from pathlib import Path from PIL import Image import sphinxlint MAX_IMAGE_SIZES = { # in bytes '.png': 505000, '.gif': 2100000, } MODE_TO_BPP = { '1': 1, 'L': 8, 'P': 8, 'RGB': 24, 'RGBA': 32, 'CMYK': 32, 'YCbCr': 24, 'I': 32, 'F': 32 } def log_error(file, line, msg, checker_name): """ Log an error in sphinx-lint's log format to ease the processing of linting errors on Runbot. """ print(f"{file}:{line or 0}: {msg} ({checker_name})") def check_image_size(file): """ Check that images are not larger than the maximum file size allowed for their extension. """ file_path = Path(file) file_size = file_path.stat().st_size max_size = MAX_IMAGE_SIZES.get(file_path.suffix) if max_size and file_size > max_size: log_error( file_path, 0, f"the file has a size of {round(file_size / 10**6, 2)} MB, larger than the maximum" f" allowed size of {round(max_size / 10**6, 2)} MB; compress it with pngquant", 'image-size', ) def check_image_color_depth(file): """ Check that PNG images are compressed to 8-bit color depth with PNGQuant. """ file_path = Path(file) if file_path.suffix.lower() == '.png': data = bpp = MODE_TO_BPP[data.mode] if bpp > 8: log_error( file_path, 0, f"the file has a color depth of {bpp} instead of 8; compress it with pngquant", 'image-color-depth' ) def check_resource_file_name(file_path): """ Check that resource file names use hyphens rather than underscores. """ if '_' in file_path.split('/')[-1]: log_error( file_path, 0, "the resource file should have hyphens rather than underscores", 'resource-file-name' ) def check_resource_file_referenced(file, options=None): """ Check that resource files are referenced in at least one RST file. """ resource_file = Path(file) resource_folder = resource_file.parent rst_file = resource_folder.with_suffix('.rst') if rst_file.exists(): if not in rst_file.read_text(): log_error( file, 0, f"the resource file is not referenced in {rst_file}", "resource-file-referenced", ) else: log_error( rst_file, 0, f"resource folder name '{}' does not match an rst file name.", 'resource-folder-match', ) @sphinxlint.checker('') def check_file_extensions(file, lines, options=None): """ Check that there is no file without extension. """ yield 0, "the file does not have an extension"