Antoine Vandevenne (anv) e3fee2cf46 [REF][MOV] documentation apocalypse
Prior to this commit, the Odoo documentation was mainly split between
two repositories: odoo/odoo/doc and odoo/documentation-user. Some bits
of documentation were also hosted elsewhere (e.g., wiki, upgrade, ...).
This was causing several problems among which:
  - The theme, config, Makefile, and similar technical resources had to
    be duplicated. This resulted in inconsistent layout, features, and
    build environments from one documentation to another.
  - Some pages did not fit either documentation as they were relevant
    for both users and developers. Some were relevant to neither of the
    two (e.g., DB management).
  - Cross-doc references had to be absolute links and they broke often.
  - Merging large image files in the developer documentation would bloat
    the odoo/odoo repository. Some contributions had to be lightened to
    avoid merging too many images (e.g., Odoo development tutorials).
  - Long-time contributors to the user documentation were chilly about
    going through the merging process of the developer documentation
    because of the runbot, mergebot, `odoo-dev` repository, etc.
  - Some contributors would look for the developer documentation in the
    `odoo/documentation-user` repository.
  - Community issues about the user documentation were submitted on the
    `odoo/odoo` repository and vice-versa.

Merging all documentations in one repository will allow us to have one
place, one theme, one work process, and one set of tools (build
environment, ...) for all of the Odoo docs.

As this is a good opportunity to revamp the layout of the documentation,
a brand new theme replaces the old one. It features a new way to
navigate the documentation, centered on the idea of always letting the
reader know what is the context (enclosing section, child pages, page
structure ...) of the page they are reading. The previous theme would
quickly confuse readers as they navigated the documentation and followed
cross-application links.

The chance is also taken to get rid of all the technical dangling parts,
performance issues, and left-overs. Except for some page-specific JS
scripts, the Odoo theme Sphinx extension is re-written from scratch
based on the latest Sphinx release to benefit from the improvements and
ease future contributions.


