import os import re import shutil import sys from pathlib import Path import docutils import sphinx from pygments.lexers import JsonLexer, XmlLexer from sphinx.ext import graphviz from sphinx.util import logging _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) #=== General configuration ===# # General information about the project. project = 'Odoo' copyright = 'Odoo S.A.' # `version` is the version info for the project being documented, acts as replacement for |version|, # also used in various other places throughout the built documents. # `release` is the full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags. Acts as replacement for |release|. version = release = '17.0' # `current_branch` is the technical name of the current branch. # E.g., saas-15.4 -> saas-15.4; 12.0 -> 12.0, master -> master (*). current_branch = version # `current_version` is the Odoo version linked to the current branch. # E.g., saas-15.4 -> 15.4; 12.0 -> 12; master -> master (*). current_version = current_branch.replace('saas-', '').replace('.0', '') # `current_major_branch` is the technical name of the major branch before the current branch. # E.g., saas-15.4 -> 15.0; 12.0 -> 12.0; master -> master (*). current_major_branch = re.sub(r'\.\d', '.0', current_branch.replace('saas-', '')) # `current_major_version` is the Odoo version linked to the current major branch. # E.g., saas-15.4 -> 15; 12.0 -> 12; master -> master (*). current_major_version = current_major_branch.replace('.0', '') # (*): We don't care for master. # The minimal Sphinx version required to build the documentation. needs_sphinx = '3.0.0' # The default language in which the documentation is written. It is set to `None` because Sphinx # considers that no language means 'en'. language = None # The suffix of source filenames. source_suffix = '.rst' # The master toctree document. master_doc = 'index' # List of patterns, relative to source directory, that match files and directories to ignore when # looking for source files. exclude_patterns = [ 'locale', 'README.*', 'bin', 'include', 'lib', 'odoo', ] # The RST text role to use when the role is not specified. E.g.: `example`. # We use 'literal' as default role for markdown compatibility: `foo` behaves like ``foo``. # See for other roles. default_role = 'literal' # Whether scaled down images should be be wrapped in a `` tag linking to the image file or not. html_scaled_image_link = False # If true, '()' will be appended to :func: etc. cross-reference text add_function_parentheses = True #=== Extensions configuration ===# source_read_replace_vals = { 'BRANCH': current_branch, 'CURRENT_BRANCH': current_branch, 'CURRENT_VERSION': current_version, 'CURRENT_MAJOR_BRANCH': current_major_branch, 'CURRENT_MAJOR_VERSION': current_major_version, 'GITHUB_PATH': f'{version}', 'GITHUB_ENT_PATH': f'{version}', 'OWL_PATH': f'', } # Add extensions directory to PYTHONPATH extension_dir = Path('extensions') sys.path.insert(0, str(extension_dir.absolute())) # Search for the directory of odoo sources to know whether autodoc should be used on the dev doc odoo_sources_candidate_dirs = (Path('odoo'), Path('../odoo')) odoo_sources_dirs = [ d for d in odoo_sources_candidate_dirs if d.is_dir() and (d / 'odoo-bin').exists() ] odoo_dir_in_path = False if not odoo_sources_dirs: _logger.warning( "Could not find Odoo sources directory in neither of the following folders:\n" "%(dir_list)s\n" "The 'Developer' documentation will be built but autodoc directives will be skipped.\n" "In order to fully build the 'Developer' documentation, clone the repository with " "`git clone` or create a symbolic link.", {'dir_list': '\n'.join([f'\t- {d.resolve()}' for d in odoo_sources_candidate_dirs])}, ) else: if (3, 6) < sys.version_info < (3, 7): # Running odoo needs python 3.7 min but monkey patch version_info to be compatible with 3.6. sys.version_info = (3, 7, 0) odoo_dir = odoo_sources_dirs[0].resolve() source_read_replace_vals['ODOO_RELPATH'] = '/../' + str(odoo_sources_dirs[0]) sys.path.insert(0, str(odoo_dir)) import odoo.addons odoo.addons.__path__.append(str(odoo_dir) + '/addons') from odoo import release as odoo_release # Don't collide with Sphinx's 'release' config option odoo_version = '.'.join(str(s) for s in odoo_release.version_info[:2]).replace('~', '-') # Change saas~XX.Y to saas-XX.Y odoo_version = 'master' if 'alpha' in odoo_release.version else odoo_version if release != odoo_version: _logger.warning( "Found Odoo sources in %(directory)s but with version '%(odoo_version)s' incompatible " "with documentation version '%(doc_version)s'.\n" "The 'Developer' documentation will be built but autodoc directives will be skipped.\n" "In order to fully build the 'Developer' documentation, checkout the matching branch" " with `cd odoo && git checkout %(doc_version)s`.", {'directory': odoo_dir, 'odoo_version': odoo_version, 'doc_version': version}, ) else: "Found Odoo sources in %(directory)s matching documentation version '%(version)s'.", {'directory': odoo_dir, 'version': release}, ) odoo_dir_in_path = True if odoo_dir_in_path: upgrade_util_dir = next(filter(Path.exists, [Path('upgrade-util'), Path('../upgrade-util')]), None) if not upgrade_util_dir: _logger.warning( "Could not find Upgrade Utils sources directory in `upgrade_util`.