After discussion with fp this probably isn't the direction (ish), but want to checkpoint this in order to work on other stuff earlier in the document, but not commit a single gigantic blob of stuff.
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49 lines
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function createAtom(val, options) {
var watchers = {};
var validator = options && options.validator || function () { return true; };
function transition(next) {
if (!validator(next)) {
var err = new Error(next + " failed validation");
err.name = "AssertionError";
throw err;
var prev = val;
val = next;
Object.keys(watchers).forEach(function (k) {
watchers[k](k, atom, prev, next);
var atom = {
addWatch: function (key, fn) {
watchers[key] = fn;
removeWatch: function (key) {
delete watchers[key];
swap: function (fn) {
var args = [val].concat([].slice.call(arguments, 1));
transition(fn.apply(null, args));
reset: function (v) {
deref: function () {
return val;
toString: function () {
return "Atom(" + JSON.stringify(val) + ")";
return atom;