* upgrade to bootstrap 3.3.6 * new Header, port website LESS - Add the new header - Modify sub-header in order to handle “back” button and version switcher - Port website’s Less: * Use same variables’ names * Review fonts and colours in order to fit the new style * add new footer * Review and optimise JS code in order properly handle the new header, footer and card.top animations * replace banner images
173 lines
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173 lines
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// Based on http://www.odoo.com/openerp_website/static/src/less/variables.less
// ============================================================================
// Prefixes
// ==============================================
@website-2x-prefix : "2x_";
// Odoo Colours
// ==============================================
@odoo-brand-optional : #21b799;
@odoo-brand-primary : #9E588B;
//== Odoo Colours
@o-violet-dark : #875A7B;
@o-violet-darker : #62495B;
@o-inverse : #47738F;
@o-inverse-dark : #5B7687;
@o-inverse-darker : #485761;
//== Grayscale
@gray-lightest : #F9F9F9;
@gray-lighter : #F2F2F2;
@gray-light : #dcddde;
@gray : #888888;
@gray-dark : #6B6D70;
@gray-darker : #282F33;
@gray-darkest : darken(saturate(@gray-darker, 1%), 3%);
//== UI Colors
@brand-primary : @odoo-brand-optional;
@brand-success : #50AF51;
@brand-info : #4B9EB6;
@brand-warning : #F0AD4E;
@brand-danger : #D9534F;
//== Apps' Families Colours
@color-alpha : @brand-primary;
@color-alpha-dark : #18856F;
@color-alpha-light : #26D1AF;
@color-alpha-lightest : #2AEBC4;
@color-beta : #5B899E;
@color-beta-dark : #3D5D6B;
@color-beta-light : #699FB8;
@color-beta-lightest : #77B5D1;
@color-gamma : #E46F78;
@color-gamma-dark : #B0565C;
@color-gamma-light : #FC7C84;
@color-gamma-lightest : #FC959C;
@color-delta : #5C5B80;
@color-delta-dark : #37364D;
@color-delta-light : #6E6D99;
@color-delta-lightest : #807FB3;
@color-epsilon : #D5653E;
@color-epsilon-dark : #A34E2F;
@color-epsilon-light : #F07346;
@color-epsilon-lightest : #FF8D63;
@doc_paper_dark : @gray-lighter;
@doc_paper : #fff;
@doc_exercise : #938E94;
@doc_code-bg : @gray-darkest;
@doc_lime : #CDDC39;
@doc_orange : #FF5722;
@doc_cyan : #0097A7;
// Typography
// ===============================================
//== Fonts
@import url(https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Work+Sans:300,400,500,600,700&subset=latin,latin-ext);
//== Font sizes/weigths
@font-size-base : 15px;
@fw_light : 300;
@fw_regular : 400;
@fw_medium : 500;
@fw_semibold : 600;
@fw_bold : 700;
//== Paragraphs
@font-family-base : -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, Helvetica, "Helvetica Neue", Arial, sans-serif;
@text-color : saturate(@gray-dark, 5%);
//== Headings
@headings-color : saturate(@gray-darker, 15%);
@headings-font-family : "Work Sans", sans-serif;
@headings-font-weight : @fw_light;
@headings-small-color : @headings-color;
@display1-size : 6rem;
@display2-size : 5.5rem;
@display3-size : 4.5rem;
@display4-size : 3.5rem;
//== Global textual link color.
@link-color : @o-violet-dark;
@link-hover-color : desaturate(@odoo-brand-primary, 10%);
@link-hover-decoration : none;
//== Mute color.
@text-muted : @gray;
// Layouting
// ===============================================
@body-bg: @gray-lightest;
//== Header
@w-header-height : 50px;
@w-sub-nav-height : 40px;
@w-header-white : #FCFCFC;
@header-link-normal : darken(@text-color,5%);
//== Footer
@footer-heigth : 300px;
@footer-bg-color : @gray-darker;
@footer-bottom-bg-color : @gray-darkest;
@footer-text : @gray-light;
@footer-text-mute : @gray;
// ==========================
// == Docs Variables ========
// ==========================
// Z-Index Scale (private vars)
// --------------------------------------------------
// Z-Index Elements
// --------------------------------------------------
@zIndex--main: 0;
@zIndex--mask: @zIndex-7;
@zIndex--float_action: @zIndex-8;
@zIndex--toggle_side_menu: @zIndex-8;
// Cards
// --------------------------------------------------
@card_min-height: 200px;
@card_margin-bottom: 20px;
// Easing Curves
// --------------------------------------------------
@o-ease : cubic-bezier(.55,0,.1,1);
@ease-material-2 : cubic-bezier(0.215, 0.61, 0.355, 1);
@ease-material-3 : cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 0.2, 1);