\n" "The developer documentation will be built but autodoc directives will be skipped.\n" "In order to fully build the 'Developer' documentation, clone the repository with " "`git clone` or create a symbolic link." ) odoo_dir_in_path = False else: "Found Upgrade Util sources in %(directory)s", {'directory': upgrade_util_dir.resolve()}, ) from odoo import upgrade upgrade.__path__.append(str((upgrade_util_dir / 'src').resolve())) # Mapping between odoo models related to master data and the declaration of the # data. This is used to point users to available xml_ids when giving values for # a field with the autodoc_field extension. model_references = { 'account.account.type': 'addons/account/data/data_account_type.xml', '': 'odoo/addons/base/data/res_country_data.xml', 'res.currency': 'odoo/addons/base/data/res_currency_data.xml', } # The Sphinx extensions to use, as module names. # They can be extensions coming with Sphinx (named 'sphinx.ext.*') or custom ones. extensions = [ # Link sources in other projects (used to build the reference doc) 'sphinx.ext.intersphinx', # Support the specialized to-do directives 'sphinx.ext.todo', # Custom Odoo theme 'odoo_theme', # Youtube and Vimeo videos integration (youtube, vimeo directives) 'embedded_video', 'custom_admonitions', # Redirection generator 'redirects', # Content tabs 'sphinx_tabs.tabs', # Cards 'cards', # Spoilers 'spoilers', # Strange html domain logic used in memento pages 'html_domain', ] if odoo_dir_in_path: # GitHub links generation extensions += [ 'sphinx.ext.linkcode', 'github_link', # Parse Python docstrings (autodoc, automodule, autoattribute directives) 'sphinx.ext.autodoc', 'autodoc_field', ] else: extensions += [ 'autodoc_placeholder', ] extensions.append('sphinx.ext.graphviz' if shutil.which('dot') else 'graphviz_placeholder') todo_include_todos = False intersphinx_mapping = { 'pillow': ('', None), 'python': ('', None), 'werkzeug': ('', None), } github_user = 'odoo' github_project = 'documentation' locale_dirs = ['../locale/'] templates_path = ['../extensions'] # custom docname_to_domain to divide the translations of applications in subdirectories sphinx.transforms.i18n.docname_to_domain = ( sphinx.util.i18n.docname_to_domain ) = lambda docname, compact: docname.split('/')[1 if docname.startswith('applications/') else 0] # The version names that should be shown in the version switcher, if the config option `versions` # is populated. If a version is passed to `versions` but is not listed here, it will not be shown. versions_names = { 'master': "Master", 'saas-17.2': "Odoo Online", 'saas-17.1': "Odoo Online", '17.0': "Odoo 17", 'saas-16.4': "Odoo Online", 'saas-16.3': "Odoo Online", 'saas-16.2': "Odoo Online", 'saas-16.1': "Odoo Online", '16.0': "Odoo 16", 'saas-15.2': "Odoo Online", '15.0': "Odoo 15", '14.0': "Odoo 14", } # The language names that should be shown in the language switcher, if the config option `languages` # is populated. If a language is passed to `languages` but is not listed here, it will not be shown. languages_names = { 'de': 'DE', 'en': 'EN', 'es': 'ES', 'fr': 'FR', 'it': 'IT', 'ko': 'KO', 'nl': 'NL', 'pt_BR': 'PT', 'ro': 'RO', 'sv': 'SV', 'uk': 'UA', 'zh_CN': 'ZH (CN)', 'zh_TW': 'ZH (TW)' } # The directory in which files holding redirect rules used by the 'redirects' extension are listed. redirects_dir = 'redirects/' sphinx_tabs_disable_tab_closing = True sphinx_tabs_disable_css_loading = True # Autodoc ordering autodoc_member_order = 'bysource' #=== Options for HTML output ===# html_theme = 'odoo_theme' # The name of the Pygments (syntax highlighting) style to use. # See extensions/odoo_theme/ pygments_style = 'odoo' # The paths that contain custom themes, relative to this directory. html_theme_path = ['extensions'] # The name of an image file (within the static path) to use as favicon of the docs. # This file should be a Windows icon file (.ico) being 16x16 or 32x32 pixels large. html_favicon = os.path.join(html_theme_path[0], html_theme, 'static', 'img', 'favicon.ico') # The paths that contain custom static files, relative to this directory. # They are copied after the builtin static files, so a file named "default.css" will overwrite the # builtin "default.css". html_static_path = ['static'] html_permalinks = True # Additional JS & CSS files that can be imported with the 'custom-js' and 'custom-css' metadata. # Lists are empty because the files are specified in extensions/themes. html_js_files = [] html_css_files = [] # PHP lexer option to not require = v7.2.5 to also substitute placeholders in included files. # See # app.connect('include-read', source_read_replace) app.add_lexer('json', JsonLexer) app.add_lexer('xml', XmlLexer) app.connect('html-page-context', _generate_alternate_urls) # Add a `condition` option on directives to ignore them based on