diff --git a/content/applications/websites/ecommerce.rst b/content/applications/websites/ecommerce.rst
index 1365f41e0..c9fbd57b3 100644
--- a/content/applications/websites/ecommerce.rst
+++ b/content/applications/websites/ecommerce.rst
@@ -10,6 +10,5 @@ eCommerce
- ecommerce/publish
diff --git a/content/applications/websites/ecommerce/publish.rst b/content/applications/websites/ecommerce/publish.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index b12dcaad9..000000000
--- a/content/applications/websites/ecommerce/publish.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-Launch my website
-.. toctree::
- :titlesonly:
- ../website/publish/domain_name
- ../website/publish/on-premise_geo-ip-installation
- ../website/publish/translate
diff --git a/content/applications/websites/website/optimize.rst b/content/applications/websites/website/optimize.rst
index cb26a5186..db6e0490a 100644
--- a/content/applications/websites/website/optimize.rst
+++ b/content/applications/websites/website/optimize.rst
@@ -2,13 +2,826 @@
-.. toctree::
- :titlesonly:
+Now that you've built your website, it's time to optimize it with Odoo. Odoo provides numerous
+tools to enhance your site's SEO, loading speed, image optimization, and so much more.
- optimize/seo
- optimize/google_analytics
- optimize/google_analytics_dashboard
- optimize/link_tracker
+Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
+Search Engine Optimization, otherwise known as SEO, is a set of strategic practices that can
+optimize your website and enhance its ranking in search engines (like, Google). Proper SEO practices
+are important because a great SEO ranking helps your website gain more visitors.
+Some quality SEO practices include: having fast load times, making sure each page has one (and only
+one) title ``
``, your meta tags (alt-tag, title-tag) should be consistent with the content
+they represent, and your website should have a ``/sitemap.xml`` file. But these are just a few of
+the *many* SEO strategies you can employ to earn a better SEO ranking for your website.
+To guarantee that your Odoo Website (and Odoo eCommerce) has a great SEO ranking, Odoo eliminates
+all the technical complexities of SEO, and handles these intricate search engine strategies *for
+you* - in the easiest way possible.
+First, let's see how to boost your ranking by fine-tuning your content (and meta tags) for your
+Meta Tags
+Title, description
+Every page on your website should define the ```` and ```` meta data.
+These elements are used by search engines to promote your website. They are automatically generated
+based on the page title and content, but you can fine-tune them whenever you'd like, by clicking
+*Optimize SEO* under the *Promote* menu.
+.. image:: optimize/seo/seo-optimize.png
+ :align: center
+ :alt: optimize seo under the promote menu
+When you click *Optimize SEO* a pop-up appears, in which you enter in the pertinent SEO-related
+information about the page and its content.
+Remember, you need to be accurate with this information. If they don't fit the content of the page,
+search engines will downgrade your website, which negatively affects your SEO ranking.
+.. image:: optimize/seo/optimize-seo-pop-up.png
+ :align: center
+ :alt: optimize seo pop-up
+To get the most out of your content *and* boost traffic, Odoo provides users with a ````
+finder. These keywords are the search terms that you want to lead towards your website.
+When you enter a keyword into the *Keywords* field, and hit *Add*, you see how it is used in the
+content (H1, H2, page title, page description, page content). You also see what the related
+keywords are in Google. If you want to add any of those related keywords to your list, simply
+click on it, and Odoo will add it for you.
+The more keywords used, the better.
+.. image:: optimize/seo/keyword-finder.png
+ :align: center
+ :alt: odoo keyword finder seo optimization
+.. note::
+ If your website is in multiple languages, you can use the *Promote* tool for every language of a
+ single page, set a specific title, description, and search tags, as well.
+Content is king
+When it comes to SEO, content is king. That's why Odoo provides several modules to help users build
+incredible content for their websites.
+Odoo offers the following:
+- **Odoo Blogs**: write great content about anything you want.
+- **Odoo eLearning Course**: publish all sorts of content as part of an educational online course.
+ The content is automatically indexed on the web page.
+- **Odoo Forum**: let your community create content for you, by allowing them to share their
+ thoughts, feelings, and opinions with each other. Example: `odoo.com/forum/1 `_
+...and many more!
+.. note::
+ The 404 page is a regular page that you can edit like any other in Odoo. That way, you can build
+ build a great 404 page to redirect to the top content of your website when visitors get lost with
+ invalid URLs.
+Social networks
+Social media is built for mass-sharing. If lots of people share your content on social media, it's
+likely that even more people will link to it, and links are a *huge* factor for SEO rankings.
+That's why Odoo embeds several tools to help share content through various social media channels.
+Social network links
+Odoo allows users to link all their social media accounts in the footer of their website. All
+you have to do is input all the necessary accounts in your company settings, and Odoo will take
+care of the rest.
+.. image:: optimize/seo/seo03.png
+ :align: center
+ :alt: connect with us social media links
+Social share
+It's important to allow your visitors to share any content they like on your website on their
+various social media platforms. The best way to do that, is to drop the *Share* building block on
+any page you want your visitors to share with their followers.
+When visitors click that icon, they are then prompted to share that page on their social media feed.
+.. image:: optimize/seo/share-block.png
+ :align: center
+ :alt: share building block on website
+Remember, most social media platforms use a picture of the image as part of the share post.
+Odoo uses the website logo by default, but you can choose any other image of your page by going
+to :menuselection:`Promote --> Optimize SEO` and select an image for social sharing purposes.
+.. image:: optimize/seo/seo05.png
+ :align: center
+ :alt: picture used for social media shares
+Facebook page
+Looking for a unique way to catch the eye of your visitor *and* promote your *Facebook* page
+(or business)? Simply drop the *Facebook* building block onto your page, while in the *Edit* mode
+on the front-end of your website.
+Doing so, will display a customizable widget showcasing your *Facebook* business page, and it will
+encourage visitors to follow it.
+.. image:: optimize/seo/seo-facebook-block.png
+ :align: center
+ :alt: facebook building block in odoo's website builder
+You can choose display the timeline, next events, messages, and more.
+.. image:: optimize/seo/seo-facebook-features.png
+ :align: center
+ :alt: facebook features used in facebook building block
+Twitter Scroller
+Displaying Twitter feeds with testimonials from happy customers expressing their satisfaction on
+your website is a great way to increase (and enhance) your company's online presence.
+.. image:: optimize/seo/seo-twitter-scroller.png
+ :align: center
+ :alt: twitter scroller building block icon
+Test website
+You can compare how your website ranks (in terms of SEO) against Odoo using free services, like
+WooRank : `woorank.com `_
+Handling URLs
+The following section explains how Odoo makes URLs SEO-friendly.
+.. note::
+ The following URLs are *not active*. They are purely meant to be used as an example to show
+ how Odoo makes URL management easier than ever before.
+URL structure
+A typical Odoo URL will look like this:
+- https://www.mysite.com/fr\_FR/shop/product/my-great-product-31
+URLs are composed of the following components:
+- **https://** = Protocol
+- **www.mysite.com** = Domain name
+- **/fr\_FR** = This is the language that the page is currently in. This part of the URL is removed
+ if the visitor browses the main language of the website. In that case, the main version of this
+ page would look like this:
+ https://www.mysite.com/shop/product/my-great-product-31
+- **/shop/product** = every module defines its own namespace. Thus, */shop* is for the catalog of
+ the eCommerce module, and */shop/product* is for a product page.
+- **my-great-product** = by default, this is the slugified title of the product this page refers
+ to, but you can customize it for SEO purposes. For instance, if a product is named "Office Lamp"
+ it gets slugified to "office-lamp". Depending on the namespace, this could be different objects
+ (blog post, page title, forum post, forum comment, product category, etc.).
+- **-31** = the unique ID of the product
+.. note::
+ Any dynamic component of a URL can be reduced to its ID. As an example, the following
+ URLs all do a 301 redirect to the above URL:
+ - https://www.mysite.com/fr\_FR/shop/product/31 (short version)
+ - http://mysite.com/fr\_FR/shop/product/31 (even shorter version)
+ - http://mysite.com/fr\_FR/shop/product/other-product-name-31 (old product name)
+Some URLs have several dynamic parts, like this one (a blog category *and* a post):
+- https://www.odoo.com/blog/company-news-5/post/the-odoo-story-56
+In the above example:
+- *Company News* is the title of the blog
+- *The Odoo Story* is the title of the specific blog post
+When an Odoo page has a "pager," the page number is set directly in the URL (does not have a GET
+argument). This allows every page to be indexed by search engines.
+Example: https://www.odoo.com/blog/page/3
+Changes in URLs and titles
+The URL of a page can change for many reasons. Like, when it becomes a more SEO-friendly version
+of a product name, for example. When the URL of a page changes, don't worry. Odoo will
+automatically update all its corresponding links to the new URL.
+Not only that, but if external websites *still* point to the old URL, a 301 redirect is done,
+which re-routes visitors to the new address of the page.
+As an example, this URL...
+- http://mysite.com/shop/product/old-product-name-31
+...will automatically redirect to:
+- http://mysite.com/shop/product/new-and-better-product-name-31
+In other words, if you change the title of a blog post (or the name of a product), the changes
+automatically apply everywhere in your website. Also, the old link still functions when used by
+external websites, via a 301 redirect, maintaining the SEO link power.
+Search engines boost rankings of secure HTTPS/SSL websites. That's why, by default, all Odoo Online
+databases are fully based on HTTPS. If the visitor accesses your website through a non-HTTPS URL,
+they get a 301 redirect to its HTTPS equivalent.
+Links: Nofollow strategy
+The more a page is linked from external and quality websites, the more it helps your SEO ranking.
+Here are some Odoo strategies to help you manage links:
+- Every link you add to your website is "dofollow", which means this link will contribute to the
+ 'SEO Juice' for the linked page.
+- Every link posted by a contributor (forum post, blog comment, etc.) that links to your own website
+ is "dofollow," as well.
+- Every link posted by a contributor that links to an external website is "nofollow." That way, you
+ don't run the risk of people posting links on your website to third-party websites, which may have
+ a bad reputation.
+.. note::
+ When using the forum, contributors who have a lot of Karma *can be* trusted. In such case, their
+ links will not have any ``rel="nofollow"`` attribute.
+Multi-Language URLs
+If you run a website in multiple languages, the same content will be available in different URLs,
+depending on the language used:
+- https://www.mywebsite.com/shop/product/my-product-1 (The main language here is English)
+- https://www.mywebsite.com\/fr\_FR/shop/product/mon-produit-1 (This is the French version)
+In this example, fr\_FR is the language of the page. You can even have several variations of the
+same language, like pt\_BR (Portuguese from Brazil), pt\_PT (Portuguese from Portugal), and so on.
+Language annotation
+To let search engines know the second URL is the French translation of the first URL, Odoo adds an
+HTML link element in the header.
+In the HTML section of the main version, Odoo automatically adds a link element pointing
+to the translated versions of that webpage:
+With this approach search engines redirect to the right language, according to the visitor language.
+Don't worry, though. You don't get penalized by search engines if your page isn't translated yet.
+Also, when it is, it's not considered "duplicated content." It's merely a different version of the
+same content.
+Language detection
+When a visitor lands on your website for the first time (e.g. yourwebsite.com/shop), they may be
+automatically redirected to a translated version, according to that visitor's browser language
+preference (e.g. **yourwebsite.com/fr\_FR/shop**).
+A cookie of the current language will be kept, so when they visit your website again in the
+future, they can avoid any redirection.
+To force a visitor to stick to the default language of your website, you can use the code of the
+default language in any link you share.
+For example: **yourwebsite.com/en\_US/shop**
+That above link will always direct visitors to the English version of the page, without using the
+browser language preferences.
+Page speed
+The time it takes to load a page on your website is an important criteria for search engines. A
+faster website not only improves your visitor's experience, it gives you a better page ranking,
+as well.
+Studies have shown that, if you divide the time it takes to load your pages in half (e.g. 2 seconds,
+instead of 4 seconds), the visitor abandonment rate is also divided by two (25% to 12.5%). One extra
+second to load a page could `cost $1.6b to Amazon in sales `__.
+.. image:: optimize/seo/seo06.png
+ :align: center
+ :alt: page load time graph
+Fortunately, Odoo does all the page speed magic for you!
