#!/bin/bash # ANSI color codes GREEN='\033[0;32m' RED='\033[0;31m' GRAY='\033[0;90m' NC='\033[0m' # No Color # Check if input file is provided if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then echo -e "${RED}Usage: $0 ${NC}" exit 1 fi input_file="$1" # Check if input file exists if [ ! -f "$input_file" ]; then echo -e "${RED}Error: File '$input_file' not found${NC}" exit 1 fi changes_made=0 # Process each line while IFS=':' read -r file_path line_err status desc data; do # Trim whitespace from all parts (both leading and trailing) file_path=$(echo "$file_path" | sed 's/^[[:space:]]*//;s/[[:space:]]*$//') line_err=$(echo "$line_err" | sed 's/^[[:space:]]*//;s/[[:space:]]*$//') status=$(echo "$status" | sed 's/^[[:space:]]*//;s/[[:space:]]*$//') desc=$(echo "$desc" | sed 's/^[[:space:]]*//;s/[[:space:]]*$//') data=$(echo "$data" | sed 's/^[[:space:]]*//;s/[[:space:]]*$//') echo -e "${GRAY}DEBUG: Processing line:${NC}" echo -e "${GRAY}DEBUG: file_path=[$file_path]${NC}" echo -e "${GRAY}DEBUG: line_err=[$line_err]${NC}" echo -e "${GRAY}DEBUG: status=[$status]${NC}" echo -e "${GRAY}DEBUG: desc=[$desc]${NC}" echo -e "${GRAY}DEBUG: data=[$data]${NC}" # Check if file exists and description matches conditions if [ -f "$file_path" ]; then echo -e "${GRAY}DEBUG: File exists: $file_path${NC}" if [ "$desc" = "undefined label" ]; then echo -e "${GRAY}DEBUG: Found 'undefined label' case${NC}" # Replace \, /, or _ with - in data new_data=$(echo "$data" | tr '\\/_' '-') echo -e "${GRAY}DEBUG: Changing '$data' to '$new_data'${NC}" # Check if the data appears in an {image} directive if grep -B1 "$data" "$file_path" | grep -q "{image}"; then echo -e "${GRAY}DEBUG: Skipping '$data' as it appears in an {image} directive${NC}" else # Replace the old data with new data in the file, only if not preceded by {image} if sed -i "/{image}/!s|$data|$new_data|g" "$file_path" 2>/dev/null; then changes_made=$((changes_made + 1)) echo -e "${GREEN}Processed: $file_path - Changed '$data' to '$new_data'${NC}" else echo -e "${RED}WARNING: Failed to modify $file_path${NC}" fi fi elif [[ "$desc" =~ "toctree contains reference to nonexisting document" ]]; then echo -e "${GRAY}DEBUG: Found 'toctree' case${NC}" # Extract the document reference from data (assuming it's in single quotes) doc_ref=$(echo "$data" | grep -o "'[^']*'" | tr -d "'") if [ -n "$doc_ref" ]; then # Replace \, /, or _ with - in doc_ref new_data=$(echo "$doc_ref" | tr '\\/_' '-') echo -e "${GRAY}DEBUG: Changing '$doc_ref' to '$new_data'${NC}" # Check if the doc_ref appears in an {image} directive if grep -B1 "$doc_ref" "$file_path" | grep -q "{image}"; then echo -e "${GRAY}DEBUG: Skipping '$doc_ref' as it appears in an {image} directive${NC}" else # Replace the old data with new data in the file, only if not preceded by {image} if sed -i "/{image}/!s|$doc_ref|$new_data|g" "$file_path" 2>/dev/null; then changes_made=$((changes_made + 1)) echo -e "${GREEN}Processed: $file_path - Changed '$doc_ref' to '$new_data'${NC}" else echo -e "${RED}WARNING: Failed to modify $file_path${NC}" fi fi else echo -e "${RED}WARNING: Could not extract document reference from '$data' in $file_path${NC}" fi elif [[ "$desc" =~ "card directive targets nonexisting document" ]]; then echo -e "${GRAY}DEBUG: Found 'card directive' case${NC}" # Extract the document reference from desc (since data is empty), remove .rst doc_ref=$(echo "$desc" | grep -o "'[^']*'" | tr -d "'" | sed 's/\.rst$//') if [ -n "$doc_ref" ]; then # Replace \, /, or _ with - in doc_ref new_data=$(echo "$doc_ref" | tr '\\/_' '-') echo -e "${GRAY}DEBUG: Changing '$doc_ref' to '$new_data'${NC}" # Check if the doc_ref appears in an {image} directive if grep -B1 "$doc_ref" "$file_path" | grep -q "{image}"; then echo -e "${GRAY}DEBUG: Skipping '$doc_ref' as it appears in an {image} directive${NC}" else # Replace the old data with new data in the file, only if not preceded by {image} if sed -i "/{image}/!s|$doc_ref|$new_data|g" "$file_path" 2>/dev/null; then changes_made=$((changes_made + 1)) echo -e "${GREEN}Processed: $file_path - Changed '$doc_ref' to '$new_data'${NC}" else echo -e "${RED}WARNING: Failed to modify $file_path${NC}" fi fi else echo -e "${RED}WARNING: Could not extract document reference from '$desc' in $file_path${NC}" fi else echo -e "${GRAY}DEBUG: Description '$desc' doesn't match any conditions${NC}" fi else echo -e "${RED}WARNING: File not found: $file_path${NC}" fi echo -e "${GRAY}DEBUG: ---${NC}" done < "$input_file" echo -e "${GREEN}Processing completed!${NC}" echo -e "${GREEN}Total changes made: $changes_made${NC}"