.. _reference/views:
Views are what define how records should be displayed to end-users. They are specified in XML which
means that they can be edited independently from the models that they represent. They are flexible
and allow a high level of customization of the screens that they control. There exist various types
of views. Each of them represents a mode of visualization: *form*, *list*, *kanban*, etc.
.. todo:: Build doc of ir_ui_view.py ?
.. _reference/views/structure:
Generic structure
Basic views generally share the common structure defined below. Placeholders are denoted in all
.. code-block:: xml
View objects expose a number of fields. They are optional unless specified otherwise.
* ``name`` (mandatory) :class:`~odoo.fields.Char`
Only useful as a mnemonic/description of the view when looking for one in a list of some sort.
* ``model`` :class:`~odoo.fields.Char`
The model linked to the view, if applicable.
* ``priority`` :class:`~odoo.fields.Integer`
When a view is requested by ``(model, type)``, the view matching the model and
the type, with the lowest priority will be returned (it is the default view).
It also defines the order of views application during :ref:`view
inheritance `.
* ``groups_id`` :class:`~odoo.fields.Many2many` -> :class:`odoo.addons.base.models.res_users.Groups`
The groups allowed to use/access the current view.
If the view extends an existing view, the extension will only be applied
for a given user if the user has access to the provided ``groups_id``.
* ``arch`` :class:`~odoo.fields.Text`
The description of the view layout.
.. todo::
view attributes & view element attributes
attrs & states attributes are missing generic information
The different view types have a wide variety of attributes allowing customizations of
the generic behaviors. Some main attributes will be explained here. They do not all have
an impact on all view types.
.. note:: The current context and user access rights may also impact the view abilities.
.. todo:: info on create/... in the context ?
* ``create``
Disable/enable record creation on the view.
* ``edit`` (``form`` & ``list`` & ``gantt``)
Disable/enable record editing on the view.
* ``delete`` (``form`` & ``list``)
Disable/enable record deletion on the view through the **Action** dropdown.
* ``duplicate`` (``form`` & ``list``)
Disable/enable record duplication on the view through the **Action** dropdown.
* ``decoration-{$name}`` (``list`` & ``gantt``)
Define a conditional display of a record in the style of a row's text based on the corresponding
record's attributes.
Values are Python expressions. For each record, the expression is evaluated
with the record's attributes as context values and if ``true``, the
corresponding style is applied to the row. Here are some of the other values
available in the context:
* ``uid``: the id of the current user,
* ``today``: the current local date as a string of the form ``YYYY-MM-DD``,
* ``now``: same as ``today`` with the addition of the current time.
This value is formatted as ``YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss``.
.. code-block:: xml
.. warning::
Supported values differ for the two view types. The Gantt view only supports ``success``,
``info``, ``warning``, ``danger`` and ``secondary`` displays. The list view supports ``bf``,
``it``, ``success``, ``info``, ``warning``, ``danger``, ``muted`` and ``primary`` displays.
* ``sample`` (``kanban`` & ``list`` & ``gantt`` & ``graph`` & ``pivot`` & ``cohort`` & ``dashboard``)
Populate the view with a set of sample records if none are found for the current model.
This attribute is false by default.
These fake records will have heuristics for certain field names/models. For example,
a field 'display_name' on the model 'res.users' will be populated with sample people names
while an 'email' field will be in the form 'firstname.lastname@sample.demo'.
The user will not be able to interact with these data and they will be discarded as soon as
an action is performed (record created, column added, etc.)
* ``banner_route``
a route address to be fetched and prepended to the view.
If this attribute is set, the
:ref:`controller route url` will be fetched and
displayed above the view. The json response from the controller should
contain an "html" key.
If the html contains a stylesheet tag, it will be
removed and appended to .
To interact with the backend you can use tags. Please take
a look at the documentation of the _onActionClicked method of
AbstractController (*addons/web/static/src/js/views/abstract_controller.js*)
for more details.
Only views extending AbstractView and AbstractController can use this
attribute, like :ref:`reference/views/form`, :ref:`reference/views/kanban`,
:ref:`reference/views/list`, ...
.. code-block:: xml
.. code-block:: python
class MyController(odoo.http.Controller):
@http.route('/module_name/hello', auth='user', type='json')
def hello(self):
return {
'html': """
hello, world
.. todo:: Views main content section, with field, group & separator ?
.. _reference/views/inheritance:
Inheritance fields
The two following :class:`~odoo.addons.base.ir_ui_view.View` fields are used to specify
inherited views.
* ``inherit_id`` :class:`~odoo.fields.Many2one`
the current view's parent view, unset by default. Specify the parent using
the `ref` attribute:
.. code-block:: xml
* ``mode`` :class:`~odoo.fields.Selection`: `extension / primary`
inheritance mode, ``extension`` by default if ``inherit_id`` is set,
``primary`` otherwise.
