[I18N] Update translation terms from Transifex
This commit is contained in:
@ -1024,6 +1024,8 @@ msgid ""
"For more information about the upgrade process, check out the :ref:`Odoo "
"Online upgrade documentation <upgrade-request-test>`."
msgstr ""
"Weitere Informationen über den Upgrade-Prozess finden Sie in der :doc:`Odoo-"
"Online-Upgrade-Dokumentation <upgrade-request-test>`."
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_online.rst:54
msgid "Duplicate"
@ -1266,6 +1268,16 @@ msgid ""
"file. To have a concrete example, check out the `requirements.txt file of "
"Odoo <https://github.com/odoo/odoo/blob/18.0/requirements.txt>`_."
msgstr ""
"Wenn Ihr Projekt zusätzliche Python-Abhängigkeiten oder neuere Versionen "
"erfordert, können Sie eine Datei :file:`requirements.txt` im "
"Stammverzeichnis Ihrer Zweige definieren, die diese auflistet. Die Plattform"
" wird dafür sorgen, dass diese Abhängigkeiten in Ihren Containern "
"installiert werden. Die Dokumentation `pip requirements specifiers "
"specifiers>`_ kann Ihnen beim Schreiben einer :file:`requirements.txt`-Datei"
" helfen. Um ein konkretes Beispiel zu haben, sehen Sie sich die Datei "
"`requirements.txt von Odoo "
"<https://github.com/odoo/odoo/blob/18.0/requirements.txt>`_ an."
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_sh/advanced/containers.rst:22
msgid ""
@ -1657,7 +1669,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_sh/advanced/frequent_technical_questions.rst:36
msgid "How can I automate tasks when an IP address change occurs?"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Wie kann ich Aufgaben automatisieren, wenn eine IP-Adresse ändert?"
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_sh/advanced/frequent_technical_questions.rst:38
msgid ""
@ -1667,6 +1679,11 @@ msgid ""
"address included as a query string parameter (`new`), along with the "
"previous IP address as an additional parameter (`old`)."
msgstr ""
"**Odoo.sh benachrichtigt Projektadministratoren über Änderungen der IP-"
"Adresse.** Wenn sich die IP-Adresse einer Produktionsinstanz ändert, wird "
"außerdem eine HTTP-GET-Anfrage an den Pfad `/_odoo.sh/ip-change` gesendet, "
"wobei die neue IP-Adresse als Abfragezeichenfolgenparameter (`new`) und die "
"vorherige IP-Adresse als zusätzlicher Parameter (`old`) enthalten ist."
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_sh/advanced/frequent_technical_questions.rst:43
msgid ""
@ -1674,6 +1691,10 @@ msgid ""
"address change (e.g., sending an email, contacting a firewall API, "
"configuring database objects, etc.)"
msgstr ""
"Dieser Mechanismus ermöglicht die Anwendung benutzerdefinierter Aktionen als"
" Reaktion auf die Änderung der IP-Adresse (z. B. Senden einer E-Mail, "
"Kontaktaufnahme mit einer Firewall-API, Konfiguration von Datenbankobjekten "
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_sh/advanced/frequent_technical_questions.rst:46
msgid ""
@ -1681,10 +1702,13 @@ msgid ""
"internally by the platform itself and returns a `403` response if accessed "
"through any other means."
msgstr ""
"Aus Sicherheitsgründen ist die Route `/_odoo.sh/ip-change` nur intern über "
"die Plattform selbst zugänglich und gibt eine `403`-Antwort zurück, wenn auf"
" sie über andere Mittel zugegriffen wird."
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_sh/advanced/frequent_technical_questions.rst:49
msgid "Here is a pseudo-implementation example:"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Hier ist ein Beispiel für eine Pseudo-Implementierung:"
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_sh/advanced/submodules.rst:6
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_sh/getting_started/settings.rst:249
@ -2944,6 +2968,12 @@ msgid ""
"explained in the documentation about :ref:`SPF <email-domain-spf>` and "
":ref:`DKIM <email-domain-dkim>`."
msgstr ""
"Falls die Domain Ihrer Benutzer-E-Mail-Adressen SPF (Sender Policy "
"Framework) oder DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail) verwendet, vergessen Sie "
"nicht, Odoo in Ihren Domaineinstellungen als sendenden Host zu autorisieren,"
" um die Zustellbarkeit Ihrer ausgehenden E-Mails zu erhöhen. Die "
"Konfigurationsschritte werden in der Dokumentation zu :ref:`SPF <email-"
"domain-spf>` und :ref:`DKIM <email-domain-dkim>` erläutert."
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_sh/getting_started/branches.rst:410
msgid ""
@ -5047,11 +5077,12 @@ msgstr "Verwalten Sie die Github-Benutzer, die Zugriff auf Ihr Projekt haben."
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_sh/getting_started/settings.rst:36
msgid "There are three levels of users:"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Es gibt drei Benutzerstufen:"
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_sh/getting_started/settings.rst:38
msgid ":guilabel:`Admin`: has access to all features of an Odoo.sh project."
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`Admin`: hat Zugriff auf alle Funktionen eines Odoo.sh-Projekts."
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_sh/getting_started/settings.rst:40
msgid ""
@ -5060,6 +5091,11 @@ msgid ""
"Testers can work with copies of production data but cannot access the "
"production database through the Odoo.sh tooling."
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`Tester`: hat Zugriff auf die *Staging*- und "
"*Entwicklungs*-Datenbanken und deren Tools. Diese Rolle ist für Benutzer "
"vorgesehen, die Benutzerakzeptanztests durchführen. Tester können mit Kopien"
" von Produktionsdaten arbeiten, haben jedoch keinen Zugriff auf die "
"Produktionsdatenbank über die Odoo.sh-Tools."
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_sh/getting_started/settings.rst:44
msgid ""
@ -5068,6 +5104,10 @@ msgid ""
"but are not allowed to access production and staging databases through the "
"Odoo.sh tooling."
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`Entwickler`: hat Zugriff auf die *Entwicklungs*-Datenbanken und "
"deren Tools. Diese Rolle ist für Entwickler vorgesehen, die Code-Änderungen "
"vorschlagen. Sie haben jedoch keinen Zugriff auf die Produktions- und "
"Entwicklungsdatenbanken über die Odoo.sh-Tools."
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_sh/getting_started/settings.rst:54
msgid "Developer"
@ -5172,6 +5212,13 @@ msgid ""
"rule>`_ for detailed guidance."
msgstr ""
"Diese Rollen gelten nur für die Verwendung von Odoo.sh. Es ist wichtig, die "
"Zuweisung der Benutzerrollen im Repository auf GitHub widerzuspiegeln. Bitte"
" lesen Sie den Abschnitt `Managing a branch protection rule "
"rule>`_ (Verwaltung einer Schutzregel für Zweige) in der GitHub-"
"Dokumentation, um detaillierte Anweisungen zu erhalten."
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_sh/getting_started/settings.rst:207
msgid "Public Access"
@ -5186,6 +5233,9 @@ msgid ""
"If activated, this option exposes the Builds page publicly, allowing "
"visitors to view logs of development builds."
msgstr ""
"Wenn diese Option aktiviert ist, wird die Builds-Seite öffentlich zugänglich"
" gemacht, sodass Besucher die Protokolle von Entwicklungsbuilds einsehen "
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_sh/getting_started/settings.rst:216
msgid ""
@ -5197,7 +5247,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_sh/getting_started/settings.rst:221
msgid "GitHub commit statuses"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Status eines GitHub-Commits"
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_sh/getting_started/settings.rst:223
msgid ""
@ -5209,6 +5259,13 @@ msgid ""
"secure/managing-your-personal-access-tokens>`_ for instructions to create "
msgstr ""
"Mit dieser Option kann Odoo.sh den Commit-Status an Ihr GitHub-Repository "
"übertragen, wenn ein Build erstellt oder aktualisiert wird. Dazu ist ein "
"GitHub-Token mit Berechtigungen zum Übertragen des Commit-Status an das "
"Repository erforderlich. Anweisungen zum Erstellen Ihres Tokens finden Sie "
"in der `GitHub-Dokumentation zu persönlichen Zugriffstoken "
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_sh/getting_started/settings.rst:229
msgid ""
@ -5216,28 +5273,35 @@ msgid ""
"be disabled if they fail to update the commit status. You can replace the "
"token at any time on Odoo.sh."
msgstr ""
"Die **feingranularen persönlichen Token** von GitHub haben ein Ablaufdatum "
"und werden deaktiviert, wenn sie den Commit-Status nicht aktualisieren. Sie "
"können das Token jederzeit auf Odoo.sh ersetzen."
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_sh/getting_started/settings.rst:232
msgid "The commit statuses pushed to GitHub can have the following contexts:"
msgstr ""
"Die an GitHub übertragenen Commit-Status können folgende Kontexte haben:"
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_sh/getting_started/settings.rst:234
msgid ":guilabel:`ci/odoo.sh (dev)`: status of a development build"
msgstr ""
msgstr ":guilabel:`ci/odoo.sh (dev)`: Status eines Entwicklungsbuilds"
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_sh/getting_started/settings.rst:235
msgid ":guilabel:`ci/odoo.sh (staging)`: status of a staging build"
msgstr ""
msgstr ":guilabel:`ci/odoo.sh (staging)`: Status eines Staging-Builds"
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_sh/getting_started/settings.rst:236
msgid ":guilabel:`ci/odoo.sh (production)`: status of a production build"
msgstr ""
msgstr ":guilabel:`ci/odoo.sh (production)`: Status eines Produktionsbuilds"
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_sh/getting_started/settings.rst:237
msgid ""
":guilabel:`ci/odoo.sh (test_ci)`: testing the token from the Settings page "
"will push a test status on the last commit of your repository"
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`ci/odoo.sh (test_ci)`: Wenn Sie das Token auf der "
"Einstellungsseite testen, wird ein Teststatus auf den letzten Commit Ihres "
"Repositorys übertragen."
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_sh/getting_started/settings.rst:241
msgid "Custom domains"
@ -5608,11 +5672,12 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/administration/on_premise.rst:64
msgid "Odoo 18.0 and above: `services.odoo.com` on port `443` (or `80`)"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Odoo 18.0 und höher: `services.odoo.com` auf Port `443` (oder `80`)"
#: ../../content/administration/on_premise.rst:65
msgid "Odoo 17.0 and below: `services.openerp.com` on port `443` (or `80`)"
msgstr ""
"Odoo 17.0 und tiefer: `services.openerp.com` auf Port `443` (oder `80`)"
#: ../../content/administration/on_premise.rst:67
msgid ""
@ -7726,6 +7791,8 @@ msgid ""
"If you do not have access/manage your email server, use :ref:`incoming mail "
"servers <email-inbound-custom-domain-incoming-server>`."
msgstr ""
"Wenn Sie keinen Zugriff auf Ihren E-Mail-Server haben/verwalten, verwenden "
"Sie :ref:`Posteingangsserver <email-inbound-custom-domain-incoming-server>`."
#: ../../content/administration/on_premise/geo_ip.rst:3
msgid "Geo IP"
@ -8000,6 +8067,9 @@ msgid ""
"<https://www.debian.org/releases/buster/>`_ and `Ubuntu 18.04 "
"<https://releases.ubuntu.com/18.04>`_ or above."
msgstr ""
"Das „deb“-Paket von Odoo 18 unterstützt derzeit `Debian Buster "
"<https://www.debian.org/releases/buster/>`_ und `Ubuntu 18.04 "
"<https://releases.ubuntu.com/18.04>`_ oder höher."
#: ../../content/administration/on_premise/packages.rst:107
msgid ""
@ -8034,7 +8104,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/administration/on_premise/packages.rst:135
msgid "Odoo 18 'rpm' package supports Fedora 36."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Das „rpm“-Paket von Odoo 18 unterstützt Fedora 36."
#: ../../content/administration/on_premise/packages.rst:137
msgid ""
@ -8449,6 +8519,9 @@ msgid ""
"<https://github.com/odoo/odoo/blob/18.0/debian/control>`_ file and install "
"the found packages."
msgstr ""
"Das Skript `setup/debinstall.sh` analysiert die Datei `debian/control "
"<https://github.com/odoo/odoo/blob/18.0/debian/control>`_ und installiert "
"die gefundenen Pakete."
#: ../../content/administration/on_premise/source.rst:290
msgid "Install with pip"
@ -9151,20 +9224,20 @@ msgstr "Support-Ende"
#: ../../content/administration/supported_versions.rst:34
msgid "**Odoo 18.0**"
msgstr ""
msgstr "**Odoo 18.0**"
#: ../../content/administration/supported_versions.rst:38
#: ../../content/administration/supported_versions.rst:69
msgid "October 2024"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Oktober 2024"
#: ../../content/administration/supported_versions.rst:39
msgid "October 2027 (planned)"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Oktober 2027 (geplant)"
#: ../../content/administration/supported_versions.rst:40
msgid "Odoo SaaS 17.4"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Odoo SaaS 17.4"
#: ../../content/administration/supported_versions.rst:42
#: ../../content/administration/supported_versions.rst:43
@ -9175,11 +9248,11 @@ msgstr "KEINE ANGABE"
#: ../../content/administration/supported_versions.rst:44
msgid "July 2024"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Juli 2024"
#: ../../content/administration/supported_versions.rst:46
msgid "Odoo SaaS 17.2"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Odoo SaaS 17.2"
#: ../../content/administration/supported_versions.rst:50
msgid "April 2024"
@ -9244,11 +9317,11 @@ msgstr "Ältere Versionen"
#: ../../content/administration/supported_versions.rst:80
msgid "Before 2020"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Vor 2020"
#: ../../content/administration/supported_versions.rst:81
msgid "Before 2023"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Nach 2023"
#: ../../content/administration/supported_versions.rst:83
msgid "Legend"
@ -9282,18 +9355,28 @@ msgid ""
"patches. Using a :doc:`supported version <supported_versions>` is strongly "
"recommended. Each major version is supported for three years."
msgstr ""
"Bei einem Upgrade wird eine Datenbank von einer älteren Version auf eine "
"neuere unterstützte Version (z. B. von Odoo 15.0 auf Odoo 17.0) umgestellt. "
"Regelmäßige Upgrades sind unerlässlich, da jede Version neue Funktionen, "
"Fehlerbehebungen und Sicherheitspatches bietet. Die Verwendung einer "
":doc:`unterstützten Version <supported_versions>` wird dringend empfohlen. "
"Jede Hauptversion wird drei Jahre lang unterstützt."
#: ../../content/administration/upgrade.rst:10
msgid ""
"Depending on the hosting type and Odoo version used, a database upgrade can "
"be **mandatory**."
msgstr ""
"Je nach Hosting-Typ und verwendeter Odoo-Version kann ein Datenbank-Upgrade "
"**erforderlich** sein."
#: ../../content/administration/upgrade.rst:16
msgid ""
"If a database is on a **major version** (e.g., 15.0, 16.0, 17.0), an upgrade"
" is mandatory every two years."
msgstr ""
"Wenn eine Datenbank eine **Hauptversion** (z. B. 15.0, 16.0, 17.0) hat, ist "
"alle zwei Jahre ein Upgrade erforderlich."
#: ../../content/administration/upgrade.rst:18
msgid ""
@ -9301,16 +9384,23 @@ msgid ""
" is mandatory a few weeks after the next version is released. Minor versions"
" are usually released every three months."
msgstr ""
"Wenn eine Datenbank eine **Unterversion** (z. B. 17.1, 17.2, 17.4) aufweist,"
" ist ein Upgrade einige Wochen nach der Veröffentlichung der nächsten "
"Version obligatorisch. Unterversionen werden in der Regel alle drei Monate "
#: ../../content/administration/upgrade.rst:24
msgid ""
"After the initial three years of support, you will have another two years to"
" complete the upgrade. You will be notified when an upgrade is required."
msgstr ""
"Nach den ersten drei Jahren der Unterstützung haben Sie weitere zwei Jahre "
"Zeit, um das Upgrade abzuschließen. Sie werden benachrichtigt, wenn ein "
"Upgrade erforderlich ist."
#: ../../content/administration/upgrade.rst:0
msgid "The \"unsupported version\" popup on Odoo.sh."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Das Pop-up-Fenster „Nicht unterstützte Version“ auf Odoo.sh."
#: ../../content/administration/upgrade.rst:32
msgid ""
@ -9318,6 +9408,9 @@ msgid ""
"recommended. Note that the smaller the version gap, the easier the upgrade "
"should be."
msgstr ""
"Sie können auf unbestimmte Zeit bei derselben Version bleiben, auch wenn "
"dies nicht empfohlen wird. Beachten Sie, dass das Upgrade umso einfacher "
"sein sollte, je kleiner der Versionsunterschied ist."
#: ../../content/administration/upgrade.rst:37
msgid ""
@ -9325,6 +9418,9 @@ msgid ""
"mandatory upgrade will be automatically carried out. You are in control of "
"the process as long as the deadline is not reached."
msgstr ""
"Einige Wochen vor der automatischen Durchführung eines obligatorischen "
"Upgrades erhalten Sie eine Benachrichtigung in Ihrer Datenbank. Solange die "
"Frist nicht erreicht ist, haben Sie die Kontrolle über den Prozess."
#: ../../content/administration/upgrade.rst:0
msgid "The upgrade message prompt on the top right of the database"
@ -9338,6 +9434,11 @@ msgid ""
"the test fails, you can test an upgrade using the `database manager "
msgstr ""
"Konkret führt das Upgrade-Team von Odoo ein stilles Test-Upgrade jeder "
"Datenbank durch, die aktualisiert werden sollte. Wenn der Test erfolgreich "
"ist und weniger als 20 Minuten dauert, können Sie das Upgrade direkt von der"
" Datenbank aus auslösen. Wenn der Test fehlschlägt, können Sie ein Upgrade "
"mit dem `Datenbankmanager <https://www.odoo.com/my/databases>`_ testen."
#: ../../content/administration/upgrade.rst:49
msgid ""
@ -9345,12 +9446,17 @@ msgid ""
" an upgraded test database <upgrade-request-test>` first and spend time "
":ref:`testing <upgrade-testing>` it."
msgstr ""
"Wenn Sie zu einem Upgrade eingeladen werden, wird dringend empfohlen, "
"zunächst eine :ref:`aktualisierte Testdatenbank anzufragen <upgrade-request-"
"test>` und diese ausführlich zu:ref:`testen <upgrade-testing>`."
#: ../../content/administration/upgrade.rst:52
msgid ""
"An automatic upgrade to the next version will be triggered if no action is "
"taken before the specified due date."
msgstr ""
"Wenn vor dem angegebenen Fälligkeitsdatum keine Aktion durchgeführt wird, "
"wird automatisch ein Upgrade auf die nächste Version durchgeführt."
#: ../../content/administration/upgrade.rst:55
msgid "An upgrade does not cover:"
@ -9389,6 +9495,14 @@ msgid ""
"request-test>` while also :doc:`upgrading the source code of your custom "
"modules </developer/howtos/upgrade_custom_db>`."
msgstr ""
"Wenn Ihre Datenbank benutzerdefinierte Module enthält, kann sie erst dann "
"aktualisiert werden, wenn eine Version Ihrer benutzerdefinierten Module für "
"die Zielversion von Odoo verfügbar ist. Für Kunden, die ihre eigenen "
"benutzerdefinierten Module pflegen, empfehlen wir, den Prozess zu "
"parallelisieren, indem Sie :ref:`eine aktualisierte Datenbank anfordern "
"<upgrade-request-test>` und gleichzeitig den :doc:`Quellcode Ihrer "
"benutzerdefinierten Module aktualisieren "
#: ../../content/administration/upgrade.rst:73
msgid "Upgrading in a nutshell"
@ -9399,6 +9513,8 @@ msgid ""
"Request an upgraded test database (see :ref:`obtaining an upgraded test "
"database <upgrade-request-test>`)."
msgstr ""
"Fordern Sie eine aktualisierte Testdatenbank an (siehe :ref:`Eine "
"aktualisierte Testdatenbank erhalten <upgrade-request-test>`)."
#: ../../content/administration/upgrade.rst:77
msgid ""
@ -9415,6 +9531,8 @@ msgid ""
"Thoroughly test the upgraded database (see :ref:`testing the new version of "
"the database <upgrade-testing>`)."
msgstr ""
"Testen Sie die aktualisierte Datenbank gründlich (siehe :ref:`Die neue "
"Version der Datenbank testen <upgrade-testing>`)."
#: ../../content/administration/upgrade.rst:81
msgid ""
@ -9422,6 +9540,10 @@ msgid ""
"`Support page and selecting \"An issue related to my future upgrade (I am "
"testing an upgrade)\" <https://www.odoo.com/help?stage=migration>`_."
msgstr ""
"Melden Sie Odoo jedes Problem, das während des Tests auftritt, indem Sie auf"
" der `Supportseite „Ein Problem im Zusammenhang mit meinem zukünftigen "
"Upgrade (Ich teste gerade ein Upgrade)“ "
"<https://www.odoo.com/help?stage=migration>`_ auswählen."
#: ../../content/administration/upgrade.rst:84
msgid ""
@ -9439,6 +9561,10 @@ msgid ""
"for the time it takes to complete the process (see :ref:`upgrading the "
"production database <upgrade-production>`)."
msgstr ""
"Fordern Sie das Upgrade für die Produktionsdatenbank an und machen Sie sie "
"für die Zeit, die für den Abschluss des Prozesses benötigt wird, nicht "
"verfügbar (siehe :ref:`Upgrade der Produktionsdatenbank <upgrade-"
#: ../../content/administration/upgrade.rst:88
msgid ""
@ -9446,6 +9572,9 @@ msgid ""
"`Support page and selecting \"An issue related to my upgrade (production)\" "
msgstr ""
"Melden Sie Odoo jedes Problem, das während des Upgrades auftritt, indem auf "
"der `Supportseite „Ein Problem im Zusammenhang mit meinem Upgrade "
"(Produktion)“ <https://www.odoo.com/help?stage=migration>`_ auswählen."
#: ../../content/administration/upgrade.rst:95
msgid "Obtaining an upgraded test database"
@ -9459,6 +9588,11 @@ msgid ""
"manager <https://www.odoo.com/my/databases>`_, or your `Odoo.sh project "
msgstr ""
"Die `Upgrade-Seite <https://upgrade.odoo.com>`_ ist die wichtigste "
"Plattform, um eine aktualisierte Datenbank anzufordern. Je nach Hostingtyp "
"können Sie das Upgrade jedoch auch über die Befehlszeile (On-Premise), den "
"`Odoo-Online-Datenbankmanager <https://www.odoo.com/my/databases>`_ oder Ihr"
" `Odoo.sh Projekt <https://www.odoo.sh/project>`_ durchführen."
#: ../../content/administration/upgrade.rst:103
msgid ""
@ -9478,6 +9612,8 @@ msgid ""
"Odoo Online databases can be manually upgraded via the `database manager "
msgstr ""
"Odoo-Online-Datenbanken können manuell über den `Datenbankmanager "
"<https://www.odoo.com/my/databases>`_ aktualisiert werden."
#: ../../content/administration/upgrade.rst:114
msgid ""
@ -9570,6 +9706,8 @@ msgid ""
"The **latest production daily automatic backup** is then sent to the Upgrade"
" platform."
msgstr ""
"Das **aktuellste tägliche automatische Produktions-Back-up** wird an die "
"Upgrade-Plattform gesendet."
#: ../../content/administration/upgrade.rst:148
msgid ""
@ -9625,6 +9763,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/administration/upgrade.rst:173
msgid "This command has some requirements on the environment it runs in:"
msgstr ""
"Dieser Befehl stellt einige Anforderungen an die Umgebung, in der er "
"ausgeführt wird:"
#: ../../content/administration/upgrade.rst:175
msgid ""
@ -9632,6 +9772,9 @@ msgid ""
"normally found in any Linux distribution (including WSL). An error will be "
"displayed if one or several of them are missing."
msgstr ""
"Einige externe Befehle, die vom Betriebssystem bereitgestellt werden müssen,"
" sind normalerweise in jeder Linux-Distribution (einschließlich WSL) "
"enthalten. Wenn einer oder mehrere davon fehlen, wird ein Fehler angezeigt."
#: ../../content/administration/upgrade.rst:178
msgid ""
@ -9642,6 +9785,12 @@ msgid ""
"<https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/libpq-pgpass.html>`_ for this "
msgstr ""
"Der Systembenutzer, der den Befehl ausführt, muss mit Zugriff auf die "
"Datenbank konfiguriert werden. Weitere Informationen zu dieser Anforderung "
"finden Sie in der PostgreSQL-Dokumentation der `Client-Umgebung "
"<https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/libpq-envars.html>`_ oder der "
"`Client-Kennwortdatei <https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/libpq-"
#: ../../content/administration/upgrade.rst:182
msgid ""
@ -9650,6 +9799,11 @@ msgid ""
"between 32768 and 60999. This can be in conflict with your restrictive "
"firewall and may need an exception added to the firewall configuration."
msgstr ""
"Das Skript muss in der Lage sein, einen oder mehrere Server der Upgrade-"
"Plattform sowohl über den TCP-Port 443 als auch über einen beliebigen TCP-"
"Port im Bereich zwischen 32768 und 60999 zu erreichen. Dies kann zu "
"Konflikten mit Ihrer restriktiven Firewall führen und erfordert "
"möglicherweise das Hinzufügen einer Ausnahme zur Firewall-Konfiguration."
#: ../../content/administration/upgrade.rst:187
msgid ""
@ -9664,6 +9818,8 @@ msgid ""
"An upgraded test database can also be requested via the `Upgrade page "
msgstr ""
"Eine aktualisierte Testdatenbank kann auch über die `Upgrade-Seite "
"<https://upgrade.odoo.com>`_ angefordert werden."
#: ../../content/administration/upgrade.rst:197
msgid ""
@ -9761,6 +9917,10 @@ msgid ""
"not stuck in your day-to-day activities by a change in views, behavior, or "
"an error message once the upgrade goes live."
msgstr ""
"Es ist essenziell, etwas die geupgradete Testdatenbank zu testen, um "
"sicherzustellen, dass Sie nicht bei alltäglichen Aktivitäten durch eine "
"Änderungen in Ansichten, Verhalten oder einer Fehlermeldung gehemmt werden, "
"wenn das Upgrade live ist."
#: ../../content/administration/upgrade.rst:236
msgid ""
@ -9964,6 +10124,12 @@ msgid ""
"to report any problem encountered during the testing to fix it before "
"upgrading your production database."
msgstr ""
"Wenn während des Tests der geupgradeten Datenbank ein Problem auftritt, "
"können Sie Odoo um Hilfe bitten, indem Sie auf der `Supportseite „Ein "
"Problem im Zusammenhang mit meinem zukünftigen Upgrade (Ich teste gerade ein"
" Upgrade)“ <https://www.odoo.com/help?stage=migration>`_. In jedem Fall ist "
"es wichtig, dass Sie jedes Problem, das während des Tests auftritt, melden, "
"um es zu beheben, bevor Sie Ihre Produktionsdatenbank aktualisieren."
#: ../../content/administration/upgrade.rst:293
msgid ""
@ -10024,6 +10190,9 @@ msgid ""
"that the upgraded database can be used as your main database without any "
"issues, it is time to plan the go-live day."
msgstr ""
"Sobald die :ref:`Tests <upgrade-testing>` abgeschlossen sind und Sie sicher "
"sind, dass die aktualisierte Datenbank ohne Probleme als Hauptdatenbank "
"verwendet werden kann, planen Sie die Inbetriebnahme Ihrer Datenbank."
#: ../../content/administration/upgrade.rst:317
msgid ""
@ -10083,6 +10252,8 @@ msgid ""
"The process of upgrading a production database is similar to upgrading a "
"test database, but with a few exceptions."
msgstr ""
"Der Upgrade-Prozess einer Produktionsdatenbank ist ähnlich wie der Upgrade-"
"Prozess einer Testdatenbank, aber mit einigen Ausnahmen."
#: ../../content/administration/upgrade.rst:339
msgid ""
@ -10090,6 +10261,9 @@ msgid ""
"<upgrade-request-test>`, except for the purpose option, which must be set to"
" :guilabel:`Production` instead of :guilabel:`Test`."
msgstr ""
"Der Prozess ist ähnlich wie beim :ref:`Erhalt einer geupgradeten "
"Testdatenbank <upgrade-request-test>`, mit Ausnahme der „Zweck“-Option, die "
"auf :guilabel:`Produktion` statt :guilabel:`Test` gesetzt werden muss."
#: ../../content/administration/upgrade.rst:344
msgid ""
@ -10106,6 +10280,8 @@ msgid ""
"The process is similar to :ref:`obtaining an upgraded test database "
"<upgrade-request-test>` on the :guilabel:`Production` branch."
msgstr ""
"Der Prozess ist ähnlich wie beim :ref:`Erhalt einer geupgradeten "
"Testdatenbank <upgrade-request-test>` auf dem :guilabel:`Produktionszweig`."
#: ../../content/administration/upgrade.rst:0
msgid "View from the upgrade tab"
@ -10166,6 +10342,8 @@ msgid ""
"An upgraded production database can also be requested via the `Upgrade page "
msgstr ""
"Eine aktualisierte Produktionsdatenbank kann auch über die `Upgrade-Seite "
"<https://upgrade.odoo.com>`_ angefordert werden."
#: ../../content/administration/upgrade.rst:383
msgid ""
@ -10173,6 +10351,10 @@ msgid ""
"will **not** be present on your upgraded database. This is why we recommend "
"not using it during the upgrade process."
msgstr ""
"Sobald die Datenbank hochgeladen ist, werden alle Änderungen an Ihrer "
"Produktionsdatenbank **nicht** in Ihrer geugradeten Datenbank übernommen. "
"Deshalb empfehlen wir, die Datenbank während des Upgrades nicht zu "
#: ../../content/administration/upgrade.rst:388
msgid ""
@ -10193,6 +10375,10 @@ msgid ""
"related to my future upgrade (I am testing an upgrade)\" "
msgstr ""
"Bei Problemen mit Ihrer Produktionsdatenbank können Sie Odoo um Hilfe "
"bitten, indem Sie auf die `Supportseite „Ein Problem im Zusammenhang mit "
"meinem zukünftigen Upgrade (Ich teste gerade ein Upgrade)“ "
"<https://www.odoo.com/help?stage=migration>`_ auswählen."
#: ../../content/administration/upgrade.rst:399
msgid "Service-level agreement (SLA)"
@ -931,6 +931,10 @@ msgid ""
"company does business with through Odoo. A contact is a repository of vital "
"business information, facilitating communication and business transactions."
msgstr ""
"In der *Kontakte*-App von Odoo werden Kontakte für Kunden erstellt, mit "
"denen das Unternehmen über Odoo Geschäfte macht. Ein Kontakt ist ein "
"Datensatz für wichtige Geschäftsinformationen, die die Kommunikation und "
"geschäftliche Transaktionen erleichtern."
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/contacts.rst:12
msgid "Contact form"
@ -1481,6 +1485,8 @@ msgid ""
"Follow the :doc:`Members documentation <../sales/members>` for more "
"information on publishing members on the website."
msgstr ""
"Folgen Sie der :doc:`Dokumentation zu Mitgliedern <../sales/members>` für "
"weitere Informationen zur Veröffentlichung von Mitgliedern auf der Website."
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/contacts.rst:209
msgid "Smart buttons"
@ -1628,7 +1634,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/contacts/merge.rst:3
msgid "Merge contacts"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Kontakte zusammenführen"
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/contacts/merge.rst:5
msgid ""
@ -1637,16 +1643,23 @@ msgid ""
"organized, and prevents contacts from being contacted by more than one "
msgstr ""
"Mit der Odoo-App *Kontakte* können Benutzer doppelte Kontakte "
"zusammenführen, ohne dass dabei Informationen verloren gehen. Dadurch bleibt"
" die Datenbank organisiert und es wird verhindert, dass Kontakte von mehr "
"als einem Vertriebsmitarbeiter kontaktiert werden."
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/contacts/merge.rst:12
msgid "Merge duplicate contacts"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Doppelte Kontakte zusammenführen"
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/contacts/merge.rst:15
msgid ""
"Merging is an irreversible action. Do **not** merge contacts unless "
"absolutely certain they should be combined."
msgstr ""
"Das Zusammenführen ist eine unumkehrbare Aktion. Führen Sie Kontakte "
"**nicht** zusammen, wenn Sie nicht absolut sicher sind, dass sie "
"zusammengeführt werden sollten."
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/contacts/merge.rst:18
msgid ""
@ -1656,10 +1669,16 @@ msgid ""
" should be merged. Then, click the :icon:`fa-cog` :guilabel:`Actions` icon, "
"and select :guilabel:`Merge` from the resulting drop-down menu."
msgstr ""
"Navigieren Sie zur :menuselection:`Kontakte-App` und wählen Sie das Symbol "
":icon:`oi-view-list` :guilabel:`(Liste)` aus. Wählen Sie zwei oder mehr "
"doppelte Kontakte aus der Liste aus und kreuzen Sie das Kontrollkästchen "
"(ganz links) für Kontakte an, die zusammengeführt werden sollen. Klicken Sie"
" dann auf das Symbol :icon:`fa-cog` :guilabel:`Aktionen` und wählen Sie "
":guilabel:`Zusammenführen` aus dem Dropdown-Menü aus."
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/contacts/merge.rst-1
msgid "The merge contacts option in the Contacts application."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Die Option „Kontakte zusammenführen“ in der Kontakte-App."
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/contacts/merge.rst:27
msgid ""
@ -1668,16 +1687,23 @@ msgid ""
"contacts in the list should **not** be merged, click the :icon:`fa-times` "
":guilabel:`(delete)` icon at the far right of the contact."
msgstr ""
"Daraufhin wird das Pop-up-Fenster :guilabel:`Zusammenführen` geöffnet. "
"Überprüfen Sie hier die Details der Kontakte, bevor Sie bestätigen, dass sie"
" zusammengeführt werden sollen. Wenn Kontakte in der Liste **nicht** "
"zusammengeführt werden sollen, klicken Sie auf das Symbol :icon:`fa-times` "
":guilabel:`(Löschen)` ganz rechts neben dem Kontakt."
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/contacts/merge.rst:32
msgid ""
"Click the individual contact to open the record for that contact, and view "
"additional information."
msgstr ""
"Klicken Sie auf den einzelnen Kontakt, um den Datensatz zu öffnen und "
"weitere Informationen anzuzeigen."
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/contacts/merge.rst-1
msgid "The merge pop-up window in the Contacts application."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Das Pop-up-Fenster „Zusammenführen“ in der Kontakte-App."
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/contacts/merge.rst:39
msgid ""
@ -1685,16 +1711,21 @@ msgid ""
"the drop-down list. This field defaults to the contact record that was "
"created first in the system."
msgstr ""
"Klicken Sie auf das Feld :guilabel:`Zielkontakt` und wählen Sie eine Option "
"aus der Dropdown-Liste aus. Dieses Feld ist standardmäßig mit dem "
"Kontaktdatensatz vorbelegt, der zuerst im System erstellt wurde."
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/contacts/merge.rst:42
msgid ""
"After confirming the information on the pop-up window, click "
":guilabel:`Merge Contacts`."
msgstr ""
"Klicken Sie nach der Bestätigung der Informationen im Pop-up-Fenster "
"bestätigt auf :guilabel:`Kontakte zusammenführen`."
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/contacts/merge.rst:45
msgid "Deduplicate contacts"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Kontakte deduplizieren"
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/contacts/merge.rst:47
msgid ""
@ -1704,18 +1735,29 @@ msgid ""
"on selected criteria, and merges them automatically, or after manual "
msgstr ""
"Nach Abschluss der Zusammenführung wird ein Pop-up-Fenster angezeigt, das "
"den Abschluss bestätigt. Dieses Pop-up-Fenster enthält auch eine "
"Schaltfläche :guilabel:`Die anderen Kontakten deduplizieren`. Diese Funktion"
" sucht anhand ausgewählter Kriterien nach doppelten Datensätzen und führt "
"diese automatisch oder nach manueller Genehmigung zusammen."
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/contacts/merge.rst:52
msgid ""
"Click the :guilabel:`Deduplicate the other Contacts` button to open the "
":guilabel:`Deduplicate Contacts` pop-up window."
msgstr ""
"Klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche :guilabel:`Die anderen Kontakten "
"deduplizieren`, um das Pop-up-Fenster :guilabel:`Kontakte deduplizieren` zu "
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/contacts/merge.rst:55
msgid ""
"Select one or more fields to be used in the search for duplicated records. "
"Duplicated contacts can be searched, based on the following criteria:"
msgstr ""
"Wählen Sie ein oder mehrere Felder aus, die bei der Suche nach doppelten "
"Datensätzen verwendet werden sollen. Doppelte Kontakte können anhand der "
"folgenden Kriterien gesucht werden:"
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/contacts/merge.rst:58
msgid ":guilabel:`Email`"
@ -1727,21 +1769,23 @@ msgstr ":guilabel:`Name`"
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/contacts/merge.rst:60
msgid ":guilabel:`Is Company`"
msgstr ""
msgstr ":guilabel:`Ist Unternehmen`"
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/contacts/merge.rst:61
msgid ":guilabel:`VAT`"
msgstr ""
msgstr ":guilabel:`USt-IdNr.`"
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/contacts/merge.rst:62
msgid ":guilabel:`Parent Company`"
msgstr ""
msgstr ":guilabel:`Muttergesellschaft`"
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/contacts/merge.rst:65
msgid ""
"If more than one field is selected, only records that have **all** fields in"
" common are suggested as duplicates."
msgstr ""
"Wenn mehr als ein Feld ausgewählt ist, werden nur Datensätze, die **alle** "
"Felder gemeinsam haben, als Duplikate vorgeschlagen."
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/contacts/merge.rst:68
msgid ""
@ -1749,14 +1793,17 @@ msgid ""
"from the search. Potential duplicates can be excluded from the search, based"
" on the following criteria:"
msgstr ""
"Wählen Sie bei Bedarf Kriterien aus, anhand derer potenzielle Duplikate von "
"der Suche ausgeschlossen werden sollen. Potenzielle Duplikate können anhand "
"der folgenden Kriterien von der Suche ausgeschlossen werden:"
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/contacts/merge.rst:71
msgid ":guilabel:`A user associated to the contact`"
msgstr ""
msgstr ":guilabel:`Ein mit dem Kontakt verbundener Benutzer`"
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/contacts/merge.rst:72
msgid ":guilabel:`Journal Items associated to the contact`"
msgstr ""
msgstr ":guilabel:`Buchungszeilen mit Bezug zu diesem Kontakt`"
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/contacts/merge.rst:74
msgid ""
@ -1764,12 +1811,18 @@ msgid ""
"Manual Check`, :guilabel:`Merge Automatically`, or :guilabel:`Merge "
"Automatically all process`."
msgstr ""
"Klicken Sie nach der Bestätigung der Suchkriterien bestätigt auf "
":guilabel:`Mit manueller Prüfung zusammenführen`, :guilabel:`Automatisch "
"zusammenführen` oder :guilabel:`Alle automatisch zusammenführen`."
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/contacts/merge.rst:77
msgid ""
"If :guilabel:`Merge with Manual Check` is selected, complete the merge by "
"following the :ref:`steps above <contacts/merge-duplicate>`."
msgstr ""
"Wenn :guilabel:`Mit manueller Prüfung zusammenführen` ausgewählt ist, "
"schließen Sie die Zusammenführung ab, indem Sie die :ref:`oben genannten "
"Schritte <contacts/merge-duplicate>` ausführen."
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/export_import_data.rst:3
msgid "Export and import data"
@ -1821,6 +1874,13 @@ msgid ""
"the checkbox next to the corresponding record. Finally, click on |actions|, "
"then :guilabel:`Export`."
msgstr ""
"Mit Odoo können die Werte aus jedem Feld in jedem Datensatz exportiert "
"werden. Aktivieren Sie dazu die Listenansicht (:guilabel:`≣ (vierhorizontale"
" Linien)` Symbol), auf die zu exportierenden Elemente und wählen Sie dann "
"die zu exportierenden Datensätze aus. Um einen Datensatz auszuwählen, "
"markieren Sie das Kontrollkästchen neben dem entsprechenden Datensatz. "
"Klicken Sie schließlich auf :guilabel:`⚙️ Aktion` und dann auf "
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/export_import_data.rst-1
msgid "View of the different things to enable/click to export data."
@ -1852,6 +1912,13 @@ msgid ""
"unticked, gives many more field options because it shows all the fields, not"
" just the ones that can be imported."
msgstr ""
"Wenn die Option :guilabel:`Ich will Daten aktualisieren (Import-kompatibler "
"Export)` aktiviert ist, zeigt das System nur die Felder an, die importiert "
"werden können. Dies ist hilfreich, wenn Sie :ref:`bestehende Datensätze "
"aktualisieren möchten <essentials/update-data>`. Das funktioniert dies wie "
"ein Filter. Wenn Sie das Kästchen nicht ankreuzen, stehen Ihnen mehr "
"Feldoptionen zur Verfügung, da alle Felder angezeigt werden, nicht nur die, "
"die importiert werden können."
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/export_import_data.rst:46
msgid ""
@ -1950,6 +2017,11 @@ msgid ""
"data>`. The following documentation covers how to import data into an Odoo "
msgstr ""
"Das Importieren von Daten in Odoo ist äußerst hilfreich bei der "
"Implementierung oder in Zeiten, in denen Daten :ref:`in großen Mengen "
"aktualisiert werden müssen <essentials/update-data>`. Die folgende "
"Dokumentation beschreibt, wie Sie Daten in eine Odoo-Datenbank importieren "
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/export_import_data.rst:81
msgid ""
@ -2183,6 +2255,8 @@ msgid ""
":ref:`Update imports <essentials/update-data>`: import the same file several"
" times without creating duplicates."
msgstr ""
":ref:`Importe aktualisieren <essentials/update-data>`: Importieren Sie "
"dieselbe Datei mehrmals, ohne Duplikate zu erzeugen."
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/export_import_data.rst:179
msgid ":ref:`Import relation fields <export_import_data/relation-fields>`."
@ -2215,6 +2289,8 @@ msgid ""
"It should be noted that conflicts occur if two (or more) records have the "
"same *External ID*."
msgstr ""
"Beachten Sie, dass es zu einem Konflikt kommt, wenn zwei oder mehr "
"Datensätze dieselbe *Externe ID* haben."
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/export_import_data.rst:191
msgid "Field missing to map column"
@ -2951,17 +3027,20 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/export_import_data.rst:489
msgid "Update data in Odoo"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Daten in Odoo aktualisieren"
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/export_import_data.rst:491
msgid ""
"Existing data can be updated in bulk through a data import, as long as the "
":ref:`External ID <essentials/external-id>` remains consistent."
msgstr ""
"Bestehende Daten können durch einen Datenimport in großen Mengen "
"aktualisiert werden, solange die :ref:`Externe ID <essentials/external-id>` "
"konsistent bleibt."
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/export_import_data.rst:495
msgid "Prepare data export"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Datenexport vorbereiten"
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/export_import_data.rst:497
msgid ""
@ -2970,6 +3049,12 @@ msgid ""
"list, tick the checkbox for any record to be updated. Then, click |actions|,"
" and select :icon:`fa-upload` :guilabel:`Export` from the drop-down menu."
msgstr ""
"Um Daten durch einen Import zu aktualisieren, navigieren Sie zunächst zu den"
" zu aktualisierenden Daten und wählen Sie die :guilabel:`Liste` aus, um die "
"Listenansicht zu aktivieren. Aktivieren Sie ganz links in der Liste das "
"Kontrollkästchen für jeden Datensatz, der aktualisiert werden soll. Klicken "
"Sie dann auf :guilabel:`Aktionen` und wählen Sie :guilabel:`Exportieren` aus"
" dem Dropdown-Menü aus."
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/export_import_data.rst:502
msgid ""
@ -2979,6 +3064,12 @@ msgid ""
"limits the :guilabel:`Fields to export` list to **only** include fields that"
" are able to be imported."
msgstr ""
"Aktivieren Sie im daraufhin angezeigten Pop-up-Fenster :guilabel:`Daten "
"exportieren` das Kontrollkästchen :guilabel:`Ich will Daten aktualisieren "
"(importkompatibler Export)`. Dadurch wird die *Externe ID* automatisch in "
"den Export einbezogen. Außerdem wird die Liste :guilabel:`Zu exportierende "
"Felder` so eingeschränkt, dass sie **nur** Felder enthält, die importiert "
"werden können."
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/export_import_data.rst:508
msgid ""
@ -2988,6 +3079,11 @@ msgid ""
"data (import-compatible export)` checkbox is ticked, it is included in the "
msgstr ""
"Das Feld :guilabel:`Externe ID` erscheint **nicht** in der Liste "
":guilabel:`Zu exportierende Felder`, es sei denn, es manuell hinzugefügt "
"wird, aber es ist weiterhin im Export enthalten. Wenn jedoch das "
"Kontrollkästchen :guilabel:`Ich will Daten aktualisieren (importkompatibler "
"Export)` aktiviert ist, wird es in den Export einbezogen."
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/export_import_data.rst:512
msgid ""
@ -2995,10 +3091,13 @@ msgid ""
":ref:`options <export-data>` on the pop-up window, then click "
msgstr ""
"Wählen Sie die erforderlichen Felder aus, die in den Export einbezogen "
"werden sollen, indem Sie auf dem Pop-up-Fenster :ref:`Optionen <export-"
"data>` verwenden und anschließend auf :guilabel:`Exportieren` klicken."
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/export_import_data.rst:516
msgid "Import updated data"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Aktualisierte Daten importieren"
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/export_import_data.rst:518
msgid ""
@ -3006,6 +3105,9 @@ msgid ""
"is ready, it can be :ref:`imported <import-data>` by following the same "
"process as a normal data import."
msgstr ""
"Nehmen Sie nach dem Export alle erforderlichen Änderungen an der Datendatei "
"vor. Wenn die Datei bereit ist, kann sie wie bei einem normalen Datenimport "
":ref:`importiert <import-data>` werden."
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/export_import_data.rst:522
msgid ""
@ -3014,6 +3116,11 @@ msgid ""
"altered, or removed, the system may add a duplicate record, instead of "
"updating the existing one."
msgstr ""
"Bei der Aktualisierung von Daten ist es äußerst wichtig, dass die *Externe "
"ID* konsistent bleibt, da das System einen Datensatz auf diese Weise "
"identifiziert. Wenn eine ID geändert oder entfernt wird, fügt das System "
"möglicherweise einen doppelten Datensatz hinzu, anstatt den vorhandenen zu "
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/in_app_purchase.rst:3
msgid "In-app purchases (IAP)"
@ -3265,7 +3372,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/in_app_purchase.rst:92
msgid ":doc:`SMS Marketing <../marketing/sms_marketing>`"
msgstr ""
msgstr ":doc:`SMS-Marketing <../marketing/sms_marketing>`"
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/in_app_purchase.rst:97
msgid "IAP credits"
@ -3336,6 +3443,8 @@ msgid ""
"For more information, refer to the :doc:`SMS Pricing and FAQ "
"<../marketing/sms_marketing/pricing_and_faq>` documentation."
msgstr ""
"Weitere Informationen finden Sie in der Dokumentation :doc:`SMS-"
"Preisgestaltung und FAQ <../marketing/sms_marketing/pricing_and_faq>`."
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/in_app_purchase.rst:127
msgid "Buy credits"
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -356,6 +356,10 @@ msgid ""
"accounts and company-specific email parameters. See this documentation on "
":doc:`../marketing/social_marketing` and :doc:`email_communication`."
msgstr ""
"Aktivieren Sie den :ref:`Entwicklermodus <developer-mode>`, um Social-Media-"
"Konten und unternehmensspezifische E-Mail-Parameter einzustellen. Sehen Sie "
"sich auch diese Dokumentation über :doc:`../marketing/social_marketing` und "
":doc:`email_communication` an."
#: ../../content/applications/general/companies.rst:71
msgid ""
@ -477,6 +481,10 @@ msgid ""
"documentation on :doc:`../marketing/social_marketing` and "
msgstr ""
"Aktivieren Sie den :ref:`Entwicklermodus <developer-mode>`, um Social-Media-"
"Konten und unternehmensspezifische E-Mail-Parameter einzustellen. Sehen Sie "
"sich auch diese Dokumentation über :doc:`../marketing/social_marketing` und "
":doc:`email_communication` an."
#: ../../content/applications/general/companies.rst:124
msgid ""
@ -501,6 +509,12 @@ msgid ""
"database into a multi-company setup, it will need to switch to the *Custom* "
"pricing plan. This does not affect databases on the *One-app free* plan."
msgstr ""
"Wenn die Datenbank dem *kostenpflichtigen* Standardtarif unterliegt, löst "
"das Hinzufügen einer Niederlassung zu einem Unternehmen einen Upsell aus. Da"
" durch das Hinzufügen einer oder mehrerer Niederlassungen die Datenbank zu "
"einer Einrichtung mit mehreren Unternehmen wird, muss sie auf den Custom-"
"Tarif umgestellt werden. Dies hat keine Auswirkungen auf Datenbanken, die "
"dem Tarif *Eine App gratis* unterliegen."
#: ../../content/applications/general/companies.rst:135
msgid ""
@ -793,6 +807,9 @@ msgid ""
"between the companies. See "
msgstr ""
"Produkte **müssen** als :guilabel:`Kann verkauft werden` konfiguriert werden"
" und zwischen den Unternehmen geteilt werden. Siehe "
#: ../../content/applications/general/companies.rst:243
msgid ""
@ -2322,6 +2339,10 @@ msgid ""
"`https://example.odoo.com/odoo?debug=1`). To deactivate it, use `?debug=0` "
msgstr ""
"Um den Entwicklermodus **von einer beliebigen Stelle in der Datenbank** aus "
"zu aktivieren, fügen Sie `?debug=1` am Ende der URL nach an (z. B. "
"`https://example.odoo.com/odoo?debug=1`). Um ihn zu deaktivieren, verwenden "
"Sie stattdessen `?debug=0`."
#: ../../content/applications/general/developer_mode.rst:36
msgid ""
@ -2401,7 +2422,7 @@ msgstr "Zugriff auf das technische Menü"
#: ../../content/applications/general/email_communication.rst:5
msgid "Communication in Odoo by email"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Kommunikation in Odoo via E-Mail"
#: ../../content/applications/general/email_communication.rst:7
msgid ""
@ -2409,6 +2430,9 @@ msgid ""
"orders, invoices, ... have a discussion thread called **chatter**, often "
"displayed on the right side of the record."
msgstr ""
"Die Kommunikation in Odoo in Bezug auf Datensätze wie CRM-Verkaufschancen, "
"Verkaufsaufträge, Rechnungen usw. hat einen Diskussionsthread namens "
"**Chatter**, der oft auf der rechten Seite des Datensatzes angezeigt wird."
#: ../../content/applications/general/email_communication.rst:10
msgid ""
@ -2416,6 +2440,10 @@ msgid ""
"followers of a document (depending on their notification preferences), log "
"internal notes, send WhatsApp messages or SMSes, and schedule activities."
msgstr ""
"Über den Chatter können Sie direkte E-Mails oder Odoo-Benachrichtigungen an "
"die Follower eines Dokuments senden (je nach deren "
"Benachrichtigungseinstellungen), interne Notizen protokollieren, WhatsApp-"
"Nachrichten oder SMS senden und Aktivitäten planen."
#: ../../content/applications/general/email_communication.rst:14
msgid ""
@ -2423,10 +2451,14 @@ msgid ""
"relays it to the followers as a notification. All emails - outgoing and "
"incoming - appear in the same chatter."
msgstr ""
"Wenn ein Follower auf eine Nachricht antwortet, wird der Chatter "
"aktualisiert und Odoo leitet die Antwort als Benachrichtigung an die "
"Follower weiter. Alle E-Mails – ausgehende und eingehende – erscheinen im "
"selben Chatter."
#: ../../content/applications/general/email_communication.rst:20
msgid "Odoo Online and Odoo.sh users"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Odoo-Online- und Odoo.sh-Benutzer"
#: ../../content/applications/general/email_communication.rst:22
msgid ""
@ -2434,6 +2466,9 @@ msgid ""
"box, **nothing needs to be done**. Everything is already configured on your "
msgstr ""
"Bei Odoo Online und Odoo.sh funktionieren ausgehende und eingehende E-Mails "
"sofort, **es muss nichts getan werden**. Alles ist bereits auf Ihrer "
"Subdomain konfiguriert."
#: ../../content/applications/general/email_communication.rst:25
msgid ""
@ -2441,10 +2476,13 @@ msgid ""
"address <email-outbound-notifications>` `notifications@company-"
msgstr ""
"Standardmäßig wird für ausgehende E-Mails die folgende :ref:`E-Mail-Adresse "
"für Benachrichtigungen <email-outbound-notifications>` "
"`notifications@company-name.odoo.com` verwendet."
#: ../../content/applications/general/email_communication.rst:31
msgid "Using another domain"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Eine andere Domain verwenden"
#: ../../content/applications/general/email_communication.rst:33
msgid ""
@ -2454,6 +2492,12 @@ msgid ""
"the domain and within Odoo. This introduces an extra layer of complexity and"
" necessitates technical knowledge (mainly regarding DNS and mail protocols)."
msgstr ""
"Wenn Sie es vorziehen, ausgehende E-Mails nicht von der Odoo-Subdomain "
"`@unternehmensname.odoo.com`, sondern stattdessen :ref:`von Ihrer eigenen "
"Domain <email-outbound-custom-domain>` zu senden, ist **eine zusätzliche "
"Konfiguration** auf der Domain und in Odoo erforderlich. Dies führt zu einer"
" zusätzlichen Komplexitätsebene und erfordert technisches Wissen "
"(hauptsächlich in Bezug auf DNS und E-Mail-Protokolle)."
#: ../../content/applications/general/email_communication.rst:38
msgid ""
@ -2490,7 +2534,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/general/email_communication.rst:59
msgid "On-premise users"
msgstr ""
msgstr "On-Premise-Benutzer"
#: ../../content/applications/general/email_communication.rst:61
msgid ""
@ -2525,18 +2569,22 @@ msgid ""
"complexity. For this reason, using Odoo's outgoing mail server is "
msgstr ""
"Die Dokumentation von Odoo deckt auch mehrere gängige Mailserver ab. Da sie "
"spezifische Berechtigungen und Konfigurationen erfordern, erhöhen sie die "
"Komplexität. Aus diesem Grund wird empfohlen, den Odoo-Postausgnagsserver zu"
" verwenden."
#: ../../content/applications/general/email_communication.rst:80
msgid ":doc:`Outlook documentation <email_communication/azure_oauth>`"
msgstr ""
msgstr ":doc:`Outlook-Dokumentation <email_communication/azure_oauth>`"
#: ../../content/applications/general/email_communication.rst:81
msgid ":doc:`Gmail documentation <email_communication/google_oauth>`"
msgstr ""
msgstr ":doc:`Gmail-Dokumentation <email_communication/google_oauth>`"
#: ../../content/applications/general/email_communication.rst:82
msgid ":doc:`Mailjet documentation <email_communication/mailjet_api>`"
msgstr ""
msgstr ":doc:`Mailjet-Dokumentation <email_communication/mailjet_api>`"
#: ../../content/applications/general/email_communication.rst:85
msgid ""
@ -2547,23 +2595,23 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/general/email_communication.rst:89
msgid ":doc:`Activities <../essentials/activities>`"
msgstr ""
msgstr ":doc:`Aktivitäten <../essentials/activities>`"
#: ../../content/applications/general/email_communication.rst:90
msgid ":doc:`Discuss app <../productivity/discuss>`"
msgstr ""
msgstr ":doc:`Dialogapp <../productivity/discuss>`"
#: ../../content/applications/general/email_communication.rst:91
msgid ":doc:`Digest emails <companies/digest_emails>`"
msgstr ""
msgstr ":doc:`Übersichts-E-Mails <companies/digest_emails>`"
#: ../../content/applications/general/email_communication.rst:92
msgid ":doc:`Email Marketing app <../marketing/email_marketing>`"
msgstr ""
msgstr ":doc:`E-Mail-Marketing-App <../marketing/email_marketing>`"
#: ../../content/applications/general/email_communication.rst:93
msgid ":doc:`Email templates <companies/email_template>`"
msgstr ""
msgstr ":doc:`E-Mail-Vorlagen <companies/email_template>`"
#: ../../content/applications/general/email_communication.rst:94
msgid ":ref:`Expense creation using an email alias <expenses/email_expense>`"
@ -2703,6 +2751,8 @@ msgid ""
"After the URL has been added to the field, :guilabel:`Register` the "
"application, so it is created."
msgstr ""
"Nachdem Sie die URL in das Feld eingegeben haben, :guilabel:`Registrieren` "
"Sie die Anwendung, damit sie erstellt wird."
