diff --git a/content/administration/maintain/odoo_online.rst b/content/administration/maintain/odoo_online.rst
index 9d76cd480..f3926e85c 100644
--- a/content/administration/maintain/odoo_online.rst
+++ b/content/administration/maintain/odoo_online.rst
@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ Upgrade
 Trigger a database upgrade.
 .. seealso::
-   For more information about the upgrade process, check out the :doc:`Odoo Online upgrade
-   documentation <../upgrade/odoo_online>`.
+   For more information about the upgrade process, check out the :ref:`Odoo Online upgrade
+   documentation <upgrade/request-test-database>`.
 .. _odoo_online/duplicate:
diff --git a/content/administration/odoo_sh/getting_started/branches.rst b/content/administration/odoo_sh/getting_started/branches.rst
index 40ddd57c3..27d2e6462 100644
--- a/content/administration/odoo_sh/getting_started/branches.rst
+++ b/content/administration/odoo_sh/getting_started/branches.rst
@@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ Upgrade
 Available for production and staging branches for valid projects.
 .. seealso::
-    :doc:`Upgrade - Odoo.sh <../../upgrade/odoo_sh>`
+    :doc:`Upgrade documentation <../../upgrade>`
 .. _odoosh-gettingstarted-branches-tabs-settings:
diff --git a/content/administration/upgrade.rst b/content/administration/upgrade.rst
index 3695b98e7..00c8992e4 100644
--- a/content/administration/upgrade.rst
+++ b/content/administration/upgrade.rst
@@ -1,226 +1,371 @@
-.. |assistance-contact| replace::
-   If you need Odoo assistance on this matter, please get in touch with your Odoo Account Manager or
-   our `Sales department`_.
-.. _Sales department: mailto:sales@odoo.com
-.. toctree::
-   :titlesonly:
+An upgrade is the process of moving your database from an older version to a newer :doc:`supported
+version <maintain/supported_versions>` (e.g., Odoo 14.0 to Odoo 16.0). Frequently upgrading is
+essential as each version comes with new and improved features, bug fixes, and security patches.
-   upgrade/odoo_online
-   upgrade/odoo_sh
-   upgrade/on_premise
-   upgrade/faq
+.. _upgrade_faq/rolling_release:
-An upgrade is switching to a newer version of Odoo (e.g., Odoo 14.0 to Odoo 15.0).
+.. spoiler:: Automatic upgrades: Odoo Online's Rolling Release process
+   The Rolling Release process allows Odoo Online customers to upgrade their database directly from
+   a message prompt sent to the database administrator as soon as a new version is released. The
+   invitation to upgrade is only sent if no issues are detected during the automatic tests.
+   .. image:: upgrade/rr-upgrade-message.png
+      :alt: The upgrade message prompt on the top right of the database
+   It is strongly recommended to manually :ref:`test the upgrade first <upgrade/test_your_db>`.
+   Clicking :guilabel:`I want to test first` redirects to `the database manager
+   <https://www.odoo.com/my/databases/>`_, where it is possible to request an upgraded test database
+   and check it for any discrepancies.
+   It is **not** recommended to click :guilabel:`Upgrade Now` without testing first, as it
+   immediately triggers the live production database upgrade.
+   If the Rolling Release process detects an issue with the upgrade, it will be deactivated until
+   the issue is resolved.
 An upgrade does not cover:
-* Changing :ref:`editions <upgrade-faq/editions-change>` (i.e., Community to Enterprise edition)
-* Switching :ref:`hosting type <upgrade-faq/hosting-types-switch>` (i.e., On-Premise to Odoo Online
-  or Odoo.sh)
-* Migration from another ERP to Odoo
+  - Downgrading to a previous version of Odoo
+  - :doc:`Switching editions <maintain/enterprise>` (e.g., from Community to Enterprise)
+  - :doc:`Changing hosting type </administration/maintain/hosting_changes>` (e.g., from on-premise
+    to Odoo Online)
+  - Migrating from another ERP to Odoo
-.. note:: |assistance-contact|
+.. warning::
+   If your database contains a **custom module**, you must first upgrade its source code to be
+   compatible with the new version of Odoo **before upgrading**.
+.. TODOUPG : once the page for developers is published, uncomment and link
+.. :doc:`first upgrade its source code </developer/reference/upgrade>`
-.. seealso::
-   - :ref:`upgrade/sla`
-.. _upgrade/process-workflow:
+Upgrading in a nutshell
-Process workflow
+#. Request an upgraded test database (see :ref:`obtaining an upgraded test database
+   <upgrade/request-test-database>`).
-The upgrade process in a nutshell:
+#. Thoroughly test the upgraded database (see :ref:`testing the new version of the database
+   <upgrade/test_your_db>`).
-#. You create a test upgrade request.
-#. Odoo processes the request automatically by running the database through an upgrade script, which
-   takes between 20 and 120 minutes.
-#. Odoo delivers a test database.
-#. You test your database for possible discrepancies (see :ref:`upgrade/test-guidance`).
-#. If there are any discrepancies, you report them to the Upgrade support team via the help portal
-   (see :ref:`upgrade/test-assistance`).
-#. We fix the issues and send you a new test database.
-#. Once you have completed the testing and are happy with the result, you decide on a date and time
-   when you stop users from accessing Odoo, freeze all data entries, and create an upgrade request
-   for the production upgrade.
-#. Odoo delivers the production database through the automated process.
-#. You restore it in your Production environment a few short hours later and continue working on the
-   newly upgraded database (this is done automatically on Odoo Online).
+#. Report any issue encountered during the testing to Odoo via the `support page
+   <https://odoo.com/help?stage=migration>`__.