An example of where you would want to override ``mode`` while using
``inherit_id`` is delegation inheritance.
In that case your derived model will be separate from its parent and views
matching with one won't match with the other. Suppose you inherit from a view
associated with the parent model and want to customize the derived view to
show data from the derived model. The ``mode`` of the derived view needs to
be set to ``primary``, because it's the base (and maybe only) view for that
derived model. Otherwise the :ref:`view matching `
rules won't apply.
.. _reference/views/inheritance/view-matching:
View matching
* if a view is requested by ``(model, type)``, the view with the right model
and type, ``mode=primary`` and the lowest priority is matched.
* when a view is requested by ``id``, if its mode is not ``primary`` its
*closest* parent with mode ``primary`` is matched.
View resolution
Resolution generates the final ``arch`` for a requested/matched ``primary``
#. if the view has a parent, the parent is fully resolved then the current
view's inheritance specs are applied
#. if the view has no parent, its ``arch`` is used as-is
#. the current view's children with mode ``extension`` are looked up and their
inheritance specs are applied depth-first (a child view is applied, then
its children, then its siblings)
The result of applying children views yields the final ``arch``
.. todo:: NOTE on fields_view_get and link to ORM ?
Inheritance specs
Inheritance specs are comprised of an element locator, to match
the inherited element in the parent view, and children element that
will be used to modify the inherited element.
There are three types of element locators for matching a target element:
* An ``xpath`` element with an ``expr`` attribute. ``expr`` is an XPath_
expression\ [#hasclass]_ applied to the current ``arch``, the first node
it finds is the match
* a ``field`` element with a ``name`` attribute, matches the first ``field``
with the same ``name``. All other attributes are ignored during matching
* any other element: the first element with the same name and identical
attributes (ignoring ``position`` and ``version`` attributes) is matched
.. code-block:: xml
The inheritance spec may have an optional ``position`` attribute specifying
how the matched node should be altered:
``inside`` (default)
the content of the inheritance spec is appended to the matched node
the content of the inheritance spec replaces the matched node.
Any text node containing only ``$0`` within the contents of the spec will
be replaced by a complete copy of the matched node, effectively wrapping
the matched node.
the content of the inheritance spec is added to the matched node's
parent, after the matched node
the content of the inheritance spec is added to the matched node's
parent, before the matched node
the content of the inheritance spec should be ``attribute`` elements
with a ``name`` attribute and an optional body:
* if the ``attribute`` element has a body, a new attributed named
after its ``name`` is created on the matched node with the
``attribute`` element's text as value
* if the ``attribute`` element has no body, the attribute named after
its ``name`` is removed from the matched node. If no such attribute
exists, an error is raised
.. code-block:: xml
{'invisible': [('sale_ok', '=', False)], 'readonly': [('editable', '=', False)]}
can be used as a direct child of a inheritance spec
with a ``inside``, ``replace``, ``after`` or ``before`` ``position`` attribute
to move a node.
.. code-block:: xml
A view's specs are applied sequentially.
.. [#hasclass] an extension function is added for simpler matching in QWeb
views: ``hasclass(*classes)`` matches if the context node has
all the specified classes
.. _reference/views/types:
View types
.. _reference/views/activity:
The Activity view is used to display the activities linked to the records. The
data are displayed in a chart with the records forming the rows and the activity
types the columns. The first cell of each row displays a (customizable, see
``templates``, quite similarly to :ref:`reference/views/kanban`) card representing
the corresponding record. When clicking on others cells, a detailed description
of all activities of the same type for the record is displayed.
.. warning::
The Activity view is only available when the ``mail`` module is installed,
and for the models that inherit from the ``mail.activity.mixin``.
The root element of the Activity view is ````, it accepts the following
- ``string`` (mandatory)
A title, which should describe the view
Possible children of the view element are:
declares fields to use in activity *logic*. If the field is simply displayed
in the activity view, it does not need to be pre-declared.