#: ../../content/applications/general/email_communication/azure_oauth.rst:47
msgid "API permissions"
@ -3006,6 +3056,8 @@ msgid ""
"If the :guilabel:`From Filter` field is empty, enter either a :ref:`domain "
"or email address <email-outbound-unique-address>`."
msgstr ""
"Wenn das Feld :guilabel:`Von Filter` leer ist, geben Sie entweder eine "
":ref:`Domain oder E-Mail-Adresse <email-outbound-unique-address>` ein."
#: ../../content/applications/general/email_communication/azure_oauth.rst:170
msgid "Then, click on :guilabel:`Connect your Outlook account`."
@ -4746,7 +4798,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/general/email_communication/faq.rst:10
msgid "Odoo is not an email provider"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Odoo ist kein E-Mail-Anbieter"
#: ../../content/applications/general/email_communication/faq.rst:12
msgid ""
@ -491,7 +491,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/appraisals.rst:174
msgid ":doc:`appraisals/new_appraisals`"
msgstr ""
msgstr ":doc:`appraisals/new_appraisals`"
#: ../../content/applications/hr/appraisals.rst:175
msgid ":doc:`appraisals/goals`"
@ -499,11 +499,11 @@ msgstr ":doc:`appraisals/goals`"
#: ../../content/applications/hr/appraisals.rst:176
msgid ":doc:`appraisals/appraisal_analysis`"
msgstr ""
msgstr ":doc:`appraisals/appraisal_analysis`"
#: ../../content/applications/hr/appraisals.rst:177
msgid ":doc:`appraisals/skills_evolution`"
msgstr ""
msgstr ":doc:`appraisals/skills_evolution`"
#: ../../content/applications/hr/appraisals/appraisal_analysis.rst:3
msgid "Appraisal analysis"
@ -985,7 +985,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/appraisals/new_appraisals.rst:3
msgid "New appraisals"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Neue Mitarbeiterbeurteilungen"
#: ../../content/applications/hr/appraisals/new_appraisals.rst:5
msgid ""
@ -10,8 +10,8 @@
# Friederike Fasterling-Nesselbosch, 2024
# Tiffany Chang, 2024
# Martin Trigaux, 2024
# Larissa Manderfeld, 2024
# Wil Odoo, 2024
# Larissa Manderfeld, 2024
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-11-05 09:20+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-10-08 06:34+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Wil Odoo, 2024\n"
"Last-Translator: Larissa Manderfeld, 2024\n"
"Language-Team: German (https://app.transifex.com/odoo/teams/41243/de/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@ -464,6 +464,8 @@ msgid ""
"Barcodes are also commonly used with Odoo's **Inventory** and **Barcode** "
msgstr ""
"Barcodes werden auch häufig mit den Odoo-Apps **Lager** und **Barcode** "
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/barcode/operations/barcode_nomenclature.rst:24
msgid ""
@ -472,6 +474,11 @@ msgid ""
":ref:`default rules and patterns in Odoo <barcode/operations/default-"
"nomenclature-list>`, which use |UPC| and |EAN| encoding."
msgstr ""
"Odoo **Barcode** unterstützt die Formate |EAN|, Universal Product Code (UPC)"
" und :doc:`GS1 <gs1_nomenclature>`. Dieses Dokument konzentriert sich "
"ausschließlich auf :ref:`Standardregeln und -muster in Odoo "
"<barcode/operations/default-nomenclature-list>`, die die Kodierung |UPC| und"
" |EAN| verwenden."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/barcode/operations/barcode_nomenclature.rst:29
msgid ""
@ -554,12 +561,20 @@ msgid ""
" :guilabel:`Barcode Scanner` checkbox. Doing so installs the **Barcode** app"
" in the database."
msgstr ""
"Um die Standardnomenklatur zu verwenden, navigieren Sie zu "
":menuselection:`Lager --> Konfiguration --> Einstellungen`. Kreuzen Sie "
"unter dem Abschnitt :guilabel:`Barcode` das Kontrollkästchen neben "
":guilabel:`Barcode-Scanner` an. Dadurch wird die **Barcode-App** in der "
"Datenbank installiert."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/barcode/operations/barcode_nomenclature.rst:44
msgid ""
"Next, in the :guilabel:`Barcode Nomenclature` field, ensure "
":guilabel:`Default Nomenclature` is selected. Then, click :guilabel:`Save`."
msgstr ""
"Stellen Sie als nächstes sicher, dass die Einstellung "
":guilabel:`Standardnomenklatur` im Feld :guilabel:`Barcode-Nomenklatur` "
"ausgewählt ist. Klicken Sie dann auf :guilabel:`Speichern`."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/barcode/operations/barcode_nomenclature.rst-1
msgid "Enabled barcode setting with Default Nomenclature selected."
@ -615,11 +630,11 @@ msgstr "Feld in Odoo"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/barcode/operations/barcode_nomenclature.rst:74
msgid "Weighted Barcodes 3 Decimals"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Gewichtbarcodes mit 3 Dezimalstellen"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/barcode/operations/barcode_nomenclature.rst:75
msgid "(21)....{NNDDD}"
msgstr ""
msgstr "(21)....{NNDDD}"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/barcode/operations/barcode_nomenclature.rst:76
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/barcode/operations/gs1_nomenclature.rst:177
@ -728,6 +743,10 @@ msgid ""
" navigate to :menuselection:`Inventory app --> Configuration --> Barcode "
"Nomenclatures`, and select :guilabel:`Default Nomenclature`."
msgstr ""
"Um eine neue Regel zu erstellen, aktivieren Sie zunächst den "
":ref:`Entwicklermodus <developer-mode>`. Navigieren Sie dann zu "
":menuselection:`Lager --> Konfiguration --> Barcode-Nomenklaturen` und "
"wählen Sie :guilabel:`Standardnomenklatur`."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/barcode/operations/barcode_nomenclature.rst:133
msgid "On this page, configure the following optional fields:"
@ -758,6 +777,9 @@ msgid ""
"at the bottom of the table, which opens a :guilabel:`Create Rules` pop-up "
"window to create a new rule."
msgstr ""
"Klicken Sie auf der Seite :guilabel:`Standardnomenklatur` unten in der "
"Tabelle auf :guilabel:`Zeile hinzufügen`. Daraufhin öffnet sich ein Pop-up-"
"Fenster :guilabel:`Regeln erstellen`, um eine neue Regel zu erstellen."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/barcode/operations/barcode_nomenclature.rst:148
msgid ""
@ -793,6 +815,11 @@ msgid ""
"available :guilabel:`Encoding` options are: :guilabel:`EAN-13`, "
":guilabel:`EAN-8`, :guilabel:`UPC-A`, and :guilabel:`GS1-28`."
msgstr ""
"Das Feld :guilabel:`Codierung` gibt an, welche Codierung der Barcode "
"verwendet; diese Regel gilt **nur**, wenn der Barcode diese spezielle "
"Codierung verwendet. Die verfügbaren :guilabel:`Codierungsoptionen` sind: "
":guilabel:`EAN-13`, :guilabel:`EAN-8`, :guilabel:`UPC-A`, und "
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/barcode/operations/barcode_nomenclature.rst:161
msgid ""
@ -1010,6 +1037,8 @@ msgid ""
"When the :guilabel:`Barcode Pattern` contains `.*`, it means it can contain "
"any number or type of characters."
msgstr ""
"Wenn das Feld :guilabel:`Barcodemuster` `.*` enthält, bedeutet dies, dass es"
" beliebige Zahlen oder Zeichentypen enthalten kann."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/barcode/operations/barcode_nomenclature.rst:240
msgid ":doc:`gs1_nomenclature`"
@ -4344,6 +4373,11 @@ msgid ""
"(e.g. boxes, pallets, other shipping containers) in shipping cost "
msgstr ""
"Der *Pakettyp* ist eine optionale Funktion, die für die :doc:`Berechnung der"
" Versandkosten <../../shipping_receiving/setup_configuration>` verwendet "
"wird, basierend auf dem tatsächlichen Versandgewicht. Erstellen Sie "
"Pakettypen, um das Gewicht des Pakets selbst (z. B. Kisten, Paletten, andere"
" Versandbehälter) in die Berechnung der Versandkosten einzubeziehen."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/configure/package.rst:31
msgid ""
@ -4466,6 +4500,8 @@ msgid ""
":doc:`Ship one order in multiple packages "
msgstr ""
":doc:`Einen Auftrag in mehreren Paketen versenden "
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/configure/package.rst:95
msgid "Put in pack"
@ -4528,7 +4564,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/configure/package.rst:123
msgid ":doc:`../../shipping_receiving/setup_configuration`"
msgstr ""
msgstr ":doc:`../../shipping_receiving/setup_configuration`"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/configure/package.rst:125
msgid ""
@ -4719,10 +4755,12 @@ msgid ""
":doc:`Using cluster packages "
msgstr ""
":doc:`Cluster-Paktete verwenden "
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/configure/package.rst:191
msgid "View packages"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Pakete ansehen"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/configure/package.rst:193
msgid ""
@ -26386,7 +26424,7 @@ msgstr ":doc:`use_locations`"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/warehouses_storage/inventory_management/product_catalog.rst:3
msgid "Product catalog"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Produktkatalog"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/warehouses_storage/inventory_management/product_catalog.rst:10
msgid ""
@ -27247,6 +27285,8 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Buy to Resupply`: tick this checkbox to allow for purchased "
"products to be delivered to the warehouse."
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`Zur Nachlieferung einkaufen`: ankreuzen, damit gekaufte Produkte "
"an das Lagerhaus geliefert werden können"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/warehouses_storage/inventory_management/warehouses.rst:65
msgid ""
@ -27815,7 +27855,7 @@ msgstr "Auffüllung nach Auftrag auf dem Produktformular ausgewählt."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/warehouses_storage/replenishment/lead_times.rst:3
msgid "Lead times"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Vorlaufzeiten"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/warehouses_storage/replenishment/lead_times.rst:10
msgid ""
@ -28883,6 +28923,10 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Replenish on Order (MTO)` route in the :guilabel:`Routes` "
"section, along with the :guilabel:`Buy` or :guilabel:`Manufacture` route."
msgstr ""
"Wählen Sie auf der Produktseite den Reiter :guilabel:`Lager` und aktivieren "
"Sie im Abschnitt :guilabel:`Routen` die Route :guilabel:`Auffüllung nach "
"Auftrag (Einzelfertigung)`, zusammen mit der Route :guilabel:`Einkaufen` "
"oder :guilabel:`Fertigung`."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/warehouses_storage/replenishment/mto.rst:71
msgid ""
@ -28891,6 +28935,10 @@ msgid ""
" replenish the product when an order is placed for it (buy or manufacture "
msgstr ""
"Die Route :guilabel:`Auffüllung nach Auftrag (Einzelfertigung)` funktioniert"
" **nicht**, wenn nicht auch eine andere Route ausgewählt ist. Der Grund "
"dafür ist, dass Odoo wissen muss, wie das Produkt aufgefüllt werden soll, "
"wenn ein Auftrag dafür aufgegeben wird (kaufen, fertigen usw.)."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/warehouses_storage/replenishment/mto.rst-1
msgid "Select the MTO route and a second route on the Inventory tab."
@ -28903,18 +28951,28 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Can be Purchased` checkbox under the product name. Doing so makes"
" the :guilabel:`Purchase` tab appear alongside the other tabs below."
msgstr ""
"Wenn das Produkt von einem Lieferanten gekauft wird, um Verkaufsaufträge zu "
"erfüllen, aktivieren Sie das Kontrollkästchen :guilabel:`Kann eingekauft "
"werden` unter dem Produktnamen. Dadurch wird der Reiter :guilabel:`Einkauf` "
"neben den anderen Reitern unten angezeigt."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/warehouses_storage/replenishment/mto.rst:83
msgid ""
"Click the :guilabel:`Purchase` tab and specify a :guilabel:`Vendor` and the "
":guilabel:`Price` they sell the product for."
msgstr ""
"Klicken Sie auf den Reiter :guilabel:`Einkauf` und geben Sie einen "
":guilabel:`Lieferanten` und den :guilabel:`Preis` an, für den er das Produkt"
" verkauft."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/warehouses_storage/replenishment/mto.rst:87
msgid ""
"Specifying a vendor is essential for this workflow, because Odoo cannot "
"generate an |RFQ| without knowing who the product is purchased from."
msgstr ""
"Die Angabe eines Lieferanten ist für diesen Arbeitsablauf unerlässlich, da "
"Odoo keine Angebotsanfragen generieren kann, ohne zu wissen, bei wem das "
"Produkt gekauft wird."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/warehouses_storage/replenishment/mto.rst:90
msgid ""
@ -28923,16 +28981,25 @@ msgid ""
"button at the top of the screen, then click :guilabel:`New` on the "
":guilabel:`Bill of Materials` page to configure a new |BOM| for the product."
msgstr ""
"Wenn das Produkt hergestellt wird, vergewissern Sie sich, dass eine "
"Stückliste für das Produkt konfiguriert wurde. Klicken Sie dazu auf die "
"intelligente Schaltfläche :guilabel:`Stückliste` am oberen Rand des "
"Bildschirms und dann auf :guilabel:`Neu` auf der Seite "
":guilabel:`Stückliste`, um eine neue Stückliste für das Produkt zu "
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/warehouses_storage/replenishment/mto.rst:95
msgid ""
"For a full overview of |BOM| creation, see the documentation on :doc:`bills "
"of materials <../../../manufacturing/basic_setup/bill_configuration>`."
msgstr ""
"Eine vollständige Übersicht der Stücklistenerstellung finden Sie in der "
"Dokumentation zu :doc:`Stücklisten "
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/warehouses_storage/replenishment/mto.rst:99
msgid "Replenish using MTO"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Auffüllung nach Einzelfertigung"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/warehouses_storage/replenishment/mto.rst:101
msgid ""
@ -28941,12 +29008,19 @@ msgid ""
"confirmed. The type of order created depends on the second route selected in"
" addition to |MTO|."
msgstr ""
"Nachdem Sie ein Produkt für die Verwendung der Einzelfertigungsroute "
"konfiguriert haben, wird für dieses Produkt jedes Mal ein Auffüllauftrag "
"erstellt, wenn ein Verkaufsauftrag oder Fertigungsauftrag, der das Produkt "
"enthält, bestätigt wird. Welche Art von Auftrag erstellt wird, hängt von der"
" zweiten Route ab, die zusätzlich zur Einzelfertigung ausgewählt wurde."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/warehouses_storage/replenishment/mto.rst:105
msgid ""
"For example, if *Buy* was the second route selected, then a |PO| is created "
"upon confirmation of an |SO|."
msgstr ""
"Wenn z. B. *Einkaufen* die zweite gewählte Route war, wird bei der "
"Bestätigung eines Verkaufsauftrags eine Bestellung erstellt."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/warehouses_storage/replenishment/mto.rst:109
msgid ""
@ -28955,6 +29029,11 @@ msgid ""
"if there is enough stock of the product on-hand to fulfill the |SO|, without"
" buying or manufacturing additional units of it."
msgstr ""
"Wenn die Einzelfertigungsroute für ein Produkt aktiviert ist, wird bei der "
"Bestätigung eines Verkaufsauftrags oder Fertigungsauftrag immer ein "
"Auffüllauftrag erstellt. Dies ist auch dann der Fall, wenn der Bestand des "
"Produkts ausreicht, um den Verkaufsauftrag zu erfüllen, ohne dass "
"zusätzliche Einheiten gekauft oder hergestellt werden müssen."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/warehouses_storage/replenishment/mto.rst:113
msgid ""
@ -28963,6 +29042,11 @@ msgid ""
"navigating to the :menuselection:`Sales` app, then click :guilabel:`New`, "
"which opens a blank quotation form."
msgstr ""
"Obwohl die Einzelfertigungsroute zusammen mit den Routen *Einkaufen* oder "
"*Fertigung* verwendet werden kann, wird die Route *Einkaufen* als Beispiel "
"für diesen Arbeitsablauf verwendet. Navigieren Sie zunächst zur "
":menuselection:`Verkaufsapp` und klicken Sie dann auf :guilabel:`Neu`, "
"wodurch sich ein leeres Angebotsformular öffnet."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/warehouses_storage/replenishment/mto.rst:117
msgid ""
@ -28971,12 +29055,21 @@ msgid ""
" product configured to use the *MTO* and *Buy* routes. Click "
":guilabel:`Confirm`, and the quotation is turned into an |SO|."
msgstr ""
"Fügen Sie im leeren Angebotsformular einen :guilabel:`Kunden` hinzu, klicken"
" Sie dann auf :guilabel:`Produkt hinzufügen` unter dem Reiter "
":guilabel:`Auftragspositionen` und geben Sie ein Produkt ein, das für die "
"Verwendung der Routen *Einzelfertigung* und *Einkaufen* konfiguriert wurde. "
"Klicken Sie auf :guilabel:`Bestätigen` und das Angebot wird in einen "
"Verkaufsauftrag umgewandelt."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/warehouses_storage/replenishment/mto.rst:121
msgid ""
"A :guilabel:`Purchase` smart button now appears at the top of the page. "
"Clicking it opens the |RFQ| associated with the |SO|."
msgstr ""
"Oben auf der Seite erscheint jetzt eine intelligente Schaltfläche "
":guilabel:`Einkauf`. Wenn Sie darauf klicken, öffnet sich die mit dem "
"Verkaufsauftrag verknüpfte Angebotsanfrage."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/warehouses_storage/replenishment/mto.rst:124
msgid ""
@ -28986,6 +29079,12 @@ msgid ""
"open the receipt order, and click :guilabel:`Validate` to enter the products"
" into inventory."
msgstr ""
"Klicken Sie auf :guilabel:`Auftrag bestätigen`, um die Anfrage zu bestätigen"
" und sie in eine Bestellung zu verwandeln. Oben in der Bestellung erscheint "
"nun die lilafarbene Schaltfläche :guilabel:`Produkte erhalten`. Sobald die "
"Produkte eingegangen sind, klicken Sie auf :guilabel:`Produkte erhalten`, um"
" den Wareneingang zu öffnen, klicken Sie auf :guilabel:`Validieren`, um die "
"Produkte in den Bestand aufzunehmen."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/warehouses_storage/replenishment/mto.rst:129
msgid ""
@ -28993,6 +29092,10 @@ msgid ""
"navigating to :menuselection:`Sales app --> Orders --> Orders`, and "
"selecting the|SO|."
msgstr ""
"Kehren Sie zum Verkaufsauftrag zurück, indem Sie auf den Brotkrümel "
":guilabel:`Verkaufsauftrag` klicken oder indem Sie zu "
":menuselection:`Verkauf --> Aufträge --> Aufträge` navigieren und den "
"Verkaufsauftrag auswählen."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/warehouses_storage/replenishment/mto.rst:132
msgid ""
@ -29000,24 +29103,30 @@ msgid ""
" to open the delivery order. Once the products have been shipped to the "
"customer, click :guilabel:`Validate` to confirm the delivery."
msgstr ""
"Klicken Sie schließlich auf die intelligente Schaltfläche "
":guilabel:`Lieferung` oben im Auftrag, um den Lieferauftrag zu öffnen. "
"Sobald die Produkte an den Kunden versandt wurden, klicken Sie auf "
":guilabel:`Validieren`, um die Lieferung zu bestätigen."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/warehouses_storage/replenishment/mto.rst:137
msgid ""
"For information on workflows that include the |MTO| route, see the following"
" documentation:"
msgstr ""
"Informationen zu Arbeitsabläufe, die die Route *Einzelfertigung* enthalten, "
"finden Sie in der folgenden Dokumentation:"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/warehouses_storage/replenishment/mto.rst:139
msgid ":doc:`resupply_warehouses`"
msgstr ""
msgstr ":doc:`resupply_warehouses`"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/warehouses_storage/replenishment/mto.rst:140
msgid ":doc:`../../../manufacturing/subcontracting/subcontracting_basic`"
msgstr ""
msgstr ":doc:`../../../manufacturing/subcontracting/subcontracting_basic`"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/warehouses_storage/replenishment/mto.rst:141
msgid ":doc:`../../../manufacturing/advanced_configuration/sub_assemblies`"
msgstr ""
msgstr ":doc:`../../../manufacturing/advanced_configuration/sub_assemblies`"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/warehouses_storage/replenishment/reordering_rules.rst:3
msgid "Reordering rules"
@ -29466,7 +29575,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/warehouses_storage/replenishment/reordering_rules.rst:174
msgid ":doc:`../replenishment`"
msgstr ""
msgstr ":doc:`../replenishment`"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/warehouses_storage/replenishment/reordering_rules.rst:177
msgid ""
@ -29677,6 +29786,8 @@ msgid ""
"Ensure :doc:`lead times <lead_times>` are understood before proceeding with "
"this section."
msgstr ""
"Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie :doc:`Vorlaufzeiten <lead_times>` verstanden "
"haben, bevor Sie mit diesem Abschnitt fortfahren."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/warehouses_storage/replenishment/reordering_rules.rst:266
msgid ""
@ -29866,7 +29977,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/warehouses_storage/replenishment/resupply_warehouses.rst:3
msgid "Inter-warehouse replenishment"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Lagerübergreifende Auffüllung"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/warehouses_storage/replenishment/resupply_warehouses.rst:7
msgid ""
@ -42074,7 +42185,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/manufacturing/workflows/continuous_improvement.rst:47
msgid "Identify problems"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Probleme identifizieren"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/manufacturing/workflows/continuous_improvement.rst:49
msgid ""
@ -38,6 +38,10 @@ msgid ""
"campaigns. The *Email Marketing* app also provides detailed reporting "
"metrics to track the campaigns' overall effectiveness."
msgstr ""
"Odoo *E-Mail-Marketing* bietet Drag-and-drop-Designtools, vordefinierte "
"Vorlagen und andere interaktive Funktionen zur Erstellung ansprechender "
"E-Mail-Kampagnen. Die *E-Mail-Marketing*-App bietet auch detaillierte "
"Berichtsmetriken, um die Gesamtwirksamkeit der Kampagnen zu verfolgen."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:12
msgid ""
@ -2318,6 +2322,10 @@ msgid ""
"domain are likely to bounce with certain email providers due to failing "
":ref:`DMARC authentication <email-domain-dmarc>`."
msgstr ""
"Mailings, die mit einer *Von*-E-Mail-Adresse verschickt werden, die sich von"
" der Domain des Absenders unterscheidet, werden bei bestimmten E-Mail-"
"Anbietern wahrscheinlich gebounct, weil die :ref:`DMARC-Authentifizierung "
"<email-domain-dmarc>` fehlschlägt."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing/analyze_metrics.rst:108
msgid ""
@ -3400,6 +3408,10 @@ msgid ""
"template form, which can be filled out by following steps explained in the "
":doc:`SMS Marketing doc <../sms_marketing>`."
msgstr ""
"Wenn Sie auf :guilabel:`SMS versenden` klicken, öffnet sich eine separate "
"Seite mit einem leeren SMS-Vorlagenformular, das Sie ausfüllen können, indem"
" Sie den Schritten folgen, die im :doc:`SMS-Marketing doc "
"<../sms_marketing>` erklärt werden."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing/mailing_lists.rst:44
msgid ""
@ -4230,6 +4242,11 @@ msgid ""
"about events (and their attendees), which can then be used to improve "
"decision-making and event-planning."
msgstr ""
"Lernen Sie die verschiedenen Aspekte des detaillierten Dashboards von Odoo "
"**Veranstaltungen** und die nützlichen Einstellungen kennen, mit denen Sie "
"wertvolle Daten über Veranstaltungen (und deren Teilnehmer) generieren und "
"sammeln können, um die Entscheidungsfindung und die Planung von "
"Veranstaltungen zu verbessern."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/events.rst:12
msgid "`Odoo Tutorials: Events <https://www.odoo.com/slides/surveys-63>`_"
@ -4248,6 +4265,11 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Events` dashboard in the upper-right corner, via a series of "
"view-related icon buttons."
msgstr ""
"Wenn die App **Veranstaltungen** geöffnet wird, zeigt Odoo das "
"Hauptdashboard :guilabel:`Veranstaltungen` an, das auf verschiedene Arten "
"angezeigt werden kann. Diese verschiedenen Ansichtsoptionen sind über das "
":guilabel:`Veranstaltungen`-Dashboard in der oberen rechten Ecke über eine "
"Reihe von ansichtsbezogenen Symbolschaltflächen zugänglich."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/events.rst:63
msgid ""
@ -4348,6 +4370,12 @@ msgid ""
" here, tick the checkboxes beside the desired settings and/or features, and "
"click :guilabel:`Save` to activate them."
msgstr ""
"Um auf die Veranstaltungseinstellungen und Funktionsoptionen in Odoo "
"**Veranstaltungen** zuzugreifen, navigieren Sie zu "
":menuselection:`Veranstaltungen --> Konfiguration --> Einstellungen`. "
"Aktivieren Sie hier die Kontrollkästchen neben den gewünschten Einstellungen"
" und/oder Funktionen und klicken Sie auf :guilabel:`Speichern`, um sie zu "
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/events.rst:106
msgid "Events section"
@ -4359,6 +4387,10 @@ msgid ""
"are selectable features that can be enabled to add various elements to "
"events created with the Odoo **Events** application."
msgstr ""
"Im Abschnitt :guilabel:`Veranstaltungen` der Seite :guilabel:`Einstellungen`"
" gibt es auswählbare Funktionen, die aktiviert werden können, um "
"verschiedene Elemente zu Veranstaltungen hinzuzufügen, die mit Odoo "
"**Veranstaltungen** erstellt wurden."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/events.rst-1
msgid ""
@ -4561,6 +4593,8 @@ msgid ""
"With Odoo **Events**, events can be manually created from scratch or built "
"off of pre-made templates."
msgstr ""
"Mit Odoo **Veranstaltungen** können Veranstaltungen manuell von Grund auf "
"oder anhand vorgefertigter Vorlagen erstellt werden."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/events.rst:184
msgid ""
@ -4569,6 +4603,11 @@ msgid ""
"for attendees, the **Sales** app for the purchasing ability of paid tickets,"
" and the **CRM** application through customizable lead generation rules."
msgstr ""
"Sobald die **Veranstaltungen**-App gestartet ist, wird sie mit der "
"**Website**-App für die Frontend-Werbung und die Registrierung der "
"Veranstaltung für die Teilnehmer, mit der **Verkaufsapp** für die "
"Möglichkeit, bezahlte Tickets zu kaufen, und mit der **CRM**-App durch "
"anpassbare Regeln zur Lead-Generierung integriert."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/events.rst:189
msgid ":doc:`events/create_events`"
@ -4630,6 +4669,9 @@ msgid ""
"Learn the process to customize and configure event templates, which can be "
"used to expedite the event-creation process."
msgstr ""
"Entdecken Sie den Prozess, um Veranstaltungsvorlagen anzupassen und zu "
"konfigurieren, um den Erstellungsprozess von Veranstaltungen zu "
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/events.rst:219
msgid ":doc:`events/event_templates`"
@ -4638,61 +4680,69 @@ msgstr ":doc:`events/event_templates`"
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/events.rst:222
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/events/event_booths.rst:3
msgid "Event booths"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Veranstaltungsstände"
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/events.rst:224
msgid ""
"Explore the various ways to create, manage, and sell event booths with the "
"Odoo **Events** application."
msgstr ""
"Entdecken Sie die unterschiedlichen Vorgehensweisen, um Veranstaltungstände "
"mit Odoo **Veranstaltungen** zu erstellen, verwalten und verkaufen."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/events.rst:228
msgid ":doc:`events/event_booths`"
msgstr ""
msgstr ":doc:`events/event_booths`"
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/events.rst:231
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/events/event_tracks.rst:3
msgid "Event tracks"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Veranstaltungsbeiträge"
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/events.rst:233
msgid ""
"Find out how to create, manage, and schedule different experiences (aka "
"*Tracks*) for events with Odoo."
msgstr ""
"Finden Sie heraus, wie andere Erlebnisse (oder auch *Beiträge*) für "
"Veranstaltungen in Odoo zu erstellen, verwalten und planen."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/events.rst:237
msgid ":doc:`events/event_tracks`"
msgstr ""
msgstr ":doc:`events/event_tracks`"
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/events.rst:240
msgid "Registration desk"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Registrierungsschalter"
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/events.rst:242
msgid ""
"Grant access to event attendees quickly and easily with the Odoo **Events** "
"*Registration Desk* feature."
msgstr ""
"Gewähren Sie Veranstaltungsteilnehmern schnell und einfach Zugriff mit der "
"Funktion *Anmeldeschalter* in Odoo **Veranstaltungen**."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/events.rst:246
msgid ":doc:`events/registration_desk`"
msgstr ""
msgstr ":doc:`events/registration_desk`"
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/events.rst:249
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/events/revenues_report.rst:3
msgid "Revenues report"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Umsatzbericht"
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/events.rst:251
msgid ""
"Gain invaluable insight into event-related revenues with customizable "
"reports and metrics."
msgstr ""
"Gewinnen Sie mit anpassbaren Berichten und Kennzahlen wertvolle Einblicke in"
" die Einnahmen im Zusammenhang mit Veranstaltungen."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/events.rst:254
msgid ":doc:`events/revenues_report`"
msgstr ""
msgstr ":doc:`events/revenues_report`"
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/events/create_events.rst:5
msgid ""
@ -4987,6 +5037,11 @@ msgid ""
"a stream on the application. To learn more, check out the :doc:`Social "
"Marketing <../social_marketing>` documentation."
msgstr ""
"Dieses Feld :guilabel:`Twitter-Wall` erscheint **nur** auf dem "
"Veranstaltungsformular, wenn die *Social-Marketing-App* installiert ist und "
"ein X-Konto als Stream in der App hinzugefügt wurde. Weitere Informationen "
"finden Sie in der Dokumentation zu :doc:`Social Marketing "
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/events/create_events.rst:108
msgid ""
@ -5911,6 +5966,10 @@ msgid ""
"200. To learn more about daily limits, visit the :ref:`email-issues-"
"outgoing-delivery-failure-messages-limit` documentation."
msgstr ""
"Für den Versand von E-Mails aus Odoo gilt ein Tageslimit, das standardmäßig "
"bei 200 liegt. Wenn Sie mehr über Tageslimits erfahren möchten, besuchen Sie"
" die Dokumentation :ref:`email-issues-outgoing-delivery-failure-messages-"
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/events/create_events.rst:430
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/events/event_tracks.rst:310
@ -5922,6 +5981,9 @@ msgid ""
"The Odoo *Events* application provides users with the ability to create "
"event booths, sell their availability, and manage their reservations."
msgstr ""
"Odoo *Veranstaltungen* bietet Benutzern die Möglichkeit, "
"Veranstaltungsstände zu erstellen, ihre Verfügbarkeit zu verkaufen und ihre "
"Reservierungen zu verwalten."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/events/event_booths.rst:9
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/events/event_tracks.rst:12
@ -5935,6 +5997,8 @@ msgid ""
"In order to create, sell, and manage booths for events, the *Booth "
"Management* feature must be activated."
msgstr ""
"Um Stände für Veranstaltungen zu erstellen, verkaufen und verwalten, muss "
"die Funktion *Verwaltung von Ständen* aktiviert sein."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/events/event_booths.rst:14
msgid ""
@ -5942,10 +6006,13 @@ msgid ""
"Settings`, and tick the :guilabel:`Booth Management` checkbox. Then, click "
msgstr ""
"Navigieren Sie dazu zu :menuselection:`Veranstaltungen --> Konfiguration -->"
" Einstellungen` und kreuzen Sie das Kästchen :guilabel:`Verwaltung von "
"Ständen` an. Klicken Sie dann auf :guilabel:`Speichern`."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/events/event_booths.rst-1
msgid "The Booth Management setting in the Odoo Events application."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Die Einstellung „Verwaltung von Ständen“ in Odoo Veranstaltungen."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/events/event_booths.rst:22
msgid ""
@ -5954,6 +6021,10 @@ msgid ""
"<../../inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/configure/type>` "
"becomes available on all product forms: *Event Booth*."
msgstr ""
"Wenn die Einstellung :guilabel:`Verwaltung von Ständen` aktiviert ist, wird "
"eine neue :doc:`Produktart "
"<../../inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/configure/type>` in "
"allen Produktformularen verfügbar: *Veranstaltungsstand*."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/events/event_booths.rst:26
msgid ""
@ -5961,16 +6032,22 @@ msgid ""
"Category* on their respective booth form, and every booth category **must** "
"have an *Event Booth* product assigned to it."
msgstr ""
"Dies ist wichtig, da jedem erstellten Stand **eine Standkategorie** auf dem "
"jeweiligen Standformular zugewiesen werden **muss** und jeder Standkategorie"
" ein Produkt **Veranstaltungsstand** zugewiesen werden **muss**."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/events/event_booths.rst:31
msgid "Booth categories"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Standkategorien"
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/events/event_booths.rst:33
msgid ""
"With the *Booth Management* setting activated in the *Events* app, the "
"*Booth Categories* option appears in the :guilabel:`Configuration` menu."
msgstr ""
"Wenn die Einstellung *Verwaltung von Ständen* in der App *Veranstaltungen* "
"aktiviert ist, erscheint die Option *Standkategorien* im Menü "
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/events/event_booths.rst:36
msgid ""
@ -5978,36 +6055,45 @@ msgid ""
":menuselection:`Events app --> Configuration --> Booth Categories`, which "
"reveals a list of all created booth categories."
msgstr ""
"Um auf das Dashboard :guilabel:`Standkategorie` zuzugreifen, gehen Sie zu "
":menuselection:`Veranstaltungen --> Konfiguration --> Standkategorien`, "
"woraufhin eine Liste aller erstellen Standkategorien erscheint."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/events/event_booths.rst-1
msgid "The Booth Category page in the Odoo Events application."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Die Seite „Standkategorie“ in Odoo Veranstaltungen."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/events/event_booths.rst:43
msgid ""
"On the :guilabel:`Booth Category` page, the following information for each "
"booth category is listed:"
msgstr ""
"Auf der Seite :guilabel:`Standkategorie` werden die folgenden Informationen "
"für jede Standkategorie aufgelistet:"
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/events/event_booths.rst:45
msgid ":guilabel:`Name`: the name of the booth category."
msgstr ""
msgstr ":guilabel:`Name`: der Name der Standkategorie."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/events/event_booths.rst:46
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Create Sponsor`: if checked, booking this booth category creates "
"a sponsor for the user."
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`Sponsor erstellen`: Wenn diese Option angekreuzt ist, wird durch "
"die Buchung dieser Standkategorie ein Sponsor für den Benutzer erstellt."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/events/event_booths.rst:48
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Product`: the *Event Booth* product associated with that specific"
" booth category."
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`Produkt`: das Produkt *Veranstaltungsstand*, das mit der "
"bestimmten Standkategorie verknüpft ist."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/events/event_booths.rst:49
msgid ":guilabel:`Price`: the price of a booth in that booth category."
msgstr ""
msgstr ":guilabel:`Preis`: der Preis eines Standes in der Standkategorie."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/events/event_booths.rst:51
msgid ""
@ -6017,16 +6103,25 @@ msgid ""
"the checkbox beside :guilabel:`Sponsor Level` and/or :guilabel:`Sponsor "
"Type` to reveal those columns on the :guilabel:`Booth Category` page."
msgstr ""
"Wenn Sie auf das Symbol :icon:`oi-settings-adjust` "
":guilabel:`(Einstellungen)` ganz rechts neben den Spaltenüberschriften "
"klicken, wird ein Drop-down-Menü mit zusätzlichen Spaltenoptionen angezeigt."
" Aktivieren Sie im daraufhin angezeigten Drop-down-Menü das Kontrollkästchen"
" neben :guilabel:`Sponsor-Level` und/oder :guilabel:`Sponsortyp`, um diese "
"Spalten auf der Seite :guilabel:`Standkategorie` anzuzeigen."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/events/event_booths.rst:56
msgid ""
"To edit an existing booth category, select it from the list, and proceed to "
"make any desired modifications from the event category form."
msgstr ""
"Um eine vorhandene Standkategorie zu bearbeiten, wählen Sie sie aus der "
"Liste aus und nehmen Sie die gewünschten Änderungen im Formular für die "
"Veranstaltungskategorie vor."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/events/event_booths.rst:60
msgid "Create booth category"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Standkategorie erstellen"
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/events/event_booths.rst:62
msgid ""
@ -6034,16 +6129,22 @@ msgid ""
"the :guilabel:`New` button in the upper-left corner to reveal a blank booth "
"category form."
msgstr ""
"Um auf der Seite :guilabel:`Standkategorie` eine Standkategorie zu "
"erstellen, klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche :guilabel:`Neu` in der oberen "
"linken Ecke, um ein leeres Standkategorieformular anzuzeigen."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/events/event_booths.rst-1
msgid "A typical booth category form in the Odoo Events application."
msgstr ""
"Ein typisches Formular für die Standkategorie in Odoo Veranstaltungen."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/events/event_booths.rst:69
msgid ""
"Start by entering a name for the booth category in the top :guilabel:`Booth "
"Category` field. This is a **requried** field."
msgstr ""
"Beginnen Sie mit der Eingabe eines Namens für die Standkategorie im oberen "
"Feld :guilabel:`Standkategorie`. Dies ist ein **Pflichtfeld**."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/events/event_booths.rst:72
msgid ""
@ -6053,6 +6154,12 @@ msgid ""
"upper-right corner of the booth category form. When clicked, proceed to "
"upload the desired image to the booth category form, if needed."
msgstr ""
"Um ein entsprechendes Bild zur Standkategorie hinzuzufügen (z. B. ein "
"Beispielfoto, wie der Stand aussieht), klicken Sie auf das Symbol :icon:`fa-"
"pencil` :guilabel:`(Bleistift)` das angezeigt wird, wenn der Mauszeiger über"
" den Platzhalter für die Kamera in der oberen rechten Ecke des Formulars für"
" die Standkategorie bewegt wird. Wenn Sie darauf klicken, können Sie bei "
"Bedarf das gewünschte Bild in das Formular für die Standkategorie hochladen."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/events/event_booths.rst:77
msgid ""
@ -6060,6 +6167,9 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Product` to the category, and it **must** have *Event Booth* set "
"as the *Product Type* on the product form."
msgstr ""
"Im Abschnitt :guilabel:`Stand-Details`**müssen** Benutzer ein "
":guilabel:`Produkt` zur Kategorie hinzugefügt werden und die *Produktart* "
"**muss** auf *Veranstaltungsstand* auf dem Produktformular eingestellt sein."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/events/event_booths.rst:80
msgid ""
@ -7,8 +7,8 @@
# Johannes Croe <jcr@odoo.com>, 2024
# Felix Schubert <felix.schubert@go-erp.com>, 2024
# Martin Trigaux, 2024
# Larissa Manderfeld, 2024
# Wil Odoo, 2024
# Larissa Manderfeld, 2024
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-11-05 09:20+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-10-08 06:34+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Wil Odoo, 2024\n"
"Last-Translator: Larissa Manderfeld, 2024\n"
"Language-Team: German (https://app.transifex.com/odoo/teams/41243/de/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/calendar.rst-1
msgid "Overview of Calendar app."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Übersicht der Kalenderapp."
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/calendar.rst:21
msgid ""
@ -478,7 +478,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/acquire_leads/email_manual.rst:63
msgid ":doc:`../../../general/email_communication`"
msgstr ""
msgstr ":doc:`../../../general/email_communication`"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/acquire_leads/email_manual.rst:66
msgid "Manually create leads"
@ -1370,6 +1370,8 @@ msgid ""
"The **Sales** application **must** be installed for the :guilabel:`New "
"Quotation` button to appear."
msgstr ""
"Die App **Verkauf** **muss** installiert sein, damit die Schaltfläche "
":guilabel:`Neues Angebot` erscheint."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/acquire_leads/send_quotes.rst:33
msgid ""
@ -1608,6 +1610,8 @@ msgid ""
"To remove a line from the quotation, click the :icon:`fa-trash-o` "
":guilabel:`(trash can)` icon."
msgstr ""
"Um eine Zeile aus dem Angebot zu entfernen, klicken Sie auf das Symbol "
":icon:`fa-trash-o` :guilabel:`(Papierkorb)`."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/acquire_leads/send_quotes.rst:103
msgid ""
@ -1623,10 +1627,12 @@ msgid ""
"Categories are used to create separate sections on the order lines of a "
msgstr ""
"Kategorien werden verwendet, um separate Abschnitte in den Auftragszeilen "
"eines Angebots zu erstellen."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/acquire_leads/send_quotes.rst:113
msgid "Product catalog"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Produktkatalog"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/acquire_leads/send_quotes.rst:115
msgid ""
@ -1642,7 +1648,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/acquire_leads/send_quotes.rst-1
msgid "The product catalog displays all products as cards."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Der Produktkatalog zeigt alle Produkte als Karten an."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/acquire_leads/send_quotes.rst:125
msgid ""
@ -1854,6 +1860,10 @@ msgid ""
"Configuration --> Lost Reasons`, and click both :guilabel:`New` and "
":guilabel:`Save` for each new entry added to the list."
msgstr ""
"Um neue Werte für dieses Feld einzurichten, navigieren Sie zu "
":menuselection:`CRM --> Konfiguration --> Verlustgründe`, und klicken Sie "
"für jeden neuen Eintrag in der Liste auf :guilabel:`Neu` und "
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/acquire_leads/send_quotes.rst:205
msgid ""
@ -6193,6 +6203,8 @@ msgid ""
"To mark an *inactive* (archived) opportunity as lost, set the "
":guilabel:`Probability` field to `0` percent."
msgstr ""
"Um eine *inaktive* (archivierte) Verkaufschance als verloren zu markieren, "
"stellen Sie das Feld :guilabel:`Wahrscheinlichkeit` auf `0` Prozent ein."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/pipeline/lost_opportunities.rst:55
msgid "Create/edit lost reasons"
@ -6940,6 +6952,14 @@ msgid ""
"leads/opportunities. Click on a card to view the details for the "
"lead/opportunity, and confirm if they should be merged."
msgstr ""
"Um die Details ähnlicher Leads/Verkaufschancen zu vergleichen, navigieren "
"Sie zu :menuselection:`CRM --> Pipeline` oder :menuselection:`CRM --> "
"Leads`. Öffnen Sie einen Lead oder eine Verkaufschance und klicken Sie auf "
"die intelligente Schaltfläche :guilabel:`Ähnliche Leads`. Dadurch wird eine "
"Kanban-Ansicht geöffnet, die nur ähnliche Leads/Verkaufschancen anzeigt. "
"Klicken Sie auf eine Karte, um die Details zu dem Lead oder der "
"Verkaufschance anzuzeigen und zu bestätigen, ob sie zusammengeführt werden "
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/pipeline/merge_similar.rst:35
msgid "Merging similar leads and opportunities"
@ -6952,6 +6972,11 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Similar Leads` smart button. Click the :icon:`oi-view-list` "
":guilabel:`(list)` icon to change to list view."
msgstr ""
"Nachdem Sie bestätigt haben, dass die Leads/Verkaufschancen zusammengeführt "
"werden sollen, kehren Sie über die Brotkrümel oder durch Klicken auf die "
"intelligente Schaltfläche :guilabel:`Ähnliche Leads` zur Kanban-Ansicht "
"zurück. Klicken Sie auf das Symbol :icon:`oi-view-list` :guilabel:`(Liste)`,"
" um zur Listenansicht zu wechseln."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/pipeline/merge_similar.rst:47
msgid ""
@ -6960,6 +6985,12 @@ msgid ""
"of the page, to reveal a drop-down menu. From that drop-down menu, select "
"the :guilabel:`Merge` option to merge the selected opportunities or leads."
msgstr ""
"Markieren Sie das Kästchen links auf der Seite für die "
"Leads/Verkaufschancen, die zusammengeführt werden sollen. Klicken Sie dann "
"auf das Symbol :icon:`fa-cog` :guilabel:`Aktionen` oben auf der Seite, um "
"ein Drop-down-Menü aufzurufen. Wählen Sie in diesem Drop-down-Menü die "
"Option :guilabel:`Zusammenführen`, um die ausgewählten Verkaufschancen (oder"
" Leads) zusammenzuführen."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/pipeline/merge_similar.rst:52
msgid ""
@ -6969,6 +7000,12 @@ msgid ""
" heading, select a :guilabel:`Salesperson` and :guilabel:`Sales Team` from "
"the appropriate drop-down menus."
msgstr ""
"Wenn Sie aus dem Dropdown-Menü :icon:`fa-cog` :guilabel:`Aktionen` die "
"Option :guilabel:`Zusammenführen` wählen, erscheint ein Pop-up-Fenster "
":guilabel:`Zusammenführen`. Wählen Sie in diesem Pop-up-Fenster unter der "
"Überschrift :guilabel:`Verkaufschancen zuweisen an` einen "
":guilabel:`Vertriebsmitarbeiter` und ein :guilabel:`Verkaufsteam` aus den "
"entsprechenden Dropdown-Menüs aus."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/pipeline/merge_similar.rst:57
msgid ""
@ -7125,7 +7162,7 @@ msgstr "Leads zuweisen und verfolgen"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/track_leads/lead_distribution_report.rst:3
msgid "Lead distribution report"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Lead-Verteilungsbericht"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/track_leads/lead_distribution_report.rst:5
msgid ""
@ -7134,6 +7171,11 @@ msgid ""
"distribution of good or :doc:`quality leads <quality_leads_report>`, and see"
" how frequently each salesperson is receiving (and keeping) leads."
msgstr ""
"Ein *Lead-Verteilungsbericht* kann verwendet werden, um zu sehen, ob aktive "
"Leads gleichmäßig auf die Vertriebsmitarbeiter verteilt werden. Er kann auch"
" verwendet werden, um die Verteilung von guten oder :doc:`Qualitätsleads "
"<quality_leads_report>` zu sehen und zu sehen, wie häufig jeder "
"Vertriebsmitarbeiter Leads erhält (und behält)."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/track_leads/lead_distribution_report.rst:9
msgid ""
@ -7143,10 +7185,16 @@ msgid ""
" being lost too often by one salesperson, and what percentage of good leads "
"are being retained overall."
msgstr ""
"Lead-Verteilungsberichte können wöchentlich erstellt werden, um die "
"Vertriebsmitarbeiter auf Kurs zu halten und ihnen gleichzeitig ausreichend "
"gute Leads zu bieten. Diese Berichte können auch verwendet werden, um zu "
"sehen, ob Vertriebsmitarbeiter produktiv bleiben, ob gute Leads zu oft von "
"einem Vertriebsmitarbeiter verloren gehen und wie viel Prozent der guten "
"Leads insgesamt erhalten bleiben."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/track_leads/lead_distribution_report.rst:15
msgid "Create lead distribution reports"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Lead-Verteilungsberichte erstellen"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/track_leads/lead_distribution_report.rst:17
msgid ""
@ -7154,12 +7202,17 @@ msgid ""
"app --> Reporting --> Pipeline`, which reveals the :guilabel:`Pipeline "
"Analysis` dashboard."
msgstr ""
"Um einen Lead-Verteilungsbericht zu erstellen, navigieren Sie zunächst zu "
":menuselection:`CRM --> Berichtswesen --> Pipeline`. Dies öffnet das "
"Dashboard :guilabel:`Pipeline-Analyse`."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/track_leads/lead_distribution_report.rst:20
msgid ""
"Remove all the default filters in the search bar at the top of the page. "
"Doing so displays data related to *all* leads."
msgstr ""
"Entfernen Sie alle Standardfilter in der Suchleiste oben auf der Seite. "
"Dadurch werden Daten zu *allen* Leads angezeigt."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/track_leads/lead_distribution_report.rst:23
msgid ""
@ -7179,7 +7232,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/track_leads/lead_distribution_report.rst:35
msgid "Essential filters"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Essenzielle Filter"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/track_leads/lead_distribution_report.rst:37
msgid ""
@ -7191,7 +7244,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/track_leads/lead_distribution_report.rst:42
msgid "Lead creation date"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Lead-Erstellungsdatum"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/track_leads/lead_distribution_report.rst:44
msgid ""
@ -7226,7 +7279,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/track_leads/lead_distribution_report.rst:64
msgid "Sales team"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Verkaufsteam"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/track_leads/lead_distribution_report.rst:66
msgid ""
@ -7277,7 +7330,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/track_leads/lead_distribution_report.rst:98
msgid "Contact method"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Kontaktmethode"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/track_leads/lead_distribution_report.rst:101
msgid ""
@ -7286,6 +7339,12 @@ msgid ""
"duplicate, or low quality leads can easily be screened out of the report "
"simply by adding either a set :guilabel:`Phone` or :guilabel:`Email` rule."
msgstr ""
"Die folgende Anweisung ist nicht erforderlich, es wird jedoch dringend "
"empfohlen, den Suchkriterien des Berichts einen festgelegten Kontaktwert "
"hinzuzufügen. Viele Spam-Nachrichten, doppelte oder minderwertige Leads "
"können einfach aus dem Bericht herausgefiltert werden, indem Sie entweder "
"eine festgelegte Regel für :guilabel:`Telefon` oder :guilabel:`E-Mail` "
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/track_leads/lead_distribution_report.rst:106
msgid ""
@ -11621,6 +11680,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/sales/point_of_sale/payment_methods/qr_code_payment.rst:14
msgid "Go to :menuselection:`Accounting --> Configuration --> Settings`, and"
msgstr ""
"Gehen Sie zu :menuselection:`Buchhaltung --> Konfiguration --> "
"Einstellungen` und"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/point_of_sale/payment_methods/qr_code_payment.rst:16
msgid ""
@ -13168,7 +13229,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/sales/point_of_sale/payment_methods/terminals/viva_wallet.rst-1
msgid "Viva terminal ID"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Viva-Terminal-ID"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/point_of_sale/payment_methods/terminals/viva_wallet.rst:83
msgid ""
@ -18875,12 +18936,18 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Posted`. It also reveals a new series of buttons at the top of "
"the page."
msgstr ""
"Die Rechnung kann nun bestätigt und gebucht werden, indem Sie auf "
":guilabel:`Bestätigen` klicken. Wenn Sie die Rechnung bestätigen, ändert "
"sich der Status von :guilabel:`Entwurf` auf :guilabel:`Gebucht`. Außerdem "
"wird eine neue Reihe von Schaltflächen am oberen Rand der Seite angezeigt."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/invoicing/down_payment.rst:284
msgid ""
"The payment can be registered by clicking the :guilabel:`Register Payment` "
msgstr ""
"Die Zahlung kann registriert werden, indem Sie auf :guilabel:`Zahlung "
"registrieren` klicken."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/invoicing/down_payment.rst:286
msgid ""
@ -18900,6 +18967,8 @@ msgid ""
"The process is now complete, and the 100% down payment has been successfully"
" applied."
msgstr ""
"Der Prozess ist nun abgeschlossen und eine Anzahlung von 100 % wurde "
"erfolgreich angewendet."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/invoicing/down_payment.rst:303
msgid "Customer taxes modification on down payments"
@ -22069,6 +22138,8 @@ msgid ""
"Templates **only** appear when no programs have been created, and they "
"disappear once the first program is created."
msgstr ""
"Vorlagen erscheinen **nur**, wenn noch keine Programme erstellt wurden, und "
"sie verschwinden, sobald das erste Programm erstellt wurde."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/products_prices/loyalty_discount.rst:38
msgid "Creating or editing a program opens the program form."
@ -22081,19 +22152,23 @@ msgstr "Programmoptionen auf dem Formular für das Treueprogramm."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/products_prices/loyalty_discount.rst:44
msgid "The program form contains the following fields:"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Das Programmformular enthält die folgenden Felder:"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/products_prices/loyalty_discount.rst:46
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Program Name`: Enter the name of the program in this field. The "
"program name is **not** visible to the customer."
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`Programmname`: Geben Sie den Namen des Programms in dieses Feld "
"ein. Der Programmname ist für den Kunden **nicht** sichtbar."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/products_prices/loyalty_discount.rst:48
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Program Type`: Select the desired :ref:`program type "
"<sales/pricing_management/program-types>` from the drop-down menu."
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`Programmart`: Wählen Sie die gewünschte :ref:`Programmart "
"<sales/pricing_management/program-types>` aus dem Drop-down-Menü aus."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/products_prices/loyalty_discount.rst:50
msgid ":guilabel:`Currency`: Select the currency used for the program."
@ -22109,6 +22184,14 @@ msgid ""
"different pricelists, but the *same* loyalty programs. If this field is left"
" blank, the program applies to everyone, regardless of pricelist."
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`Preisliste`: Wählen Sie bei Bedarf eine Preisliste aus dem Drop-"
"down-Menü aus, um dieses Treueprogramm auf eine bestimmte Preisliste (und "
"die mit der Preisliste verbundenen Kunden) anzuwenden. In diesem Feld kann "
"mehr als eine Preisliste ausgewählt werden. Wenn ein einziges Treueprogramm "
"mit mehreren Preislisten verknüpft ist, können verschiedene Kundensegmente "
"unterschiedliche Preislisten, aber dieselben Treueprogramme haben. Wenn "
"dieses Feld leer bleibt, gilt das Programm für alle, unabhängig von der "
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/products_prices/loyalty_discount.rst:57
msgid ""
@ -22117,12 +22200,20 @@ msgid ""
"name *is* visible to the customer. This field is **only** available when the"
" :guilabel:`Program Type` is set to :guilabel:`Loyalty Cards`."
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`Punkteeinheit`: Geben Sie den Namen der Punkte ein, die für das "
":guilabel:`Treuekarten`-Programm verwendet wird (z. B. `Treuepunkte`). Der "
"Name der Punkteeinheit ist für den Kunden *sichtbar*. Dieses Feld ist "
"**nur** verfügbar, wenn die :guilabel:`Programmart` auf "
":guilabel:`Treuekarten` eingestellt ist."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/products_prices/loyalty_discount.rst:60
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Start Date`: Select the date on which the program becomes valid. "
"Leave this field blank if the program should always be valid and not expire."
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`Startdatum`: Wählen Sie das Datum, ab dem das Programm gültig "
"ist. Lassen Sie dieses Feld leer, wenn das Programm immer gültig ist und "
"nicht abläuft."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/products_prices/loyalty_discount.rst:62
msgid ""
@ -22130,6 +22221,9 @@ msgid ""
"valid. Leave this field blank if the program should always be valid and not "
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`Enddatum`: Wählen Sie das Datum, bis zu dem das Programm gültig "
"ist. Lassen Sie dieses Feld leer, wenn das Programm immer gültig ist und "
"nicht abläuft."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/products_prices/loyalty_discount.rst:64
msgid ""
@ -22137,6 +22231,9 @@ msgid ""
"of :guilabel:`usages` to limit the number of times the program can be used "
"during the validity period."
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`Nutzung begrenzen`: Kreuzen Sie dieses Kästchen bei Bedarf an und"
" geben Sie eine Anzahl :guilabel:`Verwendungen` ein, um die Anzahl der "
"Verwendungen des Programms während des Gültigkeitszeitraums zu begrenzen."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/products_prices/loyalty_discount.rst:66
msgid ""
@ -22144,17 +22241,26 @@ msgid ""
"company for which the program is available. If left blank, the program is "
"available to all companies in the database."
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`Unternehmen`: Wenn Sie in einer Datenbank mit mehreren "
"Unternehmen arbeiten, wählen Sie das Unternehmen aus, für das das Programm "
"verfügbar ist. Wenn Sie das Feld leer lassen, ist das Programm für alle "
"Unternehmen in der Datenbank verfügbar."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/products_prices/loyalty_discount.rst:68
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Available On`: Select the apps on which the program is available."