-.. seealso::
-   - :doc:`Upgrade process for Odoo Online <upgrade/odoo_online>`
-   - :doc:`Upgrade process for Odoo.sh <upgrade/odoo_sh>`
-   - :doc:`Upgrade process for On-Premise <upgrade/on_premise>`
+#. (If applicable) : upgrade the source code of your custom module to be compatible with the new
+   version of Odoo.
-.. _upgrade/testing-phase:
+#. Once all issues are resolved and you are confident that the upgraded database can be used as
+   your main database without any issues, plan the upgrade of your production database.
+#. Request the upgrade for the production database, rendering it unavailable for the time it takes
+   to complete the process (see :ref:`upgrading the production database <upgrade/upgrade-prod>`).
-This phase allows you to review an upgraded version of your database without affecting your
-production database in any way. We suggest that you run the test upgrade process at least once, but
-you can do it as many times as you need (one at a time).
+#. Report any issue encountered during the upgrade to Odoo via the `support page
+   <https://odoo.com/help?stage=post_upgrade>`__.
-Once you receive your upgraded test database, check that all data, processes, and functionality are
-still correct and working as expected.
+.. TODOUPG: Once the page for developers is published, put this at 4)
+.. (see :ref:`upgrading customizations <upgrade/upgrading_customizations>`).
-If you do find discrepancies, :ref:`report your issues <upgrade/test-assistance>` and :ref:`request
-a new test database <upgrade/test-db-request>` when the reported issues are fixed in the upgrade
+.. _upgrade/request-test-database:
-If you do not find any discrepancies, you can move on to the upgrade of your production database.
-.. important::
-   A test database is only intended for testing and remains completely unrelated to your present or
-   future production database. Any data you add, or changes you make, will not be reflected in your
-   upgraded production database.
-.. note::
-   Test databases are neutered and features are disabled to prevent them from having an impact on
-   the production database:
-   #. The serial number of the database is modified (to prevent it from sending information as if it
-      was the production database).
-   #. The :ref:`base URL of the database <domain-name/web-base-url>` is reset to
-      ``http://localhost:8069`` and the email domain to ``localhost``.
-   #. Scheduled actions are disabled (the calendar synchronization, the bank statement
-      synchronization, the planned automated actions, the fetching of incoming mail servers, etc.).
-   #. Outgoing mail servers are disabled by archiving the existing ones and adding a
-      fake/non-working one.
-   #. Payment providers and delivery carriers are reset to test environment.
-   #. Accounting localization Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) services are disabled.
-   #. A system parameter is set to tell the database has been neutered.
-.. _upgrade/test-db-request:
-Request a test database
-Follow the instructions available per hosting type on the `website form
-<https://upgrade.odoo.com>`_ and select *Testing* purpose.
-.. image:: upgrade/test-purpose.png
-   :align: center
-   :alt: Selection of the "Testing" purpose in the upgrade form on Odoo
-.. _upgrade/test-guidance:
-Test guidance
-Every business and organization has its own operational needs and has to test its specific Odoo
-database individually. We recommend you look at `the test scenario
-<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ypNs7JKPOsjNbKpdiKFH7Al6g6whZ9jr7f7duAQ5E1w/>`_ for further
-.. todo:: change link "test scenario" once the related doc is published
-.. _upgrade/test-assistance:
-If you encounter an issue in the **test database**, please get in touch with Odoo Upgrade Support
-via the `Odoo Support page <https://www.odoo.com/help>`_.
-Under the *Ticket Description* section, select *An issue related to my upgrade* ticket type.
-   .. image:: upgrade/test-assistance.png
-      :align: center
-      :alt: Selection of "An issue related to my upgrade" as Ticket Type in the support form on Odoo
-   .. warning::
-      If you choose another *Ticket Description* type, the request will be redirected to another
-      team. This will slow down the processing and response time.
-Please provide as much detail as you can (i.e., videos and screenshots to illustrate your issue).
-This will avoid clarifying questions and speed up the resolution process significantly.
-.. note::
-   * The purpose of the test phase is not to correct existing data or configurations in your
-     database.
-   * |assistance-contact|
-.. _upgrade/steps-production:
-The production launch
-The production upgrade request is when you decide to upgrade your current database with all your
-production data (invoices, VAT returns, inventories, current orders) to a new version of your
-After your :ref:`tests <upgrade/testing-phase>` are completed to your satisfaction, submit the
-request to upgrade your production database via our `website form <https://upgrade.odoo.com>`_.
-Select *Production* purpose.
-.. important::
-   Going into production without first testing may lead to:
-   - business interruptions (e.g., no longer having the possibility to validate an action)
-   - poor customer experiences (e.g., an eCommerce website that does not work correctly)
-.. _upgrade/production-assistance:
-If you encounter issues or problems in the **production database**, please get in touch with **Odoo
-#. Connect to our `Odoo Support page <https://www.odoo.com/help>`_.
-#. Under the *Ticket Description* section, select the appropriate type related to your issue but
-   **do not select** the option *An issue related to my upgrade*.
-   .. note::
-      After upgrading to production, the support will be provided by the Support team instead of the
-      Upgrade team.
-#. Please provide as much detail as you can (i.e., videos and screenshots to illustrate your issue).
-   This will avoid clarifying questions and speed up the resolution process significantly.
-   .. warning::
-      If you choose *An issue related to my upgrade* as ticket type, the request will be redirected
-      to another team than the support one and will slow down the processing and response time.
-.. _upgrade/assistance:
-.. _upgrade/contact:
-Contact our upgrade service support
+Obtaining an upgraded test database
-Should you have any more questions about the upgrade, do not hesitate to send a message to `Odoo
-Upgrade Team <mailto:upgrade@odoo.com>`_. We will be happy to answer it as soon as possible.
