from docutils import nodes from sphinx.locale import admonitionlabels from sphinx.writers.html5 import HTML5Translator # Translators inheritance chain: # Docutils Base HTML translator: # └── Docutils Polyglot html5 translator: # └── Sphinx Translator: # └── Odoo Translator ADMONITION_MAPPING = { 'note': 'alert-primary', 'tip': 'alert-tip', 'seealso': 'alert-secondary', 'warning': 'alert-warning', 'attention': 'alert-warning', 'caution': 'alert-warning', 'important': 'alert-warning', 'danger': 'alert-danger', 'error': 'alert-danger', 'example': 'alert-success', 'exercise': 'alert-dark', } # The alert classes have been replaced by default BS classes to reduce number of scss lines. class BootstrapTranslator(HTML5Translator): # Docutils specifications head_prefix = 'head_prefix' head = 'head' stylesheet = 'stylesheet' body_prefix = 'body_prefix' body_pre_docinfo = 'body_pre_docinfo' docinfo = 'docinfo' body_suffix = 'body_suffix' subtitle = 'subtitle' header = 'header' footer = 'footer' html_prolog = 'html_prolog' html_head = 'html_head' html_title = 'html_title' html_subtitle = 'html_subtitle' def __init__(self, builder, *args, **kwds): super().__init__(builder, *args, **kwds) # Meta self.meta = ['', ''] # HTMLWriter strips out the first two items from Translator.meta self.add_meta('') self.add_meta('') # Body self.body = [] self.fragment = self.body self.html_body = self.body # document title self.title = [] self.start_document_title = 0 self.first_title = False self.context = [] self.section_level = 0 self.first_param = 1 self.param_separator = ',' def encode(self, text): return str(text).translate({ ord('&'): '&', ord('<'): '<', ord('"'): '"', ord('>'): '>', 0xa0: ' ' }) def unknown_visit(self, node): print("unknown node", node.__class__.__name__) self.body.append(f'[UNKNOWN NODE {node.__class__.__name__}]') raise nodes.SkipNode # NOTE: seems that when we remove/comment this, we get the titles 5 times in the global toc def visit_document(self, node): self.first_title = True def depart_document(self, node): pass # Breaks Accounting memento if commented def visit_section(self, node): # close "parent" or preceding section, unless this is the opening of # the first section if self.section_level: self.body.append('') self.section_level += 1 self.body.append(self.starttag(node, 'section')) def depart_section(self, node): self.section_level -= 1 # close last section of document if not self.section_level: self.body.append('') # overwritten # Class mapping: # admonition [name] -> alert-[name] # Enforce presence of [name]-title as class on the
containing the title def visit_admonition(self, node, name=''): # type: (nodes.Node, unicode) -> None node_classes = ["alert"] if name: node_classes.append(ADMONITION_MAPPING[name]) self.body.append(self.starttag( node, 'div', CLASS=" ".join(node_classes))) if name: node.insert(0, nodes.title(name, admonitionlabels[name])) # overwritten # Appends alert-title class to
if parent is an Admonition. def visit_title(self, node): # type: (nodes.Node) -> None if isinstance(node.parent, nodes.Admonition): self.body.append(self.starttag(node, 'p', CLASS='alert-title')) else: super().visit_title(node) def depart_title(self, node): if isinstance(node.parent, nodes.Admonition): self.body.append("
") else: super().depart_title(node) def visit_literal(self, node): """ Override to add the class `o_code` to all `literal`, `code`, and `file` roles. """ node['classes'].append('o_code') return super().visit_literal(node) def visit_literal_strong(self, node): """ Override to add the class `o_code` to all `command` roles. """ if 'command' in node['classes']: node['classes'].append('o_code') return super().visit_literal_strong(node) # overwritten # Ensure table class is present for tables def visit_table(self, node): # type: (nodes.Node) -> None self.generate_targets_for_table(node) # c/p of self._table_row_indices.append(0) classes = [cls.strip(' \t\n') for cls in self.settings.table_style.split(',')] classes.insert(0, "docutils") # compat classes.insert(0, "table") # compat if 'align' in node: classes.append('align-%s' % node['align']) tag = self.starttag(node, 'table', CLASS=' '.join(classes)) self.body.append(tag)