+Below, you will discover the tricks Odoo uses to speed up your loading time. You can compare how
+your website ranks using these two tools:
+- `Google Page Speed `__
+- `Pingdom Website Speed Test `__
+When you upload new images, Odoo automatically compresses them to reduce their size, with lossless
+compression for .PNG and .GIF and lossy compression for .JPG.
+Once uploaded, you can manually adjust the look and quality of the image, via the helpful toolbar
+located on the right, while in *Edit* mode.
+The key is to make the image look great, with the smallest file size possible, *without* sacrificing
+.. image:: optimize/seo/seo-image-features.png
+ :align: center
+ :alt: image features toolbar website builder
+.. note::
+ Odoo compresses images when they are uploaded to your website, *not* when requested by the
+ visitor. Thus, it's possible that, *if* you use a third-party theme, it will provide images that
+ are not compressed efficiently. But all images used in Odoo official themes have been compressed
+ by default.
+When the image is selected, Odoo allows you to add the Alt and title attributes of the ````
+tag by clicking *Description:* in that same toolbar.
+When you click on *Description*, the following window appears:
+.. image:: optimize/seo/seo09.png
+ :align: center
+ :alt: alt title pop up window images
+Odoo's pictograms are implemented using a font (`Font Awesome `__ in most Odoo themes). You can use as many pictograms as you want, as
+they don't result in extra requests to load the page.
+.. image:: optimize/seo/seo10.png
+ :align: center
+ :alt: sample array of pictograms
+Static resources: CSS
+All CSS files are pre-processed, concatenated, minified, compressed, and cached (server-side and
+The result is:
+- only one CSS file request is needed to load a page
+- this CSS file is shared and cached amongst pages, so when the visitor clicks on another page, the
+ browser doesn't even have to load a single CSS resource
+- this CSS file is optimized to be small
+The CSS framework used by Odoo is Bootstrap.
+While a theme might use another framework, most of `Odoo themes `__ extend and customize Bootstrap directly. Since Odoo supports Less and Sass,
+you can modify CSS rules, instead of overwriting them through extra CSS lines, which results in a
+smaller file.
+Every module (or library) you might use in Odoo has its own set of CSS, Less, or
+Sass files (eCommerce, blogs, themes, etc.).
+Having several CSS files is great for the modularity, but not good for the performance. Mainly
+because most browsers can only perform 6 requests in parallel, resulting in lots of files loaded in
+The latency time to transfer a file is usually much longer than the actual data transfer time,
+especially for small files, like .JS and .CSS. Thus, the time to load CSS resources depends more
+on the number of requests to be done, rather than the actual file size, itself.
+To address this issue, all CSS / Less / Sass files are concatenated into a single .CSS file to send
+to the browser.
+That way, a visitor has **only one .CSS file to load** per page, which is extremely efficient.
+As the CSS is shared amongst all pages, when the visitor clicks on another page, the browser does
+not even have to load a new CSS file!
+================================= =============================================
+ **Both files in the ** **What the visitor gets (only one file)**
+================================= =============================================
+ /\* From bootstrap.css \*/ .text-muted {
+ .text-muted { color: #666;
+ color: #777; background: yellow
+ background: yellow; }
+ }
+ /\* From my-theme.css \*/
+ .text-muted {
+ color: #666;
+ }
+================================= =============================================
+The CSS sent by Odoo includes all CSS / Less / Sass of all pages and modules.
+By doing this, additional page views from the same visitor will *not* have to load CSS files at all.
+However, some modules might include huge CSS/Javascript resources that you do not want to
+prefetch at the first page because they are *too* big.
+In this case, Odoo splits this resource into a second bundle that is loaded only when the page using
+it is requested. An example of this is the backend, which is only loaded when the visitor logs in
+and accesses the backend (/web).
+.. note::
+ If the CSS file is very big, Odoo will split it into two smaller files to avoid the 4095
+ selectors limit per sheet of Internet Explorer. But most themes fit below this limit.
+After being pre-processed and concatenated, the resulting CSS is minified to reduce its size.
+============================ ==============================
+ **Before minification** **After minification**
+============================ ==============================
+ /\* some comments \*/ .text-muted {color: #666}
+ .text-muted {
+ color: #666;
+ }
+============================ ==============================
+The final result is then compressed, before being delivered to the browser.
+Then, a cached version is stored server-side (we don't have to pre-process, concatenate, or minify
+at every request) and browser-side (the same visitor will load the CSS only once for all pages that
+they visit).
+Static resources: Javascript
+Just like with CSS resources, Javascript resources are also concatenated, minified, compressed, and
+cached (server-side and browser-side).
+Odoo creates three Javascript bundles:
+- One for all the pages of the website (including code for parallax effects, form validation, etc.)
+- One for common Javascript code shared amongst the front-end and back-end (Bootstrap)
+- One for back-end specific Javascript code (Odoo Web Client interface for your employees using
+ Odoo)
+Most visitors only need the first two bundles, resulting in a maximum of two Javascript files to
+load in order to render one page. As these files are shared across all pages, further clicks by
+the same visitor will not load any other Javascript resource.
+.. note::
+ If you work in "Developer Mode," the CSS and Javascript are neither concatenated, nor minified.
+ Thus, it's much slower. However, it allows you to easily debug with the Chrome debugger, as CSS
+ and Javascript resources are not transformed from their original versions.
+If you activate the CDN feature in Odoo, static resources (Javascript, CSS, images) are loaded from
+a Content Delivery Network.
+Using a Content Delivery Network has three advantages:
+- Load resources from a nearby server (most networks have servers in main countries around the
+ globe)
+- Cache resources efficiently (no computation resources used on your own server)
+- Split the resource loading on different services, allowing more resources to load in parallel
+ (since the Chrome limit of 6 parallel requests is by domain)
+You can activate and configure your CDN options from the **Website** settings, found under the
+Configuration menu, but only while in `Developer Mode `_.
+Here is an example of configuration you can use:
+.. image:: optimize/seo/seo11.png
+ :align: center
+ :alt: cdn setting in the website admin app
+HTML pages
+HTML pages can be compressed, but this task is usually handled by your web server (NGINX or Apache).
+The Odoo Website Builder has been optimized to guarantee clean and short HTML code. Building blocks
+have been developed to produce clean HTML code, as well, usually using Bootstrap and the HTML
+For example, if you use the color picker to change the color of a paragraph to the primary color
+of your website, Odoo will produce the following code:
My Text
+But most other HTML editors (such as, CKEditor) will produce the following code:
My Text
+Responsive design
+Websites that are not mobile-friendly are negatively impacted in search engine rankings. All Odoo
+themes rely on Bootstrap to render everything efficiently, according to the device that's being
+used: desktop, tablet, or mobile.
+.. image:: optimize/seo/seo12.png
+ :align: center
+ :alt: examples of odoo's responsive design
+Since all Odoo modules share the same technology, all pages on your website are automatically
+Browser caching
+Javascript, images, and CSS resources have a URL that changes dynamically when their content
+changes. This allows Odoo to set a very long cache delay (XXX) on these resources: XXX secs, while
+being updated instantly (if you update the resource).
+In addition to being fast, Odoo is also more scalable than traditional CMS and eCommerce platforms
+(like Drupal, Wordpress, Magento, Prestashop).
+Here's a quick summarization highlighting the scalability of Odoo Website and eCommerce.
+.. image:: optimize/seo/seo13.png
+ :align: center
+ :alt: slide about odoo's scalability
+The sitemap points out pages to index to search engine robots. Odoo generates a ``/sitemap.xml``
+file automatically for you. For performance reasons, this file is cached and updated every 12 hours.
+By default, all URLs will be in a single ``/sitemap.xml`` file, but if you have a lot of pages,
+Odoo automatically creates a Sitemap Index file, respecting the `sitemaps.org protocol
+`__ grouping sitemap URLs in 45,000 chunks per file.
+Every sitemap entry has 4 attributes that are computed automatically:
+- ```` : the URL of a page
+- ```` : last modification date of the resource, computed automatically based on a related
+ object. For a page related to a product, this could be the last modification date of the product
+ (or the page).
+- ```` : modules may implement their own priority algorithm based on their content.
+ For example, a forum might assign a priority based on the number of votes on a specific post. The
+ priority of a static page is defined by its priority field, which is normalized (16 is the
+ default).
+Structured data markup
+Structured Data Markup is used to generate Rich Snippets in search engine results. It is a way for
+website owners to send structured data to search engine robots; helping them understand your content
+and create well-presented search results.
+Google supports a number of rich snippets for content types, including:
+Reviews, People, Products, Businesses, Events, and Organizations.
+Odoo implements micro-data as defined in the `schema.org `__ specification for
+events, eCommerce products, forum posts, and contact addresses. This allows your product pages to
+be displayed in Google using extra information, like the price and rating of a product:
+.. image:: optimize/seo/seo14.png
+ :align: center
+ :alt: sample of google search results
+When indexing your website, search engines first look at the general indexing rules of the
+``/robots.txt`` file (allowed robots, sitemap path, etc.). Odoo automatically creates this file
+for you.
+It consists of:
+User-agent: \*
+Sitemap: https://www.odoo.com/sitemap.xml
+It means all robots are allowed to index your website, and there is no other indexing rule specified
+in the sitemap to be found at that address.
+You can customize the file *robots* in
+:doc:`Developer mode <../../general/developer_mode/activate>` from :menuselection:`Settings -->
+Technical --> User Interface --> Views` (exclude robots, exclude some pages, or redirect to a custom
+Make the Model Data of the view *Non Updatable*, in order to not reset the file after system
+Track traffic
+Now that you've created a website with engaging content, it's time to see how well it performs with
+your audience. That's why it's incredibly important to track your website's traffic. With Odoo,
+users can track this vital information in a number of different ways.
+Track traffic in Google Analytics
+To follow your website's traffic with Google Analytics you need to `Create a Google Analytics
+account `__ if you don't have one.
+Then, you must complete the creation form and accept the conditions to get the tracking ID.
+ .. image:: optimize/tracking_analytics/google_analytics_account.png
+ :align: center
+ :alt: google analytics account
+Following that, copy the tracking ID to insert it in Odoo.
+ .. image:: optimize/tracking_analytics/google_analytics_tracking_id.png
+ :align: center
+ :alt: google analytics tracking id
+Now, go to :menuselection:`Configuration --> Settings` in the Website app. Then, you must turn on
+Google Analytics, and paste the tracking ID here. Don't forget to hit *Save* when you're done.
+ .. image:: optimize/tracking_analytics/google-analytics-setting.png
+ :align: center
+ :alt: google analytics setting
+If you need help getting started with Google Analytics, you can refer to `Google Documentation
+Track traffic from Odoo Dashboard
+You can accurately track traffic statistics straight from your Odoo Website Dashboard, thanks to
+Google Analytics.
+First, you need to create a Google Analytics account. Then, copy and paste your tracking ID
+in your website settings. Next, go to `Google APIs platform library `__ in order to generate Analytics API credentials.
+Now, log in with your Google account, and create a new project with an appropriate name (e.g. Odoo).
+You need this project to store your API credentials.
+.. image:: optimize/tracking_analytics/google_analytics_create_project.png
+ :align: center
+ :alt: google analytics create project
+In the API Library, select *Google Analytics API*.
+.. image:: optimize/tracking_analytics/google-analytics-api.png
+ :align: center
+ :alt: google analytics api
+Then, select *Enable* next to "Analytics API."
+.. image:: optimize/tracking_analytics/google_analytics_enable.png
+ :align: center
+ :alt: google analytics enable api
+In order to properly use this API, you need to create credentials to use in Odoo.
+.. image:: optimize/tracking_analytics/google_analytics_create_credentials.png
+ :align: center
+ :alt: google analytics create credentials
+Following that, you must select *Web browser (Javascript)* as the calling source and *User data* as
+the kind of data.
+.. image:: optimize/tracking_analytics/google_analytics_get_credentials.png
+ :align: center
+ :alt: google analytics api get credentials
+Then, you can create a Client ID.
+To do so, enter the name of the application (e.g. My Odoo Database) and the allowed pages that
+trigger a redirection.
+The *Authorized JavaScript origin* is your Odoo's database URL. The *Authorized redirect URI* is
+your Odoo database URL followed by '/google_account/authentication', as showcased below.
+.. image:: optimize/tracking_analytics/google_analytics_authorization.png
+ :align: center
+ :alt: google analytics authorization
+Proceed to the Consent Screen, and enter a product name (e.g. Google Analytics in Odoo). You
+can check the customizations options at this time, but it's not mandatory.
