.. _frontend/hooks: ===== Hooks ===== `Owl hooks `_ are a way to factorize code, even if it depends on some component lifecycle. Most hooks provided by Owl are related to the lifecycle of a component, but some of them (such as `useComponent `_) provide a way to build specific hooks. Using these hooks, it is possible to build many customized hooks that help solve a specific problem, or make some common tasks easier. The rest of this page documents the list of hooks provided by the Odoo web framework. .. list-table:: :widths: 30 70 :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Short Description * - :ref:`useAssets ` - load assets * - :ref:`useAutofocus ` - focus automatically an element referenced by autofocus * - :ref:`useBus ` - subscribe and unsubscribe to a bus * - :ref:`usePager ` - Display the pager of the control panel of a view. * - :ref:`usePosition ` - position an element relative to a target .. _frontend/hooks/useassets: useAssets ========= Location -------- `@web/core/assets` Description ----------- See the section on :ref:`lazy loading assets ` for more details. .. _frontend/hooks/useAutofocus: useAutofocus ============ Location -------- `@web/core/utils/hooks` Description ----------- Focus an element referenced by a t-ref="autofocus" in the current component as soon as it appears in the DOM and if it was not displayed before. .. code-block:: javascript import { useAutofocus } from "@web/core/utils/hooks"; class Comp { setup() { this.inputRef = useAutofocus(); } static template = "Comp"; } .. code-block:: xml API --- .. js:function:: useAutofocus() :returns: the element reference. .. _frontend/hooks/usebus: useBus ====== Location -------- `@web/core/utils/hooks` Description ----------- Add and clear an event listener to a bus. This hook ensures that the listener is properly cleared when the component is unmounted. .. code-block:: javascript import { useBus } from "@web/core/utils/hooks"; class MyComponent { setup() { useBus(this.env.bus, "some-event", event => { console.log(event); }); } } API --- .. js:function:: useBus(bus, eventName, callback) :param EventBus bus: the target event bus :param string eventName: the name of the event that we want to listen to :param function callback: listener callback .. _frontend/hooks/usepager: usePager ======== Location -------- `@web/search/pager_hook` Description ----------- Display the :ref:`Pager ` of the control panel of a view. This hooks correctly sets `env.config` to provide the props to the pager. .. code-block:: javascript import { usePager } from "@web/search/pager_hook"; class CustomView { setup() { const state = owl.hooks.useState({ offset: 0, limit: 80, total: 50, }); usePager(() => { return { offset: this.state.offset, limit: this.state.limit, total: this.state.total, onUpdate: (newState) => { Object.assign(this.state, newState); }, }; }); } } API --- .. js:function:: usePager(getPagerProps) :param function getPagerProps: function that returns the pager props. .. _frontend/hooks/useposition: usePosition =========== Location -------- `@web/core/position_hook` Description ----------- Helps positioning an HTMLElement (the `popper`) relatively to another HTMLElement (the `reference`). This hook ensures the positioning is updated when the window is resized/scrolled. .. code-block:: javascript import { usePosition } from "@web/core/position_hook"; class MyPopover extends owl.Component { setup() { // Here, the reference is the target props, which is an HTMLElement usePosition(this.props.target); } } MyPopover.template = owl.tags.xml`
I am positioned through a wonderful hook!
`; .. important:: You should indicate your `popper` element using a `t-ref directive `_. API --- .. js:function:: usePosition(reference[, options]) :param reference: the target HTMLElement to be positioned from :type reference: HTMLElement or ()=>HTMLElement :param Options options: the positioning options (see table below) .. list-table:: :widths: 20 20 60 :header-rows: 1 * - Option - Type - Description * - `popper` - string - this is a `useRef reference `_ for the element that will get positioned. Default is `"popper"`. * - `container` - HTMLElement - the container from which the popper is expected not to overflow. If overflowing occurs, other popper positions are tried until a not overflowing one is found. (default: the `` node) * - `margin` - number - added margin between popper and reference elements (default: `0`) * - `position` - Direction[-Variant] - the desired position. It is a string composed of one `Direction` and one `Variant` separated by a dash character. `Direction` could be: `top`, `bottom`, `right`, `left`. `Variant` could be: `start`, `middle`, `end`. The variant can be omitted (default variant is `middle`). Examples of valid positions: `right-end`, `top-start`, `left-middle`, `left`. (default position: `bottom`) * - `onPositioned` - (el: HTMLElement, position: PositioningSolution) => void - a callback that will be called everytime a positioning occurs (e.g. on component mounted/patched, document scroll, window resize...). Can be used i.e. for dynamic styling regarding the current position. The `PositioningSolution` is an object having the following type: `{ direction: Direction, variant: Variant, top: number, left: number }`. .. example:: .. code-block:: javascript import { usePosition } from "@web/core/position_hook"; class DropMenu extends owl.Component { setup() { const toggler = owl.useRef("toggler"); usePosition( () => toggler.el, { popper: "menu", position: "right-start", onPositioned: (el, { direction, variant }) => { el.classList.add(`dm-${direction}`); // -> "dm-top" "dm-right" "dm-bottom" "dm-left" el.style.backgroundColor = variant === "middle" ? "red" : "blue"; }, }, ); } } DropMenu.template = owl.tags.xml`
This is the menu default content.