Fixes 93afab1e which was supposed to do that but I apparently backed it
out before committing.
All pages now behave like the index, with the Odoo logo removed from the
sidebar and set next to the current page's title.
Leaving applications dropdown in place because removing it is a pain in
the ass (since it's extracted from the main toc) and a quickjump between
applications is useful
* should not be invoked when just editing documentation (and not
touching less files) due to make dependency checking
* requires lessc on the path
* not sure it works for subfiles of main less file? May need
improvements there
* by-application (odoo-wise) grouping
* use part of the accounting TOC defined on pad
* support for "internal" tocs & fixup front toc
* various changes and improvements to extensions
May be missing: inherited document banners?
h2/second-level sections are overlined to separate them from one
another. However if the document has no introductory paragraph (text
between the h1/document title and the first subsection) the h1 has an
underline and the section's overline, which isn't great.
Fix CSS so a 2nd-level section which immediately follows an h1 does not
get the overline.
dd.alternatives triggers "widget", each (dt, dd) is an alternative with
dt being the alternative (and radio button) label and dd being the
actual content to display on selection.
By default "iterating" a set will use a setseq which may still uniquify
information if it finds duplicates (but it may not as it's lazy &
al). #flatten conserves the seq type, so if there are two equal
operation items amongst all selected operations they may get
deduplicated, with the end result of operations disappearing in the
final formatted result.
It looks like we're going with this for the functional
documentation/mementoes thing, so move the accounting memento out of the
way and create a first draft for a documents hierarchy