(function () {
    'use strict';

    var data = createAtom();
    data.addWatch('chart', function (k, m, prev, next) {
            React.createElement(Controls, {entry: next}),
            React.createElement(FormatEntry, {entry: next}),
    document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
        var entries_node = document.getElementById('journal-entries'),
            controls = document.createElement('div');
        controls.setAttribute('id', 'entries-control');
        entries_node.insertBefore(controls, entries_node.lastElementChild);


    var Controls = React.createClass({
        render: function () {
            var _this = this;
            return React.DOM.div(
                entries.map(function (entry, index) {
                    return React.DOM.label(
                            key: index,
                            style: { display: 'block' },
                            type: 'radio',
                            checked: Immutable.is(entry, this.props.entry),
                            onChange: function (e) {
                        ' ',
                }, this),
                this.props.entry && React.DOM.p(null, this.props.entry.get('help'))
    var FormatEntry = React.createClass({
        render: function () {
            var entry = this.props.entry;
            return React.DOM.div(
                    {className: 'table table-condensed d-c-table'},
                            React.DOM.th(null, "Debit"),
                            React.DOM.th(null, "Credit")
                React.createElement(Listing, {
                    heading: "Explanation",
                    items: entry && entry.get('explanation')
                React.createElement(Listing, {
                    heading: "Configuration",
                    items: entry && entry.get('configuration')
        render_rows: function () {
            if (!this.props.entry) { return; }
            return this.props.entry.get('operations').map(this.render_row);
        render_row: function (entry, index) {
            if (!entry) {
                return React.DOM.tr(
                    {key: 'spacer-' + index},
                    React.DOM.td({colSpan: 3}, "\u00A0")
            return React.DOM.tr(
                {key: index},
                React.DOM.td(null, entry.get('account')),
                React.DOM.td(null, entry.get('debit')),
                React.DOM.td(null, entry.get('credit'))
    var Listing = React.createClass({
        render: function () {
            if (!this.props.items || this.props.items.isEmpty()) {
                return React.DOM.div();
            var items = this.props.items, epilog = Immutable.List();
            var idx = items.indexOf(null);
            if (idx !== -1) {
                epilog = items.slice(idx+1);
                items = items.take(idx);
            return React.DOM.div(
                {className: 'entries-listing'},
                React.DOM.h4(null, this.props.heading, ':'),
                    items.map(function (item, index) {
                        return React.DOM.li({key: index}, item);
                epilog.map(function (item, index) {
                    return React.DOM.p({key: index}, item);