+.. note::
+ The Consent Screen will *only* show up when you enter the Client ID in Odoo for the **first**
+ time.
+Then, you are provided with your Client ID, which you then copy to paste in Odoo.
+.. image:: optimize/tracking_analytics/google_analytics_client_id.png
+ :align: center
+ :alt: google analytics client id
+Go to :menuselection:`Website application --> Configuration --> Settings`, activate *Google
+Analytics Dashboard* and paste the Client ID in the fields that appear.
+.. image:: optimize/tracking_analytics/google-analytics-dashboard.png
+ :align: center
+ :alt: google analytics dashboard setting
+And finally, authorize Odoo to access your Google API.
+.. image:: optimize/tracking_analytics/google_analytics_login.png
+ :align: center
+ :alt: google analytics login
+Link Trackers
+Link Trackers allow you to easily track all your marketing campaigns (emails, banner ads, blog
+posts, social media posts, affiliate links, etc.). With Link Trackers, you can quickly identify your
+your best traffic sources. This valuable data helps you make more informed decisions about the
+distribution of your marketing budget.
+On the front-end of your website, go to :menuselection:`Promote --> Link Tracker`.
+Here, you are able to get a specific tracked URL based on the campaign, medium, and source being
+.. image:: optimize/tracking_analytics/link_tracker_fields.png
+ :align: center
+ :alt: View of the link tracker fields for Odoo Website
+- **URL**: URL of the page you want to track (e.g. the home page or a product page).
+- **Campaign**: context of your link (e.g. a special promotion).
+- **Medium**: channel used to share (deliver) your link (e.g. an email or a Facebook ad).
+- **Source**: platform where the traffic originates (e.g. Google or Twitter).
+Then, click *Get tracked link* to generate a URL that you can post (or send) by the source you have
+decided on.
+Follow-up on tracked links
+On that same Link Tracker page, beneath the *Get tracked link* fields, you can look at statistics
+in the *Your tracked links* section.
+In addition to seeing the *Most Clicked* and *Recently Used* links, you can also see complete
+statistics by clicking on *Stats* next to a link you want to analyze, including the number of
+.. image:: optimize/tracking_analytics/links_statistics.png
+ :align: center
+ :alt: View of the tracked list emphasizing the statistics buttons in Odoo Website
+.. tip::
+ #. You can also access the link tracker on *odoo.com/r* via your browser.
+ #. Activate the developer mode (:menuselection:`Settings --> Activate the developer mode`) and
+ get access to the *Link Tracker* module and its back-end functionalities.
+ #. Integrated with Google Analytics, those trackers allow you to see the number of clicks and
+ visitors to keep you on top of your marketing campaigns.
diff --git a/content/applications/websites/website/optimize/google_analytics.rst b/content/applications/websites/website/optimize/google_analytics.rst
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--- a/content/applications/websites/website/optimize/google_analytics.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-How to track your website's traffic in Google Analytics
-To follow your website's traffic with Google Analytics:
-- `Create a Google Analytics account `__ if
- you don't have any.
-- Go through the creation form and accept the conditions to get the tracking ID.
- .. image:: media/google_analytics_account.png
- :align: center
-- Copy the tracking ID to insert it in Odoo.
- .. image:: media/google_analytics_tracking_id.png
- :align: center
-- Go to the *Configuration* menu of your Odoo's Website app.
- In the settings, turn on Google Analytics and paste the tracking ID.
- Then save the page.
- .. image:: media/google_analytics_settings.png
- :align: center
-To make your first steps in Google Analytics, refer to `Google Documentation
-.. seealso::
- * :doc:`google_analytics_dashboard`
\ No newline at end of file
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--- a/content/applications/websites/website/optimize/google_analytics_dashboard.rst
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@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-How to track your website traffic from your Odoo Dashboard
-You can follow your traffic statistics straight from your Odoo Website
-Dashboard thanks to Google Analytics.
-- A preliminary step is creating a Google Analytics account and entering the
- tracking ID in your Website's settings (see :doc:`google_analytics`).
-- Go to `Google APIs platform `__
- to generate Analytics API credentials. Log in with your Google account.
-- Select Analytics API.
-.. image:: media/google_analytics_api.png
- :align: center
-- Create a new project and give it a name (e.g. Odoo).
- This project is needed to store your API credentials.
-.. image:: media/google_analytics_create_project.png
- :align: center
-- Enable the API.
-.. image:: media/google_analytics_enable.png
- :align: center
-- Create credentials to use in Odoo.
-.. image:: media/google_analytics_create_credentials.png
- :align: center
-- Select *Web browser (Javascript)*
- as calling source and *User data* as kind of data.
-.. image:: media/google_analytics_get_credentials.png
- :align: center
-- Then you can create a Client ID.
- Enter the name of the application (e.g. Odoo) and the allowed pages on
- which you will be redirected. The *Authorized JavaScript origin* is your
- Odoo's instance URL. The *Authorized redirect URI* is your Odoo's instance
- URL followed by '/google_account/authentication'.
-.. image:: media/google_analytics_authorization.png
- :align: center
-- Go through the Consent Screen step by entering a product name
- (e.g. Google Analytics in Odoo). Feel free to check the customizations options
- but this is not mandatory. The Consent Screen will only show up when you enter
- the Client ID in Odoo for the first time.
-- Finally you are provided with your Client ID. Copy and paste it in Odoo.
-.. image:: media/google_analytics_client_id.png
- :align: center
-- Open your Website Dashboard in Odoo and link your Analytics account to past
- your Client ID.
-.. image:: media/google_analytics_start.png
- :align: center
-- As a last step, authorize Odoo to access Google API.
-.. image:: media/google_analytics_login.png
- :align: center
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--- a/content/applications/websites/website/optimize/link_tracker.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-Track clicks and visitors using Link Trackers
-Link Trackers allow you to track your marketing campaigns (emails, banner ads, blog posts, social
-media posts, affiliate links, etc.). This way, you are able to identify your best traffic sources
-and make informed decisions about the distribution of your marketing budget.
-Go to :menuselection:`Website --> Configuration --> Settings` and activate *Link Trackers*.
-.. image:: media/enable_link_tracker.png
- :align: center
- :alt: View of Website settings page emphasizing the link trackers field in Odoo Website
-Set up traceable URLs
-Go to :menuselection:`Website --> Go to website --> Promote --> Track this page`. Here, you are able
-to get a specific tracked URL based on the campaign, medium, and source being used.
-.. image:: media/link_tracker_fields.png
- :align: center
- :alt: View of the link traker fields for Odoo Website
-- **URL**: url of the page you want to track (e.g. the home page or a product's page).
-- **Campaign**: context of your link (e.g. a special promotion).
-- **Medium**: channel used to share (deliver) your link (e.g. an email or a Facebook ad).
-- **Source**: platform where the traffic originates (e.g. Google or Twitter).
-Now, click on *Get tracked link* to generate a URL that you can post or send by the source you have
-decided on.
-Follow-up on tracked links
-To look at statistics of your links, go to :menuselection:`Website --> Go to website --> Promote
---> Track this page`. Besides being able to see the *Most Clicked* and *Recently Used* links, you
-can also see complete statistics by clicking on *Stats*, including the number of clicks, and the
-country of origin for those clicks.
-.. image:: media/links_statistics.png
- :align: center
- :alt: View of the tracked list emphasizing the statistics buttons in Odoo Website
-.. tip::
- #. You can also access the link tracker on *odoo.com/r* via your browser.
- #. Activate the developer mode (:menuselection:`Settings --> Activate the developer mode`) and
- get access to the *Link Tracker* module and its back-end functionalities.
- #. Integrated with :doc:`Google Analytics `, those trackers allow you to see
- the number of clicks and visitors to keep you on top of your marketing campaigns.
- #. The integration with the :doc:`CRM ` application allows
- you to understand where your leads and opportunities are coming from.
diff --git a/content/applications/websites/website/optimize/media/enable_link_tracker.png b/content/applications/websites/website/optimize/media/enable_link_tracker.png
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index e03f57dbe..000000000
Binary files a/content/applications/websites/website/optimize/media/enable_link_tracker.png and /dev/null differ
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Binary files a/content/applications/websites/website/optimize/media/google_analytics_api.png and /dev/null differ
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Binary files a/content/applications/websites/website/optimize/media/google_analytics_create_credentials.png and /dev/null differ
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index 0b01bcf4c..000000000
--- a/content/applications/websites/website/optimize/seo.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,644 +0,0 @@
-How to do Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) in Odoo
-Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a set of good practices to optimize
-your website so that you get a better ranking in search engines like
-Google. In short, a good SEO allows you to get more visitors.
-Some examples of SEO rules: your web pages should load fast, your page
-should have one and only one title ``
``, meta tags
-(alt-tag, title-tag) should be
-consistent with the content, your website should have a
-``/sitemap.xml`` file, etc.
-To guarantee Odoo Website and Odoo
-eCommerce users have a great SEO, Odoo abstracts all the technical
-complexities of SEO and handles everything for you, in the best possible
-way. This will be explained here below.
-But first, let see how you can easily boost your ranking
-by finetuning the content and the meta tags of your website.
-Meta Tags
-Title, Description
-Every web page should define the ```` and ```` meta data.
-These information elements are used by search engines to promote your website.
-They are automatically generated based on page title & content, but you can
-finetune them. Make sure they fit the content of the page, otherwise you will
-be downgraded by search engines.
-.. image:: media/seo01.png
- :align: center
-In order to write quality content and boost your traffic, Odoo provides
-a ```` finder. Those keywords are the searches you want to head
-towards your website. For each keyword, you see how it is used in the content
-(H1, H2, page title, page description, page content) and what are the related
-searches in Google. The more keywords are used the better.
-.. image:: media/seo02.png
- :align: center
-.. note::
- If your website is in multiple languages, you can use the Promote
- tool for every language of a single page and set specific title,
- description and search tags.
-Content is King
-When it comes to SEO, content is usually king. Odoo provides several
-modules to help you build your website content:
-- **Odoo Blogs**: write great contents.
-- **Odoo Slides**: publish all your Powerpoint or PDF presentations.
- Their content is automatically indexed on the web page. Example:
- `odoo.com/slides/public-channel-1 `_
-- **Odoo Forum**: let your community create contents for you. Example:
- `odoo.com/forum/1 `_
- (accounts for 30% of Odoo.com landing pages)
-- **Odoo Mailing List Archive**: publish mailing list archives on your
- website. Example:
- `odoo.com/groups/community-59 `_
- (1000 pages created per month)
-.. note::
- The 404 page is a regular page, that you can edit like any other
- page in Odoo. That way, you can build a great 404 page to redirect to
- the top content of your website when visitors get lost in invalid URLs.
-Use Social Networks
-Social media is built for mass sharing. If lots of people share your content
-on social media, then it's likely more people will link to it,
-and links are a huge factor for SEO ranking.
-Odoo embeds several tools to share content through social media:
-Social Network
-Odoo allows to link all your social network accounts in your website footer.
-All you have to do is to refer all your accounts in your company settings.
-.. image:: media/seo03.png
- :align: center
-Social Share
-Drop the building block *Share* on any page you want your visitors to share.
-By clicking the icon, they are prompted to share the page in their social media
-.. image:: media/seo04.png
- :align: center
-Most social media use a picture of the picture to decorate the share post.
-Odoo uses the website logo by default but you can choose any other image
-of your page in the Promote tool.
-.. image:: media/seo05.png
- :align: center
-Facebook Page
-Drop the building block *Facebook Page* to display a widget of your Facebook
-business page and encourage visitors to follow it.
-You can display the timeline, the next events and the messages.
-Twitter Scroller
-Display the Twitter feeds with customer satifaction on your website.
-This will increase the number of tweets and shares.
-Test Your Website
-You can compare how your website rank, in terms of SEO, against Odoo
-using WooRank free services:
-`woorank.com `_
-URLs Handling
-This section sheds some light on how Odoo makes URLs SEO-friendly.
-URLs Structure
-A typical Odoo URL will look like this:
-- https://www.mysite.com/fr\_FR/shop/product/my-great-product-31
-With the following components:
-- **https://** = Protocol
-- **www.mysite.com** = your domain name
-- **/fr\_FR** = page language. This part of the URL is
- removed if the visitor browses the main language of the website
- Thus, the main version of this page is:
- https://www.mysite.com/shop/product/my-great-product-31
-- **/shop/product** = every module defines its own namespace (/shop is
- for the catalog of the eCommerce module, /shop/product is for a
- product page).