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`Verfügbar für`: Wählen Sie die Apps aus, für die das das Programm"
" verfügbar ist."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/products_prices/loyalty_discount.rst:69
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Website`: Select a website on which the program is available. "
"Leave this field blank to make it available on all websites."
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`Website`: Wählen Sie eine Website aus, auf der das Programm "
"verfügbar ist. Lassen Sie das Feld leer, damit es auf allen Websites "
"verfügbar ist."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/products_prices/loyalty_discount.rst:71
msgid ""
@ -22180,6 +22286,9 @@ msgid ""
" the program are accessible through the smart button located at the top of "
"the form."
msgstr ""
"Alle vorhandenen Karten, Codes, Gutscheine usw., die für das Programm "
"erstellt wurden, sind über die intelligente Schaltfläche oben auf dem "
"Formular zugänglich."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/products_prices/loyalty_discount.rst-1
msgid "Program items smart button on the loyalty program form."
@ -22193,17 +22302,24 @@ msgid ""
"contact in the database, a :guilabel:`Loyalty Cards` smart button "
"conditionally appears on the contact form."
msgstr ""
"In Odoo 17 (und höher) erscheint eine Bedingung für die Schaltfläche "
":guilabel:`guilabel:`Treuekarten` im Kontaktformular, wenn eine Treuekarte "
"oder ein Gutschein mit einem Kontakt in der Datenbank verknüpft ist."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/products_prices/loyalty_discount.rst-1
msgid ""
"The Loyalty Card smart button as it appears on a contact form in Odoo 17."
msgstr ""
"Die intelligente Schaltfläche „Treuekarte“ auf einem Kontaktformular in Odoo"
" 17."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/products_prices/loyalty_discount.rst:93
msgid ""
"This smart button **only** appears if a loyalty card or coupon is associated"
" with the contact."
msgstr ""
"Diese intelligente Schaltfläche wird **nur** angezeigt, wenn dem Kontakt "
"eine Treuekarte oder ein Gutschein zugeordnet ist."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/products_prices/loyalty_discount.rst:98
msgid "Program types"
@ -22256,6 +22372,9 @@ msgid ""
"1 credit. After accumulating a specified amount of credits, the customer can"
" trade them in to receive (Y) item."
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`X Kaufen Y Erhalten`: Für jeden gekauften Artikel X erhält der "
"Kunde 1 Guthaben. Nachdem der Kunde eine bestimmte Anzahl von Guthaben "
"angesammelt hat, kann er sie gegen einen Artikel Y eintauschen."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/products_prices/loyalty_discount.rst:112
msgid ""
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/services/field_service/creating_tasks.rst:14
msgid "Click :guilabel:`New`."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Klicken Sie auf :guilabel:`Neu`."
#: ../../content/applications/services/field_service/creating_tasks.rst:15
msgid ""
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/services/field_service/creating_tasks.rst:19
msgid "Task creation from a sales order"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Aufgabenerstellung aus Verkaufsaufträgen"
#: ../../content/applications/services/field_service/creating_tasks.rst:21
msgid ""
@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/services/field_service/product_management.rst:11
msgid "Product catalog"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Produktkatalog"
#: ../../content/applications/services/field_service/product_management.rst:13
msgid ""
@ -264,12 +264,17 @@ msgid ""
"To create and edit products from Field Service, go to :menuselection:`Field "
"Service --> Configuration --> Products`."
msgstr ""
"Um Produkte aus dem Außendienst zu erstellen und bearbeiten, gehen Sie zu "
":menuselection:`Außendienst --> Konfiguration --> Produkte`."
#: ../../content/applications/services/field_service/product_management.rst:29
msgid ""
"To find your products more easily, use the search bar and filter your "
"products by :guilabel:`Product Category` and :guilabel:`Attributes`."
msgstr ""
"Um Ihre Produkte leichter zu finden, verwenden Sie die Suchleiste und "
"filtern Sie Ihre Produkte nach :guilabel:`Produktkategorie` und "
#: ../../content/applications/services/field_service/product_management.rst:33
msgid "User default warehouse"
@ -282,6 +287,11 @@ msgid ""
"same warehouse. It also allows field workers to switch between warehouses "
"from their profiles."
msgstr ""
"Die Einstellung eines **Standardlagerhauses** kann für Außendiensttechniker "
"nützlich sein, die unterwegseinen Vorrat in ihrem Lieferwagen aufbewahren, "
"oder für diejenigen, die sich immer aus demselben Lager versorgen. Außerdem "
"können Außendienstmitarbeiter so über ihre Profile zwischen den Lagern "
#: ../../content/applications/services/field_service/product_management.rst:39
msgid ""
@ -312,6 +322,11 @@ msgid ""
" feature needs to be activated in the **Inventory** app. It is also "
"necessary to have more than one warehouse in your database."
msgstr ""
"Um ein benutzerdefiniertes Standardlagerhaus einzurichten, muss die Funktion"
" :doc:`Lagerorte "
" in der **Lagerapp** aktiviert werden. Außerdem müssen Sie mehr als ein "
"Lagerhaus in Ihrer Datenbank haben."
#: ../../content/applications/services/field_service/product_management.rst:53
msgid ""
@ -325,6 +340,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/services/field_service/product_management.rst:62
msgid "For your profile"
@ -402,6 +418,12 @@ msgid ""
"points, blank fields to fill in, HTML, and add files, images, links, and "
msgstr ""
"**Arbeitsblätter** helfen Ihren Außendienstmitarbeitern bei der Ausführung "
"und Berichterstattung ihrer Aufgaben vor Ort. Sie können verschiedene "
"Informationen enthalten, wie z. B. Anweisungen, To-do-Listen usw. Sie können"
" Ihr Arbeitsblatt auch mit Kontrollkästchen, Aufzählungszeichen, "
"auszufüllenden leeren Feldern, HTML formatieren und Dateien, Bilder, Links "
"usw. hinzufügen."
#: ../../content/applications/services/field_service/worksheets.rst:10
msgid ""
@ -410,6 +432,11 @@ msgid ""
"the need to recreate the same worksheet each time you plan a similar field "
"service task."
msgstr ""
"Es ist üblich, dass Unternehmen ihre Mitarbeiter wiederholt die gleiche Art "
"von Außendienstleistungen ausführen lassen. Durch die Erstellung "
"benutzerdefinierter **Arbeitsblattvorlagen** entfällt die Notwendigkeit, "
"jedes Mal, wenn Sie eine ähnliche Außendienstaufgabe planen, dasselbe "
"Arbeitsblatt neu zu erstellen."
#: ../../content/applications/services/field_service/worksheets.rst:17
msgid ""
@ -417,6 +444,10 @@ msgid ""
"Configuration --> Settings`, enable the :guilabel:`Worksheets` feature, and "
"click :guilabel:`Save`."
msgstr ""
"Um Arbeitsblätter im Außendienst zu verwenden, gehen Sie zu: "
":menuselection:`Außendienst --> Konfiguration --> Einstellungen`, aktivieren"
" Sie die Funktion :guilabel:`Arbeitsblätter` und klicken Sie auf "
#: ../../content/applications/services/field_service/worksheets.rst:21
msgid ""
@ -424,10 +455,13 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Worksheets` feature automatically installs the **Studio** app, "
"which may impact your price plan."
msgstr ""
"Arbeitsblattvorlagen werden mit **Studio** erstellt. Durch Aktivieren der "
"Funktion :guilabel:`Arbeitsblätter` wird die **Studio**-App automatisch "
"installiert, was sich auf Ihren Preisplan auswirken kann."
#: ../../content/applications/services/field_service/worksheets.rst:25
msgid "Create a worksheet template"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Eine Arbeitsblattvorlagen erstellen"
#: ../../content/applications/services/field_service/worksheets.rst:27
msgid ""
@ -436,6 +470,12 @@ msgid ""
"your worksheet template a name. Manually save, then click :guilabel:`Design "
"Template` to open **Studio** and customize your worksheet template."
msgstr ""
"Um Ihre **Arbeitsblattvorlagen** zu erstellen, gehen Sie zu: "
":menuselection:`Außendienst --> Konfiguration --> Arbeitsblattvorlagen`. "
"Klicken Sie auf :guilabel:`Neu` und geben Sie Ihrer Arbeitsblattvorlage "
"einen Namen. Speichern Sie sie manuell und klicken Sie dann auf "
":guilabel:`Designvorlage`, um **Studio** zu öffnen und Ihre "
"Arbeitsblattvorlage anzupassen."
#: ../../content/applications/services/field_service/worksheets.rst:31
msgid ""
@ -453,17 +493,20 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/services/field_service/worksheets.rst:39
msgid ":doc:`Fields and widgets in Studio <../../studio/fields>`"
msgstr ""
msgstr ":doc:`Felder und Widgets in Studio <../../studio/fields>`"
#: ../../content/applications/services/field_service/worksheets.rst:42
msgid "Add a worksheet template to a field service task"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Einer Außendienstaufgabe eine Arbeitsblattvorlage hinzufügen"
#: ../../content/applications/services/field_service/worksheets.rst:44
msgid ""
"Go to your field service task, select a :guilabel:`Worksheet Template`, and "
"click :guilabel:`Save`."
msgstr ""
"Gehen Sie zur Außendienstausgabe, wählen Sie eine "
":guilabel:`Arbeitsblattvorlage` aus und klicken Sie auf "
#: ../../content/applications/services/field_service/worksheets.rst:46
msgid ""
@ -472,6 +515,11 @@ msgid ""
"(:guilabel:`Internal link`) icon that appears when you hover your mouse over"
" the :guilabel:`Project` field on the task form."
msgstr ""
"Standardmäßig ist die Vorlage :guilabel:`Standardarbeitsblatt` ausgewählt. "
"Um eine andere Standard-Arbeitsblattvorlage zu definieren, klicken Sie auf "
"das Symbol :guilabel:`➔` (:guilabel:`interner Link`), das angezeigt wird, "
"wenn Sie den Mauszeiger über das Feld :guilabel:`Projekt` im "
"Aufgabenformular bewegen."
#: ../../content/applications/services/field_service/worksheets.rst-1
msgid "Mouse on project name to setup default worksheet template"
@ -867,6 +915,9 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`(drag)` icon, to the left of the stage name, and drag it to the "
"desired place on the list."
msgstr ""
"Um die Reihenfolge der Phasen zu ändern, klicken Sie auf das Symbol "
":icon:`oi-draggable` :guilabel:`(ziehen)` links neben dem Namen der Phase "
"und ziehen Sie es an die gewünschte Stelle in der Liste."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk.rst-1
msgid ""
@ -943,6 +994,10 @@ msgid ""
"Template` field. Click on the :icon:`oi-arrow-right` :guilabel:`(right "
"arrow)` icon to the right of the field to edit the chosen template."
msgstr ""
"Um eine bestehende E-Mail-Vorlage auszuwählen, legen Sie sie im Feld "
":guilabel:`E-Mail-Vorlage` fest. Klicken Sie auf das Symbol :icon:`oi-arrow-"
"right` :guilabel:`(Pfeil nach rechts)` rechts neben dem Feld, um die "
"ausgewählte Vorlage zu bearbeiten."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk.rst:184
msgid ""
@ -1070,6 +1125,9 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`(gear)` icon, and select :guilabel:`Fold` from the drop-down "
msgstr ""
"Wählen Sie eine Phase aus, die Sie vorübergehend einklappen möchten, klicken"
" Sie dann auf das Symbol :icon:`fa-gear` :guilabel:`(Zahnrad)` und wählen "
"Sie :guilabel:`Einklappen` aus dem Drop-down-Menü."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk.rst-1
msgid ""
@ -1088,13 +1146,15 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk.rst:242
msgid "Merge tickets"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Tickets zusammenführen"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk.rst:244
msgid ""
"If duplicate tickets are found in *Helpdesk*, they can be combined into a "
"single ticket using the *merge* feature."
msgstr ""
"Wenn doppelte Tickets in *Kundendienst* gefunden werden, können sie mit der "
"Funktion *Zusammenführen* zu einem einzigen Ticket zusammengefasst werden."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk.rst:248
msgid ""
@ -2851,6 +2911,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/track_and_bill.rst:257
msgid ":doc:`../../../sales/sales/invoicing/down_payment`"
@ -4903,7 +4964,7 @@ msgstr ":doc:`/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/close_tickets`"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/receiving_tickets.rst:351
msgid ":doc:`../../../general/email_communication`"
msgstr ""
msgstr ":doc:`../../../general/email_communication`"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/receiving_tickets.rst:352
msgid ":doc:`/applications/websites/livechat`"
@ -7079,7 +7140,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/services/project/tasks.rst:5
msgid "Task management"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Aufgabenverwaltung"
#: ../../content/applications/services/project/tasks/recurring_tasks.rst:3
msgid "Recurring tasks"
@ -31,6 +31,9 @@ msgid ""
"Studio is a toolbox that allows you to customize Odoo without coding "
"knowledge. For example, you can, in any app, add or modify:"
msgstr ""
"Studio ist eine Toolbox, mit der Sie Odoo ohne Programmierkenntnisse "
"anpassen können. Sie können zum Beispiel zu jeder App etwas hinzufügen oder "
#: ../../content/applications/studio.rst:21
msgid ":doc:`Fields <studio/fields>`"
@ -54,7 +57,7 @@ msgstr ":doc:`PDF-Berichte <studio/pdf_reports>`"
#: ../../content/applications/studio.rst:26
msgid ":doc:`Approval rules <studio/approval_rules>`"
msgstr ""
msgstr ":doc:`Genehmigungsregeln <studio/approval_rules>`"
#: ../../content/applications/studio.rst:27
msgid "Security rules"
@ -64,6 +67,8 @@ msgstr "Sicherheitsregeln"
msgid ""
"You can also :doc:`build an app from scratch <studio/models_modules_apps>`."
msgstr ""
"Sie können auch :doc:`eine ganz neue App bauen "
#: ../../content/applications/studio.rst:33
msgid ""
@ -3465,6 +3465,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/websites/ecommerce/products/price_management.rst:84
msgid "Price configuration: pricelists"
@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
# Patricia Gutiérrez Capetillo <pagc@odoo.com>, 2024
# Lucia Pacheco, 2024
# Fernanda Alvarez, 2024
# gerard arnau guzman, 2024
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
@ -27,7 +28,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-11-05 09:20+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-10-08 06:34+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Fernanda Alvarez, 2024\n"
"Last-Translator: gerard arnau guzman, 2024\n"
"Language-Team: Spanish (https://app.transifex.com/odoo/teams/41243/es/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@ -5161,6 +5162,13 @@ msgid ""
"rule>`_ for detailed guidance."
msgstr ""
"Estos roles solo se aplican al uso de Odoo.sh. Es importante reflejar la "
"atribución de roles de usuario dentro de la base de datos en GitHub. "
"Porfavor consulta la sección de documentación de GitHub sobre 'Administrar "
"una rama de protección de regla "
"rule>' para obtener una guía detallada."
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_sh/getting_started/settings.rst:207
msgid "Public Access"
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
# Braulio D. López Vázquez <bdl@odoo.com>, 2024
# Patricia Gutiérrez Capetillo <pagc@odoo.com>, 2024
# Fernanda Alvarez, 2024
# Larissa Manderfeld, 2024
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
@ -20,7 +21,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-11-05 09:20+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-10-08 06:34+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Fernanda Alvarez, 2024\n"
"Last-Translator: Larissa Manderfeld, 2024\n"
"Language-Team: Spanish (https://app.transifex.com/odoo/teams/41243/es/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@ -939,6 +940,10 @@ msgid ""
"company does business with through Odoo. A contact is a repository of vital "
"business information, facilitating communication and business transactions."
msgstr ""
"Los contactos creados en la aplicación **Contactos** se crean para cada "
"persona con la que usted trabaja a través de Odoo, como sus clientes. Un "
"contacto es un repositorio de información empresarial indispensable que le "
"permite comunicarse y facilitar las transacciones empresariales."
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/contacts.rst:12
msgid "Contact form"
@ -1633,7 +1638,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"La aplicación *Contactos* de Odoo permite que los usuarios fusionen "
"contactos duplicados sin perder información en el proceso. Así se mantendrá "
"la base de datos organizada y evita que más de un vendedor contacte a un "
"la base de datos organizada y evita que más de un comercial contacte a un "
"mismo contacto."
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/contacts/merge.rst:12
@ -1645,8 +1650,8 @@ msgid ""
"Merging is an irreversible action. Do **not** merge contacts unless "
"absolutely certain they should be combined."
msgstr ""
"La fusión es irreversible, **no** lo haga a no ser que esté completamente "
"seguro de que los contactos se deben fusionar."
"La fusión es irreversible. **No** fusione contactos a menos que esté "
"absolutamente seguro de que deben fusionarse."
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/contacts/merge.rst:18
msgid ""
@ -1656,15 +1661,16 @@ msgid ""
" should be merged. Then, click the :icon:`fa-cog` :guilabel:`Actions` icon, "
"and select :guilabel:`Merge` from the resulting drop-down menu."
msgstr ""
"Vaya a :menuselection:`Contactos` y seleccione el icono :icon:`oi-view-list`"
" :guilabel:`(lista)`. Elija dos o más contactos duplicados de la lista y "
"seleccione la casilla (del lado izquierdo) de los contactos a fusionar, "
"luego haga clic en el icono :icon:`fa-cog` :guilabel:`Acciones` y seleccione"
" :guilabel:`Fusionar` en el menú desplegable."
"Vaya a la aplicación :menuselection:`Contactos` y seleccione el icono "
":icon:`oi-view-list` :guilabel:`(lista)`. Elija dos o más contactos "
"duplicados de la lista y marque la casilla (del lado izquierdo) de los "
"contactos a fusionar, luego haga clic en el icono :icon:`fa-cog` "
":guilabel:`Acciones` y seleccione :guilabel:`Fusionar` en el menú "
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/contacts/merge.rst-1
msgid "The merge contacts option in the Contacts application."
msgstr "La opción para fusionar contactos en la aplicación Contactos."
msgstr "La opción “Fusionar contactos” en la aplicación Contactos."
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/contacts/merge.rst:27
msgid ""
@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
# Patricia Gutiérrez Capetillo <pagc@odoo.com>, 2024
# Iran Villalobos López, 2024
# Fernanda Alvarez, 2024
# Larissa Manderfeld, 2024
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
@ -28,7 +29,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-11-05 09:20+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-10-08 06:34+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Fernanda Alvarez, 2024\n"
"Last-Translator: Larissa Manderfeld, 2024\n"
"Language-Team: Spanish (https://app.transifex.com/odoo/teams/41243/es/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@ -3796,6 +3797,9 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"`Registros de DNS de Squarespace "
#: ../../content/applications/general/email_communication/email_domain.rst:145
msgid ""
@ -10013,6 +10017,9 @@ msgid ""
"Epson receipt printers and Zebra label printers do not need a driver to "
"work. Make sure that no driver is selected for those printers."
msgstr ""
"Las impresoras de recibos Epson y las impresoras de etiquetas Zebra no "
"necesitan un controlador para funcionar. Asegúrese de que no se seleccionó "
"ningún controlador para esas impresoras."
#: ../../content/applications/general/iot/config/troubleshooting.rst:104
msgid "The printer is detected but is not recognized correctly"
@ -10,6 +10,9 @@
# Braulio D. López Vázquez <bdl@odoo.com>, 2024
# Patricia Gutiérrez Capetillo <pagc@odoo.com>, 2024
# Fernanda Alvarez, 2024
# Larissa Manderfeld, 2024
# Pedro M. Baeza <pedro.baeza@tecnativa.com>, 2024
# Pilar Vargas, 2024
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
@ -18,7 +21,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-11-05 09:20+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-10-08 06:34+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Fernanda Alvarez, 2024\n"
"Last-Translator: Pilar Vargas, 2024\n"
"Language-Team: Spanish (https://app.transifex.com/odoo/teams/41243/es/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@ -41,6 +44,12 @@ msgid ""
"campaigns. The *Email Marketing* app also provides detailed reporting "
"metrics to track the campaigns' overall effectiveness."
msgstr ""
"La aplicación *Marketing por correo electrónico* de Odoo proporciona "
"herramientas de diseño que se pueden arrastrar y soltar, plantillas "
"predefinidas y otras funciones interactivas para crear campañas de correo "
"llamativas. La aplicación *Marketing por correo electrónico* también ofrece "
"métricas de informe detalladas para controlar la eficacia general de las "
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/email_marketing.rst:12
msgid ""
@ -4429,7 +4438,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"La función :guilabel:`Horario y sesiones` permite que los usuarios gestionen"
" y publiquen el horario de las sesiones de los eventos. *Sesiones* es un "
"término general que abarca pláticas, conferencias, demostraciones, "
"término general que abarca charlas, conferencias, demostraciones, "
"presentaciones y otros elementos similares que pueden formar parte de un "
@ -4667,7 +4676,7 @@ msgid ""
"view entire agendas, and learn how attendees can propose talks for the "
msgstr ""
"Descubra cómo tener acceso a varias sesiones del evento (pláticas, "
"Descubra cómo tener acceso a varias sesiones del evento (charlas, "
"presentaciones y más), ver agendas completas y aprenda cómo es que los "
"asistentes pueden proponer conferencias para el evento."
@ -5178,16 +5187,16 @@ msgid ""
"event badges. The options are: :guilabel:`A4 foldable`, :guilabel:`A6`, or "
":guilabel:`4 per sheet`."
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`Dimensión del gafete`: seleccione la dimensión del formato de "
"papel para las identificaciones de evento. Las opciones son :guilabel:`A4 "
"plegable`, :guilabel:`A6` y :guilabel:`4 por hoja`."
":guilabel:`Dimensión de la credencial `: seleccione la dimensión del formato"
" de papel para las identificaciones de evento. Las opciones son "
":guilabel:`A4 plegable`, :guilabel:`A6` y :guilabel:`4 por hoja`."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/events/create_events.rst:144
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Badge Background`: if desired, click the :guilabel:`Upload your "
"file` button to upload a custom background image for event badges."
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`Fondo del gafete`: si lo desea, haga clic en el botón "
":guilabel:`Fondo de la credencial`: si lo desea, haga clic en el botón "
":guilabel:`Suba su archivo` para cargar una imagen de fondo personalizada "
"para las identificaciones del evento."
@ -8053,7 +8062,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/events/registration_desk.rst:9
msgid "Registration Desk page"
msgstr "Página de módulo de registro"
msgstr "Página de escaneo de credenciales"
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/events/registration_desk.rst:11
msgid ""
@ -8075,8 +8084,8 @@ msgid ""
" either :guilabel:`Scan a badge` or :guilabel:`Select Attendee`."
msgstr ""
"En la parte inferior del :guilabel:`módulo de registro` hay dos opciones "
"disponibles, estas son :guilabel:`Escanear gafete` o :guilabel:`Seleccionar "
"disponibles, estas son :guilabel:`Escanear credencial` o "
":guilabel:`Seleccionar asistente`."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/events/registration_desk.rst:22
msgid "Scan a badge"
@ -8088,9 +8097,9 @@ msgid ""
":menuselection:`Events app --> Registration Desk`, and selecting the "
":guilabel:`Scan a badge` option."
msgstr ""
"Para escanear los códigos en los gafetes de los asistentes del evento vaya a"
" :menuselection:`Eventos --> Módulo de registro` y seleccione la opción "
":guilabel:`Escanear gafete`."
"Para escanear los códigos en las credenciales de los asistentes del evento "
"vaya a :menuselection:`Eventos --> Módulo de registro` y seleccione la "
"opción :guilabel:`Escanear credencial`."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/events/registration_desk.rst:28
msgid ""
@ -8098,7 +8107,7 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Scan a badge` option to work."
msgstr ""
"Odoo **debe** tener acceso a la cámara para que la opción "
":guilabel:`Escanear gafete` funcione."
":guilabel:`Escanear credencial` funcione."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/events/registration_desk.rst:31
msgid ""
@ -8127,9 +8136,9 @@ msgid ""
"attendee is granted access to the event. Once the code is scanned, their "
"attendance is logged in the Odoo **Events** app."
msgstr ""
"En cuanto el código del gafete esté en el centro del visor, y haya sido "
"escaneado, la ventana emergente para :guilabel:`escanear los códigos de "
"barras` desaparecerá y el asistente podrá acceder al evento, además de que "
"En cuanto el código de la credencial esté en el centro del visor, y haya "
"sido escaneado, la ventana emergente para :guilabel:`escanear los códigos de"
" barras` desaparecerá y el asistente podrá acceder al evento, además de que "
"su asistencia quedará registrada en la aplicación **Eventos** de Odoo."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/events/registration_desk.rst:43
@ -16128,10 +16137,12 @@ msgid ""
"Learn about all the different options and configurations that can be "
"utilized when creating a survey in Odoo."
msgstr ""
"Obtenga más información acerca de las opciones y configuraciones que puede "
"utilizar al crear una encuesta en Odoo."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/surveys.rst:222
msgid ":doc:`surveys/create`"
msgstr ""
msgstr ":doc:`surveys/create`"
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/surveys.rst:225
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/surveys/scoring.rst:3
@ -16144,10 +16155,13 @@ msgid ""
"satisfaction, with Odoo's detailed (and fully customizable) survey scoring "
msgstr ""
"Descubra cómo medir el rendimiento o la satisfacción general de los "
"participantes de sus encuestas con las opciones detalladas (y totalmente "
"personalizables) de Odoo."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/surveys.rst:231
msgid ":doc:`surveys/scoring`"
msgstr ""
msgstr ":doc:`surveys/scoring`"
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/surveys.rst:234
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/surveys/questions.rst:3
@ -16161,10 +16175,13 @@ msgid ""
"from, providing the ability to create any kind of unique survey, "
"questionnarire, and/or certification."
msgstr ""
"*Encuestas* de Odoo cuenta con distintos tipos de preguntas y opciones entre"
" las que puede elegir. Podrá crear cualquier tipo de encuesta, cuestionarios"
" y certificaciones."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/surveys.rst:240
msgid ":doc:`surveys/questions`"
msgstr ""
msgstr ":doc:`surveys/questions`"
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/surveys.rst:243
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/surveys/live_session.rst:3
@ -16177,10 +16194,14 @@ msgid ""
"demonstrations and presentations, where participants' real-time responses "
"can be used to dictate where the conversation goes next."
msgstr ""
"Odoo cuenta con la opción de encuesta durante *sesiones en vivo* que le "
"permitirán mejorar sus demostraciones y presentaciones, las respuestas en "
"tiempo real de los participantes le ayudarán a determinar el rumbo de la "
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/surveys.rst:250
msgid ":doc:`surveys/live_session`"
msgstr ""
msgstr ":doc:`surveys/live_session`"
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/surveys.rst:253
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/surveys/analysis.rst:3
@ -16194,10 +16215,15 @@ msgid ""
"available in Odoo *Surveys* provide countless ways to examine everything "
"related to surveys, and their submitted responses."
msgstr ""
"Una vez que empiece a recibir las respuestas de las encuestas, puede "
"analizar las respuestas de sus participantes. Afortunadamente, las profundas"
" páginas de informes y las opciones disponibles en *Encuestas* de Odoo "
"proporcionan muchas formas de examinar todo lo relacionado con las encuestas"
" y sus respuestas enviadas."
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/surveys.rst:260
msgid ":doc:`surveys/analysis`"
msgstr ""
msgstr ":doc:`surveys/analysis`"
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/surveys/analysis.rst:5
msgid ""
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
# Patricia Gutiérrez Capetillo <pagc@odoo.com>, 2024
# Braulio D. López Vázquez <bdl@odoo.com>, 2024
# Fernanda Alvarez, 2024
# Larissa Manderfeld, 2024
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
@ -19,7 +20,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-10-07 14:21+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-10-08 06:34+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Fernanda Alvarez, 2024\n"
"Last-Translator: Larissa Manderfeld, 2024\n"
"Language-Team: Spanish (https://app.transifex.com/odoo/teams/41243/es/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@ -1605,6 +1606,12 @@ msgid ""
"Email` pop-up window. If an expiration date was selected for the code, it is"
" included in the message template."
msgstr ""
"Al enviar un código de cupón por correo electrónico, **todos** los "
"seguidores del ticket serán destinatarios del correo. También puede agregar "
"más destinatarios al correo electrónico en el campo "
":guilabel:`Destinatarios` de la ventana emergente :guilabel:`Redactar correo"
" electrónico`. Si el código cuenta con una fecha de vencimiento, esta "
"aparecerá en la plantilla del mensaje."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/after_sales.rst:0
msgid "View of an email draft window with coupon code."
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
# Braulio D. López Vázquez <bdl@odoo.com>, 2024
# Wil Odoo, 2024
# Fernanda Alvarez, 2024
# Larissa Manderfeld, 2024
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
@ -18,7 +19,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-11-05 09:20+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-10-08 06:34+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Fernanda Alvarez, 2024\n"
"Last-Translator: Larissa Manderfeld, 2024\n"
"Language-Team: Spanish (https://app.transifex.com/odoo/teams/41243/es/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@ -101,6 +102,8 @@ msgid ""
"Studio approval rules allow you to require the approval of one or several "
"users before an action can be performed using a button."
msgstr ""
"Con las reglas de aprobación de Studio podrá solicitar la aprobación de uno "
"o más usuarios antes de que una acción se realice mediante un botón."
#: ../../content/applications/studio/approval_rules.rst:9
msgid "Configuration"
@ -108,7 +111,7 @@ msgstr "Configuración"
#: ../../content/applications/studio/approval_rules.rst:11
msgid "To add an approval rule:"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Para agregar una regla de aprobación:"
#: ../../content/applications/studio/approval_rules.rst:13
msgid ""
@ -120,33 +123,40 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/studio/approval_rules.rst:14
msgid "Select the button to which the rule should be applied."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Seleccione el botón de la regla a la que se debe aplicar."
#: ../../content/applications/studio/approval_rules.rst:15
msgid ""
"Click :icon:`fa-plus` :guilabel:`Add an approval step` in the :icon:`fa-"
"server` :guilabel:`Properties` tab."
msgstr ""
"Haga clic en :guilabel:`Agregar un paso de aprobación` en la pestaña "
":icon:`fa-server` :guilabel:`Propiedades`."
#: ../../content/applications/studio/approval_rules.rst:17
msgid ""
"Specify which users are responsible for approving the action by using one of"
" the following fields or both:"
msgstr ""
"Especifique qué usuarios son responsables de la aprobación con uno o dos de "
"los siguientes campos:"
#: ../../content/applications/studio/approval_rules.rst:20
msgid ":guilabel:`Approvers` to specify one or several users;"
msgstr ""
msgstr ":guilabel:`Aprobadores` para especificar a uno o varios usuarios."
#: ../../content/applications/studio/approval_rules.rst:21
msgid ":guilabel:`Approver Group` to specify one user group."
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`Grupo de aprobadores` para especificar un grupo de usuarios."
#: ../../content/applications/studio/approval_rules.rst:24
msgid ""
"An activity is created for all users set as :guilabel:`Approvers` when their"
" approval is requested."
msgstr ""
"Se crea una actividad para todos los usuarios que sean "
":guilabel:`Aprobadores` cuando se solicite su aprobación."
#: ../../content/applications/studio/approval_rules.rst:27
msgid ""
@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
# Translators:
# Tiffany Chang, 2024
# Leonardo J. Caballero G. <leonardocaballero@gmail.com>, 2024
# Larissa Manderfeld, 2024
# Josep Anton Belchi, 2024
# Noemi Nahomy <noemi.t.angles@gmail.com>, 2024
# Jesse Garza <jga@odoo.com>, 2024
@ -19,6 +18,7 @@
# Patricia Gutiérrez Capetillo <pagc@odoo.com>, 2024
# Wil Odoo, 2024
# Fernanda Alvarez, 2024
# Larissa Manderfeld, 2024
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-11-05 09:20+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-10-08 06:34+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Fernanda Alvarez, 2024\n"
"Last-Translator: Larissa Manderfeld, 2024\n"
"Language-Team: Spanish (https://app.transifex.com/odoo/teams/41243/es/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@ -1952,14 +1952,24 @@ msgid ""
"stock <ecommerce/products/stock-management>`, and enabling :ref:`product "
"comparisons <ecommerce/products/product-comparison>`."
msgstr ""
"**Comercio electrónico de Odoo** le permite :ref:`agregar productos "
"<ecommerce/products/add-products>` y gestionar sus :ref:`páginas de "
"productos <ecommerce/products/product-page>` directamente desde la "
"aplicación Sitio web. También le permite agregar :ref:`variantes de "
"productos <ecommerce/products/product-variants>` y :ref:`archivos digitales "
"<ecommerce/products/digital-files>`, :ref:`traducir "
"<ecommerce/products/translation>` el contenido de la página del producto, "
":ref:`gestionar el stock <ecommerce/products/stock-management>` y activar "
"las :ref:`comparaciones de productos <ecommerce/products/product-"
#: ../../content/applications/websites/ecommerce/products.rst:18
msgid "Add products"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Agregar productos"
#: ../../content/applications/websites/ecommerce/products.rst:23
msgid "Create products"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Crear productos"
#: ../../content/applications/websites/ecommerce/products.rst:25
msgid ""
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
# Martin Trigaux, 2024
# Jolien De Paepe, 2024
# Wil Odoo, 2024
# Jodie Beernaut, 2024
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
@ -20,7 +21,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-11-05 09:20+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-10-08 06:34+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Wil Odoo, 2024\n"
"Last-Translator: Jodie Beernaut, 2024\n"
"Language-Team: French (https://app.transifex.com/odoo/teams/41243/fr/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@ -136,7 +137,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/calendar.rst:62
msgid "Plan an event"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Planifier un événement"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/calendar.rst:64
msgid ""
@ -8,8 +8,8 @@
# Sergio Zanchetta <primes2h@gmail.com>, 2024
# Martin Trigaux, 2024
# pezzin <christian.pezzin@gmail.com>, 2024
# Marianna Ciofani, 2024
# Wil Odoo, 2024
# Marianna Ciofani, 2024
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-11-05 09:20+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-10-08 06:34+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Wil Odoo, 2024\n"
"Last-Translator: Marianna Ciofani, 2024\n"
"Language-Team: Italian (https://app.transifex.com/odoo/teams/41243/it/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@ -17136,7 +17136,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/recruitment/schedule_interviews.rst:94
msgid "More options"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Più opzioni"
#: ../../content/applications/hr/recruitment/schedule_interviews.rst:96
msgid ""
@ -7637,7 +7637,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/administration/upgrade.rst:305
msgid "Automated actions"
msgstr "自動化されたアクション"
msgstr "自動アクション"
#: ../../content/administration/upgrade.rst:306
msgid ""
@ -3827,7 +3827,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/finance/accounting/get_started/cheat_sheet.rst:135
#: ../../content/applications/finance/accounting/payments/checks.rst:84
msgid "Journal entries"
msgstr "仕訳帳エントリ"
msgstr "仕訳"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/accounting/customer_invoices/credit_notes.rst:108
msgid ""
@ -27286,12 +27286,12 @@ msgstr ":guilabel:`在庫評価`"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/canada.rst:0
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/united_states.rst:0
msgid ":guilabel:`Stock Interim (Received)`"
msgstr ":guilabel:`未請求在庫 (入荷済)`"
msgstr ":guilabel:`入荷済未請求在庫`"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/canada.rst:0
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/united_states.rst:0
msgid ":guilabel:`Stock Interim (Delivered)`"
msgstr ":guilabel:`未請求在庫 (配送済)`"
msgstr ":guilabel:`出庫済未請求在庫`"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/canada.rst:0
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/united_states.rst:0
@ -33406,7 +33406,7 @@ msgid ""
"You can find the API Key in the :guilabel:`My Account` section of the "
"Employment Hero platform."
msgstr ""
"APIキーは、Employment Heroプラットフォームの :guilabel:`自分のアカウント` セクションで見つけることができます。"
"APIキーは、Employment Heroプラットフォームの :guilabel:`マイアカウント` セクションで見つけることができます。"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/employment_hero.rst:0
msgid "\"Account Details\" section on the Employment Hero dashboard"
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
# Translators:
# Andy Yiu, 2024
# Junko Augias, 2024
# Wil Odoo, 2024
# Junko Augias, 2024
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-11-05 09:20+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-10-08 06:34+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Wil Odoo, 2024\n"
"Last-Translator: Junko Augias, 2024\n"
"Language-Team: Japanese (https://app.transifex.com/odoo/teams/41243/ja/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@ -595,7 +595,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/calendar/google.rst:9
msgid ":doc:`/applications/general/users/google`"
msgstr ""
msgstr ":doc:`/applications/general/users/google`"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/calendar/google.rst:10
msgid ":doc:`/applications/general/email_communication/google_oauth`"
@ -603,7 +603,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/calendar/google.rst:13
msgid "Setup in Google"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Googleでの設定"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/calendar/google.rst:16
msgid "Select (or create) a project"
@ -668,7 +668,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/calendar/google.rst:54
msgid "OAuth consent screen"
msgstr ""
msgstr "OAuth同意スクリーン"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/calendar/google.rst:56
msgid ""
@ -684,6 +684,9 @@ msgid ""
"However, using a *Google WorkSpace* account allows for **Internal** User "
"Type to be used."
msgstr ""
"*個人用* のGmailアカウントは、**外部** ユーザタイプのみ許可されており、Googleによる承認が必要になる場合や、*スコープ* "
"を追加する必要がある場合があります。しかし、*Google WorkSpace* アカウントを使用すると、**内部** "
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/calendar/google.rst:64
msgid ""
@ -691,6 +694,8 @@ msgid ""
"mode, then no approval is necessary from Google. User limits in this testing"
" mode is set to 100 users."
msgstr ""
"また、API接続が *外部* "
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/calendar/google.rst:67
msgid ""
@ -968,7 +973,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/calendar/google.rst:202
msgid "Google OAuth FAQ"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Google OAuth FAQ"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/calendar/google.rst:204
msgid ""
@ -1014,7 +1019,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/calendar/google.rst-1
msgid "403 Access Denied Error."
msgstr ""
msgstr "403アクセス拒否エラー。"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/calendar/google.rst:231
msgid ""
@ -1025,7 +1030,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/calendar/google.rst:235
msgid "Application Type"
msgstr ""
msgstr "アプリケーションタイプ"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/calendar/google.rst:237
msgid ""
@ -1037,7 +1042,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/calendar/google.rst-1
msgid "Error 400 Redirect URI Mismatch."
msgstr ""
msgstr "エラー400 リダイレクトURI不一致。"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/calendar/google.rst:245
msgid ""
@ -3262,7 +3267,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/discuss/chatter.rst:392
msgid "Google Translate"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Google 翻訳"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/discuss/chatter.rst:394
msgid ""
@ -3305,6 +3310,8 @@ msgid ""
"Using the *Google Translate* API **requires** a current billing account with"
" `Google <https://myaccount.google.com/>`_."
msgstr ""
"*Google 翻訳* API ** を使用するには ** `Google <https://myaccount.google.com/>`_ "
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/discuss/chatter.rst:422
msgid ":doc:`Discuss Channels <../discuss/team_communication/>`"
@ -1745,7 +1745,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/optimize/lead_enrichment.rst:3
msgid "Lead enrichment"
msgstr ""
msgstr "リードエンリッチメント"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/optimize/lead_enrichment.rst:5
msgid ""
@ -24892,7 +24892,7 @@ msgstr ":doc:`products`"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/automatic_alerts.rst:169
msgid ":doc:`../../essentials/in_app_purchase`"
msgstr ""
msgstr ":doc:`../../essentials/in_app_purchase`"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/closing.rst:3
msgid "Close subscriptions"
@ -2311,11 +2311,11 @@ msgid ""
" the production build every time a commit is pushed. A branch that is put "
"back from staging to development will automatically be set to 'Do nothing'."
msgstr ""
"개발 브랜치 및 스테이징 브랜치의 경우 새로운 커밋을 받으면 브랜치의 동작을 변경할 수 있습니다. 기본적으로, 개발 브랜치는 새 빌드를 "
"생성하고 스테이징 브랜치는 이전 빌드를 업데이트합니다 (:ref:`프로덕션 단계 <stage_production>` 참조). 이 기능은 "
"작업 중인 기능에 특정한 설정이나 환경 설정이 필요한 경우 커밋할 때마다 직접 다시 설정할 필요가 없으므로 특히 유용합니다. 스테이징 "
"브랜치에 새 빌드를 선택하면 커밋이 푸시될 때마다 프로덕션 빌드에서 새로 복사본이 만들어집니다. 스테이징에서 개발로 되돌려진 브랜치는 "
"자동으로 '아무 것도 하지 않음'으로 설정됩니다."
"개발 브랜치 및 스테이징 브랜치의 경우, 새로운 커밋이 들어오면 브랜치의 동작을 변경할 수 있습니다. 기본적으로, 개발 브랜치에서는 새 "
"빌드를 생성하고 스테이징 브랜치는 이전 빌드를 업데이트합니다(:ref:`프로덕션 단계 <stage_production>` 참조). 이 "
"기능은 작업 중인 기능에 설정이나 환경설정을 해야 하는 경우에 유용하게 쓰일 수 있으며, 커밋할 때마다 직접 수동으로 다시 메뉴를 설정할"
" 필요가 없습니다. 스테이징 브랜치에 새 빌드를 선택하면 커밋이 푸시될 때마다 프로덕션 빌드에서 새로 복사본이 생성됩니다. 스테이징에서 "
"개발로 되돌아간 브랜치는 자동으로 '아무 것도 하지 않음' 으로 설정됩니다."
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_sh/getting_started/branches.rst:320
msgid "**Modules installation**"
@ -4206,13 +4206,13 @@ msgid ""
"command-line/>`_ and use it as password. Granting the ``repo`` permission "
msgstr ""
"보안 고려 사항으로 인해 빌드 컨테이너에 SSH 개인 키가 없거나 웹 브라우저를 통해 이 편집기에 액세스하는 경우 SSH 에이전트를 통해"
" 전달되기 때문에 SSH Github 리모트는 사용되지 않습니다. 따라서 SSH를 사용하여 Github에 인증할 수 없습니다. 대신, "
"변경 사항을 푸시하려면 Git 리포지토리의 HTTPS 리모컨을 사용해야 하며, 이 리모컨은 자동으로 추가되고 Git 리모컨의 이름이 "
"*https*로 지정됩니다. 이 과정에서 Github 사용자 이름과 비밀번호를 입력하라는 메시지가 표시됩니다. Github에서 2단계 "
"인증을 사용 설정한 경우 `개인 액세스 토큰 <https://help.github.com/articles/creating-a-"
"personal-access-token-for-the-command-line/>`_을 생성하여 비밀번호로 사용할 수 있습니다. "
"``리포지토리`` 권한을 부여하는 것이 적절합니다."
"SSH Github 원격 기능은 사용되지 않습니다. SSH 개인 키가 빌드 컨테이너에 없거나(명백한 보안 상의 이유인 경우) SSH "
"에이전트를 통해 전달되지 않는 경우(웹 브라우저를 통해 이 편집기에 액세스하는 경우)가 이런 경우에 해당하며, 이에 따라 SSH를 "
"사용하여 Github에 인증할 수 없습니다. Git 리포지토리의 HTTPS 원격 기능으로 변경 사항을 푸시해야 하며, 이러한 원격의 경우"
" 자동으로 Git 원격 제목이 *https*로 지정됩니다. 이 과정에서 Github 사용자 이름과 비밀번호를 입력하라는 메시지가 "
"표시됩니다. Github에서 2단계 인증을 활성화한 경우 `개인 액세스 토큰 "
"command-line/>`_ 을 생성하여 비밀번호로 사용할 수 있습니다. ``리포지토리`` 권한만 부여해 두면 됩니다."
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_sh/getting_started/online-editor.rst:137
msgid ""
@ -4528,6 +4528,8 @@ msgid ""
"be disabled if they fail to update the commit status. You can replace the "
"token at any time on Odoo.sh."
msgstr ""
"GitHub의 **세분화 개인 토큰** 에는 만료되는 날짜가 있으며 커밋 상태를 업데이트하지 않을 경우 비활성화됩니다. 토큰은 "
"Odoo.sh에서 언제든지 교체할 수 있습니다."
#: ../../content/administration/odoo_sh/getting_started/settings.rst:232
msgid "The commit statuses pushed to GitHub can have the following contexts:"
@ -6067,12 +6069,12 @@ msgid ""
"systemd.html>`_ may also be useful to implement per-process network access "
msgstr ""
"공개용 Odoo 서버가 민감한 내부 네트워크 리소스나 서비스에 액세스할 수 있는 경우 (예: 사설 VLAN을 통하는 경우), 해당 내부 "
"리소스를 보호하기 위해 적절한 방화벽 규칙을 설정하세요. 이렇게 하면 실수로 (또는 악의적인 사용자 행동의 결과로) Odoo 서버가 해당"
" 내부 리소스에 액세스하거나 중단시키는 데 사용되지 않도록 합니다. 일반적으로 방화벽에 아웃바운드 기본 거부 규칙을 적용한 다음 Odoo"
" 서버가 액세스해야 하는 내부 리소스에 대한 액세스만 명시적으로 승인하면 됩니다. 시스템 IP 트래픽 액세스 제어 "
"공개용 Odoo 서버가 민감한 내부 네트워크 리소스나 서비스에 액세스하게 되는 경우에는(예: 사설 VLAN을 통하는 경우), 내부 "
"리소스를 보호할 수 있도록 방화벽 규칙을 알맞게 설정하세요. 이렇게 하면 실수로(또는 사용자가 악의적으로 하는 경우) Odoo 서버를 "
"이와 같은 내부 리소스에 액세스하거나 중단 목적으로 사용되는 것을 막을 수 있습니다. 일반적으로 아웃바운드 기본 거부 규칙을 방화벽에 "
"적용한 다음 Odoo 서버가 액세스할 내부 리소스에 대한 액세스만 명시적으로 승인하면 됩니다. 시스템 IP 트래픽 액세스 제어 "
"systemd.html>`_는 프로세스별 네트워크 액세스 제어 설정에 유용하게 사용할 수 있습니다."
"systemd.html>`_ 역시 프로세스별 네트워크 액세스에 대한 제어 설정을 할 때 유용하게 사용할 수 있습니다."
#: ../../content/administration/on_premise/deploy.rst:635
msgid ""
@ -6088,12 +6090,12 @@ msgid ""
"CloudFlare usually maintain a public list of their IP address ranges for "
"this purpose."
msgstr ""
"공개용 Odoo 서버가 웹 애플리케이션 방화벽, 로드 밸런서, 투명한 DDoS 보호 서비스 (예: CloudFlare) 또는 이와 유사한"
" 네트워크 수준 장치 뒤에 있는 경우, Odoo 시스템에 직접 액세스하지 않는 것이 좋습니다. 보통 Odoo 서버의 엔드포인트 IP "
"주소를 기밀로 유지되기는 쉽지 않습니다. 예를 들어 공용 시스템을 쿼리할 때 웹 서버 로그에 표시되거나 Odoo에서 게시된 이메일의 "
"헤더에 표시될 수 있습니다. 이러한 상황에서는 WAF, 로드 밸런서 또는 프록시 서비스의 특정 IP 주소를 제외하고는 엔드포인트에 "
"공개적으로 액세스할 수 없도록 방화벽을 구성하는 것을 추천합니다. CloudFlare와 같은 서비스 제공업체는 일반적으로 이러한 목적을 "
"위해 공개 목록을 IP 주소 범위로 유지합니다."
"공개용 Odoo 서버가 웹 애플리케이션 방화벽, 로드 밸런서, DDoS 공개 보호 서비스(예: CloudFlare) 또는 이와 유사한 "
"네트워크 수준 장치로 보안이 되고 있는 경우, Odoo 시스템에 직접 액세스하지 않는 것이 좋습니다. 보통 Odoo 서버의 엔드포인트 "
"IP 주소에 보안을 유지하는 것은 쉽지 않습니다. 예를 들어 주소는 공용 시스템을 쿼리할 때 웹 서버 로그에 표시되거나 Odoo에서 "
"게시된 이메일의 헤더에 표시될 수 있습니다. 이러한 상황에서는 WAF, 로드 밸런서 또는 프록시 서비스의 특정 IP 주소를 제외하고는 "
"엔드포인트에 공개적으로 액세스할 수 없도록 방화벽을 구성하는 것이 좋습니다. CloudFlare와 같은 서비스 제공업체는 일반적으로 "
"이러한 목적으로 공개 목록을 IP 주소 범위로 두고 있습니다."
#: ../../content/administration/on_premise/deploy.rst:646
msgid ""
@ -8035,7 +8037,7 @@ msgid ""
"Even though we don't support older versions, you can always `upgrade from "
"any version <https://upgrade.odoo.com/>`_."
msgstr ""
"지원되지 않는 구 버전의 경우에도, 언제든지 `버전 업그레이드 <https://upgrade.odoo.com/>`_ 를 할 수 있습니다."
"지원되지 않는 구 버전의 경우에도, `버전 업그레이드 <https://upgrade.odoo.com/>`_ 는 언제든지 할 수 있습니다."
#: ../../content/administration/upgrade.rst:5
msgid ""
@ -1142,13 +1142,13 @@ msgid ""
"from the drop-down menu. Use the :guilabel:`SLA Policies` field to assign a "
"*Helpdesk* SLA policy to this contact."
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`기타` 제목 아래에 있는 :guilabel:`참조` 필드를 사용하여 이 연락처에 추가 정보를 입력합니다. 다중 회사 "
"데이터베이스 에서 한 회사에서만 이 연락처를 액세스할 수 있게 하려면 :guilabel:`회사` 필드 드롭다운 목록에서 해당 연락처를 "
"선택합니다. :guilabel:`웹사이트` 드롭다운 메뉴를 사용하면 이 연락처가 한 웹사이트에만 게시되도록 제한할 수 있습니다 "
"(웹사이트가 여러 개 있는 데이터베이스에서 작업하는 경우). 한 개 이상 :guilabel:`웹사이트 태그` 를 선택해 놓으면 "
"`/customers` 웹사이트 페이지에 게시된 고객을 필터하는 데 활용할 수 있습니다. 드롭다운 메뉴에서 이 연락처의 "
":guilabel:`업종` 을 선택합니다. :guilabel:`SLA 정책` 필드를 사용하여 이 연락처에 대한 *헬프데스크* SLA "
"정책을 지정합니다."
":guilabel:`기타` 제목 아래에 있는 :guilabel:`참조` 필드에 이 연락처에 대한 추가 정보를 입력합니다. 다중 회사 "
"데이터베이스에서 한 회사만 이 연락처를 확인할 수 있게 하려면 :guilabel:`회사` 필드 드롭다운 목록 중에서 해당 연락처를 "
"선택합니다. :guilabel:`웹사이트` 드롭다운 메뉴를 사용하면 이 연락처가 하나의 웹사이트에만 게시되도록 제한할 수 "
"있습니다(웹사이트가 여러 개 있는 데이터베이스에서 작업하는 경우). :guilabel:`웹사이트 태그` 를 한 개 이상 선택해 놓으면 "
"`/customers` 웹사이트 페이지에 게시된 고객에 필터를 적용하는 데 활용할 수 있습니다. 드롭다운 메뉴에서 이 연락처의 "
":guilabel:`인더스트리` 를 선택합니다. :guilabel:`SLA 정책` 필드를 사용하여 이 연락처에 대한 *헬프데스크* SLA"
" 정책을 지정합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/contacts.rst:161
msgid "Accounting tab"
@ -1584,9 +1584,9 @@ msgid ""
"the checkbox next to the corresponding record. Finally, click on |actions|, "
"then :guilabel:`Export`."
msgstr ""
"Odoo를 통해 모든 레코드에서 어떤 항목이든 값을 내보낼 수 있습니다. 실행하려면 내보내기를 할 항목에서 목록 보기 (|목록|)를 "
"활성화한 다음 내보낼 레코드를 선택합니다. 레코드를 선택하려면 해당 레코드 옆에 있는 확인란에 표시합니다. 마지막으로 |활동| 을 클릭한"
" 다음 :guilabel:`내보내기` 를 클릭합니다."
"Odoo를 통해 레코드에서 어떤 항목이든 값을 내보낼 수 있습니다. 내보내기를 할 항목에서 목록 보기 (|list|)를 활성화한 다음 "
"내보낼 레코드를 선택합니다. 레코드를 선택하려면 해당 레코드 옆에 있는 확인란에 표시합니다. 마지막으로 |actions| 을 클릭한 다음"
" :guilabel:`내보내기` 를 클릭합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/export_import_data.rst-1
msgid "View of the different things to enable/click to export data."
@ -1034,6 +1034,8 @@ msgid ""
"default every 12 hours. If you wish, you can synchronize them manually by "
"clicking on the :guilabel:`Synchronize Now` button on the dashboard."
msgstr ""
"최초로 동기화를 실행한 후, 생성이 되어 있는 전표는 기본적으로 12시간마다 동기화됩니다. 필요할 경우 현황판에 "
"있는:guilabel:`지금 동기화하기` 버튼을 클릭하여 수동으로 동기화할 수 있습니다."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/accounting/bank/bank_synchronization.rst:83
msgid ""
@ -1680,9 +1682,9 @@ msgid ""
"synchronization. Once this is done, you can go back to Odoo to delete the "
msgstr ""
"Odoo에서 은행 기관과 연결은 완전히 삭제할 수 없습니다. 다만 Odoo에서 사용자 계정에 더 이상 액세스할 수 없도록 사용자 동의를 "
"철회하는 것은 가능합니다. 오류 메시지의 내용은 동의가 철회되었으나 Salt Edge에 해당 기록이 계속 존재하기 때문에 레코드를 삭제할"
" 수 없다는 안내 메시지입니다. 연결을 완전히 제거하려면 'Salt Edge 계정 "
"Odoo에서는 은행 기관에 생성한 연결은 영구적으로 삭제할 수 없습니다. 다만 사용자 동의를 철회하면 Odoo에서 사용자 계정에 더 이상"
" 액세스할 수 없도록 할 수 있습니다. 표시되는 오류 메시지는 동의를 철회했으나 Salt Edge에 해당 기록이 계속 남아있기 때문에 "
"레코드를 삭제할 수 없다는 안내용 메시지입니다. 연결을 완전히 제거하려면 'Salt Edge 계정 "
"<https://www.saltedge.com/dashboard>`_ 으로 로그인하여 직접 동기화를 삭제하세요. 이 작업이 완료되면 "
"Odoo로 돌아가서 레코드를 삭제할 수 있습니다."
@ -4985,6 +4987,8 @@ msgid ""
"--> Scheduled Actions`, and search for the :guilabel:`PEPPOL: update "
"participant status` action."
msgstr ""
"등록 상태를 확인하는 크론을 수동으로 작동시키려면, :ref:`개발자 모드` 를 활성화한 다음 :menuselection:`설정 --> "
"기술 --> 예약된 작업` 으로 이동하여 :guilabel:`PEPPOL: 참가자 상태 업데이트` 작업을 검색합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/accounting/customer_invoices/electronic_invoicing.rst:205
msgid ""
@ -5079,6 +5083,8 @@ msgid ""
"the format you selected for them, the :guilabel:`Peppol endpoint validity` "
"label changes to :guilabel:`Cannot receive this format`."
msgstr ""
"참가자가 Peppol 네트워크에 등록되어 있으나 선택한 형식을 수신할 수 없는 경우에는 :guilabel:`Peppol 엔드포인트 "
"유효성` 라벨이 :guilabel:`이 형식을 수신할 수 없음` 으로 변경됩니다."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/accounting/customer_invoices/electronic_invoicing.rst-1
msgid "verify contact ubl format"
@ -7350,10 +7356,10 @@ msgid ""
"account (called **stock input**) is credited and only reconciled once the "
"vendor bill is received."
msgstr ""
"**영미식 회계 (Anglo-Saxon accounting)** 방식을 사용하는 회사에는, |AVCO|를 사용하는 것 외에도 공급업체에 "
"지급할 금액을 추적하는 보유 계이 있습니다. 주문을 공급업체에서 납품하면 재고 내역에 입력된 품목의 공급업체 가격을 기준으로 **재고 "
"가치 평가**가 증가합니다. 보유 계정 (**재고 입력**으로 지칭)은 공급업체 청구서 수령 이후에만 대변 처리 및 조정을 할 수 "
"|AVCO| 를 활용하는 방식 외에도, **영미식 회계 (Anglo-Saxon accounting)** 방법을 적용하는 회사에서는 "
"공급업체에 지급할 대금을 추적할 수 있도록 가계정을 두고 있습니다. 공급업체에서 주문을 납품하면 재고에 입력된 품목은 공급업체 가격을 "
"기준으로 **재고 가치 평가** 금액이 증가합니다. 가계정 (**재고 입고** 로 지칭)은 공급업체 청구서를 받은 이후에만 대변 항목에 "
"처리 후 조정할 수 있습니다."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/accounting/get_started/avg_price_valuation.rst:266
msgid ""
@ -7369,13 +7375,13 @@ msgid ""
" a price difference between the price the product is **valued at** and the "
"price it was bought for, a *price difference* account is created."
msgstr ""
"아래 표에는 전표 항목과 계정이 반영되어 있습니다. *재고 입력* 계정에는 공급업체 청구서를 아직 수령하지 않은 경우 공급업체에 지불할 "
"금액을 입력합니다. 제품의 **평가 가격**과 구매 가격 사이에 가격 차이가 있는 제품을 반품할 때 계정의 균형을 맞추기 위해 *가격 "
"차이* 계정이 생성됩니다."