Closes #945
2021-05-04 15:44:00 +02:00

373 lines
15 KiB

/* global Immutable, React */
/* global createAtom */
(function () {
// NOTE: used by memento.rst
'use strict';
var data = createAtom();
function toKey(s, postfix) {
if (postfix) {
s += ' ' + postfix;
return s.replace(/[^0-9a-z ]/gi, '').toLowerCase().split(/\s+/).join('-');
var Controls = React.createClass({
render: function () {
var state = this.props.p;
return React.DOM.div(null, (op) {
var label = op.get('label'), operations = op.get('operations');
return React.DOM.label(
key: toKey(label),
style: { display: 'block' },
className: (operations === state.get('active') ? 'highlight-op' : void 0)
type: 'checkbox',
checked: state.get('operations').contains(operations),
onChange: function (e) {
if ( {
data.swap(function (d) {
return d.set('active', operations)
.update('operations', function (ops) {
return ops.add(operations)
} else {
data.swap(function (d) {
return d.set('active', null) // keep visible in state map
.update('operations', function (ops) {
return ops.remove(operations);
" ",
var Chart = React.createClass({
render: function () {
var lastop = Immutable.Map(
(this.props.p.get('active') || Immutable.List()).map(function (op) {
return [op.get('account'), op.has('credit') ? 'credit' : 'debit'];
return React.DOM.div(
{ className: 'table table-sm' },
null,,{ className: 'text-right' }, "Debit"),{ className: 'text-right' }, "Credit"),{ className: 'text-right' }, "Balance"))
this.accounts().map(function (data) {
var highlight = lastop.get(data.get('code'));
{ key: data.get('code') },,
data.get('level') ? '\u2001 ' : '',
data.get('code'), ' ', data.get('label')),{
className: React.addons.classSet({
'text-right': true,
'highlight-op': highlight === 'debit'
}, format(data.get('debit'))),{
className: React.addons.classSet({
'text-right': true,
'highlight-op': highlight === 'credit'
}, format(data.get('credit'))),
{ className: 'text-right' },
((data.get('debit') || data.get('credit'))
? format(data.get('debit') - data.get('credit'), 0)
: '')
accounts: function () {
var data = this.props.p.get('operations');
var totals = data.toIndexedSeq().flatten(true).reduce(function (acc, op) {
return acc
.updateIn([op.get('account'), 'debit'], function (d) {
return (d || 0) + op.get('debit', zero)(data);
.updateIn([op.get('account'), 'credit'], function (c) {
return (c || 0) + op.get('credit', zero)(data);
}, Immutable.Map());
return (account) {
// for each account, add sum
return account.merge(
account.get('accounts').map(function (code) {
return totals.get(code, NULL);
}).reduce(function (acc, it) {
return acc.mergeWith(function (a, b) { return a + b; }, it, NULL);
data.addWatch('chart', function (k, m, prev, next) {
React.createElement(Controls, { p: next }),
React.createElement(Chart, { p: next }),
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
var chart = findAncestor(document.querySelector('.chart-of-accounts'), 'section');
if (!chart) { return; }
var controls = document.createElement('div');
controls.setAttribute('id', 'chart-controls');
chart.insertBefore(controls, chart.lastElementChild);
// last-selected operation
active: null,
// set of all currently enabled operations
operations: Immutable.OrderedSet()
var NULL = Immutable.Map({ debit: 0, credit: 0 });
var ASSETS = {
code: 1,
label: "Assets",
BANK: { code: 11000, label: "Cash" },
ACCOUNTS_RECEIVABLE: { code: 13100, label: "Accounts Receivable" },
STOCK: { code: 14000, label: "Inventory" },
STOCK_OUT: { code: 14600, label: "Goods Issued Not Invoiced" },
BUILDINGS: { code: 17200, label: "Buildings" },
DEPRECIATION: { code: 17800, label: "Accumulated Depreciation" },
TAXES_PAID: { code: 19000, label: "Deferred Tax Assets" }
code: 2,
label: "Liabilities",
ACCOUNTS_PAYABLE: { code: 21000, label: "Accounts Payable" },
DEFERRED_REVENUE: { code: 22300, label: "Deferred Revenue" },
STOCK_IN: { code: 23000, label: "Goods Received Not Purchased" },
TAXES_PAYABLE: { code: 26200, label: "Deferred Tax Liabilities" }
var EQUITY = {
code: 3,
label: "Equity",
CAPITAL: { code: 31000, label: "Common Stock" }
var REVENUE = {
code: 4,
label: "Revenue",
SALES: { code: 41000, label: "Goods" },
SALES_SERVICES: { code: 42000, label: "Services" }
var EXPENSES = {
code: 5,
label: "Expenses",
GOODS_SOLD: { code: 51100, label: "Cost of Goods Sold" },
DEPRECIATION: { code: 52500, label: "Other Operating Expenses" },
PRICE_DIFFERENCE: { code: 53000, label: "Price Difference" }
var categories = Immutable.fromJS([ASSETS, LIABILITIES, EQUITY, REVENUE, EXPENSES], function (k, v) {
return Immutable.Iterable.isIndexed(v)
? v.toList()
: v.toOrderedMap();
var accounts = categories.toSeq().flatMap(function (cat) {
return Immutable.Seq.of(cat.set('level', 0)).concat(cat.filter(function (v, k) {
return k.toUpperCase() === k;
}).toIndexedSeq().map(function (acc) { return acc.set('level', 1) }));
}).map(function (account) { // add accounts: Seq<AccountCode> to each account
return account.set(