-- **my-great-product** = by default, this is the slugified title of the
- product this page refers to. But you can customize it for SEO
- purposes. A product named "Pain carré" will be slugified to
- "pain-carre". Depending on the namespace, this could be different
- objects (blog post, page title, forum post, forum comment,
- product category, etc.).
-- **-31** = the unique ID of the product
-Note that any dynamic component of an URL can be reduced to its ID. As
-an example, the following URLs all do a 301 redirect to the above URL:
-- https://www.mysite.com/fr\_FR/shop/product/31 (short version)
-- http://mysite.com/fr\_FR/shop/product/31 (even shorter version)
-- http://mysite.com/fr\_FR/shop/product/other-product-name-31 (old
- product name)
-Some URLs have several dynamic parts, like this one (a blog category and
-a post):
-- https://www.odoo.com/blog/company-news-5/post/the-odoo-story-56
-In the above example:
-- *Company News* is the title of the blog
-- *The Odoo Story* is the title of a specific blog post
-When an Odoo page has a pager, the page number is set directly in the
-URL (does not have a GET argument). This allows every page to be indexed
-by search engines. Example:
-- https://www.odoo.com/blog/page/3
-Changes in URLs & Titles
-When the URL of a page changes (e.g. a more SEO friendly version of your
-product name), you don't have to worry about updating all links:
-- Odoo will automatically update all its links to the new URL.
-- If external websites still points to the old URL, a 301 redirect will
- be done to route visitors to the new address of the page.
-As an example, this URL:
-- http://mysite.com/shop/product/old-product-name-31
-Will automatically redirect to:
-- http://mysite.com/shop/product/new-and-better-product-name-31
-In short, just change the title of a blog post or the name of a product,
-and the changes will apply automatically everywhere in your website. The
-old link still functions when used by external websites, via a 301 redirect,
-maintaining the SEO link juice.
-Search engines boost ranking of secure HTTPS/SSL websites.
-So, by default all Odoo Online instances are fully
-based on HTTPS. If the visitor accesses your website through a non HTTPS
-url, it gets a 301 redirect to its HTTPS equivalent.
-Links: Nofollow Strategy
-The more a page is linked from external and quality websites,
-the better it is for your SEO.
-Here are Odoo strategies to manage links:
-- Every link you add to your website is
- "dofollow", which means that this link will contribute to the SEO
- Juice for the linked page.
-- Every link posted by a contributor (forum post, blog comment, etc.)
- that links to your own website is "dofollow" too.
-- But every link posted by a contributor that links to an external
- website is "nofollow". In that way, you do not run the risk of
- people posting links on your website to third-party websites
- which have a bad reputation.
-- Note that, when using the forum, contributors having a lot of Karma
- can be trusted. In such case, their links will not have any
- ``rel="nofollow"`` attribute.
-Multi-Language Support
-Multi-Language URLs
-If you run a website in multiple languages, the same content will be
-available in different URLs, depending on the language used:
-- https://www.mywebsite.com/shop/product/my-product-1 (main language, English here)
-- https://www.mywebsite.com\/fr\_FR/shop/product/mon-produit-1 (French version)
-In this example, fr\_FR is the language of the page. You can even have
-several variations of the same language: pt\_BR (Portuguese from Brazil)
-, pt\_PT (Portuguese from Portugal).
-Language Annotation
-To let search engines know that the second URL is the French translation of the
-first URL, Odoo will add an HTML link element in the header. In the HTML
- section of the main version, Odoo automatically adds a link
-element pointing to the translated versions of that webpage;
-With this approach:
-- Search engines will redirect to the right language according to the
- visitor language.
-- You do not get penalized by search engines if your page is not translated
- yet. Indeed, it's not a duplicated content, but a different
- version of the same content.
-Language Detection
-When a visitor lands for the first time on your website (e.g.
-yourwebsite.com/shop), they may automatically be redirected to a
-translated version according to their browser language preference (e.g.
-Next time, it keeps a cookie of the current language to
-avoid any redirection.
-To force a visitor to stick to the default language, you can use the
-code of the default language in your link, example:
-yourwebsite.com/en\_US/shop. This will always land visitors to the
-English version of the page, without using the browser language
-Page Speed
-The time to load a page is an important criteria for search engines. A faster
-website not only improves your visitor's experience, but gives
-you a better page ranking. Some studies have shown that, if you divide the time to
-load your pages by two (e.g. 2 seconds instead of 4 seconds), the
-visitor abandonment rate is also divided by two. (25% to 12.5%). One
-extra second to load a page could `cost $1.6b to Amazon in
-sales `__.
-.. image:: media/seo06.png
- :align: center
-Fortunately, Odoo does all the magic for you. Below, you will find the
-tricks Odoo uses to speed up your page loading time. You can compare how
-your website ranks using these two tools:
-- `Google Page Speed `__
-- `Pingdom Website Speed Test `__
-When you upload new images, Odoo automatically
-compresses them to reduce their sizes (lossless compression for .PNG
-and .GIF and lossy compression for .JPG).
-From the upload button, you have the option to keep the original image
-unmodified if you prefer to optimize the quality of the image rather
-than performance.
-.. image:: media/seo07.png
- :align: center
-.. note::
- Odoo compresses images when they are uploaded to your website, not
- when requested by the visitor. Thus, it's possible that, if you use a
- third-party theme, it will provide images that are not compressed
- efficiently. But all images used in Odoo official themes have been
- compressed by default.
-When you click on an image, Odoo shows you the Alt and title attributes
-of the ```` tag. You can click on it to set your own title and Alt
-attributes for the image.
-.. image:: media/seo08.png
- :align: center
-When you click on this link, the following window will appear:
-.. image:: media/seo09.png
- :align: center
-Odoo's pictograms are implemented using a font (`Font
-Awesome `__ in most
-Odoo themes). Thus, you can use as many pictograms as you want in your
-page, they will not result in extra requests to load the page.
-.. image:: media/seo10.png
- :align: center
-Static Resources: CSS
-All CSS files are pre-processed, concatenated, minified, compressed and
-cached (server-side and browser-side). The result:
-- only one CSS file request is needed to load a page
-- this CSS file is shared and cached amongst pages, so that when the
- visitor clicks on another page, the browser doesn't have to even
- load a single CSS resource.
-- this CSS file is optimized to be small
-**Pre-processed:** The CSS framework used by Odoo is Bootstrap.
-Although a theme might use another framework, most of `Odoo
-themes `__ extend and customize
-Bootstrap directly. Since Odoo supports Less and Sass, you can modify
-CSS rules instead of overwriting them through extra CSS lines,
-resulting in a smaller file.
-**Concatenated:** every module or library you might use in Odoo has its
-own set of CSS, Less or Sass files (eCommerce, blogs, themes, etc.). Having
-several CSS files is great for the modularity, but not good for the
-performance because most browsers can only perform 6 requests in
-parallel resulting in lots of files loaded in series. The
-latency time to transfer a file is usually much longer than the actual
-data transfer time, for small files like .JS and .CSS. Thus, the time to
-load CSS resources depends more on the number of requests to be done
-than the actual file size.
-To address this issue, all CSS / Less / Sass files are concatenated into
-a single .CSS file to send to the browser. So a visitor has **only one
-.CSS file to load** per page, which is particularly efficient. As the
-CSS is shared amongst all pages, when the visitor clicks on another
-page, the browser does not even have to load a new CSS file!
-================================= =============================================
- **Both files in the ** **What the visitor gets (only one file)**
-================================= =============================================
- /\* From bootstrap.css \*/ .text-muted {
- .text-muted { color: #666;
- color: #777; background: yellow
- background: yellow; }
- }
- /\* From my-theme.css \*/
- .text-muted {
- color: #666;
- }
-================================= =============================================
-The CSS sent by Odoo includes all CSS / Less / Sass of all pages /
-modules. By doing this, additional page views from the same visitor will
-not have to load CSS files at all. But some modules might include huge
-CSS/Javascript resources that you do not want to prefetch at the first
-page because they are too big. In this case, Odoo splits this resource
-into a second bundle that is loaded only when the page using it is
-requested. An example of this is the backend that is only loaded when
-the visitor logs in and accesses the backend (/web).
-.. note::
- If the CSS file is very big, Odoo will split it into two smaller
- files to avoid the 4095 selectors limit per sheet of Internet Explorer.
- But most themes fit below this limit.
-**Minified:** After being pre-processed and concatenated, the resulting
-CSS is minified to reduce its size.
-============================ ==============================
- **Before minification** **After minification**
-============================ ==============================
- /\* some comments \*/ .text-muted {color: #666}
- .text-muted {
- color: #666;
- }
-============================ ==============================
-The final result is then compressed, before being delivered to the
-Then, a cached version is stored server-side (so we do not have
-to pre-process, concatenate, minify at every request) and browser-side
-(so the same visitor will load the CSS only once for all pages they
-Static Resources: Javascript
-As with CSS resources, Javascript resources are also concatenated,
-minified, compressed and cached (server-side and browser-side).
-Odoo creates three Javascript bundles:
-- One for all pages of the website (including code for parallax
- effects, form validation, etc.)
-- One for common Javascript code shared among frontend and backend
- (Bootstrap)
-- One for backend specific Javascript code (Odoo Web Client interface
- for your employees using Odoo)
-Most visitors of your website will only need the first two bundles,
-resulting in a maximum of two Javascript files to load to render one
-page. As these files are shared across all pages, further clicks by the
-same visitor will not load any other Javascript resource.
-.. note::
- If you work on :doc:`Developer mode `, the CSS and
- Javascript are neither concatenated, nor minified. Thus, it's much slower. But it allows you to
- easily debug with the Chrome debugger as CSS and Javascript resources are not transformed from
- their original versions.
-If you activate the CDN feature in Odoo, static resources (Javascript,
-CSS, images) are loaded from a Content Delivery Network. Using a Content
-Delivery Network has three advantages:
-- Load resources from a nearby server (most CDN have servers in main
- countries around the globe)
-- Cache resources efficiently (no computation resources usage on your
- own server)
-- Split the resource loading on different services allowing to load
- more resources in parallel (since the Chrome limit of 6 parallel
- requests is by domain)
-You can configure your CDN options from the **Website Admin** app, using
-the Configuration menu. Here is an example of configuration you can use:
-.. image:: media/seo11.png
- :align: center
-HTML Pages
-The HTML pages can be compressed, but this is usually handled by your web
-server (NGINX or Apache).
-The Odoo Website builder has been optimized to guarantee clean and short
-HTML code. Building blocks have been developed to produce clean HTML
-code, usually using Bootstrap and the HTML editor.
-As an example, if you use the color picker to change the color of a
-paragraph to the primary color of your website, Odoo will produce the
-following code:
My Text
-Whereas most HTML editors (such as CKEditor) will produce the following
My Text
-Responsive Design
-Websites that are not mobile-friendly are negatively
-impacted in search engine rankings. All Odoo themes rely on Bootstrap to
-render efficiently according to the device: desktop, tablet or mobile.
-.. image:: media/seo12.png
- :align: center
-As all Odoo modules share the same technology, absolutely all pages in
-your website are mobile friendly.
-Browser Caching
-Javascript, images and CSS resources have an URL that changes
-dynamically when their content change. As an example, all CSS files are
-loaded through this URL:
-`localhost:8069/web/content/457-0da1d9d/web.assets\_common.0.css `__.
-The ``457-0da1d9d`` part of this URL will change if you modify the CSS of
-your website.
-This allows Odoo to set a very long cache delay (XXX) on these
-resources: XXX secs, while being updated instantly if you update the
-In addition to being fast, Odoo is also more scalable than traditional
-CMS and eCommerce (Drupal, Wordpress, Magento, Prestashop). The
-following link provides an analysis of the major open source CMS and
-eCommerce compared to Odoo when it comes to high query volumes:
-.. todo:: fix above link
-Here is the slide that summarizes the scalability of Odoo Website & eCommerce.
-.. image:: media/seo13.png
- :align: center
-Search Engines Files
-The sitemap points out pages to index to search engine robots.
-Odoo generates a ``/sitemap.xml`` file automatically for you. For
-performance reasons, this file is cached and updated every 12 hours.