"아래 표에는 전표 항목과 계정이 반영되어 있습니다. *재고 입고* 계정에는 공급업체 청구서를 아직 받지 못한 경우에 공급업체에 지급해야 "
"하는 대금을 입력합니다. 반품할 품목에 대해 품목의 **평가 가격** 과 구매 가격 사이에 가격 차이가 있는 경우에는, 계정 잔액의 "
"균형을 맞추기 위해 *가격 차이* 계정이 생성됩니다."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/accounting/get_started/avg_price_valuation.rst:276
msgid "Stock Input"
msgstr "재고 입력"
msgstr "재고 입고"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/accounting/get_started/avg_price_valuation.rst:276
msgid "Price Diff"
@ -7448,10 +7454,10 @@ msgid ""
"means the bill has been paid. **Stock Input** is reconciled once the vendor "
"bill is received."
msgstr ""
"품목이 입고되면, Odoo에서는 회사에서 구매한 대금을 결제할 수 있도록 입고된 품목가에 상응하는 금액을 :doc:`부채 계정 "
"</applications/finance/accounting/get_started/cheat_sheet>`,인 **재고 입력**으로 "
"선제적으로 이동시킵니다. 그런 다음, 청구서를 수령하게 되면 계정에 있는 금액이 *미지급금 계정*으로 전기됩니다. 해당 계정으로 "
"전기되었다는 것은 청구서 결제가 완료되었다는 것을 의미합니다. 공급업체 청구서를 수령하면 **재고 입력**이 조정됩니다."
"품목이 입고되면, Odoo에서는 회사에서 구매 대금을 결제할 수 있도록 입고 품목의 가격에 상응하는 금액을 :doc:`부채 계정 "
"</applications/finance/accounting/get_started/cheat_sheet>` 인 **재고 입고** 계정으로"
" 먼저 이동시켜 놓습니다. 그런 다음, 청구서를 받으면 가계정에 있는 금액이 *미지급금 계정* 으로 전기됩니다. 해당 계정으로 "
"전기되었다는 것은 청구서가 결제되었다는 의미입니다. **재고 입고** 는 공급업체 청구서를 받게 되면 조정됩니다."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/accounting/get_started/avg_price_valuation.rst:308
msgid ""
@ -7462,7 +7468,7 @@ msgid ""
"crediting and debiting operations of the **Stock Input** account."
msgstr ""
"재고 가치 평가는 내부적으로 재고로 보유 중인 품목별 가치를 계산하는 방법입니다. 품목의 **평가 가격**과 제품이 실제로 **구매 "
"가격** 사이에는 차이가 있으므로 **재고 가치 평가** 계정은 **재고 입력** 계정의 차대 작업과 관련이 없습니다."
"가격** 사이에는 차이가 있으므로 **재고 가치 평가** 계정은 **재고 입고** 계정의 차대 작업과 관련이 없습니다."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/accounting/get_started/avg_price_valuation.rst:313
msgid "To conceptualize all this, follow the breakdown below."
@ -7484,7 +7490,7 @@ msgid ""
"The **Stock Input** account stores `$80` of credit owed to the vendor. The "
"amount in this account is unrelated to the inventory value."
msgstr ""
"**재고 입력** 계정의 대변에 공급업체에 지불해야 할 미수금 `$80`이 기록됩니다. 이 계정의 금액은 재고 가치와 관련이 없습니다."
"**재고 입고** 계정의 대변에 공급업체에 지불해야 할 미수금 `$80`이 기록됩니다. 이 계정의 금액은 재고 가치와 관련이 없습니다."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/accounting/get_started/avg_price_valuation.rst:323
msgid ""
@ -7496,7 +7502,7 @@ msgstr "`$80` 상당의 테이블이 **입고** (*재고 가치* 계정 `$80`에
msgid ""
"`$80` must be paid **out** for received goods (**credit** the *Stock Input* "
"account `$80`)."
msgstr "입고된 상품에 대해 `$80`을 **지급**해야 합니다 (*재고 입력* 계정 `$80`에 **대변** 입력)."
msgstr "입고된 상품에 대해 `$80`을 **지급**해야 합니다 (*재고 입고* 계정 `$80`에 **대변** 입력)."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/accounting/get_started/avg_price_valuation.rst:327
#: ../../content/applications/finance/accounting/get_started/avg_price_valuation.rst:370
@ -7549,12 +7555,12 @@ msgid ""
"(Received)` account by default) is credited `$80`."
msgstr ""
"테이블 8개 에 대한 내역을 클릭합니다. 이 회계 전표 항목은 테이블 8개가 입고되었을 때 `재고 가치 평가` 계정이 `$80` "
"증가했음을 보여줍니다. 반대로 **재고 입력** 계정 (기본적으로 `중간 재고 (입고)` 계정으로 설정)에는 `$80`이 대변에 "
"증가했음을 보여줍니다. 반대로 **재고 입고** 계정 (기본적으로 `중간 재고 (입고)` 계정으로 설정)에는 `$80`이 대변에 "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/accounting/get_started/avg_price_valuation.rst-1
msgid "Debit stock valuation and credit stock input 80 dollars."
msgstr "재고 가치 평가의 차변 및 재고 입력 대변에 80달러를 기록합니다."
msgstr "재고 가치 평가의 차변 및 재고 입고 대변에 80달러를 기록합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/accounting/get_started/avg_price_valuation.rst:358
msgid "Accounts balanced at received vendor bill"
@ -7574,11 +7580,11 @@ msgid ""
"Use `$80` in the **Stock Input** account to pay the bill. This cancels out "
"and the account now holds `$0`."
msgstr ""
"**재고 입력** 계정에 있는 `$80`에 대해 청구서를 결제합니다. 이 금액은 차감되고 이제 계좌에 남은 금액은 `$0`입니다."
"**재고 입고** 계정에 있는 `$80`에 대해 청구서를 결제합니다. 이 금액은 차감되고 이제 계좌에 남은 금액은 `$0`입니다."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/accounting/get_started/avg_price_valuation.rst:365
msgid "Debit **Stock Input** `$80` (to reconcile this account)."
msgstr "**재고 입력** 차변에 `$80`를 기록합니다 (이 계정을 조정하기 위해)."
msgstr "**재고 입고** 차변에 `$80`를 기록합니다 (이 계정을 조정하기 위해)."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/accounting/get_started/avg_price_valuation.rst:366
msgid ""
@ -7622,8 +7628,8 @@ msgid ""
" products are delivered to a customer, the **Stock Input** account is "
"untouched because there are no new products coming in. To put it simply:"
msgstr ""
":ref:`위의 예시 테이블 <inventory/avg_price/price-table>`에서 10개 품목을 고객에게 배송한 경우, "
"**재고 입력** 계정은 새로 입고되는 품목이 없으므로 그대로 유지됩니다. 간단히 설명하면,"
":ref:`위의 테이블 예시 <inventory/avg_price/price-table>` 에서 10개 품목을 고객에게 배송한 경우, "
"**재고 입고** 계정은 새로 입고되는 품목이 없으므로 그대로 유지됩니다. 간단히 설명하면,"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/accounting/get_started/avg_price_valuation.rst:391
msgid ""
@ -7677,10 +7683,10 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Price Difference Account`, which is set up in the product's "
":guilabel:`Product Category`."
msgstr ""
":ref:`위의 테이블 예시 <inventory/avg_price/price-table>`에서 공급업체로부터 `$10`에 구매한 1개 "
":ref:`위의 테이블 예시 <inventory/avg_price/price-table>` 에서 공급업체로부터 `$10`에 구매한 1개 "
"품목을 반품하는 경우, 회사는 **미지급금** 계정에 `$10`를 기록할 것입니다. 그러나 반품 시점의 평균 원가는 `$12`이므로 "
"**재고 입력** 계정의 차변에 `$12`를 기록해야 합니다. 모자란 `$2`는 제품의 :guilabel:`가격 차이 계정`에 설정되어 "
"있는 :guilabel:`제품 카테고리`를 통해서 설명할 수 있습니다."
"**재고 입고** 계정의 차변에 `$12`를 기록해야 합니다. 모자란 `$2`는 제품의 :guilabel:`가격 차이 계정` 에 설정되어"
" 있는 :guilabel:`제품 카테고리` 를 통해서 설명할 수 있습니다."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/accounting/get_started/avg_price_valuation.rst:420
msgid ""
@ -7701,14 +7707,14 @@ msgid ""
"input. This move is to indicate that the table is to be processed for an "
"outgoing shipment."
msgstr ""
"재고에서 재고 입력으로 테이블을 이동하려면 **재고 입력** 대변에 `$10`을 기록합니다. 해당 작업은 테이블이 출고 배송 작업이 될 "
"재고에서 재고 입고로 테이블을 이동하려면 **재고 입고** 대변에 `$10`을 기록합니다. 해당 작업은 테이블이 출고 배송 작업이 될 "
"예정이라는 것을 나타냅니다."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/accounting/get_started/avg_price_valuation.rst:427
msgid ""
"Debit **Stock Input** an additional `$2` to account for the **Price "
msgstr "**가격 차이**를 설명하기 위해, **재고 입력** 계정의 차변에 추가로 `$2`를 기록합니다."
msgstr "**가격 차이** 를 설명하기 위해, **재고 입고** 계정의 차변에 추가로 `$2`를 기록합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/accounting/get_started/avg_price_valuation.rst:428
msgid ""
@ -7726,7 +7732,7 @@ msgstr "공급업체로부터 환불을 받게 되면,"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/accounting/get_started/avg_price_valuation.rst:436
msgid ""
"Credit **Stock Input** account `$10` to reconcile the price of the table."
msgstr "`$10`을 대변에 **재고 입력**하여 표에서 가격을 조정합니다."
msgstr "`$10`을 대변에 **재고 입고** 처리하여 표에서 가격을 조정합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/accounting/get_started/avg_price_valuation.rst:437
msgid ""
@ -11254,6 +11260,8 @@ msgid ""
"accounts and income affect cash and cash equivalents and breaks the analysis"
" down to operating, investing, and financing activities."
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`현금 흐름표` 는 재무상태표 계정 및 수입의 변화가 현금 및 현금성 자산에 미치는 영향을 보여주고 운영, 투자 및 "
"재무 활동으로 세분화하여 분석합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/accounting/reporting.rst:127
#: ../../content/applications/finance/accounting/reporting/tax_returns.rst:101
@ -12453,6 +12461,8 @@ msgid ""
"accounting entries are unaltered**, meaning that once an entry has been "
"secured, it can no longer be changed."
msgstr ""
"일부 국가의 경우 세무서에서 기업에 **회계 발행 항목이 변경 불가능** 하다는 것을 입증하도록 요구하는데, 이는 항목이 발행되면 더 "
"이상 변경할 수 없게 하라는 의미입니다."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/accounting/reporting/data_inalterability.rst:8
msgid ""
@ -12468,10 +12478,10 @@ msgid ""
"used, among others, for data integrity verification purposes."
msgstr ""
"이를 위해 Odoo에서는 보안 항목마다 **SHA-256 알고리즘** 을 사용하여 고유한 지문을 생성할 수 있습니다. 이 지문을 해시라고"
" 합니다. 해시는 항목의 필수 데이터 (`date`, `journal_id`, `company_id`, `debit`, `credit`,"
" `account_id`, `partner_id` 필드 값)를 가져와서 연결한 다음 SHA-256 해시 함수에 입력하면 고정 크기 "
"(256비트) 문자열이 출력되는 방식으로 생성됩니다. 해시 함수는 결정론적 ('입력값이 같을 경우 항상 같은 출력값을 생성')이기 때문에"
" 원본 데이터를 일부만 수정하더라도 해시가 완전히 변경됩니다. 따라서 SHA-256 알고리즘은 데이터 무결성 검증 목적으로 자주 "
" 합니다. 해시는 항목의 필수 데이터(`date`, `journal_id`, `company_id`, `debit`, `credit`, "
"`account_id`, `partner_id` 필드 값)를 가져와서 연결한 다음 SHA-256 해시 함수에 입력하면 고정 "
"크기(256비트) 문자열이 출력되는 방식으로 생성됩니다. 해시 함수는 결정론적('입력값이 같을 경우 항상 같은 출력값을 생성')이기 "
"때문에 원본 데이터를 일부만 수정하더라도 해시가 완전히 변경됩니다. 따라서 SHA-256 알고리즘은 데이터 무결성 검증 목적으로 자주 "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/accounting/reporting/data_inalterability.rst:17
@ -12608,6 +12618,8 @@ msgid ""
" is possible since the hash chain corresponds to the sequence prefix, "
"ordered by sequence number."
msgstr ""
"선택한 날짜가 이미 지난 항목에 보안이 적용되는 경우가 있습니다. 해시 체인이 순서에 따른 번호로 정렬되어 있는 순서 접두사에 해당하기 "
"때문에 가능합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/accounting/reporting/data_inalterability.rst:95
msgid "Report download"
@ -13268,10 +13280,10 @@ msgid ""
" price when goods or services are purchased. Based on these values, the "
"company can calculate the tax amount they have to pay or be refunded."
msgstr ""
"회사 :abbr:`VAT (부가가치세)` 번호가 등록되어 있으면, 매출 및 등록 규정에 따라 월별 또는 분기별로 **세무 신고**를 해야"
" 합니다. 세금 신고서 또는 VAT 신고서로 세무 당국에 회사의 과세 대상 거래 정보를 제출합니다. **매출세**는 기업이 판매한 재화 "
"및 서비스의 수량에 대해 부과되는 반면, **매입세**는 재화 또는 서비스를 구매할 때 가격에 추가되는 세금입니다. 이 값을 바탕으로 "
"기업은 납부해야 하거나 환급받아야 하는 세액을 계산할 수 있습니다."
"회사의 :abbr:`VAT (부가가치세)` 번호가 등록되어 있으면, 매출 및 등록 규정에 따라 월별 또는 분기별로 **세무 신고** 를 "
"해야 합니다. 세무 신고서 또는 부가가치세 신고서를 통해 세무 당국에 회사의 과세 거래 정보를 제출합니다. **매출세** 는 기업이 "
"판매한 재화 및 서비스의 수에 대해 부과되는 반면, **매입세** 는 재화 또는 서비스를 구매할 때 가격에 추가되는 세금입니다. 이 값을"
" 바탕으로 기업은 납부하거나 환급받을 세액을 계산할 수 있습니다."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/accounting/reporting/tax_returns.rst:14
msgid ""
@ -13429,10 +13441,10 @@ msgid ""
"`PDF` and XLSX. These include all the values to report to the tax "
"authorities, along with the amount you have to pay or be refunded."
msgstr ""
"보고 기간 동안 세금과 관련된 거래를 완료하면, :menuselection:`회계 --> 보고 --> 감사 보고서: 세금계산서`로 "
"이동하여 :guilabel:`세금계산서`를 엽니다. 날짜 필터로 신고할 기간을 선택하면 세금계산서의 전체적인 내용을 미리 볼 수 "
"있습니다. 이 화면에서 'PDF' 및 XLSX와 같은 다양한 형식의 세금계산서에 쉽게 액세스할 수 있습니다. 여기에서 세무 당국에 신고할"
" 모든 금액과 납부 또는 환급받을 금액을 확인합니다."
"신고하려는 기간에 대해 세금과 관련된 거래가 모두 게시되면, :menuselection:`회계 --> 보고 --> 감사 보고서: 세무 "
"신고` 로 이동하여 :guilabel:`세무 신고서` 를 엽니다. 날짜 필터로 신고 기간을 정확하게 선택하도록 하며, 선택하면 세무 "
"신고서의 전체적인 내용을 미리 볼 수 있습니다. 이 화면에서 'PDF' 및 XLSX와 같은 다양한 형식의 세무 신고서를 쉽게 확인할 수 "
"있습니다. 여기에서 세무서에 신고할 모든 금액 및 납부하거나 환급받을 금액을 확인합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/accounting/reporting/tax_returns.rst-1
msgid "download the PDF with your Tax Report in Odoo Accounting"
@ -14443,10 +14455,10 @@ msgid ""
"everything tax excluded, which is less error prone and easier for your "
msgstr ""
"재무 측면에서, 품목을 9.99€ (세금 21%)가 아닌 10€에 판매하는 경우라도, 수익은 9.99€로 정확히 동일하고 세금만 "
"0.01€ 더 높기 때문에 더 이상 발생하는 수익은 없습니다. 따라서 벨기에에서 이커머스를 운영하는 경우 고객을 배려하여 가격을 10€가"
" 아닌 9.99€로 설정하세요. 20€ 또는 30€ 또는 다른 세율이 적용되거나 수량이 1을 초과하는 경우에는 적용되지 않습니다. 또한 "
"세금 제외인 모든 항목을 관리할 수 있으므로 오류 발생 가능성이 적고 영업 담당자가 관리하기가 더 쉬워지게 됩니다."
"재무 측면에서, 품목을 9.99€(세금 21%)가 아닌 10€에 판매하더라도 수익은 9.99€로 정확히 동일하고 세금만 0.01€ 더 "
"높기 때문에 수익은 더 이상 발생하지 않습니다. 따라서 벨기에에서 이커머스를 운영하는 경우 고객 편의를 위해 가격을 10€ 대신 "
"9.99€로 설정하는 것이 좋습니다. 이와 같은 내용은 20€ 또는 30€ 또는 다른 세율이 적용되거나 수량이 1을 초과하는 경우에는 "
"적용되지 않습니다. 또한 모든 세금 미포함 항목을 관리할 수 있으므로 오류 발생 가능성이 적고 영업 담당자가 관리하기가 더 쉬워집니다."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/accounting/taxes/B2B_B2C.rst:63
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/australia.rst:410
@ -17527,6 +17539,8 @@ msgid ""
" Reference` has been set correctly in the vendor bill. If the field is "
"empty, select the vendor invoice number as a reference."
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`메모` 필드는 공급업체 청구서에 :guilabel:`결제 참조` 가 올바르게 설정되면 자동으로 입력됩니다. 필드가 "
"비어 있으면 공급업체 청구서 번호를 참조로 선택합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/accounting/vendor_bills.rst:94
msgid ""
@ -26068,9 +26082,9 @@ msgid ""
"each POS order and added to its receipt. This allows the government to "
"verify that all revenue is declared."
msgstr ""
"FDM 또는 **블랙박스**는 POS 애플리케이션과 함께 작동하여 POS 주문 정보를 저장하는 정부 인증 장치입니다. 구체적으로는, "
"**해시** (:dfn:`고유 코드`)가 POS 주문별로 생성되어 영수증에 추가됩니다. 이를 통해 정부에서 모든 수익이 신고되었는지 "
"확인할 수 있습니다."
"FDM는 **블랙박스** 라고도 하며 정부에서 인증된 장치로 POS 애플리케이션과 함께 작동하여 POS 주문 정보를 저장합니다. "
"구체적으로는, **해시** (:dfn:`고유 코드`)가 POS 주문별로 생성되어 영수증에 추가됩니다. 이를 통해 정부는 모든 수익에 대한"
" 신고가 이루어지고 있는지 확인할 수 있습니다."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/belgium.rst:525
msgid ""
@ -29441,13 +29455,13 @@ msgid ""
"Tributarios Electrónicos)` files to the :abbr:`SII (Servicio de Impuestos "
msgstr ""
"**도움말:** 이 오류는 귀하의 회사가 `인증 프로세스 "
"**도움말:** 이 오류는 귀사가 `인증 절차 "
" in the :abbr:`SII (Servicio de Impuestos Internos)` - Sistema de "
"Facturación de Mercado 를 통과하지 못했다는 것을 나타냅니다. 이러한 경우, 인증이 Odoo 서비스에 포함되는 것은 "
"아니나 몇 가지 대안을 드릴 수 있도록 계정 관리자나 고객 지원팀에 문의하시기 바랍니다. 이미 인증 프로세스를 통과한 경우에 이 오류는,"
" 인증서 소유자가 아닌 다른 사용자가 :abbr:`DTE (Documentos Tributarios Electrónicos)` 파일을 "
":abbr:`SII (Servicio de Impuestos Internos)로 파일을 보내려고 할 때 나타납니다."
" 를 통과하지 못한 경우에 표시됩니다 :abbr:`SII (Servicio de Impuestos Internos)`, 즉 청구서 "
"시스템에서 발생한 오류입니다. 이러한 경우, 계정 관리자나 고객 지원팀에 문의하시기 바랍니다. 인증의 경우 Odoo 서비스 범위에 "
"해당되지 않으나, 일부 내용을 안내해 드릴 수 있습니다. 이미 인증 절차를 통과한 경우에는, 인증서 소유자가 아닌 다른 사용자가 "
":abbr:`DTE (Documentos Tributarios Electrónicos)` 파일을 :abbr:`SII (Servicio "
"de Impuestos Internos)` 로 전송할 경우 이와 같은 오류가 발생할 수 있습니다."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/chile.rst:0
msgid "**Error:** `CARATULA`"
@ -30092,10 +30106,10 @@ msgid ""
"documentation <chile/caf-documentation>` to check the details on how to "
"acquire the :abbr:`CAFs (Folio Authorization Code)` for electronic receipts."
msgstr ""
":ref:`전자 청구서 <chile/electronic-invoice>`에 대해 환경 설정이 모두 완료되면 (예: 유효한 회사 인증서 "
"업로드, 마스터 데이터 설정 등) 전자 영수증에 자체 :abbr:`CAF (Folio Authorization Code)`가 있어야 "
"합니다. 전자 영수증용 :abbr:`CAF (Folio Authorization Code)`를 받는 방법에 대한 자세한 내용은 "
":ref:`CAF 문서 <chile/caf-documentation>`를 참조하시기 바랍니다."
":ref:`전자 청구서 <chile/electronic-invoice>` 와 관련된 환경설정이 모두 완료되면(예: 유효한 회사 인증서 "
"업로드, 마스터 데이터 설정 등) 전자 영수증에 자체 :abbr:`CAF(Folio Authorization Code)` 가 있어야 "
"합니다. 전자 영수증용 :abbr:`CAF(Folio Authorization Code)` 를 받는 방법에 대한 자세한 내용은 "
":ref:`CAF 문서 <chile/caf-documentation>` 를 참조하시기 바랍니다."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/chile.rst:904
msgid ""
@ -30124,9 +30138,9 @@ msgid ""
"but the type of document :guilabel:`(39) Electronic Receipt` should be "
"selected in the invoice form:"
msgstr ""
"전자 영수증은 일반 :abbr:`RUT (Rol Único Tributario)`를 사용하여 최종 소비자에게 사용되도록 해야 하지만, "
"특정 파트너 대상으로도 사용할 수 있습니다. 파트너 및 전표를 생성 및 설정하여 전자 영수증을 전자 청구서와 같이 표준 방식으로 생성하되"
" 청구서 양식에서 문서 유형 :guilabel:` (39) 전자 영수증`을 선택해야 합니다."
"전자 수령증은 최종 소비자용으로 일반 :abbr:`RUT (Rol Único Tributario)` 를 통해 사용하고 있으나, 파트너를 "
"대상으로도 쓸 수 있습니다. 파트너 및 전표를 생성하고 설정한 다음 전자 수령증을 전자 청구서와 같은 표준 방식으로 생성하되 청구서 "
"양식에서 문서 유형 :guilabel:` (39) 전자 수령증` 을 선택해야 합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/chile.rst-1
msgid "Document type 39 for Electronic Receipts."
@ -37350,6 +37364,9 @@ msgid ""
"the type of taxpayer, while GSTIN is required for generating e-Invoices and "
msgstr ""
":menuselection:`설정 --> 사용자 및 회사 --> 회사` 에서 :guilabel:`PAN` 및 "
":guilabel:`GSTIN` 을 추가합니다. PAN은 납세자 유형을 결정하기 위한 필수 항목이며, GSTIN은 전자 청구서와 전자 "
"운송장을 생성하는 데 필요합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/india.rst:57
msgid "e-Invoice system"
@ -38469,6 +38486,8 @@ msgid ""
"field. In this field, we can only select invoices in *Cancel* state from the"
" same customer."
msgstr ""
"새 청구서를 만들고 취소된 청구서를 *청구서 교체* 필드에 설정합니다. 이 필드에서는 청구서가 동일한 고객에 대해 *취소* 상태인 "
"경우에만 선택할 수 있습니다."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/indonesia.rst:109
msgid ""
@ -41056,7 +41075,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Odoo 멕시코 현지화 모듈을 사용하면 2022년 1월 1일 기준 법적 요건인 'CFDI 4.0 버전 "
"<http://omawww.sat.gob.mx/ "
"tramitesyservicios/Paginas/documentos/Anexo_20_Guia_de_llenado_CFDI.pdf>'에 "
"tramitesyservicios/Paginas/documentos/Anexo_20_Guia_de_llenado_CFDI.pdf>' 에 "
"대한 |SAT| 사양에 따라 전자 청구서에 서명할 수 있습니다. 이 모듈로 관련 회계 보고서 (예: |DIOT|, 해외 거래 활성화, "
"배송 가이드 생성)를 추가할 수도 있습니다."
@ -41979,7 +41998,7 @@ msgid ""
"supported by Odoo. For this, you need to cancel the invoice directly in the "
"|SAT|, and press :guilabel:`Retry` in the :guilabel:`SAT Status field`."
msgstr ""
"Odoo에서는 일부 제한적으로만 |SAT| 에서 청구서를 취소하도록 하고 있습니다. 사유 03 및 04 (*작업이 이루어지지 않음* 및 "
"Odoo에서는 일부 제한적인 경우에만 |SAT| 에서 청구서를 취소할 수 있습니다. 사유 03 및 04 (*작업이 이루어지지 않음* 및 "
"*전체 청구서와 관련된 지정 거래*)는 현재 Odoo에서 지원이 되지 않습니다. 취소하려면 |SAT| 에서 직접 청구서를 취소한 후 "
":guilabel:`SAT 상태 필드` 에서 :guilabel:`재시도` 를 눌러야 합니다."
@ -42003,9 +42022,9 @@ msgid ""
"the new document."
msgstr ""
":menuselection:`회계 --> 고객 --> 청구서` 로 이동하여 이전 청구서를 선택합니다. 이전 청구서에서 "
":guilabel:`Fiscal Folio` 를 복사합니다. 그런 다음 새 청구서로 이동하여 :guilabel:`CFDI Origin` "
"필드에 `04|` 값을 추가한 후 해당 값 뒤에 이전 청구서의 :guilabel:`Fiscal Folio` 를 붙여넣습니다. 마지막으로 "
"새 문서에 서명합니다."
":guilabel:`Fiscal Folio` 를 복사합니다. 그런 다음 새 청구서로 이동하여 :guilabel:`CFDI 원본` 필드에 "
"`04|` 값을 추가한 후 해당 값 뒤에 이전 청구서의 :guilabel:`Fiscal Folio` 를 붙여넣습니다. 마지막으로 새 "
"문서에 서명합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/mexico.rst:478
msgid ""
@ -45237,6 +45256,8 @@ msgid ""
":file:`.zip` with the CDR, XML, and PDF files directly from the customer "
"portal by clicking the :guilabel:`Download` button."
msgstr ""
"|SUNAT| 에서 청구서 승인이 완료되면, 고객은 :guilabel:`다운로드` 버튼을 클릭하여 고객 포털에서 직접 CDR, XML 및"
" PDF 파일이 포함된 :file:`.zip` 을 다운로드할 수 있습니다."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/philippines.rst:3
msgid "Philippines"
@ -49446,9 +49467,9 @@ msgid ""
"institution should this first number differ to verify that it is correct, as"
" this number is provided for |ACH| approved accounts."
msgstr ""
"다음으로, 9자리 회사 ID를 조합하여 만든 10자리 숫자인 :guilabel:`회사 식별` 번호를 입력하거나 고용주 식별 "
"번호(EIN)를 입력하며 시퀀스 시작 부분에 있는 추가 숫자를 입력합니다. 이 숫자는 보통 '1'로 되어 있습니다. 이 번호는 "
"|ACH|에서 승인된 계정에 제공되는 번호이므로 첫 번째 번호가 다른 경우에는 금융 기관에 문의하여 정확한지 확인하세요."
"다음으로, 9자리 회사 ID를 조합하여 만든 10자리 숫자인 :guilabel:`회사 식별` 번호를 입력하거나 고용주 식별 번호 "
"(EIN)를 입력하며 시퀀스 시작 부분에 있는 추가 숫자를 입력합니다. 이 숫자는 보통 '1'로 되어 있습니다. 이 번호는 |ACH| "
"에서 승인된 계정에 제공되는 번호이므로 첫 번째 번호가 다른 경우에는 금융 기관에 문의하여 정확한지 확인하세요."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/united_states.rst:688
msgid ""
@ -49704,6 +49725,9 @@ msgid ""
"technical documentation published by the |DGI|. The authorized documents are"
" :ref:`listed above <uruguay/intro>`."
msgstr ""
"|DGI| 에서 발행한 기술 문서를 기반으로 :doc:`전자 문서 "
"<../accounting/customer_invoices/electronic_invoicing>` 를 생성하고 검증하기 위한 모든 기술"
" 및 기능적 요구 사항이 포함되어 있습니다. 승인된 문서는 :ref:`위의 내용 <uruguay/intro>` 을 참조하세요."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/uruguay.rst:72
msgid ""
@ -49806,6 +49830,8 @@ msgid ""
"subscription with the username and password to enter Uruware's portal and "
"set up your account."
msgstr ""
"그러면 이메일로 사용자 이름과 비밀번호를 Odoo 구독과 연결된 주소로 전송되며 Uruware 포털에 로그인하여 계정을 설정할 수 "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/uruguay.rst:119
msgid ""
@ -49863,6 +49889,8 @@ msgid ""
"The email address can be changed in Uruware and the same can be used in both"
" environments."
msgstr ""
"테스트용과 프로덕션용으로 두 개의 계정을 설정해야 합니다. 이메일 주소는 Uruware에서 변경할 수 있으며 두 가지 환경에서 동일하게 "
"모두 사용할 수 있습니다."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/uruguay.rst:145
msgid ""
@ -49871,6 +49899,8 @@ msgid ""
"Configuration --> Settings` and scroll down to the :guilabel:`Uruguayan "
"Localization` section."
msgstr ""
"전자 청구서 데이터의 환경 설정에서는 환경 및 자격 증명에 대한 설정을 해야 합니다. 설정하려면 :menuselection:`회계 -->"
" 환경설정 --> 설정` 으로 이동하여 :guilabel:`우루과이 현지화` 섹션까지 아래로 스크롤합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/uruguay.rst:149
msgid "First, select the :guilabel:`UCFE Web Services` environment:"
@ -49922,6 +49952,8 @@ msgid ""
":ref:`Uruware account <l10n_uy/uruware-account>`. The :guilabel:`Uruware WS "
"Password` differs from the password you use to enter your Uruware account."
msgstr ""
"이 데이터는 Uruware 포털에서 받을 수 있으며, 먼저 :ref:`Uruware 계정 <l10n_uy/uruware-account>`"
" 을 설정해야 합니다. :guilabel:`Uruware WS 비밀번호`는 Uruware 계정을 입력할 때 사용하는 비밀번호와 다릅니다."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/uruguay.rst:174
msgid "Master data"
@ -50050,6 +50082,9 @@ msgid ""
"documents can be created from your sales order or manually. They must "
"contain the following data:"
msgstr ""
":doc:`고객 청구서 <../accounting/customer_invoices>` 는 전자 문서로, 승인이 완료되면 Uruware를 "
"통해 |DGI| 로 전송됩니다. 이러한 문서는 판매주문서에서 생성하거나 수동으로 만들 수 있습니다. 반드시 다음의 데이터가 들어 있어야 "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/uruguay.rst:267
msgid ""
@ -53262,6 +53297,9 @@ msgid ""
"and the :guilabel:`Secret API key` and save them for :ref:`later "
msgstr ""
"판매자 포털에서, :menuselection:`개발자 --> 결제 API` 로 이동하여 :guilabel:`API 키 생성` 을 "
"클릭합니다. :guilabel:`API 키 ID`와 :guilabel:`보안 API 키` 를 복사하여 :ref:`이후 "
"<wordline/odoo-configuration>` 사용할 수 있도록 저장합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/finance/payment_providers/worldline.rst:45
msgid ""
@ -7670,9 +7670,9 @@ msgid ""
"box. A receipt will print out with the :abbr:`IoT (Internet of Things)` "
"box's :abbr:`IP (Internet Protocol)` address on it."
msgstr ""
":abbr:`IP (인터넷 프로토콜)` 주소는 :abbr:`IoT (사물 인터넷)` 박스가 연결된 라우터 관리 콘솔에서 액세스하거나 수신"
" 프린터를 :abbr:`IoT (사물인터넷)`박스에 연결하여 액세스할 수 있습니다. 영수증은 :abbr:`IoT (사물 인터넷)` "
"박스자의 :abbr:`IP(인터넷 프로토콜)` 주소와 함께 인쇄됩니다."
":abbr:`IP(인터넷 프로토콜)` 주소는 :abbr:`IoT(사물 인터넷)` 박스가 연결된 라우터 관리 콘솔에서 액세스하거나 수신 "
"프린터를 :abbr:`IoT(사물인터넷)` 박스에 연결하여 액세스할 수 있습니다. 영수증은 :abbr:`IoT(사물 인터넷)` 박스의 "
":abbr:`IP(인터넷 프로토콜)` 주소와 함께 인쇄됩니다."
#: ../../content/applications/general/iot/config/connect.rst:159
msgid ""
@ -11238,12 +11238,12 @@ msgid ""
"*Manufacturing app* could be the :guilabel:`Validate` or :guilabel:`Mark as "
"Done` buttons on a manufacturing work order."
msgstr ""
"풋스위치를 작업에 연결하려면 먼저 작업 센터를 설정해야 합니다. :menuselection:`제조 관리 앱 --> 환경 설정 --> 작업"
" 센터`로 이동합니다. 여기에서 풋스위치가 사용될 :guilabel:`작업 센터`로 이동하고 :guilabel:`디바이스` 열 아래의 "
":guilabel:`IoT 연계 작동` 탭에 :guilabel:`라인 추가`를 선택하여 장치를 추가합니다.이렇게 하면 풋스위치를 "
":guilabel:`활동` 열의 드롭다운 옵션에 연결할 수 있고 선택적으로 키를 추가하여 이를 연계 작동되도록 할 수 있습니다. *제조 "
"관리 앱*의 :guilabel:`활동`의 예로는 제조 작업 주문의 :guilabel:`승인` 또는 :guilabel:`완료로 표시` "
"버튼이 있습니다."
"풋스위치를 활동에 연결하려면 먼저 작업장에 대한 환경설정을 해야 합니다. :menuselection:`제조 관리 앱 --> 환경설정 "
"--> 작업장` 으로 이동하세요. 여기에서 풋스위치를 사용할 :guilabel:`작업장` 을 선택하고 :guilabel:`장치` 열 "
"아래에 있는 :guilabel:`IoT 트리거` 탭에서 :guilabel:`줄 추가` 를 선택하면 장치가 추가됩니다. 이렇게 하면 "
"풋스위치를 :guilabel:`활동` 열의 드롭다운 옵션에 연결할 수 있고 선택적 항목으로 작동용 키를 추가할 수 있습니다. *제조 관리"
" 앱* 에 있는 :guilabel:`활동` 의 예로는 제조 작업주문서의 :guilabel:`승인` 또는 :guilabel:`완료로 표시`"
" 버튼이 있습니다."
#: ../../content/applications/general/iot/devices/footswitch.rst-1
msgid "Footswitch trigger setup on the Odoo database."
@ -12774,7 +12774,7 @@ msgstr "이 목록은 예시로 제시된 것입니다. 특정 소프트웨어
msgid ""
"Phone-based authenticators are the easiest and most commonly used. Examples "
msgstr ""
msgstr "휴대폰을 이용한 인증서는 가장 쉽고 일반적으로 사용되는 인증 수단입니다. 예를 들면 다음과 같습니다:"
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/2fa.rst:25
msgid "`Authy <https://authy.com/>`_"
@ -12805,7 +12805,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/2fa.rst:32
msgid "Password managers are another option. Common examples include:"
msgstr ""
msgstr "비밀번호 관리자를 선택할 수도 있습니다. 다음과 같은 일반적인 예시를 확인해 보세요."
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/2fa.rst:34
msgid "`1Password <https://support.1password.com/one-time-passwords/>`_"
@ -12986,6 +12986,7 @@ msgid ""
"their user profile, in order to make changes on another user's settings for "
"access rights."
msgstr ""
"**반드시** 사용자 프로필에 지정된 *관리* 액세스 권한이 설정되어 있어야 다른 사용자의 액세스 권한 설정을 변경할 수 있습니다."
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/access_rights.rst:22
msgid ""
@ -12993,6 +12994,8 @@ msgid ""
"users --> select a user --> Access Rights tab --> Administration section -->"
" Administration field`."
msgstr ""
"해당 설정에 액세스하려면 :menuselection:`설정 앱 --> 사용자 관리 --> 사용자 선택 --> 액세스 권한 탭 --> 관리"
" 섹션 --> 관리 필드` 로 이동합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/access_rights.rst:25
msgid ""
@ -13000,12 +13003,14 @@ msgid ""
"setting in the :guilabel:`Administration` field to :guilabel:`Access "
msgstr ""
"설정 메뉴에서, 기존 관리자는 **반드시** :guilabel:`관리` 필드의 설정을 :guilabel:`액세스 권한` 으로 변경해야 "
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/access_rights.rst:28
msgid ""
"Once complete, click :guilabel:`Save` to save the changes, and implement the"
" user as an administrator."
msgstr ""
msgstr "완료되면 :guilabel:`저장` 을 클릭하여 변경 사항을 저장하고, 사용자를 관리자로 지정합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/access_rights.rst:34
msgid ""
@ -13013,6 +13018,8 @@ msgid ""
" when the user is added to the database, but they can be adjusted at any "
"point in the user's profile."
msgstr ""
":ref:`개별 사용자 <users/add-individual>` 에 대한 액세스 권한은 사용자를 데이터베이스에 추가할 때 설정하지만, "
"사용자 프로필에서 언제든 조정할 수 있습니다."
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/access_rights.rst:37
msgid ""
@ -13098,6 +13105,8 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Share Group`, if this group was created to set access rights for "
"sharing data with some users."
msgstr ""
"그룹의 :guilabel:`이름` 을 입력한 후 :guilabel:`그룹 공유` 옆의 확인란에 표시하면, 그룹 생성 후 액세스 권한을 "
"설정할 때 일부 사용자와 데이터를 공유할 수 있게 됩니다."
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/access_rights.rst:83
msgid ""
@ -14241,22 +14250,24 @@ msgid ""
":menuselection:`My profile`, and click the :icon:`fa-globe` "
"(:guilabel:`globe`) icon next to the :guilabel:`Language` field;"
msgstr ""
"오른쪽 상단에 있는 프로필 아이콘을 클릭하고 :menuselection:`내 프로필` 을 선택한 다음 :guilabel:`언어` 필드 "
"옆에 있는 :icon:`fa-globe`(:guilabel:`지구본`) 아이콘을 클릭합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/language.rst:19
msgid ""
"or go to the **Settings** app, and click :guilabel:`Add Languages` in the "
":guilabel:`Languages` section."
msgstr ""
msgstr "또는 **설정** 앱으로 가서 :guilabel:`언어` 섹션에서 :guilabel:`언어 추가` 를 클릭합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/language.rst:22
msgid ""
"You can then select the languages you want from the dropdown menu and click "
msgstr ""
msgstr "그런 다음 드롭다운 메뉴에서 원하는 언어를 선택한 후 :guilabel:`추가` 를 클릭합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/language.rst:25
msgid ":doc:`Translations <../../websites/website/configuration/translate>`"
msgstr ""
msgstr ":doc:`번역 <../../websites/website/configuration/translate>`"
#: ../../content/applications/general/users/language.rst:32
msgid ""
@ -627,6 +627,8 @@ msgid ""
"grouped by department. If it is removed, the results appear in a list, "
msgstr ""
"기본 :icon:`oi-group` :guilabel:`부서` 그룹화를 제거할 필요는 없습니다. 활성화되어 있으면 결과가 부서별로 "
"그룹화됩니다. 제거하면 결과가 알파벳순으로 목록에 나타납니다."
#: ../../content/applications/hr/appraisals/appraisal_analysis.rst:91
msgid ""
@ -1510,6 +1512,9 @@ msgid ""
"they progress over time in the :ref:`Skills Evolution <appraisals/identify-"
"skills-evolution>` report, also known as the *Appraisal Skills Report*."
msgstr ""
"Odoo의 **평가** 앱에서 직원의 기술이 시간이 지남에 따라 어떻게 발전하는지 :ref:`직무 기술 개발 "
"<appraisals/identify-skills-evolution>` 보고서에서 확인할 수 있으며, 이 보고서는 *평가 기술 보고서* "
"라고도 합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/hr/appraisals/skills_evolution.rst:9
msgid ""
@ -1527,6 +1532,8 @@ msgid ""
"levels, which can be helpful for scenarios where specific skills are "
msgstr ""
"또한 *직무 기술 개발* 보고서는 일정한 수준의 :ref:`특정 기술이 있는 직원 검색 <appraisals/identify-"
"skills>` 기능을 제공하므로, 특정 기술이 필요한 경우에 유용하게 사용할 수 있습니다."
#: ../../content/applications/hr/appraisals/skills_evolution.rst:20
msgid "Skills evolution report"
@ -1551,6 +1558,8 @@ msgid ""
"skill level changes from ongoing appraisals that have **not** been finalized"
" are **not** included in this report."
msgstr ""
"기술 수준은 평가가 완료로 표시된 **이후에만** 업데이트됩니다. 기술 수준이 변경되더라도 아직 인사 평가가 진행 중이고 완료가 되지 "
"**않은** 경우에는 보고서에 포함되지 **않습니다**."
#: ../../content/applications/hr/appraisals/skills_evolution.rst:32
msgid ""
@ -1653,6 +1662,8 @@ msgid ""
"level of Javascript knowledge. To view only those employees, first remove "
"all active filters in the search bar."
msgstr ""
"이 예에서 보고서를 수정하여 자바스크립트에 대한 지식이 전문가 수준인 직원이 표시되게 했습니다. 해당하는 직원만 보려면 먼저 검색창에 "
"입력된 필터를 모두 제거합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/hr/appraisals/skills_evolution.rst:72
msgid ""
@ -1661,6 +1672,9 @@ msgid ""
"filters` :guilabel:`Filters` column to load an :guilabel:`Add Custom Filter`"
" pop-up window."
msgstr ""
"다음으로, 검색창에서 :icon:`fa-caret-down` :guilabel:`(아래쪽 화살표)` 아이콘을 클릭한 다음, "
":icon:`fa-filters` :guilabel:`필터` 열 아래에 있는 :guilabel:`사용자 지정 필터 추가` 를 클릭하면 "
":guilabel:`사용자 지정 필터 추가` 팝업창이 로드됩니다."
#: ../../content/applications/hr/appraisals/skills_evolution.rst:76
msgid ""
@ -3460,6 +3474,8 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Expiring` soon (within the next 90 days), and lastly, "
"certifications that are still :guilabel:`Valid`."
msgstr ""
"이렇게 하면 모든 인증이 상태별로 정리되며 :guilabel:`만료` 된 인증부터 곧(향후 90일 이내) :guilabel:`만료` 되는"
" 인증, 마지막으로 아직 :guilabel:`유효` 상태인 인증 순으로 정리됩니다."
#: ../../content/applications/hr/employees/certifications.rst:60
msgid ""
@ -3467,6 +3483,8 @@ msgid ""
"that are going to expire soon, to determine which employees need to take "
"action to keep their certifications current."
msgstr ""
"이 보기를 통해 자격증이 곧 만료되는 직원을 쉽게 확인하여, 자격증 유효 기간을 유지하기 위해 조치해야 할 직원을 구별해 낼 수 "
#: ../../content/applications/hr/employees/certifications.rst-1
msgid "The list of employee certifications, grouped by status."
@ -3483,6 +3501,8 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`New`, and a blank certification form loads. Enter the following "
"information on the form:"
msgstr ""
"직원 자격증 내용을 기록하려면 :menuselection:`직원 앱 --> 보고 --> 인증` 으로 이동합니다. :guilabel:`새로"
" 만들기` 를 클릭하면 빈 자격증 양식이 로드됩니다. 양식에 다음 정보를 입력합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/hr/employees/certifications.rst:76
msgid ""
@ -5229,6 +5249,9 @@ msgid ""
"down menu appears. Click :icon:`oi-archive` :guilabel:`Archive`, and an "
":guilabel:`Employee Termination` pop-up window appears."
msgstr ""
"직원 양식이 로드되고 모든 정보가 표시됩니다. 왼쪽 상단에 있는 :icon:`fa-gear` :guilabel:`(톱니바퀴)` 아이콘을 "
"클릭하면 드롭다운 메뉴가 나타납니다. :icon:`oi-archive` :guilabel:`보관` 을 클릭하면 :guilabel:`퇴사 "
"직원` 팝업창이 나타납니다."
#: ../../content/applications/hr/employees/offboarding.rst:21
#: ../../content/applications/hr/payroll/contracts.rst:343
@ -5405,6 +5428,8 @@ msgid ""
"*Employee Termination* form, it can be sent after the employee is archived "
"at any point."
msgstr ""
"직원 자료를 *직원 퇴사* 양식에 처음으로 보관할 때 액세스 링크가 전송되지 않은 경우라도, 직원을 보관 처리한 후에 언제든지 전송할 수"
" 있습니다."
#: ../../content/applications/hr/employees/offboarding.rst:95
msgid ""
@ -5505,6 +5530,8 @@ msgid ""
"total current employees, between two separate time periods. This is commonly"
" referred to as the *employee retention rate*."
msgstr ""
"퇴사한 직원에 대해서만 데이터를 비교하는 것도 가능하며, 현재 총 직원과 대비하여 별도의 두 기간으로 비교할 수 있습니다. 이를 보통 "
"*직원 유지율* 이라고 합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/hr/employees/retention_report.rst:38
msgid ""
@ -5573,6 +5600,9 @@ msgid ""
"selected. If not, the :icon:`fa-adjust` :guilabel:`Comparison` column is "
"**not** visible."
msgstr ""
"Odoo에서 :icon:`fa-adjust` :guilabel:`비교` 열에 액세스하려면, :guilabel:`지난 365일` *이외의*"
" 특정 기간을 **반드시** 선택해야 합니다. 선택하지 않을 경우 :icon:`fa-adjust` :guilabel:`비교` 열이 "
"**표시되지 않습니다.**"
#: ../../content/applications/hr/employees/retention_report.rst:66
msgid ""
@ -10321,6 +10351,9 @@ msgid ""
"and :ref:`employees can be notified <lunch/notify>` using the same method as"
" on the :ref:`Today's Orders <lunch/todays-orders>` dashboard."
msgstr ""
"주문이 도착하면 :ref:`취소 완료 <lunch/cancel>`, :ref:`공급업체에 발송 완료 <lunch/send-"
"orders>`, :ref:`확인 완료 <lunch/confirm-orders>` 처리를 할 수 있으며, ref:`오늘의 주문 "
"<lunch/todays-orders>` 현황판과 동일한 방법으로 `직원에게 알림을 보낼 수 있습니다 <lunch/notify>`."
#: ../../content/applications/hr/lunch/management.rst-1
msgid ""
@ -10832,6 +10865,7 @@ msgid ""
"lunch account, or cancelled orders that were eventually refunded to the "
"user. These appear in a `$XX.XX` format."
msgstr ""
"잔액이 양수인 항목은 사용자의 점심 계정에 금액이 추가되었거나 주문 취소로 환불된 경우입니다. `$XX.XX` 형식으로 표시됩니다."
#: ../../content/applications/hr/lunch/orders.rst-1
msgid ""
@ -16171,6 +16205,9 @@ msgid ""
"Date: Previous Period` or :guilabel:`Payslip End Date: Previous Year`, "
"beneath the :icon:`fa-adjust` :guilabel:`Comparison` column."
msgstr ""
"이와 같은 비교 내용을 보려면 검색창에서 :icon:`fa-caret-down` :guilabel:`(아래쪽 화살표)` 아이콘을 클릭한 "
"다음:guilabel:`급여 명세서 종료일: 이전 기간` 또는 :guilabel:`급여 명세서 종료일: 이전 연도` 를 클릭합니다. 이 "
"내용은 :icon:`fa-adjust` :guilabel:`비교` 열 아래에 있습니다."
#: ../../content/applications/hr/payroll/salary_attachment.rst:59
msgid ""
@ -16904,6 +16941,8 @@ msgid ""
"validated work entries for the current month. To view this report, navigate "
"to :menuselection:`Payroll app --> Reporting --> Work Entry Analysis`."
msgstr ""
"구독 비즈니스 모델은 정기 결제를 기본으로 하고 있습니다. 고객은 구독 제품이나 서비스를 사용하는 대가로 지정된 기간 동안 정기적으로 "
"일정 금액을 결제하게 됩니다."
#: ../../content/applications/hr/payroll/work_entry_analysis.rst:9
msgid ""
@ -16940,6 +16979,8 @@ msgid ""
"previous time period. To view this comparison, first navigate to "
":menuselection:`Payroll app --> Reporting --> Work Entry Analysis`."
msgstr ""
"한 기간에 대한 근무 항목을 이전 기간 항목과 비교할 수 있습니다. 비교 내용을 보려면 먼저 :menuselection:`급여 앱 -->"
" 보고 --> 근무 항목 분석` 으로 이동합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/hr/payroll/work_entry_analysis.rst:26
msgid ""
@ -16948,6 +16989,9 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Comparison` section, click on either :guilabel:`Current Month: "
"Previous Period` or :guilabel:`Current Month: Previous Year`."
msgstr ""
"다음으로 검색 창에서 :icon:`fa-caret-down` :guilabel:`(아래쪽 화살표)` 아이콘을 클릭하면 드롭다운 메뉴가 "
"나타납니다. :icon:`fa-adjust` :guilabel:`비교` 섹션에서 :guilabel:`당월: 이전 기간` 또는 "
":guilabel:`당월: 이전 연도` 를 클릭하세요."
#: ../../content/applications/hr/payroll/work_entry_analysis.rst:30
msgid ""
@ -16955,6 +16999,8 @@ msgid ""
"for the selected previous time period, as well as the :guilabel:`Variation` "
"between the two, in a percentage."
msgstr ""
"보고서에는 현재 기간의 데이터, 선택한 이전 기간의 데이터 및 둘 사이의 :guilabel:`변동` 내역이 백분율로 업데이트되어 "
#: ../../content/applications/hr/payroll/work_entry_analysis.rst-1
msgid ""
@ -16979,6 +17025,8 @@ msgid ""
"**not** appear; there must be a time-frame selected to view the "
":guilabel:`Comparison` column."
msgstr ""
"또한 기본값인 :guilabel:`현재 월: (월)(년)` 필터를 검색창에서 제거하면 :guilabel:`비교` 열이 **표시되지 않게 "
"되므로** :guilabel:`비교` 열을 보려면 기간 범위를 선택해야 합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/hr/payroll/work_entry_analysis.rst:46
msgid "Use case: overtime report comparison"
@ -17003,6 +17051,9 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Filters` column, click :guilabel:`Add Custom Filter`, and a "
":guilabel:`Add Custom Filter` pop-up window appears."
msgstr ""
"다음으로, 검색창에서 :icon:`fa-caret-down` :guilabel:`(아래쪽 화살표)` 아이콘을 클릭하면 드롭다운 메뉴가 "
"표시됩니다. :icon:`fa-filter` :guilabel:`필터` 열에서 :guilabel:`사용자 지정 필터 추가` 를 클릭하면 "
":guilabel:`사용자 지정 필터 추가` 팝업 창이 나타납니다."
#: ../../content/applications/hr/payroll/work_entry_analysis.rst:57
msgid ""
@ -18903,6 +18954,8 @@ msgid ""
" record. Click the :guilabel:`Create Employee` button in the top-left corner"
" of the hired applicant's form."
msgstr ""
"지원자가 합격하면 다음 단계로는 직원 레코드를 생성합니다. 합격한 지원자의 양식에서 왼쪽 상단에 있는 :guilabel:`직원 만들기` "
"버튼을 클릭합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/hr/recruitment/offer_job_positions.rst:157
msgid ""
@ -18991,6 +19044,8 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Recruitment` folder on the left-hand side. All recruitment "
"documents are stored within that folder."
msgstr ""
"채용 문서를 찾으려면 기본 :menuselection:`문서 앱` 현황판으로 이동하여 왼쪽에 있는 :guilabel:`채용` 폴더를 "
"클릭합니다. 모든 채용 문서는 이 문서에 저장되어 있습니다."
#: ../../content/applications/hr/recruitment/recruitment-flow.rst:47
msgid ""
@ -19956,6 +20011,7 @@ msgid ""
"an attendee whose calendar events are to be hidden. Only the checked "
"attendees are visible on the calendar."
msgstr ""
"현재 불러온 회의 및 행사가 표시되게 하려면 캘린더 행사를 숨기려는 참석자를 선택 해제합니다. 선택한 참석자만 캘린더에 표시됩니다."
#: ../../content/applications/hr/recruitment/schedule_interviews.rst-1
msgid "The calendar view, highlighting how to change the displayed meetings."
@ -20654,6 +20710,8 @@ msgid ""
" click the :icon:`fa-plus-square` :guilabel:`Total` box above the columns, "
"to reveal a drop-down menu, and click :guilabel:`Source`."
msgstr ""
"이 그래프를 확장하여 지원자의 출처가 표시되게 하려면 열 위에 있는 :icon:`fa-plus-square` :guilabel:`총계` "
"상자를 클릭하여 드롭다운 메뉴를 표시한 후 :guilabel:`출처` 를 클릭합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/hr/recruitment/source_analysis.rst:44
msgid ""
@ -20792,6 +20850,8 @@ msgid ""
"icon in the top-right corner. This displays all the information in a pivot "
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`팀 성과` 보고서를 더 자세히 확인하려면 오른쪽 상단에 있는 :icon:`oi-view-pivot` "
":guilabel:`(피벗)` 아이콘을 클릭합니다. 이렇게 하면 피벗 테이블에 모든 내용이 표시됩니다."
#: ../../content/applications/hr/recruitment/team_performance.rst:37
msgid ""
@ -20840,6 +20900,8 @@ msgid ""
"time. To show this information, begin with the :guilabel:`Team Performance` "
"report in the :icon:`oi-view-pivot` :guilabel:`(Pivot)` view."
msgstr ""
"이 보고서를 수정하는 방법 중 하나는 채용 담당자의 시간 경과에 따른 성과를 나타내는 것입니다. 이 내용을 표시하려면 :icon:`oi-"
"view-pivot` :guilabel:`(피벗)` 보기에서 :guilabel:`팀 성과` 보고서부터 시작하세요."
