbian OS will shut itself down. We then once again locally mount
-the image, remove the scripts that were used to initialize the image
-at boot and we copy over some extra configuration files. The resulting
-image is then ready to be tested and used.
-- A Debian-based Linux distribution (Debian, Ubuntu, Mint, etc.)
-- A running Odoo instance you connect to load the Point of Sale
-- You must uninstall any ESC/POS printer driver as it will conflict
- with Odoo's built-in driver
-Step By Step Setup Guide
-Extra dependencies
-Because Odoo runs on Python 2, you need to check which version of pip
-you need to use.
-``# pip --version``
-If it returns something like::
- pip 1.5.6 from /usr/local/lib/python3.3/dist-packages/pip-1.5.6-py3.3.egg (python 3.3)
-You need to try pip2 instead.
-If it returns something like::
- pip 1.4.1 from /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages (python 2.7)
-You can use pip.
-The driver modules requires the installation of new python modules:
-``# pip install pyserial``
-``# pip install pyusb==1.0.0b1``
-``# pip install qrcode``
-Access Rights
-The drivers need raw access to the printer and barcode scanner devices.
-Doing so requires a bit system administration. First we are going to
-create a group that has access to USB devices
-``# groupadd usbusers``
-Then we add the user who will run the OpenERP server to ``usbusers``
-``# usermod -a -G usbusers USERNAME``
-Then we need to create a udev rule that will automatically allow members
-of ``usbusers`` to access raw USB devices. To do so create a file called
-``99-usbusers.rules`` in the ``/etc/udev/rules.d/`` directory with the
-following content::
- SUBSYSTEM=="usb", GROUP="usbusers", MODE="0660"
- SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", GROUP="usbusers", MODE="0660"
-Then you need to reboot your machine.
-Start the local Odoo instance
-We must launch the Odoo server with the correct settings
-``$ ./odoo.py --load=web,hw_proxy,hw_posbox_homepage,hw_posbox_upgrade,hw_scale,hw_scanner,hw_escpos``
-Test the instance
-Plug all your hardware to your machine's USB ports, and go to
-``http://localhost:8069/hw_proxy/status`` refresh the page a few times and
-see if all your devices are indicated as *Connected*. Possible source of
-errors are: The paths on the distribution differ from the paths expected
-by the drivers, another process has grabbed exclusive access to the
-devices, the udev rules do not apply or a superseded by others.
-Automatically start Odoo
-You must now make sure that this Odoo install is automatically started
-after boot. There are various ways to do so, and how to do it depends
-on your particular setup. Using the init system provided by your
-distribution is probably the easiest way to accomplish this.
-Setup the Point of Sale
-The IP address field in the POS configuration must be either
-```` or ``localhost`` if you're running the created Odoo
-server on the machine that you'll use as the Point of Sale device. You
-can also leave it empty.
-POSBox Technical Documentation
-Technical Overview
-The POSBox Hardware
-The POSBox's Hardware is based on a `Raspberry Pi 2
-`_, a
-popular single-board computer. The Raspberry Pi 2 is powered with a 2A
-micro-usb power adapter. 2A is needed to give enough power to the
-barcode scanners. The Software is installed on a 8Gb Class 10 or
-Higher SD Card. All this hardware is easily available worldwide from
-independent vendors.
-Compatible Peripherals
-Officially supported hardware is listed on the `POS Hardware page
-The POSBox Software
-The POSBox runs a heavily modified Raspbian Linux installation, a
-Debian derivative for the Raspberry Pi. It also runs a barebones
-installation of Odoo which provides the webserver and the drivers. The
-hardware drivers are implemented as Odoo modules. Those modules are
-all prefixed with ``hw_*`` and they are the only modules that are
-running on the POSBox. Odoo is only used for the framework it
-provides. No business data is processed or stored on the POSBox. The
-Odoo instance is a shallow git clone of the ``8.0`` branch.
-The root partition on the POSBox is mounted read-only, ensuring that
-we don't wear out the SD card by writing to it too much. It also
-ensures that the filesystem cannot be corrupted by cutting the power
-to the POSBox. Linux applications expect to be able to write to
-certain directories though. So we provide a ramdisk for /etc and /var
-(Raspbian automatically provides one for /tmp). These ramdisks are
-setup by ``setup_ramdisks.sh``, which we run before all other init
-scripts by running it in ``/etc/init.d/rcS``. The ramdisks are named
-/etc_ram and /var_ram respectively. Most data from /etc and /var is
-copied to these tmpfs ramdisks. In order to restrict the size of the
-ramdisks, we do not copy over certain things to them (eg. apt related
-data). We then bind mount them over the original directories. So when
-an application writes to /etc/foo/bar it's actually writing to
-/etc_ram/foo/bar. We also bind mount / to /root_bypass_ramdisks to be
-able to get to the real /etc and /var during development.
-Logs of the running Odoo server can be found at:
-Various POSBox related scripts (eg. wifi-related scripts) running on
-the POSBox will log to /var/log/syslog and those messages are tagged
-with ``posbox_*``.