-By default, all URLs will be in a single ``/sitemap.xml`` file, but if you
-have a lot of pages, Odoo will automatically create a Sitemap Index
-file, respecting the `sitemaps.org
-protocol `__ grouping sitemap
-URL's in 45000 chunks per file.
-Every sitemap entry has 4 attributes that are computed automatically:
-- ```` : the URL of a page
-- ```` : last modification date of the resource, computed
- automatically based on related object. For a page related to a
- product, this could be the last modification date of the product
- or the page.
-- ```` : modules may implement their own priority algorithm based
- on their content (example: a forum might assign a priority based
- on the number of votes on a specific post). The priority of a
- static page is defined by it's priority field, which is
- normalized (16 is the default).
-Structured Data Markup
-Structured Data Markup is used to generate Rich Snippets in search
-engine results. It is a way for website owners to send structured data
-to search engine robots; helping them understand your content and
-create well-presented search results.
-Google supports a number of rich snippets for content types, including:
-Reviews, People, Products, Businesses, Events and Organizations.
-Odoo implements micro data as defined in the
-`schema.org `__ specification for events, eCommerce
-products, forum posts and contact addresses. This allows your product
-pages to be displayed in Google using extra information like the price
-and rating of a product:
-.. image:: media/seo14.png
- :align: center
-When indexing your website, search engines take a first look at the
-general indexing rules of the a``/robots.txt`` file (allowed robots,
-sitemap path, etc.). Odoo automatically creates it. Its content is:
-User-agent: \*
-Sitemap: https://www.odoo.com/sitemap.xml
-It means that all robots are allowed to index your website
-and there is no other indexing rule than specified in the sitemap
-to be found at following address.
-You can customize the file *robots* in
-:doc:`Developer mode ` from *Settings --> Technical -->
-User Interface --> Views* (exclude robots, exclude some pages, redirect to a custom Sitemap).
-Make the Model Data of the view *Non Updatable* to not reset the file after system upgrades.
diff --git a/content/applications/websites/website/optimize/seo/keyword-finder.png b/content/applications/websites/website/optimize/seo/keyword-finder.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ddf0b36c7
Binary files /dev/null and b/content/applications/websites/website/optimize/seo/keyword-finder.png differ
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Binary files /dev/null and b/content/applications/websites/website/optimize/seo/optimize-seo-pop-up.png differ
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similarity index 100%
rename from content/applications/websites/website/optimize/media/seo14.png
rename to content/applications/websites/website/optimize/seo/seo14.png
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index 000000000..431ceeca0
Binary files /dev/null and b/content/applications/websites/website/optimize/seo/share-block.png differ
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index 000000000..3284bd9be
Binary files /dev/null and b/content/applications/websites/website/optimize/tracking_analytics/google-analytics-api.png differ
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rename to content/applications/websites/website/optimize/tracking_analytics/google_analytics_authorization.png
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diff --git a/content/applications/websites/website/publish.rst b/content/applications/websites/website/publish.rst
index b1e2f8d97..974abc638 100644
--- a/content/applications/websites/website/publish.rst
+++ b/content/applications/websites/website/publish.rst
@@ -2,12 +2,825 @@
-.. toctree::
- :titlesonly:
+Odoo's Website Builder is designed to help anyone build a beautiful, professional-grade website.
- publish/domain_name
- publish/translate
- publish/multi_website
+With intuitive building blocks, unique design elements, and tons of customizable features, users
+can create top-notch websites in a fraction of the time - without any coding experience whatsoever.
+Website essentials
+Odoo provides the user with a myriad of eye-catching, feature-filled design elements that are
+easy-to-use, simple to customize, and able to take your website to the next level.
+Pick a theme
+Upon installing the *Website* application, you are redirected to a page full of website themes to
+choose from.
+.. image:: publish/essentials/pick-theme-page.png
+ :align: center
+ :alt: the pick a theme page in the website application
+Each theme provides its own unique style (and look) that expertly cater to a variety of businesses
+or personal purposes.
+While they differ in initial design, each theme still provides the user with all the functionality,
+options, tools, and features that Odoo has to offer. That way, you can get the most of your website,
+no matter what theme you pick.
+When you hover over a theme on the *Pick a Theme* page, you are presented with two options: *Use
+This Theme* or *Live Preview*.
+.. image:: publish/essentials/live-preview-option.png
+ :align: center
+ :alt: live preview of a website theme
+Clicking *Live Preview* presents you with a sample website in that desired theme. You can also
+choose to see it in *Desktop* or *Mobile*.
+If you want to choose the theme for your website, simply click *Start Now* in the upper-left
+corner. If you'd like to go back to the theme selection page, click *Choose another theme*.
+.. image:: publish/essentials/sample-website-preview.png
+ :align: center
+ :alt: sample website preview
+.. tip::
+ You can change your theme at any time. From the front-end of the website (in *Edit* mode),
+ select *Switch Theme* at the bottom of the *Options* section in the toolbar. From the backend, go
+ to :menuselection:`Website app --> Configuration --> Settings` and select *Pick a Theme* from the
+ *Website* section.
+Getting started
+When a theme is selected, Odoo takes you to a blank homepage (already in *Edit* mode) that you
+can start designing with the help of Odoo's toolbar, located on the right-side of the screen.
+If you're not sure where to start, you can follow the helpful purple drops that Odoo provides to
+guide users through a few quick steps to begin their website building process.
+.. image:: publish/essentials/purple-drops.png
+ :align: center
+ :alt: odoo purple drops in website builder
+Building Blocks
+Odoo provides the user with a huge collection of helpful design elements (and features) to help
+them build their website. The first section you see is **Blocks**, which contains all of Odoo's
+eye-catching, easy-to-use *Building Blocks*.
+To use these *Building Blocks*, simply drag and drop your desired block anywhere on your page, and
+start customizing it to fit the needs of your company.
+They are divided into 4 categories:
+- **Structure**: core features that provide foundational elements to your site.
+- **Features**: unique array of informative, attention-grabbing aspects to help your web design
+ look more professional and pleasing to visitors.
+- **Dynamic Content**: features designed to showcase more information about the company, its
+ location, social presence, and so much more.
+- **Inner Content**: engaging forms of content and design elements that can be directly
+ incorporated within other *Building Blocks*
+Customize Building Blocks
+Once you have dragged and dropped a *Building Block* onto your webpage, you can edit it in a number
+of ways.
+To do so, select the block you wish to change, and a new set of options appears in the toolbar.
+These options are specific to that selected block, and can be found in the *Style* section of the
+.. image:: publish/essentials/block-toolbar-options.png
+ :align: center
+ :alt: building block with specific options in the toolbar
+As mentioned, these options are different for every block, so be sure to consider every available
+configuration as you design your website.
+Of course, you can change the image and background color of any block, but Odoo also provides the
+user with unique design elements known as *Shapes*. These are artistic design elements that
+create a stunning, completely cohesive design, without drawing attention away from your content.
+When a block is selected, you can choose to add a *Shapes* element in the "Background" field,
+indicated by this button
+.. image:: publish/essentials/shapes-icon.png
+ :align: center
+ :alt: shapes element icon in the toolbar
+Odoo offers numerous categories, styles, and designs. Each of which can be fully customized in
+many ways. To preview how they look, just hover over any *Shapes*, and Odoo instantly shows how
+it looks on your website.
+.. image:: publish/essentials/shapes-hover.png
+ :align: center
+ :alt: Shapes element on webpage when cursor hovers over option
+You can create cohesion between your blocks by using similar *Shapes* to seamlessly connect your
+content together, creating a smooth flow throughout your page.
+To do that, simply select the block you wish to connect, click the *Shapes* icon again, and Odoo
+will automatically connect those elements together (if there's a perfect match). But you can
+customize and choose any *Shapes* you want.
+.. image:: publish/essentials/shapes-on-block.png
+ :align: center
+ :alt: example of how a Shapes element looks on a block before it's connected
+.. image:: publish/essentials/connected-shapes.png
+ :align: center
+ :alt: two connected shape elements to create cohesive design
+The limitless possibilities of web design brought forth by these unique *Shapes* are guaranteed
+to give your website a memorable, professional look that visitors won't soon forget.
+In the *Options* section of the toolbar, you can control numerous features that are utilized
+throughout your site.
+Theme Colors
+For instance, it's here in the *Options* tab where you can customize the *Theme Colors* of your
+entire site. These unique combinations of colors can be configured in any way you'd like, or you
+can select one from a list of pre-made color combinations that Odoo provides.
+.. image:: publish/essentials/theme-colors.png
+ :align: center
+ :alt: theme colors setting area on the toolbar
+You can choose any combination of colors you'd like, and all of them are easily adapted to any
+feature (or element) that you put on your page. Having pre-configured *Theme Colors* just a click
+away, allows you to keep creating a beautiful website, page after page, without any delays.
+Theme options
+In "Theme Options," you can customize the look and layout of various design aspects.
+.. image:: publish/essentials/theme-options-area.png
+ :align: center
+ :alt: theme options on the website builder toolbar
+The changes you make here will become the new defaults for the site, but you can adjust, modify,
+and change them at any time. You can change things like the overall layout, font, button style,
+and more.
+Header and Footer
+When the header or footer of your page is selected, Odoo instantly reveals a new *Style* menu
+with options and features specifically designed for these elements of your website.
+.. image:: publish/essentials/header-style-options.png
+ :align: center
+ :alt: header style options in the toolbar
+Here, you can customize the layout, the colors, the position, and so much more! So, don't forget
+to play around with these options during the building of your website.
+Custom domain name
+By default, your Odoo database (and website) have an *.odoo.com* domain name, which is seen in the
+URL and emails.
+However, you can change it to a custom URL (e.g. *www.yourcompany.com*) at any time.
+Good domain qualities
+Choosing the right domain name for your business is extremely important for your branding.
+That's why it's vital to consider the following aspects when creating a custom URL for your business
+(or organization).
+Make sure your domain name is:
+- Simple and obvious
+- Easy to remember (*and* spell)
+- Concise: the shorter, the better
+- Avoid special characters
+- Aim for a ".com" and/or your country extension
+Read more: `How to Choose a Domain Name for Maximum SEO `__
+Buy a domain name
+Buy your domain name at a popular registrar site, like:
+- `GoDaddy `__
+- `Namecheap `__
+- `OVH `__
+.. note:: Steps to buy a domain name are pretty straight-forward. If you have any issues, check out
+ this easy-to-follow tutorial:
+ - `GoDaddy `__
+ Feel free to buy an email server to have email addresses using your domain name. However,
+ *don't* buy any extra service to create (or host) your website - that's Odoo's job!
+.. _custom_domain:
+Apply domain name to Odoo
+First, you must authorize the URL redirection (*yourcompany.com --> yourcompany.odoo.com*):
+To do that, open your Odoo.com account from the homepage.
+.. image:: publish/domain_name/odoo-account.png
+ :align: center
+ :alt: opening odoo.com account from homepage
+Then, select *My Databases* page under the same drop-down menu.
+.. image:: publish/domain_name/my-databases.png
+ :align: center
+ :alt: manage databases page
+That redirects to the *Manage Your Databases* page. Here, you need to click on *Domains* to the
+right of the database you want to redirect.
+.. image:: publish/domain_name/manage-databases.png
+ :align: center
+ :alt: clicking domains of the database
+Then, a database domain prompt appears, wherein you enter your custom domain:
+(e.g. *www.yourcompany.com*).
+.. image:: publish/domain_name/enter-domain.png
+ :align: center
+ :alt: domain name database prompt
+At this point, you can apply the redirection from your domain name's manager account:
+In order to do that, log in to your account, and search for the DNS Zones management page.
+Then, create a CNAME record (*www.yourdomain.com*) pointing to *mywebsite.odoo.com*. If you want to
+use the naked domain (e.g. *yourdomain.com*), you need to redirect *yourdomain.com* to
+.. note:: Here are some specific guidelines to create a CNAME record:
+ - `GoDaddy `__
+ - `Namecheap `__
+ - `OVH `__
+Enable SSL (HTTPS) for Odoo
+Odoo no longer requires users to use a third-party CDN service provide (like, CloudFlare) to
+enable SSL. Odoo generates the certificate for you automatically, using integration with
+`Let's Encrypt Certificate Authority and ACME protocol `__.
+In order to enable SSL, simply add your domain name in your customer portal. A separate certificate
+is generated for each domain name specified.
