# Sell event tickets Odoo *Events* provides users with the ability to create custom event tickets (and ticket tiers), with various price points. It *also* allows them to sell event tickets in two different ways: via standard sales orders, and online through an integrated website. Odoo also simplifies the ticket-purchasing process by providing plenty of payment method options. :::{tip} To learn more about how to create custom tickets (and ticket tiers) for events, check out the {doc}`create_events` documentation. ::: ## Configuration In order to sell event tickets in Odoo, some settings must first be enabled. First, navigate to {menuselection}`Events app --> Configuration --> Settings`. In the {guilabel}`Registration` section, there are two different settings: {guilabel}`Tickets` and {guilabel}`Online Ticketing`. The {guilabel}`Tickets` setting allows users to sell event tickets with standard sales orders. The {guilabel}`Online Ticketing` setting allows users to sell event tickets online through their integrated Odoo website. To activate a setting, tick the checkbox beside the desired feature's label, and click {guilabel}`Save` to finish enabling it. :::{note} If these options are *not* enabled, a default {guilabel}`Register` button becomes available for visitors to interact with and procure free registrations to the event. ::: ```{image} sell_tickets/events-settings-tickets.png :align: center :alt: View of the settings page for Odoo Events. ``` With those settings enabled, Odoo automatically creates a new *Product Type* called, *Event Ticket*, which is accessible on every product form. Odoo also creates three event registration products (with the *Product Type* set to *Event Ticket*) that can be used or modified for event tickets. :::{important} When creating a new event registration product, the *Product Type* **must** be set to *Event Ticket* on the product form, in order for it to be selected in the *Product* column under the *Tickets* tab on an event form. ```{image} sell_tickets/events-tickets-registration-product.png :align: center :alt: View of an event form highlighting the column product under the tickets tab in : Odoo. ``` ::: :::{note} Any event with paid tickets sold, features a {icon}`fa-dollar` {guilabel}`Sales` smart button at the top of the event form, where the respective sales orders attributed to those ticket sales become available. ```{image} sell_tickets/events-sales-smartbutton.png :align: center :alt: View of an event's form and the sales smart button in Odoo Events. ``` Clicking the {icon}`fa-dollar` {guilabel}`Sales` smart button reveals a separate page, showcasing all the sales orders (standard and/or online) related to tickets that have been sold for that specific event. ::: ## Sell event tickets with the Sales app To sell event tickets with sales orders, start by navigating to the {menuselection}`Sales` app. Then, click {guilabel}`New` to open a new quotation form. After filling out the top portion of the form with the appropriate customer information, click {guilabel}`Add a product` in the {guilabel}`Order Lines` tab. Then, in the {guilabel}`Product` column, select (or create) an event registration product configured with its {guilabel}`Product Type` set to {guilabel}`Event Ticket` on its product form. Once an event registration product is selected, a {guilabel}`Configure an event` pop-up window appears. ```{image} sell_tickets/configure-event-popup.png :align: center :alt: Standard 'Configure an event' pop-up window that appears on an event ticket sales : order. ``` From the {guilabel}`Configure an event` pop-up window, select to which event this ticket purchase is related to in the {guilabel}`Event` field drop-down menu. Then, in the {guilabel}`Event Ticket` drop-down menu, select which ticket tier the customer wishes to purchase, if there are multiple tiers configured for that event. When all the desired configurations are complete, click {guilabel}`Ok`. Doing so returns the user to the sales order, with the event registration ticket product now present in the {guilabel}`Order Lines` tab. The user can proceed to confirm and close the sale, per the usual process. :::{tip} To re-open the *Configure an event* pop-up window, hover over the event registration product name in the {guilabel}`Order Lines` tab, and click on the {icon}`fa-pencil` {guilabel}`(pencil)` icon. ::: ## Sell event tickets through the Website app When a visitor arrives on the register page of the event website, they can click the {guilabel}`Register` button to purchase a ticket to the event. :::{note} If the visitor is *not* already on the register page of the event website, clicking {guilabel}`Register` on the event website's submenu redirects them to the proper register page. From there, they can click the {guilabel}`Register` button to begin the ticket purchasing process. ::: If different ticket tiers are configured for the event, the visitor is presented with a {guilabel}`Tickets` pop-up window. ```{image} sell_tickets/tickets-popup.png :align: center :alt: The tickets pop-up window that appears on the event's website when 'Register' : is clicked. ``` From here, visitors select which ticket tier they would like to purchase, along with a quantity, using the numerical drop-down menu available to the right of their desired ticket. Once the desired selections have been entered, the visitor then clicks the {guilabel}`Register` button. Then, an {guilabel}`Attendees` pop-up window appears, containing all the questions that have been configured in the *Questions* tab of the event form for this particular event. ```{image} sell_tickets/attendees-popup.png :align: center :alt: The attendees pop-up window that appears on the event's website when 'Ok' is : clicked. ``` If multiple tickets are being purchased at once, there are numbered sections for each individual ticket registrant, each containing the same questions. However, if any question has been configured with the *Ask once per order* setting, that question is only asked once -- and **not** for every attendee making the reservation in the order. With all necessary information entered, the visitor can then click the {guilabel}`Go to Payment` button. Doing so first takes the visitor to a {guilabel}`Billing` confirmation page, followed by a {guilabel}`Payment` confirmation page, where they can utilize any configured payment method set up in the database to complete the order. Then, once the purchase is complete on the front-end of the website, the subsequent sales order is instantly accessible in the back-end of the database. :::{seealso} {doc}`create_events` :::