account.toIndexedSeq().map(function (val) {
return Immutable.Map.isMap(val) && val.get('code');
}).filter(function (val) { return !!val; })
var sale = 100,
cor = 50,
cor_tax = cor * 0.09,
tax = sale * 0.09,
total = sale + tax,
refund = sale,
refund_tax = refund * 0.09,
purchase = 52,
purchase_tax = 52 * 0.09;
var operations = Immutable.fromJS([{
label: "Company Incorporation (Initial Capital $1,000)",
operations: [
{ account: ASSETS.BANK.code, debit: constant(1000) },
{ account: EQUITY.CAPITAL.code, credit: constant(1000) }
}, {
label: "Customer Invoice ($100 + 9% tax) & Shipping of the Goods",
operations: [
{ account: ASSETS.ACCOUNTS_RECEIVABLE.code, debit: constant(total) },
{ account: EXPENSES.GOODS_SOLD.code, debit: constant(cor) },
{ account: REVENUE.SALES.code, credit: constant(sale) },
{ account: ASSETS.STOCK_OUT.code, credit: constant(cor) },
{ account: LIABILITIES.TAXES_PAYABLE.code, credit: constant(tax) }
}, {
label: "Goods Shipment to Customer",
operations: [
{ account: ASSETS.STOCK_OUT.code, debit: constant(cor) },
{ account: ASSETS.STOCK.code, credit: constant(cor) }
}, {
id: 'refund',
label: "Customer Refund",
operations: [
{ account: REVENUE.SALES.code, debit: constant(refund) },
{ account: LIABILITIES.TAXES_PAYABLE.code, debit: constant(refund_tax) },
{ account: ASSETS.ACCOUNTS_RECEIVABLE.code, credit: constant(refund + refund_tax) }
}, {
label: "Customer Payment",
operations: [
account: ASSETS.BANK.code, debit: function (ops) {
var refund_op = operations.find(function (op) {
return op.get('id') === 'refund';
return ops.contains(refund_op.get('operations'))
? total - (refund + refund_tax)
: total;
account: ASSETS.ACCOUNTS_RECEIVABLE.code, credit: function (ops) {
var refund_op = operations.find(function (op) {
return op.get('id') === 'refund';
return ops.contains(refund_op.get('operations'))
? total - (refund + refund_tax)
: total;
}, {
label: "Vendor Goods Received (Purchase Order: $50)",
operations: [
{ account: LIABILITIES.STOCK_IN.code, credit: constant(cor) },
{ account: ASSETS.STOCK.code, debit: constant(cor) },
}, {
label: "Vendor Bill (Invoice: $50)",
operations: [
{ account: LIABILITIES.STOCK_IN.code, debit: constant(cor) },
{ account: ASSETS.TAXES_PAID.code, debit: constant(cor_tax) },
{ account: LIABILITIES.ACCOUNTS_PAYABLE.code, credit: constant(cor + cor_tax) },
}, {
label: "Vendor Bill (Invoice: $52 but PO $50)",
operations: [
{ account: EXPENSES.PRICE_DIFFERENCE.code, debit: constant(purchase - cor) },
{ account: LIABILITIES.STOCK_IN.code, debit: constant(cor) },
{ account: ASSETS.TAXES_PAID.code, debit: constant(purchase_tax) },
{ account: LIABILITIES.ACCOUNTS_PAYABLE.code, credit: constant(purchase + purchase_tax) },
}, {
label: "Vendor Bill Paid ($52 + 9% tax)",
operations: [
{ account: LIABILITIES.ACCOUNTS_PAYABLE.code, debit: constant(purchase + purchase_tax) },
{ account: ASSETS.BANK.code, credit: constant(purchase + purchase_tax) }
}, {
label: "Acquire a building (purchase contract)",
operations: [
{ account: ASSETS.BUILDINGS.code, debit: constant(3000) },
{ account: ASSETS.TAXES_PAID.code, debit: constant(300) },
{ account: LIABILITIES.ACCOUNTS_PAYABLE.code, credit: constant(3300) }
}, {
label: "Pay for building",
operations: [
{ account: LIABILITIES.ACCOUNTS_PAYABLE.code, debit: constant(3300) },
{ account: ASSETS.BANK.code, credit: constant(3300) }
}, {
label: "Yearly Asset Depreciation (10% per year)",
operations: [
{ account: EXPENSES.DEPRECIATION.code, debit: constant(300) },
{ account: ASSETS.DEPRECIATION.code, credit: constant(300) }
}, {
label: "Customer Invoice (3 years service contract, $300)",
operations: [
{ account: ASSETS.ACCOUNTS_RECEIVABLE.code, debit: constant(total * 3) },
{ account: LIABILITIES.DEFERRED_REVENUE.code, credit: constant(sale * 3) },
{ account: LIABILITIES.TAXES_PAYABLE.code, credit: constant(tax * 3) }
}, {
label: "Revenue Recognition (each year, including first)",
operations: [
{ account: LIABILITIES.DEFERRED_REVENUE.code, debit: constant(sale) },
{ account: REVENUE.SALES_SERVICES.code, credit: constant(sale) },
}, {
id: 'pay_taxes',
label: "Pay Taxes Due",
operations: [
account: LIABILITIES.TAXES_PAYABLE.code, debit: function (ops) {
var this_ops = operations.find(function (op) {
return op.get('id') === 'pay_taxes';
return ops.filter(function (_ops) {
return _ops !== this_ops;
}).flatten(true).filter(function (op) {
return op.get('account') === LIABILITIES.TAXES_PAYABLE.code
}).reduce(function (acc, op) {
return acc + op.get('credit', zero)(ops) - op.get('debit', zero)(ops);
}, 0);
account: ASSETS.BANK.code, credit: function (ops) {
return operations.find(function (op) {
return op.get('id') === 'pay_taxes';
}).getIn(['operations', 0, 'debit'])(ops);
function constant(val) { return function () { return val; }; }
var zero = constant(0);
function format(val, def) {
if (!val) { return def === undefined ? '' : def; }
if (val % 1 === 0) { return val; }
return val.toFixed(2);