+.. warning::
+ **The certificate generation may take up to 24h.**
+.. note::
+ If you already use CloudFlare (or a similar service), you can keep using it, or simply change to
+ Odoo.
+Website indexed twice by Google
+If you set up a custom domain name (*mydomain.com*) for *mydatabase.odoo.com*, Google indexes your
+website under *both* names.
+This is a minor limitation of the Odoo cloud platforms.
+Website translation
+In addition to creating beautiful, professional-grade websites, Odoo provides users with the ability
+to translate them into multiple different languages - at any time.
+To enable translation, go to your website, and scroll down to your footer. Click on the
+language (i.e. *English - US*) to reveal a menu, then click *Add a Language*.
+.. image:: publish/translate/translate-menu.png
+ :align: center
+ :alt: translate menu in the website footer
+Choose the language you want from the language pop-up that appears. You can also decide which
+website you'd like to apply it to here, as well. Then, click *Add*.
+.. image:: publish/translate/translate-pop-up.png
+ :align: center
+ :alt: add a language feature
+When you navigate back to your website, that new language is now an option.
+.. image:: publish/translate/new-language-option.png
+ :align: center
+ :alt: showing a new language option in footer
+When selected, some of the text translates automatically.
+.. image:: publish/translate/auto-translation.png
+ :align: center
+ :alt: new language option available
+To translate the content of the website, click on **Translate** (in the upper-right corner), which
+appears in that newly-chosen language.
+Here, for example, it's **Traduire**, since we are translating the website in French.
+.. image:: publish/translate/translate-button.png
+ :align: center
+ :alt: translate button
+At this point, most of the content is highlighted in yellow or green.
+The yellow represents content that you have to translate manually, and green represents content that
+has already been translated by Odoo automatically.
+.. image:: publish/translate/translate-colors.png
+ :align: center
+ :alt: green and yellow translate colors
+Manage multiple websites
+Odoo helps users to build, customize, and manage multiple websites in one easy-to-use platform.
+Having multiple websites opens up the possibilities of diversification and customer segmentation
+for any business. Multiple websites are also a great way to multiply your audience and boost
+Each Odoo website can work in a fully independent way, with its very own theme, branding, domain
+name, pages, languages, products, blogs, forums, events, live chat channels, and so much more.
+To create a new website, go to :menuselection:`Website --> Configuration --> Settings`.
+.. image:: publish/multi_website/config-settings.png
+ :align: center
+ :alt: website application configuration settings
+To start building a new website, simply click on *+New* located next to the title of the "Website"
+section on the *Website* settings page.
+.. image:: publish/multi_website/new-website-button.png
+ :align: center
+ :alt: new website button on the settings page
+When clicked, a pop-up appears. In this pop-up, you input the name of your new website, its domain,
+and a logo (if you have one).
+.. image:: publish/multi_website/new-website-pop-up.png
+ :align: center
+ :alt: new website pop-up with empty information fields
+.. note::
+ If you want to publish this new website under the default domain of your Odoo database, simply
+ leave the domain field blank.
+Once all the necessary fields have been filled, you may click *Pick a Theme* to select how you
+want your new website to look.
+.. image:: publish/multi_website/pick-theme-button.png
+ :align: center
+ :alt: website pick a theme button on the pop-up window
+Clicking that, takes you to a catalog of professional-grade website themes that Odoo has to
+choose from.
+Remember, this new website may have an entirely different purpose (and/or audience) than your
+initial site. So, feel free to choose a completely new theme to fit your needs. And, don't
+forget, you can change themes at any time.
+.. image:: publish/multi_website/multi-website-theme-selection.png
+ :align: center
+ :alt: various website themes
+To select a theme, hover the cursor over your desired theme, and click *Use This Theme*. You can
+also preview what that theme would look like, by selecting *Live Preview*.
+.. image:: publish/multi_website/theme-live-preview-hover.png
+ :align: center
+ :alt: website theme live preview hover over options
+Once a theme is selected, you can start building your website. Not sure where to begin? Simply
+follow the "purple drops" located on the screen. They will help get your started.
+.. image:: publish/multi_website/purple-drops.png
+ :align: center
+ :alt: website builder purple drops
+When the cursor hovers over them, they explain the function and purpose of that particular
+.. image:: publish/multi_website/purple-drops-explanation.png
+ :align: center
+ :alt: website builder purple drops with explanation of function
+Then, you can start dragging and dropping any of Odoo's "Building Blocks" (on the right) to create
+your design. Remember to hit *Save* once you are done.
+.. image:: publish/multi_website/partially-built-homepage.png
+ :align: center
+ :alt: partially built website with building blocks
+.. note::
+ If you run Odoo Online, don’t forget to redirect any new domain name to your Odoo database
+ (``CNAME``) and to authorize it on the Odoo-side.
+Create the menu
+By default, this new website has a default menu with all the installed applications.
+To edit it, click :menuselection:`Pages --> Edit Menu`.
+.. image:: publish/multi_website/pages-edit-menu.png
+ :align: center
+ :alt: pages edit menu on header
+When selected, a pop-up appears, in which you can modify the header menu of your website.
+.. image:: publish/multi_website/edit-menu-pop-up.png
+ :align: center
+ :alt: edit header menu pop-up window
+.. note::
+ Moving forward, you only edit the menu of the website you are currently on.
+Switching websites
+In the upper-right corner, there is a "Website Switcher" drop-down menu. It will show the website
+that you are currently on. When clicked, it will reveal your other websites, which you can instantly
+jump to with one click.
+If you use another domain for the website, the user is requested to sign in.
+.. image:: publish/multi_website/multi_website03.png
+ :align: center
+ :alt: website switcher button in the corner
+.. note::
+ When switching, you are redirected to the same domain path on the other website
+ (e.g., ``/shop/myproduct``). If this URL is not used, you will be redirected to a 404 page, and
+ prompted to create a new page from there.
+Add features
+The website apps you install (like *Blogs*) are made available on all your websites. Of course,
+you can keep them hidden in one website by removing the menu item, as previously mentioned.
+Each website comes with a wide array of features and options that can be found on the *Settings*
+page (:menuselection:`Website app --> Configuration --> Settings`).
+To modify those features and options, you first need to select which website you want to
+customize. In order to do that, you need to select your desired website from the first section of
+settings, titled: "Select the Website to Configure."
+.. image:: publish/multi_website/multi_website15.png
+ :align: center
+ :alt: selecting which website should be configured
+Once a website is selected, take a look at the options on the rest of the page, particularly the
+ones flagged with an Earth icon.
+This icon means that those features will only impact the very website you are currently working on.
+.. image:: publish/multi_website/multi_website12.png
+ :align: center
+ :alt: earth icon in the website settings menu
+You can, for instance, set specific:
+- Languages
+- Domain names
+- Social media links
+- Dedicated live chat channels
+- And so much more...
+The other options are global and will apply to *all* your websites.
+Customize the visitor experience
+Thanks to Odoo's *Customize* menu, there are plenty of ways you can customize (and enhance) the
+overall user experience for your visitors.
+All the visual-related options in this drop-down menu are specific to each page you are
+For example, the options available for your blogs won't be the same as the options available for
+your online store because each page serves a different purpose. Odoo provides the user with the
+professional-grade options and features to enhance every single page, no matter what.
+So, while building your website, be sure to go through the different pages, and adapt them to fit
+this new audience/purpose. Focus on workflows and automatic pages (eCommerce checkout, blogs,
+events, etc.), as there more options to be found there.
+.. image:: publish/multi_website/customize-drop-down.png
+ :align: center
+ :alt: customize drop-down menu on the front-end of the website
+Publish specific content per website
+Like static pages, any content created from the front-end (product page, blog post, etc.) is always
+*only* published on that current website.
+You can change that by editing the form in the back-end, and leaving the *Website* field blank.
+This will publish it on all your websites.
+.. image:: publish/multi_website/multi_website06.png
+ :align: center
+ :alt: publishing content on a specific website
+Here are all the objects you can link to *any (or all)* websites:
+1. Products
+2. Product Categories (for eCommerce)
+3. Blogs
+4. Pages
+5. Forums
+6. Events
+7. Job Positions
+8. eLearning Courses
+Publish on all websites
+When a new static page is created, it's only made available on that current website. However, you
+can duplicate it to other websites by going to :menuselection:`Website --> Configuration --> Pages`.
+Then, select the page you wish to duplicate, click *Edit*, and leave the *Website* field empty.
+If you want to duplicate it in just *one* other website, duplicate the page, and select your
+desired website in the the *Website* field of the newly duplicated page.
+.. image:: publish/multi_website/multi-website-pages.png
+ :align: center
+ :alt: placing a page onto another website
+To efficiently (and quickly) manage your pages, you can click
+:menuselection:`Pages --> Manage Pages` found on the front-end of the website.
+.. image:: publish/multi_website/manage-pages-drop-down.png
+ :align: center
+ :alt: manage pages drop-down menu option
+That takes you to a page with all your web pages and you can edit/modify them in a number of
+different ways.
+.. image:: publish/multi_website/multi-website-manage-pages.png
+ :align: center
+ :alt: the manage pages section on the front-end
+.. tip::
+ By grouping pages by URL in the page manager, you quickly find the original page behind
+ each edited page.
+.. image:: publish/multi_website/multi_website10.png
+ :align: center
+ :alt: detailed look at the manage pages section
+Multiple companies
+If you are working in a multi-company environment, each website can be linked to a specific
+company in your system.
+To link each website to a specific company, go to
+:menuselection:`Website application --> Configuration --> Settings` and select which company
+you'd like to link to this website, located in the *Website* section.
+.. image:: publish/multi_website/multi_website16.png
+ :align: center
+ :alt: choose which website to designate to a company
+With such a configuration in place, only company-related data will appear on that website (products,
+jobs, events, etc.).
+Website editors can only view and edit pages of records they have access to, which is typically
+only the ones that belong to their current company (and to their subsidiaries, or child companies
+in Odoo language).
+.. note::
+ If websites are multi-companies, you don’t change the company when switching websites. To
+ change the company, and see the related content, use the company selector in the menu.
+ .. image:: publish/multi_website/different-company-drop-down.png
+ :align: center
+ :alt: company selector drop-down menu
+Configure eCommerce website
+eCommerce is a crucial feature for any online business, especially one with multiple websites. Odoo
+allows users to customize the entire flow (and shopping experience) to cater to the specific
+audience found on each website.
+Products only available on one website
+Above, you learned how to publish a specific record on only one website. The process is similar
+for eCommerce products, as well.
+Simply modify the *Website* field in the eCommerce tab of the product form. And remember, an
+empty field means it will be available on all websites.
+.. image:: publish/multi_website/multi-website-ecommerce-tab.png
+ :align: center
+ :alt: the ecommerce tab of a pricelist template
+Products available on select websites
+To make a product available on some websites, but not all of them, you can duplicate the product,
+and assign it to each website you want it to appear on.
+If you need a unique reference to manage in your inventory, you should install *Manufacturing*
+and create *Kits* BoMs (Bills of Materials).
+Each kit will link each published “virtual” product to the main reference managed in your inventory.
+That way, any item sold from your website will be converted into the storable item in the delivery
+To manage specific prices by website, go to :menuselection:`Website app --> Configuration -->
+Settings` and activate *Pricelists* and *Multiple Prices per Product* in the *Pricing* section.
+Then, hit *Save*.
+.. image:: publish/multi_website/pricelists-setting.png
+ :align: center
+ :alt: specific pricelists setting
+Following that, go to :menuselection:`Website --> Products --> Pricelists` to create additional
+pricelists. Or you can click on *--> Pricelists* located beneath the *Pricelists* option in the
+*Pricing* section of the *Website* settings.
+.. image:: publish/multi_website/various-routes-to-pricelists.png
+ :align: center
+ :alt: various routes to get to the pricelists page
+After clicking a pricelist you wish to modify, simply select a website in the *Website* field
+(found in the *Configuration* tab of the pricelist detail form), and that pricelist becomes
+exclusively available on that website only.
+.. image:: publish/multi_website/multi-website-pricelist.png
+ :align: center
+ :alt: designate which website is linked to which pricelist
+Leaving the field empty means this pricelist will be available on *all* websites, but it will
+only be visible to customers if *Selectable* is activated in the pricelist detail form, as well.
+Otherwise, it's only available for backend operations in the *Sales* and *Point of Sale*
+Payment Acquirers and Delivery Methods
+By default, published payment acquirers and delivery methods are deployed in all websites.