+The `Upgrade page <https://upgrade.odoo.com/>`_ is the main platform for requesting an upgraded
+database. However, depending on the hosting type, you can upgrade from the command line
+(on-premise), the `Odoo Online database manager <https://odoo.com/my/databases>`_, or your `Odoo.sh
+project <https://odoo.sh/project>`_.
-.. _upgrade/supported-versions:
+.. note::
+   The Upgrade platform follows the same `Privacy Policy <https://www.odoo.com/privacy>`_ as the
+   other Odoo.com services. Visit the `General Data Protection Regulation page
+   <https://www.odoo.com/gdpr>`_ to learn more about how Odoo handles your data and privacy.
-Supported versions
+.. tabs::
-Please note that Odoo provides support and bug fixing only for the three last major versions of
+   .. group-tab:: Odoo Online
-This is a factor to take into consideration before upgrading. If you are on an older version, we
-suggest you to prefer the most recent version to benefit from longer support (before having to
-upgrade again).
+      Odoo Online databases can be manually upgraded via the `database manager
+      <https://odoo.com/my/databases>`_.
+      The database manager displays all databases associated with the user's account. Databases
+      not on the most recent version of Odoo display an arrow in a circle icon next to their name,
+      indicating that they can be upgraded.
+      .. image:: upgrade/databases-page.png
+         :alt: The database manager with an upgrade button next to the name of a database.
+      Click the **arrow in a circle** icon to start the upgrade process. In the popup, fill in:
+      - The **version** of Odoo you want to upgrade to, usually the latest version
+      - The **email** address that should receive the link to the upgraded database
+      - The :guilabel:`Purpose` of the upgrade, which is automatically set to :guilabel:`Test` for
+        your first upgrade request
+      .. image:: upgrade/upgrade-popup.png
+         :alt: The "Upgrade your database" popup.
+      The :guilabel:`Upgrade in progress` tag is displayed next to the database name until
+      completion. Once the process succeeds, an email containing a link to the upgraded test
+      database is sent to the address provided. The database can also be accessed from the database
+      manager by clicking the dropdown arrow before the database name.
+      .. image:: upgrade/access-upgraded-db.png
+         :alt: Clicking the menu arrow displays the upgraded test database.
+   .. group-tab:: Odoo.sh
+      Odoo.sh is integrated with the upgrade platform to simplify the upgrade process.
+      .. image:: upgrade/odoo-sh-staging.png
+         :alt: Odoo.sh project and tabs
+      The **latest production daily automatic backup** is then sent to the `upgrade platform
+      <https://upgrade.odoo.com>`_.
+      Once the upgrade platform is done upgrading the backup and uploading it on the branch, it is
+      put in a **special mode**: each time a **commit is pushed** on the branch, a **restore
+      operation** of the upgraded backup and an **update of all the custom modules** occur. This
+      allows you to test your custom modules on a pristine copy of the upgraded database. The log
+      file of the upgrade process can be found in your newly upgraded staging build by going to
+      :file:`~/logs/upgrade.log`.
+      .. note::
+         In databases where custom modules are installed, their source code
+         must be up-to-date with the target version of Odoo before the upgrade
+         can be performed. If there are none, the "update on commit" mode is
+         skipped, the upgraded database is built as soon as it is transferred from the upgrade
+         platform, and the upgrade mode is exited.
+         .. TODOUPG : once the page for developers is published, uncomment
+         .. Check out the :doc:`upgrade for developers'
+         .. documentation </developer/reference/upgrade>` for more information. In
+         .. addition, if a module is not needed after an upgrade, :ref:`you can
+         .. remove customizations <upgrade/remove_customizations>`.
+   .. group-tab:: On-premise
+      The standard upgrade process can be initiated by entering the following command line on the
+      machine where the database is hosted:
+      .. code-block:: console
+         $ python <(curl -s https://upgrade.odoo.com/upgrade) test -d <your db name> -t <target version>
+      The following command can be used to display the general help and the main commands:
+      .. code-block:: console
+         $ python <(curl -s https://upgrade.odoo.com/upgrade) --help
+      An upgraded test database can also be requested via the `Upgrade page
+      <https://upgrade.odoo.com/>`_.
+      .. note::
+         - For security reasons, only the person who submitted the upgrade request can download it.
+         - For storage reasons, the database's copy is submitted without a filestore to the upgrade
+           server. Therefore, the upgraded database does not contain the production filestore.
+         - Before restoring the upgraded database, its filestore must be merged with the production
+           filestore to be able to perform tests in the same conditions as it would be in the new
+           version.
+         - The upgraded database contains:
+           - A `dump.sql` file containing the upgraded database
+           - A `filestore` folder containing files extracted from in-database records into
+             attachments (if there are any) and new standard Odoo files from the targeted Odoo
+             version (e.g., new images, icons, payment provider's logos, etc.).
+             This is the folder that should be merged with the production filestore
+             in order to get the full upgraded filestore.
+.. note::
+   You can request multiple test databases if you wish to test an upgrade more than once.
+.. _upgrade/upgrade_report:
+.. note::
+   When an upgrade request is completed, an upgrade report is attached to the successful upgrade
+   email, and it becomes available in the Discuss app for users who are part of the "Administration
+   / Settings" group. This report provides important information about the changes introduced by
+   the new version.
+.. _upgrade/test_your_db:
+Testing the new version of the database
+It is essential to spend some time testing the upgraded test database to ensure that you are not
+stuck in your day-to-day activities by a change in views, behavior, or an error message once the
+upgrade goes live.
+.. note::
+   Test databases are neutralized, and some features are disabled to prevent them from impacting the
+   production database:
+   #. Scheduled actions are disabled.
+   #. Outgoing mail servers are disabled by archiving the existing ones and adding a fake one.
+   #. Payment providers and delivery carriers are reset to the test environment.
+Testing as many of your business flows as possible is strongly recommended to ensure they are
+working correctly and to get more familiar with the new version.