    var entries = Immutable.fromJS([
            title: "Company Incorporation",
            operations: [
                {account: 'Assets: Cash', debit: 1000},
                {account: 'Equity: Common Stock', credit: 1000}
            explanation: [
                "The company receives $1,000 in cash",
                "Shares worth of $1,000 belong to the founders"
            configuration: []
        }, {
            title: "Customer Invoice ($100 + 9% tax)",
            operations: [
                {account: 'Revenue: Goods', credit: 100},
                {account: 'Liabilities: Deferred Tax Liabilities', credit: 9},
                {account: 'Assets: Accounts Receivable', debit: 109},
                {account: 'Assets: Inventory', credit: 50},
                {account: 'Expenses: Cost of Goods Sold', debit: 50}
            explanation: [
                "Revenues increase by $100",
                "A tax to pay at the end of the month of $9",
                "The customer owns you $109",
                "The inventory is decreased by $50 (shipping of the goods)",
                "The cost of goods sold decreases the gross profit by $50"
            configuration: [
                "Revenue: defined on the product, or the product category if not on the product, field Income Account",
                "Defered Tax Liabilities: defined on the tax used on the invoice line",
                "Accounts Receivable: defined on the customer (property)",
                "Inventory: defined on the category of the related product (property)",
                "Expenses: defined on the product, or the category of product (property)",
                "The fiscal position used on the invoice may have a rule that replaces the Income Account or the tax defined on the product by another one."
        }, {
            title: "Reception of Goods - perpetual inventory",
            operations: [
                {account: 'Assets: Uninvoiced Inventory', debit: 48},
                {account: 'Assets: Inventory', credit: 48},
            explanation: [
                "Inventory is increased by $48, the expected amount coming from the purchase order",
                "A temporary account is used for the counterpart and will be cleared when receiving the invoice"
            configuration: [
                "Uninvoiced Inventory: defined on the product or the category of related product, field: Stock Input Account",
                "Inventory: defined on the product category, field: Stock Valuation",
                "In this scenario, the purchase order is at $48, but the invoice the company will receive later will be at $50 (extra shipping costs)."
        }, {
            title: "Customer Invoice ($100 + 9% tax) - perpetual inventory",
            operations: [
                {account: 'Revenue: Goods', credit: 100},
                {account: 'Liabilities: Deferred Tax Liabilities', credit: 9},
                {account: 'Assets: Accounts Receivable', debit: 109},
                {account: 'Assets: Uninvoiced Inventory', credit: 48},
                {account: 'Assets: Inventory', credit: 2},
                {account: 'Expenses: Cost of Goods Sold', debit: 50}
            explanation: [
                "Revenues increase by $100",
                "A tax to pay at the end of the month of $9",
                "The customer owns you $109",
                "The inventory is decreased by $2 ($48 has already been posted)",
                "The temporary account (Uninvoiced Inventory) is cleared",
                "The cost of goods sold decrease the gross profit by $50"
            configuration: [
                "Revenue Goods: defined on the product, or the product category if not on the product, field: Income Account",
                "Defered Tax Liabilities: defined on the tax used on the invoice line",
                "Accounts Receivable: defined on the customer (property)",
                "Inventory: defined on the category of the related product: Price Difference",
                "Uninvoiced Inventory: defined on the product or the category of the related product: Stock Input Account",
                "Expenses: defined on the product, or the category of product (property)",
                "The fiscal position used on the invoice may have a rule that replaces the Income Account or the tax defined on the product by another one."
        }, {
            title: "Customer payment",
            operations: [
                {account: 'Assets: Cash', debit: 109},
                {account: 'Assets: Accounts Receivable', credit: 109}
            explanation: [
                "The company receives $109 in cash",
                "The customer owns you $109 less"
            configuration: [
                "Cash: defined on the journal used when registering the payment, fields Default Credit Account and Default Debit Account",
                "Accounts Receivable: defined on the customer (property)"
        }, {
            title: "Buy an asset ($300,000 - no tax)",
            operations: [
                {account: 'Assets: Buildings', debit: 300000},
                {account: 'Liabilities: Accounts Payable', credit: 300000}
            explanation: [
                "The company gets an asset worth of $300,000",
                "The company needs to pay $300,000 to the vendor (traded an asset against a liability)"
            configuration: [
                "Buildings: Defined on the Asset category selected on the supplier bill line",
                "Accounts Payable: defined on the supplier related to the bill (property)"
        }, {
            title: "Pay supplier invoice",
            operations: [
                {account: 'Liabilities: Accounts Payable', debit: 300000},
                {account: 'Assets: Cash', credit: 300000}
            explanation: [
                "The company owns $300,000 less to the supplier (liabilities are settled)",
                "The company's cash is reduced by $300,000 (reduction of asset)"
            configuration: [
                "Accounts Payable: defined on the supplier you pay (property)",
                "Cash: defined on the journal related to the payment method"
        }, {
            title: "Cash sale (Sales Receipt)",
            operations: [
                {account: 'Assets: Cash', debit: 109},
                {account: 'Revenue: Goods', credit: 100},
                {account: 'Liabilities: Deferred Tax Liabilities', credit: 9}
            explanation: [
                "Company's cash is increased by $109",
                "Revenues increase by $100",
                "A tax of $9 has to be paid"
            configuration: [
                "Cash: Payment method defined on the Sales Receipt",
                "Sales: Defined on the product used in the sales receipt, or the category of product if empty",
                "Deferred Tax Liabilities: Defined on the tax used in the sales receipt (coming from the product)"
        }, {
            title: "Customer pays invoice, 5% early payment rebate",
            operations: [
                {account: 'Assets: Cash', debit: 950},
                {account: 'Revenue: Sales Discount', debit: 50},
                {account: 'Assets: Accounts Receivable', credit: 1000}
            explanation: [
                "Company's cash is increased by $950",
                "Sales discounts lowering effective revenues by $50",
                "The customer owns $1000 less to the company"
            configuration: [
                "Cash: is defined on the journal related to the payment / bank statement",
                "Sales Discount: is selected during the payment matching process",
                "Accounts Receivable: is defined on the customer associated to the payment"
        }, {
            title: "Fiscal year closing — positive earnings and 50% dividends",
            operations: [
                {account: 'Net Profit', debit: 1000},
                {account: 'Equity: Retained Earnings', credit: 500},
                {account: 'Liabilities: Dividend Payable', credit: 500}
            explanation: [
                "The P&L is cleared (net profit)",
                "50% is transferred to retained earnings",
                "50% will be paid to shareholders as dividends"
            configuration: [
                "This transaction is recorded by the advisor before closing the fiscal year, depending on how the company uses its net profit."