+You could use specific payment acquirers per country (using Geo IP) by defining countries in their
+configuration. Or, you can do it per website by filling in the *Website* field.
+Customer accounts
+You can choose how to manage your customer accounts in the settings of the *Website* application.
+Go to :menuselection:`Website --> Configuration --> Settings` and select *Specific User Account*
+in the *Website* section.
+Activating this feature forces your user to create a specific account for each of your websites.
+This comes in handy if your websites shouldn't be related to each other in the visitor's mind.
+However, you can allow customers to use one account for all your websites, by simply
+deactivating that feature.
+.. image:: publish/multi_website/multi_website17.png
+ :align: center
+ :alt: specific user account in website settings
+Technical hints for customization
+If you want to publish custom objects on the website, here are a few tips to make it work with
+multiple websites:
+- **Sitemap**: don’t forget the domain in the route to only publish available records in each
+ website's sitemap.
+- **Access**: you should call the method *can_access_from_current_website* in the controller to
+ make sure the visitor can see a record in the current website.
+- **Search**: when a list of records is displayed, don’t forget to specify the domain to *only*
+ display records available for the current website.
+.. image:: publish/multi_website/multi_website11.png
+ :align: center
+ :alt: coding language of technical customization
+Geo IP installation (on-premises database)
+.. warning::
+ Please note that the installation depends on your computer's operating system and distribution.
+ In this instance, we will assume that a Linux operating system is being used.
+First, install `geoip2 `__ Python library
+ .. code-block:: bash
+ pip install geoip2
+Following that, you need to download the
+`GeoLite2 City database `_.
+You will end up with a file called ``GeoLite2-City.mmdb``. Then, move the file to the folder
+ .. code-block:: bash
+ mv ~/Downloads/GeoLite2-City.mmdb /usr/share/GeoIP/
+At this point, you need to restart the server.
+.. note::
+ If you can't/don't want to locate the GeoIP database in ``/usr/share/GeoIP/``, you can use the
+ ``--geoip-db`` option of the Odoo command line interface. This option takes the absolute path to
+ the GeoIP database file, and uses it as the GeoIP database. For example:
+ .. code-block:: bash
+ ./odoo-bin --geoip-db= ~/Downloads/GeoLite2-City.mmdb
+ .. seealso::
+ - `CLI documentation `_.
+.. warning::
+ ``GeoIP`` Python library can also be used. However, this version is discontinued since January
+ 2019. See `GeoLite Legacy databases are now discontinued
+ `_
+Test GeoIP Geolocation on Odoo website
+Go to your website, and open the web page you want to test ``GeoIP``. Then, select
+:menuselection:`Customize --> HTML/CSS/JS Editor`, and add the following piece of XML in the page:
+.. code-block:: xml
+That leaves you with a dictionary indicating the location of the IP address.
+.. image:: publish/geo_ip_installation/on-premise_geo-ip-installation01.png
+ :align: center
+ :alt: on premise geo-ip installation
+.. note::
+ If the curly braces are empty ``{}``, it can be for any of the following reasons :
+ - The browsing IP address is the localhost (````) or a local area network one
+ (``192.168.*.*``)
+ - If a reversed proxy is used, make sure to configure it correctly. See `--proxy-mode
+ `__
+ - ``geoip2`` is not installed, or the GeoIP database file wasn't found
+ - The GeoIP database was unable to resolve the given IP address
diff --git a/content/applications/websites/website/publish/domain_name.rst b/content/applications/websites/website/publish/domain_name.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index caafb70a0..000000000
--- a/content/applications/websites/website/publish/domain_name.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-How to use my own domain name
-By default, your Odoo Online instance and website have a *.odoo.com* domain name,
-for both the URL and the emails.
-But you can change to a custom one (e.g. www.yourcompany.com).
-What is a good domain name
-Your website address is as important to your branding as the name of your
-business or organization, so put some thought into changing it for a proper
-domain. Here are some tips:
-- Simple and obvious
-- Easy to remember and spell
-- The shorter the better
-- Avoid special characters
-- Aim for a .com and/or your country extension
-Read more: `How to Choose a Domain Name for Maximum SEO `__
-How to buy a domain name
-Buy your domain name at a popular registrar:
-- `GoDaddy `__
-- `Namecheap `__
-- `OVH `__
-.. note:: Steps to buy a domain name are pretty much straight forward.
- In case of issue, check out those easy tutorials:
- - `GoDaddy `__
- - `Namecheap `__
- Feel free to buy an email server to have email addresses using your domain name.
- However don't buy any extra service to create or host your website.
- This is Odoo's job!
-.. _custom_domain:
-How to apply my domain name to my Odoo instance
-First let's authorize the redirection (yourcompany.com -> yourcompany.odoo.com):
-* Open your Odoo.com account from your homepage.
-.. image:: media/domain_name01.png
- :align: center
-* Go to the *Manage Databases* page.
-.. image:: media/domain_name02.png
- :align: center
-* Click on *Domains* to the right of the database you would like to redirect.
-.. image:: media/domain_name03.png
- :align: center
-* A database domain prompt will appear. Enter your custom domain
- (e.g. www.yourcompany.com).
-.. image:: media/domain_name04.png
- :align: center
-We can now apply the redirection from your domain name's manager account:
-* Log in to your account and search for the DNS Zones management page.
-* Create a CNAME record *www.yourdomain.com* pointing to *mywebsite.odoo.com*.
- If you want to use the naked domain (e.g. yourdomain.com), you need to redirect
- *yourdomain.com* to *www.yourdomain.com*.
-.. note:: Here are some specific guidelines to create a CNAME record:
- - `GoDaddy `__
- - `Namecheap `__
- - `OVH `__
-How to enable SSL (HTTPS) for my Odoo instance
-Until recently, Odoo users needed to use a third-party CDN service provider such as CloudFlare to enable SSL.
-It is not required anymore: Odoo generates the certificate for you automatically, using integration with `Let's Encrypt Certificate Authority and ACME protocol `__.
-In order to get this, simply add your domain name in your customer portal (a separate certificate is generated for each domain name specified).
-.. warning::
- **Please note that the certificate generation may take up to 24h.**
-If you already use CloudFlare or a similar service, you can keep using it or simply change for Odoo. The choice is yours.
-How to make sure that all my URLs use my custom domain?
-To set up the root URL of your website and of all the links sent in emails, you can ask an administrator of your database (any user in the *Settings* group) to perform a login from the login screen. It's as simple as that!
-If you want to do it manually, you can go to :menuselection:`Settings --> Technical --> System Parameters` .
-Find the entry called ``web.base.url`` (you can create it if it does not exist) and enter the full URL of your website, like ``https://www.myodoowebsite.com``.
-.. warning::
- The URL must include the protocol (``https://`` or ``http://``) and must not end by a slash (``/``).
-If you want to block the root URL update when an administrator logs in, you can add a System Parameter called ``web.base.url.freeze`` with its value set to ``True``.
-My website is indexed twice by Google
-If you set up a custom domain *mydomain.com* name for *mydatabase.odoo.com*,
-Google indexes your website under both names. This is a limitation of the Odoo cloud platforms/
-.. seealso::
- * :doc:`/applications/productivity/discuss/advanced/email_servers`
diff --git a/content/applications/websites/website/publish/domain_name/enter-domain.png b/content/applications/websites/website/publish/domain_name/enter-domain.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5dd3a27fd
Binary files /dev/null and b/content/applications/websites/website/publish/domain_name/enter-domain.png differ
diff --git a/content/applications/websites/website/publish/domain_name/manage-databases.png b/content/applications/websites/website/publish/domain_name/manage-databases.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f74504cfb
Binary files /dev/null and b/content/applications/websites/website/publish/domain_name/manage-databases.png differ
diff --git a/content/applications/websites/website/publish/domain_name/my-databases.png b/content/applications/websites/website/publish/domain_name/my-databases.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ddea00681
Binary files /dev/null and b/content/applications/websites/website/publish/domain_name/my-databases.png differ
diff --git a/content/applications/websites/website/publish/domain_name/odoo-account.png b/content/applications/websites/website/publish/domain_name/odoo-account.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8b61b2f32
Binary files /dev/null and b/content/applications/websites/website/publish/domain_name/odoo-account.png differ
diff --git a/content/applications/websites/website/publish/essentials/block-toolbar-options.png b/content/applications/websites/website/publish/essentials/block-toolbar-options.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..743a83b8c
Binary files /dev/null and b/content/applications/websites/website/publish/essentials/block-toolbar-options.png differ
diff --git a/content/applications/websites/website/publish/essentials/connected-shapes.png b/content/applications/websites/website/publish/essentials/connected-shapes.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e32aeba36
Binary files /dev/null and b/content/applications/websites/website/publish/essentials/connected-shapes.png differ
diff --git a/content/applications/websites/website/publish/essentials/header-style-options.png b/content/applications/websites/website/publish/essentials/header-style-options.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9749f5c79
Binary files /dev/null and b/content/applications/websites/website/publish/essentials/header-style-options.png differ
diff --git a/content/applications/websites/website/publish/essentials/live-preview-option.png b/content/applications/websites/website/publish/essentials/live-preview-option.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b0245b61c
Binary files /dev/null and b/content/applications/websites/website/publish/essentials/live-preview-option.png differ
diff --git a/content/applications/websites/website/publish/essentials/pick-theme-page.png b/content/applications/websites/website/publish/essentials/pick-theme-page.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c289c2f6f
Binary files /dev/null and b/content/applications/websites/website/publish/essentials/pick-theme-page.png differ
diff --git a/content/applications/websites/website/publish/essentials/purple-drops.png b/content/applications/websites/website/publish/essentials/purple-drops.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b0f5386e7
Binary files /dev/null and b/content/applications/websites/website/publish/essentials/purple-drops.png differ
diff --git a/content/applications/websites/website/publish/essentials/sample-website-preview.png b/content/applications/websites/website/publish/essentials/sample-website-preview.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0a049f3a8
Binary files /dev/null and b/content/applications/websites/website/publish/essentials/sample-website-preview.png differ
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index b8255490b..000000000
--- a/content/applications/websites/website/publish/multi_website.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,308 +0,0 @@
-Manage Multi Websites
-.. image:: media/multi_website04.png
- :align: center
-Odoo’s Multi-Websites opens up broad possibilities of diversification and
-customer segmentation for your business. A multiplied audience and
-boosted revenue are now just a few clicks away!
-Each website can work in a fully independent way, with its theme,
-branding, domain name, header & footer, pages, languages, products, blog
-posts, forum, slides, events, live chat channels, etc. Let’s go for a
-To create a new website, go to :menuselection:`Website --> Configuration --> Settings`.
-The button, *Create a new website*, lays in the first section.
-.. image:: media/multi_website05.png
- :align: center
-In the upcoming prompt, set a name for your new website and a specific
-domain name. Leave empty to publish the new website under the default
-domain of your Odoo database. You can later set some country groups to
-redirect visitors to it using Geo IP.
-.. image:: media/multi_website01.png
- :align: center
-Then, select a theme. This new website might have an entirely different
-purpose or audience than the first one. So feel free to go for a
-different theme!
-Once the theme is selected, you can start to build the homepage of your
-website. Follow the purple drops; they will help you in the first steps.
-.. image:: media/multi_website08.png
- :align: center
-.. note::
- If you run Odoo Online, don’t forget to redirect any new domain name to your Odoo database
- (``CNAME``) and to authorize it Odoo-side. See :doc:`domain_name`.
-Create the menu
-The new website has a default menu with all the installed applications.
-To edit it, click :menuselection:`Pages --> Edit Menu`. Moving forward you only edit
-the menu of the current website.
-Switch from one website to another
-As easy as ABC! There is a website switcher in the right corner of the
-edit bar. Switching to another website will connect to the domain of
-this website. If you use another domain for the website, the user is
-requested to sign in.
-.. image:: media/multi_website03.png
- :align: center
-.. note::
- When switching, you are redirected to the same domain path on the other website
- (e.g., ``/shop/myproduct``). If this URL is not used, you will be redirected to a 404 page but
- prompted to create a new page from there.
-Add features
-The website apps you install (e.g., Slides, Blogs) are made available on
-all your websites. You can, of course, keep them hidden in one website by
-removing the menu item.
-Each website comes with a high range of specific options in the
-settings. First, select the website to configure.