+.. admonition:: Basic test checklist
+   - Are there views that are deactivated in your test database but active in your production
+     database?
+   - Are your usual views still displayed correctly?
+   - Are your reports (invoice, sales order, etc.) correctly generated?
+   - Are your website pages working correctly?
+   - Are you able to create and modify records? (sales orders, invoices, purchases, users, contacts,
+     companies, etc.)
+   - Are there any issues with your mail templates?
+   - Are there any issues with saved translations?
+   - Are your search filters still present?
+   - Can you export your data?
+.. spoiler:: Example of end-to-end testing
+   - Checking a random product in your product catalog and comparing its test and production data to
+     verify everything is the same (product category, selling price, cost price, vendor, accounts,
+     routes, etc.).
+   - Buying this product (Purchase app).
+   - Confirming the reception of this product (Inventory app).
+   - Checking if the route to receive this product is the same in your production database
+     (Inventory app).
+   - Selling this product (Sales app) to a random customer.
+   - Opening your customer database (Contacts app), selecting a customer (or company), and checking
+     its data.
+   - Shipping this product (Inventory app).
+   - Checking if the route to ship this product is the same as in your production database
+     (Inventory app).
+   - Validating a customer invoice (Invoicing or Accounting app).
+   - Crediting the invoice (issuing a credit note) and checking if it behaves as in your production
+     database.
+   - Checking your reports' results (Accounting app).
+   - Randomly checking your taxes, currencies, bank accounts, and fiscal year (Accounting app).
+   - Making an online order (Website apps) from the product selection in your shop until the
+     checkout process and checking if everything behaves as in your production database.
+   This list is **not** exhaustive. Extend the example to your other apps based on your use of Odoo.
+If you face an issue while testing your upgraded test database, you can request the assistance of
+Odoo via the `support page <https://odoo.com/help?stage=migration>`__ by selecting the option
+related to testing the upgrade. In any case, it is essential to report any
+problem encountered during the testing to fix it before upgrading your production database.
+You might encounter significant differences with standard views, features, fields, and models during
+testing. Those changes cannot be reverted on a case-by-case basis. However, if a change introduced
+by a new version breaks a customization, it is the responsibility of the maintainer of your custom
+module to make it compatible with the new version of Odoo.
+.. tip::
+   Do not forget to test:
+   - Integrations with external software (EDI, APIs, etc.)
+   - Workflows between different apps (online sales with eCommerce, converting a lead all the way to
+     a sales order, delivery of products, etc.)
+   - Data exports
+   - Automated actions
+   - Server actions in the action menu on form views, as well as by selecting multiple records on
+     list views
+.. _upgrade/upgrade-prod:
+Upgrading the production database
+Once the :ref:`tests <upgrade/test_your_db>` are completed and you are confident that the upgraded
+database can be used as your main database without any issues, it is time to plan the go-live day. It
+can be planned in coordination with Odoo's upgrade support analysts, reachable via the `support page
+Your production database will be unavailable during its upgrade. Therefore, we recommend planning
+the upgrade at a time when the use of the database is minimal.
+As the standard upgrade scripts and your database are constantly evolving, it is also recommended
+to frequently request another upgraded test database to ensure that the upgrade process is
+still successful, especially if it takes a long time to finish. Fully rehearsing the upgrade
+process the day before upgrading the production database is also recommended.
+.. important::
+   - Going into production without first testing may lead to:
+     - Users failing to adjust to the changes and new features
+     - Business interruptions (e.g., no longer having the possibility to validate an action)
+     - Poor customer experience (e.g., an eCommerce website that does not work correctly)
+The process of upgrading a production database is similar to upgrading a test database with a few
+.. tabs::
+   .. group-tab:: Odoo Online
+      The process is similar to :ref:`obtaining an upgraded test database
+      <upgrade/request-test-database>`, except for the purpose option, which must be set to
+      :guilabel:`Production` instead of :guilabel:`Test`.
+      .. warning::
+         Once the upgrade is requested, the database will be unavailable until the upgrade is
+         finished. Once the process is completed, it is impossible to revert to the previous
+         version.
+   .. group-tab:: Odoo.sh
+      The process is similar to :ref:`obtaining an upgraded test database
+      <upgrade/request-test-database>` on the :guilabel:`Production` branch.
+      .. image:: upgrade/odoo-sh-prod.png
+         :alt: View from the upgrade tab
+      The process is **triggered as soon as a new commit is made** on the branch. This
+      allows the upgrade process to be synchronized with the deployment of the custom modules'
+      upgraded source code.
+      If there are no custom modules, the upgrade process is triggered immediately.
+      .. important::
+         The database is unavailable throughout the process. If anything goes wrong, the platform
+         automatically reverts the upgrade, as it would be for a regular update. In case of success,
+         a backup of the database before the upgrade is created.
+      The update of your custom modules must be successful to complete the entire upgrade process.
+      Make sure the status of your staging upgrade is :guilabel:`successful` before trying it in
+      production.
+   .. TODOUPG : once the page for developers is published, uncomment
+   .. More information on how to upgrade your custom modules can be found in the :ref:`upgrading customizations documentation <upgrade/upgrading_customizations>`.
+   .. group-tab:: On-premise
+      The command to upgrade a database to production is similar to the one of upgrading a test
+      database except for the argument `test`, which must be replaced by `production`:
+      .. code-block:: console
+         $ python <(curl -s https://upgrade.odoo.com/upgrade) production -d <your db name> -t <target version>
+      An upgraded production database can also be requested via the `Upgrade page
+      <https://upgrade.odoo.com/>`_.
+      Once the database is uploaded, any modification to your production database will **not** be
+      present on your upgraded database. This is why we recommend not using it during the upgrade
+      process.
