import re from pathlib import Path import sphinxlint REDIRECT_RULE_RE = re.compile(r'^[ \t]*([\w\-/]+\.rst)[ \t]+([\w\-/]+\.rst)[ \t]*(?:#.*)?$') REDIRECTS_FILE_VERSION_RE = re.compile(r'(?:redirects/)?(?:saas-)?(\d\d\.\d)\.txt') @sphinxlint.checker('.txt') def check_redirect_rules_format(file, lines, options=None): """ Check that redirect rules are correctly formatted. """ if file.startswith('redirects/'): # Only check text files in the /redirects folder. for lno, line in enumerate(lines): if not line.rstrip() or line.startswith('#'): continue if not yield lno + 1, "invalid redirect rule format; learn more at redirects/" @sphinxlint.checker('.txt') def check_redirect_rules_target(file, lines, options=None): """ Check that redirect rules refer to existing files. """ def get_redirects_file_version(file_name_): match_ = if match_: return float( return -1.0 if file.startswith('redirects/'): # Only check text files in the /redirects folder. # Find the current version, which is that of the file with the latest version. redirects_dir = Path('redirects') latest_redirects_version = 0.0 for redirect_file in redirects_dir.iterdir(): if redirect_file.is_dir() or redirect_file.suffix != '.txt': continue latest_redirects_version = max( latest_redirects_version, get_redirects_file_version( ) # Only check the existence of the redirection target if we are in the right version. current_file_version = get_redirects_file_version(file) if current_file_version < latest_redirects_version: return for lno, line in enumerate(lines): if not line.rstrip() or line.startswith('#'): continue match_res = if match_res: _old_path, new_path = match_res.groups() redirect_file = Path('content') / new_path if not redirect_file.is_file(): yield lno + 1, f"the redirect rule targets the non-existing file {new_path}"