-.. image:: media/multi_website15.png
- :align: center
-Then, take a look at the options flagged with the earth icon. It means
-they only impact the very website you are working on.
-.. image:: media/multi_website12.png
- :align: center
-You can, for instance, set specific :
-- languages,
-- domain names,
-- social media links,
-- customer portal mode (B2C vs. B2B),
-- dedicated live chat channels,
-- etc.
-The other options are global and apply to all your websites.
-Manage domain names
-As said earlier, your websites can either share the same domain name or
-use a specific one. If you share it and want to adapt the content per
-region, set country groups in the setting of each website. Visitors will
-be redirected to the right website using GeoIP.
-.. image:: media/multi_website18.png
- :align: center
-.. note::
- Geo IP is installed by default in Odoo Online. If you run Odoo
- on-premise, don’t forget to install *GeoIP* library.
- See :doc:`on-premise_geo-ip-installation`
-.. seealso::
- - :doc:`domain_name`
-Customize the visitor experience
-The customer experience can be customized very profoundly thanks to the menu
-\*Customize\*. All the visual options available there are specific to
-each website. Go through the different pages to adapt them to this new
-audience. Focus on workflows, and automatic pages (eCommerce checkout,
-blogs, events, etc.) as the number of available options is higher there.
-.. image:: media/multi_website14.png
- :align: center
-Publish specific content per website
-Like static pages, any content created from the front-end (product, blog
-post, etc.) is always only published in the current website. You can
-change that from the edit form view in the backend and leave the
-*Website* field blank. This will publish it in all the websites.
-.. image:: media/multi_website06.png
- :align: center
-Here are all the objects that you can link to *either one or all the
-1. Products
-2. Product Categories for eCommerce
-3. Blogs
-4. Slide Channels
-5. Forums
-6. Events
-7. Job Positions
-.. note::
- When you create the record from the backend and publish it,
- typically a product or an event, it is made available in all websites.
-Publish a page in all websites
-A new static page is created and only made available in the current
-website. You can duplicate it to other websites from
-:menuselection:`Website --> Configuration --> Pages`. To do so, leave the *Website* field empty.
-If you want to duplicate it in just one other website, duplicate the
-page and set the new website.
-.. image:: media/multi_website09.png
- :align: center
-When you edit the page again, the change only affects the current
-website. A new page is duplicated and tied up to the website.
-The original page still being linked to all websites.
-.. tip::
- By grouping pages by URL in the page manager, you quickly find
- the original page behind each edited page.
-.. image:: media/multi_website10.png
- :align: center
-Each website can be linked to a specific company of your system, in a
-multi-companies environment.
-.. image:: media/multi_website16.png
- :align: center
-With such a configuration, only company-related data appear on the
-website (products, jobs, events, etc.).
-Website editors can only view and edit the pages of the records they
-have access to, typically the ones belonging to their current company
-(and to their subsidiaries, or child companies in Odoo language). And so
-is it for visitors.
-.. note::
- If websites are multi-companies, you don’t change company when switching websites. To change the company and see the related content, use the company selector in the menu.
-.. image:: media/multi_website02.png
- :align: center
-Configure your eCommerce website
-eCommerce is a crucial feature in the multi-websites environment. We made it
-so that the entire flow can be customized to fit the very audience of
-each website.
-Products only available on one website
-We already saw earlier how to publish a specific record in only one
-website. You will find the \*Website\* field in the eCommerce tab of the
-product edit form. Empty means available in all websites.
-.. image:: media/multi_website13.png
- :align: center
-Products available on *some* websites
-To make a product available on some websites, but not all of them, you
-should duplicate the product for each website.
-If you need a unique reference to manage in your inventory, you should
-install *Manufacturing\ and create *Kits* BoMs (bills of materials).
-Each kit will link each published “virtual” product to the main
-reference managed in your inventory. That way, any item sold from your
-website will be converted into the storable item in the delivery order.
-To manage specific prices by websites, you can activate *Multiple Sales
-Prices per Product* in Website settings.
-Then, go to :menuselection:`Website --> Products --> Pricelists` to create additional
-pricelists. See :doc:`../../ecommerce/maximizing_revenue/pricing`.
-If you need help. Select a website to make a pricelist only available on
-this website.
-.. image:: media/multi_website07.png
- :align: center
-Leaving the field empty means that you make it work in all websites if
-*Selectable* is selected. Otherwise, it makes it only available for
-backend operations of Sales and Point of Sale applications.
-Payment Acquirers and Delivery Methods
-By default, published payment acquirers and delivery methods are deployed in all websites.
-You could already use specific payment acquirers per country using Geo
-IP by defining countries in their configuration. Now you can also do it
-per website by filling in the *Website* field.
-Customer accounts
-There is a setting to choose how to manage customer accounts in Website
-settings. You can either allow customers to use one account through all
-the websites or compel them to create one account for each website. This
-last option is convenient if your websites shouldn’t be related to each
-other in the visitor mind.
-.. image:: media/multi_website17.png
- :align: center
-Technical hints for customization
-If you want to publish custom objects on the website, here are a few
-tips to make it work with multi websites:
-- Sitemap: don’t forget the domain in the route to only publish
- available records in each website’s sitemap.
-- Access: you should call the method
- *can_access_from_current_website* in the controller to make
- sure the visitor can see a record in the current website.
-- Search: when a list of records is displayed, don’t forget to specify
- the domain to only display records available for the current
- website.
-.. image:: media/multi_website11.png
- :align: center
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diff --git a/content/applications/websites/website/publish/multi_website/pages-edit-menu.png b/content/applications/websites/website/publish/multi_website/pages-edit-menu.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0f9f60cb2
Binary files /dev/null and b/content/applications/websites/website/publish/multi_website/pages-edit-menu.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..93598f935
Binary files /dev/null and b/content/applications/websites/website/publish/multi_website/partially-built-homepage.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..614dddf04
Binary files /dev/null and b/content/applications/websites/website/publish/multi_website/pick-theme-button.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6a8d7802d
Binary files /dev/null and b/content/applications/websites/website/publish/multi_website/pricelists-setting.png differ
diff --git a/content/applications/websites/website/publish/multi_website/purple-drops-explanation.png b/content/applications/websites/website/publish/multi_website/purple-drops-explanation.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..232e3a50e
Binary files /dev/null and b/content/applications/websites/website/publish/multi_website/purple-drops-explanation.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0d2f3c7f4
Binary files /dev/null and b/content/applications/websites/website/publish/multi_website/purple-drops.png differ
diff --git a/content/applications/websites/website/publish/multi_website/theme-live-preview-hover.png b/content/applications/websites/website/publish/multi_website/theme-live-preview-hover.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d09f5c214
Binary files /dev/null and b/content/applications/websites/website/publish/multi_website/theme-live-preview-hover.png differ
diff --git a/content/applications/websites/website/publish/multi_website/various-routes-to-pricelists.png b/content/applications/websites/website/publish/multi_website/various-routes-to-pricelists.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3e0f03853
Binary files /dev/null and b/content/applications/websites/website/publish/multi_website/various-routes-to-pricelists.png differ
diff --git a/content/applications/websites/website/publish/on-premise_geo-ip-installation.rst b/content/applications/websites/website/publish/on-premise_geo-ip-installation.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 69d09513e..000000000
--- a/content/applications/websites/website/publish/on-premise_geo-ip-installation.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-Geo IP Installation (On-Premises Database)
-.. warning::
- Please note that the installation depends on your computer's operating system and distribution.
- We will assume that a Linux operating system is being used.
-#. Install `geoip2 `__ Python library
- .. code-block:: bash
- pip install geoip2
-#. Download the `GeoLite2 City database `_. You
- should end up with a file called ``GeoLite2-City.mmdb``
-#. Move the file to the folder ``/usr/share/GeoIP/``
- .. code-block:: bash
- mv ~/Downloads/GeoLite2-City.mmdb /usr/share/GeoIP/
-#. Restart the server
-.. note::
- If you can't/don't want to locate the geoip database in ``/usr/share/GeoIP/``, you can use the
- ``--geoip-db`` option of the Odoo command line interface. This option takes the absolute path to
- the GeoIP database file and uses it as the GeoIP database. For example:
- .. code-block:: bash
- ./odoo-bin --geoip-db= ~/Downloads/GeoLite2-City.mmdb
- .. seealso::
- - :doc:`CLI documentation `.
-.. warning::
- ``GeoIP`` Python library can also be used. However this version is discontinued since January
- 1. See `GeoLite Legacy databases are now discontinued
- `_
-How To Test GeoIP Geolocation In Your Odoo Website
-1. Go to your website. Open the web page that you want to test ``GeoIP``.
-2. Choose :menuselection:`Customize --> HTML/CSS/JS Editor`.
-3. Add the following piece of XML in the page :
-.. code-block:: xml
-You should end up with a dictionary indicating the location of the IP address.
-.. image:: media/on-premise_geo-ip-installation01.png
- :align: center
-.. note::
- If the curly braces are empty ``{}``, it can be for any of the following reasons :
- - The browsing IP address is the localhost (````) or a local area network one (``192.168.*.*``)
- - If a reversed proxy is used, make sure to configure it correctly. See :option:`proxy mode `
- - ``geoip2`` is not installed or the GeoIP database file wasn't found
- - The GeoIP database was unable to resolve the given IP address
diff --git a/content/applications/websites/website/publish/translate.rst b/content/applications/websites/website/publish/translate.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index fbb0da60e..000000000
--- a/content/applications/websites/website/publish/translate.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-How to translate my website
-In addition to creating great modern websites, Odoo gives you the
-possibility to translate it in different languages.
-Once your website is created, you have the opportunity to translate it
-in as many different languages as you want.
-There are two ways to translate your website, you can do it manually or
-automatically with the Gengo App. If you want to do it automatically, go
-to the **App** module and Install **Automated translations through Gengo
-Api** and **Website Gengo Translator**. If you want to do it manually,
-don't install anything, and follow the next step.
-Now go to your website. On the bottom right corner of the page, click on
-**Add a language**.
-.. image:: media/translate_website01.png
- :align: center
-Choose the language in which you want to translate your website and then
-click on **Load.**
-.. image:: media/translate_website02.png
- :align: center
-You will see that Now, next to English there is also French, which means
-that the page for the translation has been created. You can also see
-that some of the text has been translated automatically.
-.. image:: media/translate_website03.png
- :align: center
-To translate the content of the website, click on **Translate** (here
-**Traduire** since we want to translate the website in French).
-There, if you have installed the Gengo Translator, You will see that
-next to the **Translate** button you also have a button **Translate
-automatically**. Once you click on that button, you will be asked some
-information on your account. If you don't have an account yet, follow
-`this link `_
-in order to create one. You need to ask for a public key and a private
-The content you wish to translate will then be translated automatically.
-.. image:: media/translate_website04.png
- :align: center
-Now you can see that most of the content is highlighted in yellow or
-in green. The yellow represents the content that you have to translate by
-yourself. The green represents the content that has already been translated
-.. image:: media/translate_website05.png
- :align: center
diff --git a/content/applications/websites/website/publish/translate/auto-translation.png b/content/applications/websites/website/publish/translate/auto-translation.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ffb4c2b6e
Binary files /dev/null and b/content/applications/websites/website/publish/translate/auto-translation.png differ
diff --git a/content/applications/websites/website/publish/translate/new-language-option.png b/content/applications/websites/website/publish/translate/new-language-option.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..83a4ee91c
Binary files /dev/null and b/content/applications/websites/website/publish/translate/new-language-option.png differ
diff --git a/content/applications/websites/website/publish/translate/translate-button.png b/content/applications/websites/website/publish/translate/translate-button.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7ffc7ba2d
Binary files /dev/null and b/content/applications/websites/website/publish/translate/translate-button.png differ
diff --git a/content/applications/websites/website/publish/translate/translate-colors.png b/content/applications/websites/website/publish/translate/translate-colors.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b4a83373b
Binary files /dev/null and b/content/applications/websites/website/publish/translate/translate-colors.png differ
diff --git a/content/applications/websites/website/publish/translate/translate-menu.png b/content/applications/websites/website/publish/translate/translate-menu.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f81adcee2
Binary files /dev/null and b/content/applications/websites/website/publish/translate/translate-menu.png differ
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index 000000000..9cdb10b92
Binary files /dev/null and b/content/applications/websites/website/publish/translate/translate-pop-up.png differ