+      .. important::
+         When requesting an upgraded database for production purposes, the copy is submitted without
+         a filestore. Therefore, the upgraded database filestore must be merged with the production
+         filestore before deploying the new version.
+In case of an issue with your production database, you can request the assistance of Odoo via the
+`support page <https://odoo.com/help?stage=post_upgrade>`__ by selecting the option related to
+the upgrade in production.
-.. seealso::
-   :doc:`maintain/supported_versions`
 .. _upgrade/sla:
 Service-level agreement (SLA)
 With Odoo Enterprise, upgrading a database to the most recent version of Odoo is **free**, including
 any support required to rectify potential discrepancies in the upgraded database.
@@ -230,7 +375,7 @@ Information about the upgrade services included in the Enterprise Licence is ava
 upgrade services you can expect.
 Upgrade services covered by the SLA
 Databases hosted on Odoo's cloud platforms (Odoo Online and Odoo.sh) or self-hosted (On-Premise) can
 benefit from upgrade services at all times for:
@@ -245,7 +390,7 @@ Upgrade services are limited to the technical conversion and adaptation of a dat
 modules and data) to make it compatible with the version targeted by the upgrade.
 Upgrade services not covered by the SLA
 The following upgrade-related services are **not** included:
@@ -256,9 +401,6 @@ The following upgrade-related services are **not** included:
   <studio/automated-actions/action>`; and
 - **training** on using the upgraded version's features and workflows.
-.. note:: |assistance-contact|
 .. seealso::
-   - :doc:`Upgrade FAQ <upgrade/faq>`
    - :doc:`Odoo.sh documentation <odoo_sh>`
    - :doc:`Supported Odoo versions <maintain/supported_versions>`
diff --git a/content/administration/upgrade/access-upgraded-db.png b/content/administration/upgrade/access-upgraded-db.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a6dfcc518
Binary files /dev/null and b/content/administration/upgrade/access-upgraded-db.png differ
diff --git a/content/administration/upgrade/databases-page.png b/content/administration/upgrade/databases-page.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1105fd1d3
Binary files /dev/null and b/content/administration/upgrade/databases-page.png differ
diff --git a/content/administration/upgrade/faq.rst b/content/administration/upgrade/faq.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index f4fba7a73..000000000
--- a/content/administration/upgrade/faq.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,228 +0,0 @@
-.. |assistance-contact| replace::
-   If you need Odoo assistance on this matter, please get in touch with your Odoo Account Manager or
-   our `Sales department`_.
-.. _Sales department: mailto:sales@odoo.com
-.. _upgrade-faq/why:
-Why upgrade
-* You benefit from the latest features of the :ref:`new major version
-  <upgrade-faq/release-notes>` released by Odoo.
-* If you are in an :ref:`unsupported version <upgrade/supported-versions>`, you get a new version
-  with support.
-.. _upgrade-faq/when:
-When to upgrade
-Whenever you want. You can make your upgrade request as soon as a new version is released or when
-your version turns unsupported, and you still wish to enjoy support.
-.. _upgrade-faq/availability:
-Availability of the new version
-As soon as Odoo announces the release of a new major version, you can create a test upgrade request
-to try the latest version. Please note that at this point, the upgrade scripts will only have been
-tested with demo data. Please report any issue you might encounter while testing via the `Odoo
-Support page <https://www.odoo.com/help>`_ and make sure to be happy with your test version before
-requesting the upgrade of your database in production.
-.. _upgrade-faq/duration:
-Duration of the upgrade
-It is impossible to give time estimates for every upgrade request.
-In general, the "smaller" the database, the quickest the upgrade request is completed. A single-user
-database that uses only CRM will be processed faster than a multi-company, multi-user database that
-uses Accounting, Sales, Purchase, and Manufacturing.
-You can expect the time it takes for the platform to upgrade the test database to be similar to the
-production upgrade.
-.. _upgrade-faq/project:
-Duration of the upgrade project
-It depends on the user involvement (the time spent on testing, reporting problems, etc.) and the
-issues encountered that might need to be addressed by our technical team.
-So, in a nutshell, what can impact your upgrade lead time?
-* Source & targeted versions
-* Installed apps
-* Volume of data
-* Amount of customization (models, fields, methods, workflows, reports, website, etc.)
-* Installation of new apps or configuration changes after the start of the test phase
-* User commitment
-.. _upgrade-faq/custom-modules:
-Upgrade of the custom modules
-As stated in our :doc:`/legal/terms/enterprise`, section :ref:`charges_standard`, this optional
-service is subject to additional fees.
-Depending on your situation, the custom code could be upgraded by our services, by one of our
-partners, or you can do it yourself.
-.. note:: |assistance-contact|
-.. _upgrade-faq/upgrade-or-migration:
-Upgrade or Migration
-An upgrade is switching to a newer version of Odoo, while a migration reflects the change of
-:ref:`editions <upgrade-faq/editions-change>` or change of :ref:`hosting type
-.. note:: |assistance-contact|
-.. _upgrade-faq/editions-change:
-Editions change (from Community to Enterprise)
-The upgrade always returns an Enterprise edition of Odoo, whether the database you sent was a
-community or enterprise edition. It is required to have an enterprise subscription to upgrade.
- .. note::
-    If you need assistance on this matter,  please contact us via the `Odoo Support page
-    <https://www.odoo.com/help>`_.
-.. seealso::
-   - `Editions <https://www.odoo.com/page/editions>`_
-.. _upgrade-faq/hosting-types-switch:
-Switching the hosting types (On-premise vs. Odoo Online vs. Odoo.sh)
-An upgrade does not cover a change of `Hosting types <https://www.odoo.com/page/hosting-types>`_.