Possible attributes are:
``name`` (required)
the name of the field to fetch
defines the :ref:`reference/qweb` templates. Cards definition may be
split into multiple templates for clarity, but activity views *must* define at
least one root template ``activity-box``, which will be rendered once for each
The activity view uses mostly-standard :ref:`javascript qweb
` and provides the following context variables
(see :ref:`reference/views/kanban` for more details):
the current :js:class:`ActivityRecord`, can be used to fetch some
meta-information. These methods are also available directly in the
template context and don't need to be accessed via ``widget``
an object with all the requested fields as its attributes. Each field has
two attributes ``value`` and ``raw_value``
.. _reference/views/calendar:
Calendar views display records as events in a daily, weekly, monthly or yearly
.. note:: By default the calendar view will be centered around the current date
(today). You can pass a specific initial date to the context of the action in
order to set the initial focus of the calendar on the period (see `mode`) around
this date (the context key to use being `initial_date`)
Their root element is ````. Available attributes on the
calendar view are:
``date_start`` (required)
name of the record's field holding the start date for the event
name of the record's field holding the end date for the event, if
``date_stop`` is provided records become movable (via drag and drop)
directly in the calendar
alternative to ``date_stop``, provides the duration of the event instead of
its end date (unit: day)
name of a record field to use for *color segmentation*. Records in the
same color segment are allocated the same highlight color in the calendar,
colors are allocated semi-randomly.
Displayed the display_name/avatar of the visible record in the sidebar
view to open when the user create or edit an event. Note that if this attribute
is not set, the calendar view will fall back to the id of the form view in the
current action, if any.
If the option 'event_open_popup' is set to true, then the calendar view will
open events (or records) in a FormViewDialog. Otherwise, it will open events
in a new form view (with a do_action)
enables quick-event creation on click: only asks the user for a ``name``
(the field to which this values is saved can be controlled through
``rec_name``) and tries to create a new event with just that and the clicked
event time. Falls back to a full form dialog if the quick creation fails
name of the record's field holding the textual representation of the record,
this is used when creating records through the 'quick create' mechanism
name of a boolean field on the record indicating whether the corresponding
event is flagged as day-long (and duration is irrelevant)
Default display mode when loading the calendar.
Possible attributes are: ``day``, ``week``, ``month``, ``year``
Comma-separated list of scales to provide. By default, all scales are
available. See mode for possible scale values.
declares fields to aggregate or to use in kanban *logic*. If the field is
simply displayed in the calendar cards.
Fields can have additional attributes:
* ``invisible``
use "True" to hide the value in the cards
* ``avatar_field``
only for x2many field, to display the avatar instead of the display_name
in the cards
* ``write_model`` and ``write_field`` and ``filter_field``
you can add a filter and save the result in the defined model, the
filter is added in the sidebar. The ``filter_field`` is optional and allows
you to specify the field that will hold the status of the filter.
* ``filter`` and ``color``
use "True" to add this field in filter in the sidebar. You can specify
a ``color`` field used to colorize the checkbox.
.. _reference/views/cohort:
.. raw:: html
Enterprise feature
The cohort view is used to display and understand the way some data changes over
a period of time. For example, imagine that for a given business, clients can
subscribe to some service. The cohort view can then display the total number
of subscriptions each month, and study the rate at which client leave the service
(churn). When clicking on a cell, the cohort view will redirect you to a new action
in which you will only see the records contained in the cell's time interval;
this action contains a list view and a form view.
.. note:: By default the cohort view will use the same list and form views as those
defined on the action. You can pass a list view and a form view
to the context of the action in order to set/override the views that will be
used (the context keys to use being `form_view_id` and `list_view_id`)
For example, here is a very simple cohort view:
.. code-block:: xml
The root element of the Cohort view is , it accepts the following
- ``string`` (mandatory)
A title, which should describe the view
- ``date_start`` (mandatory)
A valid date or datetime field. This field is understood by the view as the
beginning date of a record
- ``date_stop`` (mandatory)
A valid date or datetime field. This field is understood by the view as the
end date of a record. This is the field that will determine the churn.
- ``mode`` (optional)
A string to describe the mode. It should be either 'churn' or
'retention' (default). Churn mode will start at 0% and accumulate over time
whereas retention will start at 100% and decrease over time.
- ``timeline`` (optional)
A string to describe the timeline. It should be either 'backward' or 'forward' (default).
Forward timeline will display data from date_start to date_stop, whereas backward timeline
will display data from date_stop to date_start (when the date_start is in future / greater
than date_stop).
- ``interval`` (optional)
A string to describe a time interval. It should be 'day', 'week', 'month''
(default) or 'year'.
- ``measure`` (optional)
A field that can be aggregated. This field will be used to compute the values
for each cell. If not set, the cohort view will count the number of occurrences.
```` (optional)
allows to specify a particular field in order to manage it from the available measures, it's
main use is for hiding a field from the selectable measures:
- ``name`` (required)
the name of the field to use in the view.
- ``string`` (optional)
the name that would be used to display the field in the cohort view, overrides the
default python String attribute of the field.
- ``invisible`` (optional)
if true, the field will not appear either in the active measures nor in the selectable
measures (useful for fields that do not make sense aggregated, such as fields in different
units, e.g. € and $).
