==================================================== How to handle lots and serial numbers with barcodes? ==================================================== Lots Numbers can be encoded from incoming shipments, internal moves and outgoing deliveries: - In the barcode interface, **scan** the products you want create a lot from - If this product should be manage by lots, a window opens to help you scan the lots/serial numbers - **Scan** a lot barcode, **type** one manually or **leave empty** to generate one automatically - Click or scan **Validate** once you are done What is the difference between **Lots** and **Serial Numbers**? - **Lot** numbers are attributed to several identical products, so each time you scan a lot number, Odoo will add one on the product count. - On the opposite, a **serial number** is unique, and represented by only one barcode, sticked on only one item. This means that Odoo won't accept scanning the same serial number more than once per operation. .. image:: media/lots_serial_numbers01.png :align: center Here, we configured **Lu - Petit Beukelaer** tracking by lots. .. image:: media/lots_serial_numbers04.png :align: center Scan a product from this incoming shipment, then scan the lot number of each product (you can also use the keyboard). .. image:: media/lots_serial_numbers02.png :align: center Click save/scan **Validate** and you are done. .. image:: media/lots_serial_numbers03.png :align: center