Customize a field
Subclass an existing field component
Let's take an example where we want to extends the `BooleanField` to create a boolean field
displaying "Late!" in red whenever the checkbox is checked.
#. Create a new widget component extending the desired field component.
.. code-block:: javascript
:caption: :file:`late_order_boolean_field.js`
/** @odoo-module */
import { registry } from "@web/core/registry";
import { BooleanField } from "@web/views/fields/boolean/boolean_field";
import { Component, xml } from "@odoo/owl";
class LateOrderBooleanField extends BooleanField {}
LateOrderBooleanField.template = "my_module.LateOrderBooleanField";
#. Create the field template.
The component uses a new template with the name `my_module.LateOrderBooleanField`. Create it by
inheriting the current template of the `BooleanField`.
.. code-block:: xml
:caption: :file:`late_order_boolean_field.xml`
#. Register the component to the fields registry.
.. code-block::
:caption: :file:`late_order_boolean_field.js`
registry.category("fields").add("late_boolean", LateOrderBooleanField);
#. Add the widget in the view arch as an attribute of the field.
.. code-block:: xml
Create a new field component
Assume that we want to create a field that displays a simple text in red.
#. Create a new Owl component representing our new field
.. code-block:: js
:caption: :file:`my_text_field.js`
/** @odoo-module */
import { standardFieldProps } from "@web/views/fields/standard_field_props";
import { Component, xml } from "@odoo/owl";
import { registry } from "@web/core/registry";
export class MyTextField extends Component {
* @param {boolean} newValue
onChange(newValue) {
MyTextField.template = xml`
MyTextField.props = {
MyTextField.supportedTypes = ["char"];
The imported `standardFieldProps` contains the standard props passed by the `View` such as
the `update` function to update the value, the `type` of the field in the model, the
`readonly` boolean, and others.
#. In the same file, register the component to the fields registry.
.. code-block:: js
:caption: :file:`my_text_field.js`
registry.category("fields").add("my_text_field", MyTextField);
This maps the widget name in the arch to its actual component.
#. Add the widget in the view arch as an attribute of the field.
.. code-block:: xml