.. _reference/views/dashboard:
.. raw:: html
Enterprise feature
Like pivot and graph view, The dashboard view is used to display aggregate data.
However, the dashboard can embed sub views, which makes it possible to have a
more complete and interesting look on a given dataset.
The dashboard view can display sub views, aggregates for some fields (over a
domain), or even *formulas* (expressions which involves one or more aggregates).
For example, here is a very simple dashboard:
.. code-block:: xml
The root element of the Dashboard view is , it does not accept any
There are 5 possible type of tags in a dashboard view:
declares a sub view.
Admissible attributes are:
- ``type`` (mandatory)
The type of the sub view. For example, *graph* or *pivot*.
- ``ref`` (optional)
An xml id for a view. If not given, the default view for the model will
be used.
- ``name`` (optional)
A string which identifies this element. It is mostly
useful to be used as a target for an xpath.
defines a column layout. This is actually very similar to the group element
in a form view.
Admissible attributes are:
- ``string`` (optional)
A description which will be displayed as a group title.
- ``colspan`` (optional)
The number of subcolumns in this group tag. By default, 6.
- ``col`` (optional)
The number of columns spanned by this group tag (only makes sense inside
another group). By default, 6.
declares an aggregate. This is the value of an aggregate for a given field
over the current domain.
Note that aggregates are supposed to be used inside a group tag (otherwise
the style will not be properly applied).
Admissible attributes are:
- ``field`` (mandatory)
The field name to use for computing the aggregate. Possible field types
- ``integer`` (default group operator is sum)
- ``float`` (default group operator is sum)
- ``many2one`` (default group operator is count distinct)
- ``name`` (mandatory)
A string to identify this aggregate (useful for formulas)
- ``string`` (optional)
A short description that will be displayed above the value. If not
given, it will fall back to the field string.
- ``domain`` (optional)
An additional restriction on the set of records that we want to aggregate.
This domain will be combined with the current domain.
- ``domain_label`` (optional)
When the user clicks on an aggregate with a domain, it will be added to
the search view as a facet. The string displayed for this facet can
be customized with this attribute.
- ``group_operator`` (optional)
A valid postgreSQL aggregate function identifier to use when aggregating
values (see https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.5/static/functions-aggregate.html).
If not provided, By default, the group_operator from the field definition is used.
Note that no aggregation of field values is achieved if the group_operator value is "".
.. note:: The special aggregate function ``count_distinct`` (defined in odoo) can also be used here
.. code-block:: xml
- ``col`` (optional)
The number of columns spanned by this tag (only makes sense inside a
group). By default, 1.
- ``widget`` (optional)
A widget to format the value (like the widget attribute for fields).
For example, monetary.
- ``help`` (optional)
A help message to dipslay in a tooltip (equivalent of help for a field in python)
- ``measure`` (optional)
This attribute is the name of a field describing the measure that has to be used
in the graph and pivot views when clicking on the aggregate.
The special value __count__ can be used to use the count measure.
.. code-block:: xml
- ``clickable`` (optional)
A boolean indicating if this aggregate should be clickable or not (default to true).
Clicking on a clickable aggregate will change the measures used by the subviews
and add the value of the domain attribute (if any) to the search view.
- ``value_label`` (optional)
A string put on the right of the aggregate value.
For example, it can be useful to indicate the unit of measure
of the aggregate value.
declares a derived value. Formulas are values computed from aggregates.
Note that like aggregates, formulas are supposed to be used inside a group
tag (otherwise the style will not be properly applied).
Admissible attributes are:
- ``value`` (mandatory)
A string expression that will be evaluated, with the builtin python
evaluator (in the web client). Every aggregate can be used in the
context, in the ``record`` variable. For example,
``record.price_total / record.order_id``.
- ``name`` (optional)
A string to identify this formula
- ``string`` (optional)
A short description that will be displayed above the formula.
- ``col`` (optional)
The number of columns spanned by this tag (only makes sense inside a
group). By default, 1.
- ``widget`` (optional)
A widget to format the value (like the widget attribute for fields).
For example, monetary. By default, it is 'float'.
- ``help`` (optional)
A help message to dipslay in a tooltip (equivalent of help for a field in python)
- ``value_label`` (optional)
A string put on the right of the formula value.
For example, it can be useful to indicate the unit of measure
of the formula value.
Declares a specialized widget to be used to display the information. This is
a mechanism similar to the widgets in the form view.
Admissible attributes are:
- ``name`` (mandatory)
A string to identify which widget should be instantiated. The view will
look into the ``widget_registry`` to get the proper class.
- ``col`` (optional)
The number of columns spanned by this tag (only makes sense inside a
group). By default, 1.
.. _reference/views/form:
Form views are used to display the data from a single record. Their root
element is ``