#: ../../content/applications/hr/recruitment/team_performance.rst:64
msgid ""
@ -20897,6 +20959,7 @@ msgid ""
"applicants increased, the number of hired applicants remained the same, "
"while the number of refused applicants decreased."
msgstr ""
"이 보고서에서 여러 가지 사실을 알 수 있습니다. 총 지원자 수는 증가했고, 지원자 중 합격자 수는 같으며, 불합격자 수는 감소했습니다."
#: ../../content/applications/hr/recruitment/team_performance.rst:92
msgid ""
@ -21014,6 +21077,8 @@ msgid ""
" the different job positions, and the columns representing the stages. The "
"average :guilabel:`Days in Stage` populates the various boxes."
msgstr ""
"이 내용은 피벗 테이블에 있는 데이터를 나타내며, 행에는 각기 다른 직무가 표시되고 열에는 단계가 표시됩니다. 평균 "
":guilabel:`단계별 소요 일수` 가 여러 가지 상자에 입력됩니다."
#: ../../content/applications/hr/recruitment/time_in_stage.rst:52
msgid ""
@ -21021,6 +21086,8 @@ msgid ""
"Instead, all applicants moved from a previous stage without being placed in "
"the stage with an empty field."
msgstr ""
"필드가 비어 있으면, 지원자가 해당 단계에 지원자가 없었다는 의미입니다. 즉, 이전 단계에서 이동한 모든 지원자가 빈 필드가 있는 해당 "
"단계에는 배치되지 않은 것입니다."
#: ../../content/applications/hr/recruitment/time_in_stage.rst-1
msgid "The pivot table view of the Time In Stage Analysis report."
@ -21776,6 +21843,8 @@ msgid ""
" which appears when the application is opened, after the :ref:`onboarding "
"<referrals/onboarding>` slides have been viewed or skipped."
msgstr ""
"현재 추천 포인트는 기본 *인재 추천* 앱을 열면 나타나는 현황판에서 볼 수 있으며, :ref:`온보딩 "
"<referrals/onboarding>` 슬라이드를 보거나 건너뛴 후 확인할 수 있습니다."
#: ../../content/applications/hr/referrals/points.rst:12
msgid ""
@ -22059,6 +22128,8 @@ msgid ""
"determine the most active referrers in the company, and who is the most "
"successful in terms of hires."
msgstr ""
"이 내용은 채용 팀에서 유용한 정보가 될 수 있으며, 회사에서 가장 적극적으로 추천한 사람과 채용 면에서 가장 성공적인 사람을 파악할 수"
" 있습니다."
#: ../../content/applications/hr/referrals/reporting.rst-1
msgid ""
@ -22798,6 +22869,8 @@ msgid ""
":ref:`Time Off Officer <time_off/time-off-officer>` are required to approve "
"the time off request."
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`직원에 대한 승인자 및 휴가 담당자`: 직원 관련하여 :ref:`지정된 휴가 승인자 <employees/work-"
"info-tab>` 및 :ref:`휴가 담당자 <time_off/time-off-Officer>` 모두가 휴가 신청을 승인해야 합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/hr/time_off.rst:82
msgid "Allocation Requests section"
@ -23026,6 +23099,8 @@ msgid ""
"entries in the **Timesheets** app for the time off. This section defines how"
" they are entered."
msgstr ""
"직원이 휴가를 내고 작업시간표도 사용하는 경우에는, Odoo에서는 *작업 기록* 애플리케이션에 휴가와 관련된 항목을 생성합니다. 이 "
"섹션에서는 이러한 항목을 입력하는 방법을 설명합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/hr/time_off.rst:187
msgid ""
@ -23107,6 +23182,8 @@ msgid ""
"time off, either :guilabel:`At the start of the accrual period` or "
":guilabel:`At the end of the accrual period`."
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`휴가 누적 적립`: 직원 휴가를 언제부터 누적되게 할 지 :guilabel:`누적 기간 시작 시` 또는 "
":guilabel:`누적 기간 종료 시` 중에서 선택합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/hr/time_off.rst:226
msgid ""
@ -23360,6 +23437,7 @@ msgid ""
"vacation, annually, on the first of the year (one week of vacation allocated"
" on January 1st)."
msgstr ""
"그런 다음 회사에서는 적립 제도에 규칙을 추가하여 매년 1일에 5일 간의 휴가를 부여합니다(1월 1일에 1주일의 휴가 부여). "
#: ../../content/applications/hr/time_off.rst:333
msgid ""
@ -23543,6 +23621,8 @@ msgid ""
"defines how the :ref:`work entries <payroll/work-entries>` for the holiday "
"appear. Select the work entry type from the drop-down menu."
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`근무 항목 유형`: **급여** 앱을 사용하는 경우 이 필드는 휴일이 :ref:`근무 항목 <payroll/work-"
"entries>` 에서 표시되는 방식을 지정합니다. 드롭다운 메뉴에서 근무 항목 유형을 선택합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/hr/time_off.rst-1
msgid "The list of public holidays in the configuration menu."
@ -677,6 +677,8 @@ msgid ""
"in Odoo's default list, since barcodes cannot be read successfully if there "
"are unknown fields."
msgstr ""
"|UPC| 및 |EAN| 형식에 대해서는 Odoo의 기본 목록에 **없는** 경우 새 규칙을 추가해야 하며, 그렇지 않으면 알 수 없는 "
"필드이 있으면 바코드를 성공적으로 인식할 수 없습니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/barcode/operations/barcode_nomenclature.rst:125
msgid ""
@ -684,6 +686,8 @@ msgid ""
"information from these rules. `Custom development "
"<https://www.odoo.com/appointment/132>`_ is required for this functionality."
msgstr ""
"새로운 규칙을 생성할 수는 있으나, Odoo 필드에는 이러한 규칙 내용이 자동으로 입력되지 않습니다. 이 기능을 사용하려면 `사용자 지정"
" 개발 <https://www.odoo.com/appointment/132>`_ 을 해야 합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/barcode/operations/barcode_nomenclature.rst:129
msgid ""
@ -691,6 +695,9 @@ msgid ""
" navigate to :menuselection:`Inventory app --> Configuration --> Barcode "
"Nomenclatures`, and select :guilabel:`Default Nomenclature`."
msgstr ""
"규칙을 생성하려면 먼저 :ref:`개발자 모드 <developer-mode>` 를 활성화합니다. 그런 다음 "
":menuselection:`재고 관리 앱 --> 환경 설정 --> 바코드 분류법` 으로 이동하여 :guilabel:`기본 분류법` 을 "
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/barcode/operations/barcode_nomenclature.rst:133
msgid "On this page, configure the following optional fields:"
@ -1210,12 +1217,12 @@ msgid ""
"of letters or numbers is recognized by the system to contain information "
"about the product."
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`기본 GS1 분류법` 페이지에서 표 하단의 :guilabel:`줄 추가`를 클릭하여 새 규칙을 생성할 수 있는 창을 "
"엽니다. :guilabel:`규칙 이름` 필드는 내부적으로 바코드의 의미를 식별하는 데 사용됩니다. 바코드 :guilabel:`유형`은 "
"제품, 수량, 유통기한, 패키지 또는 쿠폰과 같이 시스템이 이해할 수 있는 다양한 정보 분류를 나타냅니다. :guilabel:`순서`는 "
"규칙의 우선순위를 결정하며, 값이 낮을수록 표에서 우선순위가 높음을 나타냅니다. Odoo는 이 테이블의 순차 순서를 따르며 순서에 따라 "
"가장 먼저 일치하는 규칙을 사용합니다. :guilabel:`바코드 패턴`은 제품에 대한 정보가 포함된 시스템에서 인식하는 문자 또는 "
"숫자의 순서를 정의합니다."
":guilabel:`기본 GS1 분류법` 페이지에서 표 하단에 있는 :guilabel:`줄 추가` 를 클릭하면, 창이 열리고 새 규칙을 "
"생성할 수 있습니다. :guilabel:`규칙명` 필드는 내부적으로 바코드 내용을 식별할 때 사용합니다. 바코드 "
":guilabel:`유형` 은 다양하게 정보를 분류하여 시스템에서 인식될 수 있게 합니다(예: 품목, 수량, 유통기한, 패키지, 쿠폰 "
"등). :guilabel:`순서` 는 규칙의 우선순위를 지정하여, 값이 낮을수록 표에 나타나는 규칙의 우선순위가 높아집니다. Odoo는 "
"이 테이블에 있는 순차적인 순서를 기준으로, 순서에 따라 가장 먼저 일치하는 규칙을 사용합니다. :guilabel:`바코드 패턴` 은 "
"문자 또는 숫자의 순서를 시스템에서 인식하여 품목에 대한 정보가 입력되게 하는 방법입니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/barcode/operations/gs1_nomenclature.rst:120
msgid ""
@ -4549,13 +4556,13 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/configure/type.rst:3
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/configure/type.rst:69
msgid "Product type"
msgstr ""
msgstr "품목 유형"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/configure/type.rst:7
msgid ""
"Define *product types* in Odoo to track products in varying levels of "
msgstr ""
msgstr "Odoo에서 *품목 유형* 을 지정하여, 다양한 수준의 세부 정보를 활용하여 품목을 추적합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/configure/type.rst:9
msgid ""
@ -4573,21 +4580,23 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
"`Odoo Tutorials: Product Type "
msgstr ""
msgstr "`Odoo 튜토리얼: 품목 유형 <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l6j0ZkP5mLM>`_"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/configure/type.rst:18
msgid "Set product type"
msgstr ""
msgstr "품목 유형 설정하기"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/configure/type.rst:20
msgid ""
"To set a product type, go to :menuselection:`Inventory app --> Products --> "
"Products`, and select the desired product from the list."
msgstr ""
"품목 유형을 설정하려면, :menuselection:`재고 관리 앱 --> 품목 --> 품목` 으로 이동하여 목록에서 원하는 품목을 "
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/configure/type.rst:23
msgid "On the product form, in the :guilabel:`Product Type` field, select:"
msgstr ""
msgstr "품목 양식에 있는 :guilabel:`품목 유형` 필드에서 다음 내용을 선택합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/configure/type.rst:25
msgid ""
@ -4595,6 +4604,8 @@ msgid ""
"storable products can trigger reordering rules for generating purchase "
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`저장 가능한 품목` 는 재고 수를 기준으로 추적할 품목용입니다. 저장 가능한 품목에만 재주문 규칙을 적용하여 "
"구매발주서를 생성할 수 있습니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/configure/type.rst:29
msgid ""
@ -4602,6 +4613,8 @@ msgid ""
"stock at various locations, inventory valuations, or if the product has lots"
" and/or serial numbers."
msgstr ""
"품목 재고를 추적할 위치가 여러 군데이거나, 재고 가치 평가 위치에서 제품 재고를 추적하거나, 재고 평가를 실시하는 경우, 혹은 품목에 "
"로트번호/일련 번호가 있는 경우에는 :guilabel:`저장 가능한 품목` 을 선택하세요."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/configure/type.rst:32
msgid ""
@ -5423,6 +5436,8 @@ msgid ""
"product unit, so a product with a higher cost receives a greater share of "
"the landed cost."
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`현재 원가 기준`: 각 품목 단위 원가에 따라 원가를 나누므로 품목 원가가 더 높을 경우 양륙 비용 중 더 많은 "
"부분이 배정됩니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/inventory_valuation/integrating_landed_costs.rst:65
msgid ""
@ -6926,6 +6941,9 @@ msgid ""
"<inventory/warehouses_storage/costing_methods>` is set to *First In First "
"Out (FIFO)* or *Average Cost (AVCO)*."
msgstr ""
"품목 양식의 :guilabel:`카테고리` 필드에서 품목 카테고리를 선택합니다. 품목 카테고리의 :ref:`원가 계산 방법 "
"<inventory/warehouses_storage/costing_methods>` 이 *선입선출법(FIFO)* 또는 "
"*평균원가법(AVCO)* 으로 설정되어 있는지 확인하세요."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/inventory_valuation/valuation_by_lots.rst:31
msgid ""
@ -7246,6 +7264,8 @@ msgid ""
" or serial number, go to :menuselection:`Inventory app --> Products --> "
"Lots/Serial Numbers`, and select the desired item."
msgstr ""
"*재고 평가* 보고서에서 필터가 적용된 부분 중 로트 또는 일련번호에 대한 내용을 확인하려면 :menuselection:`재고 관리 앱 "
"--> 품목 --> 로트/일련번호` 로 이동하여 원하는 항목을 선택합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/inventory_valuation/valuation_by_lots.rst:203
msgid ""
@ -8530,6 +8550,8 @@ msgid ""
"To assign lot numbers, refer to the section on :ref:`assigning lot numbers "
"on receipts <inventory/product_management/assign-lots>`."
msgstr ""
"로트번호를 생성하면 품목이 예약되지만 **지정되지는 않습니다.** 로트번호를 지정하려면 :ref:`영수증에 로트번호 지정하기 "
"<inventory/product_management/assign-lots>` 섹션을 참조하세요."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_tracking/lots.rst:289
msgid ""
@ -8714,8 +8736,8 @@ msgid ""
"originally assigned lots."
msgstr ""
"Odoo에서 로트번호나 일련번호 없이 품목을 저장한 *이후에* 관련 번호를 기준으로 품목 추적을 하도록 설정을 변경할 경우, 레코드 "
"내용이 정확하지 않게 될 수 있습니다. 본 문서를 통해 재고 조정으로 원래 로트번호가 지정되지 않았던 품목에 로트번호나 일련번호를 "
"지정하는 방법을 확인해 보세요."
"내용이 정확하지 않을 수 있습니다. 본 문서를 통해 재고 조정으로 원래 로트번호가 지정되지 않았던 품목에 로트번호나 일련번호를 지정하는 "
"방법을 확인해 보세요."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_tracking/reassign.rst-1
msgid "Warning message: products in stock have no lot/serial number."
@ -8727,8 +8749,8 @@ msgid ""
"to remove incorrect records *without* lot numbers, and another to save the "
"quantities *with* the lot numbers."
msgstr ""
"본 문서에서는 두 가지 재고 조정 방법을 활용한 프로세스에 대해 설명합니다. 먼저 *로트번호 없이* 잘못된 레코드를 삭제하는 방법을 "
"설명하고, 두번째로는 *로트번호가 있는* 상태에서 수량을 저장하는 방법을 살펴봅니다."
"본 문서에서는 두 가지 재고 조정 방법을 활용한 프로세스에 대해 설명합니다. 먼저 *로트번호가 없는* 상태에서 잘못된 레코드를 삭제하는 "
"방법을 설명하고, 두번째로는 *로트번호가 있는* 상태에서 수량을 저장하는 방법을 살펴봅니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_tracking/reassign.rst:19
msgid ":doc:`Set up and use lot numbers <lots>`"
@ -9130,6 +9152,8 @@ msgid ""
"receipt and delivery order forms mirror one another; the instructions below "
"can be followed to assign serial numbers in either form."
msgstr ""
"일련번호는 입고 및 출고 품목에 모두 지정할 수 있습니다. 영수증과 배송주문서 양식은 서로 동일하게 반영되며, 아래 지침에 따라 두 가지"
" 양식 모두에 일련번호를 지정할 수 있습니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_tracking/serial_numbers.rst:150
msgid ""
@ -9203,6 +9227,8 @@ msgid ""
"numbers in the :guilabel:`Lot/Serial Number` column. This method is best "
"reserved for adding only one or a few serial numbers."
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`열기: 재고 이동` 팝업 창에서, :guilabel:`로트/일련번호` 열에 일련번호를 수동으로 입력합니다. 이 방법은"
" 일련번호 하나 또는 몇 개만 추가하는 데 가장 적합한 방법입니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_tracking/serial_numbers.rst-1
msgid "Add a line on the stock move pop-up."
@ -9263,6 +9289,8 @@ msgid ""
"serial numbers that may have been previously added. To replace existing "
"serial numbers in the list, leave the box unchecked."
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`현재 내역 유지` 확인란: 이 확인란에 표시하면 이전에 추가한 기존의 일련번호를 그대로 유지합니다. 목록에서 기존 "
"일련번호를 바꾸려면 확인란에 표시하지 않은 상태로 둡니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_tracking/serial_numbers.rst:227
msgid ""
@ -9331,6 +9359,8 @@ msgid ""
"and `125` are assigned to the remaining products by entering the following "
"in the :guilabel:`Lots/Serial numbers` input field:"
msgstr ""
"따라서 :guilabel:`로트 가져오기` 팝업창에서 두 개의 일련번호 `124`와 `125` 가 나머지 품목에 지정되도록 "
":guilabel:`로트/일련번호` 입력 항목에 다음 내용을 입력합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_tracking/serial_numbers.rst:271
msgid ""
@ -9418,6 +9448,8 @@ msgid ""
"right` :guilabel:`(expand)` icon to show which serial numbers are assigned "
"to the chosen product."
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`로트/일련번호` 현황판에는 일련번호가 지정된 품목이 기본값으로 표시됩니다. :icon:`fa-caret-right` "
":guilabel:`(펼치기)` 아이콘을 클릭하면 선택한 품목에 지정되어 있는 일련번호가 표시됩니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_tracking/serial_numbers.rst:321
msgid ""
@ -9891,6 +9923,9 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Customer`, add a storable :guilabel:`Product`, and click "
msgstr ""
"새 견적서를 만들려면 :menuselection:`판매 앱 --> 만들기` 로 이동하여 빈 견적서 양식이 나타나게 합니다. 빈 견적서 "
"양식에서 :guilabel:`고객` 을 선택하고 저장 가능한 :guilabel:`품목` 을 추가한 다음 :guilabel:`확인` 을 "
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/shipping_receiving/daily_operations/delivery_three_steps.rst:51
msgid ""
@ -9898,6 +9933,8 @@ msgid ""
"quotation form. Clicking it opens the picking order to move the ordered "
"product from `WH/Stock` to `WH/Packing Zone`."
msgstr ""
"견적서 양식의 오른쪽 상단에 :guilabel:`배송` 스마트 버튼이 나타납니다. 이 버튼을 클릭하면 피킹 주문서가 열리고 주문한 품목이"
" `WH/Stock` 에서 `WH/Packing Zone` 으로 이동합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/shipping_receiving/daily_operations/delivery_three_steps.rst-1
msgid ""
@ -10115,6 +10152,8 @@ msgid ""
" the :guilabel:`Dropship` route, enabling both provides the option of "
"dropshipping the product or purchasing it directly."
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`구매` 경로를 :guilabel:`직배송` 경로에 추가하여 활성화할 필요는 없지만, 모두 활성화하면 품목 직배송이나 "
"직접 구매 중에서 선택하게 할 수 있습니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/shipping_receiving/daily_operations/dropshipping.rst:50
msgid "Fulfill orders using dropshipping"
@ -10750,6 +10789,8 @@ msgid ""
"the warehouse. To receive the products, click :guilabel:`Validate`. Once "
"validated, the receipt moves to the :guilabel:`Done` stage."
msgstr ""
"창고 수령증 양식을 통해 주문한 품목을 창고로 받을 수 있습니다. 품목을 받으려면 :guilabel:`승인` 을 클릭합니다. 승인이 "
"완료되면 수령증이 :guilabel:`완료` 단계로 이동합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/shipping_receiving/daily_operations/receipts_delivery_one_step.rst-1
msgid "Validated warehouse receipt in Done stage."
@ -10874,6 +10915,8 @@ msgid ""
"of the warehouse might require multi-step operations. In Odoo *Inventory*, "
"this can be done using *Multi-Step Routes*."
msgstr ""
"회사의 필요에 따라서, 창고에 품목을 입출고하는 데 여러 단계의 작업이 필요할 수 있습니다. Odoo *재고 관리* 에서는 *다단계 "
"경로* 를 통해 작업을 진행할 수 있습니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/shipping_receiving/daily_operations/receipts_delivery_two_steps.rst:13
msgid ""
@ -10916,6 +10959,8 @@ msgid ""
"received in two steps (input + stock), and delivered in three steps (pick + "
"pack + ship)."
msgstr ""
"예를 들어, 창고 설정에 대한 환경설정에서 품목을 2단계(입고 + 재고)로 수령하고 3단계(피킹 + 패킹 + 배송)로 배송할 수 "
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/shipping_receiving/daily_operations/receipts_delivery_two_steps.rst:36
msgid ""
@ -16612,6 +16657,9 @@ msgid ""
"enables the :guilabel:`Bpost Shipment Type` and :guilabel:`Bpost Parcel "
"Return Instructions` fields."
msgstr ""
"guilabel:`Bpost 배송 성격`: :guilabel:`국내` 또는 :guilabel:`국제` 배송 서비스 중에서 선택합니다. "
"guilabel:`국내` 를 선택하면 :guilabel:`옵션` 섹션이 표시되고, :guilabel:`국제` 를 선택하면 "
":guilabel:`Bpost 배송 유형` 및 :guilabel:`Bpost 소포 반송 지침` 필드가 활성화됩니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/shipping_receiving/setup_configuration/bpost.rst:79
msgid ""
@ -16840,6 +16888,9 @@ msgid ""
"section, select the :guilabel:`DHL Shipping Methods` link below the "
":guilabel:`DHL Express Connector` checkbox."
msgstr ""
"새로 DHL 배송 방법을 만들려면 :menuselection:`재고 관리 앱 --> 환경 설정 --> 설정` 으로 이동합니다. "
":guilabel:`배송 커넥터` 섹션에서 :guilabel:`DHL 익스프레스 커넥터` 확인란 아래에 있는 :guilabel:`DHL "
"배송 방법` 링크를 선택합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/shipping_receiving/setup_configuration/dhl_credentials.rst:40
msgid ""
@ -16883,6 +16934,8 @@ msgid ""
"shippers <third_party_shipper>` for instructions on how to properly "
"configure them."
msgstr ""
"이 섹션에 있는 필드는 각 배송업체의 배송 방법 양식에 있는 것과 모두 동일합니다. 관련된 :doc:`외부 배송업체 "
"<third_party_shipper>` 문서에서 알맞게 설정하는 방법을 확인해 보세요."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/shipping_receiving/setup_configuration/dhl_credentials.rst:64
msgid "DHL Configuration"
@ -17192,6 +17245,8 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`New` in the top-left corner to create a new model. Then, set the "
"relevant :guilabel:`Category` field to the relevant vehicle category."
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`모델` 목록에서, 기존 모델을 선택하거나 왼쪽 상단에 있는 :guilabel:`새로 만들기` 를 클릭하여 새 모델을 "
"만듭니다. 그런 다음 관련 :guilabel:`카테고리` 필드 설정을 관련 차량 카테고리로 지정합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/shipping_receiving/setup_configuration/dispatch.rst:71
msgid ":doc:`Create car model <../../../../hr/fleet/models>`"
@ -17262,6 +17317,8 @@ msgid ""
"method. It is recommended to use identifying information, such as the "
"vehicle description and license plate number (e.g. `Truck 123-ABCD`)."
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`배송 방법` 양식에 배송 방법에 대한 이름을 입력합니다. 차량 설명 및 번호판 번호와 같은 식별 정보(예: `트럭 "
"123-ABCD`)를 사용하는 것이 좋습니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/shipping_receiving/setup_configuration/dispatch.rst:111
msgid ""
@ -17428,6 +17485,9 @@ msgid ""
"ensure :guilabel:`Add to` is set to :guilabel:`a new [batch/wave] transfer`,"
" then click :guilabel:`Confirm`."
msgstr ""
"그런 다음 :icon:`fa-cog` :guilabel:`작업` 버튼을 클릭하고 :guilabel:`배치에 추가` 또는 "
":guilabel:`웨이브에 추가` 를 클릭합니다. 팝업창에서 :guilabel:`추가` 가 :guilabel:`새 [배치/웨이브] "
"전송` 으로 설정되어 있는지 확인 후 :guilabel:`확인` 을 클릭합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/shipping_receiving/setup_configuration/dispatch.rst:205
msgid "Example wave."
@ -17448,6 +17508,9 @@ msgid ""
" click the :icon:`fa-ellipsis-v` :guilabel:`(three dots)` icon. In the "
"resulting drop-down menu, click :guilabel:`Prepare batch`."
msgstr ""
"다른 방법으로도 일괄 항목을 생성할 수 있으며, :menuselection:`재고 관리` 앱으로 이동하여 :guilabel:`배송주문서`"
" 카드에 있는 :icon:`fa-ellipsis-v` :guilabel:`(세 개의 점)` 아이콘을 클릭하면 됩니다. 이후 나타나는 "
"드롭다운 메뉴에서 :guilabel:`일괄 준비` 를 클릭합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/shipping_receiving/setup_configuration/dispatch.rst:215
msgid ""
@ -17531,6 +17594,8 @@ msgid ""
"the batch or wave form to view delivery destinations on a map. Selecting an "
"individual delivery order pinpoints its location."
msgstr ""
"배송 기사가 준비를 할 수 있도록 배치 또는 웨이브 양식 상단에 있는 :guilabel:`지도` 버튼을 클릭하여 배송 목적지를 지도에서 "
"확인합니다. 개별 배송 주문을 선택하면 해당 위치가 정확히 표시됩니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/shipping_receiving/setup_configuration/dispatch.rst:257
msgid ""
@ -18336,10 +18401,10 @@ msgid ""
"navigate to the linked |DO| — or another operation type when using multi-"
"step delivery — to validate the operation and print the label."
msgstr ""
"*판매* 및 *재고 관리* 앱이 모두 설치되어 있는 경우에는 :menuselection:`판매` 앱부터 시작하여 원하는 견적서 또는 "
"판매주문서 (SO)로 이동합니다. 해당 문서에서 :ref:`배송비 <inventory/shipping_receive/add-"
"shipping-quote>` 를 주문서에 추가합니다. 그런 다음 연결된 |DO| 또는 다단계로 배송을 하는 경우에는 다른 작업 유형으로"
" 작업을 승인하고 라벨을 인쇄합니다."
"*판매* 및 *재고 관리* 앱이 모두 설치되어 있는 경우에는, :menuselection:`판매` 앱부터 시작하여 원하는 견적서 또는 "
"판매주문서(SO)로 이동합니다. 이 문서에서 :ref:`배송비 <inventory/shipping_receive/add-shipping-"
"quote>` 를 주문서에 추가합니다. 그런 다음 연결된 |DO|로 이동하며(다단계 배송을 하는 경우에는 다른 작업 유형으로 이동) "
"작업을 승인하고 라벨을 인쇄합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/shipping_receiving/setup_configuration/labels.rst:74
msgid ""
@ -18348,10 +18413,13 @@ msgid ""
"third-party carrier <inventory/shipping_receiving/validate-print-label>` in "
"the :guilabel:`Carrier` field, and validate the |DO|."
msgstr ""
"*재고 관리* 앱만 설치되어 있는 경우에는, :menuselection:`재고 관리` 앱에서 :abbr:`DO(배송주문서)` 를 직접 "
"생성한 후 :ref:`외부 배송업체 추가 <inventory/shipping_receiving/validate-print-label>` "
"항목에 :guilabel:`배송업체` 를 추가한 다음 |DO| 를 승인합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/shipping_receiving/setup_configuration/labels.rst:82
msgid "Add shipping on quotation"
msgstr ""
msgstr "견적서에 배송 방법 추가하기"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/shipping_receiving/setup_configuration/labels.rst:84
msgid ""
@ -24469,6 +24537,8 @@ msgid ""
" lead time, a buffer is set to account for potential delays in supplier "
"deliveries. Then, click :guilabel:`Save`."
msgstr ""
"다음으로 원하는 캘린더 일수를 입력합니다. 보안 리드 타임을 설정하면 공급업체의 배송 지연 가능성을 고려하여 완충 기간이 설정됩니다. "
"그런 다음 :guilabel:`저장` 을 클릭합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/warehouses_storage/replenishment/lead_times.rst:237
msgid ""
@ -25060,6 +25130,8 @@ msgid ""
" to open the delivery order. Once the products have been shipped to the "
"customer, click :guilabel:`Validate` to confirm the delivery."
msgstr ""
"마지막으로 주문서 상단에 있는 :guilabel:`배송` 스마트 버튼을 클릭하면 배송주문서가 열립니다. 품목이 고객에게 배송되면 "
":guilabel:`승인` 을 클릭하여 배송 확인을 합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/warehouses_storage/replenishment/mto.rst:137
msgid ""
@ -25833,6 +25905,9 @@ msgid ""
"In the :guilabel:`Warehouse` section, activate :guilabel:`Storage "
"Locations`. Then, click :guilabel:`Save` to apply the setting."
msgstr ""
"두 가지 보충 전략에 대한 초기 설정은 동일합니다. 먼저 :menuselection:`재고 관리 앱 --> 환경설정 --> 설정` 으로 "
"이동합니다. :guilabel:`창고` 섹션에 있는 :guilabel:`보관 위치` 를 활성화합니다. 그런 다음 "
":guilabel:`저장` 을 클릭하면 설정이 적용됩니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/warehouses_storage/replenishment/resupply_warehouses.rst-1
msgid "Enable Storage Locations in Inventory settings."
@ -25935,6 +26010,9 @@ msgid ""
"<inventory/warehouses_storage/unarchive-mto>`, so it appears in the "
":guilabel:`Routes` section of the :guilabel:`Inventory` tab."
msgstr ""
"품목 보충을 주문 제작 방식으로 하려면, 품목 양식으로 이동하여 :ref:`MTO 경로가 보관되지 않음 "
"<inventory/warehouses_storage/unarchive-mto>` 으로 되어 있는지 확인합니다. 그러면 "
":guilabel:`재고 관리` 탭의 :guilabel:`경로` 섹션에 나타나는 것을 볼 수 있습니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/warehouses_storage/replenishment/resupply_warehouses.rst:87
msgid ""
@ -30831,9 +30909,9 @@ msgid ""
"For more information about bills of materials, see the documentation on how "
"to :doc:`create a bill of materials <bill_configuration>`."
msgstr ""
"위 섹션에서는 Odoo에서 제품을 제조할 수 있도록 기본 |BOM|을 생성하는 지침에 대해 설명합니다. 다만 여기에 |BOM|를 설정할 "
"때 적용되는 모든 선택 사항이 요약되어 있는 것은 아닙니다. 자재명세서에 대한 자세한 내용은 :doc:`자재명세서 만들기 "
"<bill_configuration>` 에 대한 문서를 참조하세요."
"위 섹션에서는 Odoo에서 제품을 제조하는 경우 기본 |BOM| 을 생성하는 방법에 대해 설명합니다. 다만 |BOM| 를 설정할 때 "
"적용되는 선택 항목이 여기에 전부 요약되어 있지는 않습니다. 자재명세서에 대한 자세한 내용은 :doc:`자재명세서 만들기 "
"<bill_configuration>` 문서를 참조하세요."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/manufacturing/basic_setup/mo_costs.rst:3
msgid "Manufacturing order costs"
@ -31504,6 +31582,8 @@ msgid ""
" by navigating to :menuselection:`Manufacturing --> Operations --> "
"Manufacturing Orders`, and then select an |MO|."
msgstr ""
"|MO| 에 대한 작업 주문을 *작업 현장* 모듈을 사용하여 완료하려면 먼저 :menuselection:`제조 관리 --> 운영 --> "
"제조지시서` 로 이동한 다음 |MO| 를 선택합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/manufacturing/basic_setup/one_step_manufacturing.rst:92
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/manufacturing/basic_setup/three_step_manufacturing.rst:115
@ -31623,9 +31703,9 @@ msgid ""
"Done`. If there are no additional work orders to complete, the button is "
"titled :guilabel:`Close Production`."
msgstr ""
"작업지시서에 있는 단계를 모두 완료하면 작업지시서 카드 바닥글에 버튼이 나타납니다. |MO|를 종료하기 전에 다른 작업지시서가 있는 "
"경우에는 버튼 제목은 :guilabel:`완료로 표시` 로 나타납니다. 완료해야 할 추가 작업지시서가 없는 경우 버튼 제목은 "
":guilabel:`생산 종료` 입니다."
"작업지시서에 있는 단계를 모두 완료하면 작업지시서 카드 바닥글에 버튼이 나타납니다. |MO| 를 종료하기 전에 완료해야 할 다른 "
"작업지시서가 있는 경우에는 버튼 제목이 :guilabel:`완료로 표시` 로 나타납니다. 완료해야 할 추가 작업지시서가 없는 경우에는 "
"버튼 제목은 :guilabel:`생산 종료` 로 나타납니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/manufacturing/basic_setup/one_step_manufacturing.rst:140
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/manufacturing/basic_setup/three_step_manufacturing.rst:163
@ -31638,9 +31718,9 @@ msgid ""
"out. Any additional work orders can be processed using the instructions "
"detailed in this section."
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`완료로 표시` 를 클릭하면 작업지시서 카드가 사라집니다. 완전히 사라지면 작업지시서의 상태가 |MO|에 *완료* 로 "
"표시되고, 다음 작업 지시 내용이 수행되도록 설정되어 작업장 페이지의 *작업 현장* 모듈에 나타납니다. 추가 작업 주문은 이 섹션에서 "
"자세히 설명된 지침에 따라여 처리할 수 있습니다."
":guilabel:`완료로 표시` 를 클릭하면 작업지시서 카드가 사라집니다. 완전히 사라지면 작업지시서의 상태가 |MO| 에 *완료* 로"
" 표시되고, 다음 작업 지시 내용이 수행되도록 설정되어 작업장 페이지의 *작업 현장* 모듈에 나타납니다. 추가적인 작업지시서가 있을 경우"
" 이 섹션에서 자세히 설명된 지침에 따라 처리하면 됩니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/manufacturing/basic_setup/one_step_manufacturing.rst:146
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/manufacturing/basic_setup/three_step_manufacturing.rst:169
@ -31795,9 +31875,9 @@ msgid ""
"from the location where they were manufactured to the location where they "
"are stored."
msgstr ""
"|MO|를 완료한 후 주문 상단의 :guilabel:`이송` 버튼을 클릭하여 주문의 :guilabel:`이송` 페이지로 돌아갑니다. "
"거기에서 :guilabel:`WH/SFP/XXXXX`를 선택하여 완제품 보관 이송에 액세스합니다. 이 이송은 제조 위치에서 보관 위치로 "
"완제품의 이동을 추적하는 데 사용됩니다."
"|MO| 를 완료한 후 주문서 상단에 있는 :guilabel:`이송` 버튼을 클릭하여 주문의 :guilabel:`이송` 페이지로 "
"돌아갑니다. 이번에는 :guilabel:`WH/SFP/XXXXX` 를 선택하여 완제품 보관 이송에 액세스합니다. 이 이송 항목은 제조 "
"위치에서 보관 위치로 완제품의 이동을 추적하는 데 사용합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/manufacturing/basic_setup/three_step_manufacturing.rst:190
msgid ""
@ -31836,8 +31916,9 @@ msgid ""
"components from the locations where they are stored to the location where "
"they are used to manufacture the product."
msgstr ""
"2단계 |MO|를 확인하면 페이지 상단에 :guilabel:`이송` 스마트 버튼이 표시됩니다. 이 버튼을 클릭하면 |MO|와 관련된 부품"
" 피킹 이송이 열립니다. 이 이송은 부품이 보관된 위치에서 제품 제조에 사용되는 위치로 부품의 이동을 추적하는 데 사용됩니다."
"2단계 |MO| 를 확인하면 페이지 상단에 :guilabel:`이송` 스마트 버튼이 표시됩니다. 이 버튼을 클릭하면 |MO| 와 관련된 "
"구성품 피킹 이송이 열립니다. 이와 같은 이송은 구성품이 보관된 위치에서 제품 제조에 사용되는 위치로 구성품 이동을 추적할 때 "
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/manufacturing/basic_setup/two_step_manufacturing.rst:88
msgid ""
@ -33013,8 +33094,9 @@ msgid ""
"10 units of a dining table, clicking the :guilabel:`10 units` button records"
" that 10 units were produced."
msgstr ""
"줄 오른쪽에 있는 :guilabel:`#단위` 버튼을 클릭하면 |MO|가 처음에 생성된 단위 수를 생산된 단위 수로 자동 등록합니다. "
"예를 들어 식탁 10개를 위해 |MO|가 생성된 경우 :guilabel:`10개` 버튼을 클릭하면 10개가 생산된 것으로 기록됩니다."
"또는 줄 오른쪽에 있는 :guilabel:`단위 수` 버튼을 클릭하면 자동으로 |MO| 가 생성된 단위 수가 제조된 단위 수로 "
"등록됩니다. 예를 들어 |MO| 가 식탁 10개에 대해 생성된 경우 :guilabel:`10개` 버튼을 클릭하면 10개가 생산된 것으로 "
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/manufacturing/shop_floor/shop_floor_overview.rst:97
msgid ""
@ -33025,9 +33107,9 @@ msgid ""
"Clicking :guilabel:`Quality Checks` opens a pop-up window, from which any "
"required quality checks can be completed."
msgstr ""
"|MO| 카드 하단에는 :guilabel:`생산 마감` 버튼이 있습니다. 이 버튼은 제작이 완료되면 |MO|를 마무리하고 닫는 데 "
"사용됩니다. 그러나 개별 작업 지시뿐만 아니라 전체 |MO|에 대한 전반적인 품질 검사가 필요한 경우, :guilabel:`품질 검사` "
"버튼이 대신 표시됩니다. :guilabel:`품질 검사`를 클릭하면 필요한 품질 검사를 완료할 수 있는 팝업 창이 열립니다."
"|MO| 카드 하단에는 :guilabel:`생산 종료` 버튼이 있습니다. 이 버튼은 생산 완료 후 |MO| 를 닫을 때 사용합니다. "
"그러나 전체 |MO| 에 대한 전반적인 품질 검사가 필요한 경우 (그 안에 있는 작업지시서 대신), :guilabel:`품질 검사` "
"버튼이 대신 표시됩니다. :guilabel:`품질 검사` 를 클릭하면 필요한 모든 품질 검사를 완료할 수 있는 팝업 창이 열립니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/manufacturing/shop_floor/shop_floor_overview.rst:103
msgid ""
@ -33036,9 +33118,8 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Undo` causes the |MO| to remain open. Once the |MO| card "
"disappears completely, the work order is closed."
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`생산 마감`을 클릭하면 |MO| 카드가 사라지기 시작하고 하단에 :guilabel:`실행 취소` 버튼이 나타납니다. "
":guilabel:`실행 취소`를 클릭하면 |MO|가 계속 열려 있습니다. |MO| 카드가 완전히 사라지면 작업 주문이 성공적으로 "
":guilabel:`생산 종료` 를 클릭하면 |MO| 카드가 사라지면서 하단에 :guilabel:`실행 취소` 버튼이 나타납니다. "
":guilabel:`실행 취소` 를 클릭하면 |MO|가 계속 열려 있게 됩니다. |MO| 카드가 완전히 사라지면 작업지시서가 종료됩니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/manufacturing/shop_floor/shop_floor_overview.rst:107
msgid ""
@ -33159,9 +33240,9 @@ msgid ""
" quality check must be completed from the |MO| card before the |MO| can be "
msgstr ""
"|MO| 상에서 마지막 작업 주문을 처리할 때 작업 주문 카드 하단에 :guilabel:`생산 종료` 버튼이 표시됩니다. 해당 작업 "
"주문에 대한 품질 검사를 할 필요가 없는 경우, :guilabel:`생산 종료`를 클릭하면 작업 주문과 연결된 |MO| 가 모두 "
"종료됩니다. 품질 검사가 필요한 경우 |MO| 카드에서 품질 검사를 완료해야 |MO| 를 닫을 수 있습니다."
"처리 중인 작업지시서가 |MO| 에 있는 마지막 작업주문서인 경우에는, 작업지시서 카드 하단에 :guilabel:`생산 종료` 버튼이 "
"표시됩니다. 해당 작업지시서에서 품질 검사를 할 필요가 없는 경우, :guilabel:`생산 종료` 를 클릭하면 작업지시서 및 연결된 "
"|MO| 가 모두 종료됩니다. 이 경우에는 반드시 |MO| 카드에서 품질 검사를 완료해야 |MO| 를 닫을 수 있습니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/manufacturing/shop_floor/shop_floor_overview.rst:158
msgid ""
@ -33183,9 +33264,9 @@ msgid ""
"open. Once the work order card disappears completely, the work order is "
"marked as :guilabel:`Finished` on the |MO|."
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`생산 종료` 또는 :guilabel:`완료로 표시`를 클릭하면 작업 주문 카드가 사라지기 시작하고 하단에 "
":guilabel:`실행 취소` 버튼이 표시됩니다. :guilabel:`실행 취소`를 클릭하면 작업 주문이 계속 열려 있습니다. 작업 "
"주문 카드가 완전히 사라지면 작업 주문은 |MO|에 :guilabel:`완료`로 표시됩니다."
":guilabel:`생산 종료` 또는 :guilabel:`완료로 표시` 를 클릭하면 작업지시서 카드가 사라지면서 하단에 "
":guilabel:`실행 취소` 버튼이 표시됩니다. :guilabel:`실행 취소` 를 클릭하면 작업지시서는 계속 열려 있게 됩니다. "
"작업지시서 카드가 완전히 사라지면 작업지시서는 |MO| 에 :guilabel:`완료` 로 표시됩니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/manufacturing/shop_floor/shop_floor_overview.rst:168
msgid ""
@ -33335,6 +33416,8 @@ msgid ""
"open it. The :guilabel:`All MO #` page of the dashboard displays *Ready* "
"|MOs|, organized in order of their scheduled dates."
msgstr ""
"Odoo 현황판에서 :menuselection:`작업 현장` 모듈을 클릭하여 엽니다. 현황판의 :guilabel:`모든 MO 수` "
"페이지에는 예약된 날짜 순서대로 정리되어 *준비 상태* 인 |MO| 가 표시됩니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/manufacturing/shop_floor/shop_floor_overview.rst:239
msgid ""
@ -33999,6 +34082,8 @@ msgid ""
" |RfQ| auto-populates with a date that reflects the vendor's delivery lead "
"time, as specified on the product's page."
msgstr ""
"품목이 추가되면 |RfQ| 의 :guilabel:`예상 도착` 항목에는 품목 페이지에 지정된 대로 공급업체의 배송 리드 타임을 반영하여 "
"날짜가 자동으로 입력됩니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/manufacturing/subcontracting/basic_subcontracting_lead_times.rst:69
msgid ""
@ -34337,6 +34422,8 @@ msgid ""
"click the :guilabel:`Validate` button at the top of the dropship order to "
"confirm that the subcontractor has received the components."
msgstr ""
"직배송업체에서 구성품을 협력업체에 전달한 후에는 직배송 주문서 상단에 있는 :guilabel:`승인` 버튼을 클릭하여 협력업체 측에서 "
"구성품을 수령했는지 확인합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/manufacturing/subcontracting/dropship_subcontracting_lead_times.rst:153
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/manufacturing/subcontracting/resupply_subcontracting_lead_times.rst:127
@ -36806,8 +36893,8 @@ msgid ""
"Floor* module, and then clicking :guilabel:`Close Production` at the bottom "
"of the |MO|'s card."
msgstr ""
"원본 |MO|에 남아있는 작업지시서가 없으면 *작업 현장* 모듈 위쪽에 있는 탐색창에서 :guilabel:`전부` 필터를 선택한 다음 "
"|MO| 카드 아래쪽에 있는 :guilabel:`생산 종료` 을 클릭하면 주문서를 마감할 수 있습니다."
"원본 |MO| 에 남아있는 작업지시서가 없으면 *작업 현장*모듈 위쪽에 있는 탐색창에서 :guilabel:`전부` 필터를 선택한 다음 "
"|MO| 카드 아래쪽에 있는 :guilabel:`생산 종료` 를 클릭하면 주문서를 마감할 수 있습니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/manufacturing/workflows/manufacturing_backorders.rst:121
msgid ""
@ -36817,7 +36904,7 @@ msgid ""
" can be processed as normal, and additional backorders can be created from "
"their work order cards using the instructions detailed in this section."
msgstr ""
"원본 |MO| 을 종료하기 전에 반드시 완료해야 하는 작업지시서가 있는 경우에는, 이러한 작업지시서에 대한 카드는 해당 작업이 수행되도록"
"원본 |MO| 를 종료하기 전에 반드시 완료해야 하는 작업지시서가 있는 경우에는, 이러한 작업지시서에 대한 카드는 해당 작업이 수행되도록"
" 설정된 작업장의 *작업 현장* 페이지에 표시됩니다. 작업지시서는 정상적으로 처리될 수 있으며 이 섹션에 자세히 설명된 지침에 따라 "
"작업지시서 카드에서 추가로 이월 주문서를 생성할 수 있습니다."
@ -36838,7 +36925,7 @@ msgid ""
"the bottom of the work order's card."
msgstr ""
"이월 주문 |MO| 에 대한 최종 작업지시서가 완료되면, 작업지시서 카드 하단에 있는 :guilabel:`생산 종료` 버튼을 클릭하면 "
"|MO| 를 마감할 수 있습니다."
"|MO| 를 종료할 수 있습니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/manufacturing/workflows/scrap_manufacturing.rst:3
msgid "Scrap during manufacturing"
@ -37434,8 +37521,8 @@ msgid ""
" in the |MPS|, so they can properly replenish the product in time for the "
"increase in customer demand."
msgstr ""
"확인된 |MO| 의 수에도 불구하고, 조달 관리자는 12월에 휴가 기간이 시작되면 크리스마스 트리에 대한 수요가 훨씬 더 높아질 것이라는"
" 것을 인지하고 있습니다. 따라서 고객 수요 증가에 맞추어 제품을 적절히 보충할 수 있도록 |MPS| 에 더 많은 수로 수요를 수동 "
"|MO| 숫자와 무관하게, 조달 관리자는 12월 연말 시즌이 시작되면 크리스마스 트리에 대한 수요가 훨씬 더 높아질 것이라는 것을 "
"인지하고 있습니다. 따라서 고객 수요가 증가함에 따라 제품을 적절히 보충할 수 있도록 |MPS| 에 수요 수치를 늘려서 수동으로 "
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/manufacturing/workflows/use_mps.rst:38
@ -37446,9 +37533,9 @@ msgid ""
"should be replenished, but requires user input to create the |MOs| or |POs| "
"that are used to replenish it."
msgstr ""
"|MPS| 는 **수동** 으로 사용해야 하는 도구라는 점을 유념해야 합니다. |MPS| 에 제품을 추가해도 자동으로 제조되거나 구매되지"
" 않습니다. |MPS| 는 보충해야 할 제품의 분량을 제안할 뿐이며, 보충하는 데 사용하는 |MO| 또는 |PO| 를 생성하려면 사용자가"
" 입력을 해야 합니다."
"|MPS| 는 **수동** 으로 사용하는 도구라는 점을 기억해야 합니다. |MPS| 에 제품을 추가한다고 해도 자동으로 제조되거나 구매가"
" 진행되지는 않습니다. |MPS| 는 보충해야 할 제품의 수량을 제안할 뿐이며, 보충하는 데 사용할 |MO| 또는 |PO| 를 생성하려면"
" 사용자가 입력을 해야 합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/manufacturing/workflows/use_mps.rst:43
msgid ""
@ -38041,6 +38128,8 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Equipment` tab. This ensures operations carried out at one work "
"center can also be performed at the other."
msgstr ""
"두 작업장의 :guilabel:`장비` 탭에 동일한 장비가 나타나 있는지 확인합니다. 이렇게 하면 한 작업장에서 수행한 작업을 다른 "
"작업장에서도 수행할 수 있습니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/manufacturing/workflows/work_center_time_off.rst:45
msgid ""
@ -41026,9 +41115,9 @@ msgid ""
"top-right of the form. Click the :guilabel:`RFQs/Orders` smart button to see"
" the |PO| that was just created."
msgstr ""
"|PO|가 확인되면 포괄 주문 양식으로 돌아갑니다 (페이지 상단의 이동 경로 활용). 포괄 주문 양식에서 이제 양식 오른쪽 상단의 "
":guilabel:`RFQ/주문서` 스마트 버튼에 |RfQ| 한 건이 표시되어 있습니다. :guilabel:`RFQ/주문서` 스마트 "
"버튼을 클릭하면 방금 생성된 |PO|를 확인할 수 있습니다."
"|PO| 가 확인되면 포괄 주문 양식으로 돌아갑니다 (페이지 상단의 이동 경로 활용). 포괄 주문 양식에서 이제 양식 오른쪽 상단의 "
":guilabel:`RFQ/주문서` 스마트 버튼에 |RfQ| 한 건이 표시되어 있는 것을 볼 수 있습니다. "
":guilabel:`RFQ/주문서` 스마트 버튼을 클릭하면 방금 생성된 |PO| 를 확인할 수 있습니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/purchase/manage_deals/blanket_orders.rst-1
msgid "RFQs and Orders smart button from blanket order form."
@ -41070,6 +41159,8 @@ msgid ""
"similar goods or services all at once. This helps companies select the "
"cheapest, fastest vendors for their specific business needs."
msgstr ""
"경우에 따라서는 회사에서 공급업체에 비슷한 품목이나 서비스에 대한 제안서를 한꺼번에 제출하도록 요청할 수 있습니다. 이를 통해 회사의 "
"비즈니스 요구사항에 맞게 가장 저렴하고 빠른 공급업체를 선택할 수 있습니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/purchase/manage_deals/calls_for_tenders.rst:16
msgid ""
@ -41423,6 +41514,7 @@ msgid ""
"orders can be cancelled without having an effect on the other live orders, "
"once those orders have been confirmed."
msgstr ""
"아직 주문 취소가 되지 않았더라도, 해당 주문이 확인되면 다른 실시간 주문에 영향을 주지 않고 각 주문이 취소될 수 있음을 나타냅니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/purchase/manage_deals/calls_for_tenders.rst-1
msgid "Cancelled quotations in the Purchase app overview."
@ -41641,9 +41733,9 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Draft` stage. Click the :guilabel:`Other Info` tab, and locate "
"the :guilabel:`Should Be Paid` field."
msgstr ""
"|PO|에서 공급업체 청구서를 생성하려면 :menuselection:`판매 앱 --> 주문서 --> 구매발주서` 로 이동합니다. "
":guilabel:`구매발주서` 페이지 목록에서 원하는 |PO|를 선택합니다. 그런 다음 :guilabel:`공급업체 청구서 만들기` 를"
" 클릭합니다. 그러면 :guilabel:`초안` 단계에서 새로운 :guilabel:`공급업체 청구서` 양식 초안이 열립니다. "
"|PO| 에서 공급업체 청구서를 생성하려면 :menuselection:`판매 앱 --> 주문서 --> 구매발주서` 로 이동합니다. "
":guilabel:`구매발주서` 페이지 목록에서 원하는 |PO| 를 선택합니다. 그런 다음 :guilabel:`공급업체 청구서 만들기` "
"를 클릭합니다. 그러면 :guilabel:`초안` 단계에서 새로운 :guilabel:`공급업체 청구서` 양식 초안이 열립니다. "
":guilabel:`기타 정보` 탭을 클릭하고 :guilabel:`결제해야 함` 필드를 찾습니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/purchase/manage_deals/control_bills.rst:80
@ -42654,6 +42746,8 @@ msgid ""
"their price, to have this information auto-populate on a request for "
"quotation each time the product is listed."
msgstr ""
"품목 양식의 :guilabel:`매입` 탭에서 공급업체와 가격을 입력하면 품목이 표시될 때마다 견적요청서에 이 정보가 자동으로 "
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/purchase/products/pricelist.rst:32
msgid ""
@ -42808,6 +42902,8 @@ msgid ""
"export)` checkbox ticked results in an export file with two columns "
"containing the external ID."
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`외부 ID` 를 :guilabel:`사용 가능한 필드` 섹션에서 선택한 후 :guilabel:`데이터를 "
"업데이트합니다(내보내기 후 가져오기)` 확인란을 선택하면 외부 ID와 함께 두 개의 열이 내보내기 파일로 생성됩니다"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/purchase/products/pricelist.rst:123
msgid "Common fields"
@ -42934,6 +43030,8 @@ msgid ""
"available. For example, if `Azure Interior` is listed first and Wood Corner "
"second, their sequences would be `1` and `2`."
msgstr ""
"가격표에서 공급업체의 순서를 정의하며 공급업체가 여러 곳인 경우에 사용합니다. 예를 들어, `Azure Interior`가 처음에 "
"표시되고 Wood Corner가 두 번째로 올 경우 순서는 `1`과 `2`가 됩니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/purchase/products/pricelist.rst:163
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/purchase/products/pricelist.rst:171
@ -44228,9 +44326,9 @@ msgid ""
"check as *Passed* if the recorded value is within the specified *tolerance*,"
" or *Failed* if the value is outside of it."
msgstr ""
"또는 품질 검사가 정의된 *표준* 및 *허용 오차* 값을 가진 |QCP|에 해당하는 경우, 점검의 왼쪽 상단 모서리에 있는 "
":guilabel:`측정`을 클릭합니다. 이 작업은 기록된 값이 지정된 *공차* 내에 속하는 경우 검사를 *합격*으로 자동 표시합니다. "
"반대로 값이 정의된 범위를 벗어나면 *불합격*으로 표시합니다."
"또는 품질 검사가 지정된 |QCP| 에 *표준* 및 *허용 오차* 값이 있는 경우에 해당하는 경우에는, 검사에서 왼쪽 상단에 있는 "
":guilabel:`측정` 을 클릭합니다. 이렇게 하면 기록된 값이 지정된 *허용 오차* 안에 있는 경우 검사가 자동으로 *합격* "
"표시합니다. 반대로 값이 지정값 범위 밖이면 *불합격* 으로 표시합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/quality/quality_check_types/measure_check.rst:93
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/quality/quality_check_types/pass_fail_check.rst:79
@ -45640,9 +45738,10 @@ msgid ""
"points>` for information about how to configure a |QCP| that will create "
"quality checks for a specific work order operation."
msgstr ""
"특정 작업지시 운영에 할당된 단일 품질 검사를 수동으로 생성할 수 없습니다. 작업지시 운영에 대한 품질 검사는 |QCP|에 의해서만 "
"생성됩니다. 정확한 작업지시 운영에 대한 품질 검사를 생성하기 위해 맞춤화된 |QCP|를 구성하는 방법에 대한 지침은 :ref:`품질 "
"관리 포인트 <quality/quality_management/quality-control-points>`에 대한 문서를 참조하세요."
"수동으로 하나만 품질 검사를 생성할 수 없는 경우가 있으며, 이는 검사가 특정한 작업지시서 진행에 대해 지정되는 경우입니다. 작업지시서 "
"진행에 대한 품질 검사는 |QCP| 를 통해서만 생성할 수 있습니다. 자세한 내용은 :ref:`품질 관리 지점 "
"<quality/quality_management/quality-control-points>` 문서에서.작업지시서 진행에 대해 품질 "
"검사를 생성하도록 |QCP| 를 설정하는 방법에 대한 내용을 확인해 보세요."
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/quality/quality_management/quality_checks.rst:90
msgid "Quality check page"
@ -4590,7 +4590,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/events/create_events.rst:376
msgid "Notes tab"
msgstr ""
msgstr "메모 탭"
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/events/create_events.rst:378
msgid ""
@ -157,6 +157,8 @@ msgid ""
" click into the target date. On the :guilabel:`New Event` pop-up window that"
" appears, start by adding the event title."
msgstr ""
"캘린더에 행사를 추가하려면 :menuselection:`캘린더 앱`을 열고 해당하는 날짜를 클릭합니다. :guilabel:`새 행사` "
"팝업창이 나타나면 행사 제목을 추가하여 내용 입력을 시작하세요."
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/calendar.rst-1
msgid "Schedule an event window on Calendar app."
@ -185,6 +187,8 @@ msgid ""
"Day` checkbox unticked, time selections appear in the :guilabel:`Start` "
msgstr ""
"행사에 시작 시간 및 종료 시간을 지정하려면, :guilabel:`종일` 확인란에 선택을 해제하면 시간을 선택할 수 있게 됩니다. "
":guilabel:`종일` 확인란 선택을 해제하면 선택할 수 있는 시간이 :guilabel:`시작` 필드에 나타납니다."