config values app.add_config_value('odoo_dir_in_path', None, 'env') def context_eval(expr): return eval(expr, { confval.value for confval in app.config}) def patch(to_patch): to_patch.option_spec['condition'] = context_eval original_run = def new_run(self): if not self.options.get('condition', True): return [] return original_run(self) = new_run for to_patch in ( sphinx.directives.code.LiteralInclude, docutils.parsers.rst.directives.tables.CSVTable, ): patch(to_patch) def _generate_alternate_urls(app, pagename, templatename, context, doctree): """ Add keys of required alternate URLs for the current document in the rendering context. Alternate URLS are required for: - The canonical link tag - The version switcher - The language switcher and related link tags """ def _canonicalize(): """ Add the canonical URL for the current document in the rendering context. The canonical version is the last released version of the documentation. For a given language, the canonical root of a page is in the same language so that web searches in that language don't redirect users to the english version of that page. E.g.: - /documentation/sale.html -> canonical = /documentation/14.0/sale.html - /documentation/11.0/fr/website.html -> canonical = /documentation/14.0/fr/website.html """ # If the canonical version is not set, assume that the project has a single version _canonical_version = app.config.canonical_version or app.config.version _canonical_lang = 'en' # Always 'en'. Don't take the value of the config option. context['canonical'] = _build_url(_version=_canonical_version, _lang=_canonical_lang) def _versionize(): """ Add the pairs of (version, url) for the current document in the rendering context. The entry 'version' is added by Sphinx in the rendering context. """ context['version_display_name'] = versions_names[version] # If the list of versions is not set, assume the project has no alternate version _provided_versions = app.config.versions and app.config.versions.split(',') or [] # Map alternate versions to their display names and URLs. context['alternate_versions'] = [] for _alternate_version, _display_name in versions_names.items(): if _alternate_version in _provided_versions and _alternate_version != version: context['alternate_versions'].append( (_display_name, _build_url(_alternate_version)) ) def _localize(): """ Add the pairs of (lang, code, url) for the current document in the rendering context. E.g.: ('French', 'fr', 'https://.../fr_BE/...') The entry 'language' is added by Sphinx in the rendering context. """ _current_lang = app.config.language or 'en' # Replace the context value by its upper-cased value ("FR" instead of "fr") context['language'] = languages_names.get(_current_lang, _current_lang.upper()) context['language_code'] = _current_lang # If the list of languages is not set, assume that the project has no alternate language _provided_languages = app.config.languages and app.config.languages.split(',') or [] # Map alternate languages to their display names and URLs. context['alternate_languages'] = [] for _alternate_lang, _display_name in languages_names.items(): if _alternate_lang in _provided_languages and _alternate_lang != _current_lang: context['alternate_languages'].append( ( _display_name, _alternate_lang.split('_')[0] if _alternate_lang != 'en' else 'x-default', _build_url(_lang=_alternate_lang), ) ) # Dynamic generation of localized legal doc links context['legal_translations'] = legal_translations def _build_url(_version=None, _lang=None): if app.config.is_remote_build: # Project root like _root = app.config.project_root else: # Project root like .../documentation/_build/html/14.0/fr _root = re.sub(rf'(/{app.config.version})?(/{app.config.language})?$', '', app.outdir) # If the canonical version is not set, assume that the project has a single version _canonical_version = app.config.canonical_version or app.config.version _version = _version or app.config.version _lang = _lang or app.config.language or 'en' _canonical_page = f'{pagename}.html' # legal translations have different URLs schemes as they are not managed on transifex # e.g. FR translation of /terms/enterprise => /fr/terms/enterprise_fr if pagename.startswith('legal/terms/'): if _lang in legal_translations and not pagename.endswith(f"_{_lang}"): # remove language code for current translation, set target one _page = re.sub("_[a-z]{2}$", "", pagename) if 'terms/i18n' not in _page: _page = _page.replace("/terms/", "/terms/i18n/") _canonical_page = f'{_page}_{_lang}.html' elif _lang == 'en' and pagename.endswith(tuple(f"_{l}" for l in legal_translations)): # remove language code for current translation, link to original EN one _page = re.sub("_[a-z]{2}$", "", pagename) _canonical_page = f'{_page.replace("/i18n/", "/")}.html' if app.config.is_remote_build: _canonical_page = _canonical_page.replace('index.html', '') return f'{_root}' \ f'{f"/{_version}" if app.config.versions else ""}' \ f'{f"/{_lang}" if _lang != "en" else ""}' \ f'/{_canonical_page}' _canonicalize() _versionize() _localize()