-Open the following link to get :doc:`more information about how to change your hosting type
-.. note:: |assistance-contact|
-.. _upgrade-faq/upgrade-report:
-The Upgrade Report
-When an upgrade request completes successfully (test or production), you receive an email
-notification about it that includes an 'Upgrade Report'. This report is also sent to you via the
-Discuss app. It contains valuable information regarding changes that occurred during the upgrade.
-While it serves as a guide to possible issues to look out for, it is not an exhaustive list. It
-remains imperative that you test the upgraded database thoroughly and report any discrepancies you
-might find, before you decide to upgrade your production database.
-.. _upgrade-faq/custom-views:
-Custom views
-During the upgrade, some custom views might get disabled for technical reasons. Therefore they might
-have to be fixed after the upgrade. The :ref:`Upgrade Report <upgrade-faq/upgrade-report>` that is
-generated after the upgrade is available in the Discuss app, and lists all the custom views that
-might be impacted by this.
-.. _upgrade-faq/release-notes:
-Release Notes by version
-Open our `Release Note <https://www.odoo.com/page/release-notes>`_ page to get a summary of the new
-features and improvements made in each version.
-How long is my test available for
-An Odoo Online test database is available for one month by default. We can extend this trial period
-upon request. For Odoo.sh or on-premise, there is no restriction.
-How many tests to perform before upgrading to production?
-As many as needed. When you are comfortable with the database, run a last test upgrade 48 hours
-before requesting your production upgrade and test your workflows one last time.
-How to/Where to report upgrade issues?
-If you encounter issues during the upgrade process, please contact the Odoo Support through the
-`Odoo Support page <https://www.odoo.com/help>`_.
-- To report an issue discovered during the testing phase, please select **An issue related to my
-  upgrade (test phase)**.
-- To report an issue discovered post-upgrade, please select **An issue related to my upgrade
-  (production)**.
-Upgrading to production
-Once you have completed testing and are happy with the result, you decide on a date and time when
-you stop users from accessing Odoo, freeze all data entries, and create an upgrade request for the
-production upgrade.
-How is my data handled in the Upgrade Platform?
-The Odoo Upgrade platform uses the same Privacy Policy as the rest of Odoo.com services.
-Your data is hosted on servers that follow our security guidelines, namely:
-- SSL - All web connections to client instances are protected with 256-bit SSL encryption
-  (HTTPS with a 2048-bit modulus SSL certificate), and running behind Grade A SSL stacks. All our
-  certificate chains are using SHA-2 already.
-- Safe System - Our servers are running recent Linux distribution with up-to-date security patches,
-  with firewall and intrusion countermeasures (not disclosed for obvious reasons).
-Servers are located at the same locations as our Cloud providers with the following services:
-- Restricted perimeter, physically accessed by authorized data center employees only
-- Physical access control with security badges or biometrical security
-- Security cameras monitoring the data center locations 24/7
-- Security personnel on-site 24/7
-The uploaded and migrated databases uploaded to the Upgrade platform are kept for up to 3 months and
-are permanently deleted following that period.
-You can learn more about privacy and data handling at Odoo by visiting our `General Data Protection
-Regulation page <https://www.odoo.com/gdpr>`_.
-Rolling Release (applicable to Odoo Online databases)
-This feature allows customers to upgrade their database directly from a message prompt sent to the
-database administrator as soon as the new version is released. Odoo first tests the upgrade to the
-next version. The rolling release upgrade option is displayed if the automated tests are successful.
-The message offers two options:
-#. To 'Upgrade Now', which immediately triggers the upgrade of your live production database.
-#. To take you to your `database manager <https://www.odoo.com/my/databases/>`_ where you can
-   `request an upgraded test database <https://upgrade.odoo.com/#online/>`_ and check the upgraded
-   test database for any discrepancies.
-When you choose to proceed with the production upgrade directly, make sure all users have saved
-their work and are logged out. The upgrade takes approximately 15 minutes. During this time your
-database is unreachable. If you notice any problem after the upgrade, please report it via the `Odoo
-Support page <https://www.odoo.com/help>`_.
-.. note::
-   If you are using the Website or Studio app, we recommend you always do a test upgrade before
-   upgrading your production instance.
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index 383c4175d..000000000
--- a/content/administration/upgrade/odoo_online.rst
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@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-Odoo Online
-Odoo databases can be manually upgraded directly from the main Odoo website. To upgrade an Odoo
-database, navigate to the `database manager <https://www.odoo.com/my/databases>`_ page and sign in.
-The database manager page displays all of the Odoo databases associated with the user's account. Any
-databases that are not already on the most recent version of Odoo display an **arrow in a circle**
-icon next to the database name, indicating that the database can be upgraded.
-.. image:: odoo_online/databases-page.png
-   :align: center
-   :alt: The database manager page with an upgrade button next to the name of a database.
-.. important::
-   - If the database's version is **lower** than the latest major release: the database must be
-     upgraded within two months. After these two months, an automatic upgrade is initiated.
-   - If the database's version is **equal** to or **higher** than the latest major release:
-     you can disregard the invitation to upgrade, as the database probably would not benefit from
-     new features every two months.
-If a database is *not* on the latest online version, its administrator should receive an invitation
-to upgrade on the database's dashboard, displayed as an **arrow in a circle**.
-.. image:: odoo_online/database-notification.png
-   :alt: Invitation to upgrade on the database dashboard.
-.. note::
-   Versions that are not supported anymore become deprecated and must be updated to avoid
-   security issues. It is recommended to initiate the upgrade yourself and not wait for the
-   automatic upgrade, as the former method allows you to request a test upgrade of the database to
-   check for any discrepancies.
-Test database
-Click on the **arrow in a circle** icon to start the upgrade process. On the :guilabel:`Upgrade your
-database` pop-up, select the version of Odoo that the platform will be upgraded to. In the
-:guilabel:`Email to notify` field, enter an email address that will receive email notifications
-about the database upgrade.
