========================= Advanced Use Cases: Views ========================= - **Case Scenario 1: in Sales, show orders in a Kanban View instead of a List View.** From the Sales page, access Studio and, under *Views*, set the *Kanban* option as the default one. .. image:: media/views/kanban_default.png :align: center :height: 380 :alt: View of the Kanban option being set as the default one in Odoo Studio - **Case scenario 2: allow for the list of leads to be edited inline without having to switch to the form view.** | On the *List View*, under *View* > *Editable*, choose between *New record on top* or *New record at the bottom*. This way, besides defining the order in which new records are displayed in the view, you are able to edit them. | If the field is left blank, no editing is possible and records are shown based on your column preferences on the lead's page (front-end). .. image:: media/views/view_editable.png :align: center :alt: View options emphasizing the editable options of a leads page in Odoo Studio .. seealso:: - :doc:`../concepts/understanding_general`