================= Sign in with LDAP ================= - Install the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) module in General Settings. - Click on **Create** in Setup the :abbr:`LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol)` Server. .. image:: ldap/ldap01.png :align: center :alt: LDAP Authentication checkbox highlighted in the integrations settings on Odoo. .. image:: ldap/ldap02.png :align: center :alt: Create highlighted in the LDAP server settings. - Choose the company using the LDAP. .. image:: ldap/ldap03.png :align: center :alt: Select the company drop-down menu highlighted in LDAP setup. - In **Server Information**, enter the IP address of the server and the port it listens to. - Tick **Use TLS** if the server is compatible. .. image:: ldap/ldap04.png :align: center :alt: LDAP server settings highlighted in LDAP server setup on Odoo. - In **Login Information**, enter ID and password of the account used to query the server. If left empty, the server queries anonymously. .. image:: ldap/ldap05.png :align: center :alt: Login information highlighted in LDAP server setup on Odoo. - In **Process Parameter**, enter the domain name of the LDAP server in :abbr:`LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol)` nomenclature (e.g. ``dc=example,dc=com``). - In **LDAP filter**, enter ``uid=%s`` .. image:: ldap/ldap06.png :align: center :alt: Process parameter highlighted in LDAP server setup on Odoo. - In **User Information**, tick *Create User* if Odoo should create a User profile the first time someone logs in with :abbr:`LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol)`. - In **Template User**, indicate a template for the new profiles created. If left blanked, the admin profile will be used as template. .. image:: ldap/ldap07.png :align: center :alt: User information highlighted on LDAP server setup on Odoo.