[IMP] developer/../view_architectures: improve calendar doc
This commit reworks the documentation of the calendar view, by using a style which is more aligned with other views. We also reworded and re-organized it. Part-of: odoo/documentation#11985 Signed-off-by: Aaron Bohy (aab) <aab@odoo.com>
This commit is contained in:
@ -3188,105 +3188,275 @@ calendar.
order to set the initial focus of the calendar on the period (see `mode`) around
this date (the context key to use being `initial_date`)
Their root element is ``<calendar>``. Available attributes on the
calendar view are:
string (default: ``''``)
This view title is displayed only if you open an action that has no name and
whose target is 'new' (opening a dialog)
bool (default: ``True``)
Disable/enable record creation on the view.
bool (default: ``True``)
Disable/enable record edition on the view.
bool (default: ``True``)
Disable/enable record deletion on the view through the **Action** dropdown.
Their root element is ``<calendar>``. Available attributes on the root node are:
.. rst-class:: o-definition-list
``date_start`` (required)
name of the record's field holding the start date for the event
name of the record's field holding the end date for the event, if
``date_stop`` is provided records become movable (via drag and drop)
directly in the calendar
alternative to ``date_stop``, provides the duration of the event instead of
its end date (unit: day)
name of a record field to use for *color segmentation*. Records in the
same color segment are allocated the same highlight color in the calendar,
colors are allocated semi-randomly.
Displayed the display_name/avatar of the visible record in the sidebar
view to open when the user create or edit an event. Note that if this attribute
is not set, the calendar view will fall back to the id of the form view in the
current action, if any.
If the option 'event_open_popup' is set to true, then the calendar view will
open events (or records) in a FormViewDialog. Otherwise, it will open events
in a new form view (with a do_action)
enables quick-event creation on click: only asks the user for a ``name``
(the field to which this values is saved can be controlled through
``rec_name``) and tries to create a new event with just that and the clicked
event time. Falls back to a full form dialog if the quick creation fails
View to open when the attribute ``quick_create`` is set and the user creates
an event instead of the default dialog.
name of the record's field holding the textual representation of the record,
this is used when creating records through the 'quick create' mechanism
name of a boolean field on the record indicating whether the corresponding
event is flagged as day-long (and duration is irrelevant)
Default display mode when loading the calendar.
Possible attributes are: ``day``, ``week``, ``month``, ``year``
Comma-separated list of scales to provide. By default, all scales are
available. See mode for possible scale values.
``create``, ``delete``
allows disabling the corresponding action in the view by setting the
corresponding attribute to ``false``
declares fields to aggregate or to use in kanban *logic*. If the field is
simply displayed in the calendar cards.
.. attribute:: date_start
Fields can have additional attributes:
Name of the record's field holding the start date for the event.
.. rst-class:: o-definition-list
:requirement: Mandatory
:type: str
use "True" to hide the value in the cards
only for x2many field, to display the avatar instead of the display_name
in the cards
``write_model`` and ``write_field`` and ``filter_field``
you can add a filter and save the result in the defined model, the
filter is added in the sidebar. The ``filter_field`` is optional and allows
you to specify the field that will hold the status of the filter.
``filters`` and ``color``
use "True" to add this field in filter in the sidebar. You can specify
a ``color`` field used to colorize the checkbox.
.. attribute:: date_stop
Name of the record's field holding the end date for the event.
Model Commons
:requirement: Optional
:type: str
.. currentmodule:: odoo.addons.base.models.ir_ui_view
.. autoattribute:: Base._date_name
.. attribute:: date_delay
Alternative to ``date_stop``. Provides the duration of the event instead of
its end date (unit: hour).
:requirement: Optional
:type: str
.. attribute:: scales
Comma-separated list of available scales, among ``day``, ``week``, ``month``,
``year``. By default, all scales are available.
:requirement: Optional
:type: str
:default: `"day,week,month,year"`
.. attribute:: mode
Default scale of the calendar.
:requirement: Optional
:type: `"day"`, `"week"`, `"month"` or `"year"`
:default: `"week"`
.. attribute:: color
Name of the record's field to use for *color segmentation*. Records in the
same color segment are allocated the same highlight color in the calendar.
:requirement: Optional
:type: str
.. attribute:: all_day
Name of the record's boolean field indicating whether the corresponding
event is flagged as day-long, in which case duration is irrelevant.