-Accessing the POSBox
-Local Access
-If you plug a QWERTY USB keyboard into one of the POSBox's USB ports,
-and if you connect a computer monitor to the *HDMI* port of the
-POSBox, you can use it as a small GNU/Linux computer and perform
-various administration tasks, like viewing some logs.
-The POSBox will automatically log in as root on the default tty.
-Remote Access
-If you have the POSBox's IP address and an SSH client you can access
-the POSBox's system remotely. The login credentials are
-Updating The POSBox Software
-Only upgrade the POSBox if you experience problems or want to use
-newly implemented features.
-The best way to update the POSBox software is to download a new
-version of the image and flash the SD-Card with it. This operation is
-described in detail in `this tutorial
-`_, just replace the
-standard Raspberry Pi image with the latest one found at `the official
-POSBox image page `_. This
-method of upgrading will ensure that you're running the latest version
-of the POSBox software.
-The second way of upgrading is through the built in upgrade interface
-that can be reached through the POSBox homepage. The nice thing about
-upgrading like this is that you don't have to flash a new image. This
-upgrade method is limited to what it can do however. It can not
-eg. update installed configuration files (like
-eg. /etc/hostapd.conf). It can only upgrade:
-- The internal Odoo application
-- Scripts in the folder ``odoo/addons/point_of_sale/tools/posbox/configuration/``
-When in doubt, always use the first method of upgrading.
-The POS cannot connect to the POSBox
-- The easiest way to make sure the POSBox is properly set-up is to turn
- it on with the printer plugged in as it will print a receipt
- indicating any error if encountered or the POSBox's IP address in case
- of success. If no receipt is printed, check the following steps:
-- Make sure the POSBox is powered on, indicated by a brightly lit red
- status LED.
-- Make sure the POSBox is ready, this is indicated by a brightly lit
- green status LED just next to the red power status LED. The POSBox
- should be ready ~2 minutes after it is started.
-- Make sure the POSBox is connected to the same network as your POS
- device. Both the device and the POSBox should be visible in the list
- of connected devices on your network router.
-- Make sure that your LAN is set up with DHCP, and gives IP addresses
- in the range 192.168.0.X, 192.168.1.X, 10.0.0.X. If you cannot setup
- your LAN that way, you must manually set up your POSBox's
- IP address.
-- If you have specified the POSBox's IP address in the configuration,
- make sure it correspond to the printed on the POSBox's status
- receipt.
-- Make sure that the POS is not loaded over HTTPS.
-- A bug in Firefox's HTTP implementation prevents the autodiscovery
- from working reliably. When using Firefox you should manually set up
- the POSBox's IP address in the POS configuration.
-The Barcode Scanner is not working
-- The barcode scanner must be configured in US QWERTY and emit an
- Enter after each barcode. This is the default configuration of most
- barcode readers. Refer to the barcode reader documentation for more
- information.
-- The POSBox needs a 2A power supply to work with some barcode
- scanners. If you are not using the provided power supply, make sure
- the one you use has enough power.
-- Some barcode scanners will need more than 2A and will not work, or
- will work unreliably, even with the provided power supply. In those
- case you can plug the barcode scanner in a self-powered USB hub.
-- Some poorly built barcode scanners do not advertise themselves as
- barcode scanners but as a usb keyboard instead, and will not be
- recognized by the POSBox.
-The Barcode Scanner is not working reliably
-- Make sure that no more than one device with 'Scan via
- Proxy'/'Barcode Scanner' enabled are connected to the POSBox at the
- same time.
-Printing the receipt takes too much time
-- A small delay before the first print is expected, as the POSBox will
- do some preprocessing to speed up the next printings. If you suffer
- delays afterwards it is most likely due to poor network connection
- between the POS and the POSBox.
-Some characters are not correctly printed on the receipt
-- The POSBox does not support all languages and characters. It
- currently supports Latin and Cyrillic based scripts, with basic
- Japanese support.
-The printer is offline
-- Make sure the printer is connected, powered, has enough paper and
- has its lid closed, and is not reporting an error. If the error
- persists, please contact support.
-The cashdrawer does not open
-- The cashdrawer should be connected to the printer and should be
- activated in the POS configuration.
-The POSBox project was developed by Frédéric van der Essen with the
-kind help of Gary Malherbe, Fabien Meghazi, Nicolas Wisniewsky,
-Dimitri Del Marmol, Joren Van Onder and Antony Lesuisse.
-This development would not have been possible without the Indiegogo
-campaign and those who contributed to it. Special thanks goes to the
-partners who backed the campaign with founding partner bundles:
-- Camptocamp
-- BHC
-- openBig
-- Eeezee-IT
-- Solarsis LDA
-- Vauxoo
-- Ekomurz
-- Datalp
-- Dao Systems
-- Eggs Solutions
-- OpusVL
-And also the partners who've backed the development with the Founding
-POSBox Bundle:
-- Willow IT
-- E\. Akhalwaya & Sons
-- Multibase
-- Mindesa
-- bpso.biz
-- Shine IT.