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/calendar.rst:80
msgid ""
@ -384,6 +388,9 @@ msgid ""
" After selecting :guilabel:`Users` or :guilabel:`Resources`, type in the "
"desired user or resource in the space below."
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`사용 가능` 필드를 활용하여 참석자가 회의실이나 테이블과 같은 :guilabel:`사용자` 또는 "
":guilabel:`리소스` 를 예약할 수 있습니다. :guilabel:`사용자` 너 :guilabel:`리소스` 를 선택한 후 아래쪽 "
"공간에 원하는 사용자 또는 리소스를 입력합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/calendar.rst:175
msgid ""
@ -531,6 +538,8 @@ msgid ""
":icon:`oi-arrow-right` :guilabel:`Configure Payment Providers`, which "
"enables online payments."
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`선불 결제`: 결제를 먼저 해야 예약을 확정할 수 있게 하려면 확인란을 표시합니다. 여기에 표시하면 "
":icon:`oi-arrow-right` :guilabel:`결제대행업체 설정` 링크가 표시되어 온라인으로 결제를 할 수 있습니다."
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/calendar.rst:240
msgid ""
@ -2600,6 +2609,8 @@ msgid ""
"new canned response, or manage the list of existing responses, navigate to "
":menuselection:`Discuss app --> Configuration --> Canned Responses`."
msgstr ""
"미리 준비된 답변은 *회의 및 채팅* 애플리케이션에서 관리합니다. 미리 준비된 답변을 새로 만들거나 기존 답변 목록을 관리하려면 "
":menuselection:`회의 및 채팅 앱 --> 환경설정 --> 미리 준비된 답변` 으로 이동합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/discuss/canned_responses.rst:32
msgid ""
@ -2759,6 +2770,8 @@ msgid ""
"includes direct message conversations, channel conversations, and *WhatsApp*"
" messages."
msgstr ""
"미리 준비된 답변은 *회의 및 채팅* 앱, *실시간 채팅* 대화에서 혹은 *메시지창* 작성기가 있는 모든 레코드에서 사용할 수 있습니다."
" 여기에는 다이렉트 메시지를 통한 대화나 채널 대화 및 *WhatsApp* 메시지가 포함됩니다."
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/discuss/canned_responses.rst:115
msgid ""
@ -3796,10 +3809,10 @@ msgid ""
"to indicate that it is a private channel. Select the channel type that best "
"fits the communication needs."
msgstr ""
"*공개* 채널은 모든 사람이 볼 수 있는 반면에, *비공개* 채널은 해당 채널에 초대된 사용자만 볼 수 있습니다. 새로 채널을 만드려면 "
":menuselection:`메일 및 채팅` 앱으로 이동하여, 왼쪽 메뉴에 있는 :menuselection:`채널` 제목 옆 "
":guilabel:`➕(더하기)` 아이콘을 클릭합니다. 채널명을 입력하면 두 가지 선택 옵션이 나타납니다: 첫 번째 옵션은 공개 채널임을"
" 나타내는 해시태그 (`#`)가 있는 채널이며, 두 번째 옵션은 비공개 채널임을 나타내기 위해 옆에 자물쇠 아이콘(`🔒`)이 표시되어 "
"*공개* 채널은 모든 사람이 볼 수 있는 반면에, *비공개* 채널은 해당 채널에 초대된 사용자만 볼 수 있습니다. 새로 채널을 생성하려면"
" :menuselection:`메일 및 채팅` 앱으로 이동하여, 왼쪽 메뉴에 있는 :menuselection:`채널` 제목 옆 "
":guilabel:`➕(더하기)` 아이콘을 클릭합니다. 채널명을 입력하면 선택 옵션 두 가지가 나타납니다: 첫 번째 옵션은 공개 채널임을"
" 나타내는 해시태그(`#`)가 있는 채널이며, 두 번째 옵션은 비공개 채널임을 나타내기 위해 옆에 자물쇠 아이콘(`🔒`)이 표시되어 "
"있습니다. 커뮤니케이션 목적에 가장 잘 맞는 채널 유형을 선택합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/discuss/team_communication.rst-1
@ -4302,6 +4315,8 @@ msgid ""
"**Documents** app. Select the workspace where you want to upload your file, "
"click the :guilabel:`New` button, then :icon:`fa-upload` :guilabel:`Upload`."
msgstr ""
"**문서** 앱에는 파일 (Odoo 온라인에서 파일당 최대 64MB)을 업로드할 수 있습니다. 파일을 업로드할 작업 공간을 선택하고 "
":guilabel:`새로 만들기` 버튼을 클릭한 다음 :icon:`fa-upload` :guilabel:`업로드` 를 클릭합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/documents.rst:170
msgid "Request"
@ -4495,6 +4510,8 @@ msgid ""
"email. If it isn't existing yet, click :guilabel:`Choose or Configure Email "
"Servers` and create an :ref:`alias domain <email-outbound-alias-domain>`."
msgstr ""
"이메일로 문서를 업로드하려면 별칭 도메인이 설정되어 있어야 합니다. 아직 설정이 되지 있지 않은 경우에는 :guilabel:`이메일 서버"
" 선택 또는 설정` 을 클릭하고 :ref:`별칭 도메인 <email-outbound-alias-domain>` 을 생성합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/documents.rst:270
msgid ""
@ -4789,6 +4806,9 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Create Customer Invoice`, or :guilabel:`Create Customer Credit "
"Note`, and then click :guilabel:`Send for Digitization`."
msgstr ""
"재무 작업 공간에서 사용하는 문서는 디지털로 변환할 수 있습니다. 디지털 변환을 할 문서를 선택하고 :guilabel:`공급업체 청구서 "
"만들기`, :guilabel:`고객 청구서 만들기` 또는 :guilabel:`고객 대변전표 만들기` 를 클릭한 다음 "
":guilabel:`전송하여 디지털 변환하기` 를 클릭합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/documents.rst:392
msgid ""
@ -1509,6 +1509,8 @@ msgid ""
"Configuration --> Lost Reasons`, and click both :guilabel:`New` and "
":guilabel:`Save` for each new entry added to the list."
msgstr ""
"이 필드에 새 값을 설정하려면 :menuselection:`CRM --> 환경설정 --> 실패 사유` 로 가서 목록에 추가된 모든 신규 "
"항목에 있는 :guilabel:`새로 만들기`와 :guilabel:`저장` 을 모두 클릭합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/acquire_leads/send_quotes.rst:205
msgid ""
@ -3211,9 +3213,9 @@ msgid ""
"menu, click :guilabel:`Expected Closing` to expand the list of available "
"options, and select a desired amount of time from the list."
msgstr ""
"예측에서는 *월* 을 기본 기간으로 합니다. 보고서 상단의 :guilabel:`검색...` 표시줄 옆에 있는 |caret|을 클릭하면 "
"변경할 수 있습니다. 드롭다운 메뉴가 나타나면 :guilabel:`그룹 기준` 제목 아래에 있는 :guilabel:`예상 마감` 을 "
"클릭하여 사용 목록을 확장하여 목록에서 원하는 시간을 선택합니다."
"예측에서는 *월* 을 기본 기간으로 합니다. 변경하려면 보고서 상단의 :guilabel:`검색...` 표시줄 옆에 있는 |caret| 을"
" 클릭합니다. 드롭다운 메뉴가 나타나면 :guilabel:`그룹 기준` 제목 아래에 있는 :guilabel:`예상 마감` 을 클릭하고 "
"사용 목록을 확장하여 목록에서 원하는 시간을 선택합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/performance/forecast_report.rst:40
msgid ""
@ -8771,6 +8773,9 @@ msgid ""
"Configuration --> PoS Product Categories`. To add a new category, click "
":guilabel:`Create`. Then, name it in the :guilabel:`Category Name` field."
msgstr ""
"POS 카테고리를 관리하려면 :menuselection:`POS --> 환경설정 --> POS 품목 카테고리` 로 이동합니다. 새 "
"카테고리를 추가하려면 :guilabel:`만들기` 를 클릭합니다. 그런 다음 :guilabel:`카테고리 이름` 필드에 제목을 "
#: ../../content/applications/sales/point_of_sale/configuration.rst:63
msgid ""
@ -10716,6 +10721,8 @@ msgid ""
"so, go to the :ref:`POS' settings <configuration/settings>` and add the "
"payment method under the :guilabel:`Payment` section."
msgstr ""
"결제 수단이 생성되면 POS 설정에서 활성화할 수 있습니다. 선택하려면 :ref:`POS' 설정 "
"<configuration/settings>` 으로 이동하여 :guilabel:`결제` 섹션에 결제 수단을 추가합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/point_of_sale/payment_methods/terminals/razorpay.rst:56
msgid "The terminal must have at least a 10% battery level to use it."
@ -10744,6 +10751,8 @@ msgid ""
"Terminals received from Worldline are therefore not compatible with this "
msgstr ""
"Worldline에서 최근 SIX Payment Services를 인수했고 두 회사 모두 Yomani 결제 단말기를 사용하고 있으나, "
"실행하는 펌웨어에 차이가 있습니다. 따라서 Worldline에서 받은 단말기는 여기에서 통합되어 호환되지 않습니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/point_of_sale/payment_methods/terminals/six.rst:19
msgid "Install the POS IoT Six module"
@ -12645,9 +12654,10 @@ msgid ""
"status goes from :guilabel:`Paid` or :guilabel:`Posted` to "
":guilabel:`Invoiced` in the Odoo backend."
msgstr ""
"고객은 영수증에 인쇄된 **QR 코드**를 스캔하여 청구서를 요청할 수도 있습니다. 스캔 후에는 반드시 청구지 정보 양식을 작성하고 "
":guilabel:`내 청구서 받기`를 클릭해야 합니다. 이렇게 하면 청구서가 생성되어 다운로드할 수 있습니다. 반면, 주문 상태는 "
"Odoo 백엔드의 :guilabel:`결제 완료` 또는 :guilabel:`발행 완료`에서 :guilabel:`청구 완료`로 변경됩니다."
"고객은 수령증에 인쇄된 **QR 코드** 를 스캔하는 방법으로도 청구서를 요청할 수 있습니다. 스캔 후에는 반드시 청구지 정보 양식에 "
"입력을 완료하고 :guilabel:`청구서 받기` 를 클릭해야 합니다. 이렇게 하면 다운로드 받을 수 있는 청구서가 생성됩니다. 한편, "
"Odoo 백엔드에서 주문 상태는 :guilabel:`결제 완료` 또는 :guilabel:`발행 완료`에서 :guilabel:`청구 완료`"
" 로 변경됩니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/point_of_sale/receipts_invoices.rst-1
msgid "order status change"
@ -13163,10 +13173,10 @@ msgid ""
"enabled, add a :guilabel:`Tip Product` in the corresponding field, and save."
" The designated product will be used as a reference on customers' receipts."
msgstr ""
"POS에서 팁 기능을 사용할 수 있게 하려면 :menuselection:`POS --> 환경설정 --> 설정`에서 "
":guilabel:`팁` 기능을 사용할 수 있게 설정합니다. 페이지 상단에서 **팁** 기능을 사용할 POS를 선택하고 "
":guilabel:`결제` 섹션으로 스크롤을 이동하여 :guilabel:`팁`을 확인합니다. 사용 설정을 한 후에는 해당 필드에 "
":guilabel:`팀 품목`를 추가하고 저장합니다. 지정된 품목은 고객 영수증의 참고 자료로 사용합니다."
"POS에서 팁 기능을 사용하려면 :menuselection:`POS --> 환경설정 --> 설정` 에서 :guilabel:`팁` 기능을 "
"활성화합니다. 페이지 상단에서 **팁** 기능을 사용할 POS를 선택하고 :guilabel:`결제` 섹션으로 스크롤을 이동하여 "
":guilabel:`팁` 에 표시합니다. 활성화를 한 후에는 해당 필드에 :guilabel:`품목 팁` 을 추가한 후 저장합니다. 지정된"
" 품목은 고객 수령증에 참조로 표시됩니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/point_of_sale/restaurant/tips.rst-1
msgid "enable tips in a POS"
@ -13452,6 +13462,9 @@ msgid ""
"device <customer_display/remote>`, or :ref:`another monitor connected to an "
"IoT Box <customer_display/iot>`."
msgstr ""
"POS 설정에 따라 이 기능은 :ref:`보조 화면에 로컬로 표시 <customer_display/local>` 하거나 :ref:`다른 "
"장치에 원격으로 표시 <customer_display/remote>`, 혹은 :ref:`IoT 박스에 연결된 다른 모니터에 표시 "
"<customer_display/iot>` 할 수 있습니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/point_of_sale/shop/customer_display.rst:18
msgid ""
@ -14861,11 +14874,12 @@ msgid ""
" the carrier, along with the tracking reference, are displayed in the email "
"to the customer."
msgstr ""
"선택한 배송업체가 Odoo에서 지원되지 않는 경우에도 동일한 이름으로 배송업체를 생성할 수 있습니다 (예: 배송업체 이름으로 "
"'easyship' 생성). 이름을 사용할 때는 대소문자를 구분하지 **않지만** 오타가 발생하지 않도록 주의하시기 바랍니다. 오타가 "
"있는 경우 Amazon에서는 이를 인식하지 **않습니다**. 다음으로 '자체 배송'을 배송업체로 생성하여 사용자가 배송하는 것임을 "
"Amazon 측에 알립니다. 이 경로를 사용하더라도 배송 추적 참조는 반드시 **입력해야 합니다**. 고객에게 배송에 대한 알림을 "
"이메일로 전달하며 배송업체와 배송 추적 참조 정보가 고객에게 보내는 이메일에 표시된다는 점에 유념하시기 바랍니다."
"선택한 배송업체를 Odoo에서 지원하지 않는 경우에도 동일한 이름으로 배송업체를 생성할 수 있습니다(예: 배송업체 이름으로 "
"'easyship' 생성 가능). 이름을 사용할 때는 대소문자를 구분하지 **않지만** 오타가 발생하지 않도록 주의하시기 바랍니다. "
"오타가 있는 경우에는 Amazon에서는 인식이 되지 **않습니다**. 다음으로 배송업체 이름으로 '자체 배송'을 생성하여 사용자가 "
"배송하는 것임을 Amazon 측에서 인식할 수 있도록 합니다. 이 경로로 배송하더라도 배송 추적 참조는 **반드시** 입력해야 합니다. "
"고객에게 배송 알림이 이메일로 전달되며 배송업체 및 배송 추적 참조 정보가 고객에게 전송되는 이메일에 표시된다는 점에 주의하시기 "
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/amazon_connector/manage.rst:82
msgid ""
@ -14909,11 +14923,11 @@ msgid ""
"synchronize these orders, or click on :guilabel:`Recover Order` and enter "
"the relevant Amazon Order Reference."
msgstr ""
"Odoo는 아마존으로부터 영향을 받는 배송을 명시하지 않은 채로 일부 배송 정보가 처리되지 않았다는 알림을 받을 수 있습니다. 이러한 "
"경우 알 수 없는 상태의 모든 배송은 동기화에 실패한 것으로 처리됩니다. Odoo가 아마존으로부터 배송 처리를 확인하는 알림을 받으면 "
"해당 태그는 :guilabel:`아마존과 동기화됨`으로 업데이트됩니다. 이 프로세스를 신속하게 처리하려면 아마존 계정에서 "
":guilabel:`주문 동기화`를 클릭하여 이러한 주문을 수동으로 동기화합니다. 또는 :guilabel:`주문 복구`를 클릭하고 관련 "
"아마존 주문 참조를 입력하여 수동으로 동기화를 시작합니다."
"Odoo에서 아마존으로부터 일부 배송 정보가 처리되지 않았다는 알림을 받을 수 있으며, 이 때 어느 배송 항목에 대한 것인지 특정이 되지"
" 않는 경우가 있습니다. 이런 경우에는, 상태 확인이 불가능한 배송은 모두 동기화에 실패한 것으로 처리됩니다. Odoo가 아마존으로부터 "
"배송이 진행 중이라는 안내을 받으면, 해당 태그는 :guilabel:`아마존과 동기화됨` 으로 변경됩니다. 이 과정을 신속하기 처리하려면"
" 아마존 계정에서 :guilabel:`주문 동기화` 를 클릭한 후 주문을 수동으로 동기화하거나 :guilabel:`주문 복구` 를 클릭한"
" 후 관련된 아마존 주문 참조를 입력합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/amazon_connector/manage.rst:106
msgid "Follow deliveries in FBA"
@ -18605,6 +18619,8 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Start Date`: Select the date on which the program becomes valid. "
"Leave this field blank if the program should always be valid and not expire."
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`시작일`: 프로그램 유효기간이 시작되는 날짜를 선택합니다. 이 필드를 비워두면 프로그램이 계속 유효하게 되며 만료가 "
"되지 않습니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/products_prices/loyalty_discount.rst:62
msgid ""
@ -18612,6 +18628,8 @@ msgid ""
"valid. Leave this field blank if the program should always be valid and not "
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`종료일`: 프로그램이 유효기간이 종료되는 날짜를 선택합니다. 이 필드를 비워두면 프로그램이 계속 유효하게 되며 만료가"
" 되지 않습니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/products_prices/loyalty_discount.rst:64
msgid ""
@ -19566,7 +19584,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/products_prices/prices/pricing.rst:88
msgid "Price Rules tab"
msgstr ""
msgstr "가격 규칙 탭"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/products_prices/prices/pricing.rst:90
msgid ""
@ -19669,13 +19687,14 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/products_prices/prices/pricing.rst:136
msgid "Recurring Prices tab"
msgstr ""
msgstr "정기 결제 요금제 탭"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/products_prices/prices/pricing.rst:138
msgid ""
"Recurring prices are specifically used with :doc:`subscription products "
msgstr ""
"정기 결제 요금제는 특히 :doc:`구독 제품 <../../../subscriptions/products>` 에 대해 사용합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/products_prices/prices/pricing.rst:141
msgid ""
@ -22251,13 +22270,13 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/send_quotations/create_quotations.rst:44
msgid "Quotations dashboard"
msgstr ""
msgstr "견적서 현황판"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/send_quotations/create_quotations.rst:46
msgid ""
"The *Quotations* dashboard is the page that appears when the "
":menuselection:`Sales app` is opened."
msgstr ""
msgstr "*견적서* 현황판은 :menuselection:`판매 앱` 을 열면 표시되는 페이지입니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/send_quotations/create_quotations.rst:48
msgid ""
@ -22265,16 +22284,18 @@ msgid ""
"the database related to the current user, as indicated by the default "
":guilabel:`My Quotations` filter present in the search bar."
msgstr ""
"기본적으로 :guilabel:`견적서` 현황판에는 데이터베이스에 있는 모든 견적서가 표시되며, 검색창에는 기본 :guilabel:`내 "
"견적서` 필터가 적용되어 있습니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/send_quotations/create_quotations.rst-1
msgid "The Quotations dashboard present in the Odoo Sales application."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Odoo 판매 애플리케이션에 있는 견적서 현황판"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/send_quotations/create_quotations.rst:57
msgid ""
"To view *all* quotations in the database, remove the :guilabel:`My "
"Quotations` filter from the search bar."
msgstr ""
msgstr "데이터베이스에 있는 *모든* 견적서를 보려면 검색창에서 :guilabel:`내 견적서` 필터를 제거합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/send_quotations/create_quotations.rst:60
msgid ""
@ -22300,7 +22321,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/send_quotations/create_quotations.rst:70
msgid "Create quotation"
msgstr ""
msgstr "견적서 만들기"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/send_quotations/create_quotations.rst:72
msgid ""
@ -22308,28 +22329,31 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`New` button, located in the upper-left corner of the main "
":guilabel:`Quotations` dashboard."
msgstr ""
"견적서를 만들려면 :menuselection:`판매 앱` 을 열고 기본 :guilabel:`견적서` 현황판의 왼쪽 상단에 있는 "
":guilabel:`새로 만들기` 버튼을 클릭합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/send_quotations/create_quotations.rst:76
msgid ""
"The :guilabel:`New` button is **only** present if the :guilabel:`Quotations`"
" dashboard is in list or Kanban view."
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`새로 만들기` 버튼은 :guilabel:`견적서` 현황판이 **목록보기 또는 칸반 보기인 경우에만** 표시됩니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/send_quotations/create_quotations.rst:79
msgid ""
"Clicking the :guilabel:`New` button reveals a blank quotation form, with "
"various fields and tabs to configure."
msgstr ""
msgstr ":guilabel:`새로 만들기` 버튼을 클릭하면 빈 견적서 양식이 표시되어 다양한 항목과 탭을 설정할 수 있습니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/send_quotations/create_quotations.rst-1
msgid "A typical quotation form in the Odoo Sales application."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Odoo 판매 애플리케이션의 일반적인 견적서 양식"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/send_quotations/create_quotations.rst:86
msgid ""
"Begin by entering the customer's name in the :guilabel:`Customer` field at "
"the top of the form. This is a **required** field."
msgstr ""
msgstr "고객 이름을 양식 상단의 :guilabel:`고객` 항목에 입력하는 것부터 시작합니다. 이 필드는 **필수** 항목입니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/send_quotations/create_quotations.rst:89
msgid ""
@ -22346,7 +22370,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
"If the customer was referred by another customer or contact, enter their "
"name in the :guilabel:`Referrer` field."
msgstr ""
msgstr "다른 고객이나 연락처에서 추천한 고객인 경우, :guilabel:`추천인` 항목에 추천인 이름을 입력합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/send_quotations/create_quotations.rst:97
msgid ""
@ -22384,6 +22408,8 @@ msgid ""
"<sales/quotation-settings>` (in :menuselection:`Sales app --> Configuration "
"--> Settings`)."
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`만료일` 필드에 표시될 기본 날짜는 :ref:`기본 견적서 유효기간 설정 <sales/quotation-"
"settings>`(:menuselection:`판매 앱 --> 환경설정 --> 설정`)에서 설정한 수치를 기반으로 합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/send_quotations/create_quotations.rst:114
msgid ""
@ -22391,43 +22417,46 @@ msgid ""
"field is based off the :guilabel:`Quotation Validity` figure on the template"
" form."
msgstr ""
"견적서 템플릿을 사용하는 경우 :guilabel:`만료일` 필드의 날짜는 템플릿 양식에 있는 :guilabel:`견적 유효 기간` 날짜를"
" 기준으로 합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/send_quotations/create_quotations.rst:117
msgid ""
"If the quotation is for a recurring product or subscription, select the "
"desired :guilabel:`Recurring Plan` from that specific drop-down menu."
msgstr ""
"정기 결제 품목이나 구독에 대한 견적서인 경우 해당 드롭다운 메뉴에서 원하는 :guilabel:`정기 결제 요금제` 을 선택합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/send_quotations/create_quotations.rst:120
msgid ""
"If desired, select a specific :guilabel:`Pricelist` to be applied to this "
msgstr ""
msgstr "원하는 경우 견적서에 적용할 지정된 :guilabel:`가격표` 를 선택합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/send_quotations/create_quotations.rst:122
msgid ""
"Lastly, select any specific :guilabel:`Payment Terms` to be used for this "
msgstr ""
msgstr "마지막으로 견적서에 사용할 지정된 :guilabel:`지급 조건` 을 선택합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/send_quotations/create_quotations.rst:125
msgid "Order Lines tab"
msgstr ""
msgstr "주문 내역 탭"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/send_quotations/create_quotations.rst:127
msgid ""
"The first tab on the quotation form is the :guilabel:`Order Lines` tab."
msgstr ""
msgstr "견적서 양식에 있는 첫 번째 탭은 :guilabel:`주문 내역` 탭입니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/send_quotations/create_quotations.rst:129
msgid ""
"In this tab, select products, and quantities of those products, to add them "
"to the quotation."
msgstr ""
msgstr "이 탭에서 품목 및 품목 수량을 선택하여 견적서에 추가합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/send_quotations/create_quotations.rst:131
msgid "There are two ways to add products to the quotation from this tab."
msgstr ""
msgstr "이 탭에 있는 두 가지 방법을 통해 견적서에 품목을 추가할 수 있습니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/send_quotations/create_quotations.rst:133
msgid ""
@ -22435,6 +22464,8 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Product` drop-down field, and proceed to adjust the quantity of "
"that selected product, if necessary."
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`품목 추가` 를 클릭한 후 :guilabel:`품목` 드롭다운 항목에서 원하는 항목을 선택한 다음 필요한 경우 선택한"
" 해당 품목의 수량을 조정합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/send_quotations/create_quotations.rst:136
msgid ""
@ -22443,11 +22474,13 @@ msgid ""
"with items organizable by :guilabel:`Product Category` and "
msgstr ""
"또는 :guilabel:`카탈로그` 를 클릭하면 별도의 페이지가 표시되고 여기에는 모든 항목(및 모든 품목 옵션까지 포함)이 카탈로그 "
"화면으로 정리되어 나타나며, 품목은 :guilabel:`품목 카테고리` 및 :guilabel:`속성` 으로 구분되어 있습니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/send_quotations/create_quotations.rst-1
msgid ""
"A product catalog accessible via a quotation in the Odoo Sales application."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Odoo 판매 애플리케이션에서 견적서을 통해 액세스할 수 있는 품목 카탈로그"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/send_quotations/create_quotations.rst:144
msgid ""
@ -22488,6 +22521,8 @@ msgid ""
"any of the following: :guilabel:`Coupon Code`, :guilabel:`Promotions`, "
":guilabel:`Discount`, and/or :guilabel:`Add shipping`."
msgstr ""
"품목 내역 아래에는 버튼이 있으며 클릭하면 :guilabel:`쿠폰 코드`, :guilabel:`프로모션`, :guilabel:`할인` "
"혹은 :guilabel:`배송비 추가` 를 중복하여 선택할 수 있습니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/send_quotations/create_quotations.rst:162
msgid ":doc:`../products_prices/ewallets_giftcards`"
@ -22511,20 +22546,21 @@ msgid ""
"Open the :guilabel:`Optional Products` tab to select related products that "
"can be presented to the customer, which may result in an increased sale."
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`선택 품목` 탭을 열면 고객에게 추천할 수 있는 관련 품목이 있으며 이 품목을 통해 매출을 증대시킬 수 있습니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/send_quotations/create_quotations.rst:172
msgid ""
"For example, if the customer wants to buy a car, an optional product that "
"could be offered is a *Trailer Hitch*."
msgstr ""
msgstr "예를 들어, 고객이 자동차를 구매하려는 경우, 선택 품목으로 *트레일러 히치* 를 추천합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/send_quotations/create_quotations.rst:176
msgid ":doc:`optional_products`"
msgstr ""
msgstr ":doc:`optional_products`"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/send_quotations/create_quotations.rst:179
msgid "Other Info tab"
msgstr ""
msgstr "기타 정보 탭"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/send_quotations/create_quotations.rst:181
msgid ""
@ -22532,12 +22568,14 @@ msgid ""
"configurations separated into four different sections: :guilabel:`Sales`, "
":guilabel:`Delivery`, :guilabel:`Invoicing`, and :guilabel:`Tracking`."
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`기타 정보` 탭에는 견적서와 관련된 여러 가지 설정이 :guilabel:`판매`, :guilabel:`배송`, "
":guilabel:`청구서`, :guilabel:`추적`의 네 가지 섹션으로 구분되어 있습니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/send_quotations/create_quotations.rst:186
msgid ""
"Some fields **only** appear if specific settings and options have been "
msgstr ""
msgstr "일부 항목은 특정하게 설정 및 옵션이 환경설정이 되는 경우에 **한해서만** 표시됩니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/send_quotations/create_quotations.rst:189
msgid "Sales section"
@ -22547,12 +22585,12 @@ msgstr "판매 섹션"
msgid ""
"In the :guilabel:`Sales` section of the :guilabel:`Other Info` tab, there "
"are sales specific fields that can be configured."
msgstr ""
msgstr ":guilabel:`기타 정보` 탭의 :guilabel:`판매` 섹션에는 판매와 관련된 항목을 설정할 수 있습니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/send_quotations/create_quotations.rst-1
msgid ""
"The Sales section of the Other Info tab of a quotation form in Odoo Sales."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Odoo 판매의 견적서 양식에 있는 기타 정보 탭의 판매 섹션"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/send_quotations/create_quotations.rst:198
msgid ""
@ -22560,6 +22598,8 @@ msgid ""
"associated with this quotation. The user who originally created the "
"quotation is selected in this field, by default."
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`영업 담당자`: 드롭다운 메뉴에서 영업 담당자를 지정하여 이 견적서에 연결합니다. 견적서를 원래 최초로 생성한 "
"사용자가 기본값으로 이 필드에 선택되어 있습니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/send_quotations/create_quotations.rst:200
msgid ""
@ -22567,6 +22607,8 @@ msgid ""
"the selected :guilabel:`Salesperson` is a member of a sales team, that team "
"is auto-populated in the field."
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`영업팀`: 영업팀을 이 견적서에 지정합니다. 선택한 :guilabel:`영업 담당자` 가 영업팀 팀원인 경우 해당 "
"팀이 자동으로 필드에 입력됩니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/send_quotations/create_quotations.rst:202
msgid ""
@ -22574,6 +22616,8 @@ msgid ""
" should be associated with. This field only appears when working in a multi-"
"company environment."
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`회사`: 드롭다운 메뉴에서 이 견적서에 연결할 회사를 선택합니다. 이 필드는 다중 회사 환경에서 작업할 때만 "
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/send_quotations/create_quotations.rst:204
msgid ""
@ -22581,6 +22625,8 @@ msgid ""
"signature from the customer to confirm the order. This field only appears if"
" the *Online Signature* setting has been enabled."
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`온라인 서명`: 이 확인란에 표시하면 고객에게 온라인 서명을 요청하여 주문을 확정할 수 있습니다. 이 필드는 *온라인"
" 서명* 설정이 활성화된 경우에만 표시됩니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/send_quotations/create_quotations.rst:206
msgid ""
@ -22599,6 +22645,8 @@ msgid ""
"customer. The entered reference ID can contain letters, numbers, or a mix of"
" both."
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`고객 참조`: 이 고객에 대한 사용자 지정 참조 ID를 입력합니다. 입력한 참조 ID에는 문자, 숫자 혹은 두 가지를"
" 같이 사용할 수 있습니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/send_quotations/create_quotations.rst:212
msgid ""
@ -22606,16 +22654,18 @@ msgid ""
"and enhanced searchability in the Odoo **Sales** application. Multiple tags "
"can be added, if necessary."
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`태그`: 태그를 지정하여 견적서에 추가하면 Odoo **판매** 애플리케이션에서 더욱 체계적이고 검색 기능도 향상시킬"
" 수 있습니다. 필요한 경우 태그는 여러 개를 추가할 수 있습니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/send_quotations/create_quotations.rst:216
msgid "Delivery section"
msgstr ""
msgstr "배송 섹션"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/send_quotations/create_quotations.rst:218
msgid ""
"In the :guilabel:`Delivery` section of the :guilabel:`Other Info` tab, there"
" are delivery-specific fields that can be configured."
msgstr ""
msgstr ":guilabel:`기타 정보` 탭에 있는 :guilabel:`배송` 섹션에서 배송과 관련된 필드를 설정할 수 있습니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/send_quotations/create_quotations.rst-1
msgid ""
@ -22701,67 +22751,67 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/send_quotations/create_quotations.rst:257
msgid "Tracking section"
msgstr ""
msgstr "추적 섹션"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/send_quotations/create_quotations.rst:259
msgid ""
"In the :guilabel:`Tracking` section of the :guilabel:`Other Info` tab, there"
" are tracking specific fields that can be configured."
msgstr ""
msgstr ":guilabel:`추적` 섹션은 :guilabel:`기타 정보` 탭에 있으며 특정한 필드를 추적하도록 설정할 수 있습니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/send_quotations/create_quotations.rst-1
msgid ""
"The Tracking section of the Other Info tab of a quotation form in Odoo "
msgstr ""
msgstr "Odoo 판매 견적서 양식에서 기타 정보 탭에 있는 추적 섹션"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/send_quotations/create_quotations.rst:266
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Source Document`: Enter the reference of the document that "
"generated the quotation/sales order, if applicable."
msgstr ""
msgstr ":guilabel:`출처 문서`: 해당되는 경우 견적서 또는 판매주문서를 생성한 문서의 참조를 입력합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/send_quotations/create_quotations.rst:268
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Opportunity`: Select the specific opportunity (from the **CRM** "
"app) related to this quotation, if applicable."
msgstr ""
msgstr ":guilabel:`영업기회`: 해당되는 경우 이 견적서와 관련된 특정 영업기회(**CRM** 앱에서 선택)를 선택합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/send_quotations/create_quotations.rst:270
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Campaign`: Select the marketing campaign related to this "
"quotation, if applicable."
msgstr ""
msgstr ":guilabel:`캠페인`: 해당되는 경우 이 견적서와 관련된 마케팅 캠페인을 선택합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/send_quotations/create_quotations.rst:271
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Medium`: Select the method by which this quotation originated "
"(e.g. *Email*), if applicable."
msgstr ""
msgstr ":guilabel:`매체`: 해당되는 경우 이 견적서의 출처를 선택하게 된 방법(예: *이메일*)를 선택합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/send_quotations/create_quotations.rst:273
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Source`: Select the source of the link used to generate this "
"quotation (e.g. *Facebook*), if applicable."
msgstr ""
msgstr ":guilabel:`출처`: 해당되는 경우 이 견적서를 생성하게 된 링크의 출처를 선택합니다(예: *Facebook*)."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/send_quotations/create_quotations.rst:277
msgid ":doc:`../../../websites/website/reporting/link_tracker`"
msgstr ""
msgstr ":doc:`../../../websites/website/reporting/link_tracker`"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/send_quotations/create_quotations.rst:280
msgid "Notes tab"
msgstr ""
msgstr "메모 탭"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/send_quotations/create_quotations.rst:282
msgid ""
"In the :guilabel:`Notes` tab of the quotation form, enter any specific "
"internal notes about the quotation and/or customer, if desired."
msgstr ""
msgstr "견적서 양식의 :guilabel:`메모` 탭에서, 원하는 경우 견적서나 고객과 관련된 내부용 메모를 입력합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/send_quotations/create_quotations.rst:286
msgid "Sending and confirming quotations"
msgstr ""
msgstr "견적서 보내기 및 승인"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/send_quotations/create_quotations.rst:288
msgid ""
@ -22774,7 +22824,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/send_quotations/create_quotations.rst:291
msgid "At the top of the form, there is a series of buttons:"
msgstr ""
msgstr "양식의 상단에는 버튼 모음이 있습니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/send_quotations/create_quotations.rst:293
msgid ""
@ -22814,7 +22864,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
":guilabel:`Confirm`: When clicked, the quotation is confirmed, and the "
"status changes to :guilabel:`Sales Order`."
msgstr ""
msgstr ":guilabel:`확인`: 클릭하면 견적서가 승인되고 상태가 :guilabel:`판매주문서` 로 변경됩니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/send_quotations/create_quotations.rst:310
msgid ""
@ -22829,7 +22879,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/send_quotations/create_quotations.rst:313
msgid ":guilabel:`Cancel`: When clicked, the quotation is canceled."
msgstr ""
msgstr ":guilabel:`취소`: 클릭하면 견적이 취소됩니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/send_quotations/create_quotations.rst:316
msgid ""
@ -25787,13 +25837,13 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
"To use the wire transfer payment method, first ensure the *Wire Transfer* "
"payment method is enabled."
msgstr ""
msgstr "이체를 결제 방법으로 사용하려면 먼저 *이체* 결제 방법이 활성화되어 있는지 확인하세요."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/payment_providers/wire_transfer.rst:21
msgid ""
"To do so, begin by navigating to the *Payment Providers* page in either the "
"**Accounting**, **Website**, or **Sales** apps."
msgstr ""
msgstr "확인하려면 먼저 **회계**, **웹사이트** 또는 **판매** 앱에서 *결제대행업체* 페이지로 이동합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/payment_providers/wire_transfer.rst:24
msgid ""
@ -25801,6 +25851,8 @@ msgid ""
"--> Online Payments: Payment Providers`, then click the :guilabel:`Wire "
"Transfer` card."
msgstr ""
"예를 들어 :menuselection:`회계 앱 --> 환경 설정 --> 온라인 결제: 결제대행업체` 로 이동한 다음 "
":guilabel:`이체` 카드를 클릭합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/payment_providers/wire_transfer.rst:28
msgid ""
@ -25904,7 +25956,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/payment_providers/wire_transfer.rst-1
msgid "The wire transfer card enabled and published."
msgstr ""
msgstr "이체 카드를 활성화한 후 게시합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/payment_providers/wire_transfer.rst:75
msgid "Test mode"
@ -25928,18 +25980,24 @@ msgid ""
"in the :guilabel:`Messages` tab. To re-enable normal function after testing,"
" change the :guilabel:`State` setting to :guilabel:`Enabled`."
msgstr ""
"다음으로, 거래에 액세스할 수 있는 은행 계좌의 자격 증명을 :guilabel:`메시지` 탭에 입력합니다. 정상 기능을 테스트 후 다시 "
"활성화하려면 :guilabel:`상태` 설정을 :guilabel:`사용함` 으로 변경합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/payment_providers/wire_transfer.rst:87
msgid ""
"By default, the payment provider remains :guilabel:`Unpublished` in "
":guilabel:`Test Mode`, so it is not visible to visitors."
msgstr ""
"기본적으로 결제대행업체는 :guilabel:`테스트 모드` 에서는 :guilabel:`게시되지 않음` 상태이므로 방문자에게 표시되지 "
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/payment_providers/wire_transfer.rst:91
msgid ""
"It is recommended to use the :guilabel:`Test Mode` setting on a duplicate "
"(or test) database to avoid potential issues with invoice numbering."
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`테스트 모드` 로 설정하여 중복(또는 테스트) 데이터베이스에서 작업하면 청구서 번호 지정에 있어서 문제가 발생하는 "
"것을 방지할 수 있습니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/payment_providers/wire_transfer.rst:97
msgid "Pay by wire transfer"
@ -26584,6 +26642,8 @@ msgid ""
"This is when customers reliably pay a regular amount at specific intervals, "
"in exchange for access to a subscription product or service."
msgstr ""
"구독 비즈니스 모델은 정기 결제를 기본으로 하고 있습니다. 고객은 구독 제품이나 서비스를 사용하는 대가로 지정된 기간 동안 정기적으로 "
"일정 금액을 결제하게 됩니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/renewals.rst:9
msgid ""
@ -26744,6 +26804,8 @@ msgid ""
"Failure* tag on the top-right of the sales order, if there is an error in "
"the payment method."
msgstr ""
"드물게 자동 결제가 실패할 수 있으며 판매주문서의 오른쪽 상단에 *결제 실패* 태그가 표시됩니다. 결제 수단에 오류가 있는 경우에 "
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/renewals.rst:99
msgid ""
@ -26869,6 +26931,8 @@ msgid ""
"whereas groupings (via the *Group By* option) are used to gather the data "
"from specific sections into groups for more organized analysis."
msgstr ""
"*필터* 는 지표 범위를 좁혀서 특정 분석을 표시할 때 사용하며, 그룹화(*그룹 기준* 옵션을 통해)는 그룹으로 특정 섹션의 데이터를 "
"수집하여 보다 체계적인 분석을 할 때 사용합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/reports.rst:38
msgid ""
@ -26935,6 +26999,8 @@ msgid ""
"column of the drop-down filter menu, and a :icon:`fa-star` :guilabel:`(gold "
"star)` icon appears beside the favorite filter's name in the search bar."
msgstr ""
"클릭하면 저장된 필터가 드롭다운 필터 메뉴의 :guilabel:`즐겨찾기` 열 아래에 나타나고 :icon:`fa-star` "
":guilabel:`(금색 별)` 아이콘이 검색창의 즐겨찾기 필터 이름 옆에 나타납니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/reports.rst:71
msgid "Views"
@ -27155,6 +27221,8 @@ msgid ""
"located in the upper-left corner, above the visual representation of "
msgstr ""
"그래프 및 피벗 보고서 페이지에는 자체적인 특정 지표 관련 :guilabel:`측정` 드롭다운 메뉴가 데이터와 관련하여 선택 사항으로 "
"나타나 있으며, 왼쪽 상단 끝에 시각적으로 표현되어 있는 지표 위에 위치해 있습니다. "
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/reports.rst-1
msgid "The standard measures drop-down menu in the Odoo Subscriptions app."
@ -27538,6 +27606,9 @@ msgid ""
"reveal a field, where a title can be entered, along with two "
"checkboxes::guilabel:`Default filter` and :guilabel:`Shared`."
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`즐겨찾기` 열에서 :guilabel:`현재 검색 저장` 옆에 있는 :icon:`fa-caret-down` "
":guilabel:`(아래쪽 화살표)` 아이콘을 클릭하면 제목을 입력할 수 있는 필드가 :guilabel:`기본 필터` 및 "
":guilabel:`공유됨` 두 개의 확인란에 표시됩니다."
#: ../../content/applications/sales/subscriptions/reports.rst:363
msgid ""
@ -954,14 +954,14 @@ msgid ""
"Stages can be configured to be folded in the Kanban view of a tickets page "
"(:guilabel:`My Tickets` or :guilabel:`All Tickets`)."
msgstr ""
"상담 페이지 의 칸반 화면에서 단계가 접히도록 설정할 수 있습니다 (:guilabel:`내 상담` 또는 :guilabel:`모든 "
"티켓 페이지에서 단계가 칸반 화면에서 접히도록 설정할 수 있습니다 (:guilabel:`내 티켓` 또는 :guilabel:`모든 "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk.rst:215
msgid ""
"The name of the folded stages are still visible, though the tickets in the "
"stage are no longer immediately visible."
msgstr "접혀있는 단계의 이름은 계속 표시되지만 더 이상 해당 단계의 상담은 바로 표시되지 않습니다."
msgstr "단계가 접혀있더라도 이름이 계속 표시되지만, 단계에 있는 티켓은 바로 표시가 되지 않습니다."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk.rst:218
msgid ""
@ -976,14 +976,14 @@ msgid ""
"communication issues. This setting should **only** be enabled for stages "
"that are considered *closing* stages."
msgstr ""
"상담이 *접기* 단계에 도달하면 *종료*된 것으로 간주합니다. 작업이 완료되기 전에 상담이 종료되어 버리면 보고 업무나 커뮤니케이션과 "
"관련된 문제가 발생할 수 있습니다. *종료* 단계로 처리할 수 있는 단계에 *한해서만* 이 설정 항목을 활성화해야 합니다."
"티켓 단계가 *접힘* 이 되면 *종료* 된 것으로 간주합니다. 작업이 완료되기 전에 티켓이 종료되어 버리면 보고 및 커뮤니케이션과 관련된"
" 문제가 발생할 수 있습니다. 이 설정은 *종료* 된 것으로 간주해도 되는 단계에 *한해서만* 활성화해야 합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk.rst:225
msgid ""
"Stages can be temporarily folded in the Kanban view of the tickets pipeline,"
" as well."
msgstr "상담 파이프라인의 칸반 화면에서도 단계를 일시적으로 접을 수 있습니다."
msgstr "티켓 파이프라인의 칸반 보기에서도 단계를 일시적으로 접을 수 있습니다."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk.rst:227
msgid ""
@ -1008,7 +1008,7 @@ msgstr "일시적으로 접기 항목이 강조되어 있는 헬프데스크 단
msgid ""
"Manually folding a stage from the Kanban view is temporary and does **not** "
"close the tickets in the stage."
msgstr "칸반 화면에서 단계를 직접 접는 것은 일시적인 것이며 단계에 해당하는 상담은 종료되지 **않습니다**."
msgstr "칸반 보기에서 수동으로 단계를 접는 것은 일시적이며, 단계에서 티켓이 종료되지 **않습니다**."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk.rst:242
msgid "Merge tickets"
@ -1064,10 +1064,10 @@ msgid ""
"<helpdesk/repairs>` or :ref:`field service interventions <helpdesk/field>` "
"directly from a ticket."
msgstr ""
"*애프터서비스* 서비스는 *헬프데스크* 애플리케이션에서 개별 팀별로 설정할 수 있습니다. 활성화시키면 상담 건에서 "
"*애프터서비스* 와 관련된 서비스는 *헬프데스크* 애플리케이션에서 개별 팀별로 설정할 수 있습니다. 활성화되면 "
":ref:`<helpdesk/refunds> 환불 발행` 및 :ref:`쿠폰 생성 <helpdesk/coupons>`, :ref:`반품 "
"처리 <helpdesk/returns>`와 :ref:`수리 예약 <helpdesk/repairs>` 또는 :ref:`현장 서비스 개입 "
"<helpdesk/field>` 작업을 예약할 수 있습니다."
"처리 <helpdesk/returns>` 및 :ref:`수리 예약 <helpdesk/repairs>` 또는 :ref:`현장 서비스 개입 "
"<helpdesk/field>` 작업을 티켓에서 직접 진행할 수 있습니다."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/after_sales.rst:11
msgid "Set up after-sales services"
@ -1160,7 +1160,7 @@ msgid ""
"the top-left corner of the ticket form. This opens a :guilabel:`Refund` pop-"
"up window."
msgstr ""
"대변전표를 생성하려면 :menuselection:`헬프데스크 앱`에서 상담건으로 이동한 후 상담 양식 왼쪽 상단에 있는 "
"대변전표를 생성하려면 :menuselection:`헬프데스크 앱` 에서 티켓으로 이동한 후 티켓 양식 왼쪽 상단에 있는 "
":guilabel:`환불` 버튼을 클릭합니다. 그러면 :guilabel:`환불` 팝업 창이 열립니다."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/after_sales.rst-1
@ -1374,12 +1374,12 @@ msgid ""
"smart button is added to the top of the ticket; click the smart button to "
"view the coupon code, expiration date, and additional information."
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`쿠폰 코드`를 생성하게 되면 상담창의 상단에 :guilabel:`쿠폰` 스마트 버튼이 추가됩니다. 스마트 버튼을 "
"클릭하면 쿠폰 코드, 유효 기간 및 추가 정보를 확인할 수 있습니다."
":guilabel:`쿠폰 코드` 를 생성하면 티켓 상단에 :guilabel:`쿠폰` 스마트 버튼이 추가됩니다. 스마트 버튼을 클릭하면 "
"쿠폰 코드, 유효 기간 및 추가 정보를 확인할 수 있습니다."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/after_sales.rst-1
msgid "View of the smart buttons on a ticket focusing on the coupon button."
msgstr "쿠폰 버튼에 초점이 맞추어져 있는 상담 스마트 버튼 화면."
msgstr "쿠폰 버튼에 초점이 맞추어져 있는 티켓 스마트 버튼 화면"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/after_sales.rst:154
msgid "`Coupons <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KW5cZHg10jQ>`_"
@ -1400,18 +1400,18 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Return` button in the top-left corner of a ticket to open the "
":guilabel:`Reverse Transfer` pop-up window."
msgstr ""
"반품은 반품할 상품에 대해 새로 창고 작업을 생성하는 *반품 배송* 항목을 통해 완료됩니다. 상담의 왼쪽 상단 모서리에 있는 "
":guilabel:`반품` 버튼을 클릭하여 :guilabel:`반품 배송` 팝업 창을 엽니다."
"반품은 *반품 이송* 을 통해 완료되며, 반품할 품목에 대해 새로운 창고 작업이 생성됩니다. 티켓의 왼쪽 상단에 있는 "
":guilabel:`반품` 버튼을 클릭하면 :guilabel:`반품 이송` 팝업창이 열립니다."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/after_sales.rst-1
msgid "View of a Helpdesk ticket with the return button highlighted."
msgstr "반품 버튼이 강조 표시되어 있는 헬프데스크 상담 화면."
msgstr "반품 버튼이 강조 표시되어 있는 헬프데스크 티켓 화면"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/after_sales.rst:171
msgid ""
"The :guilabel:`Return` button **only** appears on a ticket if the customer "
"has a recorded delivery in the database."
msgstr ":guilabel:`반품` 버튼은 고객 데이터베이스에 배송 기록이 있는 경우에 **한해서만** 상담에 표시됩니다. "
msgstr ":guilabel:`반품` 버튼은 고객 데이터베이스에 배송 기록이 있는 경우에 **한해서만** 티켓에 나타납니다. "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/after_sales.rst:174
msgid ""
@ -1451,12 +1451,12 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Return` smart button can now be accessed at the top of the "
msgstr ""
"이동 경로를 사용하여 헬프데스크 상담 건으로 돌아갑니다. 이제 해당 건 상단에 있는 새로운 :guilabel:`반품` 스마트 버튼에 "
"액세스할 수 있습니다."
"네비게이션을 활용하여 헬프데스크 티켓으로 돌아갑니다. 이제 새로운 :guilabel:`반품` 스마트 버튼이 티켓 상단에 표시되어 액세스할"
" 수 있습니다."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/after_sales.rst-1
msgid "View of the return smart button on a helpdesk ticket."
msgstr "헬프데스크 상담의 반품 스마트 버튼 화면."
msgstr "헬프데스크 티켓에 반품 스마트 버튼이 나타나 있는 모습"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/after_sales.rst:199
msgid ":doc:`../../../sales/sales/products_prices/returns`"
@ -1464,7 +1464,7 @@ msgstr ":doc:`../../../sales/sales/products_prices/returns`"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/after_sales.rst:204
msgid "Send products for repair from a ticket"
msgstr "상담에서 제품을 수리하도록 보내기"
msgstr "티켓에서 품목을 수리하도록 보내기"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/after_sales.rst:206
msgid ""
@ -1472,7 +1472,7 @@ msgid ""
"*repair order* can be created from the *Helpdesk* ticket, and managed "
"through the *Repairs* application."
msgstr ""
"결함이 있거나 파손된 제품과 관련된 문제인 경우 *헬프데스크* 상담에서 *수리주문서*를 생성하고 *수리* 애플리케이션을 통해 관리할 수 "
"품목 결함이나 파손과 관련된 문제인 경우 *헬프데스크* 티켓에서 *수리주문서*를 생성하고 *수리* 애플리케이션을 통해 관리할 수 "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/after_sales.rst:209
@ -1715,7 +1715,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/close_tickets.rst:12
msgid "Manually close solved tickets"
msgstr "상담이 완료된 경우 수동으로 종료시키기"
msgstr "완료된 티켓을 수동으로 종료시키기"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/close_tickets.rst:14
msgid ""
@ -1723,8 +1723,8 @@ msgid ""
"pipeline. Once the issue is solved, the ticket is moved to a *folded* stage."
" This marks the ticket as *closed*."
msgstr ""
"상담이 진행됨에 따라서 파이프라인의 다음 단계로 이동시킵니다. 문제가 해결되면 상담을 *접음* 단계로 이동합니다. 이렇게 하면 상담이 "
"*종료*로 표시됩니다."
"티켓 관련된 작업이 진행됨에 따라 티켓을 파이프라인의 다음 단계로 이동시킵니다. 문제가 해결되면 티켓을 *접음* 단계로 이동합니다. "
"이렇게 하면 티켓이 *종료* 로 표시됩니다."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/close_tickets.rst:17
msgid ""
@ -1763,9 +1763,9 @@ msgid ""
"the changes. Now, tickets that reach this stage will be considered as "
msgstr ""
"표시되는 메뉴에서 :guilabel:`단계 편집`을 선택합니다. 단계 설정을 할 수 있는 항목이 열립니다. 상단에 있는 "
":guilabel:`칸반에서 접음`이라고 표시되어 있는 상자를 선택한 다음 :guilabel:`저장 후 닫기`를 클릭한 후 변경된 내용을"
" 확인합니다. 이제 상담 현재 단계에 도달하면 *종료*된 것으로 간주합니다."
"표시되는 메뉴에서 :guilabel:`단계 편집` 을 선택합니다. 그러면 단계 설정 메뉴가 열립니다. 상단에 있는 "
":guilabel:`칸반에서 접기` 라고 표시되어 있는 상자를 선택한 다음 :guilabel:`저장 후 닫기` 를 클릭한 후 변경된 "
"내용을 확인합니다. 이제 티켓이 현재 단계에 도달하면 *종료* 된 것으로 간주합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/close_tickets.rst:0
msgid "Stage settings page."
@ -1773,13 +1773,13 @@ msgstr "단계 설정 페이지."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/close_tickets.rst:41
msgid "Automatically close inactive tickets"
msgstr "상담이 비활성화된 경우 자동 종료시키기"
msgstr "비활성화 티켓 자동 종료하기"
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/close_tickets.rst:43
msgid ""
"Tickets that are inactive for a set period of time can be automatically "
"closed. At that point, they will be moved to a folded stage."
msgstr "일정 기간 동안 상담이 비활성화된 경우에는 자동으로 종료시킬 수 있습니다. 그 시점부터는 접음 단계로 이동됩니다."
msgstr "티켓이 일정 기간 동안 비활성화 상태인 경우에는 자동으로 종료할 수 있습니다. 그 시점부터 티켓은 접힌 단계로 이동됩니다."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/close_tickets.rst:46
msgid ""
@ -1814,7 +1814,7 @@ msgid ""
" calendar into account when tracking the amount of time a ticket has been "
msgstr ""
"상담이 비활성화된 기간을 추적할 때는 :guilabel:`다음 기간동안 비활성화인 경우` 항목에서 작업 캘린더를 고려하지 "
":guilabel:`다음 기간동안 비활성화인 경우` 필드에서 티켓이 비활성화된 기간을 추적할 때는 작업 캘린더를 고려하지 "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/close_tickets.rst:60
@ -1930,9 +1930,9 @@ msgid ""
"stage of a team by default. This link does not require a customer to have "
"access to the portal to view or respond to their ticket."
msgstr ""
"고객은 이메일로 받은 :guilabel:`티켓 보기` 링크를 클릭하여 상담 내역을 확인할 수 있습니다. 팀 항목의 첫 단계에 있는 기본 "
"값으로 :guilabel:`확인 요청` 서식에 링크가 포함되어 있습니다. 링크만 있으면 고객이 티켓을 확인하거나 응답하기 위해서 포털에 "
"접속할 필요가 없습니다. "
"고객은 이메일로 받은 :guilabel:`티켓 보기` 링크를 클릭하면 티켓을 확인할 수 있습니다. 이 링크는 :guilabel:`확인 "
"요청` 템플릿에 포함되어 있으며, 팀 항목 첫 단계에 기본값으로 들어가 있습니다. 이 링크만 있으면 고객이 티켓을 확인하거나 응답하기 "
"위해서 포털에 접속할 필요가 없습니다. "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/close_tickets.rst:115
msgid ""
@ -1953,9 +1953,9 @@ msgid ""
"applications, customers can be charged once the work is completed, or before"
" it has even begun."
msgstr ""
"Odoo *헬프데스크*를 통해 팀에서 상담 작업에 소요된 시간을 추적하고 해당 시간에 대해 고객에게 청구하는 기능을 사용할 수 있습니다."
" *판매*, *작업 기록*, *프로젝트* 및 *회계* 애플리케이션과 통합 연동하여 작업 완료 후, 혹은 작업 시작 전에도 고객에게 비용을"
" 청구할 수 있습니다."
"Odoo *헬프데스크* 를 통해 팀에서 티켓 작업에 소요된 시간을 추적하고 고객에게 해당 시간에 대해 청구하는 기능을 사용할 수 "
"있습니다. *판매*, *작업 기록*, *프로젝트* 및 *회계* 애플리케이션과 통합 연동하여 작업 완료 후, 혹은 작업 시작 전에도 "
"고객에게 비용을 청구할 수 있습니다."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/track_and_bill.rst:11
msgid ""
@ -2374,9 +2374,9 @@ msgid ""
" and enter the necessary customer information on the blank ticket details "
msgstr ""
"이 문제에 대한 기존 상담건이 이미 있는 경우에는, 칸반 화면에서 해당하는 상담을 선택합니다. 그러면 상담 세부정보 양식이 열리게 "
"됩니다. 고객 문제와 관련한 기존의 상담 내역이 없는 경우에는 :guilabel:`새로 만들기`를 클릭하여 새로운 상담을 생성한 후, "
"상담 세부 정보의 양식에 필요한 고객 정보를 입력합니다."