-There is also a :guilabel:`Purpose` section on the pop-up that is used to specify the reason for the
-upgrade. However, at this stage of the process, the only selectable option is :guilabel:`Test`, as
-Odoo requires users to create a test copy of the upgraded database before converting the actual
-.. image:: odoo_online/upgrade-pop-up.png
-   :align: center
-   :alt: The "Upgrade your database" pop-up.
-After filling out the form, click the :guilabel:`Upgrade` button. The pop-up disappears and the
-database being upgraded shows a red :guilabel:`Upgrade in progress` tag next to its name. An email
-confirming that the upgrade is in progress is also sent to the email address specified on the
-.. image:: odoo_online/upgrade-in-progress.png
-   :align: center
-   :alt: The "Upgrade in progress" tag next to the database name.
-Once the upgrade is complete, a new test database appears on the `database manager
-<https://www.odoo.com/my/databases>`_ page. To access the test database, click the drop-down arrow
-(:guilabel:`⯆`) to the left of the main database's name. Doing so makes the test version appear
-below it. Finally, click the green :guilabel:`Connect` button on the right side of the test
-version's row to go to the database.
-.. image:: odoo_online/test-database.png
-   :align: center
-   :alt: A test database on the database manager page.
-Except for being on the newer version of Odoo, the test database is an exact copy of the one being
-upgraded. It is important to do extensive testing in this database to ensure that the upgrade has
-not altered or corrupted any data, and that all workflows still proceed as expected.
-Production database
-After confirming the integrity of the new version, return to the `database manager
-<https://www.odoo.com/my/databases>`_ page. Once again, click on the **arrow in a circle** icon next
-to the database being upgraded. The :guilabel:`Upgrade your database` pop-up appears as before,
-except that there is now a :guilabel:`Production` option under the :guilabel:`Purpose` section.
-Select the :guilabel:`Production` option and then click :guilabel:`Upgrade` to begin the upgrade
-process. As before, a notification email is sent to the email address provided and a red
-:guilabel:`Upgrade in progress` tag appears next to the name of the database.
-The production database is then taken offline and will be upgraded automatically. The time it takes
-to upgrade the production database should be similar to the time that was necessary to upgrade the
-test database. Make sure to inform database users of the scheduled downtime.
-After the upgrade is finished, the :guilabel:`Upgrade in progress` tag disappears and the database
-is upgraded to the version specified.
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deleted file mode 100644
index 590e8c57d..000000000
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deleted file mode 100644
index a9ce2bf83..000000000
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deleted file mode 100644
index 6835d15e0..000000000
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deleted file mode 100644
index 5ce654422..000000000
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--- a/content/administration/upgrade/odoo_sh.rst
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@@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
-.. _upgrade/odoo_sh/overview:
-Odoo.sh is integrated with the upgrade platform to make the upgrade process easier.
-.. note::
-   The :guilabel:`Upgrade` tab is available in the branches view. It is only available for valid
-   projects with a valid production build.
-.. image:: odoo_sh/odoo-sh-menu.png
-   :align: center
-   :alt: Click on the upgrade menu
-The suggested upgrade steps on Odoo.sh are:
-#. On a :guilabel:`Development` branch, upgrade your custom modules to keep them compatible with the
-   new version and thoroughly **test them**.
-#. Switch that branch to the :guilabel:`Staging` branch, **upgrade** the last daily production
-   backup and **test it**. Write upgrade scripts if necessary.
-#. Trigger the production upgrade from your :guilabel:`Production` branch and sit tight.
-.. seealso::
-   - :doc:`../../administration/upgrade`
-   - :doc:`Upgrade FAQ <../upgrade/faq>`
-   - :doc:`Introduction to Odoo.sh <../odoo_sh/overview/introduction>`
-.. _upgrade/odoo_sh/custom-modules:
-Upgrade your custom modules
-The first step is to upgrade your custom modules to keep them compatible with the new version. Fork
-your :guilabel:`Production` branch in the :guilabel:`Development` stage, then go to the settings of
-your :guilabel:`Development` branch and select the Odoo version you target. If needed, modify your
-code to be compatible with the new version. Make sure to **test** your features are still working
-.. note::
-   Depending on your contract, the upgrade of your custom modules can be done by yourself, by your
-   Partner or by Odoo (if you hold a subscription including maintenance of customizations).
-.. _upgrade/odoo_sh/testing-phase:
-Upgrade your database on a staging branch
-Take the upgraded development branch and drag & drop it to :guilabel:`Staging`.
-Go to the :guilabel:`Upgrade` tab and select the :guilabel:`target version`. Then, click on
-:guilabel:`Test Upgrade`.
-.. image:: odoo_sh/odoo-sh-staging.png
-   :align: center
-   :alt: Odoo.sh project and tabs
-The **latest production daily automatic backup** is sent to the
-`upgrade platform <https://www.upgrade.odoo.com>`_ to start the upgrade test process.
-.. note::
-   You can follow the upgrade process by going to the :guilabel:`Upgrade` menu of your
-   :guilabel:`Production` branch.
-When the upgraded backup is ready on the `upgrade platform <https://www.upgrade.odoo.com>`_, it is
-automatically downloaded back to your project.
-The branch is now in a **special mode**: each time a **commit is pushed** on the branch, a
-**restore operation** of the upgraded backup occurs, and an **update of all the custom modules**
-happens. This allows you to quickly iterate on your custom modules upgrade scripts. The log file of
-the upgrade process can be found at :file:`~/logs/upgrade.log` in your newly upgraded staging build.
-.. note::
-   - The **special upgrade mode** is automatically closed after 30 days.
