# Makefile for Sphinx documentation SPHINX_BUILD = sphinx-build CONFIG_DIR = . SPHINXOPTS = -A google_analytics_key=$(GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_KEY) SOURCE_DIR = content BUILD_DIR = _build # Rely on COMSPEC, which is a variable present in all Windows platforms, to determine the OS ifdef COMSPEC RM_CMD ?= del else RM_CMD ?= rm -rf endif # In first position to build the documentation from scratch by default all: html help: @echo "Please use 'make <target>' where <target> is one of" @echo " html to build the documentation to HTML" @echo " fast to build the documentation to HTML with shallow menu (faster)" @echo " clean to delete the build files" clean: @echo "Cleaning build files..." $(RM_CMD) $(BUILD_DIR)/* $(RM_CMD) extensions/odoo_theme/static/style.css @echo "Cleaning finished." edi: SPHINXOPTS += -A collapse_menu=True edi: clean html html: extensions/odoo_theme/static/style.css @echo "Starting build..." $(SPHINX_BUILD) -c $(CONFIG_DIR) -b html $(SPHINXOPTS) $(SOURCE_DIR) $(BUILD_DIR)/html @echo "Build finished." fast: SPHINXOPTS += -A collapse_menu=True fast: html extensions/odoo_theme/static/style.css: extensions/odoo_theme/static/*.scss @echo "Compiling stylesheets..." pysassc $(subst .css,.scss,$@) $@ @echo "Compilation finished."