"이 문제에 대해 이미 기존 티켓이 있는 경우에는, 칸반 보기에서 티켓을 선택합니다. 그러면 티켓 세부 양식이 열립니다. 이 고객 건과 "
"관련된 기존 티켓이 없는 경우에는, :guilabel:`새로 만들기` 를 클릭하여 새로운 티켓을 생성한 후, 필요한 고객 정보를 티켓 "
"세부 양식에 입력합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/track_and_bill.rst:202
msgid ""
@ -2398,8 +2398,8 @@ msgid ""
"*delivered*. To record hours for this support service, click on the "
":guilabel:`Timesheets` tab of the ticket."
msgstr ""
"작업시간표를 기반으로 품목에 대한 청구서를 생성하려면, 시간을 추적하고 기록해야 합니다. 해당 시점에서 서비스는 *제공 완료*된 것으로 "
"간주합니다. 이 고객 지원 서비스에 대한 시간을 기록하려면 상담의 :guilabel:`작업시간표` 탭을 클릭하세요."
"품목에 대한 청구서를 작업시간표를 기준으로 생성하려면, 관련 시간을 추적한 후 기록해야 합니다. 이 때 서비스는 *제공이 완료* 된 "
"것으로 간주합니다. 고객 지원 서비스에 대한 시간을 기록하려면 티켓에 있는 :guilabel:`작업시간표` 탭을 클릭하세요."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/track_and_bill.rst:212
msgid ""
@ -2781,9 +2781,9 @@ msgid ""
"tickets, and minimize the amount of time spent on responding to repeat "
msgstr ""
"*클립보드* 상자를 *지식센터* 문서에 추가하여 콘텐츠를 다시 사용하거나 복사 또는 메시지로 전송하거나 상담 설명에 추가할 수 있습니다."
" 이렇게 하면 팀에서 고객 상담에 응대할 때 일관성을 유지할 수 있으며 반복되는 질문에 응답하는 데 소요되는 시간을 최소화할 수 "
"*클립보드* 상자를 *지식센터* 문서에 추가하면 콘텐츠를 다시 사용하거나 복사 또는 메시지로 전송할 수 있으며 티켓 설명란에도 추가할 수"
" 있습니다. 이렇게 하면 팀에서 고객 티켓을 응대할 때 일관성을 유지할 수 있으며 반복적인 질문에 응답하는 데 소요되는 시간을 최소화할 "
"수 있습니다."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:138
msgid "Add clipboard boxes to articles"
@ -3397,8 +3397,8 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Managed By` field, they will be directed to a page with the "
"team's ratings over the past thirty days."
msgstr ""
"팀에 대한 평가 결과를 확인하려면 고객은 포털에 로그인하여 본인의 상담 내역 중 하나를 선택합니다. :guilabel:`관리 주체` "
"필드에서 팀 이름을 클릭하면 지난 30일 동안의 평가가 나와있는 페이지로 이동합니다."
"팀에 대한 평점을 보려면 고객이 포털에 로그인한 후 본인의 티켓 중 하나를 선택합니다. :guilabel:`담당` 필드에서 팀 이름을 "
"클릭하면 지난 30일 동안의 평점이 나와있는 페이지로 이동합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/ratings.rst-1
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/ratings.rst-1
@ -3471,9 +3471,9 @@ msgid ""
"opportunities to receive support quickly while also allowing the support "
"team to manage multi-channel support tickets from one central location."
msgstr ""
"Odoo *헬프데스크*에서는 이메일, 실시간 채팅, 웹사이트 양식 제출 등 다양한 채널을 통해 고객 서비스를 지원하고 있습니다. 다양한 "
"지원 요청 방법 중에서 고객이 선택할 수 있으므로 신속하게 지원을 받을 수 있는 동시에 고객지원팀이 하나의 중앙 센터에서 여러 개의 지원"
" 채널을 통해 상담을 관리할 수 있습니다. "
"Odoo *헬프데스크* 에서는 이메일, 실시간 채팅, 웹사이트 제출 양식 등 다양한 채널을 통해 고객 서비스를 지원하고 있습니다. 여러 "
"가지 지원 방식 중에서 고객이 선택할 수 있으므로 신속하게 지원받는 동시에 고객지원팀에서는 하나의 중앙 센터에서 여러 개의 지원 채널을 "
"통해 티켓을 관리할 수 있습니다. "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/receiving_tickets.rst:11
msgid "Enable channel options to submit tickets"
@ -4048,8 +4048,8 @@ msgid ""
"opens the editing sidebar on the right side. Then, click on one of the "
"fields in the form, on the body of the website, to edit it."
msgstr ""
"기본 상담 제출 양식을 커스터마이징하려면 웹사이트에서 페이지 오른쪽 상단에 있는 :guilabel:`편집` 버튼을 클릭합니다. 그러면 "
"오른쪽에 편집 사이드바가 열립니다. 그런 다음 웹사이트 본문에 있는 양식의 필드 중에서 하나를 클릭하여 편집합니다."
"기본 티켓 제출 양식을 사용자 지정하려면 웹사이트 페이지 오른쪽 상단에 있는 :guilabel:`편집` 버튼을 클릭합니다. 그러면 "
"오른쪽에 편집 사이드바가 열립니다. 그런 다음 웹사이트 본문 양식에 있는 필드 중에서 클릭하여 편집합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/receiving_tickets.rst:293
msgid ""
@ -4801,8 +4801,9 @@ msgid ""
"specific line on a sales order, which must be indicated on the ticket in the"
" :guilabel:`Sales Order Items` field."
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`판매주문서 항목`: 이 항목은 팀에서 *작업 기록* 앱을 활성화한 경우에만 사용할 수 있습니다. 이를 통해 상담을 "
"판매주문서의 특정 내역에 직접 연결할 수 있으며, 반드시 이 내용을 상담의 :guilabel:`판매주문서 항목`에 표시해야 합니다."
":guilabel:`판매주문서 항목`: 이 필드는 팀에서 *작업 기록* 앱을 활성화한 경우에만 사용할 수 있습니다. 이를 통해 티켓을 "
"판매주문서에 있는 특정 항목으로 직접 연결할 수 있으며, 이런 경우 반드시 티켓의 :guilabel:`판매주문서 항목`에 이 내용을 "
"표시해야 합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/sla.rst:60
msgid ""
@ -4934,9 +4935,9 @@ msgid ""
"has failed, the red tag stays on the ticket, even after the ticket is moved "
"to the :guilabel:`Reach Stage`."
msgstr ""
":abbr:`SLA (서비스 수준 계약)` 기한이 경과했는데도 상담이 :guilabel:`단계 도달`로 이동되지 않은 경우에는 "
":abbr:`SLA (서비스 수준 계약)` 태그가 빨간색으로 바뀝니다. :abbr:`SLA (서비스 수준 계약)`이 성사되지 못한 경우 "
"상담이 :guilabel:`단계 도달`로 이동되더라도 상담에 빨간색 태그가 남아 있게 됩니다."
":abbr:`SLA(서비스 수준 계약)` 이 만료된 이후에도 티켓이 :guilabel:`단계 도달` 로 이동되지 않은 경우에는 "
":abbr:`SLA(서비스 수준 계약)` 태그가 빨간색으로 바뀝니다. :abbr:`SLA(서비스 수준 계약)` 이 성사되지 못하면 티켓이"
" :guilabel:`단계 도달` 로 이동한 후에도 티켓에 빨간색 태그가 남아 있게 됩니다."
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/sla.rst-1
msgid ""
@ -4966,8 +4967,9 @@ msgid ""
" to fulfill a policy, are in progress, or have satisfied a policy are "
"listed. By default, they are grouped by team and ticket count."
msgstr ""
"기본적으로 보고서는 :guilabel:`피벗` 화면으로 표시됩니다. 데이터베이스 있는 모든 상담이 :abbr:`SLA (서비스 수준 "
"계약)` 정책이 정책 불이행, 진행 중 혹은 정책 충족되었다는 내용과 함께 나타납니다. 기본적으로 팀 및 상담 숫자별로 그룹화됩니다."
"기본적으로 보고서는 :guilabel:`피벗` 보기로 표시됩니다. 데이터베이스에 있는 :abbr:`SLA (서비스 수준 계약)` 정책에 "
"대해 정책이 불이행되었거나 진행 중인 경우, 혹은 충족된 경우에 대한 모든 티켓이 같이 나타납니다. 기본적으로 팀 및 티켓 수에 따라 "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/sla.rst:151
msgid ""
@ -196,6 +196,8 @@ msgid ""
"is displayed next to the button's label for each approval step. Clicking an "
"icon reveals the step(s)."
msgstr ""
"버튼에 대한 승인 규칙을 지정하면, **사용자 아바타** 아이콘이 각 승인 단계별로 버튼의 라벨 옆에 표시됩니다. 아이콘을 클릭하면 "
"해당하는 단계가 표시됩니다."
#: ../../content/applications/studio/approval_rules.rst-1
msgid "Confirm button with two approval steps"
@ -252,6 +254,8 @@ msgid ""
"user(s) who should be notified via an internal note using the "
":guilabel:`Notify to` field."
msgstr ""
"한 명 이상의 :guilabel:`승인자` 를 선택하고, :guilabel:`승인 권한이 있는 기간(비워둘 경우 영구 적용)을 선택하고,"
" 선택 사항으로 :guilabel:`알림 대상` 필드를 사용하여 내부 메모를 통해 알림을 전송할 사용자를 선택합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/studio/approval_rules.rst:0
msgid "Delegate to dialog"
@ -1694,11 +1694,11 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/websites/ecommerce/products.rst:18
msgid "Add products"
msgstr ""
msgstr "품목 추가하기"
#: ../../content/applications/websites/ecommerce/products.rst:23
msgid "Create products"
msgstr ""
msgstr "품목 만들기"
#: ../../content/applications/websites/ecommerce/products.rst:25
msgid ""
@ -1856,6 +1856,8 @@ msgid ""
":doc:`Rental app <../../sales/rental>` must be installed to use this "
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`날짜 선택기`: 스위치를 토글하면 날짜 범위 캘린더가 표시되며 특정 기간 동안 렌탈 품목을 사용할 수 있는 여부를 "
"확인할 수 있습니다 . 이 기능을 사용하려면 :doc:`렌탈 앱 <../../sales/rental>` 이 설치되어 있어야 합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/websites/ecommerce/products.rst:95
msgid ""
@ -2135,6 +2137,9 @@ msgid ""
"arrow`); whereas the :guilabel:`Grid` displays four images in a square "
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`레이아웃`: :guilabel:`캐로셀` 레이아웃을 이용하면 고객이 :icon:`fa-angle-left` "
"(:guilabel:`왼쪽 화살표`) 또는 :icon:`fa-angle-right` (:guilabel:`오른쪽 화살표`)를 사용하여 한"
" 이미지에서 다음 이미지로 이동할 수 있는 반면, :guilabel:`그리드` 는 4개의 이미지가 정사각형 레이아웃으로 표시됩니다."
#: ../../content/applications/websites/ecommerce/products.rst:230
msgid ""
@ -2259,6 +2264,9 @@ msgid ""
"customer portal :ref:`after checkout <ecommerce-products-digital-files-"
msgstr ""
"인증서, 전자책 또는 사용 설명서와 같은 디지털 파일을 품목에 연결할 수 있습니다. 이와 같은 문서는 품목 페이지에서 :ref:`결제 전"
" <ecommerce-products-digital-files-before-payment>` 또는 :ref:`결제 후 "
"<ecommerce-products-digital-files-after-payment>` 고객 포털에서 사용할 수 있습니다."
#: ../../content/applications/websites/ecommerce/products.rst:287
msgid ""
@ -2444,6 +2452,8 @@ msgid ""
"the :guilabel:`Shop - Products` section, and enable :guilabel:`Product "
"Comparison Tool`."
msgstr ""
"웹사이트 방문자가 품목을 속성별로 비교할 수 있게 하려면 :menuselection:`웹사이트 --> 환경설정 --> 설정` 으로 가서,"
" :guilabel:`상점 - 품목` 섹션으로 스크롤하여 :guilabel:`품목 비교 도구` 를 활성화합니다."
#: ../../content/applications/websites/ecommerce/products.rst:387
msgid ""
@ -3735,11 +3745,11 @@ msgid ""
"field to display additional information when the answer is chosen by the "
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`포인트 보상` 섹션에서 사용자가 질문에 정답을 맞히는 데 걸리는 시도 횟수에 따라 특정 수의 카르마 포인트를 부여할 "
"수 있도록 합니다. 그런 다음 :guilabel:`줄 추가`를 클릭하여 질문과 가능한 답변을 작성합니다. 새 창이 나타나면 "
":guilabel:`질문 이름`을 입력하여 질문을 추가하고 :guilabel:`줄 추가`를 클릭하여 여러 개의 답을 추가합니다. 하나 "
"이상의 답을 정답으로 표시하려면 :guilabel:`정답입니다`를 선택합니다. 참가자가 답을 선택한 경우 추가 정보를 표시하려면 "
":guilabel:`댓글` 필드를 채울 수도 있습니다."
":guilabel:`리워드 포인트` 섹션에서는 질문에 정답을 맞히는 데 걸린 시도 횟수에 따라 일정한 카르마 포인트를 부여할 수 "
"있습니다. 그런 다음 :guilabel:`줄 추가` 를 클릭한 후 질문과 답변을 작성합니다. 새로운 창이 나타나면 "
":guilabel:`질문 제목` 을 입력하여 질문을 추가하고 :guilabel:`줄 추가` 를 클릭하여 여러 개의 답변을 추가합니다. "
":guilabel:`정답입니다` 에 표시해 놓으면 하나 이상의 답변을 정답으로 처리할 수 있습니다. :guilabel:`댓글` 필드에 "
"내용을 입력하여 참가자가 답을 선택한 경우 추가적인 내용도 표시할 수 있습니다."
#: ../../content/applications/websites/elearning.rst:237
msgid "Content Tags"
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
# Tadeusz Karpiński <tadeuszkarpinski@gmail.com>, 2024
# Tiffany Chang, 2024
# Wil Odoo, 2024
# Marta Wacławek, 2024
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
@ -15,7 +16,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-11-05 09:20+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-10-08 06:34+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Wil Odoo, 2024\n"
"Last-Translator: Marta Wacławek, 2024\n"
"Language-Team: Polish (https://app.transifex.com/odoo/teams/41243/pl/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@ -371,7 +372,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/administration/mobile.rst:26
msgid "Android"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Android"
#: ../../content/administration/mobile.rst:28
msgid ""
@ -6264,7 +6265,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/administration/on_premise/source.rst:119
msgid "Python"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Python"
#: ../../content/administration/on_premise/source.rst:121
msgid "Odoo requires **Python 3.10** or later to run."
@ -2830,7 +2830,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/reporting.rst:154
msgid "Stacked bar chart"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Wykres słupkowy skumulowany"
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/reporting.rst:0
msgid "Stacked bar chart example"
@ -2846,7 +2846,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/reporting.rst:164
msgid "Stacked line chart"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Skumulowany wykres liniowy"
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/reporting.rst:0
msgid "Stacked line chart example"
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
# Dariusz Żbikowski <darek@krokus.com.pl>, 2024
# Tadeusz Karpiński <tadeuszkarpinski@gmail.com>, 2024
# Wil Odoo, 2024
# Marta Wacławek, 2024
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
@ -16,7 +17,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-11-05 09:20+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-10-08 06:34+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Wil Odoo, 2024\n"
"Last-Translator: Marta Wacławek, 2024\n"
"Language-Team: Polish (https://app.transifex.com/odoo/teams/41243/pl/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@ -1082,7 +1083,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/general/companies/digest_emails.rst:238
msgid "New Leads"
msgstr "Nowe sygnały"
msgstr "Nowe leady"
#: ../../content/applications/general/companies/digest_emails.rst:238
msgid "`kpi_crm_lead_created_value`"
@ -450,7 +450,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/appraisals/appraisal_analysis.rst:24
msgid "Gray"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Szary"
#: ../../content/applications/hr/appraisals/appraisal_analysis.rst:24
msgid ":guilabel:`To Start`"
@ -13537,7 +13537,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/payroll/reporting.rst:140
msgid "Pivot table"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Tabela przestawna"
#: ../../content/applications/hr/payroll/reporting.rst:142
msgid ""
@ -4924,7 +4924,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/websites/livechat/chatbots.rst:156
msgid "Create Lead"
msgstr "Utwórz sygnał"
msgstr "Utwórz lead"
#: ../../content/applications/websites/livechat/chatbots.rst:158
msgid ""
@ -6121,7 +6121,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/websites/livechat/responses.rst:118
msgid "Lead"
msgstr "Sygnałów"
msgstr "Leadów"
#: ../../content/applications/websites/livechat/responses.rst:120
msgid ""
@ -8851,6 +8851,11 @@ msgid ""
"patches. Using a :doc:`supported version <supported_versions>` is strongly "
"recommended. Each major version is supported for three years."
msgstr ""
" (เช่น จาก Odoo 15.0 ไปยัง Odoo 17.0) การอัปเกรดเป็นประจำถือเป็นสิ่งสำคัญ "
"เนื่องจากแต่ละเวอร์ชันจะมีฟีเจอร์ใหม่ การแก้ไขข้อบกพร่อง และแพตช์ความปลอดภัย"
" ขอแนะนำอย่างยิ่งให้ใช้ :doc:`เวอร์ชันที่รองรับ <supported_versions>` "
#: ../../content/administration/upgrade.rst:10
msgid ""
@ -9208,6 +9213,9 @@ msgid ""
"between 32768 and 60999. This can be in conflict with your restrictive "
"firewall and may need an exception added to the firewall configuration."
msgstr ""
" TCP 443 และพอร์ต TCP สุ่มใดๆ ในช่วงระหว่าง 32768 ถึง 60999 "
#: ../../content/administration/upgrade.rst:187
msgid ""
@ -2178,6 +2178,12 @@ msgid ""
"users to import the same :abbr:`CSV (Comma-separated Values)` file several "
"times, while having made some changes in between two imports."
msgstr ""
"หากไฟล์ที่นำเข้ามีคอลัมน์ใดคอลัมน์หนึ่งต่อไปนี้: :guilabel:`รหัสภายนอก` หรือ"
" :guilabel:`รหัสฐานข้อมูล` "
"บันทึกที่นำเข้าไปแล้วจะถูกแก้ไขแทนที่จะถูกสร้างใหม่ "
"ซึ่งมีประโยชน์อย่างยิ่งเนื่องจากช่วยให้ผู้ใช้สามารถนำเข้าไฟล์ :abbr:`CSV "
"(Comma-separated Values)` "
#: ../../content/applications/essentials/export_import_data.rst:412
msgid ""
@ -2108,6 +2108,11 @@ msgid ""
" adjustments so that your financial reports are always accurate with minimal"
" effort."
msgstr ""
"การจัดการสินเชื่อของ Odoo "
" (เช่น การคาดการณ์เงินสด) ตั้งค่าตารางการชำระหนี้หรือนำเข้าตารางดังกล่าว "
"และปล่อยให้ Odoo "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/accounting/bank/loans.rst:11
msgid "Create a new loan"
@ -2162,6 +2167,12 @@ msgid ""
"upcoming due dates. The entire process is completely automated with a long-"
"term and short-term principal reclassification mechanism."
msgstr ""
"เมื่อจำนวนเงินที่กู้ยืมได้รับการโอนเข้าบัญชีธนาคารแล้ว "
"ควรโอนไปยังบัญชีระยะยาว (กำหนดไว้ในแท็บ :guilabel:`การตั้งค่าการกู้ยืม`) "
"จากนั้น เมื่อตรวจสอบเงินกู้แล้ว Odoo "
" "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/accounting/bank/loans.rst:36
msgid ""
@ -2227,6 +2238,11 @@ msgid ""
"asking from which date the loan should be closed. All draft entries after "
"this date will be deleted too."
msgstr ""
"โดยค่าเริ่มต้น เงินกู้จะถูกปิดเมื่อมีการลงรายการชำระเงินครั้งสุดท้าย "
"อย่างไรก็ตาม คุณยังสามารถปิดเงินกู้ด้วยตนเองได้ (เช่น "
"เนื่องจากเงินกู้ถูกชำระก่อนกำหนด) โดยคลิกที่ปุ่ม :guilabel:`ปิด` "
"ตัวช่วยจะแสดงขึ้นเพื่อถามว่าควรปิดเงินกู้ตั้งแต่วันที่ใด "
#: ../../content/applications/finance/accounting/bank/loans.rst:62
msgid ""
@ -19159,6 +19175,11 @@ msgid ""
"vendor bill), the :guilabel:`Payment Difference` field displays the "
"outstanding balance. You have two options:"
msgstr ""
"เลือก :guilabel:`สมุดรายวัน`, :guilabel:`วิธีการชำระเงิน`, :guilabel:`จำนวน`"
" ที่คุณต้องการชำระ (เต็มจำนวนหรือบางส่วน) และ :guilabel:`สกุลเงิน` "
"ในกรณีของการชำระเงินบางส่วน (เมื่อ :guilabel:`จำนวน` "
"ที่ชำระน้อยกว่าจำนวนเงินคงเหลือทั้งหมดในใบแจ้งหนี้ของผู้ขาย) ฟิลด์ "
":guilabel:`ส่วนต่างการชำระเงิน` จะแสดงยอดคงเหลือ คุณมีสองตัวเลือก:"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/accounting/vendor_bills.rst:82
msgid ""
@ -46199,6 +46220,12 @@ msgid ""
"supported by Odoo. For this, you need to cancel the invoice directly in the "
"|SAT|, and press :guilabel:`Retry` in the :guilabel:`SAT Status field`."
msgstr ""
"Odoo มีข้อจำกัดบางอย่างในการยกเลิกใบแจ้งหนี้ใน |SAT|: เหตุผลที่ 03 และ 04 "
"(*ไม่มีการดำเนินการ* และ "
"*ธุรกรรมที่กำหนดเงื่อนไขที่เกี่ยวข้องกับใบแจ้งหนี้ทั่วโลก* ตามลำดับ) "
"ยังไม่รองรับโดย Odoo ในปัจจุบัน สำหรับสิ่งนี้ "
"คุณต้องยกเลิกใบแจ้งหนี้โดยตรงใน |SAT| และกด :guilabel:`ลองอีกครั้ง` ใน "
":guilabel:`ช่องสถานะ SAT`"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/mexico.rst:468
msgid "01 - invoices sent with errors with a relation"
@ -478,6 +478,11 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Day`, :guilabel:`Week`, :guilabel:`Month`, and :guilabel:`Year`. "
"Use the adjacent arrows to move forward or backward in time."
msgstr ""
"หากต้องการเปลี่ยนช่วงเวลาที่แสดง "
"ให้ปรับการตั้งค่าวันที่ที่มุมบนซ้ายของรายงานโดยคลิกค่าเริ่มต้น "
":guilabel:`ปี` เพื่อแสดงเมนูแบบดรอปดาวน์ของตัวเลือก ตัวเลือกที่จะแสดงคือ "
":guilabel:`วัน`, :guilabel:`สัปดาห์`, :guilabel:`เดือน` และ :guilabel:`ปี` "
#: ../../content/applications/hr/appraisals/appraisal_analysis.rst:39
msgid ""
@ -961,6 +966,11 @@ msgid ""
" is to get a more well-rounded view of the employee, and aid in the "
"manager's overall assessment."
msgstr ""
"ในกระบวนการประเมิน "
"ผู้จัดการสามารถขอคำติชมเกี่ยวกับพนักงานจากใครก็ได้ในบริษัท โดยปกติแล้ว "
"มักจะขอคำติชมจากเพื่อนร่วมงานและบุคคลอื่นที่โต้ตอบหรือทำงานร่วมกับพนักงาน "
"เพื่อให้มองเห็นภาพรวมของพนักงานได้ดีขึ้น "
#: ../../content/applications/hr/appraisals/new_appraisals.rst:89
msgid ""
@ -2343,6 +2353,12 @@ msgid ""
" checked in, by changing the green :guilabel:`Check in` :icon:`fa-sign-in` "
"button to a yellow :guilabel:`Check out` :icon:`fa-sign-out` button."
msgstr ""
"คลิกปุ่ม :guilabel:`เข้าสู่ระบบ` :icon:`fa-sign-in` เพื่อเช็คอิน "
":guilabel:`🔴 (วงกลมสีแดง)` ในเมนูบนสุดจะเปลี่ยนเป็นสีเขียว "
"และวิดเจ็ตก็จะเปลี่ยนรูปลักษณ์ด้วยเช่นกัน "
"วิดเจ็ตจะอัปเดตเพื่อแสดงว่าผู้ใช้ได้เช็คอินแล้ว โดยเปลี่ยนปุ่มสีเขียว "
":guilabel:`เข้าสู่ระบบ` :icon:`fa-sign-in` เป็นปุ่มสีเหลือง "
":guilabel:`ออกจากระบบ` :icon:`fa-sign-out`"
#: ../../content/applications/hr/attendances/check_in_check_out.rst:49
msgid "Click anywhere on the screen to close the attendance widget."
@ -2400,6 +2416,13 @@ msgid ""
"logged time, while the yellow :guilabel:`Check out` :icon:`fa-sign-out` "
"button changes to a green :guilabel:`Check in` :icon:`fa-sign-in` button."
msgstr ""
"เมื่อเวลาผ่านไป ทั้งฟิลด์ :guilabel:`ตั้งแต่ HH:MM (AM/PM)` และ "
":guilabel:`รวมวันนี้` จะได้รับการอัปเดตแบบเรียลไทม์ หากต้องการชำระเงิน "
"ให้คลิกปุ่มสีเหลือง :guilabel:`ออกจากระบบ` :icon:`fa-sign-out` "
"วิดเจ็ตการเข้าร่วมจะอัปเดตอีกครั้ง โดยแสดงฟิลด์ :guilabel:`รวมวันนี้` "
"พร้อมเวลาที่บันทึกไว้ ในขณะที่ปุ่มสีเหลือง :guilabel:`ออกจากระบบ` :icon:`fa-"
"sign-out` จะเปลี่ยนเป็นปุ่มสีเขียว :guilabel:`เข้าสู่ระบบ` :icon:`fa-sign-"
#: ../../content/applications/hr/attendances/check_in_check_out.rst:76
msgid ""
@ -3986,6 +4009,11 @@ msgid ""
" any level can be chosen. The toggle turns green, indicating it is the "
"default level for the skill. Only one level can be set as the default."
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`ระดับเริ่มต้น`: "
"คลิกปุ่มสลับบนบรรทัดระดับเพื่อตั้งค่าระดับนั้นเป็นค่าเริ่มต้น โดยทั่วไป "
"ระดับต่ำสุดจะถูกตั้งค่าเป็นค่าเริ่มต้น แต่สามารถเลือกระดับใดก็ได้ "
"ปุ่มสลับจะเปลี่ยนเป็นสีเขียว ซึ่งระบุว่าเป็นระดับเริ่มต้นสำหรับทักษะนั้น "
#: ../../content/applications/hr/employees/new_employee.rst:220
msgid ""
@ -5022,6 +5050,11 @@ msgid ""
" to 2023. Additionally, there was a :guilabel:`143.37%` increase in the "
"total number of employees in 2024 as compared to 2023."
msgstr ""
"ในตัวอย่างนี้ พนักงาน :guilabel:`3` จาก :guilabel:`83` ลาออกในปี 2023 "
"และพนักงาน :guilabel:`8` จาก :guilabel:`202` ลาออกในปี 2024 "
"มีพนักงานที่ลาออกในปี 2024 เพิ่มขึ้น :guilabel:`166.67%` เมื่อเทียบกับปี "
"2023 นอกจากนี้ จำนวนพนักงานทั้งหมดในปี 2024 เพิ่มขึ้น :guilabel:`143.37%` "
"เมื่อเทียบกับปี 2023"
#: ../../content/applications/hr/employees/retention_report.rst:0
msgid ""
@ -6104,6 +6137,12 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Engine` section of the :guilabel:`Information` tab) on the "
"vehicle form."
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`ค่าธรรมเนียม C02`: "
"หมายถึงค่าธรรมเนียมการปล่อยก๊าซคาร์บอนไดออกไซด์ที่จ่ายให้กับรัฐบาลเบลเยียม "
"ค่านี้จะคำนวณโดยอัตโนมัติโดยอิงตามกฎหมายและข้อบังคับของเบลเยียม "
"และ**ไม่สามารถ** ปรับเปลี่ยนได้ ค่านี้จะอิงตามตัวเลขที่ป้อนในฟิลด์ "
":guilabel:`การปล่อยก๊าซ CO2` (ในส่วน :guilabel:`เครื่องยนต์` ของแท็บ "
":guilabel:`ข้อมูล`) ในแบบฟอร์มของยานพาหนะ"
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/models.rst:113
msgid ""
@ -7757,6 +7796,11 @@ msgid ""
"total costs for each specific type of service, further divided by the type "
"of service."
msgstr ""
"วิธีการนำเสนอข้อมูลแบบเริ่มต้นจะแสดงต้นทุนรวมของบริการแต่ละประเภท "
"แถวแนวนอนแสดงประเภทบริการต่างๆ "
"โดยประเภทบริการแต่ละประเภทจะอยู่ในบรรทัดของตัวเอง "
"คอลัมน์แนวตั้งแสดงต้นทุนรวมของบริการแต่ละประเภทโดยเฉพาะ "
#: ../../content/applications/hr/fleet/service.rst-1
msgid "The default pivot table view of the services."
@ -9071,6 +9115,12 @@ msgid ""
"orders in the *Lunch* app rely on the :guilabel:`Status` tags to track their"
" orders."
msgstr ""
"เมื่อส่งแล้ว ปุ่ม :guilabel:`ส่งคำสั่งซื้อ` จะเปลี่ยนเป็นปุ่ม "
":guilabel:`ยืนยันคำสั่งซื้อ` และคอลัมน์ :guilabel:`สถานะ` "
"จะได้รับการอัปเดตจากแท็ก :guilabel:`สั่งซื้อแล้ว` สีแดงเป็นแท็ก "
":guilabel:`ส่งแล้ว` สีน้ำเงิน ซึ่งระบุว่าคำสั่งซื้อได้ถูกส่งไปยังผู้ขายแล้ว "
"ผู้ใช้ที่สั่งซื้อในแอป *อาหารกลางวัน* จะต้องอาศัยแท็ก :guilabel:`สถานะ` "
#: ../../content/applications/hr/lunch/management.rst-1
msgid ""
@ -9608,6 +9658,11 @@ msgid ""
"order appears in the list, under the current date, and the product is paid "
"for, with money deducted from the user's account."
msgstr ""
"เมื่อสิ้นสุดสายผลิตภัณฑ์แต่ละรายการที่มีสถานะ :guilabel:`ได้รับ` ปุ่ม "
":guilabel:`สั่งซื้อใหม่` จะแสดงขึ้น คลิก :guilabel:`สั่งซื้อใหม่` "
"เพื่อสั่งผลิตภัณฑ์เดียวกันนั้นใหม่ทันที พร้อมส่วนเสริมเท่าเดิม หากมี "
"คำสั่งซื้อใหม่จะแสดงในรายการภายใต้วันที่ปัจจุบัน "
#: ../../content/applications/hr/lunch/orders.rst-1
msgid "The list view that appears when navigating to the My Orders dashboard."
@ -10143,6 +10198,11 @@ msgid ""
" format: `HH:MM`. Then select either :guilabel:`AM` or :guilabel:`PM` from "
"the drop-down menu, next to the time field."
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`เวลาสั่งซื้อ`: ช่องนี้จะปรากฏเฉพาะในกรณีที่เลือก "
":guilabel:`อีเมล` ในช่อง :guilabel:`ส่งคำสั่งซื้อโดย` เท่านั้น "
"ป้อนเวลาที่ต้องส่งอีเมลคำสั่งซื้อเพื่อให้ระบบยอมรับ "
"ป้อนเวลาในรูปแบบต่อไปนี้: `HH:MM` จากนั้นเลือก :guilabel:`AM` หรือ "
":guilabel:`PM` จากเมนูแบบเลื่อนลง ถัดจากช่องเวลา"
#: ../../content/applications/hr/lunch/vendors.rst-1
msgid "The orders section of a vendor form, with all fields filled out."
@ -11217,6 +11277,14 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Paid Time Off`, :guilabel:`Out Of Contract`, :guilabel:`Extra "
"Hours`, and :guilabel:`Long Term Time Off`."
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`ประเภทรายการงานเริ่มต้น`: "
" ตัวเลือกเริ่มต้นได้แก่ :guilabel:`การลงเวลาทำงาน`, "
":guilabel:`ชั่วโมงการทำงานล่วงเวลา`, :guilabel:`การลาหยุดทั่วไป`, "
":guilabel:`การลาหยุดชดเชย`, :guilabel:`การทำงานที่บ้าน`, "
":guilabel:`ไม่ชำระเงิน`, :guilabel:`การลาป่วย`, "
":guilabel:`การลาหยุดที่มีค่าจ้าง`, :guilabel:`หมดสัญญา`, "
":guilabel:`ชั่วโมงเพิ่มเติม`, และ :guilabel:`การลาหยุดระยะยาว`"
#: ../../content/applications/hr/payroll.rst:469
msgid ""
@ -11346,6 +11414,11 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Working Hours` tab to display two weeks of working times that can"
" be adjusted."
msgstr ""
"หากชั่วโมงการทำงานไม่สอดคล้องกันในแต่ละสัปดาห์ "
"และชั่วโมงการทำงานอยู่ในกำหนดการแบบสองสัปดาห์แทน ให้คลิกปุ่ม "
":guilabel:`สลับไปใช้ปฏิทิน 2 สัปดาห์` "
"ที่ด้านบนของแบบฟอร์มชั่วโมงการทำงานเริ่มต้นใหม่ การดำเนินการนี้จะเปลี่ยนแท็บ"
" :guilabel:`เวลาทำการ` ให้แสดงเวลาการทำงานสองสัปดาห์ที่สามารถปรับเปลี่ยนได้"
#: ../../content/applications/hr/payroll.rst:529
msgid "Structures"
@ -14266,6 +14339,12 @@ msgid ""
"section, located in the search bar drop-down mega menu of filter options. "
"Doing so reveals two options and a :guilabel:`Save` button."
msgstr ""
"รายงานที่อัปเดตสามารถตั้งค่าเป็นรายงาน *รายการโปรด* ได้ "
"ซึ่งหมายความว่าพารามิเตอร์ต่างๆ "
"จะถูกเก็บไว้เพื่อการเข้าถึงอย่างรวดเร็วในอนาคต เมื่อต้องการทำเช่นนั้น "
"ให้คลิก :guilabel:`บันทึกการค้นหาปัจจุบัน` ภายใต้ส่วน :guilabel:`รายการโปรด`"
" ซึ่งอยู่ในเมนูแบบเลื่อนลงของตัวเลือกการกรองในแถบค้นหา "
"การทำเช่นนี้จะแสดงตัวเลือกสองตัวและปุ่ม :guilabel:`บันทึก`"
#: ../../content/applications/hr/payroll/reporting.rst:224
msgid ""
@ -15546,6 +15625,11 @@ msgid ""
"anywhere on the thin gray column that says the stage name and the column "
"expands, revealing the applicants."
msgstr ""
"คอลัมน์สุดท้าย :guilabel:`เซ็นสัญญาแล้ว` จะถูกพับตามค่าเริ่มต้น "
"คอลัมน์ที่พับจะแสดงเป็นสีเทา และผู้สมัครในคอลัมน์นั้นจะถูกซ่อนจากมุมมอง "
"หากต้องการขยายระยะที่พับและดูบัตรผู้สมัครสำหรับคอลัมน์นั้น "
"ให้คลิกที่ใดก็ได้บนคอลัมน์สีเทาบางๆ ที่เขียนชื่อระยะ "
#: ../../content/applications/hr/recruitment.rst-1
msgid "Expand a folded column by clicking on it in the Kanban view."
@ -16327,6 +16411,11 @@ msgid ""
"resumé to this specific email address, and Odoo creates an application for "
"them automatically."
msgstr ""
"ขั้นตอนต่อไป ให้ป้อน :guilabel:`อีเมลการสมัคร` "
"โดยพิมพ์ส่วนแรกของที่อยู่อีเมลในช่องแรก "
"จากนั้นเลือกส่วนที่สองของอีเมลโดยใช้เมนูแบบเลื่อนลงในช่องที่สอง "
"ผู้สมัครสามารถส่งเรซูเม่ไปยังที่อยู่อีเมลนั้นโดยเฉพาะ และ Odoo "
#: ../../content/applications/hr/recruitment/new_job.rst:32
msgid ""
@ -16966,6 +17055,10 @@ msgid ""
"the applicant's availability, if the desired applicant needs to be available"
" on weekend evenings."
msgstr ""
" "
" หากผู้สมัครที่ต้องการต้องพร้อมในช่วงเย็นวันหยุดสุดสัปดาห์"
#: ../../content/applications/hr/recruitment/recruitment-flow.rst:75
msgid ""
@ -17375,6 +17468,11 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Marketing and Community Manager` job position has the least "
"amount of referrals out of the total applicants, only one out of six."
msgstr ""
"ในตัวอย่างนี้ ตำแหน่งงาน :guilabel:`นักพัฒนาที่มีประสบการณ์` "
"มีผู้สมัครจากการแนะนำมากที่สุด จากผู้สมัครทั้งหมดแปดคน "
"มีหกคนที่สมัครผ่านการแนะนำจากพนักงานปัจจุบัน ในขณะเดียวกัน ตำแหน่งงาน "
":guilabel:`ผู้จัดการฝ่ายการตลาดและชุมชน` "
"มีผู้แนะนำน้อยที่สุดจากผู้สมัครทั้งหมด โดยมีเพียงคนเดียวจากหกคน"
#: ../../content/applications/hr/recruitment/recruitment_analysis.rst:75
msgid "Hired through referrals"
@ -18060,6 +18158,12 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`More Options` button is clicked on in the :guilabel:`New Event` "
"pop-up window)."
msgstr ""
"เมื่อป้อนการเปลี่ยนแปลงในหน้าต่างป็อปอัป :ref:`กิจกรรมใหม่ "
"<recruitment/schedule_interviews/event-card>` แล้ว "
"และรายละเอียดการประชุมถูกต้องแล้ว "
"ก็สามารถส่งการประชุมไปยังผู้เข้าร่วมประชุมได้ผ่านทางอีเมลหรือข้อความ "
"จากแบบฟอร์มกิจกรรมที่ขยายออก (ซึ่งจะเห็นเมื่อคลิกปุ่ม "
":guilabel:`ตัวเลือกเพิ่มเติม` ในหน้าต่างป็อปอัป :guilabel:`กิจกรรมใหม่`)"
#: ../../content/applications/hr/recruitment/schedule_interviews.rst:162
msgid ""
@ -18323,6 +18427,10 @@ msgid ""
"number`. The contact information entered on this form is how the applicant "
"is contacted to remind them about the scheduled interview."
msgstr ""
"เมื่อเลือกวันที่และเวลาแล้ว ผู้สมัครจะถูกนำทางไปยังหน้า "
":guilabel:`เพิ่มรายละเอียดเพิ่มเติมเกี่ยวกับคุณ` หน้านี้จะขอให้ผู้สมัครป้อน "
":guilabel:`ชื่อ-นามสกุล` :guilabel:`อีเมล` และ :guilabel:`หมายเลขโทรศัพท์` "
#: ../../content/applications/hr/recruitment/schedule_interviews.rst:310
msgid ""
@ -18657,6 +18765,11 @@ msgid ""
"applicants, increase in the third quarter, while their refused applicants "
"went down."
msgstr ""
"นอกจากนี้ :guilabel:`Jane Jobs` ยังมีจำนวนผู้สมัครเพิ่มขึ้นสูงสุดในไตรมาสที่"
" 3 แต่จำนวนผู้สมัครที่ได้รับการว่าจ้างกลับลดลง :guilabel:`67%` "
"บริษัทจัดหางานที่มีตัวเลขโดยรวมดีที่สุดคือ :guilabel:`Rose Recruiter` "
" 3 ในขณะที่ผู้สมัครที่ถูกปฏิเสธกลับลดลง"
#: ../../content/applications/hr/recruitment/time_in_stage.rst:3
msgid "Time in stage analysis"
@ -18839,6 +18952,15 @@ msgid ""
"documents: :doc:`../general/users` and "
msgstr ""
"ผู้ใช้ที่มีสิทธิ์การเข้าถึง :guilabel:`ผู้ใช้ผู้แนะนำ`, "
":guilabel:`เจ้าหน้าที่` หรือ :guilabel:`ผู้ดูแลระบบ` สำหรับแอปพลิเคชัน "
"*ระบบสรรหาบุคลากร* จะสามารถเข้าถึงแอปพลิเคชัน *แนะนำพนักงาน* ได้ "
"เฉพาะผู้ใช้ที่มีสิทธิ์การเข้าถึง :guilabel:`ผู้ดูแลระบบ` สำหรับแอปพลิเคชัน "
"*ระบบสรรหาบุคลากร* เท่านั้นที่จะสามารถเข้าถึงเมนู :doc:`การรายงาน "
"<referrals/reporting>` และการกำหนดค่า "
"สำหรับข้อมูลเพิ่มเติมเกี่ยวกับผู้ใช้และสิทธิ์การเข้าถึง "
"โปรดดูเอกสารเหล่านี้: :doc:`../general/users` และ "
#: ../../content/applications/hr/referrals.rst:28
msgid "Onboarding"
@ -19113,6 +19235,11 @@ msgid ""
"window appears. Navigate to the desired image file, then click "
":guilabel:`Open` to select it."
msgstr ""
"หากต้องการ คุณสามารถแก้ไขทั้งภาพขนาดย่อ :guilabel:`รูปภาพ` และ "
":guilabel:`รูปภาพแดชบอร์ด` ได้ เลื่อนเมาส์ไปเหนือภาพที่กำลังถูกแทนที่ "
"เพื่อแสดงไอคอน :guilabel:`✏️ (ดินสอ)` และไอคอน :guilabel:`🗑️ (ถังขยะ)` "
"คลิกไอคอน :guilabel:`✏️ (ดินสอ)` แล้วหน้าต่าง File Explorer จะแสดงขึ้น "
"ไปที่ไฟล์ภาพที่ต้องการ จากนั้นคลิก :guilabel:`เปิด` เพื่อเลือกไฟล์นั้น"
#: ../../content/applications/hr/referrals.rst:155
msgid ""
@ -19122,6 +19249,11 @@ msgid ""
"any changes made, click the :guilabel:`✖️ (Discard all changes)` icon to "
"delete any changes, and revert to the original content."
msgstr ""
"แบบฟอร์มแนะนำเพื่อนจะบันทึกโดยอัตโนมัติ "
"แต่คุณสามารถบันทึกด้วยตนเองได้ตลอดเวลาโดยคลิกตัวเลือก *บันทึกด้วยตนเอง* "
"ซึ่งแสดงด้วยไอคอน :guilabel:`(อัปโหลดบนคลาวด์)` ที่มุมบนซ้าย "
"หากต้องการยกเลิกการเปลี่ยนแปลงที่ทำ ให้คลิกไอคอน :guilabel:`✖️ "
"(ยกเลิกการเปลี่ยนแปลงทั้งหมด)` เพื่อลบการเปลี่ยนแปลงและกลับไปใช้เนื้อหาเดิม"
#: ../../content/applications/hr/referrals.rst-1
msgid "A friend form in edit mode."
@ -20048,6 +20180,12 @@ msgid ""
" be used to share the job position, keeping track of applicants in the "
"*Referrals* application."
msgstr ""
"นอกจากการส่งอีเมลแล้ว "
" "
" ซึ่งสามารถใช้เพื่อแชร์ตำแหน่งงานและติดตามผู้สมัครในแอปพลิเคชัน "
#: ../../content/applications/hr/referrals/share_jobs.rst-1
msgid "The various sharing icons that appear for each job."
@ -9643,6 +9643,11 @@ msgid ""
"numbers, letters, other typographical characters, or any mix of these "
"character types."
msgstr ""
"*หมายเลขซีเรียล* เป็นหนึ่งในสองวิธีในการระบุและติดตามผลิตภัณฑ์ใน Odoo "
"ร่วมกับ :doc:`ล็อต <lots>` "
" ในซีรีส์ หมายเลขซีเรียลอาจประกอบด้วยตัวอักษรหลายประเภท: อาจประกอบด้วยตัวเลข"
" ตัวอักษร อักขระตัวพิมพ์อื่นๆ หรืออักขระผสมประเภทเหล่านี้"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_tracking/serial_numbers.rst:10
msgid ""
@ -9839,6 +9844,13 @@ msgid ""
"detailed description of this specific lot/serial number can also be added in"
" the :guilabel:`Description` tab below."
msgstr ""
"แบบฟอร์มนี้ยังให้ตัวเลือกในการปรับแต่ง :guilabel:`ปริมาณสินค้าคงเหลือ` "
"เพื่อกำหนดหมายเลข :guilabel:`การอ้างอิงภายใน` ที่ไม่ซ้ำกัน "
"(เพื่อการตรวจสอบย้อนกลับเพิ่มเติม) "
"และเพื่อกำหนดค่าหมายเลขล็อต/หมายเลขซีเรียลเฉพาะนี้ให้กับบริษัทเฉพาะในฟิลด์ "
":guilabel:`บริษัท` นอกจากนี้ "
"ยังสามารถเพิ่มคำอธิบายโดยละเอียดของล็อต/หมายเลขซีเรียลเฉพาะนี้ในแท็บ "
":guilabel:`คำอธิบาย` ด้านล่างได้อีกด้วย"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/product_tracking/serial_numbers.rst:125
msgid ""
@ -15476,6 +15488,13 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Tracking` field, select either the :guilabel:`By Unique Serial "
"Number` or :guilabel:`By Lots` options."
msgstr ""
"ขั้นตอนต่อไป "
" โดยไปที่แบบฟอร์มผลิตภัณฑ์ผ่าน :menuselection:`สินค้าคงคลัง --> สินค้า --> "
"สินค้า` และเลือกผลิตภัณฑ์ที่ต้องการ บนแบบฟอร์มผลิตภัณฑ์ ให้สลับไปที่แท็บ "
":guilabel:`สินค้าคงคลัง` และภายใต้ฟิลด์ :guilabel:`การติดตาม` "
"ให้เลือกตัวเลือก :guilabel:`ตามหมายเลขซีเรียลที่ไม่ซ้ำ` หรือ "
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/shipping_receiving/removal_strategies.rst:121
msgid ""
@ -16495,6 +16514,11 @@ msgid ""
"navigating to :menuselection:`Inventory app --> Configuration --> Operations"
" Types`, and then clicking on a specific operations type."
msgstr ""
"เมื่อติดตั้งแอปเหล่านี้แล้ว "
" ฟีเจอร์เหล่านี้จะพร้อมใช้งานตามค่าเริ่มต้นสำหรับประเภทการดำเนินการบางประเภท"
" และสามารถดูและเปลี่ยนแปลงได้โดยไปที่ :menuselection:`แอปสินค้าคงคลัง --> "
"การกำหนดค่า --> ประเภทการดำเนินงาน` แล้วคลิกที่ประเภทการดำเนินการที่ต้องการ"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/shipping_receiving/reservation_methods.rst:94
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/shipping_receiving/reservation_methods/before_scheduled_date.rst:31
@ -18485,6 +18509,13 @@ msgid ""
"orders being added to the batch. Click :guilabel:`Confirm`, and the carrier "
"is updated for all the selected records."
msgstr ""
" จากนั้นคลิกในช่อง :guilabel:`ผู้ให้บริการ` ของบรรทัด "
"ในเมนูแบบเลื่อนลงที่ปรากฏขึ้น ให้เลือก :ref:`วิธีการจัดส่ง "
"<inventory/shipping_receiving/delivery-method-for-carrier>` "
"ของยานพาหนะที่ต้องการ หน้าต่างป๊อปอัป :guilabel:`การยืนยัน` จะแสดงขึ้น "
"โดยระบุจำนวนใบสั่งซื้อที่เพิ่มเข้าไปในชุดสินค้า คลิก :guilabel:`ยืนยัน` "
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/shipping_receiving/setup_configuration/dispatch.rst:185
msgid "Set carrier."
@ -18908,6 +18939,11 @@ msgid ""
"account, visit the *Account Management* page after logging in to the FedEx "
"website, or speak with a customer service representative."
msgstr ""
"ตัวเลือกที่ควรเลือกบนแท็บ :guilabel:`การกำหนดค่า FedEx` "
"ของวิธีการจัดส่งจะขึ้นอยู่กับบริการจัดส่งที่ตกลงกันไว้ของบัญชี FedEx "
"ที่เกี่ยวข้อง หากต้องการยืนยันบริการที่มีให้สำหรับบัญชี FedEx โปรดไปที่หน้า "
"*การจัดการบัญชี* หลังจากเข้าสู่ระบบในเว็บไซต์ FedEx "
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/shipping_receiving/setup_configuration/fedex.rst:144
msgid "Options section"
@ -27625,6 +27661,12 @@ msgid ""
"are moved to their intended storage locations, and accurately recorded in "
"the database."
msgstr ""
"ธุรกิจที่ใช้กระบวนการหลายขั้นตอนในแอป *สินค้าคงคลัง* หรือ *ระบบการผลิต* "
"อาจมีสินค้า *ค้าง* ซึ่งเป็นผลิตภัณฑ์ที่ไม่ได้อยู่ในตำแหน่งจัดเก็บที่เหมาะสม "
"เนื่องมาจากข้อผิดพลาดของพนักงาน "
"ใช้รายงานนี้เพื่อตรวจสอบตำแหน่งการโอนเป็นระยะๆ (เช่น *WH/Input*, *WH/Pre-"
"Processing*) เพื่อให้แน่ใจว่าสินค้าถูกย้ายไปยังตำแหน่งจัดเก็บที่ต้องการ "
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/warehouses_storage/reporting/locations.rst:111
msgid ""
@ -31736,6 +31778,10 @@ msgid ""
"This operating cost is used regardless of how many employees are working at "
"the work center at any given time."
msgstr ""
"หากต้องการตั้งค่าต้นทุนการดำเนินงานสำหรับศูนย์งานโดยรวม ให้ป้อนค่าในช่อง "
":guilabel:`ต่อศูนย์งาน` ซึ่งอยู่ถัดจากส่วน :guilabel:`ค่าใช้จ่ายต่อชั่วโมง` "
"ในแท็บ :guilabel:`ข้อมูลทั่วไป` ของศูนย์งาน "
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/manufacturing/basic_setup/mo_costs.rst:60
msgid ""
@ -31873,6 +31919,11 @@ msgid ""
"Manufacturing Orders`, and select an |MO|. Then, click the :icon:`fa-bars` "
":guilabel:`Overview` smart button at the top of the |MO|."
msgstr ""
"|MO| แต่ละอันมีหน้า *ภาพรวม* ซึ่งแสดงข้อมูลต่างๆ เกี่ยวกับ |MO| "
"รวมถึงต้นทุนของ |MO| และต้นทุนจริง หากต้องการดูภาพรวมของ |MO| ให้ไปที่ "
":menuselection:`แอประบบการผลิต --> การดำเนินการ --> ใบสั่งผลิต` และเลือก "
"|MO| จากนั้นคลิกปุ่ม :icon:`fa-bars` :guilabel:`ภาพรวม` อัจฉริยะที่ด้านบนของ"
" |MO|"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/manufacturing/basic_setup/mo_costs.rst:131
msgid ""
@ -31881,6 +31932,11 @@ msgid ""
"page lists a row for each of these values, with the sum of them listed at "
"the bottom of the :guilabel:`MO Cost` and :guilabel:`Real Cost` columns."
msgstr ""
"ทั้งต้นทุน |MO| และต้นทุนจริงจะคำนึงถึงต้นทุนและปริมาณของส่วนประกอบ "
"ตลอดจนต้นทุนในการทำให้ใบสั่งงานแต่ละใบเสร็จสมบูรณ์ "
"หน้าภาพรวมจะแสดงแถวสำหรับค่าแต่ละค่า "
"โดยผลรวมของค่าเหล่านี้จะแสดงอยู่ด้านล่างของคอลัมน์ :guilabel:`ต้นทุน MO` และ"
" :guilabel:`ต้นทุนจริง`"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/manufacturing/basic_setup/mo_costs.rst:135
msgid ""
@ -32597,6 +32653,11 @@ msgid ""
"Under the :guilabel:`Product Name` field on the product form, make sure that"
" the :guilabel:`Can Be Sold` checkbox is ticked."
msgstr ""
"สำหรับผลิตภัณฑ์ที่ขายแล้ว จำเป็นต้องกำหนดค่าผลิตภัณฑ์เพื่อให้สามารถรวมอยู่ใน"
" |SOs| ได้ โดยเริ่มต้นโดยไปที่ :menuselection:`สินค้าคงคลัง --> สินค้า --> "
"สินค้า` และเลือกผลิตภัณฑ์ ภายใต้ฟิลด์ :guilabel:`ชื่อสินค้า` "
"บนแบบฟอร์มผลิตภัณฑ์ ตรวจสอบให้แน่ใจว่ามีการเลือกช่องกาเครื่องหมาย "
":guilabel:`สามารถขายได้` แล้ว"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/manufacturing/reporting/allocation.rst:34
msgid "Allocate products"
@ -32762,6 +32823,12 @@ msgid ""
"These labels are used to designate each product as being reserved for that "
"specific order."
msgstr ""
"หลังจากคลิกปุ่ม :guilabel:`มอบหมายทั้งหมด` หรือ :guilabel:`มอบหมาย` ปุ่ม "
":guilabel:`พิมพ์ฉลากทั้งหมด` หรือ :guilabel:`พิมพ์ฉลาก` "
"ทางขวาของปุ่มใดปุ่มหนึ่งก็จะสามารถเลือกได้ "
"การเลือกปุ่มใดปุ่มหนึ่งจะสร้างและดาวน์โหลดเอกสาร PDF "
"ที่มีป้ายกำกับหนึ่งรายการสำหรับแต่ละผลิตภัณฑ์ที่ได้รับการกำหนด "
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/manufacturing/reporting/allocation.rst-1
msgid ""
@ -36311,6 +36378,10 @@ msgid ""
"chair's |BoM|, Odoo tracks the on-hand count of scrap wood, as well as the "
"quantity of rocking chairs produced."
msgstr ""
"การผลิต *เก้าอี้โยก* ต้องใช้ไม้ 10 ชิ้น ในระหว่างการผลิต จะมีการสร้าง "
"*เศษไม้* 5 ชิ้น นอกเหนือจากเก้าอี้โยก Odoo "
"กำหนดให้เศษไม้เป็นผลิตภัณฑ์พลอยได้จาก |BoM| ของเก้าอี้โยก "
"โดยติดตามจำนวนเศษไม้ที่มีอยู่ รวมถึงปริมาณเก้าอี้โยกที่ผลิต"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/manufacturing/workflows/byproducts.rst:23
msgid ""
@ -40059,6 +40130,12 @@ msgid ""
"purchasing manager, David, wants to understand the impact this decision has "
"had on the amount of money they have spent on Bike Friends products."
msgstr ""
"จากตัวอย่างก่อนหน้า <purchase/purchase-analysis-example> ` :ref:` "
"เป็นเวลาหนึ่งเดือนแล้วที่ Bike Haus ตัดสินใจลดปริมาณผลิตภัณฑ์ที่ซื้อจาก Bike"
" Friends ซึ่งเป็นหนึ่งในผู้ค้าปลีกของบริษัท เดวิด ผู้จัดการฝ่ายจัดซื้อของ "
"Bike Haus "
" Bike Friends อย่างไร"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/purchase/advanced/analyze.rst:113
msgid ""
@ -40795,6 +40872,12 @@ msgid ""
" are automatically linked to this blanket order form, via the "
":guilabel:`RFQs/Orders` smart button at the top-right of the form."
msgstr ""
"หลังจากยืนยันคำสั่งซื้อแบบรวมแล้ว "
"สามารถสร้างใบเสนอราคาใหม่ได้โดยตรงจากแบบฟอร์มคำสั่งซื้อแบบรวม |RfQs| "
"ที่ใช้แบบฟอร์มนี้จะถูกกรอกล่วงหน้าด้วยข้อมูลตามกฎที่กำหนดไว้ในแบบฟอร์ม "
"นอกจากนี้ "
"ใบเสนอราคาใหม่จะเชื่อมโยงกับแบบฟอร์มคำสั่งซื้อแบบรวมนี้โดยอัตโนมัติผ่านปุ่ม "
":guilabel:`คำขอเสนอราคา/คำสั่งซื้อ` อัจฉริยะที่ด้านบนขวาของแบบฟอร์ม"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/purchase/manage_deals/blanket_orders.rst:147
msgid ""
@ -44002,6 +44085,11 @@ msgid ""
"the measurement entered is outside of the specified range, a new pop-up "
"window appears, titled :guilabel:`Quality Check Failed`."
msgstr ""
"หากการวัดที่ป้อนอยู่ในช่วงที่ระบุในส่วน :guilabel:`ความคลาดเคลื่อน` ของ "
"|QCP| การตรวจสอบคุณภาพจะผ่าน "
"และหน้าต่างป๊อปอัปจะดำเนินการต่อไปยังขั้นตอนถัดไปของใบสั่งงาน อย่างไรก็ตาม "
"หากการวัดที่ป้อนอยู่ภายนอกช่วงที่ระบุ หน้าต่างป๊อปอัปใหม่จะแสดงขึ้น "
"โดยมีชื่อว่า :guilabel:`การตรวจสอบคุณภาพล้มเหลว`"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/quality/quality_check_types/measure_check.rst:181
msgid ""
@ -44226,6 +44314,10 @@ msgid ""
"quality check is created for that specific work order, rather than the "
"manufacturing order as a whole."
msgstr ""
"เมื่อกำหนดค่า |QCP| ที่จะเรียกใช้ระหว่างการผลิต "
"ก็สามารถระบุใบสั่งงานเฉพาะได้ในฟิลด์ :guilabel:`การดำเนินการสั่งงาน` "
"บนแบบฟอร์ม |QCP| เช่นกัน หากระบุใบสั่งงาน ระบบจะสร้างการตรวจสอบคุณภาพแบบ "
"*ผ่าน-ไม่ผ่าน* สำหรับใบสั่งงานเฉพาะนั้น แทนที่จะสร้างใบสั่งงานการผลิตทั้งหมด"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/quality/quality_check_types/pass_fail_check.rst:116
msgid ""
@ -44270,6 +44362,11 @@ msgid ""
"using this method, the quality check passes automatically, without a pop-up "
"window appearing."
msgstr ""
"นอกจากนี้ แทนที่จะคลิกที่ขั้นตอนเพื่อเปิดหน้าต่างป๊อปอัป "
"คุณสามารถทำการตรวจสอบคุณภาพแบบ *ผ่าน - ไม่ผ่าน* "
" เมื่อใช้วิธีนี้ "
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/quality/quality_check_types/picture_check.rst:3
msgid "Take a Picture quality check"
@ -44384,6 +44481,11 @@ msgid ""
"the device's file manager. In the file manager, navigate to the picture, "
"select it, and click :guilabel:`Open` to attach it."
msgstr ""
"หลังจากถ่ายภาพแล้ว "
"โปรดตรวจสอบว่าได้จัดเก็บภาพไว้ในอุปกรณ์ที่ใช้ตรวจสอบคุณภาพ (คอมพิวเตอร์ "
"แท็บเล็ต ฯลฯ) แล้ว จากนั้นคลิกปุ่ม :guilabel:`✏️ (ดินสอ)` ในส่วน "
":guilabel:`รูปภาพ` เพื่อเปิดตัวจัดการไฟล์ของอุปกรณ์ ในตัวจัดการไฟล์ "
"ให้ไปที่รูปภาพ เลือกรูปภาพ แล้วคลิก :guilabel:`เปิด` เพื่อแนบรูปภาพ"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/quality/quality_check_types/picture_check.rst-1
msgid "The edit button (pencil) on a Take a Picture quality check."