:requirement: Optional
:type: str
.. attribute:: event_limit
Limits the number of events displayed in calendar cells, in `month` scale, and
for all-day events in `week` and `day` scales. If there are more events than
the limit, a "more" button is added to show the rest of the events in a popover.
:requirement: Optional
:type: int
:default: 5
.. attribute:: show_unusual_days
If set to true weekend days and public holidays have a greyed out background.
:requirement: Optional
:type: bool
:default: `False`
.. attribute:: hide_date
Set it to true to hide the date part in the record's popover.
:requirement: Optional
:type: bool
:default: `False`
.. attribute:: hide_time
Set it to true to hide the time part in the record's popover.
:requirement: Optional
:type: bool
:default: False
.. attribute:: event_open_popup
If true, open events in dialog to edit them, otherwise, open them in a
classical form view.
:requirement: Optional
:type: bool
:default: `False`
.. attribute:: form_view_id
View to open when the user creates or edits an event. By default, uses the
form view of the current action, if any.
:requirement: Optional
:type: int
.. attribute:: quick_create
Enables quick event creation on click: only asks the user for a ``name`` and
tries to create a new event with just that and the clicked event time. Falls
back to a full form view if the quick creation fails.
:requirement: Optional
:type: bool
:default: `True`
.. attribute:: create_name_field
Name of the record's field holding the display name of the record. This field
is used when creating records through the 'quick create' mechanism.
:requirement: Optional
:type: str
:default: `name`
.. attribute:: quick_create_view_id
Id of the form view to open when the attribute ``quick_create`` is set and the
user creates an event, instead of the default dialog which only allows to
specify a name.
:requirement: Optional
:type: int
.. include:: view_architectures/root_attribute_create.rst
.. include:: view_architectures/root_attribute_edit.rst
.. attribute:: delete
Disable/enable record deletion on the view.
:requirement: Optional
:type: bool
:default: `True`
.. include:: view_architectures/root_attribute_string.rst
.. _reference/view_architectures/calendar/components:
Calendar views accept a single type of child elements: ``<field>``. Those fields
are displayed in a popover, in the given order, which opens when a record
(a calendar event) is clicked.
.. note:: Fields in the popover are readonly. If the `edit` action is available,
an `Edit` button is displayed in the popover, to open a form view where fields
can be edited.
Field nodes can have the following attributes:
.. include:: view_architectures/field_attribute_name.rst
.. attribute:: invisible
Python expression indicating whether the field should be displayed or not.
Other fields of the model can be used in the expression, as long as those
fields are also declared here.
:requirement: Optional
:type: :ref:`Python expression <reference/view_architectures/python_expression>`
:default: `False`
.. attribute:: options
Python expression encoding an object of options for the field. In particular,
the option `icon`, allowing to specify, as classnames, which icon to display
in front of the field in the popover (for instance, `fa fa-users`). If no
icon is given, the option `string` can be set, and its value is then used as
label, displayed in front of the field.
:requirement: Optional
:type: :ref:`Python expression <reference/view_architectures/python_expression>`
:default: `{}`
Specifying a ``<field>`` in a calendar arch also allows to customize the filter
side panel, by setting the `filters` attribute. Extra attributes are then
available for that matter:
.. attribute:: filters
If set to true, the field can be used as filter, from the side panel of the
:requirement: Optional
:type: bool
:default: `False`
.. attribute:: avatar_field
Only for relational fields. Specify the name of the field on the co-model to
use to display as avatar in front of field values in the side panel filters.
:requirement: Optional
:type: str
.. attribute:: color
Specify which field to use to colorize the checkbox in the side panel filters.
By default, the color attribute of the calendar view is used to match events
with values in the filters.
:requirement: Optional
:type: str
.. attribute:: write_model
Allows to create new filter values on the fly. The given model is then used
as model for those filters. To combine with `write_field`.
:requirement: Optional
:type: str
.. attribute:: write_field
Combined with `write_model`, specifies the field name, in the given model,
to use to encode the filter value.
:requirement: Optional
:type: str
.. attribute:: filter_field
Combined with `write_model`, specifies the field name, in the given model,
to use to encode the status of the filter (whether it is checked or not).
:requirement: Optional
:type: str
.. _reference/view_architectures/activity:
Reference in New Issue
Block a user