# Windows virtual IoT To start using the Windows virtual IoT: 1. Make sure all {ref}`prerequisites ` are met. 2. {ref}`Install the Windows virtual IoT ` on a Windows computer. 3. {ref}`Configure the Windows Firewall `. 4. Connect your {doc}`devices ` to the Windows virtual IoT. 5. {doc}`Connect the Windows virtual IoT to your Odoo database `. (iot-windows-iot-prerequisites)= ## Prerequisites The following prerequisites must be met before setting up and using the Windows virtual IoT: - A valid {ref}`IoT box subscription `. - An updated and recent version of Windows (i.e., Windows 10 or Windows 11) installed on a Windows computer (laptop, desktop, or server). :::{note} - {abbr}`MRP (Material Requirement Planning)` devices, including cameras and measurement tools, are not compatible with Windows virtual IoT. - It is also possible to create a Windows Virtual Machine on a MacOS/Linux computer. However, this option is not supported by Odoo, and no troubleshooting assistance will be provided. ::: (iot-windows-iot-installation)= ## Installation To install the Windows virtual IoT on a Windows computer: 01. Access [Odoo's download page](https://odoo.com/download) and download the Odoo installation package for Windows **matching your database's version**. 02. Open the downloaded {file}`.exe` file, allow the app to make changes to your device, select a language, and click {guilabel}`OK`. 03. Click {guilabel}`Next`, then {guilabel}`I Agree` to accept the terms and conditions and continue. 04. Select {guilabel}`Odoo IoT` from the {guilabel}`Select the type of install` dropdown list. The following components should be selected: Odoo Server, Odoo IoT, Nginx WebServer, and Ghostscript interpreter. 05. Verify you have the required space on your computer and click {guilabel}`Next`. 06. In the {guilabel}`Destination folder`, enter C:\\odoo and click {guilabel}`Install`. :::{warning} Do not install Odoo's Windows virtual IoT in any Windows user directory, as this can cause issues with {ref}`iot/https_certificate_iot/generation`. ::: 07. Once the installation is complete, click {guilabel}`Next`. 08. Set up GPL Ghostscript: Click {guilabel}`Next`, agree to the terms and conditions, click {guilabel}`Install`, then {guilabel}`Finish`. 09. Click {guilabel}`Next`, {guilabel}`Next`, and {guilabel}`Finish` to complete the setup. The {ref}`IoT system's homepage ` automatically opens in a web browser with the URL `http://localhost:8069`. :::{tip} If the web browser does not show anything, {ref}`restart ` the Windows virtual IoT service. ::: 10. Check that you can access the {ref}`IoT system's homepage ` in a web browser: - on the Windows virtual IoT computer, and - on another device **on the same network as the IoT system** by navigating to the URL `http://xxx:8069` (where `xxx` is the IoT system's IP address). - on another device **on the same network as the IoT system** by navigating to the URL `https://xxx` (where `xxx` is the IoT system's IP address) to test for {doc}`HTTPS ` connection. :::{tip} If you cannot access the {ref}`IoT system's homepage ` from another device, create a {ref}`Windows Firewall ` rule to allow communication through port `8069`. ::: (iot-windows-iot-firewall)= ## Windows Firewall configuration Firewalls help keep devices secure but can sometimes block legitimate connections. If the Windows virtual IoT isn't accessible on the {abbr}`LAN (Local Area Network)`, for example from another device, it could be due to a firewall blocking the connection. To prevent this issue, configure exceptions for network discovery in the {abbr}`OS (Operating System)` or firewall settings. :::{note} If third-party firewall software is installed on the Windows computer, refer to the software's documentation to configure firewall exceptions. ::: To create a rule on Windows Defender and allow communication through port `8069`, follow these steps: 1. Search the Windows start menu for `firewall` and select the {guilabel}`Windows Defender Firewall with Advanced Security` app. 2. In the left part of the window, select {guilabel}`Inbound Rules`. 3. In the right part of the window, under {guilabel}`Actions`, click {guilabel}`New Rule`. 4. In the {guilabel}`New Inbound Rule Wizard` that opens, select the {guilabel}`Port` type of rule and click {guilabel}`Next`. 5. On the {guilabel}`Protocols and Ports` page, make sure {guilabel}`TCP` and {guilabel}`Specified local ports` are selected, enter the following in the field: `8069, 80, 443`, and click {guilabel}`Next`. :::{note} Other ports may be necessary depending on your IoT devices. For example, for the {doc}`/applications/sales/point_of_sale/payment_methods/terminals/worldline` payment terminal, add the `9050` port. ::: 6. On the {guilabel}`Action` page, select {guilabel}`Allow the connection` and click {guilabel}`Next`. 7. On the {guilabel}`Profile` page, disable any connection type(s) that don't apply to your Windows computer and click {guilabel}`Next`. 8. On the {guilabel}`Name` page, provide a {guilabel}`Name` (e.g., `Odoo`) and, optionally, a brief {guilabel}`Description`, then click {guilabel}`Finish`. :::{seealso} [Windows Firewall rules documentation](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/security/operating-system-security/network-security/windows-firewall/rules) ::: (iot-windows-iot-homepage)= ## Windows virtual IoT homepage To access the Windows virtual IoT's homepage, navigate to the URL `http://localhost:8069` on the Windows virtual IoT computer or open a web browser from another computer **on the same network as the IoT system** and navigate to the URL `http://xxx:8069` (where `xxx` is the IoT system's IP address). Once the Windows virtual IoT is {doc}`connected to the Odoo database `, its homepage can be accessed from Odoo by opening the IoT app and clicking the URL displayed on the IoT system's card. ```{image} windows_iot/iot-windows-homepage.png :alt: Windows virtual IoT's homepage :scale: 75% ``` :::{note} Make sure the {ref}`Windows Firewall is configured ` to allow access. ::: ## Device connection Most {doc}`devices ` automatically connect to the Windows computer used for the Windows Virtual IoT through [Windows Plug and Play (PnP)](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/drivers/kernel/introduction-to-plug-and-play). However, if Windows does not recognize the device automatically upon connection, the administrator may need to manually install the appropriate drivers. :::{tip} After connecting the devices to the computer, refresh the {ref}`IoT system's homepage ` to verify that the device is listed. If the device does not appear, {ref}`reload the handlers ` from the {ref}`IoT system's homepage `. ::: (iot-windows-iot-restart)= ## Windows virtual IoT restart To manually restart the Windows IoT server, search the Windows start menu for `services` and select the {guilabel}`Services` app. Scroll down to the {guilabel}`odoo-server-xxx` service (where `xxx` is the odoo version), right-click it, and select {guilabel}`Start` or {guilabel}`Restart`. (iot-windows-iot-uninstall)= ## Windows virtual IoT uninstall To uninstall the Windows virtual IoT, [uninstall](https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/uninstall-or-remove-apps-and-programs-in-windows-4b55f974-2cc6-2d2b-d092-5905080eaf98#ID0EBD=Windows_11) the Odoo program on your Windows computer. Confirm the uninstallation and complete the steps in the {guilabel}`Odoo Uninstall` dialog.