-   - It may happen that custom modules are no longer needed after an upgrade. Custom modules in the
-     upgraded database are set to be updated. If the modules are missing in the code, the update
-     fails, thus failing the whole process. An empty module with a manifest and possibly some custom
-     upgrade script are necessary to clean up the database. The complete removal of the module has
-     to be handled afterwards.
-Functionally test your upgraded database
-Now that the test upgraded database is available on your staging branch, **thoroughly test it** and
-make sure everything runs as it's supposed to. Once you are satisfied with the result, you are ready
-to upgrade your production database.
-Production upgrade
-Once you are happy with your testing, you can start the process on the :guilabel:`Production`
-On your :guilabel:`Production` branch, go to the :guilabel:`Upgrade` tab, select the
-:guilabel:`targeted version` and click on the :guilabel:`start Upgrade` button.
-.. image:: odoo_sh/odoo-sh-prod.png
-   :align: center
-   :alt: View from the upgrade tab
-The actual process is **triggered as soon as you push a new commit** in your branch. Make sure you
-are pushing code that is compatible with the new version. For example by merging the code from your
-upgraded staging branch.
-.. note::
-   You can see the progress of the upgrade by going to the :guilabel:`Upgrade` tab of the main
-   branch.
-.. image:: odoo_sh/odoo-sh-progress.png
-   :align: center
-   :alt: View showing the progress of the upgrade
-.. important::
-   Your database is unavailable throughout the process.
-.. note::
-   If anything goes wrong, the platform automatically reverts the upgrade, the same as it would be
-   for a regular update. In case of success, a backup is always made.
-The update of your custom modules must be successful to complete the entire upgrade process. Make
-sure the status of your staging upgrade is :guilabel:`successful` before trying it in production.
-.. note::
-   It may happen that custom modules are no longer needed after an upgrade. Custom modules in the
-   upgraded database are set to be updated. If the modules are missing in the code, the update
-   fails, thus failing the whole process. An empty module with a manifest and possibly some custom
-   upgrade script are necessary to clean up the database. The complete removal of the module has to
-   be handled afterwards.
diff --git a/content/administration/upgrade/odoo_sh/odoo-sh-menu.png b/content/administration/upgrade/odoo_sh/odoo-sh-menu.png
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index b7379fb5a..000000000
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deleted file mode 100644
index 97bcc65b2..000000000
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deleted file mode 100644
index d84c8b470..000000000
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deleted file mode 100644
index 65d1487a2..000000000
--- a/content/administration/upgrade/on_premise.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-Test upgrade request
-There are two ways to create your upgrade request.
-Upgrade request via command line
-For technically-advanced users and partners, the upgrade process can be initiated via the following
-command line on the server where the database is hosted:
-:command:`python <(curl -s https://upgrade.odoo.com/upgrade) test -d <your db name> -t
-<target version>`
-The above command creates the database dump, sends it to the upgrade platform, and initiates the
-automated upgrade process. During the upgrade, you can follow the live logs on your screen.
-Once the upgrade process is completed successfully, the upgraded database is restored onto the
-server (as a duplicate test database).
-Upgrade request via the Odoo Upgrade Portal
-#. Download a recent copy of your database and select the option :guilabel:`pg_dump custom format
-   (without filestore)`.
-#. Upload this dump file at https://upgrade.odoo.com and select *Testing* as the aim.
-   Odoo performs the automated upgrade process. Once it is completed, you receive an email with a
-   link to download the upgrade database dump file.
-#. Import the upgraded database into your on-premise environment and manually test all processes and
-   workflows.
-.. note::
-   - For security reasons, only the person who submitted the upgrade request is able to download it.
-   - Any problem found during testing should be reported via the `helpdesk
-     <https://odoo.com/help>`_.
-   - For storage reasons, the copy of your database is submitted without a filestore to the upgrade
-     server. Therefore, the upgraded database does not contain the production filestore.
-   - Before restoring the upgraded database, its filestore must be merged with the production
-     filestore to be able to perform tests in the same conditions as it would be in the new version.
-   - The upgraded database contains:
-      - A `dump.sql` file containing the upgraded database.
-      - A `filestore` folder containing files that were extracted from in-database records into
-        attachments (if there are any) and new standard Odoo files from the targeted Odoo version
-        (like new images, icons, payment provider's logos, etc.). This is the folder that should be
-        merged with the production filestore in order to get the full upgraded filestore.
-Upgrade your production database
-Once you have completed the testing successfully, you can proceed to upgrade your live database in
-production. Download your upgraded database from the link in the email and import it onto your live
-.. important::
-   - Same as in the test phase, when requesting an upgrade for production purposes, the copy of your
-     database is submitted without a filestore.
-   - Therefore, the upgraded database filestore must be merged with the production filestore before
-     deploying the new version.
-Custom modules (if applicable)
-The upgrade of a database that contains custom modules is a two-step process.
-#. The standard upgrade is done when your upgrade request is completed.
-#. Your custom modules also need to be upgraded to keep them compatible with the new version.
-Depending on your contract, the upgrade of your custom modules can be done
-#. by yourself.
-#. by your Partner.
-#. by Odoo (if you hold a subscription to 'Maintenance of Customizations').
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index b1e3e04f7..1baf537be 100644
--- a/redirects/14.0.txt
+++ b/redirects/14.0.txt
@@ -8,7 +8,11 @@ administration/maintain/online.rst administration/maintain/odoo_online.rst
 # administration/upgrade
-administration/upgrade/online_hosting.rst administration/upgrade/odoo_online.rst
+administration/upgrade/online_hosting.rst administration/upgrade.rst
+administration/upgrade/faq.rst administration/upgrade.rst
+administration/upgrade/odoo_online.rst administration/upgrade.rst
+administration/upgrade/odoo_sh.rst administration/upgrade.rst
+administration/upgrade/on_premise.rst administration/upgrade.rst
 # applications/accounting