@ -44455,6 +44557,10 @@ msgid ""
"quality check is created for that specific work order, rather than the "
"manufacturing order as a whole."
msgstr ""
"เมื่อกำหนดค่า |QCP| ที่จะเรียกใช้ระหว่างการผลิต "
"ก็สามารถระบุใบสั่งงานเฉพาะได้ในฟิลด์ :guilabel:`การดำเนินการสั่งงาน` "
"บนแบบฟอร์ม |QCP| เช่นกัน หากระบุใบสั่งงาน ระบบจะสร้างการตรวจสอบคุณภาพแบบ "
"*ถ่ายภาพ* สำหรับใบสั่งงานเฉพาะนั้น แทนที่จะเป็นใบสั่งงานการผลิตทั้งหมด"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/quality/quality_check_types/picture_check.rst:128
msgid ""
@ -45345,6 +45451,13 @@ msgid ""
"value in the :guilabel:`Percentage` field that appears below. If the "
"checkbox is not enabled, one quality check is created for the full quantity."
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`ปริมาณ`: "
"จะมีการขอตรวจสอบสำหรับเปอร์เซ็นต์ที่แน่นอนของรายการภายในการดำเนินการที่ระบุ "
"เปอร์เซ็นต์นี้จะถูกตั้งค่าโดยเปิดใช้งานช่องทำเครื่องหมาย "
":guilabel:`การทดสอบการถ่ายโอนบางส่วน` จากนั้นป้อนค่าตัวเลขในฟิลด์ "
":guilabel:`เปอร์เซ็นต์` ที่แสดงขึ้นด้านล่าง "
"หากไม่ได้เปิดใช้งานช่องทำเครื่องหมาย "
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/quality/quality_management/quality_control_points.rst:63
msgid ""
@ -3525,6 +3525,12 @@ msgid ""
"views, click the :guilabel:`New` button in the upper-left corner of the "
"dashboard to open up a new event form."
msgstr ""
"ในการสร้างกิจกรรมใหม่ ให้เริ่มต้นโดยไปที่ :menuselection:`แอปกิจกรรม` "
"เพื่อไปที่แดชบอร์ด :guilabel:`กิจกรรม` เริ่มต้น ในมุมมอง :icon:`oi-view-"
"kanban` :guilabel:`คัมบัง` จากนั้น หรืออีกทางหนึ่งคือจากมุมมอง :icon:`oi-"
"view-list` :guilabel:`รายการ` หรือ :icon:`fa-tasks` :guilabel:`แกนต์` "
"ให้คลิกปุ่ม :guilabel:`สร้าง` "
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/events/create_events.rst-1
msgid "Typical event template in the Odoo Events application."
@ -6640,6 +6646,12 @@ msgid ""
"setting, that question is only asked once -- and **not** for every attendee "
"making the reservation in the order."
msgstr ""
"หากซื้อบัตรหลายใบพร้อมกัน จะมีส่วนต่างๆ "
"ที่มีหมายเลขกำกับสำหรับผู้ลงทะเบียนบัตรแต่ละราย "
"โดยแต่ละส่วนจะมีคำถามเดียวกัน อย่างไรก็ตาม หากได้กำหนดค่าคำถามใดๆ "
"ด้วยการตั้งค่า \"ถามครั้งเดียวต่อการสั่งซื้อ\" "
"คำถามนั้นจะถูกถามเพียงครั้งเดียวเท่านั้น และ **ไม่ใช่** "
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/events/sell_tickets.rst:134
msgid ""
@ -8217,6 +8229,11 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Measures` drop-down menu, there's the ability to add any data to "
"a spreadsheet by clicking the :guilabel:`Insert in Spreadsheet` button."
msgstr ""
"ทางด้านซ้ายสุดของตัวเลือกมุมมองจะมีเมนูแบบเลื่อนลงของ :guilabel:`มาตรการ` "
"เมื่อคลิกแล้ว จะมีตัวเลือกในการดู :guilabel:`จำนวนการคลิก` หรือ "
":guilabel:`จำนวน` ทั้งหมด และทางด้านขวาของเมนูแบบเลื่อนลง "
":guilabel:`มาตรการ` จะมีตัวเลือกในการเพิ่มข้อมูลลงในสเปรดชีตโดยคลิกปุ่ม "
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/marketing_automation/understanding_metrics.rst:120
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/marketing_automation/understanding_metrics.rst:152
@ -12701,6 +12718,11 @@ msgid ""
"they'd simply have to wait until the host of the live session begins the "
"survey, and then they'd be able to enter."
msgstr ""
"หากผู้เข้าร่วมใช้ :guilabel:`ลิงค์เซสชั่น` ที่สมบูรณ์ (ลงท้ายด้วย "
":guilabel:`รหัสเซสชั่น` ที่กำหนดเอง) เพื่อเข้าถึงแบบสอบถามไลฟ์เซสชัน "
"ลิงก์ดังกล่าวจะถูกป้อนให้ *เรียบร้อยแล้ว* เมื่อถึงจุดนั้น "
"ผู้เข้าร่วมจะต้องรอจนกว่าโฮสต์ของเซสชันสดจะเริ่มทำแบบสอบถาม "
#: ../../content/applications/marketing/surveys/create.rst:241
msgid ""
@ -2548,6 +2548,11 @@ msgid ""
"Canned Responses`. Click into the :guilabel:`Search..` bar, and remove any "
msgstr ""
"คำตอบสำเร็จรูปที่สร้างโดยฐานข้อมูลจะถือว่าสร้างโดย *OdooBot* โดยอัตโนมัติ "
"คำตอบเหล่านี้จะต้องได้รับการกำหนดให้กับ *กลุ่มที่ได้รับอนุญาต* ก่อนที่ผู้ใช้"
" **ใดๆ** จะสามารถใช้คำตอบเหล่านี้ได้ หากต้องการดูคำตอบที่สร้างโดย *OdooBot* "
"ให้ไปที่ :menuselection:`แอปแชท --> การกำหนดค่า --> การตอบกลับแบบสำเร็จรูป` "
"คลิกที่แถบ :guilabel:`ค้นหา..` แล้วลบตัวกรองทั้งหมดออก"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/discuss/canned_responses.rst:68
msgid ""
@ -2818,6 +2823,11 @@ msgid ""
"then click the :icon:`fa-pencil` :guilabel:`(pencil)` icon. This opens the "
":guilabel:`Edit Subscription` pop-up window for the follower."
msgstr ""
" หากต้องการดูประเภทของการอัปเดตที่ผู้ติดตามสมัครรับข้อมูลและแก้ไขรายการ "
"ให้คลิก |ผู้ใช้| ค้นหาผู้ติดตามที่เหมาะสมในรายการ จากนั้นคลิกไอคอน "
":icon:`fa-pencil` :guilabel:`(pencil)` การดำเนินการนี้จะเปิดหน้าต่างป็อปอัป "
":guilabel:`แก้ไขการสมัครรับข้อมูล` สำหรับผู้ติดตาม"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/discuss/chatter.rst:86
msgid ""
@ -6470,6 +6480,11 @@ msgid ""
"birthdate”). You can also use a :guilabel:`Placeholder` text to be displayed"
" inside the field before it is completed."
msgstr ""
"ขั้นตอนต่อไป ให้เขียน :guilabel:`เคล็ดลับ` "
" เพื่อช่วยให้ผู้ใช้เข้าใจถึงสิ่งที่ขั้นตอนนี้ต้องทำ (เช่น \"ลงนามที่นี่\" "
"หรือ \"กรอกวันเกิดของคุณ\") นอกจากนี้ คุณยังสามารถใช้ข้อความ "
":guilabel:`ตัวแทน` เพื่อแสดงภายในฟิลด์ก่อนที่จะกรอกข้อมูลให้ครบถ้วน"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign.rst-1
msgid "Tip and placeholder example in Odoo Sign"
@ -10187,6 +10202,12 @@ msgid ""
"provide additional security. These certificates are issued by Certification "
"Authorities and are required by law for the signature of specific acts."
msgstr ""
"**บริการรับรองลายเซ็นอิเล็กทรอนิกส์**: "
"กฎหมายรับรองใบรับรองลายเซ็นดิจิทัลหรือ \"ตราประทับ\" "
"ที่ทำหน้าที่เป็นหลักฐานยืนยันตัวตนของบุคคลเพื่อวัตถุประสงค์เฉพาะ "
"ซึ่งสามารถใช้ในกรณีพิเศษเพื่อเพิ่มความปลอดภัย "
"ใบรับรองเหล่านี้ออกโดยหน่วยงานรับรอง "
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/south_korea.rst:28
msgid "How Odoo Sign complies with South Korean regulations"
@ -17030,6 +17051,11 @@ msgid ""
" helpful in cases where employees change positions frequently, or if they "
"leave the company."
msgstr ""
"หากมีคนจากภายนอกบริษัทพยายามโทรกลับหาผู้ใช้/พนักงาน "
"ระบบจะส่งต่อข้อมูลนั้นกลับไปยังสายหลัก (หมายเลขเริ่มต้น) "
"หากมีการตั้งค่าแผนการโทรไว้ ระบบจะแจ้งให้เลือกรูปแบบการโทร "
"ซึ่งมีประโยชน์อย่างยิ่งในกรณีที่พนักงานเปลี่ยนตำแหน่งบ่อยครั้ง "
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/voip/axivox/dynamic_caller_id.rst:39
msgid ""
@ -18200,6 +18226,10 @@ msgid ""
"message management` field, click the drop-down menu, and select the "
"extension where Axivox should call to record the message."
msgstr ""
"เมื่อคลิกแล้ว หน้าต่างป๊อปอัป :guilabel:`บันทึก/ฟังข้อความ` จะแสดงขึ้น "
"จากนั้นข้อความจะถูกบันทึกโดยใช้ส่วนขยายที่เชื่อมโยงกับผู้ใช้ ภายใต้ช่อง "
":guilabel:`ส่วนขยายเพื่อใช้สำหรับการจัดการข้อความ` ให้คลิกเมนูแบบเลื่อนลง "
"และเลือกส่วนขยายที่ Axivox จะเรียกเพื่อบันทึกข้อความ"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/voip/axivox/vm_audio_messages.rst:179
msgid "Then, click :guilabel:`OK` to begin the call."
@ -6361,6 +6361,11 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Blank spreadsheet`, or export into an existing spreadsheet. "
"Finally, click the :guilabel:`Confirm` button."
msgstr ""
"สามารถเปลี่ยนชื่อรายงานได้โดยใช้ฟิลด์ `ชื่อของรายการ` หากต้องการ "
"จำนวนรายการในรายงานสามารถกำหนดได้โดยใช้ฟิลด์ที่มีชื่อว่า "
"`แทรกรายการแรกของรายการ` จากนั้นเลือก :guilabel:`สเปรดชีตเปล่า` "
"สร้างหรือส่งออกไปยังสเปรดชีตที่มีอยู่แล้ว สุดท้าย ให้คลิกปุ่ม "
#: ../../content/applications/sales/crm/track_leads/marketing_attribution.rst-1
msgid ""
@ -9961,6 +9966,11 @@ msgid ""
"with the ID received from Six, and click :guilabel:`Connect`. Your Six "
"terminal ID should appear in the :guilabel:`Current Terminal Id` section."
msgstr ""
"ไปที่หน้าแรกของ IoT Box ของคุณ ซึ่งคุณจะพบฟิลด์ :guilabel:`เครื่องชำระเงิน "
"Six` เมื่อเซิร์ฟเวอร์ฐานข้อมูลของคุณเชื่อมต่อกับกล่อง IoT แล้ว คลิก "
":guilabel:`กำหนดค่า` กรอกฟิลด์ :guilabel:`รหัสเทอร์มินัล` ด้วย ID "
"ที่ได้รับจาก Six แล้วคลิก :guilabel:`เชื่อมต่อ` รหัสเทอร์มินัล Six "
"ของคุณควรแสดงในส่วน :guilabel:`รหัสเทอร์มินัลปัจจุบัน`"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/point_of_sale/payment_methods/terminals/six.rst-1
msgid "Setting the Six terminal ID"
@ -18495,6 +18505,12 @@ msgid ""
"the new price will automatically be calculated in the quote "
":guilabel:`Total` at the bottom of the page."
msgstr ""
"ในส่วนบรรทัดคำสั่งซื้อของแบบฟอร์มใบเสนอราคา "
"หัวข้อคอลัมน์ใหม่จะแสดงขึ้นโดยมีป้ายกำกับว่า :guilabel:`Disc.%` "
"คอลัมน์นี้ใช้เพื่อกำหนดส่วนลดสำหรับสินค้าแต่ละรายการ "
"ป้อนส่วนลดที่ต้องการสำหรับสินค้าแต่ละรายการ "
"และราคาใหม่จะถูกคำนวณโดยอัตโนมัติในใบเสนอราคา :guilabel:`รวม` "
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/products_prices/prices/pricing.rst:356
msgid ""
@ -18589,6 +18605,11 @@ msgid ""
"change the value on the :guilabel:`Discount` line, or remove the line and "
"add the discount again."
msgstr ""
"การเพิ่มส่วนลด :guilabel:`จำนวนเงินคงที่` "
"หลังจากเพิ่มสินค้าที่ต้องการทั้งหมดลงในใบสั่งขายจะมีประโยชน์มากกว่า "
"หากมีการเปลี่ยนแปลงที่เกิดขึ้นกับใบสั่งขาย *หลังจาก* เพิ่มส่วนลดแล้ว "
"โปรดเปลี่ยนค่าในบรรทัด :guilabel:`ส่วนลด` "
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/products_prices/prices/pricing.rst:416
msgid ""
@ -19951,6 +19972,11 @@ msgid ""
" form. Or, click :guilabel:`Create` to create a new product, to which a "
"product variant can be added."
msgstr ""
"เมื่อสร้างแอตทริบิวต์แล้ว ให้ใช้แอตทริบิวต์ (และค่าของแอตทริบิวต์) "
"เพื่อสร้างตัวแปรผลิตภัณฑ์ โดยไปที่ :menuselection:`แอปการขาย --> ผลิตภัณฑ์ "
"--> ผลิตภัณฑ์` และเลือกผลิตภัณฑ์ที่มีอยู่เพื่อดูรูปแบบผลิตภัณฑ์ที่ต้องการ "
"หรือคลิก :guilabel:`สร้าง` "
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/products_prices/products/variants.rst:188
msgid ""
@ -1189,6 +1189,10 @@ msgid ""
"Email` pop-up window. If an expiration date was selected for the code, it is"
" included in the message template."
msgstr ""
"เมื่อส่งอีเมลรหัสคูปอง ผู้ติดตามทิกเก็ตทั้งหมดจะถูกเพิ่มเป็นผู้รับอีเมล "
"สามารถเพิ่มผู้รับเพิ่มเติมในอีเมลได้เช่นกันในช่อง :guilabel:`ผู้รับ` "
"ของหน้าต่างป๊อปอัป :guilabel:`เขียนอีเมล` หากเลือกวันที่หมดอายุสำหรับรหัส "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/after_sales.rst:0
msgid "View of an email draft window with coupon code."
@ -1647,6 +1651,12 @@ msgid ""
"to assignment or workload issues. Closing these tickets automatically would "
"result in issues going unsolved."
msgstr ""
"ทิกเก็ตอาจค้างอยู่ในขั้นตอน :guilabel:`ความคิดเห็นของลูกค้า` "
"เนื่องจากเมื่อปัญหาได้รับการแก้ไขแล้ว ลูกค้าอาจไม่ตอบกลับทันที "
"เมื่อถึงจุดนั้น ทิกเก็ตจะถูกปิดโดยอัตโนมัติ อย่างไรก็ตาม ทิกเก็ตในขั้นตอน "
":guilabel:`สร้าง` และ :guilabel:`อยู่ระหว่างดำเนินการ` "
"อาจยังคงไม่ทำงานเนื่องจากปัญหาการมอบหมายงานหรือภาระงาน "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/advanced/close_tickets.rst:77
msgid ""
@ -2525,6 +2535,11 @@ msgid ""
"existing text in a ticket's description. The content from the clipboard box "
"is added as additional text."
msgstr ""
"หากต้องการใช้กล่องคลิปบอร์ดเพื่อเพิ่มข้อมูลลงในคำอธิบายของทิกเก็ต ให้คลิก "
":guilabel:`ใช้เป็นคำอธิบาย` ที่มุมขวาบนของกล่องคลิปบอร์ด "
"ซึ่งอยู่ในเนื้อหาของบทความ "
"การทำเช่นนี้จะไม่**แทนที่**ข้อความที่มีอยู่ในคำอธิบายของทิกเก็ต "
#: ../../content/applications/services/helpdesk/overview/help_center.rst:184
msgid "Community Forum"
@ -581,6 +581,11 @@ msgid ""
" :guilabel:`Target record` field must contain any valid code, but its result"
" doesn't have any effect on the automated action itself."
msgstr ""
" (เช่น *สร้าง* บันทึก) ทางเลือกเดียวของคุณคือใช้การดำเนินการ "
":ref:`studio/automated-actions/action/python-code` ในกรณีนี้ ฟิลด์ "
":guilabel:`บันทึกเป้าหมาย` จะต้องมีรหัสที่ถูกต้อง "
#: ../../content/applications/studio/automated_actions.rst:179
msgid ""
@ -2892,6 +2892,11 @@ msgid ""
"consideration when implementing a database with multiple ecommerce websites "
"aimed at varying customer types (i.e., B2B and B2C)."
msgstr ""
"การตั้งค่านี้เป็นแบบสากล และประเภทการแสดงภาษีจะเหมือนกันสำหรับเว็บไซต์ของคุณ"
" (ทั้งหมด) ดังนั้น "
"จึงไม่สามารถเลือกการแสดงภาษีที่แตกต่างกันสำหรับเว็บไซต์ต่างๆ ได้ "
" (เช่น B2B และ B2C)"
#: ../../content/applications/websites/ecommerce/products/price_management.rst:43
msgid ""
@ -4416,6 +4421,13 @@ msgid ""
"moderation rights, and 100 karma points are deducted from the offending "
"user's tally."
msgstr ""
":guilabel:`ถูกทำเครื่องหมาย`: "
"เข้าถึงคำถามและคำตอบทั้งหมดที่ถูกทำเครื่องหมายว่าไม่เหมาะสม คลิก "
":guilabel:`ยอมรับ` เพื่อลบเครื่องหมายที่ไม่เหมาะสม หรือ "
":guilabel:`ไม่เหมาะสม` เพื่อยืนยัน จากนั้นเลือกเหตุผลและคลิก "
":guilabel:`ทำเครื่องหมายว่าไม่เหมาะสม` "
"โพสต์นั้นจะถูกซ่อนจากผู้ใช้ที่ไม่มีสิทธิ์ควบคุม และจะหักคะแนน 100 "
#: ../../content/applications/websites/forum.rst-1
msgid "Offensive reason selection"
@ -9501,6 +9513,12 @@ msgid ""
":guilabel:`Name` and URL of the related page in the pop-up window that "
"appears on the screen and click :guilabel:`OK`."
msgstr ""
"โดยค่าเริ่มต้น หน้าต่างๆ จะถูกเพิ่มลงในเมนูเป็นรายการเมนูปกติเมื่อ "
":doc:`รายการดังกล่าวถูกสร้าง <../pages>` นอกจากนี้ "
"คุณยังสามารถเพิ่มรายการเมนูปกติจากตัวแก้ไขเมนูได้โดยคลิก "
":guilabel:`เพิ่มรายการเมนู` ป้อน :guilabel:`ชื่อ` และ URL "
"ของหน้าที่เกี่ยวข้องในหน้าต่างป๊อปอัปที่แสดงบนหน้าจอ แล้วคลิก "
#: ../../content/applications/websites/website/pages/menus.rst:48
msgid ""
@ -10301,7 +10301,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/spain.rst:120
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/spain.rst:159
msgid "Use case"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Trường hợp vận dụng"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/accounting/reporting/budget.rst:34
msgid "Let’s illustrate this with an example."
@ -12848,7 +12848,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/finance/accounting/taxes/B2B_B2C.rst:99
#: ../../content/applications/finance/fiscal_localizations/ecuador.rst:575
msgid "eCommerce"
msgstr "thương mại điện tử"
msgstr "Thương mại điện tử"
#: ../../content/applications/finance/accounting/taxes/B2B_B2C.rst:101
msgid ""
@ -9,8 +9,8 @@
# Nancy Momoland <thanh.np2502@gmail.com>, 2024
# Martin Trigaux, 2024
# Hà Trần Thị Minh, 2024
# Thi Huong Nguyen, 2024
# Wil Odoo, 2024
# Thi Huong Nguyen, 2024
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-11-05 09:20+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-10-08 06:34+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Wil Odoo, 2024\n"
"Last-Translator: Thi Huong Nguyen, 2024\n"
"Language-Team: Vietnamese (https://app.transifex.com/odoo/teams/41243/vi/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@ -17137,7 +17137,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/hr/recruitment/schedule_interviews.rst:94
msgid "More options"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Thêm lựa chọn"
#: ../../content/applications/hr/recruitment/schedule_interviews.rst:96
msgid ""
@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
# Translators:
# Tiffany Chang, 2024
# Martin Trigaux, 2024
# Thi Huong Nguyen, 2024
# Wil Odoo, 2024
# Thi Huong Nguyen, 2024
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-11-05 09:20+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-10-08 06:34+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Wil Odoo, 2024\n"
"Last-Translator: Thi Huong Nguyen, 2024\n"
"Language-Team: Vietnamese (https://app.transifex.com/odoo/teams/41243/vi/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@ -6586,7 +6586,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/inventory_valuation/valuation_by_lots.rst:71
msgid "Purchase products"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Mua sản phẩm"
#: ../../content/applications/inventory_and_mrp/inventory/product_management/inventory_valuation/valuation_by_lots.rst:73
msgid ""
@ -18699,7 +18699,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/products_prices/products/variants.rst:3
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/products_prices/products/variants.rst:181
msgid "Product variants"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Biến thể sản phẩm"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/products_prices/products/import.rst:222
msgid ""
@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/websites/ecommerce.rst:8
msgid "eCommerce"
msgstr "thương mại điện tử"
msgstr "Thương mại điện tử"
#: ../../content/applications/websites/ecommerce.rst:10
msgid ""
@ -1925,7 +1925,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/websites/ecommerce/products.rst:244
msgid "Product variants"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Biến thể sản phẩm"
#: ../../content/applications/websites/ecommerce/products.rst:246
msgid ""
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -14,8 +14,8 @@
# Raymond Yu <cl_yu@hotmail.com>, 2024
# Martin Trigaux, 2024
# Emily Jia <eji@odoo.com>, 2024
# Chloe Wang, 2024
# Wil Odoo, 2024
# Chloe Wang, 2024
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-11-05 09:20+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-10-08 06:34+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Wil Odoo, 2024\n"
"Last-Translator: Chloe Wang, 2024\n"
"Language-Team: Chinese (China) (https://app.transifex.com/odoo/teams/41243/zh_CN/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@ -8133,7 +8133,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
"While Odoo Sign is broadly applicable, there are certain exceptions where "
"electronic signatures may not be suitable or legally recognized in China:"
msgstr ""
msgstr "虽然 Odoo 签署的适用范围很广,但在某些例外情况下,电子签名在中国可能不适用或不被法律承认:"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/china.rst:66
msgid ""
@ -8144,20 +8144,22 @@ msgid ""
" requirements. Compliance with additional industry-specific regulations may "
"also be necessary."
msgstr ""
"本页提供的信息仅供一般参考之用,不构成法律建议。虽然Odoo "
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/colombia.rst:5
msgid "Odoo Sign legality in Colombia"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Odoo 签署在哥伦比亚的合法性"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/colombia.rst:7
msgid ""
":doc:`Odoo Sign <../sign>` is your trusted partner for secure, efficient, "
"and legally compliant electronic signatures in Colombia."
msgstr ""
msgstr ":doc:`Odoo 签署 <../sign>` 是您值得信赖的合作伙伴,可在哥伦比亚安全、高效、合法地进行电子签名。"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/colombia.rst:11
msgid "Legal framework for electronic signatures in Colombia"
msgstr ""
msgstr "哥伦比亚电子签名的法律框架"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/colombia.rst:13
msgid ""
@ -8166,6 +8168,8 @@ msgid ""
" The law establishes the legal basis for acknowledging electronic records, "
"contracts, and signatures. The key points of the law include:"
msgstr ""
"在哥伦比亚,电子签名受 “1999 年第 529 "
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/colombia.rst:21
msgid ""
@ -8177,22 +8181,24 @@ msgid ""
"corresponding transaction, which will be submitted to the authority's "
msgstr ""
"**认证电子签名**:包含公认的认证机构颁发的证书的特殊电子签名。在某些情况下,只有经过认证的电子签名在哥伦比亚才具有法律和司法效力。在这些情况下,像 "
"Odoo 签署的简单电子签名只能作为同意进行相应交易的证明,并将提交给权威机构的标准。"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/colombia.rst:28
msgid "How Odoo Sign complies with Colombian regulations"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Odoo 签署如何遵守哥伦比亚法规"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/colombia.rst:30
msgid ""
"Odoo Sign ensures full compliance with the Electronic Signature Law of "
"Colombia by incorporating the following features:"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Odoo 签署通过整合以下功能,确保完全符合哥伦比亚《电子签名法》:"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/colombia.rst:58
msgid ""
"While Odoo Sign is broadly applicable, there are certain exceptions where "
"electronic signatures may not be suitable or legally recognized in Colombia:"
msgstr ""
msgstr "虽然 Odoo 签署适用范围广泛,但在哥伦比亚,电子签名可能不适用或不被法律承认,因此存在某些例外情况:"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/colombia.rst:69
msgid ""
@ -8203,20 +8209,22 @@ msgid ""
" requirements. Compliance with additional industry-specific regulations may "
"also be necessary."
msgstr ""
"本页面提供的信息仅供一般参考之用,不构成法律建议。虽然 Odoo "
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/dominican_republic.rst:5
msgid "Odoo Sign legality in the Dominican Republic"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Odoo 签署在多米尼加共和国的合法性"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/dominican_republic.rst:7
msgid ""
":doc:`Odoo Sign <../sign>` is your trusted partner for secure, efficient, "
"and legally compliant electronic signatures in the Dominican Republic."
msgstr ""
msgstr ":doc:`Odoo 签署 <.../sign>` 是您值得信赖的合作伙伴,可在多米尼加共和国提供安全、高效和符合法律规定的电子签名。"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/dominican_republic.rst:11
msgid "Legal framework for electronic signatures in the Dominican Republic"
msgstr ""
msgstr "多米尼加共和国电子签名法律框架"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/dominican_republic.rst:13
msgid ""
@ -8226,6 +8234,8 @@ msgid ""
" The law establishes the legal basis for acknowledging electronic records, "
"contracts, and digital signatures. The key points of the law include:"
msgstr ""
"在多米尼加共和国,电子签名受 "
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/dominican_republic.rst:22
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/kenya.rst:21
@ -8234,24 +8244,24 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
"**Certified electronic signature**: digital signature generated using a "
"digital certificate supplied by a qualified provider."
msgstr ""
msgstr "**认证电子签名**:使用合格提供商提供的数字证书生成的数字签名。"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/dominican_republic.rst:26
msgid "How Odoo Sign complies with Dominican regulations"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Odoo 签署如何遵守多米尼加法规"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/dominican_republic.rst:28
msgid ""
"Odoo Sign ensures full compliance with the Electronic Signature Law of the "
"Dominican Republic by incorporating the following features:"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Odoo 签署通过整合以下功能,确保完全符合多米尼加共和国的《电子签名法》:"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/dominican_republic.rst:56
msgid ""
"While Odoo Sign is broadly applicable, there are certain exceptions where "
"electronic signatures may not be suitable or legally recognized in the "
"Dominican Republic:"
msgstr ""
msgstr "虽然 Odoo 签署的适用范围很广,但在某些例外情况下,电子签名在多米尼加共和国可能不适用或不被法律承认:"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/dominican_republic.rst:67
msgid ""
@ -8262,20 +8272,22 @@ msgid ""
"meet all legal requirements. Compliance with additional industry-specific "
"regulations may also be necessary."
msgstr ""
"本页面提供的信息仅供一般参考之用,不构成法律建议。虽然 Odoo "
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/ecuador.rst:5
msgid "Odoo Sign legality in Ecuador"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Odoo 签署在厄瓜多尔的合法性"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/ecuador.rst:7
msgid ""
":doc:`Odoo Sign <../sign>` is your trusted partner for secure, efficient, "
"and legally compliant electronic signatures in Ecuador."
msgstr ""
msgstr ":doc:`Odoo 签署 <.../sign>` 是您值得信赖的合作伙伴,可在厄瓜多尔提供安全、高效、合法的电子签名。"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/ecuador.rst:11
msgid "Legal framework for electronic signatures in Ecuador"
msgstr ""
msgstr "厄瓜多尔电子签名法律框架"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/ecuador.rst:13
msgid ""
@ -8285,22 +8297,23 @@ msgid ""
"establishes the legal basis for acknowledging electronic records, contracts,"
" and digital signatures. The key points of the law include:"
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/ecuador.rst:26
msgid "How Odoo Sign complies with Ecuadoran regulations"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Odoo 签署如何遵守厄瓜多尔法规"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/ecuador.rst:28
msgid ""
"Odoo Sign ensures full compliance with the Electronic Signature Law of "
"Ecuador by incorporating the following features:"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Odoo 签署包含以下功能,确保完全符合厄瓜多尔《电子签名法》:"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/ecuador.rst:56
msgid ""
"While Odoo Sign is broadly applicable, there are certain exceptions where "
"electronic signatures may not be suitable or legally recognized in Ecuador:"
msgstr ""
msgstr "虽然 Odoo 签署的适用范围很广,但在某些例外情况下,电子签名在厄瓜多尔可能不适用或不被法律承认:"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/ecuador.rst:67
msgid ""
@ -8311,20 +8324,22 @@ msgid ""
" requirements. Compliance with additional industry-specific regulations may "
"also be necessary."
msgstr ""
"本页面提供的信息仅供一般参考之用,不构成法律建议。虽然Odoo "
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/egypt.rst:5
msgid "Odoo Sign legality in Egypt"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Odoo 签署在埃及的合法性"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/egypt.rst:7
msgid ""
":doc:`Odoo Sign <../sign>` is your trusted partner for secure, efficient, "
"and legally compliant electronic signatures in Egypt."
msgstr ""
msgstr ":doc:`Odoo 签署 <.../sign>` 是您在埃及安全、高效、合法电子签名方面值得信赖的合作伙伴。"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/egypt.rst:11
msgid "Legal framework for electronic signatures in Egypt"
msgstr ""
msgstr "埃及电子签名的法律框架"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/egypt.rst:13
msgid ""
@ -8333,6 +8348,7 @@ msgid ""
"transactions performed through electronic means and the use of digital "
"signatures. The key points of the law include:"
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/egypt.rst:21
msgid ""
@ -8349,13 +8365,13 @@ msgstr "Odoo 签署如何遵守埃及法规"
msgid ""
"Odoo Sign ensures full compliance with the Electronic Signature Law of Egypt"
" by incorporating the following features:"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Odoo 签署包含以下功能,确保完全符合埃及《电子签名法》:"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/egypt.rst:55
msgid ""
"While Odoo Sign is broadly applicable, there are certain exceptions where "
"electronic signatures may not be suitable or legally recognized in Egypt:"
msgstr ""
msgstr "虽然 Odoo 签署广泛适用于埃及,但在某些例外情况下,电子签名在埃及可能不适用或不被法律承认:"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/egypt.rst:66
msgid ""
@ -8366,20 +8382,22 @@ msgid ""
" requirements. Compliance with additional industry-specific regulations may "
"also be necessary."
msgstr ""
"本页面提供的信息仅供一般参考之用,不构成法律建议。虽然Odoo "
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/ethiopia.rst:5
msgid "Odoo Sign legality in Ethiopia"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Odoo 签署在埃塞俄比亚的合法性"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/ethiopia.rst:7
msgid ""
":doc:`Odoo Sign <../sign>` is your trusted partner for secure, efficient, "
"and legally compliant electronic signatures in Ethiopia."
msgstr ""
msgstr ":doc:`Odoo 签署 <.../sign>` 是您值得信赖的合作伙伴,可在埃塞俄比亚安全、高效、合法地进行电子签名。"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/ethiopia.rst:11
msgid "Legal framework for electronic signatures in Ethiopia"
msgstr ""
msgstr "埃塞俄比亚电子签名的法律框架"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/ethiopia.rst:13
msgid ""
@ -8389,28 +8407,30 @@ msgid ""
" The law establishes the legal basis for acknowledging electronic records, "
"contracts, and digital signatures. The key points of the law include:"
msgstr ""
"在埃塞俄比亚,电子签名受《第 1072/2018 号电子签名公告 "
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/ethiopia.rst:21
msgid ""
"**Certificate electronic signature**: digital signature generated using a "
"digital certificate supplied by a qualified provider."
msgstr ""
msgstr "**证书电子签名**:使用合格供应商提供的数字证书生成的数字签名。"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/ethiopia.rst:25
msgid "How Odoo Sign complies with Ethiopian regulations"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Odoo 签署如何遵守埃塞俄比亚法规"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/ethiopia.rst:27
msgid ""
"Odoo Sign ensures full compliance with the Electronic Signature Law of "
"Ethiopia by incorporating the following features:"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Odoo 签署通过整合以下功能,确保完全符合埃塞俄比亚的《电子签名法》:"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/ethiopia.rst:55
msgid ""
"While Odoo Sign is broadly applicable, there are certain exceptions where "
"electronic signatures may not be suitable or legally recognized in Ethiopia:"
msgstr ""
msgstr "虽然 Odoo 签署广泛适用于埃塞俄比亚,但在某些例外情况下,电子签名可能不适合或在法律上不被承认:"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/ethiopia.rst:66
msgid ""
@ -8421,20 +8441,22 @@ msgid ""
" requirements. Compliance with additional industry-specific regulations may "
"also be necessary."
msgstr ""
"本页面提供的信息仅供一般参考之用,不构成法律建议。虽然 Odoo "
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/germany.rst:5
msgid "Odoo Sign legality in Germany"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Odoo 签署在德国的合法性"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/germany.rst:7
msgid ""
":doc:`Odoo Sign <../sign>` is your trusted partner for secure, efficient, "
"and legally compliant electronic signatures in Germany."
msgstr ""
msgstr ":doc:`Odoo 签署 <.../sign>` 是您在德国值得信赖的合作伙伴,为您提供安全、高效、符合法律规定的电子签名。"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/germany.rst:11
msgid "Legal framework for electronic signatures in Germany"
msgstr ""
msgstr "德国电子签名的法律框架"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/germany.rst:13
msgid ""
@ -8446,28 +8468,32 @@ msgid ""
"for acknowledging electronic records, contracts, and digital signatures. The"
" key points of the law include:"
msgstr ""
"在德国,电子签名受 `eIDAS 法规第 910/2014 号 <https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-"
"content/EN/TXT/?uri=uriserv%3AOJ.L_.2014.257.01.007301.ENG>`_ 和 "
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/germany.rst:23
msgid ""
"**Qualified signature**: there are certain use cases that require a "
"qualified signature issued by a trust service provider."
msgstr ""
msgstr "**合格签名**:在某些使用情况下,需要由信任服务提供商签发合格签名。"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/germany.rst:27
msgid "How Odoo Sign complies with German regulations"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Odoo 签署如何遵守德国法规"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/germany.rst:29
msgid ""
"Odoo Sign ensures full compliance with the Electronic Signature Law of "
"Germany by incorporating the following features:"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Odoo 签署通过整合以下功能,确保完全符合德国《电子签名法》:"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/germany.rst:57
msgid ""
"While Odoo Sign is broadly applicable, there are certain exceptions where "
"electronic signatures may not be suitable or legally recognized in Germany:"
msgstr ""
msgstr "虽然 Odoo 签署适用范围广泛,但在某些例外情况下,电子签名在德国可能不适用或不被法律承认:"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/germany.rst:68
msgid ""
@ -8478,20 +8504,22 @@ msgid ""
" requirements. Compliance with additional industry-specific regulations may "
"also be necessary."
msgstr ""
"本页面提供的信息仅供一般参考之用,不构成法律建议。虽然Odoo "
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/guatemala.rst:5
msgid "Odoo Sign legality in Guatemala"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Odoo 签署在危地马拉的合法性"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/guatemala.rst:7
msgid ""
":doc:`Odoo Sign <../sign>` is your trusted partner for secure, efficient, "
"and legally compliant electronic signatures in Guatemala."
msgstr ""
msgstr ":doc:`Odoo 签署 <../sign>` 是您在危地马拉提供安全、高效且合法的电子签名值得信赖的合作伙伴。"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/guatemala.rst:11
msgid "Legal framework for electronic signatures in Guatemala"
msgstr ""
msgstr "危地马拉电子签名的法律框架"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/guatemala.rst:13
msgid ""
@ -8510,24 +8538,24 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
"**Certification service providers**: digital signature generated using a "
"digital certificate supplied by a qualified provider."
msgstr ""
msgstr "**认证服务提供商**:使用合格提供商提供的数字证书生成的数字签名。"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/guatemala.rst:25
msgid "How Odoo Sign complies with Guatemalan regulations"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Odoo 签署如何遵守危地马拉法规"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/guatemala.rst:27
msgid ""
"Odoo Sign ensures full compliance with the Electronic Signature Law of "
"Guatemala by incorporating the following features:"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Odoo 签署通过整合以下功能,确保完全符合危地马拉的《电子签名法》:"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/guatemala.rst:55
msgid ""
"While Odoo Sign is broadly applicable, there are certain exceptions where "
"electronic signatures may not be suitable or legally recognized in "
msgstr ""
msgstr "虽然 Odoo 签署的适用范围很广,但在某些例外情况下,电子签名在危地马拉可能不适用或不被法律承认:"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/guatemala.rst:66
msgid ""
@ -8538,20 +8566,22 @@ msgid ""
" requirements. Compliance with additional industry-specific regulations may "
"also be necessary."
msgstr ""
"本页面提供的信息仅供一般参考之用,不构成法律建议。虽然Odoo "
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/hong_kong.rst:5
msgid "Odoo Sign legality in Hong Kong"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Odoo 签署在香港的合法性"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/hong_kong.rst:7
msgid ""
":doc:`Odoo Sign <../sign>` is your trusted partner for secure, efficient, "
"and legally compliant electronic signatures in Hong Kong."
msgstr ""
msgstr ":doc:`Odoo 签署 <.../sign>` 是您值得信赖的合作伙伴,为您提供安全、高效、符合法律规定的香港电子签名。"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/hong_kong.rst:11
msgid "Legal framework for electronic signatures in Hong Kong"
msgstr ""
msgstr "香港电子签名的法律框架"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/hong_kong.rst:13
msgid ""
@ -8560,23 +8590,24 @@ msgid ""
"law establishes the legal basis for acknowledging electronic records, "
"contracts, and signatures. The key points of the law include:"
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/hong_kong.rst:25
msgid "How Odoo Sign complies with Hong Kong regulations"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Odoo 签署如何遵守香港法规"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/hong_kong.rst:27
msgid ""
"Odoo Sign ensures full compliance with the Electronic Signature Law of Hong "
"Kong by incorporating the following features:"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Odoo 签署包含以下功能,确保完全符合香港《电子签名法》:"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/hong_kong.rst:55
msgid ""
"While Odoo Sign is broadly applicable, there are certain exceptions where "
"electronic signatures may not be suitable or legally recognized in Hong "
msgstr ""
msgstr "虽然 Odoo 签署广泛适用,但在某些例外情况下,电子签名在香港可能不适用或不被法律承认:"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/hong_kong.rst:66
msgid ""
@ -8587,20 +8618,22 @@ msgid ""
" requirements. Compliance with additional industry-specific regulations may "
"also be necessary."
msgstr ""
"本页所提供的信息仅供一般参考之用,并不构成法律意见。虽然Odoo "
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/india.rst:5
msgid "Odoo Sign legality in India"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Odoo 签署在印度的合法性"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/india.rst:7
msgid ""
":doc:`Odoo Sign <../sign>` is your trusted partner for secure, efficient, "
"and legally compliant electronic signatures in India."
msgstr ""
msgstr ":doc:`Odoo 签署 <.../sign>` 是您在印度安全、高效、合法电子签名方面值得信赖的合作伙伴。"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/india.rst:11
msgid "Legal framework for electronic signatures in India"
msgstr ""
msgstr "印度电子签名的法律框架"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/india.rst:13
msgid ""
@ -8614,29 +8647,30 @@ msgid ""
"legal recognition of electronic signatures. The key points of the law "
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/india.rst:24
msgid ""
"**Digital signature certificates**: the law recognizes digital signature "
"certificates that serve as proof of identity of an individual for a certain "
"purpose that can be used in special cases to provide additional security."
msgstr ""
msgstr "**数字签名证书**:法律承认数字签名证书作为个人身份证明用于特定目的,可在特殊情况下使用以提供额外的安全性。"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/india.rst:29
msgid "How Odoo Sign complies with Indian regulations"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Odoo 签署如何遵守印度法规"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/india.rst:31
msgid ""
"Odoo Sign ensures full compliance with the Electronic Signature Law of India"
" by incorporating the following features:"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Odoo 签署通过整合以下功能,确保完全符合印度电子签名法:"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/india.rst:59
msgid ""
"While Odoo Sign is broadly applicable, there are certain exceptions where "
"electronic signatures may not be suitable or legally recognized in India:"
msgstr ""
msgstr "虽然 Odoo Sign 广泛适用于印度,但在某些例外情况下,电子签名在印度可能不适用或不被法律承认:"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/india.rst:70
msgid ""
@ -8647,20 +8681,22 @@ msgid ""
" requirements. Compliance with additional industry-specific regulations may "
"also be necessary."
msgstr ""
"本页面提供的信息仅供一般参考之用,不构成法律建议。虽然 Odoo "
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/indonesia.rst:5
msgid "Odoo Sign legality in Indonesia"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Odoo 签署在印度尼西亚的合法性"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/indonesia.rst:7
msgid ""
":doc:`Odoo Sign <../sign>` is your trusted partner for secure, efficient, "
"and legally compliant electronic signatures in Indonesia."
msgstr ""
msgstr ":doc:`Odoo 签署 <../sign>` 是您在印度尼西亚安全、高效且合法的电子签名值得信赖的合作伙伴。"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/indonesia.rst:11
msgid "Legal framework for electronic signatures in Indonesia"
msgstr ""
msgstr "印度尼西亚电子签名的法律框架"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/indonesia.rst:13
msgid ""
@ -8674,6 +8710,8 @@ msgid ""
" performed through electronic means and the use of electronic signatures. "
"The key points of the law include:"
msgstr ""
"在印度尼西亚,电子签名受到以下法规的监管:印度尼西亚共和国2008年第11号电子信息和交易法 <https://www.icnl.org/wp-"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/indonesia.rst:25
msgid ""
@ -8683,23 +8721,24 @@ msgid ""
"These certificates are issued by Certification Authorities and are required "
"by law for the signature of specific acts."
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/indonesia.rst:31
msgid "How Odoo Sign complies with Indonesian regulations"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Odoo 签署如何遵守印度尼西亚法规"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/indonesia.rst:33
msgid ""
"Odoo Sign ensures full compliance with the Electronic Signature Law of "
"Indonesia by incorporating the following features:"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Odoo 签署通过整合以下功能,确保完全符合《印度尼西亚电子签名法》:"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/indonesia.rst:61
msgid ""
"While Odoo Sign is broadly applicable, there are certain exceptions where "
"electronic signatures may not be suitable or legally recognized in "
msgstr ""
msgstr "虽然 Odoo 签署广泛适用,但在某些例外情况下,电子签名在印度尼西亚可能不适用或不被法律承认:"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/indonesia.rst:72
msgid ""
@ -8710,20 +8749,22 @@ msgid ""
" requirements. Compliance with additional industry-specific regulations may "
"also be necessary."
msgstr ""
"本页面提供的信息仅供一般参考之用,不构成法律建议。虽然 Odoo "
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/iran.rst:5
msgid "Odoo Sign legality in Iran"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Odoo 签署在伊朗的合法性"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/iran.rst:7
msgid ""
":doc:`Odoo Sign <../sign>` is your trusted partner for secure, efficient, "
"and legally compliant electronic signatures in Iran."
msgstr ""
msgstr ":doc:`Odoo 签署 <../sign>` 是您在伊朗安全、高效且合法的电子签名值得信赖的合作伙伴。"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/iran.rst:11
msgid "Legal framework for electronic signatures in Iran"
msgstr ""
msgstr "伊朗电子签名的法律框架"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/iran.rst:13
msgid ""
@ -8733,22 +8774,25 @@ msgid ""
"res.wipo.int/edocs/lexdocs/laws/en/ir/ir008en.html>`_. The law governs the "
"use of electronic records and signatures. The key points of the law include:"
msgstr ""
"在伊朗,电子签名受《伊朗民法典》<https://faolex.fao.org/docs/pdf/ira206827.pdf>`_ "
"和《电子商务法》<https://wipolex-res.wipo "
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/iran.rst:24
msgid "How Odoo Sign complies with Iranian regulations"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Odoo 签署如何遵守伊朗法规"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/iran.rst:26
msgid ""
"Odoo Sign ensures full compliance with the Electronic Signature Law of Iran "
"by incorporating the following features:"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Odoo 签署通过整合以下功能,确保完全符合《伊朗电子签名法》:"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/iran.rst:54
msgid ""
"While Odoo Sign is broadly applicable, there are certain exceptions where "
"electronic signatures may not be suitable or legally recognized in Iran:"
msgstr ""
msgstr "虽然 Odoo 签署广泛适用,但在某些例外情况下,电子签名在伊朗可能不适用或不被法律承认:"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/iran.rst:65
msgid ""
@ -8759,20 +8803,22 @@ msgid ""
" requirements. Compliance with additional industry-specific regulations may "
"also be necessary."
msgstr ""
"本页面提供的信息仅供一般参考之用,不构成法律建议。虽然Odoo "
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/iraq.rst:5
msgid "Odoo Sign legality in Iraq"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Odoo 签署在伊拉克的合法性"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/iraq.rst:7
msgid ""
":doc:`Odoo Sign <../sign>` is your trusted partner for secure, efficient, "
"and legally compliant electronic signatures in Iraq."
msgstr ""
msgstr ":doc:`Odoo 签署 <../sign>` 是您在伊拉克安全、高效且合法的电子签名值得信赖的合作伙伴。"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/iraq.rst:11
msgid "Legal framework for electronic signatures in Iraq"
msgstr ""
msgstr "伊拉克电子签名的法律框架"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/iraq.rst:13
msgid ""
@ -8783,6 +8829,9 @@ msgid ""
"establishes the legal basis for acknowledging electronic records, contracts,"
" and digital signatures. The key points of the law include:"
msgstr ""
"在伊拉克,电子签名受《电子签名和电子交易法》(2012年第78号 <https://www.itu.int/en/ITU-T/Workshops-"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/iraq.rst:22
msgid ""
@ -8794,22 +8843,24 @@ msgid ""
"the corresponding transaction, which will be submitted to the authority's "
msgstr ""
" Odoo 签名这样的简单电子签名仅能作为达成相应交易意愿的证明,其最终将接受相关权威机构的审核认定。"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/iraq.rst:29
msgid "How Odoo Sign complies with Iraqi regulations"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Odoo 签署如何遵守伊拉克法规"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/iraq.rst:31
msgid ""
"Odoo Sign ensures full compliance with the Electronic Signature Law of Iraq "
"by incorporating the following features:"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Odoo 签署包含以下功能,确保完全符合伊拉克《电子签名法》:"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/iraq.rst:59
msgid ""
"While Odoo Sign is broadly applicable, there are certain exceptions where "
"electronic signatures may not be suitable or legally recognized in Iraq:"
msgstr ""
msgstr "虽然 Odoo 签署广泛适用于伊拉克,但在某些例外情况下,电子签名可能不适用或在法律上不被承认:"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/iraq.rst:70
msgid ""
@ -8820,20 +8871,22 @@ msgid ""
" requirements. Compliance with additional industry-specific regulations may "
"also be necessary."
msgstr ""
"本页面提供的信息仅供一般参考之用,不构成法律建议。虽然Odoo "
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/israel.rst:5
msgid "Odoo Sign legality in Israel"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Odoo 签署在以色列的合法性"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/israel.rst:7
msgid ""
":doc:`Odoo Sign <../sign>` is your trusted partner for secure, efficient, "
"and legally compliant electronic signatures in Israel."
msgstr ""
msgstr ":doc:`Odoo 签署 <../sign>` 是您在以色列安全、高效且合法合规的电子签名值得信赖的合作伙伴。"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/israel.rst:11
msgid "Legal framework for electronic signatures in Israel"
msgstr ""
msgstr "以色列电子签名的法律框架"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/israel.rst:13
msgid ""
@ -8841,29 +8894,29 @@ msgid ""
"Signature Law, and various electronic signature regulations. The law governs"
" transactions performed through electronic means and the use of electronic "
"signatures. The key points of the law include:"
msgstr ""
msgstr "在以色列,电子签名受《电子签名法》和各种电子签名条例的监管。该法对通过电子手段进行的交易和电子签名的使用进行了规范。法律要点包括"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/israel.rst:21
msgid ""
"**Certified electronic signature**: the law recognizes electronic signatures"
" supported by digital certificates issued by Certified Providers."
msgstr ""
msgstr "**认证电子签名**:法律承认由认证提供商签发的数字证书支持的电子签名。"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/israel.rst:25
msgid "How Odoo Sign complies with Israeli regulations"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Odoo 签署如何遵守以色列法规"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/israel.rst:27
msgid ""
"Odoo Sign ensures full compliance with the Electronic Signature Law of "
"Israel by incorporating the following features:"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Odoo 签署包含以下功能,确保完全符合以色列《电子签名法》:"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/israel.rst:55
msgid ""
"While Odoo Sign is broadly applicable, there are certain exceptions where "
"electronic signatures may not be suitable or legally recognized in Israel:"
msgstr ""
msgstr "虽然 Odoo Sign 适用范围广泛,但在某些例外情况下,电子签名在以色列可能不适用或不被法律承认:"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/israel.rst:66
msgid ""
@ -8874,20 +8927,22 @@ msgid ""
" requirements. Compliance with additional industry-specific regulations may "
"also be necessary."
msgstr ""
"本页面提供的信息仅供一般参考之用,不构成法律建议。虽然Odoo "
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/japan.rst:5
msgid "Odoo Sign legality in Japan"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Odoo 签署在日本的合法性"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/japan.rst:7
msgid ""
":doc:`Odoo Sign <../sign>` is your trusted partner for secure, efficient, "
"and legally compliant electronic signatures in Japan."
msgstr ""
msgstr ":doc:`Odoo 签署 <../sign>` 是您在日本安全、高效且合法的电子签名值得信赖的合作伙伴。"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/japan.rst:11
msgid "Legal framework for electronic signatures in Japan"
msgstr ""
msgstr "日本电子签名的法律框架"
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/japan.rst:13
msgid ""
@ -8898,6 +8953,7 @@ msgid ""
"use and legal recognition of electronic signatures. The key points of the "
"E-signature Act include:"
msgstr ""
#: ../../content/applications/productivity/sign/japan.rst:22
msgid ""
@ -20,9 +20,9 @@
# Jeffery CHEN <jeffery9@gmail.com>, 2024
# Wil Odoo, 2024
# diaojiaolou <124412206@qq.com>, 2024
# Chloe Wang, 2024
# Emily Jia <eji@odoo.com>, 2024
# Mandy Choy <mnc@odoo.com>, 2024
# Chloe Wang, 2024
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-11-05 09:20+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-10-08 06:34+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Mandy Choy <mnc@odoo.com>, 2024\n"
"Last-Translator: Chloe Wang, 2024\n"
"Language-Team: Chinese (China) (https://app.transifex.com/odoo/teams/41243/zh_CN/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
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#: ../../content/applications/sales/point_of_sale/payment_methods/qr_code_payment.rst:32
msgid "`l10n_br`"
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#: ../../content/applications/sales/point_of_sale/payment_methods/qr_code_payment.rst:33
msgid ""
@ -14547,7 +14547,7 @@ msgstr "开票方式"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/invoicing/down_payment.rst:3
msgid "Down payments"
msgstr ""
msgstr "首付"
#: ../../content/applications/sales/sales/invoicing/down_payment.rst:5
msgid ""
Reference in New Issue
Block a user